Dec 23 Pages Gowrie News
Dec 23 Pages Gowrie News
Dec 23 Pages Gowrie News
23, 2015
Gowrie Development
Commission Holiday
Lighting Contest
Winners Announced
The Gowrie Development Commission Holiday Lighting Contest judging was on Sunday, December
There were three categories again this year, each
with 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners.
Winners for the Religious category were first
place Shawn and JoAnn Anderson at 1209 Riddle St.;
second place Travis and Bethany Nuss at 1002 Sunset
Dr.; and third place Dave and Annette Kruse at 1107 3rd
Winners of the Novelty category were first place
Gayle Redmans cabin at 1107 Lynd St.; second place
Dick and Sue Dean at 1112 1st. St.; and third place Gary
and Nikki Carstens at 1708 Market St.
Winners of the Best use of lights category were
first place Jeff and Susan Frahm at 1103 Lynd St.; Second
place Brad and Jenny Lane at 1411 Lynd St.; and third
place Ralph and Kathy Clark and Mary Ann Young at
701 4th St.
The Gowrie Development Commission would
like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and thank the
gracious and anonymous judges for taking time to judge
all the wonderful lighting displays around town!
The judges said it was a hard task as there were
so many fabulous designs!
The winners will each receive Gowrie Bucks
that can be used at any business in Gowrie.
Funds for the Lighting Contest were sponsored
by Gowrie Municipal Utilities.
The Southeast Valley senior students were recognized for earning Academic Letters and for reaching their 1st
trimester GPA goals. Full story on page 11.
Voting is complete...
Members APPROVED the proposed merger of West Central Cooperative and Farmers Cooperative Company.
20 Years of service...
Terry Towne was recently presented a plaque for
20 years of service with the Southwest Webster Ambulance
Service. Terry was honored for her dedication as an EMT
and also as the current SWWA Director.
On Dec. 18 the members of Farmers Cooperative Company (FC), Ames, Iowa, and West Central
Cooperative, Ralston, Iowa, have both approved the
merger of their cooperatives effective April 1, 2016.
In this merger vote, our members were presented with a rare opportunity to combine two strong,
financially-stable cooperatives in a merger of equals to
maintain local ownership for generations to come, explained West Central Board Chair and Paton, Iowa-area
farmer Sue Tronchetti.
We are pleased the memberships approved the
boards recommendation, said FC Chief Executive Officer Jim Chism. We are confident that together, we will
become an even stronger cooperative and be better positioned to help improve the economic well-being of our
On behalf of our boards, management and nearly 700 employees, we appreciate each and every member
who cast a ballot in this historic cooperative merger,
said FC Board President and Odebolt, Iowa-area farmer
John Scott.
Each membership met Iowas state voting requirement for a successful cooperative merger as certified
by independent auditing firm of Gardiner Thomsen. To
approve a merger, Iowa law requires at least 50 percent
of each membership (plus one) to vote, with two-thirds
of those casting ballots voting in favor of the merger.
Our members voices were heard in this merger
process. Not only in the results of the vote, but in each
Kellen Palmer
Mrs. Carlon - Kindergarten
Its a
Kids Palace Child Care
Mundts Service
1301 Market Street, Gowrie
On Sunday and Monday of last week Webster
County, our area towns, and much of Iowa experienced a
very heavy rainfall.
Our Gowrie-Farnhamville-Callendar area and
surrounding towns received between 3.5 inches to 5 inches of rain. We experienced many hours of consecutive
rainfall which commenced Sunday night and continued
through Monday morning.
There was a brief period of snowflakes Monday
morning but the snow quickly melted.
Area ditches, creeks and rivers were elevated as
rainfall was heavy here but also very heavy north of us.
Many fields had small ponds.
Matt Ross...
Matt Ross speaks at the Webster County 4-H
Awards banquet on Nov. 29 about Shooting Sports.
50 Years Ago...
During this Yuletide season--as in others in the
past--this birth of Christ is being heralded with the singing of the old and familiar Christmas carols. Joining in
this year with the various church groups which go caroling prior to the holidays was this group of Gowrie Cub
Scouts, whose Den Mother is Mrs. Don Bruntlett. The
boys, who caroled on the streets of Gowrie on evening
after school were: Anthony Bruntlett, Craig Fricke, Brent
Monson, Tom Barkley, Dwayne Brundage and Shawn
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longworth entertained at
a Christmas party for the employees of the Longworth
Implement company and their wives at the Holiday Inn in
Fort Dodge. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Don Bass,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonal Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rowan,
and Mr. and Mrs. Longworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Heatherington of
Otho, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Anderson and girls of
Duncombe attended the Christmas program as school on
Wednesday night. They were coffee guests in the Everett
Anderson Home.
Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Ben Vondracek and daughter Lee Ann, with a newly-adopted six
week-old daughter will arrive Wednesday fro Camp
LeJeune, N.C., to spend Christmas with Mrs. Vondraceks parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lueck.
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Springer are the parents
of a daughter, born Friday, Dec. 17, 1965, at the Stewart
Memorial hospital at Lake City. Grandparents of the little
girl are Mr. and Mrs. Mark Springer of Gowrie and Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton Lind of Glidden
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brandt are parents of a
daughter. Tracy Louise, born Monday, Dec. 20, 1965,
at the Lutheran Hospital in For Dodge. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wooters of Gowrie and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Brandt of Callender.
Mickey Vinchattle, who is employed at a resort
at Kanora, Canada, arrived here Friday to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vinchattle. He
plans to return December 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan were honored
with a pot-luck dinner in observance of their tenth wedding anniversary at the Rebekah Hall in Farnhamville on
Saturday, Dec. 18.
Those attending were the guests of honor and
their daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clutter, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vogel, Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Clutter and sons, Mrs. Philip Clutter, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp
and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jaeschke, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Fuller and family.
Those unable to attend were Philip and Clayton
Clutter, Grace Clutter, the Lyn Clutter family, and the
Charles Fuller family.
The couple were presented with a purse of money.
40 Years Ago...
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kinsey and Miss Lily Peterson spent the Dec. 13 weekend in Davenport in the
Lowell Daasch home. A Christmas party was enjoyed
with Mr. and Mrs. Daasch, Bruce, 14 and Lynn, 16, and
Mrs. Milda Daasch on Saturday evening.
A Christmas party was held in the Paul Larson
home in Ames on Sunday, Dec. 14, Those who shared in
the event were Mr. and Mrs. Skip Larson and family of
Altoona, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heitkamp of Duncombe,
Mrs. Verna Larson and her mother, Mrs. Tell of Dayton,
Judy Larson and Jim Ebarb of Des Moines, Mrs. Alice
Larson and Eleanor Larson.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gross attended a piano
recital in the home of Mrs. Keith Altmier in Fort Dodge
recently. Their granddaughter, Kari Olson of Callender,
took part. On Saturday, Dec. 13, Kari participated in the
Iowa Music Teachers Association Contest at the Community College in Fort Dodge. She won a no. 1 rating in
the A level and will play the piano in the contest at Des
Moines on Jan. 10.
Stanton Danielson, Doug and Michele Eliason
of Iowa city were visitors over the holidays in the homes
of their parents.
Lori Palmquist, daughter of the Wendell
Palmquists was entered in the District Auditions of the
Iowa Music Teachers Association on Dec. 13. She performed four pieces and was awarded a Superior rating in
the F level of competition. Her teacher is Mrs. Jan Altemeier of Fort Dodge.
Santa Claus made a pre-Christmas visit to
Farnhamville Saturday afternoon to hand out candy and
visit with youngsters of that community. A large crowd
of Men, women, and children crowded into the new
Farnhamville Fire Station for the annual Open houses of
the Lions Club which featured the serving of free coffee
and doughnuts for the adults and pop for the kids.
Overnight guests of Tracy Brandt on Friday
night to help celebrate her 10th birthday were Kriscinda
Hoover, Moorland, Heidi Bintz, Otho, Holly Fawcett and
Sara Bilstad, Callender, Denise hoover, Marsha Stubbs
and Barbara Thompson, all of Gowrie.
Marlyn Benson of Gowrie and Rusty Jondle
and John Field of Callender spent the past week in Memphis, Tenn. They were accompanied on their return by
Judy Benson, who is now teaching at Memphis and will
spend the holidays here at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Benson.
Dr. Marilyn Dorsen of Baltimore, Md., a staff
member of the John Hopkins Memorial hospital, arrived
here Sunday evening to spend the week at the homes of
her mother, Mrs. E. B. McFarland, and brother, Orin Mcfarland.
Wednesday, Dec 23
Farnhamville Senior Citizens (cards),
1:00 p.m., Holy Trinity Lutheran
Monday, Dec 28
Harcourt TOPS, 8:00 a.m. at
Faith Lutheran Church Harcourt.
To have the date and time of your organizations
meeting listed here, call the Gowrie News at
352-3325 or email us at [email protected]
POSTMASTER: Send address change to
P.O. Box 473, Gowrie, IA 50543
Heartland Insurance
Wednesday, Dec. 23 - Salisbury Ground Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed
Vegetables, Peaches
Thursday, Dec. 24 - Autumn Chicken Creamed, Asparagus, Plums,
WW Roll, Tomato Juice
Friday, Dec. 25 - Merry Christmas
Monday, Dec. 28 - Beef Stew, Cooked Cabbage, Crunchy Cranberry Salad,
WW Roll
Tuesday, Dec. 29 - Crab Cake, Roasted Potatoes, Creamed Peas, Bananas
& Oranges, Raspberry Lemonade
Wednesday, Dec. 30 - Egg & Potato Casserole, Asparagus, Apple Slices,
Fruit Oat Muffin, Tomato Juice
Conrad was 3-4 from the line and Boerner was
2-2. As a team the Jaguars were 15 of 26. The team was
6-17 in threes and 27 of 51 in field goal attempts and the
latter statistic is very good.
You put all this together and we had a great
victory, said Gutshall.
Conner Conrad drives around the defense Friday
evening against St. Mary's. Photo by Lisa Peterson.
Conner Conrad
selected for Academic
All-State Team
Congratulations to Conner Conrad for being
selected to the 2015 Iowa Football Coaches Association
Academic All-State team.
The football team earned the IHSAA Distinguished in Academic Achievement Award for their first
trimester GPA (Team GPA Between 3.24 4.00). Team
GPA was 3.264.
The following boys qualified for the IHSAA
Class 2A Academic All-District 8 Team.(To earn this
award you must have a cumulative GPA above 3.50, be
a junior or senior & earn a varsity letter): Cameron Anderson, Logan Boerner, Conner Conrad , Zeke Miller,
Owen Oeltjenbruns, Keegan Goodwin, Ryan Gustafson
and Aaron Swieter.
Congratulations to the boys on their academic
Southeast Valley
Football Cheer squad
earned Academic Awards
The Jaguar Football Cheer Squad earned the
IGHSAU Excellence in Academic Achievement (Team
GPA Between 3.00 3.24). Team GPA was 3.148.
Congratulations to the football cheer squad on
their academic achievements.
Kaleb Jondle has a fast break around the St.
Mary's defense Friday night. Photo by Lisa Peterson.
Thursday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Worship
Servcie will be at 4:00 p.m., Christmas Eve Candlelight
Service will be at 10:00 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 25 Christmas Day Worship with
Holy Communion will begin at 10:00 a.m.
Saturday, Dec. 26 The Food Pantry will be open
from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., Scarlet Cord Worship
& Prayer will be held at Gowrie Comm. Center at 6:00
Southeast Valley
Schedule of Events
Week of Dec 23rd to Dec 30th
Wednesday, Dec 23
NO SCHOOL (Dec 23-Jan 1) Winter Break
Thursday, Dec 24
NO SCHOOL (Dec 23-Jan 1) Winter Break
Friday, Dec 25
NO SCHOOL (Dec 23-Jan 1) Winter Break
Monday, Dec 28
NO SCHOOL (Dec 23-Jan 1) Winter Break
Tuesday, Dec 29
NO SCHOOL (Dec 23-Jan 1) Winter Break
Wednesday, Dec 30
NO SCHOOL (Dec 23-Jan 1) Winter Break
*Schedule is pulled from the SV website for your convenience*
***Schedules are subject to change at anytime***
Appreciating your
friendship and
Business this past year!
Everything is looking
good for a beautiful
holiday season.
We believe your
patronage is
doubtlessly the reason!
Dee Dees
Porch Parlor
Gowrie, Iowa
All advertising
needs to be
submitted by
Fridays @ Noon!!
1911 1st Ave N.
Fort Dodge, IA
It Pays to Advertise!
Dianna Birkland, Frank Morgan
Leola Mundt
Danny Trott
Eula Mae Clutter, Mike Ewing
Jodi Kopecky, Kendall Seil
Sarah Erritt
Harley Ball, Marge Hickey
Mike Reutzel, Kendall Shaw
Tom Lawman, Darwin Peterson
Rachel Eller
27-Dec Steve and Jan Carlson;
29-Dec Norm and Phyllis Peterson.
A Christmas Message...
By the time this is being read Christmas may
have already come and gone for some of you, that is,
you were too busy or otherwise preoccupied to sit down
with The News or Review and peruse the pages. But, I
am writing it midst the busy time of preparations for
many of us. It is my hope that by the time this appears
in print we all will have gotten our act together and
everything we planned to do fell into place. Right now,
however, my Christmas cards are partially addressed, the
great grandkid gifts (25 of em) are partially assembled,
a couple more things to get to put in the annual goodie
package of son who lives in Washington, packages to be
assembled and mailed, a couple gift cards to get and a
couple flowers to order and then Ill be all set. Oops!
When will I have the time and/or opportunity to make
some homemade fudge. Gotta do it. Its an expected tradition. So I hope by the reading of this composition we
all have accomplished and presented and celebrated or
nearly celebrated according to our own traditions.
Ads on TV seemed to have been more down
played than usual. Have people been counting on the
ads in the pre-thanksgiving and Sunday papers or perhaps searching the web as I understand that is quickly
becoming a favored shopping trip. I even noticed that
the Chia Pet and Clapper ads were later in appearing and
not as frequent. Have those always at Christmastime favorites diminished in popularity? Never had a Clapper
though often thought might be a handy item to have if
they really worked so efficiently. Never had a Chia pet
but long time ago bought the first out (that remembered)
Chia head thinking my children would enjoy it but as
often the case, Mom was the one who soaked it down,
spread the seeds and tended it. The fascination was short
lived. However this year I wished I had the $$$ resources to get the smaller greats (by family) one for
the fun of it but then there were the others --- so let that
thought quickly evaporate.
I, having no particular interest in the newest
electronics, games, phones, etc., have paid little attention to visual or written enticements of the year. Upon
occasional curiosity about one of the gadgets, note the
prices. As a behind the times great grandma I am a bit
taken aback when I note those amounts and wonder
what parent can or will decide to purchase it for their
offspring, especially the very young. But it is being
done and the credit card companies are jumping for joy
this time of year.
In all our preparation, whether in our kitchens,
in stores, searching the internet, have we taken the time
to stop and think what the season is all about? Have we
endeavored to teach our children the basics, the really
important? In my own family, while they try to give
their offspring what other kids have, I do believe they
are taught or shown that these things are not what makes
the season important. I hope the decorating and candy
and cookie making include letting the children help.
I hope they have heard of times past from parents and
grandparents and that they have heard the true Christmas
story over and over, not the movies repeated on TV or
the childrens fairy tale books (though they are okay) but
the one that comes from The Book. I hope they will have
gotten to participate in a childrens program at a church
and tell the story in that simple childlike way we all enjoy seeing and hearing. I hope they have gotten to sing
all the songs both in homes and in church and Sunday
But now as this appears in your mail boxes,
time has dwindled and another Christmas will be or,
in some cases, having been celebrated with family and
friends. I hope families are keeping their traditions and
passing on to the next generations. In the meantime, A
Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year to
On December 17, the Jaguar Wrestling team
capped off a successful night of wrestling in their final
home dual of the season on Sr. Parent night by winning
two out of three duals, beating Guthrie Center, 31-21 and
Panorama, 43-42 on criteria. The Jags dropped their final
dual of the night to Ogden, 45-27. Coltan Klingson, Trey
Lawrence, Kyer Jondle, and Kaelan Lundberg went 3-0
for the night. Coledon Bethel and Zeke Miller finished
2-1; Carter Fluckiger, Ivan Hudson, and Matt Ross finished 1-2. Evan McCrady and Xavier Nichols went 0-3.
"The guys really wrestled hard, winning some
matches late in the third period. Our young guys stepped
up; Freshman Coledon Bethel won a close match at 106,
Carter Fluckiger scored late back points to beat his Guthrie Center opponent and Kyler Jondle scored a reversal
with back points in the last ten seconds of the match to
beat a real solid Ogden opponent."
Lawrence, Lundberg Champs @ Roland Story Invite
On December 19th, the Jag wrestlers wrapped
up the 2015 season at the solid Roland Story Invite. At
the end of the day, sophomore 132 lbs. Trey Lawrence
dominated his bracket once again by recording three falls
capturing his first Roland Story title, winning his second
tournament in a row running his record to 18-1 for the
season. Lawrence pinned senior Bill Joslin(1:07) of Roland Story in the finals. Jr. 170 pounder Kaelan Lundberg(16-4) won his first tournament title of his career in
fashion by also pinning his way through the tournament
field dominating East Marshall's Jake Dixon, recording a
fall in 1:17. Freshman 160 lbs Kyler Jondle(16-5) wrestled all the way back to third after a tough opening round
loss by a point in a very tough 160 pound bracket. Freshman 106 pounder Coledon Bethel and sophomore 113
lbs Colton Klingson placed fourth; senior 182 lbs. Zeke
Miller placed fifth; Sophomore Heavyweight Matt Ross
finished sixth; Freshman 220 lbs Xavier Nichols placed
seventh; freshman 120 lbs. Evan McCready & freshman
138 lbs Carter Fluckiger placed eighth and Freshman 152
lbs. Ivan Hudson did not place.
"In this tournament we were down to one senior
and one junior in our line up and the rest freshman and
sophomore. Our young guys continue to improve but give
up big moves. They execute a move and look really good
and the next flurry of moves they get themselves in out of
position and it cost them giving up back points."
1. Grinnell 178.5
2. Roland-Story 153
Heavyweight Matt Ross finished sixth at the Roland Story Invite Saturday, Dec. 19. Photo by Lisa Peterson
On Thursday, Dec. 17 freshman Kyler Jondle
went 3-0 for the night. Photo by Lisa Peterson.
Nutcracker Ballet...
Former Gowrie residents Madaline Patton (left)
and Haileigh Patton performed in The Nutcracker Ballet
in Ames earlier this month.
The Southeast Valley varsity girls defeated
West Bend Mallard 49-31 as the Jag girls dominated in
all phases of the game.
Defensively the Jags secured 44 rebounds, including 29 defensive rebounds. In a real testament to the
efficiency, the Jags also had 15 offensive rebounds. They
wouldnt be denied.
Southeast Valley led 26-14 at the half and then
outscored WBM 18-7 in the third quarter.
Defensively, the Jag girls were quick and skillful as they made 17 steals. Good defense has been a
trademark for the Jaguar girls this season.
Erica Rittgers led the Jags in scoring with 17 on
8-15 shooting. She also led in rebounds and steals with
six and five respectively. She was even one of two of
three range.
Another player with a solid all-round performance was Josie Breitsprecher who had nine points, 5-6
from the line, five rebounds and four assists (leading in
that category).
This team plays well together, said one parent. If they keep playing like this well have a good
record and if we keep in improving I like our chances in
the playoffs.
Also scoring points were Cassie Zinnel, 8; Mady
Jaeschke, 6; Carson Shipley, 4; Morgan Castenson, 3;
Aaliyah Scott, 2.
Other top rebounders were Emma Graves, 6;
Josie. 5; Mady Jaeschke, 5; Kearsten Hainzinger, 5; Scott,
4; Carson, 3; Karissa Heisterman, 2; Morgan Castenson,
1; Cassie Zinnel, 1; Sammy Alphs, 1; Kasey Lundberg, 1.
Carson Shipley, coming off the bench, was 2-2
on the line.
Others having assists were Riitgers, 1; Lundberg, 1; Graves, 1; Zinnel, 1; Jaeschke, 1; and Castenson,
Others with steals were Castenson, 3; Jaeschke,
2; Zinnel, 2; Breitsprecher, 2; Lundberg, 2; and Graves, 1.
The Southeast Valley JH A Teams played their
final game before break at East Sac County Friday night.
The 7th grade dropped a hard fought 37-36 overtime
thriller however these young ladies left everything on the
court and I could not be more proud as a coach.
Sydney Carlson had an outstanding overall
game and led the way with 20 points. Emily Hemestead
was right behind with 8. The Jags received very solid
post play from the duo of Brielle Haub and Morgan Farnham.
The Jags also received outstanding hustle and
defense from the trio of Emily Jaseschke, Kiersten Fisher
and Riley Nelson. The 7th grade is now 4-2 on the season.
8th grade girls win
The 8th grade came away with a dominating
40-12 victory behind17 points from Mackenzie Crampton and Delaney Conrad right behind with 13.
Maggie Anderlik played an outstanding game
off the bench hitting the boards hard.
The Jags also got solid point guard play from
Cassie Bergland and solid defense from the trio of Viatris
Scott, Taegan Long and Jaynie Ferarri returning from and
ankle injury. The 8th grade is now 2-4 on the season.
to MansonNW;
three have 10 boards
Great Jag rebounding. . .
The SV Jag girls have had a very good season
but they did stumble Dec. 15 against MansonNW, losing
The 1st half was a close half with many lead
changes. By halftime, the score was 24-25 with the Cougars ahead by just one point. Unfortunately, the Jags
could not sustain their play for the second half. They gave
MNW too many easy baskets because of turnovers.
Erica Rittgers led the way for the Jags, scoring 9
points. Cassie Zinnel hit a couple 3s in the first half and
ended the game with 8 points. Josie Breitsprecher and
Aaliyah Scott both added 6 points to the effort. Emma
Graves chipped in 4 points and Morgan Castenson had 2
points. Kasey Lundberg made a free throw to finish with
1 point. Breitsprecher, Rittgers, and Graves each pulled
down 10 rebounds for SV. Scott grabbed 6 rebounds.
Rittgers had a very respectable four blocked
The field goal shooting was down as the Jags
made only two of 16 threes and 13-47 on field goal attempts.
We did some things well. Our rebounding was
outstanding, said one parent. We didnt execute quite
as well in other phases of the game.
The Southeast Valley Girls Basketball Team
finished up the 2015 part of the season with a home game
against Clarion Goldfield. That game was held on Tuesday, December 22, at 6pm.
Mady Jaeschke, #10 for the Jaguars, goes in for
a lay-up against St. Mary's Friday evening. Photo by Lisa
Aaliyah Scott, #24, posts up looking for the pass
against West Bend-Mallard Monday evening. Photo by
Lynn Rittgers.
The Southeast Valley Drill Team put on a great show during half time of the basketball game. Photo by Lisa
Dear Santa,
I want a robot dog and a Frozen doll that
sings. I also want a puppy.
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a boat trains and car sets with roads. I
like Christmas.
Dear Santa
for christmas I want a lego air plane set a semi
with a dump trailer with fake rocks.
Dear Santa,
Can you please get me the little minecraft
minifigures. And pokemon and bad kitty books. and
some clothes to.
Jase Wilson
Dear Santa,
I want Pokemon, American girl dolls, Monstr
hiy srkis dolls, roiskats, and Dancher, and necklaces.
Halle Jean Olson
Dear Santa,
Pokemon clothes, books, DS, sky landers,
Legos toys, more sky landers, A Wiiu for sky lander,
one more skylanders.
Dear Santa,
Please can I have a boy elf on the shlf. please
can you give my mom some jewelry. please can I you
give my dad some books. please can have some
books and my sis please can I have some clothes.
Dear Santa,
Can I have a horse? Do you really know Rudolf? Can I have earrings? Do you really have a workshop? Can I have a necklace?
Dear Santa,
can I pleae have earrings. Can I please have
books. Can I please have game disney. Can I please
have legos. Can I please have a neckace.
Dear Santa,
I want a WiiU, call of duty Ghost 2.3.4
Dear Santa
Please give my mom a ring. My dad a disney
Infinty. My sister a Doll and me I want a yo-gi-oh tin,
my dog and my cat a toy.
Dear Santa,
I want a makeup set, legos, and a pet zebra
for Christmas this year.
Dear Stana,
Can you please get all of us something
Santa, I want some earrings and my brother wants
Pokemon and my other brother wants a olaf and my
other brother wants a baby chew toy my mom wants
a ring and my dad wants a new phone and my two
dogs want a chew toy.
Dear Santa,
Is Rudolf real? Would you please bring me
some books please? I would also like you to bring me
some necklaces please?
Thank you!
Dear Santa,
I wish that my techr will get paid exra on
Christmas. I want a DS game please and thank you.
Dear Santa,
I hope you lik the cookies. My dad wants a
new hawkeye blankit. My mom wants a new towls. My
brother wants a new toy
Ollivia Lee Joan
Dear Santa,
I wish I could have a DS please can my mom
and dad have a present please. Merry Christmas
Santa make sure your workship keeps going.
Dear Santa,
is Rudolf real and all the rendeer? Please
send me note. and some skylander and more pokemon at my moms and ninja turtles and more books at
my dads.
Dear Santa,
Can you please bring me American gril dolls, Pokemon, Jewelrey, books, legos, phone, Ipad, white
board. How do you make the workship? Please
bring it to my house please.
Dear Santa,
I want a horse for christmas. Oh and I know
were he hid he hid by the TV under it. Oh and I want
some Barbies.
Dear Santa,
I hope you like cokkies I whant a dirt bike
for Crismes what I need for crismes is new pants.
Laila Christophersen
Dear Santa,
I hope you like your cookies, I need some
hats. I hope your reindeer like apples. I wat a 3DS an
a new DS games.
Lincoln Akins
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? I want a DS game and I need
new clothes.
Aidriana Brown
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? I need fansy now
boots. I want a DS and a monster high game.
Desiree Murphy
Dear Santa,
I hope you like the cookies I set out for you.
Somethings I need clothes socks. Somethings I want
desk bungie chair ipod.
Camryn Lane
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the Presents. I need a hat. I
want a DS and DS games.
Gavin Echel Berger
Dear Santa,
I wood like a remote controle car and a DS
and a desk to work on, and a new bed and a math
time test.
Alexxander Lee Degner
Dear Santa,
I will like some book and a will like socks.
Natalie Larson
,Dear Santa,
I want Pokemon and Legos. You have a nice
Errin Rurup
aDear Santa,
I need a new scarf. I like Rudlph. I want DS
Taylor Willardson
eDear Santa,
I hope you like gluoten free frosting. I like
your hat. I would like a hoverbord. I need lactaid.
Brooklyn Miller
Dear Santa,
I like your smile. I need for my dad a new
shovel. I want skylanders super chargers game for
Caleb Nagl
Dear Santa,
I am wondering how is Rudolph? You are
very nice. For Crismas I want the sunscraper tower.
Logan McKenney
Dear Santa,
I hope your reindeer like the carrots I left
for them. What I whant is a DS and a Ipad.
nDear Santa,
I hope the raindes eat the carrots. I woul
dlike a DS phone, watch, and candy.
Tyler Wanat
Dear Santa,
How are all of your rain deer? I want a derk
chair and a timer.
Nick Field
Dear Santa,
You are nice. How is Mrs Claus? What I need
is Shoes, boy shorts and what I want Ipod Ipad.
Montana Bahr
Dear Santa,
I hope you bring me that game that I ack you
abeut called minecraft story made and some mero
stuff like a hew race track.
Carter Groves
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? Thank you for all the
presents. I would like a American Girl Doll, mittens,
and a scarf.
Malia Urban
1st Grade, Mrs. Clough. . .
Dear Santa,
I want a DS. I have been good!
Dear Santa,
How is your workshop? I want a Ipad, computer,
Iphone6, mario kart8
Owen P
Dear Santa,
I like bing bing, zoomer kitty, and earrings.
How do you get to so many houses?
Dear Santa,
How is santa. How is Rudolf. I want shop
kins. I want a phone. I love Santa.
Devon Olson
Engquist Lumber
Hark! the herald Angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King,
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinner reconciled.
Hark! the herald Angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King.
~Charles Wesley
Dear Santa,
How is rudolph. I want a unicorn and a
phone. I want a remote control blue. I want a earrings.
Caitlyn Klingson
Dear Santa,
How is cupid? Dear Santa I wnte a remote
control car and helicopter that is blue
Dear Santa,
How is comet? whant i want for Chrstmas is
a cat shorkins littlest pet shop.
Dear Santa,
How arr your eifs? How is Vixen? How is Cupid? I want a DS. I want a Ipad. I want a computer.
Yuletide Greetings
Were hoping your holidays are
light and carefree this year. Thank you
for your kindness throughout the
season. Please come again soon.
Wed like to join our
good friends everywhere
in a wish for peace on
earth and goodwill
towards all this holiday
For the goodwill youve
shown towards us we
are deeply grateful
Harcourt EquipmEnt
John Deere Professionals
Harcourt, Iowa 50544
Dear Santa,
How is cupid? I wud like a I pod, sled, remot
control helicotr
Dear Santa,
I would like candy!. I would like a ds2!I would
like a sled! I would like a pogo sik.
Dear Santa,
How are the elves and Rudolf? I want a re-H
mote control spider and a toy helicopter
Dear Santa,
How is comet? I want a HeDge hog. You areb
Jolly. I Like You. You or Funey. Elvs or cute.
Dear Santa,
I want a big Stuffed bing bong, Star lily, andm
American girl camper. I also want earrings.
Dear Santa,
I want a zoomer kitty, a bing bong, and ear-p
Dear Santa,
How is vixen? How is cupid? How is Dancer?t
I wnte a remote control airplane that green.
computers, ones that have been wiped clean and refurbished, to public service agencies.
Councilperson, Jeff Peterson, urged caution in
this venture. Anything involving photos or video is going to take up a lot of memory. Are you sure this donated
laptop has this type of capacity? Patrick suggested he
would like to use an external hard drive to conserve available space.
The problem is that we dont have an equipment
expense budget for the police department, said councilperson, Gayle Redman.
Building repair and maintenance is where this
belongs, suggested mayor, Dave Stokesbary.
Police Chief, Patrick Monaghan, said he would
like to go over the details of the city budget with city clerk,
Danielle Clancy. Clancy said she would love this opportunity as well, as they both wish to clarify which types of
expenses fall under which categories.
Health insurance
Moving on, the city council discussed concerns
and questions regarding health insurance coverage.
Re-enrollment occurs in the first part of December, said Stokesbary. We need to take a look at this and
see what we want to do.
It was questioned whether the city is required to
offer health insurance to city council. Terry Towne, a citizen of Gowrie, explained that the health care reforms only
mandate employers with more than fifty employees provide coverage. However, she also clarified that the number applies to part time and full time employees. Towne
explained that Gowrie needs to carefully consider which
people are actually city employees. She pointed out that
up until recently, the fire fighters with the Gowrie Fire Department, had been considered city employees.
I dont think we need to entertain this now, said
Redman. But I do believe we should take this up again in
the future.
Councilmember, Joe Harrison, agreed. I think
we should have this in the back of our minds.
City Financial report
It was discussed that the annual financial report is due December 1st. Several councilmembers has
concerns and questions regarding a category defined as
general obligation debt. Gayle Redman suggested going forward with this as it must be published in the Gowrie
News before it may be approved. She suggested the annual financial report be approved pending the clarification
of general obligation debt.
It was noted that approval to establish a curb
alongside the vineyard on Market Street had been approved via text message. However, the initiation of such
a project required a public vote of the council members.
This was approved.
Towne raised concerns regarding the decision of the council to approve matters of rezoning when
proper procedure had not been followed. This action involves changing the designation of residences along P-33
from agricultural to residential. Terry Towne informed the
council that she had never received a letter advising her of
this change.
I have no problem with this change, but I want
make sure proper procedures are followed, urged Towne.
Councilmembers, Redman and Willardson, reminded the council they voted no to this at last months
meeting for this reason.
Willardson suggested the zoning committee
served letters back in 2012, but did not follow proper
guidelines to have this proposal printed in the Gowrie
News. He said numerous changes in appointments to the
council, and difficulties in getting all members to meetings
have stalled the progress of this zoning change.
I have every confidence that the zoning board
can solve this in an efficient manner, said Redman.
Redman moved to rescind what the board approved on this zoning issue last month.
Stokesbary objected by stating that if there was
no impact on taxes, the proposal to rescind was a waste of
I dont feel following rules is a waste of time,
said Redman.
If you put this back to agricultural, you are introducing risk, said Peterson.
Towne concurred and suggested that if a residence is destroyed by fire, and the property rests on less
than two acres, the city may not allow the construction of
another house on this property.
It was noted that this change in designation from
agricultural to residential has already been changed on the
map of Webster County.
The Webster County map should match our
map, suggested Willardson. Why cant we just use
All Im asking is that you just send this back to
zoning, said Towne.
We will work on a new city map and get back to
you on that. Is that sufficient? inquired Redman.
Towne agreed.
The Southeast Valley sophomore students were recognized for earning Academic Letters and for reaching their
1st trimester GPA goals.
The Southeat Valley Junior students were recognized for earning Academic Letters and for reaching their 1st
trimester GPA goals.
Wade Sundell, a native of Boxholm, took the lead
in the saddle bronc season standings with a second-place
ride Friday night in the second round of the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas ealier this month. Photo by Amy
Wade Sundell, a native of Boxholm, took the
lead in the saddle bronc season standings with a secondplace ride Friday night in the second round of the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas ealier this month.
Sundell scored 82.5 points on Tip Off after
winning the opening round. He leads the standings with
$151,641 and tops all NFR competitors with $56,962.
Sundell placed first in three of 10 rounds at the
prestigious Wrangler National Finals Rodeo that invites
only the top 15 riders from around the world. Each first
place finish tacked on an additional $19,002.40 to Sundells total earnings, placing him 3rd in the final world
standings for the year.
Wrangler National Finals Rodeo was held
Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 4-13.
Wade Sundells larger than life personality
shows up every time he gets on a bucking horse according to one Vegas publication.
Full of humor and charisma, Wade has not just
won his way to the top of the ranks in the sport of rodeo;
hes won a legion of dedicated fans along the way.
Wade, who grew up in Iowa, began riding
roughstock as a kid getting on sheep and calves. He spent
Worship Schedule
Cooperative merger...
The Farnhamville City Council met on Monday, December14th, 2015,
6:30 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, called to order by roll call by
Mayor Frank Morgan, with council members, Barb Gregg, Jeff Kicklighter,
and Clint VanKley, Others present Alan Jorgensen, Roger Kopecky, Rita
Kail, Alex Farley, Judy Harvey, Bruce McCormack and Julie Whitson.
Absent Calvin Wooters and Herman Seil.
Motion by Gregg, seconded by Kicklighter to approve the minutes
from November meeting and the agenda for this meeting. Motion carried.
The newly elected Council Members, Rita Kail and Alex Farley, were
given the prescribed oath of office and will resume their duties beginning
January 2016.
Following discussion motion by Gregg, seconded by Kicklighter to
approve the payment of the following bills. Motion carried.
November Net Wages
Office Supplies
AJ Health Insurance
10/8/15/ - 11/5/15
November Net Wages
Election cost
Outage 11/17/15
Police Vehicle
Pest Control
November Net Wages
Sundell scored 82.5 points on Tip Off after winning the opening round at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo
Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 4-13. He leads the standings with $151,641 and tops all NFR competitors with $56,962.
Photos by Amy Crouse.
and every member meeting and coffee shop conversation, explained West Central President and CEO Milan
Kucerak, who will become the CEO of the newly formed
cooperative. This merger showcases our members request for their cooperative to do more together for their
operations than either business could do separately. We
take our members confidence in a combined cooperative
seriously as we prepare for integration and execution.
The unified cooperative, to be known as Landus
Cooperative, will be led by current West Central President and CEO Milan Kucerak and be headquartered in
Ames, Iowa. The board of directors will be made up of
nine directors from each cooperative for equal representation. More information on any changes will be provided
in coming months as integration plans are finalized.
Together, West Central and FC have more than
70 grain, agronomy and feed locations in 26 Iowa and
three Minnesota counties. According to World Grain
magazines Grain and Milling Annual, Landus Cooperative will become the seventh largest grain company in
North America based on storage capacity and have shuttle-loading access on all seven major Iowa rail lines.
Nutcracker Ballet...
continued from page 6...
Both girls are daughters of Scott and Deb Patton, formerly of Gowrie and now living in Nevada. Also
attending the performance were their proud aunt and
uncle, Janelle and Jim Willis of Aplington and their maternal grandparents from Dubuque.
This year marked the 35th year of the holiday
performance being presented at the Stephens Auditorium
on the Iowa State University campus. The world famous
ballet is set in the 19th century in Germany.
Our Saviours Lutheran Church in Callender
will be showing the Pure Flix movie Silver Bells in the
Church Fellowship Hall on New Years Eve, Thursday,
December 31st at 7:00 p.m.
Come join them as they welcome in 2016! You
are encouraged to bring some snack food to share.
Webster County
Snowmobile registration
Deadline Thursday, Dec 31...
Deer Santa,
I want a DS Deer santa I want a lefo Deer
h santa I want a poken.
Linkin Roper
t Deer Santa,
I want a Xbox 360.
Ethan Swisaen
e Deer Santa,
I waht a box of pokemon. Deer santa I want
t a lagoos.
Spencer Peterson.
n Dear Santa,
I whant a I Pad, american girl doll, Diry,
Paceword Joirnal, Bike, Baby doll, areal alive pony,
e make up prufume books my own real computer.
Riley Carlson
n Dear Santa,
I want some new P.S.2 games for chrismas. I
also want a cool tablet. I really want a nerf gun.
Steven Fisher Jr.
Dear Santa,
I whant a big unicorn and a real live wings.
Caitlyn Klingson
Dear Santa,
I want a I pod, Elsa doll, my own pony.
Taylor willardson
Deer Santa,
I waet a I pad.
Karson Roper
Der Santa,
a truck
Hayden Greene
Help Wanted
Your Local
Dare Santa,
Hidniana Brown
Dear Santa,
I what a doll house a dog a bike and books.
Madelyn Barley
Dear Santa,
I whant a I pod, and my own computer, and
Rochelle Guess,
Adam Swisher, DO
Kari Swisher, ARNP-C
Advertise your EVENT,
applicant in this paper plus 30
other papers in Northwest Iowa
for only $110/week! Call 800227-7636
Hours: Monday-Friday
1800 Main, Gowrie, Iowa
Phone 352-3891
for customers to use or hire us
Years in
800-582-2788 or 641-766-6790
the prairie experts
Fax: 641-766-6795
[email protected]
Iowa Department
of Public Health
Ryan Willison,
Cell 351-0679
Regular Meeting
December 1, 2015
The Board of Supervisors met in Session on the above date with
the following members present: Singer, Fletcher, Dencklau, Campbell and
Leffler. Absent: None.
Moved by Leffler, seconded by Campbell to approve minutes of the
November 24, 2015 regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Singer to approve hiring and
employment of Bret Mentzer, Class B Equipment Operator, Lehigh
Shed, effective December 7, 2015 at the rate of $17.82 per hour per
recommendation of Randy Will, Engineer. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Singer, seconded by Fletcher to approve hiring and
employment of Nicolas Lentsch, Class C Equipment Operator, Clare
Shed, effective December 7, 2015 at the rate of $17.88 per hour per
recommendation of Randy Will, Engineer. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Fletcher, seconded by Leffler to receive and place on file
the status change of Ashley Guthrie, Chance Copper and Heather Perry,
Correctional Officers, from part-time to full-time status effective December
7, 2015 per recommendation of Steve Elifrits, Jail Administrator. Motion
carried unanimously.
Moved by Leffler, seconded by Campbell to receive and place on file
the promotion of Shawna Dencklau, Correctional Officer, to the position of
Jail Sergeant effective December 7, 2015 per recommendation of Steve
Elifrits, Jail Administrator. Motion carried unanimously,
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Singer to adopt the following:
WHEREAS, the County of Webster, Iowa has established the Webster
County Regional Urban Renewal Area and has adopted an urban renewal
plan and amendments thereto for undertaking urban renewal projects, as
more fully described on Exhibit A attached hereto, (the Project) within the
Urban Renewal Area; and
WHEREAS, before approving an urban renewal project, it is
necessary to make certain findings under Chapter 403; and
WHEREAS, it is the intention of the County to certify the amount
of funds advanced for reimbursement under Iowa Code Section 403.19
before December 1, 2015; and
WHEREAS, the amount of funds to be advanced for the Project is
currently estimated at $527,500.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors
of the County of Webster, Iowa, as follows:
Section 1. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 48, there has been established
the Webster County Urban Renewal Area Tax Increment Revenue
Fund (the Tax Increment Fund), into which all incremental property
tax revenues received from the Urban Renewal Area, as amended, are
deposited. The Board finds the Project described on Exhibit A hereto to be
Urban Renewal Projects as defined in Iowa Code Chapter 403, and further
finds that said Projects are included in the Plan, as amended, for the Urban
Renewal Area.
Section 2. It is hereby directed that the total costs for the Project be
advanced from time to time from the General Fund in order to pay the
costs of the Project. The advance shall be treated as an internal loan (the
Loan) from the TIF Project Fund and the General Fund or applicable fund
shall be reimbursed the total actual Project cost from the Tax Increment
Section 3. All Project costs to be incurred for the Project are approved,
to be advanced as described in Section 2. The contract for the Project is
currently estimated to cost approximately $527,500.
Section 4. Certification for reimbursement under Iowa Code Section
403.19 shall be made by the Board on or before December 1, 2015.
December 2015.
s/Keith Dencklau
Chairman, Board of Supervisors
ATTEST: s/Carol Messerly
County Auditor
Reimburse General Basic Fund:
1) Reimburse General Basic Fund for attorney fees paid for the
development of Webster County Regional Urban Renewal Area, economic
development agreements, etc & financial consultation.
$ 22,322
2) Site certification preparation (Snyder & Assoc.)
$ 11,176
3) Property acquisition for easement in Webster County Regional Ag
Grain AvenueNon reimbursable RISE Immediate
Opportunity Grant project for a new public road into Webster County
Regional Ag Park to serve as main entrance for grain trucks to Cargill and
access to future businesses west of Cargill. Reimburse General Basic
Fund an amount not to exceed $300,000. (On July 15, 2014 General
Basic Fund reimbursed the Secondary Road Fund $293,638).
Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Singer, seconded by Fletcher to approve and authorize
Chair to sign Annual Urban Renewal Report and Tax Increment Financing
Indebtedness Certification Report. (Copies on file in Auditors office).
Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Fletcher, seconded by Leffler to approve and authorize
Chair to sign utility permit from MidAmerican Energy to replace overhead
electric transmission lines to new hog confinement along north side of
230th Street in Section 4, Township 88 North, Range 29 West, Elkhorn
Township. (Copy on file in Engineers office). Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Leffler, seconded by Campbell to approve and authorize
Chair to sign permit application from Webster County Ice Breakers Inc. for
snowmobile trail grooming within right of way for 2015-2016 snowmobile
season. (Copy on file in Engineers office). Motion carried unanimously.
The following vendor proposals for truck, truck accessories, and pup
trailer and proposals for truck tractor and belly dump trailer received by
county engineer:
Harrison Freightliner
Special Meeting
December 8, 2015
Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance Conference Room
Fort Dodge, Iowa
The Board of Supervisors did not meet in Session on the above date
due to vandalism in the Courthouse. At 1:00p.m. on December 8, 2015,
the Board of Supervisors met with the department heads to update them
on the status of the situation and to discuss plans to get the bare minimum
county services up and going. The cleaning company will need several
days to have the courthouse cleaned and ready for us to return to work.
In the meantime, the courthouse will be closed and access will be very
Parcels 15-13-277-006, 15-13-277-005
WHEREAS Webster County, Iowa is the owner of two certain parcels
of real estate described as:
Parcel 15-13-277-006: Lehigh Incorporated, Orris Sub-division, Lot 9
Block 2;
Parcel 15-13-277-005: Lehigh Incorporated, Orris Sub-division, Lot 10
Block 2;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Webster County,
Iowa as follows:
1. The Board of Supervisors has determined that disposal of the
county owned property is in the best interest of Webster County.
2. That said Board proposes to sell the above described parcels of
real estate by sealed bid auction.
3. The bidding period will open from 9:00 a.m. December 22, 2015,
and close at 10:00 a.m. on December 29, 2015.
4. That bids are to be submitted at the office of the Webster County
Auditor on the second floor of the Webster County Courthouse.
5. That said Board proposes to sell the said real estate to the bidder
who, in the Boards discretion, is determined to have the best use
of the property combined with bid amount.
6. That the winning bidder shall be responsible for the payment of all
recording fees associated with the sale of the parcels.
7. That the Board shall hold a public hearing on the aforesaid proposal
at 10:30 a.m. on December 29, 2015, on the second floor of the
Webster County Courthouse.
8. That said Board proposes to accept the bid it has selected by
resolution at the regular meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m. January
5, 2016, on the second floor of the Webster County Courthouse.
Carol Messerly
Webster County Auditor
Pumps Workshop Roger
IPERS $1,682.02
Jacobson Electric
Judy Harvey
November Net Wages
Judy Harvey
Metering & Technology Solutions Meters
Midwest Radar & Equipment
Roger Kopecky
November Net Wages
Roger Kopecky
Health Insurance
Roper Repair
Security Savings Bank
Sewer Note
Star Energy
Star Energy
Swanson Florists
Treasurer State of Iowa
Sales Tax
Telephone $436.27
Water Project
Water Project
Police Report given by McCormack. He requested some general
maintenance on police vehicle.
Motion by VanKley to authorize McCormack to purchase remote start
and keyless entry repair on vehicle with a max cost of $600.00. Kicklighter
seconded. Motion carried.
McCormack indicated some allies were in need of rock. The
Superintendent will be ordering rock to resolve this problem.
Motion by Kicklighter, seconded by Gregg to approve Resolution B
2015, Program Income Reuse Plan, for year 2007.
Whitson from MIDAS completed some of the steps for the CDBG
Housing Grant application.
Motion by Gregg, seconded by Kicklighter to approve Resolution
C2015, which is to hold a public hearing on December 28th, 2015. Motion
Motion by Kicklighter, seconded by Gregg to approve Target Area for
housing program. Motion carried. A map is on file at the City Clerks office.
Motion by Kicklighter to approve the Housing Administration Plan,
seconded by Gregg. Motion carried
Motion by Gregg, seconded by Kicklighter to approve the following for
the Housing Committee; Morgan, Kail, VanKley, and Jorgensen. Motion
Motion by VanKley, seconded by Kicklighter to approve Local Match,
Resolution D 2015, of $4200.00. Motion carried.
Motion by Kicklighter, seconded by VanKley to appoint MIDAS as
Grant Administrator. Motion carried.
Motion by Kicklighter to NOT approve an environmental study. Motion
Motion by VanKley TO approve an environmental study. Motion died
Motion by Gregg, seconded by Kicklighter to approve Resolution E
2015, Program Income Reuse Plan. Motion carried.
Mary Seil, park janitor submitted a proposal to purchase several
tables and chairs for the shelter house. Motion by Kicklighter, seconded by
VanKley to accept the proposal. Motion carried.
Monthly Finance Report was reviewed and discussed.
Kail and Farley attended the Municipal Leadership Academy Part 1
and will be doing Part 2 online in January 2016.
The budget was discussed for FY2017 and will be ongoing at January
Six shut-off notices have gone out for delinquent utility bills.
Motion by VanKley, seconded by Kicklighter to do maintenance on
the pump at Well #4 for an estimated cost of $10,000.00. Motion carried.
Next council meeting will be JANUARY 11th, 2016 at 6:00pm.
Motion by Kicklighter, seconded by Gregg to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried.
Emily Bendickson
City Clerk
Frank Morgan
Notice is hereby given that on the 6TH day of January 2016, at 7:00
P.M. of said day in the Gowrie Community/Civic Center in Gowrie, Iowa.
A hearing will be held by the Gowrie Planning and Zoning Committee
concerning a proposed zoning ordinance for the City of Gowrie, Iowa.
At the above designated time and place, opportunity to be heard will
be given proponents and opponents of the proposed zoning ordinance.
The public may review the proposed zoning ordinance at the Gowrie
City Hall.
Southeast Valley
Volleyball girls recieve
Academic Honors
The Jaguar Volleyball team earned the IGHSAU
Distinguished in Academic Achievement (Team GPA
Between 3.25 4.00). Team GPA was 3.369.
The following girls qualified for the Twin Lakes
Conference All Academic Honors (To earn this award
you must have a cumulative GPA above 3.25 & earn a
varsity letter): Kearsten Hainzinger, Aaliyah Scott, Mallory Struzenberg, Cassie Zinnel, Jaiden Ackerson, Kenly
Clough, Morgan Castenson, Shelby Cummins and Mady
CONGRATULATIONS! to the volleyball team
on their academic achievements.
Merry Christmas!
Tomorrow's Leaders
Pictured from L to R are, Kayleigh, one, daughter of Taylor Nelson and Lexie
Crimmins; Allie, five, Isaiah, two, and Elsie, nine months, children of Josiah and Amy
Kaufman; Baileigh, eight, Aleigha, four and Brody, two, children of Chris and Tiffany
1 12/15/15 1:51 PM Page 1
Dec. 23, 2015
The Dakota
Access Pipelines
to American
The Dakota Access Pipeline is coming to Iowa, to deliver
domestically extracted energy to our economy.
The pipeline
construction would
result in 4,000 new
construction and
manufacturing jobs
and create a demand
for $1 billion worth
of other goods and
services such as food,
lodging, equipment and
supplies, vehicles
and more.
Newton Daily News, December 10, 2014
Letter to the editor by Scott Miles
of the Laborers Local Union 353