Moses Maimonides Notes
Moses Maimonides Notes
Moses Maimonides Notes
Explain the contribution of Moses Maimonides to the development and expression of Judaism.
Analyse the impact of Moses Maimonides on Judaism.
66 years old
Place of birth/death
Cultural Background
Maimonides' father was a deeply learned man whose education consisted of Torah study,
mathematics and astronomy. His father become a role model to succeed and thrive.
Lived a very Jewish life, underpinned by Spanish culture.
Religious Context/
Issues that needed to
be addressed
Dynamic religion?
Islamic world where Jews were considered as second class citizens. Maimonides lived in an
Islamic world where Jews were regarded as second class citizens.
Revival of classical philosophy posed as a threat to monotheism: The translation of Greek
philosophy to Arabic by Arab and Syrian scholars between the fifth and eleventh centuries,
enabled the re- emergence of Greek philosophy in Europe in the 11th and 12th centuries CE.
This revival of classical philosophy, especially the writings of Aristotle, challenged the
authority and validity of many religious ideas In particular it posed a threat to the
monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Sephardi and Askenazi Jews: division in Jewish living in Spain
Contributions to
Commentary on the
Mishneh Torah
Commentary on the
The second realm of significant influence for Maimonides came through his Commentary on the
Mishnah which provided a comprehensive commentary on each of the tractates of the Mishnah.
Ultimately, Maimonides intended this work to make Judaism more relevant to the average Jew living in
an Islamic society.
In the Commentary on the Mishnah Maimonides provides a link between learning the Torah and
putting it in practice by providing comprehensive commentary on each of the tractates of the Mishnah.
He wrote in a simple style and explained each mitzvot outside the context of the Rabbinic discussion
and went straight to the halakhic decision. This contribution is significant because it cuts across the
convoluted rabbinic discourse in presenting the final halakhic decision.
Mishneh Torah
The nature of Maimonides' influence can be seen in three important areas. The first are is his
codification of the Talmud, the Mishneh Torah. The aim of Maimonides' major work was to provide a
topical codification of the Talmud so as to facilitate a much easier access to Jewish precepts. Prior to
this work, in order for a Jew to find out what they should do in any given circumstance, they would
have to undertake a laborious study of the entire text. This is significant because Judaism is essentially
a practical religion, concerned with the day to day practice of halakhic laws.
Essentially, therefore, the Mishneh Torah is significant because it can be regarded as the first
comprehensive, exhaustive, topical codification of the Talmud. The very fact that it was written in
Hebrew, rather then Arabic, which was the language Maimonides used for most of his works, gives is
an indication of Maimonides' intentions for this work. That is, this great reference work was to be used
not only by Arabic speaking Jews of his era but by Jews in all times. The importance of the Mishneh
Torah as a reference guide is evident in the fact that it was met with almost universal acclaimacross
the different strands of Judaism.
The fourth significant influence for Maimonides is hisintegration of religion, science and philosophy
primarily through his Guide for the Perplexed. This text sought to rationalise Judaism in relation to
classical philosophy and show that Judaism had abasis in rational thought.
Here he tried to resolve some apparent contradictions in the Jewish religion, which perplexed the
Jewish community and particularly those schooled in Aristotelian thought. In doing so, this work is
helped to preserve faith in Judaismby people who were genuinely perplexed by the apparent
contradictions in Jewish thought. Even more significant is the fact that Maimonides helped to assure
the Jews who were less educated that their religion was one with a sound basis, so that they would not
turn away from Judaism.
The Guide for the Perplexed is mainly concerned with the anthropomorphic depictions of God, despite
the belief about God's incorporeality. He concluded that since this practice of referring to the hand of
God etc cannot be rationally sustained, one should not therefore refer to God that way. Essentially,
Maimonides can be described as a religious rationalist who sought to rationalise religion in order to
save religion from being made irrelevant by rationalist philosophy.