Synopsis On E-Commerce
Synopsis On E-Commerce
Synopsis On E-Commerce
e-Commerce Website
in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Technology
Submitted By
Under the Supervision of
E-mail and fax and their use as media for reaching prospects and established
customers(for example, with newsletters).
It is very important for any new entrepreneur to understand the significance of ECommerce and should know how to utilize this tool for the growth and development
of business.So, whether you have an existing business or launching a brand new
business, whether thevolume of your business is large or small, you can always
generate profit by demonstrating yourproducts or services online, thereby acquiring
a large amount of viewer exposure. In concise,buying and selling will result in profits
and returns.There are so many factors which makes e-commerce to come to the
fore front in today's world.Saving precious time involved in business transactions is
really a prominent factor. Like forinstance, net banking makes it easy to carry out
money and baking transactions in a break neck speed as compared to the real
banking scenario. This asserts the fact that Ecommerce isbeneficial to both business
and consumer wise as payment and documentations can be completedwith greater
efficiency and reliability. Another important factor determining the flow of
wholebusiness is connectivity. Connectivity is very important for both consumers
and business.Ecommerce provides better connectivity for all the potential
candidates all over the globe, thushelping in enhancing the business without any
geographical barriers. From the view point of thecustomer, Ecommerce is a good
platform for hassle free shopping by sitting in your home. Thecustomer can browse
through all the products and services available and can review and comparethe
prices of the similar products available in the online space.In global market
scenario, the emergence of Ecommerce as a forerunner has opened up
variouswindows of opportunities for a variety of online companies and investors.
More and moreresources are being directed into electronic securities, internet
facilities, business plans and newtechnologies due to the boom in the space of Ecommerce. As a result various new markets haveemerged from Ecommerce itself
giving a boost to the global market