Applied Thermodynamics For Marine Systems Prof. P. K. Das Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

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Applied Thermodynamics for Marine Systems

Prof. P. K. Das
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture 23
Summer and Winter Air Conditioning
Let us continue with our discussion on the psychrometric or psychometric? processes that are
common in air conditioning application. If you remember, we were discussing the by-pass factor
of a cooling coil. What I said was that a cooling coil is a heat exchanger surface and basically, it
is a cross-flow heat exchanger where we will have the flow of cold refrigerant through the inside
of the coil and it makes the coil cool at a very low temperature and air passes over the external
surface of the coil. The air which comes in contact with the cooling coil will attain its dew point
There is a certain mass flow of air past the coil or across the coil. The entire amount of air will
not come to the The surface temperature will not come down to the surface temperature of the
cooling coil. If the surface temperature of the cooling coil is ts and if the temperature of air with
which it enters the cooling coil is ta, then the temperature of the outgoing air will be somewhere
in between ts and ta. This process is idealized in a different manner in air conditioning. It is
assumed that certain portion of the air makes perfect contact with the cooling coil and has a
temperature of ts, while the other portion of air or the rest of the air does not contact the cooling
coil at all and so it has a temperature ta itself. Then, there is mixture of these two air streams and
so we will have the condition of the air at the exit.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:24)

On a psychrometric chart, if we represent the process, we will have something like this. Let us
say this is the dew point temperature of the cooling coil. It is known as apparatus dew point
temperature and generally, it is represented by s because it is at a saturated condition. Let us say
this is the temperature at which or this is the condition at which the air is drawn from outside to
the cooling coil. We can represent this condition by any suitable notation; let us say we are
indicating it as 1. We are assuming that certain air is there at condition 1 and another stream of
air is there at condition s.
These two streams of air are mixing adiabatically to give condition 2, which is the actual exit
condition of air. If we represent it schematically, let us say this is your cooling coil. This is
where the refrigerant is entering, this is where the refrigerant is coming out and then, air is
entering at condition 1, air is going out at condition 2 and everywhere on the body of the cooling
coil, we have got condition s. One can have, this is ts, this is t2 and this is t1. Similarly, one can
have ws, w2 and w1. The by-pass factor is generally represented by capital X, which is equal to t2
minus ts by t1 minus ts. It can be obtained by w2 minus ws by w1 minus ws. This is the amount of
air which is bypassing the coil divided by the total amount of air. So, the coil by-pass factor
depends on a number of parameters.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:05)

One can write, by-pass factor or sometimes it is called coil by-pass factor, it depends on a
number of parameters. What are these parameters? These parameters are generally coil design
and in coil design, the diameter of the coil and the number of passes of the coil will come. Then
the fin specification is very important; whether you have got only a few fins or you have got a
large number of fins very closely spaced, what is the fin material, etc., that is important, and the
air velocity. The by-pass factor depends on these parameters. If you have got a very compact
coil, which means that if you have got a large number of tube turns, large number of fins of
highly conducting material and if you have got high air velocity, you will have a low by-pass
factor, whereas if air velocity is low, I mean the fin density is not high, then one can expect a
high by-pass factor. This by-pass factor is generally specified by the manufacturer of the cooling
coil. It is a parameter which one needs for design and estimation. Knowing the by-pass factor
and the apparatus dew point temperature and the temperature of the incoming air, one can
determine what will be the temperature of the outgoing air and how much moisture will get
separated. These useful quantities can be determined by knowing the by-pass factor of the
cooling coil.
Then, we are going for the analysis of summer air conditioning. As I have said, I like to discuss
the air conditioning process for different situations. Though there could be air around the air

conditioning system, the processes of air conditioning for summer and winter are different. Let
us first discuss summer air conditioning.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:56)

Let us see summer air conditioning, particularly for a hot and humid climate, which is the
situation in a large number of places in India. We will have a cooling coil through which we will
have the evaporating refrigerant. Then, we should have a vapor compression refrigeration
system. The evaporator of it will be used as the cooling and dehumidifying coil. Let us see how
one can achieve summer air conditioning for a hot and humid climate. Let us say that the
condition of the cooling coil, the apparatus dew point temperature is somewhere here. The
comfort condition will be somewhere here and then the outside air condition is somewhere here
high temperature, high humidity, outside air condition will be somewhere here.
Basically what is done is, let me draw a figure, a schematic diagram and then it will be
understandable. We will have a room; this is the room. In the room, cold and dry air will be
supplied. This is the room where cold and dry air will be supplied. This air has to come from a
cooler or cooling and dehumidifying coil. To have this, one should have a fan and then from the
room, this air has to be extracted. Part of it will go to the atmosphere and part of it will be
recirculated back. Then from the open atmosphere, one has to take certain amount of air.
Generally, in this path, one will have dampers to control the volume flow; one can have number

of dampers. This is how one can show schematically the arrangement. This is called supply air
SA, this is the return air RA, this is exhaust air, let us say EA, this is recirculated air REA and
this is fresh air FA. We can give different names also. This is 1, 2, 3. I have drawn a very simple
diagram. 1 is the room, 2 is the cooler and then 3 is the fan. I have shown only a few things.
There could be a number of other items, which we will discuss later on.
This is a summer air conditioning process, which I like to also describe with the help of the
psychrometric chart. 1 is the room and let us also represent the room air condition as 1. Actually,
I said that this is the comfort condition, if you remember. While I was describing this diagram, I
told that this is the comfort condition. It is like this. When we supply cold air to the room or to
the condition space, we supply it at a very low temperature and at a very low humidity, low
absolute humidity or low humidity ratio; we supply the air at a very low temperature and at a
very low humidity. That is obvious. We have got experience that if we stand just beside the
exhaust of the air conditioner, we feel the gust of the air which is coming out of the air
conditioner to the room and the air is cold enough it is not comfortable, it is cold enough. So,
we have to supply cold air because inside the room, there is enough heat load. We have to pick it
up and that is why you have to supply cold air. But where human beings or occupants are there,
when the air comes to that place, it will be at the comfort condition or it should attain the comfort
condition. It is also assumed that when the air goes out of the room, it is having the comfort
condition; that means the air that goes out of the room is having the properties corresponding to
the comfort condition. This means that if we design the room air conditioning system for let us
say 25 degree Celsius or 26 degree Celsius and 60% relative humidity, the air which will be
going out of the room, will also have 26 degree Celsius and 60% relative humidity.
This will be the room air condition and it will also be the condition of the air which is leaving the
room. Here, what we can see is that part of the room air is taken for recirculation and is mixed
with fresh air, which is nothing but outside air. This is fresh air. If these two air streams mix
together, we will have the mixture condition somewhere in between. This air will now pass
through the cooling coil, something like this (Refer Slide Time: 19:49); this air will now pass
through the cooling coil and then, it will be somewhere here. This cooling coil has some sort of a
by-pass factor and so the supply air condition will be somewhere here and it will go to the room.
How to represent it? Let us say this is 2 and this is 3. For this diagram, let us say this is

temperature t and omega. We can call 1 as room air, 2 as recirculated air which is again being recirculated over the machine. Let us call it, mixture of recirculated air plus fresh air, so mixture of
recirculated air plus fresh air. This is condition 2. Then 3 is the supply air, SA.
What we can see is that 2 to 3 is a cooling and dehumidifying process which is taking place in
the cooling coil. The mixture of recirculated air plus the fresh air goes through the cooling coil
and experiences a cooling and dehumidifying process. Then, it is supplied to the room. In the
room, it undergoes a heating and humidification process. In the room itself, in general, there will
be both sensible load and latent load. This will be picked up by the air and so, we will have
heating plus humidification when the air passes through the room. There will be a mixture of
fresh air and recirculated air and when it will be supplied to the machine or cooling coil, it will
have a still higher temperature and higher absolute humidity. That is what we will have in our
summer air conditioning. The recirculated air, actually this comes in the details of air
conditioning, why is it needed?
The . first thing that inside human being will be there and so due to their respiration, one
will have depletion of oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide. The need for recirculated air is not
only for that but also there is generation of staleness inside the room and so air has to be
freshened up. That is why certain amount of air has to be put outside as exhaust and instead, we
have to take some amount of fresh air. That is what we have in summer air conditioning. But
here, you see in the summer air conditioning, mainly we have one equipment that is your
cooling and dehumidifying coil. We have only one process this is 2 to 3 and by this process,
we are controlling both temperature and humidity. This task sometimes becomes very difficult.
Sometimes, it is like this let us say it is the rainy season and the outside air is heavily loaded
with moisture. We have got a lot of moisture and we have to get rid of it. What can we do? Then
we have to cool the air to a very low degree or the apparatus dew point temperature will be very
very low.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:40)

If the apparatus dew point temperature is very, very low, then only, this is the condition of air w2
and this is ws or let us say, taking the by-pass factor into consideration, this is w3. So w2 minus
w3 has to be quite large or in other words, w2 is fixed and we have to make w3 very large. That
happens in a number of cases when we are having a lot of moisture in the air that goes through
the cooling coil or may be inside the room itself and it has to pick up lot of latent heat. Inside the
room, it will pick up a lot of moisture and so in those cases, it happens.
We have to lower down the dew point temperature. If we lower down the dew point temperature,
we can get rid of moisture but at the same time, the supply air temperature will also fall down.
That may not be permissible or that may not agree with our comfort condition. What do we have
to do there? After getting rid of the moisture, we have to go for heating the air. This is called
reheating of air. In summer air conditioning, particularly when it is highly humid condition, we
have to go for reheating.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:22)

Reheat control; sometimes, it is called reheat control. Why is it called reheat control? It is
because we are controlling the temperature of the supply air by the process of reheating and that
is why it is called reheat control. Let me draw the psychrometric diagram first and then we will
go for the other diagram. This is the apparatus dew point temperature and this is where air will
be supplied. From here we will have a reheat process, which means that we will have increase in
temperature without any change in the humidity and then we will have change in the room where
both temperature and humidity will increase. Then, we will have outside air condition OA and
this is 2. We can have 1, 2, let us call this 3, let us call this 4; 3 to 4 is the reheat condition.
If we want to represent it schematically, we will have the room and this is supply air. Then part
of it will go out and the rest will be taken as recirculated air. It will be mixed with fresh air, then
we are having the fan, we can have the cooling coil, we can have the reheater RH and then the air
will go like this. What we can have here is this is outside air OA and room air is coming at
condition 1, so this is 1. 1 and OA are mixing, which is giving 2. Here, it is 3 and here it is 4.
This is what we will get in a physical system.
No, we are not assuming. You are asking whether we are assuming that in the room, the
temperature difference is less, but there is no need of assuming it. Only thing is that from the
comfort requirement, we need to supply the air at certain temperature and also, that is necessary

because the room has got certain load. So it is also necessary to supply it at a particular
What happens is that sometimes, particularly during humid climate, we can have lot of humid
load. In that case, to take care of this humid load, one has to overcool the air so that some good
amount of moisture can be separated out. If we do that, if we overcool the air also, that means its
temperature is lowered to a very large extent and that may not be practicable. That is why we
have some method for balancing it. We heat the air after it is cooled or after the moisture is
separated. This process is known as reheating and this heater is known as a reheater. One can
look into the whole situation from a different angle.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:53)

Already, I have introduced the sensible heat factor. The sensible heat factor SHF is equal to
sensible heat load SHL, we call it sensible heat load, divided by sensible heat load plus latent
heat load. Sometimes, what happens if the latent heat load is very high, then the sensible heat
factor becomes very low. For all the processes, there is some permissible value of sensible heat
factor, but our latent heat load is so large that it is lowering down and it is bringing it below the
permissible level of the sensible heat factor. Then artificially, I have to bring the sensible heat
factor to the acceptable value. What can I do? I can introduce artificially some amount of
sensible heating. That is what has been done by the reheating process. Clear?

There must be a certain level at which this facility is used. That means the humidity level has to
be at certain level.
Yeah. When humidity is very high then only we can do. What is that high level? Actually, all
this depends on a number of things and a number cannot be told. It depends on a large number of
things. It is like this. Let us say the outside humidity is not very high, not extremely high. But
inside the room, we have a lot of humid load. Then, what we have to do is we have to go for it.
Generally, a good air conditioner will have provision for reheating and we can control the room
temperature with the help of reheating. This is a very convenient method of doing so. But again
from the energy point of view, this is not a very good technique. Because what we are doing is
we are artificially creating heat load and again that heat load is being taken care of by our
machine. We need to have a heater and to consume that heat load we have to have some sort of
an oversize machine. But in certain cases, we have to live with it; we cannot avoid it. This is
what is called as reheat control or reheating process or controlling the air condition by the
heating process. So it is called reheat control.
In certain places, one can have hot and dry climate. In hot and dry climate, one can have the
cooling coil. That means a vapor compression refrigeration system and the evaporator in the
form of a coil; that can be done. But whenever you are having the cooling, it will again take out
some amount of moisture from the air and you probably need some sort of water sprinkling in
the air itself to get back the humidity. There is another technique which can be used. One can go
for evaporative cooling. As far as comfort air conditioning is concerned in India, in a number of
places, those air coolers are sometimes called reject coolers are there, where one can do the
cooling with water stream.
There are mechanized systems also, sophisticated mechanized systems, those are known as air
washers. With air washers, we can control the desert type of climate also very easily, because the
air there is going through some sort of a spray of water which is pumped and not only that, that
water condition can be monitored either by cooling or heating the water. That is why I said that it
is a rather sophisticated equipment and with that, we can tackle the desert climate or hot and dry
Can you repeat your question?

(Refer Slide Time: 38:24)

Very quickly, let me draw it so that it will be clear. It is like this. You have a system like this.
This is your air washer, maybe you can have some sort of a ducting and some sort of a fan for
drawing air something like that and you have got a pump. This is air and these are number of
nozzles. Here, you have the cooling coil and the heating coil. You are making contact between
air and water, but you can monitor the water condition. Again, here, one can have the reheater
etc., reheater or preheater; those types of things are possible. Here, as you are using water, if
any evaporation is needed to increase the moisture content of air, that is possible. But in India,
the use of this air washer is limited. There are certain systems; particularly the air washers are
suitable for large systems and so for large systems in certain establishments, air washers are
used. This takes care of the desert climate or hot and dry climate.
[Conversation between student and professor - Not Audible (40:27 min)]
That is what I told. What you are telling is that heating coil or cooling coil is not there. Yes, that
is a very cheap system. In large parts of north India, we get this and we call it air cooler or desert
cooler. That is there; but what I am telling is that one can have a sophisticated, good system
where temperature control, humidity control is possible with the help of air washer. In fact, the
air washer is a much versatile machine compared to our vapor compression-based air
conditioning system because of its versatility and because it can go for evaporative type of

cooling, it is a much versatile device compared to the conventional air conditioner. But then it is
more bulky, it is noisy, it is leak-prone has leakage problem; that is why it is not used that
We have discussed regarding summer air conditioning. Now, winter air conditioning, I should
say, is not that critical, particularly in our condition. Mostly, we need heating and in some
extreme conditions, we need heating plus humidification not in all cases but in extreme cases,
heating plus humidification. Heating is rather easier. Basically, you need a blower for circulating
the air and you need some heating and for a compact system, electrical heating is there. But
people may argue that that is high-quality energy, I mean heating from low-grade sources like
steam or hot water heating is also there. Particularly in cold countries where room heating is a
must, they will have a boiler to have the steam form and then it is circulated throughout the
That is why they will have a centralized heating mechanism for the room and by that, the entire
room will be supplied or there can be a district heating system where steam will be generated at
one place and it will be supplied to a number of consumers that is possible, or one can have
electric heater. But when heating plus humidification is needed, in that case we are having two or
three different options. One option is water injection that means you can increase the moisture
content by injecting water. Now, if you have to do this, it is always advisable to increase the air
temperature first and then inject water because at high temperature, it will have higher ability to
retain moisture.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:27)

The process will probably be some type of process like this. One can think of a process like this
1, 2, 3, 4. This side is t, this side is w. Winter air conditioning; 1 to 2 is called preheating.
Generally, if any heating is there before evaporation or condensation, we call it preheating. Then,
2 to 3 is water injection. If we inject water, what will happen? Water will evaporate. During that
process, the moisture content or absolute humidity will increase, but there will be decrease in
temperature. This process, this curve will be similar may not be parallel to your constant wet
bulb temperature curve, but it may be at an angle with the constant wet bulb temperature curve.
In some cases, if you control the process, then it can be parallel to the constant wet bulb
temperature curve. So 2 to 3 is water injection and 3 to 4 is again reheating. In winter air
conditioning, you can have these three or maybe these two: preheating and water injection.
Depending on the situation, you can have this type of a process.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:26)

One can have another option also for winter air conditioning. The condition during winter is
somewhere here; our comfort condition is somewhere here. One can have steam injection. If you
inject steam, then you will increase the moisture content and you will increase the temperature
also; here, t and w. This is 1 and 2. 1 to 2 is steam injection. This is also possible.
Actually, I could get what you told. See, it is again just like our cooling and dehumidifying coil.
Here also, with a single process, I want to control two parameters, temperature and humidity.
Here, problems will be there or may be there. What is done is sometimes or most of the time,
with steam injection we also have reheating or preheating. That means temperature is controlled
by at least two methods and steam injection is there to supplement humidity.
One thing is there; for humidity, one can allow a larger range for comfort feeling that is there.
Control does not become very critical for comfort condition, but for other applications like
electronic fabrication etc., humidity control has to be done precisely. There, some sort of
chemical processes are also used to take care of moisture control. Some sort of desiccation etc.,
are also used for the control of moisture content but for comfort condition, it is not very critical.
In some cases, you may need to inject steam because it is giving heating plus humidification
that is possible. I think I will stop our discussion on air conditioning with this and we can go to
other topics.

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