A Brief Note On Numerology

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A brief note on The System of Numerology *

by Prof. C.Sambasiva Rao , Chairman, Universal College of Astrology, Hyderabad.

*Published in www.esovani.in an erstwhile unit of www.eso.tv, Hungary

Synopsis- Introduction-Philosophy of Numerology-Numerology and Hypnosis-No Number is better than any other
number- Numerology and Astrology- Benefits of Numerology- Systems of Numerology- Alphabetical system-Chinese
numerology-Chaldean table-Pythagorean table- Kabbalah table-Methodology in Numerology-Number definitions Specific characteristics of numbers- Shape of Numbers and Symbolic Psychology- Personality of the Numbers-Single
digit Numbers- Double digit Numbers - Master numbers-karmic Numbers- Details about double digit numbers.
References: 1) Website: 2) Books: (i). Numerology by Hans Decoz with Tom Monte; (ii) by.cheiro .and (iii)by B.K.rao ..
Caution: An attempt is made, here, to create awareness NUMEROLOGY among each and
all. Comprehensive understandings of the subject do need a detailed study. Interested
learners and seekers of actual readings are well advised to approach experts in the field.
Numerology is based on the study of reactions between ethereal vibrations of human body
and of the universe. The ethereal force which operates by way of vibrations on the life on
Earth differs from day to day. Every individuals life events, tastes, characters and professions
etc., are determined by the reactions of the ethereal vibrations of his physical body and that of
the Universe. These ethereal vibrations of the invisible Astral Plane are of NINE types like
that of the Destiny Numbers of the individuals arrived in Numerology.
Three greatest innovations of mankind are the base for human development. They are 1)
Music -wondrous compilations of sound vibrations; and 2) Photography-handful storing of
light rays; 3) Mathematics counting to the infinity.
Numerology is based on mathematics out of the above. Numerology, the so-called pseudoscience, is one of the most ancient skills. It was first founded in the old cultures of Egypt,
Babylonia, China and India. It was used to discover the features and elements of the person's
character according to their date of birth as well as their name and last name. With its 5000
years of experience has well settled, all over the Globe, in analyzing the complex human
Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician, has formally organized this field in
ancient Greece.
Those ancient people believed that through numerology they can understand
one's inner soul and outer personality,
the visible and hidden competences,
one's virtues and flaws,
one's likes and dislikes,
the person's motivation in life,
the suitable love partners and friends, as well as
one's past and future life.
More methods were invented through history. However, the most reliable methods are those

Jewish kabbalah and

Pythagorean School.

Many people strongly believe in the symbolic and even magical meaning of numbers which
can affect a person's life.
Philosophy of Numerology
Fundamental premise of numerology is that life and the universe as a whole is in an orderly
base. Numerology by definition mean orderly.
Universe maintains not only its form and structure but also changes in a precise and orderly
Orderliness is seen in the unfolding sequence of molecular world (DNA) pattern to the
developing of a child. The arc of life is consistent and stable since about 2 million years of
human habitation. Thus, there is no randomness in creation. For example three decades ago
heart diseases were field random. Today it is understood that the cause of any illness is in
daily behavior and eating patterns.
Natural science was merely the tool that was used to discover the underlying orderliness
known as GOD. Out of this consciousness came such spiritual sciences as numerology.
Numerology is based on the underlying unity. Names and date of birth(s) are connected to the
deepest inner being of the man. Only intuitive mind is capable of perceiving and interpreting
these relationships. Names are not accidental. Name is a collection of sounds, a melody and
in their deep and perfect way reflect the person. The rhythmic sound of the name given by
the parent has a relationship to the vibrations emanating from the child since the time of
conception. The interaction of the vibrations of name circulated in the human society has its
own revelations. Thus, naming and changing of names has become a scientific play.
Numerology and Hypnosis
Every action one takes and every observation one make, whether consciously or not is
permanently stored somewhere in sub consciousness. One's ability to retrieve such
information is interestingly useful. Everyone has an unique retrial system. In fact this is the
base of theory of Hypnosis.
A numerologist also uses such retrieval method to trace a lost object. Principles of Hypnosis
are so used in Numerology. For instance ; 'to trace the lost object'. The person who is seeking
the help of numerologist is asked to select a number in a particular process which resembles
the art of hypnosis. He is asked to sit calmly and recollect the surroundings where he had
seen the lost object for the last time and in that condition is made to spell a number for
examination by the numerologist.
No Number is better than any other number
Objectively no number is better than any other number. So any preference to a particular
number or numbers is purely subjective.
All numbers have positive and negative aspects. They can be considered better when their
vocational attributes are examined i.e., four 4s make excellent accountant, five 5s make better
sales people etc.,

Each number has a certain character or personality i.e., 3- creativity, 5-dynamic nature, 6responsibility etc., Perhaps all that characteristics are in a person but some are more
pronounced. It is this link between the character of a particular number and those same traits
within him sparks an unconscious recognition or attraction to a number or color.
Our attraction to a particular number is like preference for a certain color. Colors influence
our moods as a reflection of our inner state.
Numerology and Astrology
Some astrologers believe that each number from 0 to 9 is ruled by a Celestial body in our
Solar system. The layout below is the most widely accepted system amongst modern
astrologers but there are other conflicting systems as well like Kabalistic system.
Zero Pluto; 1-Sun; 2- Moon; 3- Jupiter; 4- Sun / Uranus; 5-Mercury; 6-Venus; 7Moon/Neptune; 8-Saturn; 9-Mars.
Each astrological sign has long been associated with a particular number beginning with :
1-Aries; 2-Taurus; 3-Gemini; 4-Cancer; 5-Leo; 6-Virgo; 7-Libra; 8-Scorpio; 9-Sagittarius;
10-Capricorn; 11-Aquarius; 12-Pisces.
Benefits of Numerology
Numerology give meaningful advice for all types of situations in human life by describing the
cycles one experiences during the course of his life.
Consulting an expert Numerologist, at a right time, definitely helps anyone in many ways for
a happy and prosperous life. It is a way to gain greater insight and understanding into inner
being and true nature. It reveals, assesses character and personality in a way that is fresh and
inspiring. It gives helps to provide self-knowledge to success and freedom. Having a greater
insight into strengths and weaknesses helps in every aspect of life. It provides greater
perspective on life and prepares for future.
It helps to know, in advance, health problems, financial difficulties, accidents etc.,
Systems of Numerology
Alphabetical system: All over the world there are a number of systems with different
definitions in conversion of alphabets to numerical value.
Examples include the Abjad numerals in Arabic, the Hebrews numeral, Armenian numerals,
Geek numerals. Jewish tradition assigns mystical meaning based on their numerical values
and on connections between words of equal value, is known as gematria. 1=a,j,s 2=b,k,t;
3=c,i,u etc., and then summed..
Different methods of calculations exist, including Chaldean, Pythagorean, Hebraic, Helyn
Hitchcock's method, Phonetic, Japanese, Arabic, India, Chinese etc.,
Calculations in different systems are based on decimal arithmetic/ binary/octal/hexadecimal
and vigesimal. Summing the digits in these different systems yields different results.

Chinese numerology
Chinese assign a different set of definitions to the numbers. They also consider certain
number combinations are luckier than others. In general, even numbers are considered lucky
since it is believed that good luck comes in pairs.
Chinese Number Definitions : 1-sure; 2-easy; 3-live; 4-considered unlucky since the
pronunciation of 4 is a homonym with the word for death or suffering, 5- the self me,
nothing, never, 6-easy and smooth; 7- a slang/ vulgar word in Cantonese; 8- sudden fortune,
prosperity; 9-long in time, a slang/vulgar word in Cantonese .
Some lucky number combinations include: 99-doubly long in time, hence eternal; 168-road
of prosperity; 518- I will prosper; 814- similar to 168 'be wealthy, entire life' 148 also
implies the same; 'entire life be wealthy'
According to the numerological theories, the most important influence in a person's life have
the numbers from the date of birth as well as the unique number from the name and last name
that is found by the defined numerological tables.

Methodology in NumerologyThis needs a good reading and thorough practice to gain expertise. However, a brief is given
here to know about the process. By taking the data like birth date, time, name in full, popular
name etc.., numerologist, in his own expert way make a chart and to proceed for readings and
Some of the terms used by numerologist are 1. Name number ; 2. Personality number; 3. Destiny number; 3. Plan of Expression mental
level-Physical level-emotional level-; 4. Life Path; 5. Generation number..etc.,
Number definitions- There are no set definitions to the meaning of specific digits. Common
examples include:
0 -Everything or absoluteness.
1-Individual Aggressor.
2- Balance Union. Receptive

3- Communication/interaction. Neutrality.
4- Creation
5- Action. Restlessness
6- Reaction/flux. Responsibility
7- Thought/ Consciousness
8- Power/Sacrifice.
9- Highest level of Change
Specific characteristics of numbers
Numbers can be seen as 'archetypes'. They represent human qualities in greater or lesser
quantities. Each Number has an Archetypal quality.
e.g., No.1- embodies masculinity, a strong drive, individuality and determination,
No.2- Quality of sensitivity, femininity,co-operation and gentleness,
Each number is the opposite of the next number. i.e., No.1 is the opposite of No.2. And No.2
is the opposite of No.3. Clear and defined personality of each number helps to predict each
number's response to any given situation. A number do possess nuances within its field of
characteristics that are enhanced or diminished due to its place in the chart. Also a number
can complement other number and enhance and support each other. Numbers are so much
like people that getting to know them is a continuing process.
Shape of Numbers and Symbolic Psychology
Symbolic psychology explains as to how the symbols of numbers reflect their natures as
1 Pillar shape reflects independence, leadership and strength of that number
2. Symbolizes its resilient strength, humble, sensitive, diplomatic. Easy to depress
and to quash yet flexible like a spring. No.2 raises again much quicker than does
the No.1
3. Open and inviting shape- self-expression, verbal art, enthusiam, inspiration, Most
imaginative of all numbers, Ready to embrace anything in this World and the
World above.
4. Square-shaped is down-to-earth. It sits on the ground, Foundation and a rock-of
support for other numbers. Represents limitation (often self-imposed) and
discipline, Never a dreamer.
5. Seems to turn around its central point. Most dynamic of all. Will try anything at
least once. True to its nature, Open front and back.
6. Most loving and sacrificing, Mother/fatherhood number, Seems pregnant with
7. Thinker and Hermit; Seeker of Truth; Reminds a wise old man with an
outstretched arm holding a shinning lamp in search of solutions.
8. Balance between spiritual and material world. Reflects heaven and earth in the
two circles staked on top of each other.
9. A circle on a lead-representing the completion of a cycle, turning back to the
beginning which is manifested in the fact that whenever any number is added to

the number 9 it comes back to itself. e., the integer n umber of 9+5 is 9. It
represents completion and detachment. Like No.6 is very loving but No6. Sends
love to the family, friends and community No.9 sends to the whole World. It is
humanitarian. Three different ways of looking at the 9 are the shape of the
symbol, the mathematical strangeness and what it represents in numerology.
Personality of the Numbers.
Personality of numbers 1 to 9 represent full scope of human characteristics. Just as the primal
colors form the basis of millions of colors found in the universe the 9 archetype numbers
combined in an endless variety form the basis of each individual's unique personality.
Both single and double digit numbers signify characteristics.
A brief of such characteristics are as below:
Single digit Numbers:
No.1- Instigator Most independent, Unconventional, Individualistic of all numbers.
Represents the beginning. Source, Innovator etc.,
No.2- Gentle of all umbers; represents co-operation; diplomacy; Tactful; Power behind the
throne; Supportive number
No.3- Most playful of all numbers; creative, inspirational, motivating, Self-expression and
Communication; Happy-to-go lucky number; Optimistic and enthusiastic;
No.4- Most practical of all the numbers. Sharp eye for details; orderly, systematic, methodical
and precise. Reliable, punctual, dependable; Rigid and dislikes changes; form foundation of
every enterprise.
No.5- Most dynamic of all numbers. Persuasive, a promoter, Versatile, adaptable,
experimentor and explorer, straight-shooter with extraordinary reflexes; adventurous and
No.6- Most loving of all numbers; harmonious with all numbers; committed; caring;
sympathetic; protective as well as responsible; cares for weaker mother/fatherhood number.
No.7- Most spiritual seeker of truth; mental; analytical; meditative; self-oriented and often
withdrawn; scientist, philosopher, preacher, scholar and sage- quiet contentment- hermit's
No.8- Most result oriented; balance between material and spiritual world; powerful;
ambitious; big dreams; big plans; gambler; forgiving, broad minded; visionary number.
No.9- Most humanitarian of all numbers- effort and sacrifice; giving, sharing, loving; caring;
world-wide consciousness; genius; synthesizer; creative and artistic; aloof, noble, aristocratic,
healer of the many.
Double Digit Numbers
Certain double-digit numbers have specific meanings. They are classified known as Master

numbers, (11 and 22); and Karmic numbers (13,14,16,and 19).

Master numbers No.11 and No.22 they are more potential than other numbers. - Highly
charged; difficult to handle; require time, maturity and great effort to integrate into one's
personality. Both numbers experience the pressures at the early age. They must work toward
the realization of goals that are larger than personal ambition.
No.11 represent illumination a channel to subconscious; insight without rational thought;
a dreamer; charismatic, leadership; inspiration, inborn duality, create fears and phobia; walks the edge between greatness and self-destruction;; Peace is not found so much in logic
but in faith it is the psychic's number.
No.22 Most powerful of all also called Master builder; turn most ambitious dreams to
reality-has the many inspirational and intuitive insights of the No.11- Has the combined
practicality and methodical nature of the No.4 Unlimited yet disciplined- Not
No 22s waste their potentials- Serves the world in a practical way.
Karmic Numbers 13, 14,16,and 19- These numbers represent the human behavior of
discharging the Karmic debt i.e., rectifying the errors made in the evolutionary cycle
of his previous births.
No.- 13 works hard to accomplish task in spite of hurdles- Scatter energies on many
projects and jobs-take short cuts for quick success- gets poor self-image- they must
essentially develop orderliness to gain success.
No. 14 they abused human freedom in previous life and now forced to adjust to ever
changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences addict to drug, alcohol etc., They must
develop modesty in all affairs to be successful.
No. 16 indicate re-union with great spirit but through a painful process; with their highly
intuitive and refined intellect look down others. Thus they get acute alienation and
loneliness; Should surrender to GOD with full faith and gratitude to obtain peace.
No.19 Self-imposed independence- rejection of help from others leading to self-imposed
prison and thereby difficulties. To be successful they should understand that while seeking to
stand on their own that no man is an island and all are indeed all bits of the main.
Details about double digit numbers:
10 - Great strength and creative energy may be positive or negative should be careful in
its use.
11 - Temptations and dangers. May fail to manage problems effectively.
12 - Learn on own mistakes. Selfless. May become a victim.
13 Waste energies by attending on several jobs at the same time. Shortcuts are harmful.
14 - Strong to face constant changes in life. Travel a lot and meet new people. May have to
experience dangers.
15 - Can easily influence others because of their positive energy. Pleasantly artistic.
16 - Many difficult decisions. Negative waves also cause problems. Prone to accidents.
17 - They may be successful or may fail, gain or lose wealth as they show their abilities only
in certain situations.

18 Close people may cheat and should not trust others. Must choose friends and partners.
19 Go happily without problems. Materially well of and also socially respected. Own
efforts reflect in every success.
20 Regularly face changes due to high ambitions. May face unexpected events.
21 - Success and prosperity assured. Name and fame in later parts of life.
22 Known for unselfishness. Sure to fail. Have to face deceit, bad health,
23 Good success and wealth. Good orators.
24 May get help from other sex.
25 Difficulties in the first half of life and acquire wealth in the later parts of life.
26 Failures in love and friendship. Monetary losses.
27 - Strong in expression.. Good social reputation. Fight to accomplish their goals. Such
people are seen in the fields of literature, sports etc.,
28 Get into troubles due to retrieving back. May be successful with co-operation.
29 Health problems, Love failures.
30 - Good in organizing. Prosperous. Fond of travel..
31 Their mistakes keep them far off. Anxious and depressed. No good ideas.
32 Good in communications. Materially successful. Meets both success and failure as they
wish to control everything.
33 Symbolizes love. They are intelligent and cheerful.
34 Hardship and troubles in the earlier ages and happy and prosperous material life in later
parts of life.
35 Known for possible losses. Should be careful in investments and in selecting partners
36 - Good literary talents. A lucky number.
37 -Ambitious, courageous and at the same time successful. All negative energies get
destroyed by themselves.
38 No self confidence leading to dangers, conflicts. Women may help them.
39 May get into emotional and financial problems. Good in fighting to prove their opinions.
40 Famous for revolutionary ideas, sudden changes, disappointments.
41 - Skillful and creative, communicative and successful professionally.
42 Loyal, economical and attractive.
43 Accomplish their wishes and hopes in spite of odds like accidents, health problems.
44 Disappointments both in social and professional fields due to choose wrong friends and
love partners.
45 - Good reputation and social position. They compete and defend their interests.
46 - Ambitious, courageous and successful. Strong and destroy the negative energy.
47 - Occasionally lucky in love. Often worried and troubled.
48 Has to face problematic love life, betrayals,financial difficulties, yet sacrificing nature..
49 Must be cautious to work in troubles, changes that may come up.
50 Know the ways of earning money. Good communicative skills.
51 - Problematic life and love relationships.
52 May be deceived by woman. Prone to accidents and failures.
53 Should be careful in investment and choosing friends and love/ business partners.
54 like 45 - Good reputation and social position. They compete and defend their interests
55 Good in solving problems in life. Courageous, ambitious and successful, joyful.
56 - Experience problems and worries of every kind.
57 - Sudden changes and sufferings are possible. There are cycles of good and bad periods.
58 - Emotional and financial problems are possible.

59 -Good in communications and can defend their ideas and opinions. Clever in monetary
60 Sensual, intelligent and artistic.
61 - Often worried, troubled and depressed. Disappointments and divorce are possible.
62 - Financial and emotional problems are possible. Partnerships are not recommended.
63 - This is a lucky number. These people are artistic and talented for literature.
64 - Material losses are possible. These people have a rather difficult life.
65 - Ambitious, courageous and successful and capable of destroying the negative energy.
66 - Emotional and business problems are possible as well as big sacrifice and suffering.
67 - The beginning may be bad with a lot of pressure but good fortune wins at the end.
68 - Creative and communicative and they are very clever when they are dealing with
money. Must be more patient.
69 - Happy in love. Attractive and passionate. Artistic and skillful.
70 - Full of hard work but in later part of life happy and pleasant. Diligent, clever,
71 - Persistent and practical. Lonely yet certainly happy later in life.
72 like 27 - Strong in expression.. Good social reputation. Fight to accomplish their goals.
Such people are seen in the fields of literature, sports etc.,
73 - 37 -Ambitious, courageous and at the same time successful. All negative energies get
destroyed by themselves.
74 - Happiness is uncertain because they will encounter many dangers. Troubles and worries
are possible.
75 - Everything these people achieve is the result of hard work and sacrifice.
76 - These people have great desires and hopes but the results in life may be very weak.
77 Good in communications in defending their opinions. Creative and clever in dealing
with money and are financial successful.
78 like 69-Happy in love. Attractive and passionate. Artistic and skillful at manual jobs.
79 - Worries, disappointments, dangers and marriage problems are possible.
80 - Sensitive, quiet, diligent, persistent and disciplined. Talented for politics.
81 - Conflicts within a family and divorce are possible as well as problems with law. These
people should be careful of fire.
82 - These people are jealous and will have many enemies. The divorce is possible and they
often go back to the start.
83 - Troubles, worries and conflicts in life are possible.
84 - Will have emotional problems and they will experience cheating and betrayals. They
will go through the period of sacrifices and financial problems.
85 - Often be victims and they will have emotional and financial problems as well. Conflicts
are possible.
86 - These people are creative and communicative. They are clever when they deal with
money but
they need to be more patient.
87 - These people are happy in love. They are attractive and passionate. They are artistic and
skillful at manual jobs.
88 - Many worries, troubles and disappointments are possible as well as marriage problems.
89 - The first part of life is full of hard work and renunciation but the second part will bring
them happiness.
90 - Possess strong will. Are restless and competitive, honest, diligent.
91 - Professional success but will experience financial problems and family crisis.
92 - Unhappy in love because of the bad choice of partners. May also get health problems.

93 - This number involves sacrifice, financial and emotional problems. It is an unlucky

94 - This number symbolizes revolutionary ideas. These people should be afraid of
95 - Creative, communicative, and clever when they deal with money. They need to be more
96 like 69 - Happy in love. Attractive and passionate. Artistic and skillful.
97 - Troubles, worries and disappointments are possible as well as marriage problems.
Should be careful in traffic.
98 - The first part of life is full of hard work and renunciation but the second part will bring
them happiness. They are very practical.
99 - Great marriage problems and problems with law as well. Divorce is possible. Should be
careful of fire.
100 - These people are successful and they have great hopes and expectations. If there is a
failure, it is a complete one.


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