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V Models of Parallel Computers V. Models of Parallel Computers - After PRAM and Early Models

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Models of parallel computers

- after PRAM and early models
March 29h, 2010


dataflow architectures
systolic architectures
circuit model
graph model

message passing
levels of parallelism

Dataflow architectures

make the aspects of a parallel com. explicit at the machine level

The idea:
The program is represented by a graph of essential data dependences

without artificial constraints limiting the available parallelism in the program

rather than as a fixed collection of explicitly sequenced threads of control.

An instruction may execute whenever its data operands are available.

The graph may be spread arbitrarily over a collection of processors.
Each node specifies op.&address of each of the nodes that need the result

A processor in a dataflow machine operates a simple circular pipeline.

A message (token), cons.of data&an address (tag) of its destination node.
The tag is compared against those in a matching store.

If present, the matching token is extracted & the instruction is issued for exec
If not, the token is placed in the store to await its partner.

When a result is computed, a new message, or token, containing the result

d t is
i sentt to
t each
h off the
th destinations
d ti ti
ifi d in
i th
the iinstruction.
t ti

Dataflow architectures

The primary division is whether the graph is

static, with each node representing a primitive operation, or
dynamic, in which case a node can represent the invocation of an
arbitrary function, itself represented by a graph.

In dynamic or tagged-token architectures, dynamically expanding the graph on

function invocation is achieved by carrying context information in the tag

The key characteristic of dataflow architectures:

the ability to name operations performed anywhere in the machine,
the support for synchronization of independent operations, and
dynamic scheduling at the machine level.
The machine provides the ability to name a very large and dynamic set
of threads which can be mapped arbitrarily to processors.
Opposite - in data parallel archs, the compiler or sequencer maps a large set
of virtual procs ops onto procs by assigning iterations of a regular loop nest.

Typically, these machines provided a global address space

Dataflow architectures experienced a gradual separation of programming
model and hardware structure as the approach matured

Systolic Architectures

Replace a single sequential proc by a regular array of simple PEs and

obtain very high throughput with modest memory bandwidth requirements
The early proposals were driven by the opportunity offered by VLSI to
provide inexpensive special purpose chips
Differ from conventional pipelined function units:

Differ from SIMD in that each PE might do a different operation.

Aspects in common with mes.passing, data parallel,&dataflow models, bu
takes on a unique character for a specialized class of problems

the array structure can be non-linear, e.g. hexagonal,

the p
y between PEs may
y be multidirectional,,
each PE may have a small amount of local instruction and data memory.

Alg. represented as a collection of comp. units connected in a regular pattern.

Data move at regular heartbeats as determined by local state.

Example: computation of an inner product:

at each beat the input data advances to the right,

is multiplied by a local weight, and
is accumulated into the output sequence as it also advances to the right.

Systolic Architectures

Practical realizations of these ideas:

iWarp: general programmability in the nodes, in order for a variety of
to be realized on the same hardware.
The network can be configured as a collection of dedicated channels,
representing the systolic communication pattern,
data can be transferred directly from processor registers to processor
registers across a channel
the global knowledge of the communication pattern is exploited to reduce
contention and even to avoid deadlock.
The key characteristic of systolic architectures:
ability to integrate highly specialized computation under a simple,
regular, and highly localized communication patterns.
Systolic algs: generally amenable to solutions on generic machines
regular, local communication pattern yield good locality
the communication bandwidth needed is low, and
the synchronization requirements are simple.
l h
have proved
d effective
ff ti on th
the entire
ti spectrum
off parallel
ll l machines.

Circuit Model

Model the machine at the circuit level, so that all computational

and signal propagation delays can be taken into account.
is impossible for a complex supercomputer
supercomputer, because

generating and debugging detailed circuit specifications are not much

easier than a full-blown implementation
a circuit simulator would take eons to run the simulation.

If the circuit is to be implemented on a dense VLSI chip

chip, would
include the effect of wires, in terms of
the chip area they consume (cost) and
the signal propagation delay between and within the
interconnected blocks (time).
Note: in modern VLSI design wire delays and area are beginning to
overshadow switching or gate delays and the area occupied by
devices respectively
E.g. For the hypercube architecture, interprocessor wire delays can
dominate the intraprocessor delays,

communication step time much larger than that of the mesh- and torusb
d architectures.
hit t

Circuit Model

Determine bounds on area and wire-length parameters based on

network properties,
without having to resort to specification & layout with VLSI design tools.
in 2D VLSI implementation, the bisection width of a network yields a
lower bound on its layout area in an asymptotic sense.

In the case of 2D meshes, the area lower bound will be linear in the
number p of processors.

bisection width is B =>

> smallest dimension of the chip should be at least Bw,
where w is the minimum wire width

Such an architecture is said to be scalable in the VLSI layout sense


Hypercube: the area required is a quadratic function of p and the

architecture is not scalable.

Power consumption
of digital
circuits is another limiting
g factor:
Power dissipation in modern microprocessors

grows ~ linearly with the product of die area & clock frequency (both rising)
today stands at a few tens of watts in high-performance designs.

Disposing of the heat generated by 1 M procs is a great challenge


Graph Models

A distributed-memory
di t ib t d
h characterized
t i d primarily
il b
by th
the network
The network is usually represented as a graph
vertices corresponding to processormemory nodes and
edges corresponding to communication links

If communication links are unidirectional, then directed edges are used.

Undirected edges imply bidirectional communication

Parameters of an interconnection network include

1. Network diameter:


Bisection (band)width:


the longest of the shortest paths between various pairs of nodes,

should be relatively small if network latency is to be minimized.
smallest no. links need to be cut in order to : netw into 2 subnetws of 1/2 size.
important when nodes communicate with each other in a random fashion
a small value limits the rate of data transfer between the two halves of the netw

Vertex or node degree:

No. communication ports required of each node,

Constant independent of network size if arch.is readily scalable to larger sizes.
Influence the cost of each node

Bulk-synchronous parallel (BSP) model -1990

attempts to hide the communication latency altogether through a

specific parallel programming style
thus making the network topology irrelevant
Synchronization of processors occurs once every L time steps,
where L is a periodicity parameter.
A parallel computation consists of a sequence of supersteps.
In a given superstep, each processor performs a task consisting
of local computation steps, message transmissions, and
g receptions from other processors
Data received in messages will not be used in the current
superstep but rather beginning with the next superstep.
After each period of L time units, a global check is made to see if
the current superstep has been completed

If so, then the processors move on to executing the next superstep.

Otherwise, the next period of L time units is allocated to the
unfinished superstep.

LogP model - 1996

The development of efficient parallel algorithms suffers from the proliferation

of available interconnection networks:

Models that replace the topological information reflected in the interconnection

p with a small number of p
parameters do exist

for algorithm
g must be done virtually
y from scratch for each new architecture.
? abstract away the effects of the interconnection topology (as PRAM for globalmem. mach.) in order to free the alg. designer from a lot of machine-specific details.

have been shown to capture the effect of interconnection topology fairly accurately.

An example of such abstract models: LogP model (1996).

The model specifies the performance characteristics of the interconnection
network but does not describe the structure of the network
The model has four basic parameters:




L: an upper bound on the latency, or delay, incurred in sending a message from its
source processor to its target processor.
o: the
th overhead:
h d length
th off time
th t a processor is
i engaged
d iin th
the ttransmission
i i or
reception of each message - during this time the proc.cannot perform other ops.
g: the gap between messages: the minimum time interval between consecutive
message transmissions or consecutive message receptions at a processor.
P: the number of processors.

LogP model

The processors communicate by point-to-point short messages.

Assumes a unit time for local operations and calls it a processor cycle.
The parameters L,
L o,
o and g are measured as multiples of the processor cycle.
It is assumed that the network has a finite capacity

The model is asynchronous:

at most L/g mess can be in transit from any processor or to any processor at any time.
If a processor attempts to transmit a message that would exceed this limit, it stalls unti
the message can be sent without exceeding the capacity limit
processors work asynchronously, and the latency experienced by any message is
unpredictable but is bounded above by L in the absence of stalls.

Because off variations

i ti
i latency,
l t
th messages directed
di t d tto a given
processor may not arrive in the same order as they are sent.
Parameters are not equally important in all situations; often it is possible to
ignore one or more parameters and work with a simpler model.

Algs. that communicate data infrequently: ignore the bandwidth and capacity limits.
If messages are sent in long streams pipelined through the network (transmission time
is dominated by the inter-message gaps) the latency may be disregarded.
In some MPPs the overhead dominates the gap, so g can be eliminated.

Example 1/LogP: optimal broadcasting a single data unit

from one processor to P - 1 others

Idea: all processors that have received the data unit transmit it as quickly as
possible, while ensuring that no processor receives more than one message.
The source of the broadcast begins transmitting the data unit at time 0.
The first data unit enters the network at time o, takes L cycles to arrive at the
destination, and is received by the processor at time L + 2o.
Meanwhile the source will initiate transmission to other procs at time g,
g 2g,,
Assuming g o, each of which acts as the root of a smaller broadcast tree.
The optimal broadcast tree for p processors is unbalanced with the fan-out at
each node determined by the relative values of L, o, and g.
Figure : optimal broadcast tree for P = 8, L = 6, g = 4, and o = 2.

No./node: time at which it has received the data unit and can begin sending it on.
Proc. overhead of successive transmissions overlaps delivery of previous messages.
Procs may
y experience
idle cycles
at the end of the algorithm
while the last few
messages are in transit.

Ex. 2: sum of as many values as possible within time T

Pattern of communication among the procs again forms a tree (~Ex

(~Ex. 2).
Each processor has the task of summing a set of the elements and then
(except for the root processor) transmitting the result to its parent.


Determine the optimal schedule of communication events;

Determine the distribution of the initial inputs.
If T L + 2o,,

the optimal solution is to sum T + 1 values on a single proc


Elements to be summed by a proc. consist of original inputs stored in its memory,

together with partial results received from its children in the communication tree

the last step performed by the root processor (at time T - 1) is to add a value it has
computed locally to a value it just received from another processor.
Remote proc must have sent the value at time T - 1 - L - 2o, and we assume
recursively that it forms the root of an optimal summation tree with this time bound.
(see the textbook)

Fig: communication tree for optimal summing for T = 28,P

28 P = 8,L
8 L = 5,g
5 g =4,o=
=4 o= 2

Message Passing Paradigm



The paradigm
iis one off th
the oldest
ld t and
d mostt widely
id l used
d approaches
h ffor
programming parallel computers.

There are two key attributes that characterize the paradigm.



the process th
thatt has
h the
th d
t and
the process that wants to access the data.

Advantage of explicit two-way interactions:

data must be explicitly partitioned and placed

encourages locality of access

All interactions (read-only, read/write) require cooperation of 2 processes:


Assumes a partitioned address space and

It supports only explicit parallelization.

Each data element must belong to one of the partitions of the space

its roots can be traced back in the early days of parallel proc.
its wide-spread adopted

the p
is fully
y aware of all the costs of nonlocal interactions, and is
more likely to think about algorithms (and mappings) that minimize interactions.
paradigm can be efficiently implemented on a wide variety of architectures.


For dynamic and/or unstructured interactions the complexity of the code written
for this type of paradigm can be very high for this reason.

Programming issues

Parallelism is coded explicitly by the programmer:

The programmer is responsible:

Programming using the paradigm tends to be hard and intellectually demanding.

Properly written message-passing programs can often achieve very high performance
and scale to a very large number of processes.

Progs are written using the asynchronous or loosely synchronous paradigms.

In the asynchronous paradigm:

all concurrent tasks execute asynchronously.

such programs can be harder to reason about & can have non-deterministic behavior

Loosely synchronous programs:

for analyzing the underlying serial algorithm/application and

y g ways
y by
y which he/she can decompose
the computations
and extract concurrency.

tasks or subsets of tasks synchronize to perform interactions.

between these interactions, tasks execute completely asynchronously.
Since the interaction happens synchronously, it is still quite easy to reason about the program

a ad g suppo
ts e
ecut o o
of a d
ee tp
og a o
on eac
each o
of tthe

provides the ultimate flexibility in parallel programming,

makes the job of writing parallel programs effectively unscalable.
most programs are written using the single program multiple data (SPMD) approach.

In SPMD programs the code executed by different processes is identical except for a small no
processes (e.g., the "root" process).

Building Blocks: Send and Receive Operations

In their simplest
form, the p
yp of these operations
send(void *sendbuf, int nelems, int dest)
receive(void *recvbuf, int nelems, int source)

The sendbuf points to a buffer that stores the data to be sent,

recvbuf points to a buffer that stores the data to be received
nelems is the number of data units to be sent and received,
dest is the identifier of the process that receives the data, and
source is the identifier of the process that sends the data.

Performance ramifications of how these functions are implemented.

a = 100;
send(&a, 1, 1);

i (& 1
1, 0)
printf("%d\n", a);

Most platforms have additional hardw support for send&recv. messages:

Asynchronous message transfer using network interface hardware


allow the transfer from buffer memory to desired location without CPU intervention.

DMA (direct memory access)

allows copying of data from one memory location to another without CPU support
If send returns before the communication operation has been accomplished
accomplished, P1
might receive the value 0 in a instead of 100!

Blocking Message Passing Operations


The sending operation blocks until it can guarantee that the semantics
will not be violated on return irrespective of what happens in the
program subsequently.
There are two mechanisms by which this can be achieved:
1. Blocking Non-Buffered Send/Receive.
2. Blocking Buffered Send/Receive.
Blocking Non-Buffered Send/Receive
The send operation does not return until the matching receive has
been encountered at the receiving process.
Then the message is sent and the send operation returns upon
l ti off th
the communication
i ti operation.
Involves a handshake between the sending and receiving processes.

The sending process sends a request to communicate to the receiving process

When the receiving process encounters the target receive
receive, it responds to the
The sending process upon receiving this response initiates a transfer operation.

Since there are no buffers used at either sending or receiving ends,

this is also referred to as a non-buffered blocking operation

Idling Overheads in Blocking Non-Buffered Send/Recv

3 scenarios:

the send is reached before the receive is posted,

the send and receive are posted around the same time
the receive is posted before the send is reached.
In cases (a) and (c): there is considerable idling at the sending
and receiving process
A blocking non-buffered protocol is suitable when the send and
receive are posted at roughly the same time.


In an asynchronous environment
environment, this may be impossible to predict

Deadlocks in Blocking Non-Buffered Send/Recv

Consider the following simple exchange of messages that can

lead to a deadlock
send(&a, 1, 1); send(&a, 1, 0);
receive(&b 1
1, 1);
receive(&b 1
1, 0);
The send at P0 waits for the matching receive at P1
The send at process P1 waits for the corresponding receive at
P0 resulting in an infinite wait
Deadlocks are very easy in blocking protocols and care must be
taken to break cyclic waits of the nature outlined.
In the above example,
p this can be corrected by
y replacing
g the
operation sequence of one of the processes by a receive and a
send as opposed to the other way around.
This often makes the code more cumbersome and buggy.

Blocking Buffered Send/Receive

The sender
has a buffer preallocated for communicating messages.
copies the data into the designated buffer
returns after the copy operation has been completed.
continue with the program knowing that any changes to the data will
not impact program semantics.
The actual communication can be accomplished in many ways
depending on the available hardware resources.
If the hardware supports asynchronous comm. (independent of the
CPU) then a network transfer can be initiated after the mess
mess. has
been copied into the buffer.
Receiving end:
the data is copied into a buffer at the receiver as well.
When the receiving process encounters a receive operation, it checks
to see if the message is available in its receive buffer.
If so, the data is copied into the target location.

Blocking Buffered Send/Receive

(a) in the presence of communication hardware with buffers at send&receive ends;
(b) in the absence of communication hardware:
sender interrupts
p receiver and deposits
data in buffer at receiver end.
both processes participate in a communication operation and the message is
deposited in a buffer at the receiver end.
When the receiver eventually encounters a receive operation, the message is
copied from the buffer into the target location.

Impact of finite buffers in message passing

Consider the following code fragment:

for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
produce data(&a);
receive(&a 1,
1 0);
send(&a, 1, 1); }
consume_data(&a); }
If proc. P1 was slow getting to this loop, proc. P0 might have sent all of its data
If there is enough buffer space, then both processes can proceed;
However, if the buffer is not sufficient (i.e., buffer overflow), the sender would h
to be blocked until some of the corresponding receive operations had been
posted, thus freeing up buffer space.
This can often lead to unforeseen overheads and performance degradation.
It is a good idea to write programs that have bounded buffer requirements.
A simple code fragment such as the following deadlocks since both processes
wait to receive data but nobody sends it.
receive(&a, 1, 1);
receive(&a, 1, 0);
send(&b, 1, 1);
send(&b, 1, 0);
Deadlocks are caused only by waits on receiveoperations in this case

Non-Blocking Message Passing Operations

Often possible to require the programmer to ensure semantic correctness &

provide a fast send/receive op. that incurs little overhead.
R t
ffrom th
the send/receive
i op. b
it is
i semantically
ti ll safe
f tto do
d so.
The user must be careful not to alter data that may be potentially participating
in a communication operation.
g ops
p are accompanied
y a check-status op.
p indicating
g whether
the semantics of initiated transfer may be violated or not.
Upon return from a non-blocking send/recv op., the process is free to perform
any comp. that does not depend upon the completion of the op..
Later in the program,
program the process can check whether or not the non-blocking
non blocking
op. has completed, and, if necessary, wait for its completion
Non-blocking operations can be buffered or non-buffered.

In the nonbuffered case:

a process wishing to send data to another simply posts a pending message and returns to
the user program. The program can then do other useful work.
When the corresponding receive is posted, the communication operation is initiated.
When this operation is completed, the check-status op. nindicates that it is safe for the
programmer to touch this data

Space of possible protocols

Non-blocking non-buffered send & recv ops

(a) in absence of communication hardware;
(b) in presence of communication hardware.

Levels of parallelism

Levels of
that are
within a
p g

Levels of
combined with
the basic

Parallelism levels




takes place inside a single processor
does not require the intervention of the programmer to implement.
Medium-grain parallelization
associated with language supported or loop level parallelization.
While some headway has been made in automating this level of
parallelization with optimizing compilers, the results of these attempts
are only moderately satisfactory.
Coarse-grain parallelization
associated with distributed memory parallel computers
is almost exclusively introduced by the programmer.
Grid-level parallelization
currently the focus of intensive research
very promising model for solving large problems,
its applicability is limited to certain classes of computational probls,
belonging to the large-scale embarrassingly parallel category.


Modern day desktop processors such as those developed by Intel,

AMD, IBM, etc., are already highly parallelized.

Such processors have multiple pipelines for integer and floating-point

operations, so two different levels of parallelization can be considered:
First, the depth of the pipeline:


Second, number of pipelines:

if a pipeline of depth k is used then k operations can be executed at the

same time
assuming that there are l integer pipelines of depth k1 and m floating-point
pipelines of depth k2 in a given processor, and that all pipelines are
operating at maximum capacity at a given moment, then k1 l + k2 m
operations are executed by the processor concurrently in every cycle.

Availability of this level of parallelism is a function of dependencies

i id a stream
off machine
hi llanguage operations.

These dependencies are analyzed and microparallelism is supported:

by the logic unit inside of the processor on the hardware level and
by the compiler& compiler supplied optimization on the software level.

Medium-grain Parallelism

Suppose multiple processors are connected to a global (logically and

physically) shared memory, the typical way of introducing
parallelization is to perform similar operations on subsets of data.
Natural algorithmic level of achieving such parallelization: divide
between multiple processors work performed by a loop.
A given loop is divided into as many parts as there are processors
Assume that the number of parts equals the number of processors
Each part is executed independently by a separate processor.
Supported either through a set of special directives or through highlevel language extensions.
Compilers capable of automatically generating this level of par.
The results have been disappointing thus far.
Parallelizing compilers are relatively successful in generating par.code
with simple loops, addition of two vectors, matrix multiplication, etc.
In more complicated cases, i.e., when functions are called inside of
the code
d mustt still
till b
be manually
ll di
id d iinto
t parallel
ll l units.

Coarse-level parallelism

Typical approach to distributed memory parallelization is to create

independent programming units that will execute separate work
units communicating with each other via message passing
Minimizing the number of messages passed between components
becomes an important goal of program design.
One must seek to divide a distributed parallel program into large
t ti
l units
it th
thatt are as independent
i d
d t ffrom each
h other
th as
possible and only rarely communicate.
Most often each work unit is a derivative of the main program and
performs the same subset of operations as the other work units but
on separate data sets.

This type of an approach is called SPMD (single program, multiple

data)) and often referred to as coarse level parallelization.

This level of parallelization must be implemented manually by the

programmer as the division of work is based on a semantic
analysis of the algs used to solve the problem
One of the more important problems: load balancing.

Coarse-level parallelism

Since each computational unit is relatively independent it may require

different time to complete its work.
This may,
may in turn,
turn lead to a situation when all processors but one
remain idle as they wait for the last one to complete its job.
Work units should be large and independent & should also complete
their tasks within a similar time => SPMD approach somewhat more
attractive than the division of work into completely independent units
Make the software match the underlying hardware.
treat a shared memory machine as a distributed memory computer and
apply approaches based on message passing.
treat a distributed memory computer as a shared memory system
(approach impractical)
hybrid hardware, where shared memory nodes have been combined
into a distributed memory configuration,
configuration which results in a distributed
shared memory computer.

Treating such a machine as a distributed memory computer and applying

appropriate parallelization techniques is usually more successful than
treating it as a shared memory environment

Grid Parallelism

A no. computers, irrespective of their individual

architectures are loosely connected via a network
In the most general case, each machine and
connections between them is assumed to be different.

l h
Requires the coarsest level of parallelization:

the work must be divided into independent units that can be

completed on different computers at different speed and returned
to the main solution coordinator at any time and in any order,
without compromising the integrity of the solution.

of successfully
y tested tasks:

analysis of very large sets of independent data blocks, in which

the problem lies in the total size of data to be analyzed

such as in the SETI@home project

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