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Paint Defects

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Paint Defects Why and How To Deal With it?

It took me a bit of time
to come up with the
idea for todays post. I
have not received any
materials from
sponsors for a long
time to make a review.
Only recently I received
something but it will
take time to prepare
everything and write
some good stuff.
I decided that I need to
write something useful
for my readers,
something that will help anyone not only the ones working in airbrushing but also with paints in
general. One of the important things while painting apart of having great tools, prepare the
surface, use the proper paint and have some skills is to be aware of external factors that can
cause problem even if you are sure you have done everything right.
Im sure that you have seen a paint to look like orange peel or paint runs. These are paint
defects and you should watch at all time not to make any mistakes to avoid them. Your clients
wont like it.
There is many of them, so Ill try describe every one of them as best as I can and also how to prevent

1. Adhesion Loss
I think that you get the idea from the name. Usually it looks like there was a blown air bubble
between top-coat and base-coat.

a. for clear-coat
What can cause this? Most common situation is if you cant wait
and apply the clear-coat and do it before you should. Another
cause is bad mix ratio for clear-coat and activator. Also sometimes
if your base-coat is too thick youll get this defect.
To fight this defect always apply coats with proper thickness, mix
clear-coat with the right ratio, give enough time for base-coat
before you apply clear-coat and always read and follow
documentation to any product you use.
Alright, but what if it happened already? If you lost adhesion between clear-coat and base-coat then
sand it, isolate it and refinish again.

b. for plastic

When you loose adhesion with plastic there is more causes than in
previous case. First of all it could be poorly cleaned surface,
contamination and bad treated material. Also very common cause
when you did not identify the plastic substrate properly (I mentioned
this in post about preparing plastic surface). If you dont use proper
primer or wrong coat.
To prevent this effect identify, clean and degrease the plastic
surface properly. Follow all recommendations from manufacturer.
Use recommended primer and keep recommended mixing ratio.
Use only proper and recommended coat system for particular
plastic substrate.
If youve made a mistake then the only solution is to remove all the finish layers to the bone and do
everything again using the right paints, primers for the plastic substrate.

c. for polyesters
What is polyester and why do I mention this here? Most of the fillers
used to repair car body are polyester based and those have to be
painted after filling. If substrate that has to be filled is poorly
prepared it can cause adhesion loss. Also polyesters are not
advised to be used with galvanized surfaces. Wrong amount of
hardener can cause adhesion loss too or even too high
temperature during forced drying.
To prevent adhesion loss sand and clean surface very good, follow
all instructions on how to prepare and use polyester filler and how
to dry it.
Once the mistake is done, sand the area very good, refill and refinish.

2. Dust and Dirt

This one is probably the most common problem while painting,
especially if you dont have a special painting booth. Do dust
particles on the painted surface give you headache? This defect is
created mostly during application of paint or coat or during drying
process. I think that describing all the causes is useless as you
may think of them and surely will find at least two.
I think it is better to tell exactly what to do to avoid them. First and
most important is to keep your working place as clean as possible.
Also wear special spray suits. Sometimes if youre painting the car
you should connect the body to electrical earth, as it helps to
prevent any static charges on the surface to attract any dust. Clean the surface from any dirt and
dust (use air to blow everything out outside the spray booth).
If the effect appears anyway, wait until it dries completely, then fine-sand (dry sand with P1000
P2000, wet sand from P2000 and up) and polish. Sand and polish very lightly so you wont get rid of
the top layer. If the effect is very extreme I recommend to sand it properly and paint it again.

3. Orange Peel

Every starting painter has seen this one. Sometimes even

professionals have seen this defect.
There are more reasons for this. One is that paint or coat is too
tick. Study the techniques for the paint you use and surface you
paint. The second cause is the wrong nozzle size or too low air
pressure (check recommendations).
Also too high or too low environment temperature, forced drying or
short time between coats or even wrong thinner.
To fix it do the same as before, fine sanding and polishing.

4. Bleeding or Stains
As bad polyester filler reaction (see above) or reaction between
the original finish and the new finish applied on top (usually paint on
different base). Also just as cause of contamination.
Here I will advice to watch for reaction of old (original) coat and
new coat. If you can then test on some small piece how it reacts. If
you notice any reaction you should apply a sealer. As I mentioned
before the effect can occur because of the filler, so do make sure
to use the filler properly following the instructions.
If the defect appears only after you have done all the work then if you used filler, refill. If its a reaction
with old coat then sand the top coat to the bottom one apply the sealer and then reapply the top coat

5. Runs
Im sure you were asking yourself why didnt he mention this
defect right at the start? My apologies for that. Yes, the runs are
probably one of the most common defects while painting and I
dont believe that there is a person that hasnt seen them. Everyone
trying to paint gets into troubles with runs, even professionals will
get them sometimes.
There is so many things that can cause this. Too thick paint, to
short time between coats, atomizing too close to the surface, large
temperature difference of surface and paint itself, incorrect
spraying gun, too much thinner, contaminated surface, too low air
To be able to prevent all of that try to keep the painted object in your spray booth for some time so
that temperature of object, room and paint will be even. Check your gun if its not defective. Select
proper thinner (and follow data sheet instructions). Inappropriate lighting can cause that you dont
exactly see what you are doing, so to avoid any of the defect described above and not only for this
one, install proper lightning in your painting room.

6. Fish Eyes
Another unwanted effect that looks like fish eye and it is actually a
crater right on the first coat of paint and you can actually see
through that crater the filler or the old coat. The reasons for this are

obvious, bad degrease of surface (so it still has some oil stains,
even your fingerprint left after degrease is enough to create this
If you didnt use anti silicone or you dont have filter (moisture trapp)
on your compressor to catch all the oil or water from compressor.
Usually if the eyes are small you can cover them up with next coat,
especially if you use Candys.
To get rid of big eyes you will have to repaint the whole thing.

7. Chipping
I dont know if I should mention this problem here as the painter does not have any influence on it but
Im going to include it anyway as there are some steps that you can do to minimize this defect.
Chipping is caused by any hard objects like stones for example hitting the painted surface during
movement. So as understood this is common defect in automotive industry. Usually front of hood,
around wheel openings and edges of roof
I dont have much experience with it but there are recommendations. You may use flexibilized
primer surfacer with your refinishing system. Also activated base-coat is good in prevention for

8. Cracking
Counting all the causes I mentioned before any of them can cause
this defect. Bad mixed materials, short time between coats, wrong
mixing ratio of thinner, extreme temperature difference, reactions
between incompatible coats and so on.
As I mentioned before, try to follow instructions, allow enough time
between coats, mix properly, adjust temperatures and use the right
If you have to deal with the paint cracking then sanding and
refinishing should be enough but if the case is extreme the only solution is to remove everything and
start from zero again.

9. Solvent penetration
As the name says this defect is created by inappropriate use of
solvents (under reduced or wrong or slow dry thinner, color on not
dried primer or even thinner reacting bad to environment of
painting room).
Use proper sanding materials, appropriate solvents, prepare the
surface the proper way and use compatible paints.
To deal with this you should first let the surface dry well and then
lightly sand, seal and refinish.

10. Matting

This is defect I call SURPRISE. Imagine that you finish painting and
everything has perfect gloss, you are happy going home or for a
brake. When you come back all the happiness is gone as all the
gloss is gone and paint got mat effect Surprise!!!
There is a few factors to be aware of here. First one is high
humidity. Even high pressure during paint application can result in
cooling the paint and condensation of moisture on the surface.
Another factor is fast thinner. This can cool the surface and also
result into condensation of moisture.
If you cannot get rid of this defect by deep polishing then the only solution is sand everything and
refinish again.

11. Yellowing
This one is easy and short, if you see defect like this it means that
either you have used wrong or contaminated activator or hardener,
or either you used incorrect clear coat thickness.
First check if the lids on your activator or hardener are tightly
closed. Ensure that you followed all the recommendations from
manufacturer and use only recommended activator.
To deal with defect let it dry properly then sand and refinish.

12. Lifting
Again many causes. Incompatible materials, short time between
coats, improper dry, reaction of old and new finish, bad surface
preparation, cleaning, wrong thinner or too thick coat.
What can I recommend here? Try to avoid everything mentioned in
previous paragraph.
How to deal with mistake already made? Remove all the finish
from affected area and then refinish. In extreme case remove
everything to bare surface and then refinish.

13. Slow Drying

You can see it but you can feel it. If paint takes a long time to dry and data sheet says that it should
take shorter time then it could be as a result of wrong activator, bad mix ratio, too thick coat, wrong
thinner, bad ventilation or wrong time between coats.
Again try to avoid all of the above. To fix it, place painted object in warm and good ventilated place. I
hope that with prolonged time it will dry otherwise you will have to deal with a big mess.

14. Water Spotting

I dont think you can see it on the picture but it looks like
evaporated droplets of water. The finish in this case is actually
insufficiently cured because of too thick coat and short drying time.
Moisture contamination or wrong thinner can cause the same

Try to follow technical sheets. Dont wash object (car) after painting
and keep it out of rain for some time. If you going to wash it then
wipe it dry. Also if you used hardeners check lids to be tight to
avoid contamination.
To fix it remove any masks by polishing. In extreme cases sand and refinish.

15. Dry Spray

This defect is very common when onto almost dry surface is
sprayed new portion of paint that dries and become mat and
granular, usually without any gloss. This defect can be caused by
very fast movement of spraying gun, spraying too far from surface,
too high air pressure or not enough of thinner.
Can be fixed only by sanding and polishing.

16. Corrosion
Well you know what is corrosion and how it can be caused. But
what if you find something like that on a newly painted car?
Coincidence? No, the surface was contaminated before applying
of paint (water, fingerprints) or rust just was not removed before
painting. Also very common are third party causes like chipping or
To avoid this you have to treat metal parts the proper way. Remove anything that can cause
corrosion before applying refinish system. If any of chips or scratches occur remove them before it
starts to rust.
To remove corrosion the paint has to be removed to bare metal. Also use etch-primer. Only then

I tried to describe most of the defects that you can ran into while painting. Of course I didnt mention
all of them but as you can see they have many things in common. As following technical instruction
from manufacturer, use together only compatible materials, optimize your working place for the right
humidity and temperature and so on. If have anything to add Ill be happy to see any comments. Also
Ill be thankful if you share it in your social network.
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