Alternative Dispute Resolution Reviewer
Alternative Dispute Resolution Reviewer
Alternative Dispute Resolution Reviewer
The litigation of conflict: A Confucian
Two fundamental reasons for failure of trial courts
according to Ralph Warner and Stephen Elias:
1) Court Rules and Procedures are so
complicated and inefficient that lawyer fees
and other costs end up being a bigger
problem than the dispute itself.
3) Probate
The Grand Misnomer: Alternative Dispute
Legal Basis of ADR:
ART. VIII, Sec. 5 (5) 1987 Consitution
-Mandating the SC to promulgate rules that
shall provide a simplified and inexpensive
procedure for the speedy disposition of cases.
Rule 18, Sec 2(a) 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
-Requiring the courts to consider the
possibility of an amicable settle or of a
submission to alternative modes of resolution.
Alternative comes from the word alternate
which means substitute, spare tire, a second
stringer, a fallback position.
2) Anti-trust suits
4) Adoption
5) Precedent-setting cases that involve
punitive damages
6) Actions of equitable relief, and
7) nuisance
are beyond the scope of arbitration.
ART. 2035 of the Civil Code
If related issues of the following are matters in
controversy may not be capable of being referred
to arbitration:
1) Civil Status of persons;
2) Validity of Marriage;
3) And legal separation;
4) Futures support;
5) Future legitime;
Filipino Values
A culture of PAKIKISAMA
Many Filipinos readily overcome conflict through
pragmatic means.
Gini Grahams techniques in Resolving Conflict:
2) Pakikisama-Companionship
1) Pakikiusap-request and
b. Brain-storming-come
2) Pasikaban (one-upmanship)
3) Bahala na (fatalism)
4) Gantihan (retaliation)
3) Consumer Arbitration
Consumer Act of the Philippines (RA no.
7394) provides for the creation of a
consumer arbitration program to handle
consumer complaints. They have original
and exclusive jurisdiction to mediate,
conciliate hear and adjudicate all consumer
complaints xxx.
4) Matrimonial Mediation
Disputes between couples that are civil in
nature may be the subject of court-referred
mediation, subject to the limitations of Art.
2035 of the Civil Code.
The ff. disputes may not be compromised:
a) civil status of persons
b) validity of marriage or legal separation
c) any ground for legal separation
d) future support
e) future legitime
f) jurisdiction of the courts.
5) Corporate Arbitration
mechanism to resolve corporate disputes. The
Foreign Arbitration
Banking Arbitration
Mining Arbitration
Maritime Arbitration
Insurance Arbitration
IP Arbitration
Securities Arbitration
6) Court vacancies.
Definition of Terms:
Alternative Dispute Resolution
It is defined as any process or procedure
used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other
than by adjudication of a presiding judge of a
court or an officer of a government agency, in
which a neutral third party participates to assist in
the resolution of issues. It includes arbitration,
mediation or conciliation, mini-trial, early neutral
evaluation, or any combination thereof.
A voluntary dispute resolution process in
which one or more arbitrators, appointed in
accordance with the agreement of the parties
resolve a dispute by rendering an award. It is the
reference by mutual agreement or consent of the
parties of a controversy or dispute to selected
persons for an informal hearing and extra-judicial
determination and resolution. The hearing is
usually held in private and the decision of the
persons selected will be a substitute for a court
judgment. This avoids the formalities, delay and
expenses of ordinary litigation.
A dispute resolution method in which the
merits of a case are argued before a panel created
by agreement of the parties comprising senior
decision makers with or without the presence of a
neutral third person after which the parties seek a
negotiated settlement.
Mock-Jury trial
Court-Annexed Mediation
Court-Referred Mediation
Chapter V
The Mitigation of Litigation:
A Cornucopia of Non-litigative Processes
6) Trial Balloon
Nibble-waiting for the major terms of
the deal to be settled then asking for the
minor concessions to be included in the
Funny Money-making mathematical
calculations and dividing the payments over
a period of time to convey the impression
that the other party is getting a good
Two major types of unassisted negotiations:
1) Combative Negotiator- who will emphasize
only his own gains at the expense of the
other and employ hard line tactics, such as
exaggerating claims or even threatening to
abandon the discussion if he does not get
his way.
2) Conciliatory negotiator-who will assume the
role of a problem solver rather than an
Class of negotiations
1) Position-based negotiations often involves
hard-ball methods because it is premised on
the presumed superiority of ones position.
2) Interest-based negotiation is much more
candid and amiable technique that involves
the willing disclosure of all germane
information to the other party so as to
explore all avenues of satisfying the needs