Resume: Varun M Deshpande
Resume: Varun M Deshpande
Resume: Varun M Deshpande
A passionate Ph.D. Research Scholar in Cloud Security and Privacy with over 7 years of
Industry experience in delivering best-in-class cross platform consumer security products
looking for a challenging opportunity in information security and privacy domain.
I aim to be a self-motivated research and development engineer wherein I would continuously learn
and use my technical and organizational skills to make a valuable contribution to the success and
progress of the institution of which I am a part of.
Working at McAfee's Consumer Security team for 7+ Years providing best-in-class cross platform
security products for OEM's, ISP's and Retail Partners. We provide exclusive customized security
solutions to these partners covering most geos spread across NA, LTAM, APAC, JAPAN and EMEA
Joined McAfee in a Quality Assurance role in consumer security division in July, 2010. Ours is the most
outward facing engineering team which delivered cross device customized software security products to
OEM, ISP and retail partners. Worked with partners such as HP, Dell, Acer, Lenovo, Verizon, AT&T, BT,
Claro, PCDepot and more!
I developed several automation tools for improving efficiency and reducing effort per project delivery.
These tools gave me exposure to data structures and programming. They have helped ensuring high
quality deliverables as well as saving tens of thousands of hours for the team thereby reducing
operating cost for the company!!
As a security champion for my team, I am responsible for security audit and testing of all the projects
churned out from our team. General roles & responsibilities include enforcing secure development life-
cycle, code reviews using Code Collaborator with respect to security, develop tools POCs and escalate
any security threats or vulnerabilities and train others with respect to security principles and OWASP
top 10 etc. During this process, I use tools such as Burp Suite, AttackSurface, SignatureCheck, BinScope,
Procmon, WinDB etc. for security testing. Protex and Code Center for vulnerability assessment, code
matching and conformance testing Fortify, Coverity etc. for static analysis.
Have received several accolades executing projects with at-most attention to detail and for team work.
Consistently receiving Outstanding remarks during reviews. (Reserved for less than 5% of
Highly adept in server management and have served as administrator and point of contact for QA and
CAT (Customer Acceptance Test) servers. Nick named - "Dr." (who can fix server issues) ;-)
Our team was one of the few software product delivery teams around the world to be ISO 9001 2008
Positions held at McAfee: Associate Software QA Engineer and Software QA Engineer, Senior
Development Engineer
Email: [email protected]
2004 S.S.L.C, 92.48%, Shri Vani Education Center, Bangalore
2010 B.E in Information Science and Engineering, 73.1%, Visveswaraiah Technological University in
MSRIT, Bangalore
Have quick grasping and adapting capability to get hands on with any given programming platform using
object oriented approach and algorithmic techniques.
Software Visual Studio, Eclipse, Netbeans, XAMPP, Android Dev Kit, VSphere, Hadoop
1) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair, Ayush Bihani, "Optimization of Security as an Enabler for
Cloud Services and Applications", book chapter to be published by Springer in edited volume titled
"Cloud Computing for Optimization: Foundations, Applications, Challenges, to be published in "Studies
in Big Data" book series, Springer (2017) ISSN: 2197-6503
2) Varun M Deshpande, Dr Mydhili K. Nair, Trust based Novel Secure Data Sharing Policy Framework
for Social Networking, published in International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science
and Engineering (IJERCSE), Vol4, Issue 6, June 2017, Online ISSN- 2394-2320, with Impact Factor 4.890
3) Varun M Deshpande, Dr Mydhili K. Nair, Open Standards for Data Privacy Policy Framework in
context of Trusted Social Networking, to be published in International Journal of Scientific Research in
Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT) | Volume 2 | Issue 5 | August -
2017 ISSN: 2456-3307
4) Varun M Deshpande, Dr Mydhili K. Nair, Need for User Centric & Unified Privacy and Data Policies
for Social Networking. Case Study: Google, Facebook, Amazon & Flipkart, to be published in
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137, Volume
02, Issue 08, August 2017, PP 91-101
5) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair, Dhrumil Shah, "Major Web Application Threats for Data
Privacy & Security - Detection, Analysis and Mitigation Strategies", International Journal of Scientific
Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Print ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X, Volume 3,
Issue 7, pp.182-198, September-October-2017
6) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair, Finding Trustable Software Solutions for Secured Cloud
based Services to be published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering
and Technology, Online ISSN: 2394-4099, Volume 3 | Issue 6 | September-October 2017
7) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair, Balaji Sowndararajan(2013), Customer Driven SLA in Cloud
Based Systems, published in Proceedings by Elsevier of International Conference of Emerging
Computations and Information Technologies, SIT, Tumkur, Karnataka (India), 22-23 November, 2013, pp
8) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair (2014), Anveshana Search for the Right Service,
published in Proceedings by IEEE of International Conference of Convergence of Technology, Pune,
Maharastra (India), ISBN 978-1-4799-3759-2
9) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair (2017), A Novel Framework for Privacy Preserving Ad-Free
Social Networking, published in Proceedings by IEEE of 2017 2nd International Conference for
Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune, Maharastra (India), ISBN 978-1-5090-4307-1/17
10) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair, Identity Protection in Social Networking using Trustable
Privacy Preserving Rule Based Data Sharing Framework, under review in IEEE Transactions on
Computers journal, ISSN: 0018-9340
11) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair, Digital Privacy and Data Security in Cloud based services -
A Call for Action under review in Second International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing
ICIIC-2018) to be published by Springer in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, indexed by
Scopus and DBLP
12) Varun M Deshpande, Dr. Mydhili K. Nair, Towards Trusted Social Networking-Need for Holistic
Policy based approach, to be submitted in Second International Conference on Integrated Intelligent
Computing ICIIC-2018) to be published by Springer in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
indexed by Scopus and DBLP
14) Exhibitor at ORACLE Tech Days 2010, held at Hyderabad (Oracle Tech Days 2010): QoS based Web
Service Discovery 2010 Framework, with case studies Temperature monitoring using SunSpots,
Geographical Information System using Google Maps, Network Monitoring using SNMP and Mobile
Agents through Web Services project.
15) Showcased 2 projects in Sun Product Showcase event 2009: Generic Web Services for Network
Management using Mobile Agents & SNMP and Instantaneous Bridge Scoring via multimodal score
input. This was held at MSRIT, Bangalore in November 2009.
I always have prime focus on novel research work and algorithm based approach for finding solutions
to tough problems.
Design of QoS Design of QoS based Cloud system using dynamic resource management and cloud
based Cloud profiling techniques was my thesis for degree of Master of Science degree. This was
System (2012- 8 month single engineer project. In this project, I could discuss the need for customer
2013) driven service level agreements and explained in detail a novel architecture along
with business logic and resource allocation algorithms to achieve the same. Later it
translated to a technical publication as well.
Framework for Synchronous and Asynchronous framework for Web services discovery and ranking
Web Services based on QoS through linear relevance factor algorithm was thesis of my B.E
Discovery (2010) degree. This was a 6-month project of team size 3. Project was executed under
supervision of IBM, under IBM Remote Mentoring Program. In this project, I was
entrusted with major roles including design and development of synchronous
architecture. I successfully designed and implemented my novel ranking algorithm.
Remote Network This was a marathon project executed in parts by multiple teams which aimed at
Monitoring using Remote Network Monitoring using Mobile agents through generic web services. I
Mobile Agents was entrusted with implementing a daemon process using mobile software agents
(2009) (Aglets) and SNMP for establishing distributed computing especially when load at
manager node is very high.
Instantaneous This was a web application developed for monitoring game of Bridge. Requirements
Bridge Scoring was that scores could be updated in database using multiple modes including email,
(2008-2009) web application, SMS, mobile applications etc. I was entrusted with tasks such as
data mining using unix-shell scripting, exploring content management systems and
leverage on them. Input of scores into MySql DB using email and SMS.
Web Solutions During my 2nd half of B.E, I worked part time as a free-lance web development
Development consultant. In this course of time, I got a chance to work on around 10 web projects.
This project is implementing of a basic search engine using MongoDB and PHP with
NoSql Search auto population of search keywords based on pattern matching.
Languages: PHP and MongoDB
Director & Trustee of Manisha Cultural Foundation, a sister organization of Veda Vijnana Gurukulam, Bangalore.
Manisha, a cultural organization, striving to rejuvenate eternal Bharateeya (Indian) values, thereby serving
Bharatha's endeavor of regaining glory and splendor.
Resource person on the topic of indigenous value based inclusive education system. Associated with organizations
such as Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Disha etc.
Awarded Best Achiever for batch 2006-10 from MSRIT and Best Outgoing Student for batch 2006-10 from
Department of Information science & Engineering, MSRIT.
Received letter of appreciation from IBM for successfully completing project under IBM Remote Mentoring
initiative in 2010.
Invited as Industry expert for M.Tech project evaluation conducted by Dept. of CSE, SIT, Tumkur for 2014-15 batch
Chess Player (Captain of College and Corporate Team), adept in Origami and Chalk carvings, learning Flute
(Hindustani) and have 2 certifications from Akhila Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal, Mumbai
Volunteered as course instructor for project Uttejana for 3 years. This project is a joint initiative of McAfee and
Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM) to provide sustainable and holistic blend of soft skills, computer
skills and professional development courses for deserving PUC students.
Participated in McAfee- Consumer BUs Geekathon for 4 consecutive years. This is a 3 day marathon coding
competition on latest technologies for building innovative solutions in a race against time.
Student coordinator VoISE, Student Organization of Dept. ISE, MSRIT for 3 years. Web Master of department
website for 3 semesters; was part of Dept Newsletter Team for 2 years and Contributed Tech Articles for the same.
Known to mobilize people for Blood donation in case of emergencies. Have touched dozens of lives.
Quiz master conduct educative quizzes at office and outside during fun events.
DOB 30th Jan, 1989
Sex Male
I hereby confirm that details furnished above are true to best of my knowledge.
Place: Bangalore
Date: Signature