A - Z Mysteries Module Book A Absent Author

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A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

Do you love reading? What kind of story do you

like to read?
Who is your favorite author? Why?
What do you think this story will be about?

Write your sentences in your vocabulary notebook.

1. owe - /o/ verb

Definition: to need to pay or repay money to a person, bank, business, etc.
Sample Sentence: I still owe money on the car. [=I have not yet paid back all the money I
borrowed to buy the car]
2. mischievous - /mstvs/ adjective
Definition: showing a playful desire to cause trouble
Sample Sentence: Children are usually mischievous.

5. thrust - /rst/ verb


4. yank - /jk/ verb

Definition: to suddenly pull (something) in a quick, forceful way
Sample Sentence: He yanked the door shut.

3. damp - /dmp/ adjective

Definition: somewhat or slightly wet
Sample Sentence: Wipe up the mess with a damp cloth.

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

Definition: always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to push (someone or

something) with force : shove
Sample Sentence: She thrust him aside [=pushed him to the side] and walked past him.
6. jerk - /k/ verb
Definition: to move (something) with a sharp, quick motion
Sample Sentence: The car jerked into motion.
7. neat - /nit/ adjective
Definition: US, informal: pleasant, fun, or interesting
Sample Sentence: I think it's a neat idea [=a good idea] to invite the new neighbors to the
8. shriek - /rik/ verb
Definition: to make a loud, high-pitched cry
Sample Sentence: She shrieked when she saw a mouse.
9. peculiar - /pkjulj/ adjective
Definition: not usual or normal: strange
Sample Sentence: It seems peculiar that he would leave town and not tell anybody.
10. eager - /ig/ adjective
Definition: feeling a strong and impatient desire to do something or for something
Sample Sentence: They were eager to hear the latest news. = They were eager for the latest
11. ransom - /rnsm/ noun
Definition: money that is paid in order to free someone who has been captured or kidnapped
Sample Sentence: The ransom note explained the terms under which she would be released.

14. itinerary - /atnrri/ noun


13. rational - /rnl/ adjective

Definition: having the ability to reason or think about things clearly
Sample Sentence: Humans are rational beings. [=are able to use reason when thinking about

12. suspicious - /ssps/ adjective

Definition: causing a feeling that something is wrong or that someone is behaving wrongly :
causing suspicion
Sample Sentence: We were instructed to report any suspicious activity/behavior in the

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

Definition: a document in which the places you will be going to are listed
Sample Sentence: I'll mail you a copy of my itinerary so you'll know where to reach me.
15. smear - /smi/ verb
Definition: to make (something) dirty by rubbing it with something else
Sample Sentence: She smeared jam on her toast.
16. guilty - /glti/ adjective
Definition: feeling bad because you have done something bad or wrong or because you believe
you have done something bad or wrong
Sample Sentence: There's no need to feel guilty about it.
17. detective - /dtktv/ noun
Definition: a police officer whose job is to find information about crimes that have occurred and
to catch criminals
Sample Sentence: Detective Sgt. Lee is working on the case.
18. sweat buckets - idiom
Definition: to sweat (= lose water through your skin) a lot
Sample Sentence: I was sweating buckets under my plastic rain jacket.
19. squint - /skwnt/ verb
Definition: to look at something with your eyes partly closed
Sample Sentence: He squinted through the haze of smoke.
20. spooky - /spuki/ adjective
Definition: strange and frightening
Sample Sentence: The music was pretty spooky.
21. celebrity - /slbrti/ noun
Definition: a person who is famous
Sample Sentence: She's become something of a local celebrity. [=someone who everyone in the
area knows or recognizes]


23. relieve - /rliv/ verb

Definition: to reduce or remove (something, such as pain or an unpleasant feeling)
Sample Sentence: I took a pill to relieve my headache.

22. fare - /fe/ noun

Definition: the money a person pays to travel on a bus, train, boat, or airplane or in a taxi
Sample Sentence: I need some coins for the bus fare.

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

24. smudge - /sm/ verb

Definition: to make a dirty mark, spot, streak, etc., on (something)
Sample Sentence: Don't smudge the picture with your dirty hands!
25. disturb - /dstb/ verb
Definition: to stop (someone) from working, sleeping, etc. : to interrupt or bother (someone or
Sample Sentence: She doesn't want to be disturbed while she's working.
26. fishy - /fi/ adjective
Definition: informal: causing doubt or suspicion : likely to be bad, untrue, dishonest, etc.
Sample Sentence: That story sounds/smells fishy [=suspicious, dubious] to me.
27. babysit - /bebist/ verb
Definition: to take care of a child while the child's parents are away
Sample Sentence: She babysits their kids on Saturday nights.
28. gazette - /gzt/ noun
Definition: newspaper usually used in the names of newspapers
Sample Sentence: The Daily Gazette featured the sleuthing and busting of criminals by Dink,
Rose, and Josh.
29. be up to something - idiom
Definition: Fig. [of someone] plotting something.
Sample Sentence: I am sure that Lily and Max are up to something evil.
30. pull ones leg - idiom
Definition: to tell someone something that is not true as a way of joking with them (usually in
continuous tenses)
Sample Sentence: Is he really angry with me or do you think he's just pulling my leg?
31. devour - /dvaw/ verb
Definition: to quickly eat all of (something) especially in a way that shows that you are very
Sample Sentence: He devoured everything on his plate.


33. victim - /vktm/ noun

Definition: (a) a person who has been attacked, injured, robbed, or killed by someone else

32. nibble - /nbl/ verb

Definition: to eat slowly or with small bites
Sample Sentence: We nibbled cheese and crackers.

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

(b) someone or something that is harmed by an unpleasant event (such as an illness or accident)
Sample Sentence: The little girl was a victim of abuse by her foster parents.
34. figure out - /fgj/ verb
Definition: discover, determine, solve, fathom
Sample Sentence: Its a book of brainteasers that even a really clever person won't have an easy
time figuring out.
35. persevere - \pr-s-vir\ verb
Definition: to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult
Sample Sentence: to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is
36. expect - \ik-spekt\ verb
Definition: to think that something will probably or certainly happen
Sample Sentence: Prices are expected to rise.
37. satisfy - \sa-ts-f\ verb
Definition: to meet the needs of; to make happy or contented
Sample Sentence: The meal satisfied our hunger.
38. be in hot water idiom
Definition: in a difficult situation; trouble
Sample Sentence: The kidnapper was in hot water with the authorities.
39. vividly -\vi-vd-li\ adverb
Definition: producing strong mental images;
Sample Sentence:
40. muffle - \m-fl\ verb
Definition: to make (a sound) quieter: to decrease the noise made by (something)
Sample Sentence: I could hear their muffled voices from the next room.

43. cat is out of the bag fig.


42. cottage - \k-tij\ noun

Definition: a small house especially in the country
Sample Sentence: We rented a cottage for the weekend.

41. sore - \sor\ adjective

Definition: hurt or inflamed so as to be or seem painful
Sample Sentence: The patient has a sore throat.

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

Definition: the secret has been made known

Sample Sentence: Now that the cat is out of the bag, there is no sense in pretending we don't
know what's really happening.
44. barrette - \b-ret, b-\ noun
Definition: a decorative clip or bar that is used to hold a girl's or woman's hair in place
Sample Sentence: Ruth Rose always puts on some barrettes on her hair.
45. timid - \ti-md\ adjective
Definition: feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidence
Sample Sentence: She's very timid and shy when meeting strangers.
46. rescue - \res-()ky\ verb
Definition: to save (someone or something) from danger or harm
Sample Sentence: The survivors were rescued by the Coast Guard.
47. scheme - \skm\ noun
Definition: a clever and often dishonest plan to do or get something; the way that something is
arranged or organized
Sample Sentence: Paul is thinking of a scheme to cheat people out of their money.
48. disguise - \d-skz, dis-gz also diz-\ verb
Definition: to change the usual appearance, sound, taste, etc., of (someone or something) so
that people will not recognize that person or thing
Sample Sentence: He tried to disguise his voice on the phone but I could tell it was him.
49. investigate - \in-ves-t-gt\ verb
Definition: to try to find out the facts about (something, such as a crime or an accident) in order
to learn how it happened, who did it, etc.
Sample Sentence: The police are still investigating the kidnapping.

Comprehension Check
Answer in complete sentences.

Chapter 1

Why was Wallis Wallace so important to Dink?



A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

2. What do you think Wallis Wallace looks like? Why do you think he does not have a picture on
his books?
3. Why was Ruth Rose coming with them to the book store?
4. Do you think Wallis Wallace will really come? Why or why not?
5. What do you predict will happen next?

Chapter 2
1. What happened at the beginning of the chapter?
2. What happened at the end of the chapter?

What was your favorite part of the chapter?


4. What do you predict will happen next?


Chapter 3

Who was the lady who was watching the kids?




A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

2. What did the letter she had say?

3. Do you think the kids will find him? Why or why not?

Chapter 4

What did Dink find out when he called the airport?


2. Why do you think Mr. Paskey was sweating so badly?

3. What did Maureen say Wallace looked like?
4. Why do you think Wallace had a silly smile on his face?

Chapter 5

What happened in this chapter?


2. What do you predict will happen next?


Chapter 6

2. Did any of the clues about the Wallace give you an idea to help solve this mystery?

What did the maid way about the rooms?




A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

3. What do you predict will happen next?


Chapter 7

What clues were helpful in this chapter?


2. What do you predict will happen next?


Chapter 8

What happened in this chapter?


2. What do you predict will happen next?


Chapter 9
1. What did the kids find in the hotel room 302?
2. Do you think Ruth Rose is correct? Why or why not?

Chapter 10

2. Did it end the way you thought? Why or why not?


What was the conclusion of this mystery?




A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

Direction: Draw each character as described in the story and write his or her

Name: ______________________


Name: ______________________

Name: ______________________


Name: ______________________

Name: ______________________

Name: ______________________

Name: ______________________


Name: ______________________

I Can Academy


A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author


I Can Academy


A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

I Can Academy

Book Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Author: ______________________________

Illustrator: ________________________

Plot/Synopsis (Beginning, Middle, Ending):
What is your favorite part of the story?
Do you like this book? Why or why not?






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