TS 68
The information contained in these Standards is strictly for the private use of the
intended recipient in relation to works or projects of SA Water.
These Standards have been prepared for SA Water’s own internal use and SA
Water makes no representation as to the quality, accuracy or suitability of the
information for any other purpose.
It is the responsibility of the users of these Standards to ensure that the
application of information is appropriate and that any designs based on these
Standards are fit for SA Water’s purposes and comply with all relevant Australian
Standards, Acts and regulations. Users of these Standards accept sole
responsibility for interpretation and use of the information contained in these
SA Water and its officers accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by
reliance on these Standards whether caused by error, omission, misdirection,
misstatement, misinterpretation or negligence of SA Water.
Users should independently verify the accuracy, fitness for purpose and
application of information contained in these Standards.
Any approval to deviate from the stated requirements of this Standard will not be
seen as creating a precedent for future like project. Any request to deviate from
this Standard must be carried out on a project by project basis where each
alternate proposal will be individually assessed on its own merit.
5. Clauses 1.6, 4.2 & 4.3: Updated such that the Contractor is responsible
for and required to conduct trial mixes.
11. Clause 6.2.8: Amended such that the Principal will not supply the
12. Clause 6.2.11: Updated such that EPA guidelines will be satisfied in the
disposal of waste.
13. Clause 6.4.2 & 6.7.2: Updated to suit current practices in surface cleaning
and preparation.
15. Clause 6.6 & 6.7.1: Repair of damaged structures revised such that it
shall occur within 7 days of the damage occurring.
17. Clause 6.8.1: Amended such that disposal of water from the curing
operation shall satisfy EPA guidelines.
18. Clause 6.10.2: Revised such that no plastic sleeves shall remain
embedded in the concrete.
19. Clause 7.4.2: Amended such that samples of spacers shall be submitted
for approval.
21. Clause 10.1: Updated such that a NATA approved laboratory shall be
used for testing.
22. Clause 10.3.1: Updated such that the Contractor shall notify the SA
Water’s Representative immediately of non-compliances.
25. Clause 10.4.5: Updated minimum ultimate tensile strength of welded joint
to be 500 MPa to suit current practices.
1.1 Scope
This is a Technical Standard (TS) which sets out the relative requirements to be
followed for achieving high durability reinforced concrete. This Technical
Standard is intended for use in the construction of liquid retaining structures
pertaining to water and sewage treatment and, where specified, in conditions
where the concrete is to be exposed to aggressive environments.
The parameters governing the performance of the concrete have been set on the
basis of the durability requirements. The most accurate measurement of that
performance is by compressive strength. Depending on the source of materials
used, a wide range of strengths are achievable using those set parameters.
Therefore the strength required (Q) for establishing the benchmark, by which the
quality of concrete can be ascertained, is deliberately not fixed for each project,
but derived from laboratory results conducted on the materials submitted.
The concrete shall be in accordance with this Technical Standard and the
applicable Australian Standards listed in the Reference Documents at the
beginning of the document. The requirements of this Technical Standard shall
take precedence over any Australian Standard.
The Contractor shall have in place a quality assurance system which meets the
requirements of this standard (see Section 9) and complies with the relevant
system elements of AS/NZS ISO 9001.
1.6 Programming
Contractors are reminded that Clauses 4.2 and 4.3 of this standard require trial
mixes to be conducted for assessment and quality control benchmarking by the
Contractor before the commencement of any insitu concrete production. A time
span of at least 36 days after the Date of Acceptance of Works shall be set aside
for laboratory trial mixing and an extra 8 days minimum for site trial mixing.
The Contractor shall submit a Program of Works Schedule (in the form of a bar
chart or equivalent) indicating the size, location and the timing of all concrete
pours for the duration of the project.
1.7 Approvals
(2) The slump has been deliberately given a narrow range to closely regulate water
addition. SA Water’s Representative may permit the use of concrete outside the
specified range in special situations eg a slump less than 60 mm for concrete
placed in sloping wall pours and, if approved , concrete with a final slump greater
than 80 mm (to a limiting maximum of 130mm) where a superplasticiser has been
added (see Clause 10.4.2).
2.3 Workability
The concrete shall have a workability with the assurance that it can be readily
worked into the corners and angles of forms and around reinforcement without
segregation or the accumulation of excess bleed water on the concrete surfaces.
The Contractor may be asked to provide evidence to that effect with regards to
the workability factor and the amount of bleeding of the concrete ie the Vebe or
Compacting Factor Test and the Bleeding Test in accordance with AS 1012
Parts 3 and 5 respectively.
All chemicals and coatings used for concrete (eg membrane curing compounds)
which is to be later in contact with water intended for human consumption shall
comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 4020 to qualify for safe use. The
Contractor shall provide such evidence in the form of certification for approval by
SA Water’s Representative.
3.1 Cement
The cement shall be Type GP or Type GB, general purpose portland cement, in
accordance with AS 3972. Only one brand of cement shall be used and the brand
shall be approved by SA Water’s Representative.
The use of Type GB, general purpose blended cement, in accordance with AS
3972 shall only be permitted if the Contractor extends the curing time duration to
twice that specified for Type GP cement (see Clause 6.8.1).
Bagged cement shall be used in the order of delivery and any cement which
contains conglomerated lumps or has exceeded the 'by use' date shall not be
On request, test certificates representing the cement used in the Works shall be
supplied by the Contractor.
3.2 Water
The mix water shall be potable and free from harmful matter to concrete and the
reinforcement and where possible drawn from a stable reticulated drinking water
supply having a conductivity not exceeding 1000 EC units. Sources of water
other than from a stable reticulated drinking supply shall be analysed (see Clause
10.3.7) by the Contractor and submitted for approval by the SA Water's
Contractors shall nominate the source and type of aggregate they intend to use
in the Contract. The source of supply shall not be changed without the written
approval of SA Water’s Representative.
3.4 Admixtures
SA Water’s Representative may permit the use of approved high range water-
reducing admixtures (superplasticisers) in special circumstances (see
Clause 10.4.2) but they shall not constitute an essential ingredient of the
approved mix design. Additions shall only be made at the site. Dosage rates shall
be predetermined and controlled to avoid overshooting the slump and to
eliminate possible segregation.
The total acid-soluble chloride-ion content in concrete as placed shall not exceed
0.5 kg/m3 (or 0.02 % w/v) (refer to Clause 10.3.8 - Testing of Chlorides).
As a precautionary measure to ensure that the above specified total chloride limit
is not exceeded and to alleviate the possibility of rejection of the hardened
concrete at a later stage, the following chloride levels are limited to each
individual ingredient comprising the mix.
SA Water’s Representative may permit the limit(s) of any one or more of the
ingredients to be relaxed, provided the Contractor submits evidence that the total
chloride level will not be exceeded.
Contractors shall submit details of their proposed mix for approval. Any work or
testing done in the optimisation and establishment of a suitable mix design will be
the responsibility of the Contractor including any associated cost.
From the trial(s), the laboratory shall assess the suitability of the mix design and
test for slump, water/cement ratio, shrinkage, strength and chloride level to
confirm that the specified performance requirements tabled in Clause 2.2 and
Clause 3.5 have been achieved. The results shall be submitted to the SA Water’s
The result of the 28-day laboratory trial mix compressive strength (verified by the
site trial mix result) will be the value used by SA Water’s Representative to set
the benchmark for compliance by virtue of strength testing (see Clause
Further mix designs and materials may be requested for subsequent trials.
The Contractor shall conduct a site trial mix(es) of 1.0 m3 minimum volume in the
presence of SA Water’s Representative to verify the laboratory results of slump,
water/cement ratio, shrinkage and strength.
Further site trial mixes may be required at any given time during the construction
period, as directed by SA Water’s Representative, where a change in the mix or
aggregate source has been approved or where the Contractor is requested to
ascertain the causes of non-conforming concrete.
A mix design identical to the laboratory trial shall be used in the site trial.
The site trial mix shall be conducted not less than 8 days before commencement
of production concrete to provide early results for predicting 28 day strengths
within the time frame specified (refer to Clause 1.6 - Programming).
SA Water’s Representative may permit the Contractor to use the remaining site
trial mix concrete in a non-critical structure.
Concrete failing to meet the performance requirements and quality specified may
be subject to a mix adjustment as approved by SA Water’s Representative,
particularly if:
Prior to any alteration to the mix, the Contractor shall fully investigate the
possible causes of failure and take the necessary corrective action.
5.1 General
The Contractor shall guarantee that the plant used has the capabilities to
produce concrete to the performance requirements specified. Quality assurance
certification, plant records, test results and plant calibrations shall be evidence of
that guarantee. However, SA Water’s Representative reserves the right to
undertake an audit(s) including inspection(s) of the plant and associated
The acceptance, installation and operation of the on site batching plant shall be
subject to the approval of SA Water’s Representative. Approval of plant,
Irrespective of the type of plant used, the Contractor shall provide and apply such
means and equipment that are required to determine accurately and to control
the prescribed amounts of the various materials introduced into the concrete
mixer throughout the construction period to the approval of SA Water’s
The most recent calibrations shall be submitted for the initial approval provided
they have not lapsed by more than 6 months, in which case, a complete updated
calibration shall be undertaken including submission of the resultant certificates.
At the discretion of SA Water’s Representative, an inspection and audit of the
nominated off site Plant and associated records may be undertaken prior to any
The Contractor shall arrange for a complete initial calibration of all measurement
and dispensing equipment by an approved authorising body once the Plant has
been established on site and before commencement of any production concrete.
Calibration certificates shall be submitted to SA Water’s Representative for
The Contractor shall keep a record of each batch of concrete supplied, providing
relevant information of the wet concrete such as total water addition, slump,
water/cement ratio etc, and also indicating the adjustments in the batch weights
as a consequence of corrections made due to variations in moisture conditions
and absorptive characteristics of the aggregates (see Clause 5.2.3). Appendix C
is an attached blank pro-forma sheet exemplifying what is required to be kept as
a record.
The monitoring and control of all operations determining the final quality of
concrete delivered to the Works shall be the responsibility of the Contractor
including any delegated authority to sub-Contractors and premix concrete
5.3 Batching
Ingredients shall be batched by direct weighing only. Volumetric batching will not
be allowed excluding admixtures which shall be introduced by means of suitable
dispensing equipment.
SA Water’s Representative may permit the mix water to be metered into the
mixer, providing the Contractor can show evidence (in the form of calibrations)
that the amount of metered water is accurate within the tolerance specified.
Water shall not be added in excess of that predetermined on the batch record
and also after 10 minutes from first introducing the ingredients into the mixer.
Each batch shall be thoroughly mixed to ensure a uniform and consistent wet
concrete free of dry lumps of unmixed material. Re-mixing with fresh material
after the concrete has been initially batched will not be permitted. Addition of
water will not be allowed at the work site or once the transit mixer has left the
5.4.1 General
The Contractor shall operate and maintain the Plant which will ensure the
minimum risk of breakdown in equipment and interruption to the pour. The cost
incurred due to such delays shall be borne by the Contractor.
Bins and silos for bulk storage of aggregates and cement shall be of sufficient
capacity to facilitate the concrete production rate as per the required Program of
Works Schedule (see Clause 1.6) submitted by the Contractor.
Cement facilities shall be such that they allow independent weighing and
discharge of cement from the other ingredients.
Admixture bulk storage containers and 'weigh water' facilities shall be such that
they are free from contamination. Recycled water from the washings of transit
mixers will not be permitted for use as mix water.
Each aggregate size shall be stored in separate bins and cross contamination
between the different sizes shall be prevented. The bulk storage bins shall have
a concrete floor which shall be sloped to provide free drainage and they shall be
operated in such a manner to prevent the batching of material containing excess
fines viz. the bottom most layer of the stockpile where the fines tend to
accumulate. This portion of material shall be regularly emptied to ensure
conformance with the Standard. The aggregates shall be adequately covered
and protected to the satisfaction of SA Water’s Representative.
The Contractor shall make provisions on site for checking the quality of
aggregate for each new truckload.
The aggregates shall be kept at saturated surface dry conditions (SSD) by use of
sprinklers or other suitable means.
Transfer of materials from the bulk bins to the weighing hopper via the discharge
bins, onto the conveyor and finally into the transit mixer shall be without spillage.
5.4.4 Mixers
Mixers failing to comply with the provisions of this Clause shall be replaced or
repaired immediately to the satisfaction of SA Water’s Representative.
5.5 Delivery
Concrete shall be transported to the work site with minimum delay and in a
manner which will prevent segregation, loss of ingredients or slump losses in
excess of 50 mm. The transit mixer bowl shall be kept revolving for the duration
of the journey to the site.
Supply of concrete will not be accepted in which the concrete has suffered a
slump loss of greater than 50 mm during the delivery period (i.e. arriving on site
at 25 mm or lower). The Contractor is advised to consider on site batching if this
is likely to occur or if the concrete cannot be discharged within the period
specified in AS 1379.
Concrete suffering minor slump losses because of delivery or other delays may
be 'rescued' by addition of an approved superplasticiser (see Clause 10.4.2) at
the work site. Raising the slump above the specified limit by water addition to
compensate for expected slump losses in delivery will not be permitted.
6.1 Placement
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Preparation
Before placing concrete against earth or rock the surface shall be stable and free
from loose material and shall be inspected and approved by SA Water’s
Earth or rock sub-grades shall be damp, but not wet, when the concrete is
placed. Free draining sub-grades shall be thoroughly wetted to a minimum depth
of 150 mm.
Any dirt, sawdust, shavings and other foreign material shall be removed from the
space to be occupied by the concrete.
The temperature of the concrete shall not exceed 32oC as measured onsite just
prior to pouring. Any concrete above 32oC shall be liable to rejection (see
Clause 10.5.1).
The Contractor shall ensure the temperature of the concrete is not higher than
32oC by approved methods of cooling eg liquid nitrogen cooling of the wet
concrete, using chilled mix water or spraying the coarse aggregate with cold
The freshly placed wet concrete shall be kept covered with plastic sheeting
or wet hessian until curing begins.
6.2.1 General
The Contractor shall not discharge copious quantities of concrete at any one
point, run or work the concrete along the forms, or employ practices which could
lead to segregation.
Where necessary openings shall be provided in the forms to assist in the placing
of concrete in such a manner as to prevent segregation, to avoid accumulation of
hardened concrete on the forms or reinforcement, and to facilitate cleaning and
inspection prior to placing, and to ensure the concrete is thoroughly worked
around the reinforcement, inserts and into the corners of forms.
Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has become
unworkable to the extent that a vibrator forms holes and cannot induce the
concrete to flow, or on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to form cold
If this occurs the Contractor shall stop the pour and allow the concrete to set for a
minimum of 24 hours and treat the face as a construction joint (see Clause 6.4).
The concrete shall not be dropped from a height greater than 1.5 metres.
The concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers not exceeding 300 mm and as
rapidly as possible. Each layer shall be fully compacted before addition of the
next layer until the concrete reaches the full height of the pour.
In wall pours the concrete shall be discharged to slope away at a stepped slope
of not greater than 20 degrees to the horizontal and it shall be advanced at a
uniform, steady rate along the wall until the scheduled pour is completed.
On a sloping wall pour (gradients of 1:3 or less) discharge shall commence from
the lowest point and proceed up the slope. The Contractor shall submit details of
the intended method and any machinery proposed (eg framework and screed
guides) for placing and finishing the concrete.
Concrete in columns shall be placed to the full height in one continuous operation
with regard to the conditions specified in Clause 6.2.3.
The bottom of the forms shall be initially filled to a depth of 25 mm with a 1:2
cement:sand mortar followed by the discharge of concrete in layers not greater
than 300mm, ensuring full compaction of each layer until completion of pour. The
column may be cast by first making an upstand with a construction joint at the
column base, then later forming and placing the remaining concrete by the
method described above.
Placing shall be in layers not exceeding 300 mm and the pour shall be spread
uniformly and continuously using the least area of fresh faces. Walking directly
over steel reinforcement or fabric during the pour will not be permitted. The
Contractor shall provide suitable access for the floor pour to the satisfaction of
SA Water’s Representative.
The Contractor shall dispose of excess concrete and wastes from the washing of
concrete equipment in accordance with EPA requirements as approved by the
SA Water’s Representative.
6.3 Compaction
6.3.1 General
The Contractor shall ensure the concrete is fully compacted to the satisfaction of
SA Water’s Representative.
Care shall be exercised to ensure all spaces within the forms are completely filled
particularly to concrete around the reinforcement and other embedded items
without displacing them. The concrete at the proximity of the forms shall be given
extra attention to avoid honeycombing and to remove all entrapped air or voids.
Contractors shall submit details on the methods and equipment proposed for
placing and compaction.
6.3.2 Vibrators
The Contractor shall have available a pencil vibrator for compacting in situations
where there is congested reinforcement.
6.4.1 General
The location of all planned construction joints shall be submitted for approval.
The positioning of unplanned construction joints shall be to the approval of SA
Water’s Representative.
The Contractor shall make the necessary preparations and take precautions to
ensure maximum bond between the existing concrete surface (substrate) and the
adjoining concrete from the next pour.
Green cutting ie the use of water and/or air jetting prior to final set of concrete
may be permitted if the Contractor can provide proof of competency with the use
of this method in accordance with the requirements of this standard and to the
satisfaction of SA Water’s Representative. Alternatively, SA Water’s
Representative may allow the use of an approved surface retarder in accordance
with the Manufacturer's written instructions.
The reinforcement shall be cleaned of all adhering mortar, concrete, rust and dirt.
Surface preparation and cleaning operations shall be carried out at the closest
opportune moment prior to the next pour. The substrate, including all vertical or
near vertical surfaces, shall be kept damp in the interim period of
preparation/cleaning and the next pour.
Immediately before placement of the next pour, the joint surface shall be coated
with a cement/water slurry, of a water/cement ratio not greater than 0.45,
followed with a 25 mm coating of a 1:2 cement:sand mortar, also of a
water/cement ratio not greater than 0.45. Fresh concrete shall be poured within
15 minutes of applying the slurry and mortar coatings.
6.5 Finish
6.5.1 General
The surface finish produced shall be dense, free from honeycombing, air
bubbles, cavities and blowholes in accordance with the requirements of this
standard and AS 3610.
Depending on the structure, the finish of all formed surfaces shall be either
Class 2 or Class 3 as shown on the Drawings. All water retaining surfaces shall
have a Class 2 finish as a minimum.
The Contractor shall rectify any areas (refer to Clause 6.7 - Repair) which have
not conformed to the specified requirements on surface finish to the satisfaction
of SA Water’s Representative.
The concrete shall be worked to its required finish as soon as possible following
placement. Working of the unformed surfaces shall be the minimum necessary to
produce the desired finish.
The reworking or repair of the freshly completed unformed surfaces which may
have been damaged, eg plastic shrinkage cracking, shall be carried out by the
Contractor before the concrete has set to the satisfaction of SA Water’s
The edges of the unformed surfaces shall be neatly rounded with an approved
jointing tool, having a minimum radius of 5 mm, to a finish conforming to the
requirements of this Standard.
The designated classes for unformed surfaces are U1, U2, U3, U4 and U5 as
defined in Clauses to Class U1
The finishing operations shall consist of levelling and screeding the concrete to
produce an even uniform surface. Surplus concrete shall be removed
immediately after compaction by striking it off with a sawing motion using a
straight edge or screed across wood or metal strips which have been set as
guide. Special screeds shall be used for curved surfaces. Class U2
Finish U2 is a wood float finish and shall apply only to surfaces specified to
receive this finish. This finish shall not apply to water retaining surfaces. Finish
U2 is also used as the second stage of finishes U3, U4 and U5.
The surface shall be first levelled and screeded as for finish U1. Floating shall
only begin when the screeded surface has stiffened sufficiently and only after all
bleed water has evaporated or has been removed. For finishing larger floor areas
or to eliminate any ridges and fill in any depressions left by the straight edge,
floating operations by the use of bull floating or darbying may be employed.
A U2 finish shall be a surface uniform in texture and free from screed marks.
Finish U3 is a steel trowelled finish and shall apply only to surfaces specified for
this finish. It includes all flat traffic surfaces, all surfaces which are periodically
wetted but not used as walkways, such as the tops of tank walls, valve
chambers, foundations, stair wells, exposed floors of water retaining structures,
and all expansion and contraction joint seatings.
The preliminary operations as specified for finish U2 shall be carried out and any
necessary cutting with edging or jointing tools and any filling shall be done during
Steel trowelling shall begin immediately after floating. It shall be performed with a
firm pressure that will flatten and smooth the sandy texture of the previously
floated surface, and shall produce a dense, uniform surface free from blemishes
and trowel marks. Class U4
Finish U4 is a hard and smooth steel trowelled finish produced by the successive
trowelling of a U3 finish. Powered steel trowels (helicopters) may be used in lieu
of hand trowels where appropriate. Class U5
The surface shall be first worked to a U3 finish and it shall be broom finished at
an appropriate stage when the concrete has hardened to a state where a broom
finish can be applied without 'tearing' the surface and one which matches the
finish of the reference sample slab (see Clause
Brooming shall be in one direction only and it shall be carried out using a medium
stiff long handled broom and by applying the necessary pressure to produce the
desired non-slip finish.
The surface finish of the approved sample slabs will be used by SA Water’s
Representative as a reference for acceptance of finished work.
When stairways, ramps, landings and any other surfaces are specified to retain
high non-slip textures under traffic the non-slip surfaces shall be attained by the
addition of approved non-slip aggregate evenly applied to the surface at the rate
of 1 kg/m3.
The non-slip aggregate shall be sprinkled evenly over the surface during final
trowelling and shall be worked into the surface and trowelled over to achieve the
required finish.
For unformed concrete surfaces the maximum allowable tolerances from the true
line and the maximum allowable surface irregularities shall be as follows:
The tolerances and irregularities shall apply to all work except that finished
surfaces graded for drainage shall not retain pools of surface water. Slabs where
the grading is shown must be free to drain irrespective of tolerances.
6.6 Stripping
The time determined by the Contractor for removal of forms shall be subject to
the approval of SA Water’s Representative. No metal tools shall be used in
contact with the concrete.
The Contractor shall exercise extreme care to avoid any damage during stripping
operations. Damage sustained to any part of the structure or member shall be
repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense to the satisfaction of SA Water’s
Representative. Repair shall be within 7 days of the damage occurring (see
Clause 6.7).
6.7.1 General
The Contractor shall make good any imperfections to the concrete surfaces and
remove any protrusions or excess concrete to the finish requirements specified in
Clause 6.5 as directed by SA Water’s Representative. Imperfections include
honeycombing, blowholes, air pockets, bleed marks and concrete in which the
surfaces have been excessively stripped during removal of forms.
Damaged or defective concrete (poorly compacted and high voids concrete) shall
be removed and reinstated with a suitable repair material to the required profile.
Also, concrete having excessive surface depressions shall be built up to the
prescribed lines.
All repairs shall be completed within 7 days of removal of forms or 7 days from
the time of casting with respect to unformed surfaces.
6.7.2 Preparation
The surface area to be repaired shall be thoroughly cleaned and all laitance
removed by scabbling or wet grit blasting until achievement of a rough texture
and a partially exposed aggregate condition.
All protrusions and excess concrete shall be reduced to within the specified limits
by grinding.
For repairs using cementitious materials, the substrate shall be dampened and
prior to applying the repair material coated with a cement slurry.
Where approved for use, the prepacked formulations and epoxy mortars shall be
used in accordance with the Manufacturer's written instructions. This also refers
to any bonding agent included in the repair system. The use of cement slurries as
a bonding aid (as specified in Clause 6.7.2 - Preparation) shall be waived where
special bonding agents comprise part of the repair kit.
The Contractor shall treat all cracks at the Contractor's expense as directed by
SA Water’s Representative by the method described as follows:
(a) Cracks of width less than 0.1 mm may be required to be sealed with an
approved low viscosity (capillary) epoxy at the discretion of SA Water’s
(b) Cracks (including those which have developed along construction joints) of
width between 0.1 and 1.0 mm shall be sealed using an approved low
viscosity epoxy.
(c) Cracks in walls (including sloping), columns or any other vertical structural
members of the same width as in (a) and (b) shall be sealed with a low
viscosity epoxy by a suitable injection method. Introduction of material into
the crack shall be by a pressure or balloon type injection method to the
Manufacturer's instructions.
(d) Cracks of width greater than 1.0 mm shall be sealed by a method approved
of by the SA Water’s Representative.
Where a low viscosity epoxy is used, the surface of the concrete in the vicinity of
the construction joints and cracks shall be wire brushed, dried and all dust
removed by air blasting or other approved methods before application of the
6.8 Curing
6.8.1 General
The Contractor shall commence curing immediately after the concrete has
attained final set (as defined in AS 1012 Part 18).
Where blended cement is used (Type GB), the minimum water curing period shall
be 14 days.
Contractors shall provide full details of the equipment, procedures and timing of
their proposals for curing.
All surfaces shall be kept damp throughout the water curing cycle by means and
methods approved by SA Water’s Representative.
Horizontal surfaces such as floors may be saturated with soaker hoses and
covered with plastic for the duration of curing, or they may be kept damp by a
layer of wet sand kept damp by frequent hosing with water.
Vertical faces eg walls shall have soaker hoses placed on top for their full length
and turned on once the forms have been 'cracked', normally 24 hours after the
pour (see Clause 6.6), and allowed to run down inside the formwork. Immediately
after stripping of formwork they shall be covered with soaked hessian or burlap
and a plastic sheeting overlay.
The concrete shall not be allowed to dry at any stage during the curing cycle.
6.9 Protection
The Contractor shall protect the concrete from damage during the period
between placement and final acceptance of the work. This includes protection
from rain, flowing water, mechanical damage, high winds and direct sunlight on
hot days. SA Water’s Representative may request the provision of adequate
covers to protect the concrete from adverse weather conditions (see
Clause 6.1.5).
Any damage to the work caused by failure of the Contractor to provide adequate
protection shall be rectified to the satisfaction of SA Water’s Representative.
Masonry anchors or other fasteners shall not be used on any surface except
where specified.
Care shall be taken to prevent contamination from oils, coatings, drainage water
and other harmful foreign matter.
6.10.1 General
Form ties shall consist of bolts, rods or other fastening systems that will ensure
that forms or falsework are rigidly fixed to the satisfaction of SA Water’s
Representative. They shall be designed so that the centre section of the
fastening device is left embedded in the concrete after removal of the formwork,
that no metal is within 35 mm of the surface and that no plastic sleeves remain
embedded in the concrete.
Form ties which leave a hole after removal extending throughout the thickness of
a concrete section will not be permitted.
Holes or gaps left from form ties (eg she-bolt cones) shall be filled with an
approved repair mortar (see Clause 6.7).
Top form ties shall not be located within 150 mm of the top of the pour.
Uncontaminated dieseline shall be applied by brush or spray to coat the forms for
release purposes. Excessive applications shall be avoided.
The dieseline shall not make contact with joint surfaces, reinforcing bars, PVC,
rubber, neoprene, polystyrene, cork or other materials on which it may have a
detrimental effect.
Formed sections shall be limited to the height that concrete can be placed and
compacted in accordance with this Standard.
6.10.6 Holes/Gaps
Forms for holes or special gaps shall be designed and constructed so that they
can be easily removed without damage to the surrounding concrete.
7.1 General
Reinforcement shall be deformed bars or welded wire fabric except that plain
bars or wire may be used for fitments. All reinforcement shall comply with
AS 4671, as appropriate.
The Contractor may be required to provide test certificates for all reinforcing steel
at least 7 days before intended use.
Reinforcement shall be free from loose mill scale, excessive rust, dirt, coatings,
pitting, kinks and other defects prior to concrete placement.
Reinforcement shall be cut and bent to comply with the dimensions shown on the
All vertical bars shall be rigidly stayed against wind action, preferably by tying
with at least two longitudinal bars required for the next lift.
The fixing methods and cover to the reinforcement shall be checked by the
Contractor in the presence of SA Water’s Representative.
7.4.1 Cover
The minimum clear concrete cover shall be as specified below unless shown
otherwise on the Drawings.
The tolerance for concrete cover shall be -0 to +10 mm in the finished structure
and the reinforcement shall be fixed to ensure the cover is maintained within that
tolerance range.
The Contractor shall check the positions of starter bars for subsequent pours to
ensure that their positions provide the correct cover for the external bars in the
next lift.
Fixing of reinforcement to obtain the specified clear cover shall be by any one of
the following methods:
7.4.2 Spacers
The Contractor shall submit samples of the proposed spacers for approval.
7.5 Splicing
All welded joints shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1554 Part 3 and in positions
shown in the Drawing or as approved by SA Water’s Representative.
Butt welds shall be made with the bars in a horizontal position and all welded
splices shall be staggered unless directed otherwise.
The butt welding shall be performed using approved low hydrogen electrodes
and special copper moulds for the reinforcing bars concerned. The moulds shall
be made from 10 mm rolled copper section by annealing and then cold pressing.
Details of a suitable mould will be available from SA Water’s Representative.
Welding materials and procedures shall be approved and operators shall carry
out qualification tests under site conditions prior to commencement of any
Welding arcs shall not be struck on any reinforcing bar except at the point of
8.1 General
Inserts and supports shall be in accordance with AS 3600 and as specified in this
standard and to the satisfaction of SA Water’s Representative.
They shall be accurately built into the concrete by the Contractor, within 4 mm of
their indicated position unless shown otherwise on the Drawings. The provision of
holes or pockets and the subsequent grouting of inserts and supports will not be
allowed unless approved in writing by SA Water’s Representative.
Tapped holes and other recesses shall be sealed and the sealing material later
removed. After stripping of formwork all concrete and other materials shall be
cleaned from the surfaces of inserts and supports.
The Contractor shall install, fix and cast in all pipes, pipe sleeves, bolts, conduits,
frames, castings, steel beams and other items which are required to be wholly or
partially embedded in the concrete as shown on the Drawings.
Before casting of inserts and openings, the Contractor shall check their
positioning, alignment and elevation to ensure they are accurately placed and
adequately supported in suitable templates, frames and forms. Any
misplacement or deviation from the specified tolerance shall be corrected by the
Contractor at the Contractor's expense to the satisfaction of SA Water’s
The Contractor shall ensure adequate compaction of the concrete around the
inserts and openings as specified in Clause 6.3.
8.3 Supports
The Contractor shall check the positioning of supports for floor plates, floor
gratings, or other fixtures requiring even and uniform bearing, before setting the
supports with concrete or mortar. Failure to obtain satisfactory uniformity of
bearing shall be rectified by the Contractor, as directed by SA Water’s
Representative, at the Contractor's expense.
9.1 General
The Contractor shall plan, establish and maintain a quality system for the project
which conforms to this standard and complies, as a minimum, with all the
relevant system elements of AS/NZS ISO 9001 and includes quality records, hold
points, witness points and work instructions.
Quality management systems and quality plans offered by the Contractor and/or
SubContractors shall be used as an aid to achieving conformance with this
Standard, but they shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to comply
with the Contract requirements.
The Contractor shall have a third party certified quality assurance system.
Consideration will be given to Contractors not covered by such schemes after SA
Water’s Representative has carried out an audit of the proposed quality system.
The cost incurred in undertaking such an audit will be assessed before a fixed
price is set.
The Contractor shall provide SA Water’s Representative at all times with access
to the Contractor's quality procedures and records to enable monitoring and
quality auditing. This also includes the taking of random samples for proof testing
or to carry out or to arrange for destructive or non-destructive testing.
10.1 General
Whether the independent inspections are random or full time shall be left to the
discretion of SA Water’s Representative.
The cost of re-testing of work which has failed and been subsequently rectified as
a result of additional testing shall be borne by the Contractor.
10.3.1 General
All test results shall be recorded and the relevant NATA endorsed certificates
submitted as appropriate.
The Contractor shall assess the results and immediately notify SA Water’s
Representative in writing of non-compliances.
10.3.3 Slump
Slump testing shall be done on delivery to the site of every batch of concrete in
accordance with AS 1012.3. Where a superplasticiser is used the slump shall be
tested before and after addition of the admixture, and both shall be recorded on
the test certificate.
SA Water’s Representative may direct the Contractor to carry out slump testing at
the manufacturing plant in addition to site testing to ensure compliance within the
slump limits specified. It applies particularly to concrete likely to suffer excessive
slump losses due to long hauls (refer to Clause 5.5 - Delivery).
10.3.4 Density
The wet density of the freshly mixed concrete shall be determined in accordance
with AS 1012.5 at the start of the Contract and then at every 500 m3 of concrete
The dry density of the hardened concrete shall be determined in accordance with
AS 1012.12 on each cylinder taken for compressive strength testing.
The concrete test cylinders shall be cast and cured in accordance with AS 1012.8
and then tested to AS 1012.9 for compressive strength.
Where supply of concrete is from an off site premix plant the concrete shall be
subject to production assessment in addition to project assessment. The
Contractor shall submit to SA Water’s Representative monthly reports of the
analysed data as specified in AS 1379 (refer to Clause 5.2.2 - Plant Records).
The Contractor may incorporate the 28-day strength results taken for project
assessment in collating production assessment data.
Drying shrinkage testing of the concrete shall be carried out in accordance with
AS 1012.13 and in addition the specimens cast in the field shall be wrapped in
wet hessian and covered with a plastic sheet.
The frequency of testing shall be one sample per 100 m3 (or part thereof).
The proposed mix water other than from a stable reticulated supply (mains water)
shall be fully analysed to qualify for use in the Contract. The analysis shall
include all anions, cations, pH, total dissolved salts, calcium hardness and
conductivity (EC units) for assessment by SA Water’s Representative.
The hardened concrete and the solid ingredients comprising the wet concrete mix
shall be tested for chloride concentrations in accordance with AS 1012.20. The
liquid ingredients shall be tested as per method described in AS 1379.
Only the chloride content present in the hardened concrete shall be used to
ascertain the criterium for compliance. Samples for chloride analysis, of not less
than 50 g, shall be taken from drilled shavings from the 28 day compressive
cylinder representative of the pour or, if directed by SA Water’s Representative,
of the insitu cast concrete. However, the Contractor is advised to check the
chloride levels of all the individual ingredients comprising the mix to avoid
possible rejection later.
The cost of securing and testing of such cores shall be at the expense of the
The repair of the holes left from coring shall be as specified in Clause 6.7 at the
Contractor's expense.
SA Water’s Representative reserves the right to secure and test cores for
strength, density and voidage where the quality of the concrete is suspect or full
compaction (eg compaction of sloping walls) has not been achieved. The cost of
such tests will be borne by the Principal, including subsequent repairs. Should
the concrete fail to comply with the requirements of this Standard, then the cost
shall be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall determine the moisture contents of the fine and coarse
aggregate as specified in Clause 5.2.3.
The Contractor shall determine the absorption values of the fine and coarse
aggregate as specified in Clause 5.2.3.
The Contractor shall test to failure the tensile strength of the welded butt joints in
the reinforcement. Each test specimen shall be a 500 mm length of bar cut from
the welded reinforcement, with the weld centrally located.
The minimum number of tests shall be one specimen per 50 welded joints and as
directed by SA Water’s Representative.
After taking the test specimen the Contractor shall replace and re-weld the
10.3.13 Calibrations
The Contractor shall carry out calibration tests on batch plant equipment as
specified in Clause 5.2.1.
The Contractor shall test all materials where proof of compliance is required to be
established under this Contract and in accordance with this Standard.
10.4.1 General
10.4.2 Slump
Concrete shall not be placed until the Contractor has verified that the slump
complies with the specified requirement. The initial discharged concrete may be
used for placement once the slump has been verified.
Concrete outside the specified range shall be liable to rejection (see Clause
10.5), except in approved situations where a low slump concrete is needed viz
sloping wall pours or where the situation demands the use of a superplasticiser
Concrete arriving on site with a slump less than 30 mm will not be accepted.
The 28-day drying shrinkage of the production concrete shall not exceed
420 microstrains.
The minimum strength of any one sample shall not be less than 40MPa.
Concrete, representative of the test, failing to attain the minimum strength shall
be liable to rejection.
The concrete shall be deemed to have complied with the strength requirements
of this standard if the 28-day mean strength, represented by a group of samples
taken during a production interval, attains the benchmark set by SA Water’s
Representative as determined below (see Clause
For smaller projects, the group of samples may consist of all samples in the
project and the 28-day mean strength may not be assessed until the project is
complete (ie: if all concrete is poured in less then 35 days).
Q + k.s
Q is the required quality control strength
k is the appropriate coefficient (relative to the number of project samples)
given in AS 1379.
s is the standard deviation calculated from a group of project samples of
not less than 5 samples.
Where less than 5 samples have been tested, then the mean strength shall not
be less than:
If at the start of a project an assessment is required and less than 15 samples but
more than 5 have been taken, the standard deviation shall be determined from
the total number of samples taken to date but shall not be less than 4.0MPa.
The required quality control strength shall be calculated from the approved
laboratory trial mix(es) 28-day compressive strength results (see Clause 4.2)
using the following formula:
To satisfy the quality control provisions of this Standard, the concrete shall be
maintained at a coefficient of variation of less than 8.0% throughout the
production interval, calculated by use of the following formula:
Concrete failing to comply with this requirement shall be fully investigated and
rectified by the Contractor to the approval of SA Water’s Representative.
The test specimens shall attain a minimum ultimate tensile strength of 500 MPa
in accordance with AS 4671.
Failure to comply may involve stoppage time and additional testing at the
Contractor's expense while SA Water’s Representative examines the remainder
of the welds.
10.5 Rejection
The fresh concrete, representative of the test, shall be liable to rejection if the:
To avoid possible rejection the Contractor is advised to target the lower end of
the slump range. Any concrete in which the slump is in the range of 30 to 55 mm
may be 'rescued' by use of a superplasticiser. Concrete in which the slump is
25 mm and lower shall be rejected.
All chemicals shall be stored, handled and used in accordance with the
Manufacturer's instructions and the Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Act,
Pumping proposed ? Yes/No Clause 2.4
Details of Pump/Equipment Clause 2.4
Brand/Type proposed Clause 3.1
Conductivity Clause 3.2
Source of coarse aggregate Clause 3.3
Source of fine aggregate Clause 3.3
Type Clause 3.4
Dosage rates Clause 3.4
Levels of ingredients Clause 3.5
Total level Clause 3.5
(1) Does the Contractor have a person responsible for quality functions? YES/NO
If 'yes'
(3) Does the Contractor have a Quality Procedure Manual relevant to this
Technical Standard?
(6) Does the model for quality system comply with AS/NZS ISO 9001? 1/2/3
. ................................................................................................................................................
. ................................................................................................................................................
. ................................................................................................................................................
. ................................................................................................................................................
Contractor's Signature Date
20 mm
10 mm
20 mm
10 mm
Truck No.
Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time Batched
Left Plant
Time Arrived
Progressive Total
Slump (mm)
Slump After S/P
Total Water Added
Effective Water
W/C Ratio
Contractor's Signature Date