Shanidham - In-Shanidham Pacify Lord Shani
Shanidham - In-Shanidham Pacify Lord Shani
Shanidham - In-Shanidham Pacify Lord Shani /innerleftpage/index/active/main_cat_33/lmlid/46/start/1
to a horse or a buffalo after been fried and putting chilies and masala over it. Now,
second part may be distributed to the persons suffering from leprosy, and the third part be
put on the road-crossing (where there four lanes meet). It is the best way to pacify Lord
On Saturday, before sunrise, a Deepak of oil (mustard oil or sesame oil) may be lit under
Pipal tree and it should be worshipped by the milk, dhoop, deep etc. It is beneficial to
attain good results.
Lord Shani is also pleased by worshipping the black cow. Cow may be worshipped
putting tilak over her forehead, tying sacred thread over her horns and offering dhoop.
Her Aarti must be performed. Finally she may be offered boondi ladoo (four in number),
after circumambulating around her. It stops all adverse effects of Sadhesatti of Lord
Even offering Ladoo to crows and the black dogs also pacify Lord Shani.
One should enchant the mantra for twenty one days, starting from any Saturday (23,000
times in number).
In our classical books, calling the names of the wife of Lord Shani has been advised. The
native gets its positive results. It may be enchanted over every day.
Enchanting these names pleases the wife of Lord Shani. With a result, Lord Shani is
pacified and takes away all the troubles of a native.
Your house may be decorated with blue cloths, blue curtains and blue bed sheets and
colour the walls in blue colour.
On 27 long Saturdays, put seven pieces of the almond and black urad each, at some
religious place.
Keep away from the liquor and the fish & flesh as well as Tobacco & other intoxicating
drinks should not be taken.
If someone happens to die on a Saturday, donate the wood for his funeral ceremony.
Starting on a Saturday, at the time of rising sun, offer oil at Shani idol, continuously for 43
days, excluding Sundays.
In dark cell of your house in the south or west direction, put twelve almonds tied in a
black cloth.
Water the Pipal tree on Thursday or Saturday.
Always keep a square piece of silver with you.
Take a bath while sitting on a wooden stool, putting unboiled milk in the water.