Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2: Eucaryotic Microbes

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Diversity of
Part 2: Eucaryotic Microbes

Characteristics and Classification
Medical Significance
Classification and Medical

Medical Significance
Fungal Infections of Humans

Fleshy Fungi


Compare and contrast the differences among

algae, protozoa, and fungi

Explain what is meant by a red tide (i.e.,
what causes it) and its medical significance
List the four major categories of protozoa
and their most important differentiating characteristics
Define the terms pellicle, cytostome, and

List five infectious diseases of humans that

are caused by protozoa and five that are
caused by fungi
State the importance of phycotoxins and mycotoxins
Explain the differences between aerial and
vegetative hyphae, septate and aseptate hyphae, sexual and asexual spores
Explain the major difference between a
lichen and a slime mold

Acellular and procaryotic microbes were described in Chapter 4. This chapter
describes the eucaryotic microbes, which include certain algae, all protozoa, certain fungi, all lichens, and all slime molds. Scientists have not yet determined
when the first eucaryotic organisms appeared on earth. The best guesses are between 2 and 3.5 billion years ago.


Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2


Characteristics and Classification
Algae (sing., alga) are photosynthetic, eucaryotic organisms which, together
with protozoa, are classified in the second kingdom (Protista) of the FiveKingdom System of classification. Not all taxonomists agree, however, that algae
and protozoa should be combined in the same kingdom. The study of algae is
called phycology, and a person who studies algae is called a phycologist.
All algal cells consist of cytoplasm, a cell wall (usually), cell membrane, a nucleus, plastids, ribosomes, mitochondria, and Golgi bodies. In addition, some algal cells have a pellicle (a thickened cell membrane), a stigma (a light-sensing organelle, also known as an eyespot), and/or flagella. Although they are not plants,
algae are more plant-like than protozoa. (See Table 51 for similarities and differences between algae and plants.) Algae lack true roots, stems, and leaves.
Algae range in size from tiny, unicellular, microscopic organisms (e.g., diatoms, dinoflagellates, and desmids) to large, multicellular, plant-like seaweeds
(e.g., kelp) (Table 52). Thus, not all algae are microorganisms. Algae may be

T A B L E 5 - 1 Similarities and Differences Between Algae and










Cells contain chlorophyll



Use carbon dioxide as an energy source



Store energy in the form of starch



Composed of roots, stems, and leaves


Most (bryophytes, such as

mosses, are the exception)

Cell walls contain cellulose

Most (exceptions include

diatoms and dinoflagellates;
Euglena and Volvox do not
have cell walls)


Method of reproduction

Both asexual and sexual


Contain a vascular system to

transport internal fluids


Most (mosses and other

bryophytes are avascular)



T A B L E 5 2 Characteristics of Algae

Phylum (and
Common Name)






Olive brown

Chlorophyll c,

Fresh water and

sea water

(green algae)

Unicellular and


Chlorophyll b,

Fresh water
and sea water

(golden algae)


Golden olive

Chlorophyll c,

Fresh water




Chlorophyll c,

Fresh water and

sea water

(Euglena spp. and
closely related



Chlorophyll b,

Fresh water

(brown algae)


Olive brown

Chlorophyll c,

Sea water; most

commonly, cold

(red algae)


Red to black

Chlorophyll d
(in some),

Sea water
and fresh water;
most commonly,


*In addition to chlorophyll a, which is possessed by all algae. Carotenoids are yellow-orange; chlorophylls are greenish; phycobilins are red and blue; and xanthophylls are brownish.

arranged in colonies or strands and are found in fresh and salt water, in wet soil,
and on wet rocks. Algae produce their energy by photosynthesis, using energy
from the sun, carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic nutrients from the soil to
build cellular material. However, a few species use organic nutrients, and others
survive with very little sunlight. Most algal cell walls contain cellulose, a poly-

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2

saccharide not found in the cell walls of any other microorganisms. Depending
on the types of photosynthetic pigments they possess, algae are classified as
green, golden (or golden brown), brown, or red.
Diatoms are tiny, usually unicellular algae that live in both fresh and sea water. They are important members of the phytoplankton. Diatoms have silicon
dioxide in their cell walls; thus, they have cell walls made of glass. Deposits of diatoms are used to make diatomaceous earth, which is used in filtration systems,
insulation, and abrasives. Because of their attractive, geometric, and varied appearance, diatoms are quite interesting to observe microscopically.
Dinoflagellates are microscopic, unicellular, flagellated, often photosynthetic algae. Like diatoms, they are important members of the phytoplankton,
producing much of the oxygen that is in our atmosphere and serving as important links in food chains. Some dinoflagellates produce light and, for this reason,
are sometimes referred to as fire algae. Dinoflagellates are responsible for what
are known as red tides (discussed later).
Green algae include desmids, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas, Volvox, and
Euglena, all of which can be found in pond water. Desmids are unicellular algae,
some of which resemble a microscopic banana. Spirogyra is an example of a filamentous alga, often producing long green strands in pond water. Chlamydomonas
is a unicellular, bi-flagellated alga, containing one chloroplast and a stigma.
Volvox is a multicellular alga (sometimes referred to as a colonial alga or
colony), consisting of as many as 60,000 interconnected, bi-flagellated cells,
arranged to form a hollow sphere. The flagella beat in a coordinated manner,
causing the Volvox colony to move through the water in a rolling motion.
Sometimes, daughter colonies can be seen within a Volvox colony.
Euglena is a rather interesting alga, in that it possesses features possessed by
both algae and protozoa. Like algae, Euglena contains chloroplasts, is photosynthetic, and stores energy in the form of starch. Protozoan features include the
presence of a primitive mouth (called a cytostome) and the absence of a cell wall
(hence, no cellulose). Euglena possesses a photosensing organelle called a
stigma and a single flagellum. With its stigma, it can sense light; with its flagellum, it can swim into the light. When there is no light, Euglena can continue to
obtain nutrients by ingesting food through its cytostome. Although it has no cell
wall, Euglena does possess a pellicle, which serves the same function as a cell
Algae are easy to find. They include large seaweeds of various colors, brown
kelp (up to 10 meters in length) found along ocean shores, the green scum floating on ponds, and the slippery green material on wet rocks. There are also many
microscopic forms in pond water that differ from the colorless, nonphotosynthetic protozoa in that they are pigmented and photosynthetic. Some algae (e.g.,
Chlamydomonas, Euglena, and Volvox) have characteristics (e.g., cytostome,
pellicle, flagella) that cause them to be classified as protozoa by some taxonomists. (Although there is some disagreement among taxonomists as to where
Chlamydomonas, Volvox, and Euglena should be classified, they will be referred
to as algae in this book, primarily because they are photosynthetic. In this book,
photosynthetic protists are considered to be algae and nonphotosynthetic protists are considered to be protozoa.)




Figure 5-1. Typical algae. (A) Vaucheria. (B) Diatom. (C) Navicula. (D) Oocystis. (E)
Scenedesmus. (F) Spirogyra. (G) Nostoc. (H) Oscillatoria.

Algae are an important source of food, iodine and other minerals, fertilizers,
emulsifiers for pudding, and stabilizers for ice cream and salad dressings; they
are also used as a gelling agent for jams and nutrient media for bacterial growth.
The agar used as a solidifying agent in laboratory culture media is a complex
polysaccharide derived from a red marine alga. Damage to water systems is frequently caused by algae clogging filters and pipes where many nutrients are
present. Some typical algae are shown in Figure 51.

Medical Significance
One genus of algae (Prototheca) is a very rare cause of human infections (causing a disease known as protothecosis). Prototheca lives in soil and can enter
wounds, especially those located on the feet. It produces a small subcutaneous
lesion that can progress to a crusty, warty-looking lesion. If the organism enters
the lymphatic system, it may cause a debilitating, sometimes fatal infection, especially in immunosuppressed individuals.

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2


Algae in several other genera secrete substances (phycotoxins) that are poisonous to humans, fish, and other animals. Diseases caused by phycotoxins are
called phycotoxicoses (sing., phycotoxicosis); they are examples of microbial intoxications. Table 53 contains a list of human diseases caused by phycotoxins.
One alga, a dinoflagellate called Pfiesteria piscicida, has killed billions of fish
along the eastern seaboard (Chesapeake Bay area and North Carolina) in recent
years. Its toxins also cause human disease (skin lesions, headaches, and other
neurologic problems).
Periodically, when conditions (e.g., water temperature and nutrient supply)
are ideal, population explosions of marine dinoflagellates occurthese are referred

T A B L E 5 3 Human Diseases Caused by Phycotoxins



Amnesic shellfish poisoning (one of the most serious

illnesses associated with red tide toxins; causes
gastrointestinal and neurologic symptoms; can be

Ingestion of shellfish (mussels) containing the toxins

of Nitzchia pungens, a diatom

Ciguatera fish poisoning (one of the most frequently

reported non-bacterial illnesses associated with
eating fish in the United States and its territories,
especially Southern Florida, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii;
causes gastrointestinal, neurologic, and cardiovascular
symptoms; can cause paralysis; can be fatal)

Ingestion of fish (usually tropical fish) containing the

toxins of dinoflagellates such as Gambierdiscus toxicus,
Prorocentrum mexicanum, Ostreopsis lenticularis, Coolia
monotis, Thecadinium sp., and Amphidinium carterae

Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (usually a mild

gastrointestinal disorder)

Ingestion of shellfish (mussels, oysters, scallops)

containing the toxins of dinoflagellates in the genus

Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (causes gastrointestinal

and neurologic symptoms; not fatal)

Ingestion of shellfish (oysters, clams) containing the

toxins of the dinoflagellate Pytchodiscus brevis; wave
action can produce aerosols which, when inhaled,
can produce respiratory asthma-like symptoms

Paralytic shellfish poisoning (causes neurologic

symptoms; can cause death)

Ingestion of shellfish (mussels, clams, cockles,

scallops) containing toxins of Alexandrium spp.,
Gymnodinium catenatum, Pyrodinium bahamense, and
other dinoflagellates; primarily occurs in the Pacific
Northwest and Alaska

Neurologic and gastrointestinal symptoms and skin


Ingestion of, or contact with, toxins of the

dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida



to as blooms. Well-publicized examples are the so-called red tidesharmful algal blooms of red dinoflagellates. These dinoflagellates produce potent
neurotoxins. When the dinoflagellates are eaten by shellfish (e.g., clams, mussels, scallops, oysters), the neurotoxins accumulate in the tissues of the shellfish.
Should humans ingest these shellfish, the neurotoxins can produce a serious,
sometimes fatal, disease known as paralytic shellfish poisoning. Shellfish should
never be harvested during a red tide. As a precaution, some people avoid eating
raw shellfish during months lacking the letter R in them (i.e., May, June, July,
and August), as red tides are most likely to occur during those months. Red tide
toxins can kill fish, whales, dolphins, and manatees. In addition, aerosols from
red tides can cause human respiratory ailments.

Protozoa (sing., protozoan) are eucaryotic organisms which, together with algae,
are classified in the second kingdom (Protista) of the Five-Kingdom System of
classification. As previously stated, not all taxonomists agree that algae and protozoa should be combined in the same kingdom. The study of protozoa is called
protozoology, and a person who studies protozoa is called a protozoologist.
Most protozoa are unicellular (single-celled), ranging in length from 3 to
2000 m. Most of them are free-living organisms, found in soil and water (Fig.
52). Protozoal cells are more animal-like than plant-like. All protozoal cells
possess a variety of eucaryotic structures/organelles, including cell membranes,
nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, centrioles, and food vacuoles. In addition, some protozoa possess pellicles, cytostomes, contractile vacuoles, pseudopodia, cilia, and/or flagella. Protozoa have
no chlorophyll and, therefore, cannot make their own food by photosynthesis.
Some ingest whole algae, yeasts, bacteria, and other smaller protozoans as their
source of nutrients; others live on dead and decaying organic matter.
Protozoa do not have cell walls, but some, including some flagellates and
some ciliates, possess a pellicle, which serves the same purpose as a cell wall
protection. Some flagellates and some ciliates ingest food through a primitive
mouth or opening, called a cytostome. Paramecium spp.(common pond water
ciliates) possess both a pellicle and a cytostome. Some pond water protozoa
(such as amebae and Paramecium) contain an organelle called a contractile vacuole, which pumps water out of the cell. Vorticella spp. (pond water ciliates)
have a contractile stalk (Fig. 52). Within the stalk is a primitive muscle fiber
called a myoneme.
A typical protozoan life cycle consists of two stages: the trophozoite stage
and the cyst stage. The trophozoite is the motile, feeding, dividing stage in a protozoans life cycle, whereas the cyst is the dormant, survival stage. In some ways,
cysts are like bacterial spores.
Some protozoa are parasites. Parasitic protozoa break down and absorb nutrients from the body of the host in which they live. Many parasitic protozoa are

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2

Figure 5-2. Typical pond water algae and protozoa. (A) Amoeba sp. (B) Euglena sp. (C) Stentor sp.
(D) Vorticella sp. in extended and contracted positions. (E) Volvox sp. (F) Paramecium sp.

pathogens, such as those that cause malaria, giardiasis, and amebic dysentery
(see Chapter 18). Other protozoa coexist with the host animal in a type of mutualistic symbiotic relationshipa relationship in which both organisms benefit. A typical example of such a symbiotic relationship is the termite and its intestinal protozoa. The protozoa digest the wood eaten by the termite, enabling
both organisms to absorb the nutrients necessary for life. Without the intestinal
protozoa, the termite would be unable to digest the wood that it eats and would
starve to death. Symbiotic relationships are discussed in greater detail in
Chapter 10.

Classification and Medical Significance

Protozoa are divided into groups (referred to in various classification schemes as
phyla, subphyla, or classes) according to their method of locomotion (Table




T A B L E 5 - 4 Characteristics of Major Protozoa

Selected Differentiating Properties (Method of Reproduction)


Means of Movement








Balantidium coli,


Pseudopodia (false feet)

Binary fission

When present,
flagellated sex




Binary fission


Giardia lamblia,


Generally nonmotile except

for certain sex cells

Multiple fission

flagellated sex

Toxoplasma gondii,

54). Amebae (amebas), which are in the subphylum Sarcodina of the phylum
Sarcomastigophora, move by means of cytoplasmic extensions called pseudopodia (sing., pseudopodium) (false feet). An ameba (pl., amebae) first extends a
pseudopodium in the direction the ameba intends to move, and then the rest of
the cell slowly flows into it; this process is called ameboid movement. An ameba
ingests a food particle (e.g., a yeast or bacterial cell) by surrounding the particle
with pseudopodia, which then fuse together; this process is known as phagocytosis. The ingested particle, surrounded by a membrane, is referred to as a food
vacuole (or phagosome). Digestive enzymes, released from lysosomes, then digest or break down the food into nutrients. Some of the white blood cells in our
bodies ingest and digest materials in the same manner as amebae. (Phagocytosis
by white blood cells is discussed further in Chapter 15.) When fluids are ingested
in a similar manner, the process is known as pinocytosis. One medically important ameba is Entamoeba histolytica, which causes amebic dysentery (amebiasis)
and extraintestinal (meaning away from the intestine) amebic abscesses. Other
amebae of medical significance, described in Chapter 18, include Naegleria fowleri (the cause of primary amebic meningoencephalitis) and Acanthamoeba spp.
(which cause eye infections).

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2


Flagellated protozoa or flagellates (sing., flagellate) (subphylum Mastigophora of the phylum Sarcomastigophora) move by means of whip-like flagella. A basal body (also called a kinetosome or kinetoplast) anchors each flagellum within the cytoplasm. Flagella exhibit a wave-like motion. Some flagellates
are pathogenic. For example, Trypanosoma brucei subspecies gambiense, transmitted by the tsetse fly, causes African sleeping sickness in humans; Trypanosoma
cruzi causes American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease); Trichomonas vaginalis
causes persistent sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis) of the male and
female genital tracts; and Giardia lamblia (also known as Giardia intestinalis)
causes a persistent diarrheal disease (giardiasis) (Fig. 53).
Ciliates (sing., ciliate) (phylum Ciliophora or Ciliata) move about by
means of large numbers of hair-like cilia on their surfaces. Cilia exhibit an
oar-like motion. Ciliates are the most complex of all the protozoa. A pathogenic ciliate, Balantidium coli, causes dysentery in underdeveloped countries.

Figure 5-3. Giardia lamblia. (A) Drawing of a Giardia lamblia trophozoite. (B) TEM showing a longitudinal section of
a Giardia lamblia trophozoite. (From S. Koester and P. Engelkirk)



It is usually transmitted to humans via drinking water that has been contaminated by swine feces. B. coli is the only ciliated protozoan that causes disease
in humans. Examples of pond water ciliates are Blepharisma, Didinium,
Euplotes, Paramecium, Stentor, and Vorticella spp., some of which are shown
in Figure 52.
Nonmotile protozoaprotozoa lacking pseudopodia, flagella, or ciliaare
lumped together in a category called sporozoa (phylum Sporozoea). The most
important pathogens are the Plasmodium spp. that cause malaria in many areas
of the world. One of these species, Plasmodium vivax, causes a few cases of
malaria annually in the United States. Malarial parasites are transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes, which become infected when they take a blood
meal from a person with malaria. Another sporozoan, not previously recognized
as a serious pathogen, Cryptosporidium parvum, causes severe diarrheal disease
(cryptosporidiosis) in immunosuppressed patients, especially those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A 1993 epidemic in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, caused by Cryptosporidium oocysts in drinking water, resulted in
more than 400,000 cases of cryptosporidiosis, including some that were fatal.
Other pathogenic sporozoans include Babesia spp. (the cause of babesiosis),
Cyclospora cayetanensis (the cause of a diarrheal disease called cyclosporiasis),
and Toxoplasma gondii (the cause of toxoplasmosis). Pathogenic protozoa are
described in Chapter 18.

In the Five-Kingdom System of classification, fungi (sing., fungus) are in a kingdom all by themselvesthe Kingdom Fungi. The study of fungi is called mycology, and a person who studies fungi is called a mycologist.
Fungi are found almost everywhere on earth; some (the saprophytic fungi)
living on organic matter in water and soil, and others (the parasitic fungi) living
on and within animals and plants. Some are harmful, whereas others are beneficial. Fungi also live on many unlikely materials, causing deterioration of leather
and plastics and spoilage of jams, pickles, and many other foods. Beneficial fungi
are important in the production of cheeses, yogurt, beer, wine, and other foods
as well as certain drugs (e.g., the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine) and
Fungi are a diverse group of eucaryotic organisms that include yeasts,
molds, and mushrooms. As saprophytes, their main source of food is dead and
decaying organic matter. Fungi are the garbage disposers of naturethe
vultures of the microbial world. By secreting digestive enzymes into dead
plant and animal matter, they decompose this material into absorbable nutrients for themselves and other living organisms; thus, they are the original recyclers. Imagine living in a world without saprophytes, stumbling through
endless piles of dead plants and animals and animal waste products. Not a
pleasant thought!

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2

Decomposer Versus Saprophyte

The term decomposer relates to what an organism does for a living, so to
speakdecomposers break materials down. The term saprophyte (or saprobe)
relates to how an organism obtains nutrients; saprophytes absorb nutrients from
dead and decaying organic matter. Sometimes the terms decomposer and saprophyte are used to describe the same organism. For example, all saprophytes are decomposersthey decompose organic materials, such as corpses, dead plants, and
feces. However, not all decomposers are saprophytes. Some decomposers decompose materials such as minerals, rocks, inorganic industrial wastes, rubber, plastic,
and textiles. Also note the difference between a saprophyte and a parasite. A parasite obtains nutrients from living organisms, whereas a saprophyte obtains nutrients
from dead ones.

Fungi are sometimes incorrectly referred to as plants. They are not plants.
One way that fungi differ from plants and algae is that they are not photosynthetic; they have no chlorophyll or other photosynthetic pigments. The cell walls
of algal and plant cells contain cellulose (a polysaccharide), but fungal cell walls
do not. Fungal cell walls do contain a polysaccharide called chitin, which is not
found in the cell walls of any other microorganisms. Chitin is also found in the
exoskeletons of arthropods. Although many fungi are unicellular (e.g., yeasts),
others grow as filaments called hyphae (sing., hypha), which intertwine to form
a mass called a mycelium (plural, mycelia) or thallus; thus, they are quite different from bacteria, which are always unicellular. Remember that bacteria are
procaryotic, whereas fungi are eucaryotic. Some fungi have septate hyphae
(meaning that the cytoplasm within the hypha is divided into cells by cross-walls
or septa), whereas others have aseptate hyphae (where the cytoplasm within the
hypha is not divided into cells; no septa). Aseptate hyphae contain multinucleated cytoplasm (described as being coenocytic). Learning whether the fungus
possesses septate or aseptate hyphae is an important clue when attempting to
identify a fungus that has been isolated from a clinical specimen (Fig. 54).

Depending on the particular species, fungal cells can reproduce by budding, hyphal extension, or the formation of spores. There are two general categories of
fungal spores: sexual spores and asexual spores. Sexual spores are produced by
the fusion of two gametes (thus, the fusion of two nuclei). Sexual spores have a
variety of names (e.g., ascospores, basidiospores, zygospores), depending on the
exact manner in which they are formed. Fungi are classified in accordance with
the type of sexual spore that they produce or the type of structure upon which
the spores are produced (Fig. 55). Asexual spores are formed in many different




Figure 5-4.
Fungal colonies
and terms relating to hyphae.

Petri dish

Aerial hyphae


Vegetative hyphae
Yeast colony

Mold colony



ways, but not by the fusion of gametes. Asexual spores are also called conidia
(sing., conidium). Some species of fungi produce both asexual and sexual spores.
Fungal spores are very resistant structures that are carried great distances by
wind. They are resistant to heat, cold, acids, bases, and other chemicals. Many
people are allergic to fungal spores.

The classification of fungi changes periodically. Currently, the Kingdom Fungi
is divided into five phyla. Classification of fungi into these phyla is based primarily on their mode of sexual reproduction. The two phyla known as lower
fungi are the Zygomycotina (or Zygomycetes) and the Chytridiomycotina (or
Chytridiomycetes). Zygomycotina include the common bread molds and other
fungi that cause food spoilage. Chytridiomycotina, which are not considered to
be true fungi by some taxonomists, live in water (water molds) and soil. The
two phyla known as higher fungi are the Ascomycotina (or Ascomycetes) and
the Basidiomycotina (or Basidiomycetes). Ascomycotina include certain
yeasts and some fungi that cause plant diseases (e.g., Dutch Elm disease).
Basidiomycotina include some yeasts, some fungi that cause plant diseases, and the
large fleshy fungi that live in the woods (e.g., mushrooms, toadstools, bracket
fungi, puffballs). The fifth phylumDeuteromycotina (or Deuteromycetes)
contains fungi having no mode of sexual reproduction, or in which the mode of
sexual reproduction is not known. This phylum is sometimes referred to as Fungi
Imperfecti. Deuteromycetes include certain medically important molds such as
Aspergillus and Penicillium. Characteristics of each of these phyla are shown in
Table 55.

Yeasts are microscopic, eucaryotic, single-celled (unicellular) organisms that
lack mycelia. Individual yeast cells (sometimes referred to as blastospores or
blastoconidia) can only be observed using a microscope. They usually reproduce

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2


Figure 5-5. Microscopic appearance of various fungi. (A) Aspergillus fumigatus. (B) Aspergillus flavus. (C) Penicillium sp.
(D) Curvularia sp. (E) Scopulariopsis sp. (F) Histoplasma capsulatum. (AF: Koneman EW, et al.: Color Atlas and
Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, 5th ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1997.)



T A B L E 5 - 5 Selected Characteristics of the Phyla of Fungi


Type of

Type of
Sexual Spore

Type of
Asexual Spore

Zygomycotina (Zygomycetes)
Chytridiomycotina (Chytridiomycetes)
Ascomycotina (Ascomycetes)
Basidiomycotina (Basidiomycetes)
Deuteromycotina (Deuteromycetes)


None observed

Nonmotile sporangiospores
Motile zoospores

by budding (Fig. 56), but occasionally do so by a type of spore formation.

Sometimes a string of elongated buds is formed; this string of elongated buds is
called a pseudohypha (pl., pseudohyphae). It resembles a hypha, but it is not a
hypha (Fig. 57). Some yeasts produce thick-walled, spore-like structures called
chlamydospores (or chlamydoconidia) (Fig. 57).
Yeasts are found in soil and water and on the skins of many fruits and vegetables. Wine, beer, and alcoholic beverages had been produced for centuries before Louis Pasteur discovered that naturally occurring yeasts on the skin of grapes
and other fruits and grains were responsible for these fermentation processes. The
common yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) ferments sugar to alco-

Figure 5-6. Longitudinal section of

a budding yeast cell. (Original magnification, x15,500.) (Lechavalier
HA, Pramer D: The Microbes.
Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1970.)

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2

Figure 5-7. A culture of Candida albicans

showing (A) chlamydospores, (B) pseudohyphae (elongated yeast cells, linked end to
end), and (C) budding yeast cells (blastospores). (Original magnification, 450.)
(Davis BD, et al.: Microbiology, 4th ed.
Philadelphia, Harper & Row, 1987.)

hol under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic conditions, this yeast breaks down
simple sugars to carbon dioxide and water; for this reason, it has long been used
to leaven light bread. Yeasts are also a good source of nutrients for humans because they produce many vitamins and proteins. Some yeasts (e.g., Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans) are human pathogens. Candida albicans is the
yeast most frequently isolated from human clinical specimens, and is also the fungus most frequently isolated from human clinical specimens.
In the laboratory, yeasts produce colonies that look very much like bacterial colonies. To distinguish between a yeast colony and a bacterial colony, a wet
mount can be performed. A small portion of the colony is mixed with a drop of
water or saline on a microscope slide; a cover slip is added; and the preparation
is examined under the microscope. Yeasts are usually larger than bacteria (ranging from 3 to 8 m in diameter); are usually oval-shaped; and some may be observed in the process of budding. Bacteria do not produce buds.

Molds (also spelled moulds) are the fungi often seen in water and soil and on
food. They grow in the form of cytoplasmic filaments or hyphae that make up the
mycelium of the mold. Some of the hyphae (called aerial hyphae) extend above
the surface of whatever the mold is growing on, and some (called vegetative hyphae) are beneath the surface. Reproduction is by spore formation, either sexually or asexually, on the aerial hyphae; for this reason, aerial hyphae are sometimes referred to as reproductive hyphae. Various species of molds are found in
each of the classes of fungi except Basidiomycotina. An interesting mold in class
Chytridiomycotina is Phytophtera infestans, the potato blight mold that caused a
famine in Ireland in the mid-19th century (see the following Historical Note).




The Great Potato Famine

Whereas St. Patrick may have driven the snakes out of Ireland, it was a mold named
Phytophthora infestans that drove out many of the Irish. The mold killed off Irelands
potato crops in 1845, 1846, and 1848, causing more than 1 million people to die of
starvation and illnesses resulting from malnutrition. When their crops failed, many
people could not pay their rent; about 800,000 were forced out of their homes.
Nearly 2 million Irish abandoned their homeland to start new lives in America and
other countries; many died aboard ship while en route. Ireland lost about one-third
of its population between 1847 and 1860. Some blamed the little people for the potato disease; others blamed the Devil. It was not until 1861 that Antoine De Bary
proved that it was a fungus that had caused the blight. Late blight of potato was the
first disease known with certainty to be caused by a microorganism.

Molds have great commercial importance. For example, within the

Ascomycotina and the Basidiomycotina classes are found many antibioticproducing molds, such as Penicillium and Cephalosporium. The first antibiotic
to be discovered by a scientistpenicillinwas discovered by accident, when a
Penicillium notatum mold contaminated an agar plate containing a Staphylococcus
and inhibited growth of the bacteria (discussed in Chapter 9). Many additional
antibiotics were later developed by culturing soil samples in laboratories and isolating any molds that inhibited the growth of bacteria. Today, to increase their
spectrum of activity, antibiotics can be chemically altered in pharmaceutical
company laboratories, as has been done with the various semi-synthetic penicillins (e.g., ampicillin, amoxicillin, and carbenicillin).
Some molds are also used to produce large quantities of enzymes (such as
amylase, which converts starch to glucose), citric acid, and other organic acids
that are used commercially. The flavor of cheeses such as bleu, Roquefort,
camembert, and limburger are the result of molds that grow in them.

Fleshy Fungi
The large fungi that are encountered in forests, such as mushrooms, toadstools,
puffballs, and bracket fungi, are collectively referred to as fleshy fungi. Obviously,
they are not microorganisms. Mushrooms are a class of true fungi that consist of
a network of filaments or strands (the mycelium) that grow in the soil or in a rotting log, and a fruiting body (the mushroom that rises above the ground) that
forms and releases spores. Each spore, much like the seed of a plant, germinates
into a new organism. Many mushrooms are delicious to eat, but others, including some that resemble edible fungi, are extremely toxic and may cause permanent liver and brain damage or death if ingested.

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2

Medical Significance
A variety of fungi (including yeasts, molds, and some fleshy fungi) are of medical, veterinary, and agricultural importance because of the diseases they cause
in humans, animals, and plants. Many diseases of crop plants, grains, corn, and
potatoes, are caused by molds. Some of these plant diseases are referred to as
blights and rusts. Not only do these fungi destroy crops, but some produce toxins that cause disease in humans and animals. Toxins produced by molds and
certain types of fleshy fungi are called mycotoxins, and the diseases they cause
are collectively referred to as mycotoxicoses. Molds and yeasts also cause a variety of infectious diseases of humans and animalscollectively referred to as mycoses. Considering the large number of fungal species, very few are pathogenic
for humans.

Although most fungi do not produce toxins, it has been estimated that mycotoxins are produced by more than 350 species of fungi. Mycotoxins are complex
metabolites that are harmful to humans and animals (e.g., dogs, horses, pigs, cattle, sheep, turkeys, chickens, ducks, and fish). Some fungi produce only a single
mycotoxin, but some produce more than one.
Mycotoxicoses (sing, mycotoxicosis) are more common in domestic animals
than humans because animals are more likely to ingest fungal-contaminated
foods. Moist environments, conducive to fungal growth, are often found in silos
and grain storage facilities.
Ergot poisoning (also known as ergotism and St. Anthonys fire) is a human
disease resulting from the ingestion of grain (wheat, rye) contaminated with the
mold, Claviceps purpureaa rust fungus. The mycotoxin (ergotamine) causes
degeneration of capillaries and neurologic impairment. Symptoms may include
vomiting, diarrhea, thirst, hallucinations, high fever, convulsions, gangrene of
the limbs, and death.

Of Fungi and Witches

There is evidence to suggest that ergotism played a role in the execution of
witches in Salem, Massachusetts, in the late 17th century. Victims of these
witches may have eaten bread made from rye grain that was contaminated by the
mold, Claviceps purpurea. This mold produces a mycotoxin (ergot), which, when ingested, can produce symptoms (e.g., convulsions, hallucinations, tingling sensations)
similar to those experienced by the victims in Salem. For an interesting twist on
this possibility, you might enjoy reading Acceptable Risk, a fiction novel by Robin




Aflatoxins are potent carcinogenic (cancer-causing) mycotoxins produced

by the mold, Aspergillus flavus. Aflatoxins may be present in cereals or peanut
butter made from mold-contaminated grains or peanuts, respectively. Ingestion
of aflatoxins may cause liver damage and hepatic cancer. Although only a few
mycotoxins have thus far been proven to cause cancer, the number will probably grow as additional research is conducted.
Until recently, mycotoxins were thought to be acquired solely through ingestion of mycotoxin-contaminated foods. However, recent evidence suggests
that airborne mycotoxins can cause significant illness in humans and animals.
Indoor pollution studies have recently addressed the role of toxigenic (toxinproducing) fungi.

Fungal Infections of Humans

Fungal infections are known as mycoses (sing., mycosis), and are categorized as
superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, or systemic mycoses. In some cases the infection may progress through all these stages. Representative mycoses are listed
in Table 56.
Superficial and Cutaneous Mycoses. Superficial mycoses are fungal infections of the outermost areas of the human body: hair, fingernails, toenails, and

T A B L E 5 - 6 Selected Fungal Diseases of Humans





Candida albicans

Thrush; yeast vaginitis; nail infections; systemic infection

Cryptococcus neoformans

Cryptococcosis (lung infection; meningitis, etc.)

Aspergillus spp.

Aspergillosis (lung infection; systemic infection)

Mucor and Rhizopus spp. and

other species of bread molds

Mucormycosis or zygomycosis (lung infection; systemic


Various dermatophytes

Tinea (ringworm) infections

Blastomyces dermatitidis

Blastomycosis (primarily a disease of lungs and skin)

Coccidioides immitis

Coccidioidomycosis (lung infection; systemic infection)

Histoplasma capsulatum

Histoplasmosis (lung infection; systemic infection)

Sporothrix schenckii

Sporotrichosis (a skin disease)

Pneumocystis jiroveci

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)


Dimorphic fungi


Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2

the dead, outermost layers of the skin (the epidermis). Cutaneous mycoses are
fungal infections of the living layers of skin (the dermis). A group of molds, collectively referred to as dermatophytes, cause tinea infections, which are sometimes called ringworm infections. (Please note that ringworm infections
have absolutely nothing to do with worms.) Tinea infections are named in accordance with the part of the anatomy that is infected; examples include tinea
pedis (athletes foot), tinea unguium (fingernails and toenails), tinea capitis
(scalp), tinea barbae (face and neck), tinea corporis (trunk of the body), and
tinea cruris (groin area).
Candida albicans is an opportunistic yeast that lives harmlessly on the skin
and mucous membranes of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary
tract. However, when conditions cause a reduction in the number of indigenous
bacteria at these anatomical locations, Candida albicans flourishes, leading to
yeast infections of the mouth (thrush), skin, and vagina (yeast vaginitis). This type
of local infection may become a focal site from which the organisms invade the
bloodstream to become a generalized or systemic infection in many internal areas.
Subcutaneous and Systemic Mycoses. Subcutaneous and systemic mycoses
are the more severe types of mycoses. Subcutaneous mycoses are fungal infections of the dermis and underlying tissues. These conditions can be quite
grotesque in appearance. An example is Madura foot (a type of eucaryotic mycetoma), where the patients foot becomes covered with large, unsightly, funguscontaining bumps.
Systemic or generalized mycoses are fungal infections of internal organs of
the body, sometimes affecting two or more different organ systems simultaneously (e.g., simultaneous infection of the respiratory system and the bloodstream, or simultaneous infection of the respiratory tract and the central nervous system).
Spores of some pathogenic fungi may be inhaled with dust from contaminated soil or dried bird and bat feces (guano), or they may enter through wounds
of the hands and feet. If the spores are inhaled into the lungs, they may germinate there to cause a respiratory infection similar to tuberculosis. Examples of
deep-seated pulmonary infections are blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, and histoplasmosis. In each case, the pathogens may invade further
to cause widespread systemic infections, especially in immunosuppressed individuals. [see Insight: Microbes in the News: Sick Building Syndrome (Black
Mold in Buildings) on the web site].
Did you know that bread molds can cause human diseaseeven death?
Inhalation of spores of common bread molds, like Rhizopus and Mucor spp., by
an immunosuppressed patient can lead to a respiratory disease (called zygomycosis or mucormycosis); the mold can then become disseminated throughout the patients body and can lead to death. Rhizopus, Mucor, and other bread molds are
primitive molds with aseptate hyphae. As previously mentioned, the cytoplasm of
aseptate hyphae is not divided into individual cells by cross-walls (septa).
To diagnosis mycoses, clinical specimens are submitted to the Mycology
Section of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory (discussed in Chapter 13).
When isolated from clinical specimens, yeasts are identified by inoculating a se-




ries of biochemical tests. In this way, the laboratory technologist can determine
which substrates (usually carbohydrates) the yeast is able to utilize as nutrients;
this depends on what enzymes the yeast possesses. Minisystems (miniaturized
biochemical test systems) are commercially available for the identification of
clinically important yeasts.
Biochemical tests are not used, however, for identification of molds isolated
from clinical specimens. Rather, molds are identified by a combination of macroscopic and microscopic observations. Macroscopic observations include the color,
texture, and topography of the mold colony (mycelium). Immunodiagnostic procedures, including skin tests, are also available for diagnosing certain types of
Mycoses are most effectively treated with antifungal agents like nystatin,
amphotericin B, or 5-fluorocytosine (discussed in Chapter 9). Because these
chemotherapeutic agents may be toxic to humans, they are prescribed with due
consideration and caution.
Dimorphic Fungi. A few fungi, including some human pathogens, can live
either as yeasts or as molds, depending on growth conditions. The phenomenon
is called dimorphism, and the organisms are referred to as dimorphic fungi (Fig.
58). When grown in vitro at body temperature (37 C), dimorphic fungi exist as
unicellular yeasts and produce yeast colonies. Within the human body (in vivo),
dimorphic fungi exist as yeasts. However, when grown in vitro at room temperature (25 C), dimorphic fungi exist as molds, producing mold colonies (mycelia).
Dimorphic fungi that cause human diseases include Histoplasma capsulatum
(which causes histoplasmosis), Sporothrix schenckii (which causes sporotrichosis),
Coccidioides immitis (which causes coccidioidomycosis), and Blastomyces dermatitidis (which causes blastomycosis).

Nearly everyone has seen lichens. They appear as colored, often circular patches
on tree trunks and rocks. A lichen is actually a combination of two organisms
an alga (or a cyanobacterium) and a fungusliving together in such a close relationship that they appear to be one organism. Close relationships of this type
are referred to as symbiotic relationships. A lichen represents a particular type
of symbiotic relationship known as mutualisma relationship whereby both
parties benefit (discussed further in Chapter 10). There are about 20,000 different species of lichens. Lichens may be brown, black, orange, various shades of
green, and other colors, depending on the specific combination of alga and fungus. Lichens are classified as protists.

Slime molds, which are found in soil and on rotting logs, have both fungal and
protozoal characteristics and very interesting life cycles. Some slime molds
(known as cellular slime molds) start out in life as independent amebae, ingesting bacteria and fungi by phagocytosis. When they run out of food, they fuse

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2

Figure 5-8. Dimorphism.

These photomicrographs illustrate the dimorphic fungus,
Histoplasma capsulatum, being
grown at 25 C (top photo) and
at 37 C (bottom photo).
(Schaeter M, et al., eds:
Mechanisms of Microbial
Disease, 3rd ed. Philadelphia,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,




together to form a motile, multicellular form known as a slug, which is only

about 0.5 mm long. The slug then becomes a fruiting body, consisting of a stalk
and a spore cap. Spores produced within the spore cap become disseminated,
and from each spore emerges an ameba. Cellular slime molds represent cell differentiation at the lowest level, and scientists are studying them in an attempt to
determine how some of the cells in the slug know that they are to become part
of the stalk, how others know that they are to become part of the spore cap,
and still others know that they are to differentiate into spores within the spore
cap. Other slime molds, known as plasmodial (or acellular) slime molds, also
produce stalks and spores, but their life cycles differ somewhat from those of cellular slime molds. In the life cycle of a plasmodial slime mold, haploid cells fuse
to become diploid cells, which develop into very large masses of motile, multinucleated protoplasm, each such mass being known as a plasmodium. Slime
molds are classified as protists.

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2


Review of Key Points

Algae are eucaryotic, photosynthetic organisms that range in size from tiny, unicellular,
microscopic cells to large, multicellular,
plant-like seaweeds. Algal cells are more
plant-like than animal-like. In the FiveKingdom System of classification, algae are
classified in the Kingdom Protista. Algae are
an important source of food, iodine, and
other minerals, fertilizers, emulsifiers, stabilizers, and gelling agents. Some algae produce toxins (called phycotoxins), but infections due to algae are extremely rare.
Protozoa are eucaryotic, usually single-celled
and non-photosynthetic microbes, composed
of cells that are more animal-like than plantlike. In the Five-Kingdom System of classification, protozoa are classified in the
Kingdom Protista. Protozoa are placed in categories based on their mode of locomotion.
Amebae, which move by means of pseudopodia, are in the category known as Sarcodina.
Flagellated protozoa (flagellates) are in the
category known as Mastigophora. Ciliated
protozoa (ciliates) are in the category known
as Ciliata or Ciliophora. Protozoa that lack
pseudopodia, flagella, or cilia are in the cate-

gory known as Sporozoea. Many protozoa

are free-living, but others are parasitic. Some
of the parasitic protozoa are human parasites.
Fungi are eucaryotic, nonphotosynthetic organisms that include mushrooms, toadstools, bracket fungi, puffballs, molds, and
yeasts. Many fungi are saprophytic decomposers in nature, and many others are parasitic on animals or plants. Fungi cause a wide
variety of plant diseases, including rusts and
smuts. Some molds and fleshy fungi produce
toxins (mycotoxins) that cause disease in humans and animals. The human infectious
diseases caused by fungi (specifically, yeasts
and molds) are classified as superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and systemic mycoses.
A lichen represents a symbiotic relationship
between an alga (or a cyanobacterium) and
a fungus. It is an example of a mutualistic relationship (mutualism), because both parties
benefit from the association. Lichens are
classified as protists.
Slime molds are classified as protists. They
have complex life cycles. At various stages
in their life cycles, they have protozoan and
fungal characteristics.

On the Webhttp://connection.lww.com/go/burton7e

Microbes in the News: Sick Building Syndrome (Black Mold in Buildings)
Increase Your Knowledge
Critical Thinking
Additional Self-Assessment Exercises



Self-Assessment Exercises
After you have read Chapter 5, answer the following multiple choice questions.
1. Which of the following statements about algae and fungi
is/are true?

Algae are photosynthetic,

whereas fungi are not.
b. Algal cell walls contain cellulose, whereas fungal cell
walls do not.
c. Fungal cell walls contain
chitin, whereas algal cell
walls do not.
d. Some algae and some fungi
can cause microbial intoxications.
e. all of the above
2. All of the following are algae except:


3. All of the following are fungi except:



4. A protozoan may possess any of

the following except:


5. Which one of the following terms

is not associated with fungi?


6. All of the following terms can be

used to describe hyphae except:

septate and aseptate.
sexual and asexual.

7. A lichen represents a symbiotic

relationship between which of
the following pairs?
a. a fungus and an ameba
b. a yeast and an ameba
c. an alga and a cyanobacterium
d. an alga and a fungus
e. an alga and an ameba
8. A stigma is a:

light-sensing organelle.
primitive mouth.
thickened membrane.
type of flagellum.
type of plastid.

Diversity of Microorganisms: Part 2

9. If a dimorphic fungus is causing a

respiratory infection, which of
the following might be seen in a
sputum specimen from that patient?


10. Which one of the following is not

a fungus?



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