Flow V ision
Version 3.09.05
1 Introduction 10
2 Notation 11
3 Detailed description of a simpliest
model 13
3.1 Laminar flow in a tube
.......................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Computational
domain 14
3.1.2 Creating a project
................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.3 Defining a physical
model 19 Substance
.................................................................................................................................................. 20 Phase
.................................................................................................................................................. 21 Model
.................................................................................................................................................. 23
3.1.4 Defining boundary
conditions 23
3.1.5 Defining initial
conditions 26
3.1.6 Generation of...................................................................................................................
initial computational grid 27
3.1.7 Adaptation of...................................................................................................................
computational grid 29
3.1.8 Defining control
parameters of computation 30
3.1.9 Stopping conditions
................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.10 Starting the...................................................................................................................
computation 34
3.1.11 Visualization
................................................................................................................... 36 Charachteristics (pressure variation)
.................................................................................................................................................. 37 Plot along line (pressure distribution)
.................................................................................................................................................. 40 Vectors (velocity distribution)
.................................................................................................................................................. 43 Color contours (distribution of velocity's modulus)
.................................................................................................................................................. 45
4 Physical processes 47
4.1 Motion of fluid
.......................................................................................................... 48
4.1.1 Laminar flow...................................................................................................................
around circular cylimder 48 Computational domain
.................................................................................................................................................. 50 Physical model
.................................................................................................................................................. 51 Boundary conditions
.................................................................................................................................................. 52 Initial grid
.................................................................................................................................................. 54 Adaptation of calculation grid
.................................................................................................................................................. 59 Parameters of calculation
.................................................................................................................................................. 62 Stopping conditions
.................................................................................................................................................. 62 Visualization
.................................................................................................................................................. 62
Force variation 63
Velocity distribution 63
Pressure distribution 64
4.1.2 Time-varying
flow in a tube 65 Computational domain
.................................................................................................................................................. 66 Physical model
.................................................................................................................................................. 66
1 Introduction
This manual describes how to solve typical flow problems with software FlowVision.
It is recommended to start with reading the first chapter and the corresponding sections of the User's Guide.
2 Notation
Notation Quantity Name in FlowVision Dimension
Sonic speed m s-1
Initial or entrance flow turbulization Pulsation
CFL Courant number CFL
Cp Specific heat capacity m2 s-2 K-1
Diameter of a tube m
A scalar variable
k Turbulent energy TurbEnergy m2 s-2
Length of a tube m
Initial or entrance turbulence length scale Turbulent length scale, m
l m
The Mach number MachNumber
M U/a
Mass of a body kg
Relative static pressure Pressure N m-2
Molecular Prandtl number
Turbulent Prandtl number Prandtl
Reynolds number
Laminar flow is characterized by the Reynolds number Re, when it is lower then 103.
Length of the tube L =2 [m]
Diameter of the tube D = 0.1 [m]
Inflow parameters
Velocity on the inlet: Vinl = 0.001 [ms-1]
Substance properties:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 0.001 [kg m-1 s-1]
Geometry: Tube.wrl
Project: Lam_tube
The geometrical model of the computational domain is created in one of CAD systems and imported into
The geometric model of the computational domain must satisfy the following requirements:
1. volumes that form the geometric model must be closed
2. volumes are nested in one another and do not intersect
The geometric model is transferred to FlowVision using one by one of the following standard formats:
Fully prepared and painted the geometry of the computational domain is stored in the file Tube.wrl.
Loading geometrical model in FlowVision is performed from menu command File > Create, which opens a
dialog where you select the appropriate file. In this exercise select the file Tube.wrl.
After the geometry is loaded, enter the project name and the project location in the corresponding fields of the
Saving the project window and click OK.
After that the corresponding file folder of the project will be created and in the View window of Pre-
Postprocessor a geometric model will appear, and in the Project window appropriate Subregions will appear.
The program loads the geometry of the surface as a set of triangles. After loading the geometry, the triangles
are automatically merged into geometric group.
In order to show Groups in the project tree, specify using the menu command File > Preferences:
Show all groups = Yes
List of Group is displayed in a tree in the Preprocessor in folder Region > Subregions > Subregion#0 >
Geometry > Region - Surface #0.
The number and boundaries of the groups depend on the geometry format and settings of Pre-Postprocessor.
If geometry format supports color information (eg WRL), then the triangles of the same color will be merged into
a single group. If the format does not support color information (eg, STL), then the triangles are arranged in
groups according to the magnitude of the Grouping angle. If the angle between the triangles is less than the
Grouping angle, they are combined into one group. This angle is specified by the parameter File >
Preferences > Geometry import > Grouping angle.
In the folder Substance #0 in the list of the physical properties of the substance you have to specify:
Molar mass
Value =0.018 [kg mole-1]
Value = 1000 [kg m-3]
Value = 0.001 [kg m-1 s-1]
Specific heat
We do not need the remaining parameters, so you can leave them with the default value 0.
The aggregative state determines the list of physical properties, sound speed formula and equation of state. Phase
To define the Phase, do the following:
In the context menu of a folder Phases select Create continuous.
In the folder Physical processes in the Properties window select the simulated processes. In this task the
following physical processes are required:
Motion Newtonian fluid
In order to specify the Model select Create in the context menu of the Models folder.
This will create the Model #0 folder and its subfolders Phases and Phase interaction. In this exercise we
need only one phase. In order to add it to the Model you need in the context menu select Add/Remove and
select Phase #0 from the list.
Before setting the boundary conditions, it is necessary to specify the model for computational subdomain.
Specify in the properties window of Subregion #0 the following parameters:
Model = Model #0
In general, the procedure for setting the boundary conditions includes the following steps:
1. Creation boundary conditions
2. Assigning the boundary conditions
3. Setting parameters of the boundary conditions
The initial geometry for this problem was painted during its creation and stored in the WRL format, which
supports color information. Therefore, when loading the geometry, the program automatically created and
specify the boundary conditions on the surfaces of different colors. By default, all the boundary conditions are
of type Wall.
Changing the properties of boundary conditions is done in the Properties windows of elements of the folder
Boundary conditions in the Preprocessor tab of the project tree: Subregions > SubRegion #N > Boundary
conditions > B. Cond. #N.
Specify the following parameters in the Properties windows of the boundary conditions:
Boundary 1
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = No slip
Boundary 2
Name = Outlet
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0
Boundary 3
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Initial conditions are intended to define the values of the variables (Init. data) at the initial time in a certain part
of the computational domain (in/on some Object). Specifying Initial conditions in most cases does not affect
the final result of the calculations, but allows faster convergence of the solution and prevents some
disturbances occurring in the process of computation.
Initial condition #0 are always presented in the computational domain, they are the default correspondence
between Initial data #0 and Computational space. Values of all variables in the Initial data #0 are equal to
0. Therefore, in order to specify the initial conditions corresponding to the undisturbed flow in the whole space,
it is enough to specify Init. data #0 (in the Model #0) with some velocity along the Z axis.
In the folder Models > Model #0 > Init. data > Init. data #0 in the element Velocity(Phase #0) define the
initial velocity along the axis Z:
Z 0.001
Specifying the computational grid in FlowVision is divided into specifying of the Initial grid (the entry level
grid) and the grid adaptation (on a surface and/or in a volume).
In this example, we need to specify a uniform computational grid 20x20x50. To do this, in the project tree in
the Preprocessor tab specify the properties of the Initial grid:
nX = 20
nY = 20
nZ = 50
After you have specified the initial grid, it is displayed in the View window:
The adaptation enables resolution of small geometry details of the computational domain and high gradients
of the computed values.
geometry resolution allows approximation of curvilinear boundaries on a rectangular grid.
Adaptation is splitting or merging of cells of the computational grid up to the specified level in a volume or on a
surface. Splitting up n-th level includes halving the initial grid cells in each direction n times. Merging to the n-th
level involves merging the cells previously split to a level m (where m>n), to the level n.
Adaptation can be specified on the surface of some Boundary condition,as well as on a surface or in a
volume of some Object.
In this exercise, you must specify an adaptation on the boundary condition Wall. To do this, specify properties
of the boundary condition Wall:
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =2
In order to see the computational grid with adaptation, create a layer Computational grid on the
Computational space. The layer will be displayed after the calculation is done.
The final step in the preparation of the project is definition of Simulation controls (parameters that control the
These settings include: time step, the selection of the scheme for approximation of the equations in space and
in time, the frequency of autosave, etc.
These parameters are specified in the Solver tab of the project tree.
It is assumed that for most problems (except of specially specified) the user does not need to change the
standard Advanced settings. The only thing that you need to specify is the Time step. In FlowVision There
are two ways of specifying the time step: In seconds and Via CFL number (CFL number is the Courant-
Friedrichs-Levy number). In our exercise you can specify the time step in seconds as the constant time step
chosen by the user. In this exercise the characteristic dimension is length of the tube L. The transit time is the
time required for a hypothetical particle moving with the mean flow velocity V, to pass the characteristic
dimension :
L 2
τ own 0.1* 0.1* 200c
V 0.001
Then in the folder Objects in the context menu of the Supergroup folder select the command Create
characteristics,and then, in the Create new characteristics block clickOK.
By default, on the Characteristics no variable is specified and Characteristics do not contain the main body of
data. In order to fill the Characteristics with information, specify the appropriate variable in the Properties
window of Characteristics #0:
Variable Pressure
in the Properties window of the new just created Stop criterion #0 specify:
Level = 0.00001
Object = Characteristics #0
Variable = <f surf.>
The value of <f surf.> is equal to the average value of the Variable selected in the Characteristics at the
surface or in the volume of the Object, on which the Characteristics was created. In this exercise <f surf.> is
the average pressure on the surface of the Supergroup, which was created in the boundary condition Inlet.
Level is the threshold value of the residual for the selected user value (<f surf.>). When the residual value for
the user is below the specified Level, then the computation stops.
In many other exercises in this guide stopping conditions are not specified. In these exercises stopping is done
at any time by decision of the user.
You can start the computation from Pre-Postprocessor or fromTerminal. In this exercise, start from Pre-
Postprocessor is described. Solver-Agent and license server must be running.
To start the computation, you have to authorize on Solver-Agent:
Project files will be located in two directories: Client and Server. The Client directory contains the client part
of the projects - the parts, which are opened in Pre-Postprocessor. The Server directory contains the server
part of the project - the parts, which are loaded on the solver. The client part of the project appears when you
create a project in Pre-Postprocessor. At the same time the client directory is determined. The server part of
the project appears in the Server directory after the first upload of the project to the solver. The server
directory is specified when a user is registered on Solver-Agent. If necessary, you can open the window with
the Solver-Agent's registration information, using the button (Edit solver agent user information) after
authorization on Solver-Agent. Client and Server directories can not be same, can not be nested within
each other, can not be the same as the installation directory or be nested in the the installation directory.
The computed results are stored in server part of the project. You can see the results of the computation in
Pre-Postprocessor only if the project is opened in Pre-Postprocessor, Pre-Postprocessor is connected to a
Solver synchronized with the Solver.
If necessary, the Server directory can be changed. However, you should remember that after that change all
the results of computations that were in the old Server directory will no longer be available after connection of
Pre-Postprocessor to Solver unless you have manually copied them to new directory.
After the project is uploaded to the solver, you can start the solver for computation. To start the solver for
computation, do the following steps:
3.1.11 Visualization
For long-term computations we always recommend you to visualize data during the computation, as in this
case you can permanently control over the process of convergence of the solution and, if necessary, intervene
in the process of computation when the solution becomes numerically unstable.
To display information about the value of the pressure on inlet, you can use the element Characteristics,
created earlier to define a Stop criterion. Information from Characteristics is displayed in the Info window and
recorded into a text file. Recording the information into a text file allows you to monitor changing the variable
over time.
In order to record the contents of the Characteristics into the file, open the tab Postprocessor and specify in
the Properties window of Characteristics #0:
Save to file
Type = Automatic
All data is stored in a text GLO-file, which can be exported into Excel to plot the dynamics of values variation.
By default the GLO-file is saved into project directory in the server directory of the user. In order to download
the GLO-file from the server directory to to the client directory, do the following:
To start Windows Explorer, which opens the client directory of the current project, use the menu command File
> Open Explorer.
In order to plot the variation of the pressure on inlet over time in any third-party graphics editor (Microsoft Excel,
Grapher, etc.), do the following steps:
Since a Stop criterion was created based on the <f surf.> *) variable, its variation can be displayed directly in
Plot tab of the Monitor window of Pre-Postprocessor.
Variable <f surf.> in the Info window and in the Stop criterion and variable Avg in the GLO-file correspond
to the average value of Pressure on Inlet.
The layer Plot along line allows you to display the distribution of the scalar variable along the selected line as
a plot.
In this exercise, we will use the layer Plot along line on a Line object to visualize the distribution of
pressures along the tube axis.
Create in Postprocessor a Line object for visualization:
from the context menu of the folder Objects in Postprocessor select Create
the Create new object dialog box will open, select there Object type = Line
Reference point
X 0
Y 0
Z 0.001
X 0
Y 0
Z 1
Variable Pressure
In order to increase the number of points on which the plot is built, specify:
Number of points = 100
The layer Vectors visualize a vector field. The direction of the vector coincides with the direction of the vector
field at the starting point of the vector and the vector length is proportional to the modulus of the field at this
In this exercise, we will use the layer Vectors on a Plane in order to visualize the vector field of velocity in the
plane of the flow.
In order to the layer do not obscure the geometry, specify:
in the Properties window of Plane #0 in the Postprocessor:
In the View window a visualization of the velocity distribution in the plane of the flow will appear:
To increase the number of vectors in both directions, specify in the Properties window of the layer :
Size 1 = 10
Size 2 = 50
To paint the vectors with their absolute values, specify in the Properties window of the layer:
Variable = Velocity
Enabled = Yes
Color = Black
The Color contours layer visualizes the distribution of a scalar variable using color transitions.
This example illustrates use of a layer Color contours for visualization of the value of velocity in the plane of
the circular cross section of the tube.
In Postprocessor create a Plane for visualization:
from the context menu of the folder Objects in Postprocessor select Create
in the Create new object dialog box select Type = Plane
In the Properties window of the new just created Plane #1, click on the button to direct the plane normal
along axis Z.
Create a layer Color contours on the Plane #1:
in the context menu of the Plane select Create layer
specify Layer type = Color contours
In the Properties window of the new layer Color contours specify:
Variable = Velocity
Enabled = Yes
Color = Black
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus:
4 Physical processes
The examples of this chapter demonstrate how to model:
Motion of fluid
Heat thansfer
Mass transfer
Free surface
In order to simulate the laminar flow of gas at Mach number less than 0.3, it is necessary:
In the properties of the Substance specify Aggregative state = Gas.
In the properties of the Substance you have to specify values of the Molar mass, Density, Specific heat
capacity and, if necessary, the Viscosity.
Enable computations of equations of Motion.
Specify the appropriate initial and boundary conditions for the velocity and pressure.
In order to simulate the laminar flow of gas at Mach number greater than 0.3, it is necessary:
In the properties of the Substance specify Aggregative state = Gas.
In the properties of the Substance you have to specify the computation of the Density by the ideal gas law,
the Molar mass and Specific heat capacity, and, if necessary, the values of Viscosity and Thermal
Enable calculation equations of Motion and Heat transfer.
Specify the appropriate initial and boundary conditions for the velocity and pressure. In the simulation of flow
around bluff bodies it is desirable to specify some initial conditions around them corresponding to the
parameters of flow deceleration.
When simulating movement at Mach numbers greater than 1 it is recommended to specify constraints for the
A two-dimensional laminar external flow around a cylinder is considered in the example below.
Cylinder diameter d = 0.02 [m]
Flow parameters:
Velocity V = 0.008 [ms-1]
Substance properties:
Density = 1.25 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 2 10-5 [kg m-1 s-1]
Reynolds number: Vdρ
Re 10
Geometry: Cylinder_lam.WRL
Project: Cylinder_lam
For simulating the external flow it is necessary to create the geometry, which is a region of flow around a
streamlined body. Distance from the body to the outer limits of the area is recommended to place at least 10
times more then specific body size in order to boundary conditions defined on the given limits, does not disturb
the flow around the streamlined body.
FlowVision geometry can only be three-dimensional. Therefore, when simulating a two-dimensional flow in
plane XY when you prepare the geometry you have to: *)
1. create a two-dimensional sketch of the geometry of the computational domain in the plane XY
2. select a constant thickness of the geometry in the direction Z
Fully prepared and painted the geometry of the computational domain is in the file Cylinder_lam.WRL.
Further, when specifying a project, you must:
1. when you specify Boundary conditions on the surfaces of the planes of symmetry specify the boundary
conditions Symmetry
2. when you specify initial grid specify 1 cell in the direction along axis Z
A gas moving with speed V < 0.17 M, behaves as an incompressible liquid, so the simulation of its motion
can be defined with either Aggregative state = Gas or Aggregative state = Liquid.
Boundary 1
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = No slip
Boundary 2
Name = Symmetry
Type = Symmetry
Velocity (Phase #0) = Slip
Boundary 3
Name = Outlet
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Boundary 4
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 0.01 [kg m-2 s-1]
In this example, in order to better resolve the flow near the cylinder, it is necessary to specify a two-
dimensional non-uniform initial computational grid, condensed near the cylinder.
To specify a non-uniform computational grid, FlowVision provides the Initial grid editor. The Initial grid
editor is called by the button from the Properties window of the element Initial grid in the tree in the
Preprocessor tab in the project tree.
To specify in the Initial grid editor a non-uniform computational grid for OX, follow these steps:
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.05 [m]
h_max = 0.03 [m]
h_min = 0.001 [m]
Specify parameters of reference lines :
o in the window of the Initial grid editor, select the line with coordinate x =-0.2 m (the leftmost line)
h = 0.03 [m]
o in the window of the Initial grid editor, select the line with coordinate x =-0.015 m (the middle line)
h = 0.001 [m]
kh- =1
kh+ = 0.9
o in the window of the Initial grid editor, select the line with coordinate x =0.4 m (the rightmost line)
h = 0.03 [m]
kh- = 0.5
To specify in the Initial grid editor a non-uniform computational grid for OY, follow these steps:
Click the Y button, to switch the editor to defining the grid across the Y axis
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.05 [m]
h_max = 0.03 [m]
h_min = 0.001 [m]
o set Insert = 0
h = 0.03 [m]
kh+ = 1.5
o in the window of the Initial grid editor, select the line with coordinate y = 0 m (the middle line)
h = 0.001 [m]
kh- = 1.2
kh+ = 0.8
o in the window of the Initial grid editor, select the line with coordinate y = 0.2 m (the rightmost line)
h = 0.03 [m]
kh- = 0.5
After entering all the parameters click on the OK button. This will open the Grid statistics window, which
displays the parameters of the created grid:
When starting the Initial grid editor specifies by default a uniform grid across OZ consisting of 12 lines. Since
in this exercise we solve a 2-dimensional problem, so after you exit the Initial grid editor you have to specify
in the properties of Initial grid:
nZ =1
After creation the Initial grid the program also creates in Postprocessor the Initial grid layer and displays its
image in the View window:
The values, which are specified in fields, are only applied after clicking on the Apply button.
The values, which are specified in fields, are only applied after pressing on the Enter key the appropriate field
immediately after setting a value.
In order to color the grid lines in black, specify Color=Black in the Properties window of the Initial grid
layer in Postprocessor.
In this example, you have to solve the boundary layer around the cylinder and a vortex shedding zone behind
the cylinder. For this it is necessary to make an adaptation of the grid in the volume of a box around the
Specifying grid adaptation in an object consists of two steps:
1. Specifying the object of adaptation
2. Specifying the adaptation criteria
Reference point
X = 0.01 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z = 0.005 [m]
X = 0.05 [m]
Y = 0.04 [m]
Z = 0.01 [m]
Activation = Yes
Object = Box #0
Max level =1
Split/Merge = Split
Zone = In volume
In order to see the computational grid with adaptation, create a layer Computational grid on the
Computational space. The layer is displayed after its computation is done.
Specify the properties of the time step in the Solver tab of the Project window (Solver > Time step):
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.25 [s]
In this example we recommend that you specify stopping condition based on the X-component of the force
acting on the surface of the cylinder.
Create Characteristics:
In the Preprocessor tab, create a Supergroup on the surface of the boundary condition Wall using the
command Create supergroup > In Preprocessor from the context menu of the boundary condition's item
in the project tree.
Create Characteristics on the new just created Supergroup #0
In the Properties window of Characteristics #0 specify:
Variable = Pressure
in the Solver tab in the context menu of the folder Stopping conditions > User values, select Create.
In the Properties window of the new just created Stop criterion #0 specify:
Level = 1e-6
Object = Characteristics # 0 (Supergroup on "Wall")
Variable = F fluid
Component =X Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. The dynamics of the X-component of the force, which acts on the cylinder's surface.
2. Velocity distribution in the plane of the flow.
3. Pressure distribution on the surface of the cylinder.
View the dynamics of X-component of the force acting on the cylinder, on the Plot tab in the Monitor window.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a new layer Vectors on Plane #0
In the Properties window of the new layer of Vectors, specify:
Variable = Velocity
Size 1 = 100
Size 2 = 100
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 0.01
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Color = Black
Variable = Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 6.5e-5
Min = -4.5e-5
Enabled = Yes
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
Axi-symmetric laminar water flow with variable inlet velocity is considered in the given example.
Length of the tube L = 0.5 [m]
Diameter of the tube D = 0.04 [m]
Inflow parameters:
Velocity on inlet: 2 t [m s-1]
Vinl 0.005 2 sin
Fluid parameters:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 0.001 [kg m-1 s-1]
Reynolds number: VinlDρ 0.01 0.04 1000
Re 400
μ 0.001
Geometry: Tube_VarMassFlow.STL
Project: Tube_VarMassFlow
In order to simulate the axisymmetric flow you should create a computational domain consisting of a sector
with a small opening degree (e.g., 1-2 degree)*).
Fully prepared geometry is located in the fileTube_VarMassFlow.STL.
Further, when specifying the project you have to:
1. When you specify Boundary conditions on the surfaces of the planes of symmetry, specify boundary
conditions Symmetry.
2. When you specify the Initial grid specify 1 cell in the direction of Z.
3. When you specify the Calculation parameters specify the Relative criterion for determining small cells.
When after your import of geometry the amount or arrangement of boundary conditions differ from those
desired, you should to specify the boundary conditions manually. Definition of boundary conditions consists of
3 steps:
1. Create boundary conditions
To create a new boundary condition, select Create in the context menu of the Boundary conditions folder:
The Boundary conditions are placed on Groups. There are two ways of placing the Boundary conditions:
1. either in the View window
2. or in the Geometry folder
In order to place a Boundary condition on a Group in the View window do the following:
In order to place a Boundary condition on a Group in the Geometry folder do the following steps:
apply the menu command File > Preferences and specify:
Show all groups = Yes
in the Properties of the respective Group in the folder Geometry > Region - Surface #0 specify:
Boundary condition =B. Cond. #i
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = No slip
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Velocity (Phase #0) = Slip
Boundary 3
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Boundary 4
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
2 * PI *Time
5 * 2 sin
Click Accept
nX = 100
nY = 20
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 10 [s]
Specify in the Solver tab in the Properties window of the Advanced settings element:
Small Cells
Criterion = Relative
By default, the Absolute criterion of the smallness of the cells is used. It defines that the cells, the final sizes
of which are less than a specified fraction of the original (non-truncated by the geometry), are merging together
with the neighboring cells. If we had used this criterion in this problem, then the cells located near the axis of
the tube would be merged with the neighboring cells, and the flow near the the axis would not be resolved by
this grid. In order to avoid this effect, the program provides the Relative criterion for small cells. Using this
criterion, a cell is merged with the neighboring cells when its size is smaller then the specified fraction of the
neighboring cell's size.
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Velocity distribution in the plane of the flow
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Vectors on Plane #0
In the Properties window of the Vectors specify:
Variable = Velocity
Size 1 = 50
Size 2 = 11
Variable = Velocity
The illustration shows the Velocity distribution at a certain moment of time. As the flow is non-stationary, so
the shown distribution does not correspond to the flow at other moments of time.
In this example we consider simulating of flow in a narrow two-dimensional channel using the Gap model.
The Gap model is used in conjunction with a given model of the flow and is designed for taking into account
the resistance created by a narrow channel. The Gap model avoids resolution of the narrow channel by the
grid. The Gap model is only applied in cells of the gap. The gap cells are cells, which locate between two
'gap-bounding' surfaces. Surfaces are 'gap-bounding' when the distance between them does not exceed the
specified maximal gap clearance. The gap cells are identified by FlowVision automatically.
Geometry Gap_Channel.WRL
Project Gap_Channel
Value = 0.001 [kg m-1s-1]
Specific heat
Value = 4217 [J kg-1 K-1]
Boundaries 1 and 2
(You have to create two different boundary conditions, both of them has type "Wall")
Border 1 is the upper wall, and boundary 2 is the lower wall.
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = No slip
Boundary 4 (input)
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 10 [kg m-2 s-1]
Boundary 5 (outlet)
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
In this example in order to better resolve the flow in the channel area, it is necessary to specify a two-
dimensional non-uniform computational grid, condensed near the channel.
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button to call the Initial grid editor.
Specify in the Initial grid editor:
fir axis OX
Grid parameters: 1)
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.1 [m]
h_max = 0.00025 [m]
h_min = 0.00005 [m]
Insert reference lines with coordinates:
x1 = 0.0035 [m]
x2 = 0.0045 [m]
Specify parameters of the reference line with coordinate = 0 2) [m]
h = 0.00025 [m]
Specify parameters of the reference line with coordinate = 0.0035 2) [m]
h = 0.00005 [m]
Specify parameters of the reference line with coordinate = 0.0045 2) [m]
h = 0.00005 [m]
Specify parameters of the reference line with coordinate = 0.008 2) [m]
h = 0.00025 [m]
nY =8
nZ =1
Values specified in these fields are only applied after clicking on the Apply button.
Values specified in these fields are only applied after pressing on the Enter keyboard key.
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.001 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Distribution of gap cells
2. Velocity distribution in the plane of the flow
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Vectors on Plane #0
In theProperties window of the layer Vectors specify:
Variable = Velocity
On regular grid = No
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 0.2
Min =0
A model of the movement of oil in the reservoir with influence of gravity. From a wellbore with radius r oil is
pumped at a speed V. The upper layer with thickness h1 has larger resistance D1 and almost does not allow
the oil to go through. The lower layer has thickness h2 and lower resistance D2 and has a better capacity.
Radius of the wellbore r =1 [m]
Thickness of the upper layer h1 =6 [m]
Thickness of the lower layer h2 =5 [m]
The flow rate in the wellbore:
Velocity: V = 0.1 [m s-1]
Parameters of the substance:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 0.01 [kg m-1s-1]
Geometry: Oil.STL
Project: Oil
In this problem, motion of the fluid in a gravitational field is simulated. Therefore, you have to specify the gravity
vector. Also, problems in which the motion of the fluid in a gravitational field is simulated, it is possible to count
the pressure in the computational domain not from the reference pressure, but from the equilibrium hydrostatic
pressure. This allows you to improve the accuracy of the computation and specify in the initial and boundary
conditions not the pressure with hydrostatic column, but the difference of pressure between the real and and
the equilibrium pressure. For this the hydrostatic parameters are to be specified.
Do the following steps in the project tree in the Preprocessor tab.
In the properties of the General settings specify:
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y = -9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
X =0 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z =0 [m]
g-Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Boundary 1
Name = Symmetry
Type = Symmetry *)
Velocity (Phase #0) = Slip
Boundary 2
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Total pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Boundary 3
Name = Outlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = -100 [kg m-2 s-1]
In order to set the boundary condition on the boundary corresponding to the slip without leakage, use the
Symmetry type of the border condition. Modifiers
Modifiers are Subregion's elements that allow modifying the geometry and/or the solution in the area of their
application. In particular, you can use modifiers to specify a volume force, resistance, heat sources, etc.
In this example, we need two resistances and, accordingly, we will specify two Modifiers.
In order to set the modifier, which corresponds to the main resistance of the wellbore do the following steps:
In Subregion #0 in the context menu of folder Modifiers, select Create.
In the Create new modifier window, which opens, select:
Type = Permanent
Resistance coef. =5
In order to set the modifier, which corresponds to the resistance of the reservoir in the middle of the
computational domain, it is necessary to to create not only the modifier properties, but also an Object on
which the modifier will be applied.
Reference point
X = -5 [m]
Y = -3 [m]
Z =0 [m]
X = 10 [m]
Y =6 [m]
Z = 0.35 [m]
Type = Permanent
Resistance coef. = 500
To specify absence of the resistance in the borewell itself, create a modifier with zero resistance on an Object,
which corresponds to the borewell.
Reference point
X = -0.5 [m]
Y = -6 [m]
Z =0 [m]
X =1 [m]
Y = 10 [m]
Z = 0.35 [m]
Type = Permanent
Resistance coef. =0
Modifiers of the same type are applied sequentially in order of their location in the folder Modifiers. Priority of
a Modifier is higher when it is located lower in the list. Thus, in the area, which is the set-theoretic intersection
of Box #0, Box #1, and Subregion #0, the Modifier is applied, which is specified in Box #1.
Specify in the Solver tab in the Properties window of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 10 [s]
Specify in the Solver tab in the Properties window of the Advanced settings element:
Small Cells
Criterion = Relative
In this example problem, we recommend that you define the stopping condition by the static pressure at the
Create Characteristics:
In the Preprocessor tab, create a supergroup on the surface of the boundary conditions Outlet using the
command of the context menu Create supergroup > In Preprocessor.
Create Characteristics for the just created Supergroup #0.
In the Properties window of Characteristics #0 specify:
Variable = Pressure
Level = 1e-6
Object = Characteristics #0 (Supergroup on "Exit")
Variable = <f surf> Visualization
1. Pressure distribution in the plane of the flow
2. Pressure distribution with hydrostatic taken into account in the plane of the flow
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of Color contours #0 specify:
Variable = Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max =0
Min = -7
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
When a hydrostatic is given, the Pressure variable corresponds to the deviation from the equilibrium
hydrostatic pressure. To display pressure distribution relative to the reference pressure, without deduction of
the equilibrium hydrostatic pressure, you have to display pressure distribution with hydrostatic taken into
Variable = Pressure (+ hydrostatic)
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 100000
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
An one-dimensional trans-sonic flow of inviscid zero-conductivity gas in the Laval nozzle is considered in the
given example.
Density: inl
= 1.29 [kg m-3]
Geometry: Nozzle.STL
Project: Nozzle
Reference values
Temperature = 125 [K]
When simulating the gas flow at Mach > 0.15 is necessary to consider the dependency of density on
pressure. To do this:
1. In the properties of the Substance you have to specify Aggregative state = Gas, the dependency of
Density by Ideal gas law and values of Molar mass and Specific heat.
2. In Physical processes turn on computation of the Heat transfer equations.
Boundary 1
Type = Symmetry *)
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
Boundary 2
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Total temperature
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Total pressure
Total pressure =0 [Pa]
Boundary 3
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
In order to set on a boundary a boundary condition corresponding to the slip without leakage, you have to use
the Symmetry type of boundary condition.
When simulating the flow in the nozzle it is recommended specify in the constriction of the nozzle values of
pressure and temperature equal to the input values, and in the expansion specify values of pressure and
temperature equal to the output values. When you specify such initial conditions, the pressure surge will be
located in the narrowest part of the nozzle, not on the inlet or the outlet, and the flow will be more stable.
To set the initial conditions in the nozzle expansion, you have to:
1. Specify the Initial data corresponding to the parameters of the flow on the outlet.
To set initial data corresponding to the parameters of the flow on the outlet, specify in Model #0 > Init. data
Reference point
X = 1.9 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z =0 [m]
X = 1.3 [m]
Y = 0.4 [m]
Z = 0.4 [m]
In Subregion #0 in the context menu of the folder Initial conditions apply the Create command, which
creates Init. condition #0.
Object = Box #0
Init. data = Init. data #0
In the part of the computational domain, which is not covered by any Object containing the initial data, the
initial values of all variables are automatically set equal to 0. In this example, in the constriction of the nozzle
initial values are to be equal to the values on the input. Since the input values of all calculated variables are
equal to 0, you do not need to specify any additional initial conditions.
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
When simulating the gas flow at Mach number M>1 it is recommended to specify the step by the CFL number
and use the Convective CFL in a range from 1 to 10.
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Mach Number distribution in the plane of the flow.
2. Pressure distribution in the plane of the flow.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on the Plane.
In the Properties window specify:
Variable MachNumber
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 1.6
Min = 0.2
o In the Properties window of the Layer click button Palette > Operations > (Load palette from
Variable Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max =0
Min = -5500
Load the thermal palette from the file heat.fvpal.
In this example a supersonic flow around a 15-degree wedge in two-dimensional channel is simulated.
Angle: = 15 [Deg]
Dimensions of the computational domain 6x 2x 1 [m x m x m]
Parameters of the substance:
Molar mass: M = 0.0289 [kg mole-1]
Viscosity: = 1.82 10-5 [kg m-1s-1]
Thermal conductivity = 0.026 [W m-1K-1]
Specific heat capacity cp = 1009 [J (kg K)-1]
Geometry: Wedge.WRL
Project: Wedge
Value = 1.82e-5 [kg m-1s-1]
Thermal conductivity
Value = 0.026 [W (m K)-1]
Specific heat
Value = 1009 [J kg-1 K-1]
Boundary 1
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
Boundary 2
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Boundary 3
Type = Free Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Pressure =0 [Pa]
In this project it is necessary to solve the grid in the area of pressure surges. To provide this, specify
adaptation by the gradient of pressure.
Variable = Pressure
Value/Gradient = To gradient
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build Pressure distribution in the plane of the
flow before the start of computation.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on the plane.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 2.5e5
Min =0
Method = Isolines
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
In order to view the computational grid with the adaptation, create the Computational grid layer on the
Computational space. The layer will be displayed after at least one step of computation is done.
Radius of the sphere: R = 0.016 [m]
Substance: Air
Flow Settings:
Static pressure: P = 100000 [Pa]
Temperature at infinity: T = 273 [K]
Velocity at infinity: V =3830 [m s-1]
Mach number at infinity: M = 11.2
Geometry: Sphere.STL
Project: Sphere
Computation of this project may require long time and significant amount of computing resources.
This problem require simulation of an axisymmetric external hypersonic flow. Therefore, you have to create a
computational domain, which is a region with flow around a streamlined body, which is a sector with a small
degree (eg 1-2 degrees). When the gas flows at a velocity corresponding to the Mach number > 0.1 it is
possible to use non-reflecting boundary conditions. They make less disturbance to the flow, so the distance
from the body to the limits of the region, in many cases, can be set less than 10x characteristic body size.
You can find fully prepared geometry of the computational domain is in the file Sphere.STL.
Substances = Air
Phases = Gas (equilibrium)
Boundary 1
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
Boundary 2
Type = Non-reflecting
Temperature(Phase #0) = Non-reflect.
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Non-reflect.
Boundary 3
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = No slip
In supersonic and hypersonic external flow around bluff bodies we recommend to specify near the body initial
values of variables, corresponding to the parameters of flow deceleration, and in the rest of the domain specify
initial conditions, which are relevant to parameters of the undisturbed flow.
To set initial conditions, which are relevant to parameters of the undisturbed flow, in properties of the element
Model #0 > Init. data > Init. data #0 specify:
Velocity(Phase #0)
X = 3830 [m s-1]
To set initial conditions corresponding to the deceleration of the flow near the body, you have to:
1. Specify Initial data corresponding to the parameters of flow deceleration.
2. Specify an Object corresponding to the region around the sphere.
3. Specify Initial conditions, establishing correspondence between the Object and the Initial data.
Reference point
X = 0.003 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z =0 [m]
Radius = 0.02 [m]
Object = Ellipsoid/sphere #0
The initial conditions are applied sequentially in the order they appear in the folder Initial conditions. Priority
of an Initial condition is higher when the item is lower in the list1).. Thus, in the set-theoretic intersection of
Ellipsoid/spheres #0 and Subregion #0, in the initial moment time parameters of flow deceleration are set,
and parameters of the undisturbed flow are set in the rest of the domain .
You can change priority of an Init. conditions element moving it in the list up and down using the context
menu commands Move Up and Move Down.
To better solving the flow near the sphere in this example, specify a two-dimensional non-uniform computational
grid, condensed near the sphere.
In the Properties window, click on the Initial grid button call Initial grid editor
Specify in the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters:
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.01 [m]
h_min = 0.0002 [m]
Insert the reference line with the coordinate:
x1 =0 [m]
Grid parameters:
kh_max =2
nZ =1
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Mach Number distribution in the plane of the flow.
2. Pressure distribution in the plane of the flow.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on the Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Mach number
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 12
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Variable = Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 2e7
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Heat transfer in a solid body by means of conduction is considered in the given example.
The length of the bar l =1 [m]
Parameters of the substance
Density = 7900 [kg m-3]
Inlet parameters:
Temperature on the hot wall Th = 100 [C]
Geometry: Conduct.STL
Project: Conduct
Model = Model #0
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Boundary 2
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Boundary 3
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Flux
Value = -4600 [W m-2]
nX = 100
nY =1
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 10000 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build Temperature distribution along the length
of the bar before the start of computation.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on the Plane.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 100
Min =0
Consider the simulation of laminar flow of cold water in a tube with a hot wall.
Length of the tube L =2 [m]
Diameter of the tube D = 0.1 [m]
Inflow parameters:
Velocity on inlet: Vinl = 0.001 [m s-1]
Fluid parameters:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 10-3 [kg m-1s-1]
Thermal conductivity = 0.6 [W m-1K-1]
Specific heat cp = 4217 [J kg-1 K-1]
Molar mass
Value =0.018 [kg mole-1]
Value = 1000 [kg m-3]
Value = 0.001 [kg m-1s-1]
Thermal conductivity
Value = 0.6 [W m-1K-1]
Specific heat
Value = 4217 [J kg-1 K-1]
Velocity(Phase #0)
X =0 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z = 0.001 [m s-1]
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value = 90 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = No slip
Boundary 2
Type = Free Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Boundary 3
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity =1 [kg m-2 s-1]
nX = 20
nY = 20
nZ = 50
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 20 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build temperature distribution in the plane of
the flow before the start of computation.
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 90
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
In this example, the simulation of laminar air flow in a rectangular cavity, vertical walls are maintained at
different temperatures (one cold and one hot), while the horizontal walls are insulated. Under the influence of
buoyancy due to a temperature difference arises dimensional convective motion.
Geometry: Natur_Convect.WRL
Project: Natur_Convect
Reference values
Temperature = 293 [K]
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y = -9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
g-Density = 1.224 [kg m-3]
Model = Model #0
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value = 30 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = No slip
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = No slip
Boundary 4
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = No slip
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify in the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.1 [m]
h_max = 0.00125 [m]
h_min = 0.0004 [m]
nY = 73
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.2 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Velocity distribution in the plane of the flow
2. Temperature distribution in the plane of the flow
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Vectors on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Velocity
Size 1 = 50
Size 2 = 50
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 0.075
Min =0
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 30
Min =0
Method = Isolines
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
4.3 Turbulence
FlowVision mainly uses the following turbulence models:
The standard k-ε turbulence model is intended for simulation of flows with values of y+ > 3 and small pressure
Consider an application of the k-ε turbulence model in an example of simulation of turbulent flow in a tube.
A turbulent flow is characterized by the Reynolds number (Re) more then 104.
Length of the tube L =2 [m]
Diameter of the tube D = 0.1 [m]
Inflow parameters:
Velocity on inlet: Vinl = 10 [m s-1]
Geometry: Tube.WRL
Project: Tube_turb
Reference values
Temperature = 298 [K]
Pressure = 100000 [Pa]
Boundary 1
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Name = Outlet
Boundary 3
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 10000 [kg m-2 s-1]
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value =0
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value =0 [m]
nZ = 50
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.01 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Pressure variation on inlet
2. Turbulent viscosity distribution in the plane of the flow
3. Velocity distribution in the plane of the flow
4. Pressure distribution along the axis of the tube
Create a Supergroup on BC Inlet using the Create supergroup > In Preprocessor command from the
context menu.
Create Characteristics on the Supergroup
In Postprocessor in the Properties window of the Characteristics, specify:
Variable = Pressure
Save to file
Type = Automatic
Variable = TurbViscosity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 0.9
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
Variable = Velocity
Size 1 = 10
Size 2 = 40
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 11.2
Min = 8.2
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button in the toolbar. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the
Palette group of settings.
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
CreateLine #0.
In the Properties window of Line #0, specify:
Reference point
X 0
Y 0
Z 0.001
X 0
Y 0
Z 1
Create a layer Plot along line on Line #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 13000
Min =0
To display information about a layer, open the Info window. Select an item in the Postprocessor tab of
project tree and then click on the button in the toolbar.
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
The Low-Reynolds k-ε turbulence model (AKN) with equilibrium wall functions can be used for simulation of
flows with small gradients at y+>3 and with no wall functions at 1<y+<3.
Consider the use of the Low-Reynolds turbulence model without wall functions for simulating the dynamic and
the thermal boundary layers on a plate.
Geometry: Plate.WRL
Project: Plate
Molar mass
Value =0.018 [kg mole-1]
Value = 1000 [kg m-3]
Value = 0.001 [kg m-1s-1]
Thermal conductivity
Value = 0.6 [W m-1K-1]
Specific heat
Value = 4217 [J kg-1 K-1]
Before applying the Low-Reynolds k-ε turbulence model (AKN), you need to carry out a preliminary
computation using the Standard k-ε turbulence model (KES) with wall functions.
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value = 20 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Symmetry
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Value = 1000 [kg m-2s-1]
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.0001
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value = 0.001 [m]
Boundary 4
Type = Free Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify in the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.1 [m]
h_min = 0.0001 [m]
Parameters of reference lines:
Position =0 [m]
h = 0.0001 [m]
kh+ =1
Position =1 [m]
h = 0.1 [m]
kh- = 0.5
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.125 [m]
h_min = 0.002 [m]
Insert reference lines with coordinates:
y1 = -0.5 [m]
y2 = 0.5 [m]
Parameters of reference lines:
Position = -1 [m]
h = 0.125 [m]
Position = -0.5 [m]
h =0.002 [m]
kh- = 0.9
kh+ = 1.1
Position = 0.5 [m]
h =0.002 [m]
kh- = 0.9
kh+ = 1.1
Position =1 [m]
h = 0.125 [m]
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.01 [s]
Do a preliminary computation using the Standard k-ε turbulence model (KES) of turbulence:
Run the project on computation.
Do 10 iterations.
Stop computation.
Turbulence = KEAKN
Wall interaction
Phase #0 = No wall functions *)
Run the project on computation for continuation.
When y+ < 3 over most of the surface of the wall, it is recommended to specify the Wall interaction= No
wall functions. Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation of the fluid:
1. Y+ distribution on a surface of the wall
Create a Supergroup on BC Wall using the Create supergroup > In Postprocessor command from the
context menu.
Create a layer Color contours on the Supergroup.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Y_plus
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max =3
Min = 1.5
Reference point
X = 0.01
Y = -0.51
Z = 0.05
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Variable = Shear stress
Shift = 0.0001
The Quadratic k-ε turbulence model is intended for simulation of flows with values 30<y+<300 and recirculation
Consider the use of the k-ε quadratic turbulence model in the example of a flow over an opposite facing step.
Step height D =1 [m]
Inflow parameters:
Fluid parameters:
Density =1 [kg m-3]
Viscosity =1.82e-5 [kg m-1s-1]
Reynolds number: VinlDρ 1.76 1 1
Re 105
μ 1.82 10 5
Geometry: BaskwardFacingStep.WRL
Project: BaskwardFacingStep
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Velocity (Phase #0) = Slip
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) =Symmetry
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) =Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 1.76 [kg m-2 s-1]
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.095
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Boundary 4
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Zero gradient
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build Velocity distribution in the plane of the
flow before the start of computation.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Vectors on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Velocity
On regular grid = No
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 1.8
Min =0
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
The SST k-ε turbulence model is used for simulation of flows with a high degree of turbulence, with recirculation
zones and large back pressure gradients, and it also provides good results for free flows and flows with small
pressure gradients.
Consider the use of the SST k-ε turbulence model in the example of simulation of a turbulent flow around a
Side of the cube d = 0.0254 [m]
The length of the computational domain 17.6d = 0.447 [m]
The width of the computational domain 11.6d = 0.294 [m]
Inflow parameters:
Velocity on inlet Vinl = 7.65 [m s-1]
Fluid parameters:
Density = 1.226 [kg m-3]
Viscosity =1.8325e-5 [kg m-1s-1]
Reynolds number: Vinldρ 7.65 0.0254 1.226
Re 1.3 10 4
μ 1.8325 10 5
Geometry: Box.STL
Project: Box
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Wall interaction
Phase #0 =No wall functions
Velocity (Phase #0) = No slip
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Fixed value
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Velocity (Phase #0) = Slip
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) =Symmetry
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) =Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 9.38 [kg m-2 s-1]
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.05
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value = 0.00254 [m]
Boundary 4
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify in the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.03 [m]
h_min = 0.00075 [m]
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
x1 =0 [m]
Reference line parameters
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.03 [m]
h_min = 0.00075 [m]
nZ =1
In this example, you must resolve the vortex formation zone. For this it is necessary to make a grid adaptation
in the volume of a parallelepiped around the cube (you can see cells of the adapted computational grid after the
computation using the Computational grid layer).
Reference point
X = 0.01 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z = 0.005 [m]
X = 0.05 [m]
Y = 0.05 [m]
Z = 0.005 [m]
Activation = Yes
Object = Box #0
Max level =1
Split/Merge = Split
Zone = In volume
In order to see the computational grid adaptation, create on Plane #0 a layer Computational grid section.
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.0003 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Y+ distribution on the surface of the parallelepiped.
2. Velocity distribution in the plane of symmetry. Y+ distribution
Create a Supergroup on BC Wall using the Create supergroup > In Postprocessor command from the
context menu.
Create a layer Color contours on the Supergroup.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Y_plus
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
Velocity distribution visualized as vectors displays generation of turbulent eddies, which form and go away from
the box some time after starting the computation (initially the fluid moves behind the box symmetrically and with
no eddies)
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Vectors on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Velocity
Size 1 = 100
Size 2 = 100
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 12
Min =0
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
The SA model is an one-parameter model, which was developed for aerospace applications. This model can be
used both in Low-Reynolds and Hi-Reynolds computations.
Low-Reynolds computations assume that the viscous boundary layer is resolved by a computational grid. We
recommend to build a grid with dimensionless distance y+ from the center of the wall cell to the wall does not
exceed 1 (the structure of the boundary layer is discussed in work H.Schlichting (1974) "Boundary layer
theory" Nauka, Moscow, 711 pages / Шлихтинг Г. (1974) "Теория пограничного слоя", Москва, Наука, 711
Consider the application of the SA model for the example problem of subsonic flow around airfoil at Reynolds
number Re = 1.68x106 and Mach number M = 0.3. In this example Hi-Reynolds computations are done, so a
quite coarse computational grid is built (the viscous boundary layer is not resolved) and wall functions are used.
Chord length c = 0.256 [m]
Dimensions of the computational 5.3 x 5 x 0.00254 [m x m x m]
Angle of attack =3°
Substance: Air
Inflow parameters:
Static pressure: P = 100000 [Pa]
Static temperature: T = 298 [K]
Velocity on inlet: Vinl = 103.83 [m s-1]
Project: NACA0012_3deg
Computation of this project may require significant computing resources and a long time.
Reference values
Temperature = 298 [K]
Substances = Air
Phases = Gas (equilibrium)
X = 103.83 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z =0 [m s-1]
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbKinViscosity(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
TurbKinViscosity(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Non-reflecting
Temperature(Phase #0) = Non-reflect.
Value =0 [K]
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.635 [m]
h_min = 0.0006415 [m]
Insert a reference line with a coordinate:
x1 =0 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = -2.54 [m]
h = 0.635 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h =0.0006415 [m]
kh- =1
kh+ = 0.95
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 2.794 [m]
h = 0.635 [m]
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
Specify adaptation on the surface of the wing. To do this, specify in the Properties window of the boundary
condition, which is set on the wing's surface:
Enabled = Yes
Max level =3
Cell Strata =5
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
In this problem, the time step is chosen approximately equal to 0.04 of the time of flight over the wing's chord.
L 0.256 5
own 0.04 * 0.04 * 10
V 103.83 Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Mach Number distribution in the plane of the flow.
2. Pressure distribution on the surface of the wing.
Method Isolines
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 0.4
Min = 0.2
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
Variable = Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 6000
Min = -6000
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
1. The Mass transfer + Chemistry model simulates convective-diffusive mixing (with chemical reactions) of
several Substances.
2. The Combustion model simulates gas-phase combustion.
In order to simulate the mass transfer + chemistry of a liquid or a gas, do the following:
Create the required Substances.
You have to enable in the Phase physical processes Movement, Heat transfer, and Mass transfer =
In the Combustion's parameters you have to specify Combustion model, stoichiometric coefficients (i_1,
i_2, i_3), temperature of ignition (T ignition), combustion limits Alpha min. and Alpha max.
Specify the appropriate initial and boundary conditions for the concentration of the fuel, combustion products,
and the dispersion of fuel (when the Arrhenius-Magnussen combustion model is used).
Specify an Ignition / extinction zone modifier if it is necessary to initiate the combustion or define an
extinction zone.
In order to prevent a possible instability of the solution, we recommend to specify constraints for the
Consider simulation of mixing air with pure oxygen and pure nitrogen.
Inflow parameters:
Mass flow rate of air Vair = 0.1 [kg m-2s-1]
Geometry: Mixture.WRL
Project: Mixture
Substances = Air
Phases = Gas (equilibrium)
Create Substance #0.
Substances = Oxygen
Phases = Gas (equilibrium)
Substances = Nitrogen
Phases = Gas
In Phase #0 add all Substances, which you have just created, into the folder Substances in the following
order 1):
o Oxygen_Gas (equilibrium)
o Nitrogen_Gas
o Air_Gas (equilibrium)
When simulating the Mixing + Chemistry we recommend to place on the last place in the folder Phase #N
> Substances those Substance, which has higher mass fraction in this Phase.
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
Mass frac._ Oxygen_Gas (equilibrium)(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Mass frac._ Nitrogen_Gas(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
Mass frac._ Oxygen_Gas (equilibrium)(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Mass frac._ Nitrogen_Gas(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Value = 0.129 [kg m-2 s-1]
Mass frac._ Oxygen_Gas (equilibrium) (Phase #0) = Value
Value =0
Boundary 4
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Value = 1.4 [kg m-2 s-1]
Boundary 5
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Boundary 6
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Mass frac._ Oxygen_Gas = Zero gradient
(equilibrium) (Phase #0)
Mass frac._ Nitrogen_Gas (Phase = Zero gradient
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
nX = 200
nY = 100
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.1 [s]
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build Concentration distribution in the plane of
the flow before the start of computation.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the Color contours specify:
Category = Variables of phase "Phase #0"
Variable = Mass. frac. [Air_Gas (equilibrium)]
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
Geometry: Isotope.WRL
Project: Isotope
Reference values
Temperature = 373 [K]
Pressure = 101325 [Pa]
Name = Sodium
Aggregative state = Liquid
Molar mass =Constant
Value = 0.023 [kg mole-1]
Density =Constant
Copy Sodium
In the properties of this material set
Name = Isotope
Enthalpy of formation
Value = 106 [J kg-1]
In the folder Phases in the properties of the phase #0 Physical Processes > > > Isotope Mass transfer set:
D = -1
Boundary 1
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature (Phase #0) = Value
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 925 [kg m-2 s-1]
Mass frac._ Isotope (Phase #0) = Value
Value = 10-3
Boundary 2
Boundary 3
Type = Symmetry
Temperature (Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
Mass frac._ Isotope (Phase #0) = Symmetry
nX = 250
nY =1
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
1. Isotope concentration distribution in the plane of the flow
2. Temperature distribution in the plane of the flow
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the Color contours specify:
Category = Variables of phase "Phase #0"
Variable = Mass. frac. [Isotope]
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 3
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 0.35
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
4.4.3 Combustion
Geometry: Combustion.WRL
Project: Combustion
Reference values
Temperature = 298 [K]
CreateSubstance #0.
Load Substance #0 from the Standard substance database:
o In the context menu of Substances #0 select Load from SD > Standard.
Substances = Air
Phases =Gas
CreateSubstance #0.
Load Substance #0 from the Standard substance database:
i_1 = 16.92
i_2 = 17.92
T ignition = 923 [K]
Alpha min. = 0.6
Alpha max. = 1.9
In simulating the combustion of substances in Phase should go in the following order:
Products of combustion
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
Masses. The share of natural gaz_Gazovaya (equilibrium) (Phase = Zero gradient
Masses. The share of natural gas + air produkty_Gas (equilibrium) = Zero gradient
(Phase #0)
Dispersion fuels (Phase #0) = Zero gradient
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
Masses. The share of natural gaz_Gazovaya (equilibrium) (Phase #0) = Symmetry
Masses. The share of natural gas + air produkty_Gas (equilibrium)(Phase #0)= Symmetry
Dispersion fuels (Phase #0) = Symmetry
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Symmetry
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 50 [kg m-2s-1]
Masses. The share of natural gaz_Gazovaya (equilibrium) =Value
(Phase #0)
Value =1
Masses. The share of natural gas + air produkty_Gas =Value
(equilibrium)(Phase #0)
Value =0
Dispersion fuels (Phase #0) =Value
Value =0
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.03
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value = 0.0008 [m]
Boundary 4
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value =0
Velocity(Phase #0) = Inlet pressure
Value =0 [kg m-2s-1]
Masses. The share of natural gaz_Gazovaya =Value Ignition
In this task, you must burn the fuel in the mixing of fuel with an oxidant. To do this, select amodifierIgnition.
Reference point
X = 0.1001 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z =0 [m]
Height = 0.001 [m]
Radius 1 = 0.005 [m]
Radius of 2 = 0.005 [m]
Regular attitude. =1
Channel = Constant wall
Rel. channel = 0.8
Type = Inactive
Type = Ignition
Modifier ignition is recommended to include from the beginning of the calculation, and only after for aborted.
After switching off the ignition Modifiers may be a temporary extinction of the flame.
Height = 0.105 [m]
Radius 1 = 0.005 [m]
CreateSetup. conditions # 1
InSubregion #0 InitialProperties window.# 1setof conditions:
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify in the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters
kh_max = 2
h_max =0.025 [m]
h_min = 0.0002 [m]
Insert a reference line with a coordinate:
x1 = 0.11 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.005 [m]
kh+ = 0.9
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.11 [m]
h =0.0002 [m]
kh- =1
kh+ =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 1 [m]
h = 0.025 [m]
kh- = 0.9
Grid parameters
kh_max = 2
h_max =0.025 [m]
h_min = 0.0002 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0
h =0.0002 [m]
kh+ =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.254 [m]
h =0.025 [m]
kh- =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the Properties window of the Time step element:
Specify in the Solver tab in the Properties window of the Advanced settings element:
On the Solver tab in the Properties window of the element Advanced settings:
Type = Permanent
On the Solver tab in the Properties window of the Time step element:
Convective CFL = 50
Max step = 0.0001 [s]
Start the computation for continuation.
Type = Inactive
On the Solver tab in the Properties window of the Time step element,specify: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Oxidant excess factor's distribution in the plane of the flow.
2. Temperature distribution in the plane of the flow.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the Color contours #0 specify:
Category = Variables of phase "Phase #0"
Variable = Odds. excess oxidant recovery.
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max =2
Min = 0.4
Enabled = Yes
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 1800
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
In order to simulate the movement of the liquid based on a free surface, it is necessary:
In the substances set Aggregative state = liquid
In the properties of the substance is required to specify the value of the density,
Create two phases, one phase to add substance and the calculation to include the equations of motion, and
the other phase is left blank,
Add both phases in one model, with the first on the list should be phase with the movement, and the second
- an empty phase,
Specify the appropriate boundary conditions for the variable phase volume, be sure to ask anywhere in the
computational domain initial value VOF = 1,
Use the time step is not more than 5 Surface CFL. When significant changes in shape of the free surface,
use a step corresponding to 1 superficial CFL.
In order to simulate the movement of the two liquids or a liquid and gas based interface, it is necessary:
Create two substances set Aggregate states of liquid / liquid or liquid / gas,
In the properties of the substance is required to specify the value of the density or density calculations on the
ideal gas law,
Create two phases, each phase is to add the relevant substances and enable the calculation of equations of
Add both phases in one model, with the first on the list should be phase, the density of matter in which more
Specify the appropriate boundary conditions for the VOF variables for each phase, be sure to ask anywhere
in the computational domain initial value VOF = 1,
Use the time step is not more than 5 Surface CFL. When significant changes in shape of the free surface,
use a step corresponding to 1 superficial CFL.
In this example, the simulated two-dimensional collapse of the dam. Part of the computational domain is filled
with water, which is separated by a partition. Initially, the partition is removed rapidly and begins to spread a
Dimensions of the axb =5x 3 [m × m]
computational domain
Dimensions of the liquid columnd × d = 2 x 2 [m x m]
Fluid parameters:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 0.001 [kg m-1s-1]
Geometry: Wave.STL
Project: Wave
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y =-9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
1. In this task, the motion of matter in the second phase can be neglected, so the Phase #1 Physical
processes are not set. At the same time, phase, in which the physical processes are not specified, must
always be second in the Model folder Phases.
2. When loading Phase #0 and #1 inthe PhaseModelautomatically will be the type of interaction phases-
continuous-vacuum, and in Phase #0 Physical processes appears element transfer phase
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
VOF (Phase #0) =Symmetry
Boundary 2
Type =Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Symmetry
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Symmetry
VOF (Phase #0) =Symmetry
In the simulation of fluid motion, taking into account the free surface should always set the initial phase
Value =1
Reference point
X =1 [m]
Y =1 [m]
Z = 0.025 [m]
X =1.99 [m]
Y =1.99 [m]
Z = 0.05 [m]
In order to define a mapping between the object and the initial data in the Subregion #0in the folderproperties
windowInitial conditionsInitial. conditionsset# 0:
Object = Box #0
Init. data = Initial. data #0
Thus, the volume of a parallelepiped set volume phase VoF = 1, which corresponds to the presence in the
initial time domain estimated water column with dimensions 2x2.
Since the initial data is assigned to all the cells, even partially in contact with the box, installsizeis somewhat
smaller parallelepiped required not to catch the extra cell.
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify in the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.05 [m]
h_max = 0.125 [m]
h_min = 0.03 [m]
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.05 [m]
h_max = 0.1 [m]
h_min = 0.03 [m]
Insert reference lines with coordinates:
y1 = 0.5 [m]
y2 = 2.5 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.03 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.5 [m]
h = 0.1 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 2.5 [m]
h = 0.1 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 3 [m]
h = 0.03 [m]
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build water distribution in the plane of
symmetry before the start of computation.
In this example, consider the motion of a free two-dimensional jet in the gravity field
Inlet parameters:
Flow rate V =3 [m s-1]
Initial angle of the flow to the horizon α = 45
Geometry FreeJet.STL
Project: FreeJet
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y =-9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
Boundary 1
Type = Symmetry
Velocity (Phase #0) = Slip
Boundary 2
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 3000 [kg m-2 s-1]
VOF (Phase #0) = Value
Value =1
Boundary 3
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
VOF (Phase #0) = Zero gradient
In problems with a free surface is necessary that at the initial time in the present volume of fluid.
X = 2.12 [m s-1]
Y = 2.12 [m s-1]
Z =0 [m s-1]
Value =1
Reference point
X = 0.1 [m]
Y = 0.1 [m]
Z = 0.05 [m]
The X axis
X =1
Y =1
Z =0
X = 0.1 [m]
Y = 0.06 [m]
Z = 0.1 [m]
Object = Box #0
Init. data = Initial. data #0
Clicking theApplybuttonin the Properties windowBox #0 vectors of the coordinate system of the parallelepiped
will be automatically redirected and proortonormirovany.
nX = 150
nY = 50
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build water distribution before the start of
In this example, consider the displacement of theoiltankwith water. At the start of the tank is completely filled
with oil. From the hole in the side wall of the tank water enters gradually displacing oil from the tank.
Water parameters:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 0.001 [kg m-1s-1]
Surface tension s = 0.073 [N m-1]
Oil parameters
Density = 500 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 0.01 [kg m-1s-1]
Surface tension s = 0.0647 [N m-1]
Inlet parameters:
Water feed rate V = 0.1 [m s-1]
Geometry TwoFluids.wrl
Project: TwoFluids
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y =-9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
X =0 [m]
Y = 0.25 [m]
Z =0 [m]
g-Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
CreateSubstance # 1
Specify the following properties of the substances # 1:
1. In this problem, amodel ofthe firstphaseshould go# 0,the density of matter in which more than inPhase # 1.
2. When loadingPhase #0 and# 1inthe PhaseModelautomatically will be the type ofinteraction phases-
continuous-continuous, and inPhase #0 andPhase # 1inphysical processeswill be an element oftransfer
Boundary 1
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
VOF (Phase #0) =Symmetry
Velocity(Phase # 1) = Slip
VOF (Phase # 1) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
VOF (Phase #0) =Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase # 1) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Boundary 4
Type = Wall
Velocity(Phase #0) = No slip
VOF (Phase #0) =Symmetry
Velocity(Phase # 1) = No slip
VOF (Phase # 1) =Symmetry
InModel #0 :
InInit. data #0 set:
VOF(Phase # 1)
Value =1
CreateNach.dannye # 1
InInit. data # 1set:
X = 0.1 [m s-1]
VOF(Phase #0)
Value =1
In the folderobjects:
create aBox #0
in the Properties window,set theparallelepiped # 0:
Reference point
X =0 [m]
Y = 0.06 [m]
Z = 0.005 [m]
X = 0.04 [m]
Y = 0.035 [m]
Z = 0.01 [m]
InSubregion #0 :
Specify theInitialProperties window.conditions # 0:
CreateSetup. conditions # 1
Specify theInitialProperties window.conditions # 1:
Object = Box #0
nX = 50
nY = 100
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build the liquid surface before the start of
Consider the evaporation of droplets in the air under the influence of heating:
Inflow parameters:
Mass flow rate of air: V = 0.5522 [kg m-2 s-1]
Air temperature: Tair = 10 [K]
Geometry: Drops.WRL
Project: Drops
Substances = Air
Phases = Gas (equilibrium)
Substance = Water
Substances = Water
Phases = Liquid
In the folder Phases:
It is important that you add the Substances into the Phase using this order.
o Specify:
Couple of substances
Phase 0 = Water_Gas (equilibrium)
Phase 1 = Water_Liquid
Cd = Model1
Nu = Model1
Model of evaporation = Model1
Sh = Model1
Value =1
Temperature (Phase #0)
Value =0 [K]
Velocity (Phase #0)
X =1 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z =0 [m s-1]
In substance Water_Gas (equilibrium) must also download the dependence of saturation pressure on
temperature from a text file:
In the Properties window, the saturation pressure of the substance Water_Gas (equilibrium),select the
type of the variable table f (x)
In Windows Explorer, select the file p(x).txt in folder Tutorial > Samples > Geom and click Open
Boundary 1
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value = 10 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 0.5522 [kg m-2 s-1]
Mass frac._Water_Gas (equilibrium) (Phase =Value
Value =0
Volume Phase(Phase # 1) =Value
Value = 0.001
Temperature(Phase # 1) =Value
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase # 1) = Velocity of the particles
Velocity of the particles
X =1 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z =0 [m s-1]
Diameter (Phase # 1) =Value
Value = 0.0001 [m]
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
Mass frac._Water_Gas (equilibrium) (Phase #0) = Symmetry
Volume Phase(Phase # 1) = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase # 1) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase # 1) = Slip
Diameter(Phase # 1) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Free Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Mass frac._Water_Gas (equilibrium) (Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Volume Phase(Phase # 1) = Permeable surface
Temperature(Phase # 1) = Permeable surface
Velocity(Phase # 1) = Permeable surface
Diameter (Phase # 1) =Value Modifiers
Reference point
X = 0.15 [m]
Y = 0.05 [m]
Z = 0.05 [m]
X = 0.1 [m]
Y = 0.1 [m]
Z = 0.1 [m]
Objects = Box #0
In the Volume heat source #0, which appear, define:
Type = Permanent
Volume heat source = 2e6 [W m-3]
nX = 104
nY =1
nZ =1 Visualization
Specify visualizations:
1. Moisture vapor distribution in the plane of the flow
2. Temperature distribution in the plane of the flow
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Category = Variables of phase "Phase #0"
Variable = Mass. frac [Water_Gas (equilibrium)]
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 0.03
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 60
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
4.7 Radiation
InFlowVisionfor simulating radiation implemented:
1. P1 radiation model
2. Model of an optically thin layer
Consider the one-dimensional simulation of radiation heat transfer in an opaque medium between two walls with
different temperatures.
The length of the bar l =1 [m]
Inlet parameters:
The temperature of the hot wall T = 100 [K]
The temperature of the cold wall T =0 [K]
The absorption coefficient α = 100 [m-1]
Geometry: Radiation.WRL
Project: Radiation
Value =1 [kg m-3]
Thermal conductivity
Value = 10-10 [W m-1K-1]
Specific heat
Value = 1009 [J kg-1 K-1]
Model = Model #0
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Radiation density(Phase# 0) = Rad. flux
Value =0
Boundary 2
Type = Wall
Boundary 3
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value =0 [K]
Radiation density(Phase# 0) = Calculated rad. flux
Blackness =1
nX = 100
nY =1
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
In the simulation of radiative heat transfer it is recommended to use a time step that is comparable to the
diffusion CFL. Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build a temperature distribution before the start of
Reference point
X = -0.5 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z = 0.05 [m]
Variable = Temperature
Number of points = 100
4.8 Electrodynamics
The interaction of the two plates, which conduct electricity poorly. Between the upper ends of the plates (A and
B) are maintained at a constant voltage, and the lower ends of the plates (A1 and B1) are connected to short-
circuited conductor.
The height of the plates h = 0.2 [m]
The distance between the plates d = 0.05 [m]
Inlet parameters:
The potential difference between A and UAB = 20 [V]
The potential difference between the A1 UA1B1 =0 [V]
and B1
The potential distribution in the dielectric U AB x
AA1 U (y) [V]
2 h
The potential distribution in the dielectric U AB y [V]
BB1 U (y)
2 d
Properties of substance between isolators
Conductivity =1 [ m-1]
Dielectric permittivity ε =1
Geometry: DielPlates.WRL
Project: DielPlates
EHD = Electrodynamics
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Specify the formula for the potential distribution in the insulator: 10*(COORD_X +0.01)/0.02
Specify the following boundary conditions (formula at the Border 2 and 3 are also given, as well as on the
Frontier 1):
Boundary 2
Type = Wall
Potential (Phase# 0) =Value
Value = -10*(COORD_X +0.01)/0.02 [V]
Boundary 3
Type = Wall
Potential (Phase# 0) =Value
Value =-10 *COORD_Y/0.0025 [V]
Boundary 4
Type = Wall
Potential (Phase# 0) =Value
Value =0 [V]
Border 5
Type = Symmetry
Potential (Phase# 0) = Symmetry
Detailed description of the boundary conditions by using Equation Editor in Example Flow in a tube with
variable flow.
nX = 200
nY = 50
nZ =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step =1 [s]
1. Electrical intensity's distribution in a plane in the plane of symmetry.
2. Electrical intensity's distribution along a line on the horizontal axis.
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Electric field intensity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 4000
Min =0
Method = Isolines
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
Reference point
X =0 [m]
Y = -0.0024 [m]
Z = 0.00125 [m]
X =0
Y =1
Z =0
Variable = Electric field intensity
5 Advanced modules
This section describes the following additional featuresFlowVision:
1. Pairing
2. Rotation
3. Movable body
Consider laminar flow simulation viscous cold air tube with a thick metal wall heated from the outside.
Length of the tube L = 0.1 [m]
The radius of the inside of the R = 0.015 [m]
Wall Thickness d = 0.005 [m]
Inflow parameters:
Velocity on inlet: Vinl = 0.1 [m s-1]
Fluid parameters:
Density =1 [kg m-3]
Viscosity =1.82e-5 [kg m-1s-1]
Geometry: Conjugate_Convection.STL
Project: Conjugate_Convection
In the preparation of a geometric model based on one piece in such problems arises the problem of preparing
geometric model - there is a situation of so-called T-shaped surfaces.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to change the geometry of adding the thin walls where there were T-
shaped surface. On the border of the wall are given fictitious adiabatic boundary conditions. The disadvantage
of this method is that it distorts the picture physical process. If the problem is solved the energy equation, the
introduction of such walls will cause thermal bridges.
Name = Steel
Aggregative state = Solid
Molar mass
Value = 0.056 [kg mole-1]
Value = 7900 [kg m-3]
Thermal conductivity
Value = 45 [W m-1K-1]
Specific heat
Value = 457 [J kg-1 K-1]
Create Substance #0
Specify the following properties of Substance #0:
Name = Air
Name = Steel
In the folderSubstancesPhaseSteelSteelload.
Specify in the Properties window of the folder Physical processes:
Name = Air
In the folderSubstancesphaseairdownloadAir.
Specify in the Properties window of the folder Physical processes:
Name = Steel
Add phase Steel into subfolder Steel > Phases.
CreateModel #0
In the Properties window Model #0 set:
Name = Air
Add phase Air into subfolder Air > Phases.
In Init. data #0 set:
Velocity (Air)
X =0 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z = 0.1 [m s-1]
Specify the following boundary conditions (on the inner surface at the tube):
Boundary 1
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(air) = Value
Value =0 [C]
Velocity(Air) = Normal mass velocity
Value = 0.1 [kg (m2s)-1]
Boundary 2
Name = Outlet
Boundary 3
Name = Wall
Type = Bound
In the Properties window of the Subregion between the outer and inner tubes set:
Name = Tube
Model = Steel
Specify the following boundary conditions (on the inner surface of the tube and greater at the outer surface of
the tube):
Boundary 1
Name = Outer wall
Type = Wall
Temperature(Steel) = Value
Value = 100 [C]
Boundary 2
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Temperature(Steel) = Zero gradient
Boundary 3
Name = Inner wall
Type = Bound
In the Properties window of the Subregion inside inner tube set at:
Name = Flow
Model = Air
When setting the boundary conditions on the smaller tube must be chosen not only the surface but also the
side. On the outer side of the surface at the tube boundary conditions are given in the subregion tube, and on
the interior - the boundary conditions in a subregion within. In order to select the lower side surface of the tube
in the graph window, it is necessary:
go toselection modesurface in the graphics window by clicking Modes toolbar,or press and hold
hover your mouse over the corresponding surface
click on the left mouse button,
if there was not an isolated surface, then pressing the left button repeatedly until until selected the desired
if not allocated by the party, it must be on a dedicated surface right-click and open the context menu, where
you select Select the other side:
Understand which side is selected, it is possible by the nature of the surface of the paint. Dedicated side
surface is painted in one tone without ornament, and the unselected side - in the same color as the selected,
Also, to select the surfaces you can use the tree Preprocessor Subregion > Subregion #i > Geometry >
Group #i. To the contents of the geometry folder displayed, you need in the File menu > Preferences >
Display define Show all groups = Yes. With a large number of nested sub-areas and geometric groups, this
method becomes preferable.
CreateBundle # 0:
SelectCreatefrom the context menuallfoldersboundary connections Bundles
CreateCondition connection # 0:
nX = 25
nY = 25
nZ = 25
In this example, you must make an adaptation network within subregions of continuous walls of the tube and
near the wall in a subregion of the flow.
To make an adaptation of the network within the Subregion Tube, create a criterion of adaptation:
In Subregion tube in the context menu folder Adaptation, select Create
In the Properties window created elementAdaptation #0 set:
Activation = Yes
Object = Computational space
Max level =1
Split/Merge = Split
Zone = In volume
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.1 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build temperature distribution in the plane of
the flow before the start of computation.
Clipped = Yes
On thePlane #0 set:
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 100
Min =0
Operations = Load from File heat.fvpal
Geometry: Conj_Convection_TConnect_Part1.STL
Project: Conjugate_Convection_TConnect
In preparing the geometric model based on the so-called build T-shaped surfaces are correctly and there is no
need additionally to modify the geometric model, as in the previous example.
In this case, the geometric model of each subregion must be contained in a separate file. Assemble in the
establishment phase of the project when loading all files in FlowVision.
In order to create a project based on the assembly:
On the File menu, select Create assembly
In the window that appears on the list of available files with geometric models and select the files:
o Conj_Convection_TConnect_Part1.STL
o Conj_Convection_TConnect_Part2.STL
The selected files will be displayed in the panel Files in the assembly. The files are to be
displayed there in the following order:
1) Conj_Convection_TConnect_Part2.STL
2) Conj_Convection_TConnect_Part1.STL
This order is important, because the external subregion must be specified on the first place in the
list of assembly , and internal subregions on other places.
If necessary, change the display order of the files by selecting them in the Files in the assembly
panel and use the Up and/or Down buttons.
Click Ok
In the window Part intersection fix that appears leave the default settings and click Ok.
Name = Steel
Aggregative state = Solid
Molar mass
Create Substance #0
Specify the following properties of Substance #0:
Name = Air
Aggregative state = Gas
Molar mass
Value = 0.0289 [kg mole-1]
Name = Steel
In the folderSubstancesPhaseSteelSteelload.
Specify in the Properties window of the folder Physical processes:
Name = Air
In the folderSubstancesphaseairdownloadAir.
Specify in the Properties window of the folder Physical processes:
Name = Steel
Add phase Steel into subfolder Steel > Phases.
CreateModel #0
In the Properties window Model #0 set:
Name = Air
Add phase Air into subfolder Air > Phases.
InInit. data #0 set:
Velocity (Air)
X = 0.1 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z =0 [m s-1]
In the Properties window of the Subregion between external and internal surfaces, specify:
Name = Tube
Model = Steel
Define the following boundary conditions (on the inner side of the outer surface of the inner and outer surfaces):
Boundary 1
Name = Outer wall
Type = Wall
Temperature(Steel) = Value
Value = 100 [C]
Boundary 2
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Boundary 3
Name = Inner wall
Type = Bound
In the Properties window Subregion within the inner surface of the set:
Name = Flow
Model = Air
Specify the following boundary conditions (on the inner surface at the tube):
Boundary 1
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(air) = Value
Value =0 [C]
Velocity(Air) = Normal mass velocity
Value = 0.1 [kg (m2s)-1]
Boundary 2
Name = Outlet
Type = Free Outlet
Temperature(air) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Air) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Boundary 3
Name = Wall
Type = Bound
CreateBundle # 0:
SelectCreatefrom the context menuallfoldersboundary connections Bundles
CreateCondition connection # 0:
SelectCreatefrom the context menu of a folderboundary connections Communication conditions
In theformation of the communication conditionset:
nX = 25
nY = 25
nZ = 25
In this example, you must make adaptation of a grid within subregions of solid walls of the tube and near the
wall in a subregion of the flow.
To make adaptation of a grid within the Subregion tube, create a criterion of adaptation:
In Subregion tube in the context menu folder Adaptation, select Create
In the Properties window created element Adaptation #0 set:
Activation = Yes
Object = Computational space
Max level =1
Split/Merge = Split
Zone = In volume
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.1 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build temperature distribution in the plane of
the flow before the start of computation.
Clipped = Yes
On thePlane #0 set:
X =0
Y =0
Z = -1
Clipping object = Yes
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 100
Min =0
Operations = Load from File heat.fvpal
Consider the natural convection of air around the lamp bulb, heated from the inside by a filament.
Boundary parameters:
The temperature of the helix Ts =2400 [K]
Geometry: Lamp.STL
Project: Lamp
InFlowVisioncan create a surface from which the sub-region is formed after the creation of the project. Surface
geometry is imported from a file or created on the basis of objects Preprocessor. In this project, you must
create an outer surface of the Subregion, which is modeled by the movement of air.
X = 0.5 [m]
Y = 0.5 [m]
Z = 0.5 [m]
In the context menu,selectBox #0 Build into the main geometry.
In the Properties window, set the created Subregion:
Name = Lamp
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y =9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
g-density = 1.286 [kg m-1s-1]
Name = Air
Aggregative state = Gas
Molar mass = Constant
Value = 0.0289 [kg mole-1]
Density = Ideal gas law
Viscosity =Constant
Name = Vacuum
Aggregative state = Solid
Density =Constant
Value = 0.001 [kg m-3]
Thermal conductivity =Constant
Name = Air
Add SubstanceAir Substancesin the folderphaseair
Specify the air phase in the Properties window of the folder Physical processes:
Name = Vacuum
Name = Air
Add phase Air into subfolder Air > Phases.
CreateModel #0
In the Properties window Model #0 set:
Name = Vacuum
Add phase Vacuum into subfolder Vacuum > Phases.
Boundary 1
Boundary 2
Name = Spiral
Type = Wall
Temperature (Vacuum) = Value
Value = 2400 [K]
Radiation density (Vacuum) = Calculated rad. flux
Blackness =1
Boundary 3
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Temperature (Vacuum) = Zero gradient
Radiation density (Vacuum) = Calculated rad. flux
Blackness =1
Model = Air
Boundary 1
Name = Glass bulb
Type = Bound
Boundary 2
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Temperature(air) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Air) = No slip
Boundary 3
Name = Outlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(air) = Value
Value =0 [C]
Velocity (Air) = Total pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
nX =5
nY =5
nZ =5 Adaptation
Activation = Yes
Object = Computational space
Max level =4
Split/Merge = Split
Zone = In volume
Reference point
X =0 [m]
Y = -0.26 [m]
Z =0 [m]
The X
X =0
Y =1
Z =0
Height = 0.2 [m]
Radius 1 = 0.025 [m]
Radius of 2 = 0.025 [m]
Regular attitude. =1
Activation = Yes
Enabled = Yes
Max level =5
Cell Strata =6
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
Variable = Velocity
Size 1 = 100
Size 2 = 100
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 0.3
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Color = Black
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
Variable = Temperature
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 14
Min =1
Method = Isolines
Enabled = Yes
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
5.2 Rotation
FlowVisiontakes into account the rotation of the surfaces in the selected coordinate system. Thus, the
application can take into account both normal and tangential components of the rotation speed and only
5.2.1 Rotor
In this example, the simulated turbulent viscous motion of an incompressible fluid between the rotating rotor
Entrance length L = 0.17 [m]
Radius of the rotor R = 0.1 [m]
Geometry: Rotor.STL
Project: Rotor
Value =1 [kg m-3]
Value = 1.82e-5 [kg m-1s-1]
Thermal conductivity
Value = 0.026 [W m-1K-1]
Specific heat
Value = 1009 [J kg-1 K-1]
CreateModel #0
Add Phase #0 into subfolder Model #0 > Phases.
Specify theinitial datafolder# 0: Rotation
Specify aSpin:
In the Local CS #0 in the context menu folderRotation, select Create
Specify the properties windowRotation #0
Z =1
Local FR = Local FR #0
Rotation #0 = Rotation
Boundary 1
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 20 [kg m-2 s-1]
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.01
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value = 0.01 [m]
Boundary 3
Name = Outlet
Boundary 4
Name = Blades
Type = Wall
Local FR = Local FR #0
Rotation #0 = Rotation
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify using the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters:
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.05 [m]
h_max = 0.01 [m]
h_min = 0.0025 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.0025 [m]
kh+ =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.189 [m]
h = 0.01 [m]
kh- =1
nX = 50
nY = 50
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =2
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.0001 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Pressure variation on inlet
2. Velocity distribution in the plane of rotation of the blades
Variable Pressure
Save to file
Type Automatic
After calculation, the GLO-open the file recorded with Characteristics and build a relationshipfrom
Reference point
X =0
Y =0
Z = 0.01
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Vectors on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the Vectors specify:
Variable = Velocity
On regular grid = No
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 55
Min = 15
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
In this example, simulated movement of air between the vanes, the sector of the rotor 8. To speed up the
calculation of the motion is modeled in one sector of the rotor.
Entrance length L = 0.17 [m]
Radius of the rotor R = 0.1 [m]
The thickness of the blade d = 0.05
Inflow parameters:
Mass velocity on inlet Vinl = 20 [kg m-2 s-1]
In the simulation of the flow in the rotor, which consists of several identical sectors, to reduce the dimension of
the problem it is advisable to calculate the movement in one of the sectors. To do this:
during the preparation of the geometry cut from the full geometric model of the rotor is one of the periodic
when specifying the project to link the respective surfaces by periodic communication conditions
Substances = Air
Phases = Gas (equilibrium) Rotation
Specify aSpin:
Inthe Local CS #0 in the folder,create aRotationRotation #0
Specify the properties windowRotation #0
Local FR = Local FR #0
Rotation #0 = Rotation
Boundary 1
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 20 [kg m-2 s-1]
Boundary 3
Name = Outlet
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.01
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value = 0.01 [m]
Boundary 4
Name = Blades
Type = Wall
Local FR = Local FR #0
Rotation #0 = Rotation
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
Boundary 5
Name = Surface due 1_1
Type = Bound
Boundary 6
Name = Surface due 1_2
Type = Bound
Border 7
Border 8
Name = Surface due 2_2
Type = Bound
Upon binding of boundary conditions are not different sides of one surface, it is necessary to set the reference
point - for the control points the two binding surfaces which upon binding correspond to each other. It suffices
to give one pair of reference points for each bunch.
X = -0.039199
Y = 0.028954
Z =0
X = -0.007244
Y = 0.048191
Z =0
X = 0.004345
Y = 0.097904
Z =0
X = 0.072301
Y = 0.066156
Z =0
CreateCondition connection # 0:
SelectCreatefrom the context menu of a folderCommunication conditions
In theformation of the communication conditionset:
Model # 1 = Model #0
Model # 2 = Model #0
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.05 [m]
h_max = 0.01 [m]
h_min = 0.0025 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.0025 [m]
kh+ =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.189 [m]
h = 0.01 [m]
kh- =1
nX = 25
nY = 25
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =2
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.0001 [s] Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Pressure variation on inlet
2. Velocity distribution in the plane of rotation of the blades
On BC Inlet create a Supergroup in Preprocessor (use in the context menu the command Create
supergroup > In Preprocessor).
Create Characteristics on this Supergroup.
In the Properties window, specify properties of the Characteristics:
Variable Pressure
Save to file
Type Automatic
After calculation, the GLO-open the file recorded with Characteristics and build a relationshipfrom
Reference point
X =0
Y =0
Z = 0.01
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Variable = Velocity
On regular grid = No
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 55
Min =5
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
In this example, simulated movement of air between rotating rotor blades and the stator channel.
Entrance length L = 0.17 [m]
Radius of the rotor R = 0.1 [m]
The thickness of the blade d = 0.05
Inflow parameters:
Mass velocity on inlet Vinl = 20 [kg m-2 s-1]
For simulating problems with the rotation of the surfaces in the computational domain, the outer boundary of
which is not a surface of revolution about a respective axis of rotation, it is necessary to divide the geometry
into several subregions. Thus, the outer boundaries of the subregions, which will be set rotating, have to be
present a surface of revolution about a respective axis. Relationship between subregions by usingTrailing
Terms connectionthat allows you to simulate the flow of liquid or gas between the subregions with respect to
Create a dividing surface
Divide Computational domain into subregions for separating surface
Create aSpin:
Create alocal coordinate system
Inthe Local CS #0 in the folder,create aRotationRotation #0
The X axis
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Height = 0.02 [m]
Radius 1 = 0.1025 [m]
Local FR = Local FR #0
Rotation #0 = Rotation
Substances = Air
In the Properties window of the Subregion, which corresponds to the rotor (see illustration below) specify:
Name = Rotor
Model = Model #0
Boundary 1
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Name = Inlet
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Mass velocity = 20 [kg m-2 s-1]
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.01
Boundary 3
Name = Surface connection
Type = Bound
Boundary 4
Name = Blades
Type = Wall
Local FR = Local FR #0
Rotation #0 = Rotation
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
In the Properties window Subregion corresponding stator (see. Fig. Below), specify:
Name = Stator
Model = Model #0
Boundary 1
Name = Wall
Type = Wall
Velocity (Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation (Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Name = Outlet
Boundary 3
Name = Surface connection
Type = Bound
CreateBundle # 0:
SelectCreatefrom the context menuallfoldersBundles
CreateCondition connection # 0:
SelectCreatefrom the context menu of a folderCommunication conditions
In theformation of the communication conditionset:
Local FR = Local FR #0
Rotation #0 = Rotation
Grid parameters:
kh_max =2
d_min = 0.05 [m]
h_max = 0.01 [m]
h_min = 0.0025 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.0025 [m]
kh+ =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.189 [m]
h = 0.01 [m]
kh- =1
nX = 75
nY = 70
In SubregionRotor:
In the properties ofthe boundary condition Blades,specify:
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =2
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =2
In SubregionStator:
In the properties of thesurface boundary condition duespecify:
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =2
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Pressure variation on inlet
On BC Inlet create a Supergroup in Preprocessor (use in the context menu the command Create
supergroup > In Preprocessor).
In thePropertieswindow, set the Characteristics:
Variable Pressure
Save to file
Type Automatic
After calculation, the GLO-open the file recorded with Characteristics and build a relationshipfrom
Reference point
X =0
Y =0
Z = 0.01
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 13000
Min = -1000
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 3
Color = Black
In the current version of the program inaccuracies might appear in the displaying of layers when solving
problems with sliding surfaces.
In this example, the simulated rotation tank half filled with liquid.
The height of the tank L =2 [m]
The radius of the tank R = 0.5 [m]
Parameters wall
Speed of rotation = 10 [Radian s-1]
Fluid parameters:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 100 [kg m-1s-1]
The liquid level h =1 [m]
Geometry: Bak.STL
Project: Bak
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y =-9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
Specify aSpin:
Inthe Local CS #0 in the folder,create aRotationRotation #0
Specify the properties windowRotation #0
Boundary 1, 2
Type = Wall
Local FR = Local FR #0
Rotation #0 = Rotation
Velocity (Phase #0) = No slip
VOF (Phase #0)
Boundary 3
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
VOF (Phase #0)
= Zero gradient
Value =1
Reference point
X =0 [m]
Y = 0.5 [m]
Z =0 [m]
X =1 [m]
Y = 0.99 [m]
Z =1 [m]
Object = Box #0
Init. data = Initial. data #0
nX = 20
nY = 40
nZ = 20
Enabled = Yes
Max level =2
Cell Strata =1
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build liquid surface before the start of
Color = Blue
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
Chord length: c = 0.3 [m]
Dimensions of the computational 13.8 x 12 x 0.1 [m x m x m]
Angle of attack: = 2.31 °
Substance: = Air
Inlet parameters:
Static pressure: P = 109 000 [Pa]
Static temperature: T = 255.6 [K]
Velocity on inlet: Vinl =233,585 [m s-1]
Calculation of the project may require significant computing resources and a long time.
Reference values
Temperature = 255.6 [K]
Pressure = 109000 [Pa]
Substances = Air
Phases = Gas (equilibrium)
In the folderPhases:
Create a continuous Phase #0
Add the Air_Gas (equilibrium) substance into the folder Phase #0 > Substances.
Turbulence = SA
X = 233585 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z =0 [m s-1]
In this example, the geometry of the movable body is loaded duringFlowVisionfile. In order to get the geometry
of theMoving body:
SelectCreatefrom the context menu of a folderObjects
Specifytype=imported objects
Download the geometry of the moving body from a fileRAE_2822_Airfoil.STL
In theMoving bodyset:
The initial position
The X axis
X = 0.999187
Y = -0.04030
Z =0
In theMoving bodyset:
Type = Disabled
1. After you disable updates Moving body mass characteristics, translational motion, rotation, initial position,
limiters are unavailable for editing. Therefore the initial position must be set to disable the update.
2. When the update Moving body at each iteration occurs meshing. This operation is an expensive and takes
some CPU time. Therefore, for applications in which the movable body is not moving, it is recommended to
disable the update.
3. If there are several mobile phone, an update of at least one of them will lead to the updating of all the others.
Boundary 1
Type = Non-reflecting
Temperature(Phase #0) = Non-reflect.
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Non-reflect.
Velocity at inf.
X = 233585 [m s-1]
Pressure at inf. =0 [Pa]
TurbKinViscosity(Phase #0) = Value
Value =0
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbKinViscosity(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
When simulating two-dimensional flow adaptation in the third direction arise extra cell. This can lead to a
substantial increase in the dimension of the problem by an unplanned direction. To avoid this, you can create
additional unplanned subregion located at a considerable distance from the settlement in the third direction
and, thus, reduce the number of cells obtained after adaptation to 1.
Reference point
X =0 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z =2 [m]
X = 0.1 [m]
Y = 0.1 [m]
Z = 0.1 [m]
In the context menu,selectBox #0 Build into the main geometry.
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify in the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters:
kh_max = 2
h_max = 1.5 [m]
h_min = 0.0015 [m]
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
x1 =0 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = -6 [m]
h = 1.5 [m]
kh+ =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.0015 [m]
kh- = 0.97
kh+ = 0.97
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 7.8 [m]
h = 1.5 [m]
kh- = 0.83
Grid parameters:
kh_max = 2
h_max = 1.5 [m]
h_min = 0.0015 [m]
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
y1 =0 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = -6 [m]
h = 1.5 [m]
kh+ = 1.4
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.0015 [m]
kh- =1
kh+ =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 6 [m]
h = 1.5 [m]
kh- = 0.6
In this project it is necessary to solve the grid in the region of the boundary layer profile and the area of the
pressure jump. For this adaptation must be set on the surface of the profile and adapted to the pressure
Specify adaptation to the boundary condition prescribed on the airfoil surface (boundary 3):
Enabled = Yes
Max level =2
Cell Strata = 10
Type = Active by step
Start in steps = 500
Duration in steps =1
Variable = Pressure
Value/Gradient = To gradient
Switching criterion for the relative smallness of the cells is necessary in order to received after the nonisobaric
subregion cells were calculated (similar to the example Flow in a tube with variable flow).
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Mach Number distribution in the plane of the flow
2. Distribution of Average on the profile surface
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Color contours on Plane #0.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable MachNumber
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 1.1
Min = 0.3
Method = Isolines
Enabled = Yes Cp distribution
1. Creating a variable Cp
2. Creating a layer along the curve graph on Wed Create Cp
in theidentification of the variable,specify the name under which the variable will be involved in the
Reference point
X = -0.1
Y = -0.1
Z = 0.05
Mode = Manual
Length = 0.5
Visible =1
In this example, we consider the problem of the fall of the ball by gravity inside the column of a viscous
incompressible fluid.
A fall in the fluid ball the force of gravity and the force of resistance.
For some time reached a stationary regime in which the velocity of the body relative to the fluid is constant.
Geometry FallingBall_Domain.STL
Project Falling_Ball
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y =-9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
X =0 [m]
Y =5 [m]
Z =0 [m]
g-thickness = 30 [m]
g-density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Value = 1000 [kg m-3]
Value = 1000 [kg m-1s-1]
Specific heat
Value = 4217 [J kg-1 K-1]
Viscosity value = 1000 is set to accelerate convergence.
Radius = 0.5 [m]
The number of partitions = 200
In the context menuellipsoid / Spheres# 0,select Copy as imported object
Mass Properties
Weight = 785.4 [kg]
Translational motion
VremyaCil [s]
X =0 [s]
Y =0 [s]
Z =0 [s]
Hydrosila [N]
X =No
Y = Yes
Z =No
1. Magnitude and GidroSily GidroMomenta program calculates automatically.
2. In order to place the body in the initial position, you must press
Boundary 1
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
Boundary 2
Type = Wall
Velocity(Phase #0) = No slip
nX = 15
nY = 15
nZ = 15
In this embodiment, the grid should be adapted to the surface of the moving ball and drained previously adapted
cells that are far away from the ball. To do this, you must set two conditions of adaptation:
1. Splitting the cells on the surface of a sphere
2. Merging the cells in the volume away from the ball
Enabled = Yes
Max level =4
Cell Strata =3
Activation = Yes
Object = Computational space
Max level =0
Split/Merge = Merge
Zone = In volume
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build dependence of the velocity of the ball
from time to time before the start of computation.
CreateCharacteristicsforimported objects
In the Properties window, set the Characteristics:
Variable = Velocity
Save to file
Type = Automatic
After calculation, the GLO-download the file from the server part of the project through the File menu >
Download additional files > GLO-files
According to data from GLO-file plot the dependence of the velocity of the ball along the axis Y (Velocity.y)
from time to time (Time).
In this example, we consider the motion of a body with a displaced center of mass (= center of mass) on the
surface of the water and the generation of waves on the surface under the influence of body movement.
Fluid parameters:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 0.001 [kg m-1s-1]
Geometry FloatingBox_Domain.WRL
Project FloatingBox
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y =-9.8 [m s-2]
Z =0 [m s-2]
X =0 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z =0 [m]
Mass Properties
Weight = 0.5 [kg]
The center of mass
X =0 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z = -0.005 [m]
Moment inertsii0
X = 0.00846 [kg m2]
Y =0 [kg m2]
Z =0 [kg m2]
Moment inertsii1
X =0 [kg m2]
Y = 0.00333 [kg m2]
Z =0 [kg m2]
Moment inertia2
X =0 [kg m2]
Y =0 [kg m2]
Z = 0.00333 [kg m2]
Translational motion
X =0 [s]
Y =0 [s]
Z =0 [s]
X = No
Y = Yes
Z = No
Time points[s]
X =0 [s]
Y =0 [s]
Z =0 [s]
GidroMoment [N]
X = Yes
Y = No
Z =No
The initial position
Reference point
= 0.3
X [m]
= 0.05
Y [m]
= 0.15
Z [m]
In order to place the body in the initial position, you must press
Boundary 2
Boundary 3
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity (Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0
VOF (Phase #0)
= Value
Value =0
Value =1
In the folderobjects:
create Box #0
Reference point
X = 0.3 [m]
Y = -0.075 [m]
Z = 0.15 [m]
X = 0.6 [m]
Y = 0.149 [m]
Z = 0.3 [m]
Object = Box #0
Init. data = Initial. data #0
Grid parameters:
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.05 [m]
h_min = 0.03 [m]
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
x = 0.3 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.05 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.3 [m]
h = 0.03 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.6 [m]
h = 0.05 [m]
Grid parameters:
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.025 [m]
h_min = 0.004 [m]
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
y =0 [m]
Grid parameters:
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.0375 [m]
h_min = 0.006 [m]
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
z = 0.15 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0
h = 0.0375 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.15 [m]
h = 0.006 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0.3 [m]
h = 0.0375 [m]
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build Water surface before the start of
Geometry Boat_Domain.wrl
Project Boat
Calculation of the project may require significant computing resources and a long time.
Gravity vector
X =0 [m s-2]
Y =0 [m s-2]
Z =-9.8 [m s-2]
X =0 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z =0 [m]
g-thickness = 12 [m]
g-density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Mass Properties
Weight = 968 [kg]
The center of mass
X = 3.856 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z = -0.12 [m]
Moment inertsii0
X = 304 [kg m2]
Y =0 [kg m2]
Z =0 [kg m2]
Moment inertsii1
X =0 [kg m2]
Y = 6025 [kg m2]
Z =0 [kg m2]
Moment inertia2
X =0 [kg m2]
Y =0 [kg m2]
Z = 6080 [kg m2]
Translational motion
X =0 [s]
Y =0 [s]
Z =0 [s]
X = No
Y = No
Z = Yes
X [s]
Y [s]
Z [s]
GidroMoment [N]
X =No
Y = Yes
Z =No
The initial position
Reference point
X [m]
Y [m]
Z [m]
Job rotation Rotation matrix
The X axis
= -1
= -1
Boundary 1
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Value = 4000 [kg m-2 s-1]
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.01
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value = 0.01 [m]
VOF (Phase #0)
= Value
Value =1
Boundary 2
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity [kg m-2s-1]
Value = 4000
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.01
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value = 0.01 [m]
VOF (Phase #0)
= Zero gradient
Boundary 3
Type = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Symmetry
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Symmetry
VOF (Phase #0)
Boundary 4
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value = 0.01
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Border 5
Type = Wall
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
VOF (Phase #0)
Velocity(Phase #0)
X =4 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z =0 [m s-1]
Pulsations(Phase #0)
Value = 0.01
Turbulence scale(Phase #0)
Value =1
In the folderobjects:
create Box #0
In the Properties window of Box #0 specify:
Reference point
X =0 [m]
Y = -12.5 [m]
Z = -6 [m]
X = 52 [m]
Y = 24.999 [m]
Z = 12 [m]
In Subregion #0:
In the Properties of Initial conditions #0 set:
Object = Box #0
Init. data = Initial. data #0
Grid parameters
Mesh Type Step (hi)
f max =1
C max = 10
C min =1
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
x =0 [m]
Reference line parameters c coordinate =0 [m]
User left = -0.3
User Right = -0.1
Management = Yes
Grid spacing
User = 0.2
Parameters of reference line with coordinate= -26 [m]
User Right =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 26
User left =1
Grid parameters
Mesh Type Step (hi)
f max =1
C max = 10
C min =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
User left = -0.05
Management = Yes
Grid spacing
User = 0.2
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = -25 [m]
User Right =1
Grid parameters:
Mesh Type Step (hi)
f max =1
C max = 100
C min =0
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
z =0 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
User left =0
User Right =0
Management = Yes
Grid spacing
User = 0.05
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = -12 [m]
User Right =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 12
User left =1
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata =4
Activation = Yes
Object = Computational space
Max level =0
Split/Merge = Merge
Zone = In volume
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element: Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Water surface
2. Pressure distribution on the surface of the boat
Color = Blue
In the Properties window of Plane #0 specify:
Reference point
X =0 [m]
Y = -0.0001 [m]
Z =0 [m]
X =0
Y = -1
Z =0
Clipping object = Yes
Mirror = Yes
In the Properties window of the layer Solids specify:
Clipped = Yes
Variable = Pressure
Shift = 0.000001
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 2000
Min = -1200
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
In order to display only the surface of the interface and hide the surface of the phase-boundary of the
computational domain, it should be in the layersetVOFVolume = None.
Inflow parameters:
Pressure on inlet pin = 101000 [Pa]
The angular velocity of the left rotor Wl = 600 [Radian s-1]
Substance = Air
Geometry Compressor_Domain.STL
Project Compressor
Substances = Air
Phases = Gas (equilibrium)
Speed of rotation
X =0 [Radian s-1]
Y =0 [Radian s-1]
Z = 600 [Radian s-1]
Mass Properties
The center of mass
X = 0.085 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z =0 [m]
Speed of rotation
X =0 [Radian s-1]
Y =0 [Radian s-1]
Z = -400 [Radian s-1]
Boundaries 1, 2, 3
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 4
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Total temperature
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Total pressure
Total pressure =0 [Pa]
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value =0
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value =0 [m]
Border 5
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Temperature(Phase #0) = Value
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Total pressure
Total pressure = 1000 [Pa]
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value =0
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Turbulent scale
Value =0 [m]
In the simulation of screw compressors is recommended in the area near the exit to set the initial values of the
variables equal to the output.
Value = 1000 [Pa]
In the folderobjects:
create Box #0
In the Properties window of Box #0 specify:
Reference point
X = 0.04275 [m]
Y = -0.095 [m]
Z = 0.005 [m]
X = 0.05 [m]
Y = 0.08 [m]
Z = 0.012 [m]
Object = Box #0
nX = 18
nY = 22
nZ =5
X = 0.0427 [m]
Y =0 [m]
Z = 0.005 [m]
X = 0.2 [m]
Y = 0.12 [m]
Z = 0.012 [m]
Activation = Yes
Object = Box # 1
Max level =2
Split/Merge = Split
Zone = In volume History
Method = In seconds
Autosavein thedataset:
History = Yes
Type = On time
The number of = 0.0005 [s]
seconds Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Distribution of gap cells
2. Instant Velocity distribution plane of symmetry
3. The dynamics of the velocity field Time
Selection algorithm gap stretches cells, see section Flow in a channel using a model of the gap
X =0
Y =0
Z =1
Create a layer Vectors on the plane.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Velocity
Size 1 = 50
Size 2 = 50
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 33
Min =0
Enabled = Yes
Style = Style 1
run sequentially storing the image file in the Graphics window by button
Leave the default window size
A two-dimensional channel, which is partially overlapped by a deformable valve, is simulated. The deformation
of the valve is modeled in Abaqus.
Inflow parameters:
Velocity V = 10 [m s-1]
Fluid parameters:
Density = 1000 [kg m-3]
Viscosity = 0.001 [kg m-1s-1]
Parameters of the valve
Density = 3500 [kg m-3]
Young's modulus E = 3 x 109 [Pa]
Geometry Valve_Channel.WRL Model
= 0.005
X [m]
Y = 0.05 [m]
Z = 0.02 [m]
The material parameters
Density = 3500 [kg m-3]
Young's modulus = 3 * 109 [Pa]
Poisson's ratio = 0.3
= Encastre (anchorage for all degrees of freedom of nodes of the lower
The boundary condition on the lower bound: U1=U2=U3=UR1=UR2=UR3=0)
Cell number = 800
Type of elements = S3D8R
Solver = Standard
Assembly > Tools > Surface > Create > Name: DC_SURF, Type: Mash
Open the INP project file in a text editor. Add the following lines to the module STEP:
These lines are used to identify the coupling analysis with the other program. More details about these settings
can be found in theAbaqus Keywords Reference Manual:
In general, the input file of Abaqus data for finite element mesh of several objects, which can lead to the
creation of an open surface due upon import. In order to avoid such a situation, the objects involved in the
coupling analysis must be imported into FlowVision separately. For this purpose, based on the input file, you
must create a new file containing only the data for the finite element mesh imported object.
Thus, in the INP file will only have the contents of the following modules:
It should be noted that for this problem the above operation is unnecessary, as the input file contains the
Abaqus finite element mesh of only one object (valve). When you import a file valve_stnd.INP FlowVision
automatically extract only the data containing three-dimensional network, ignoring the rest of the line.
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Symmetry
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Inlet/Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Normal mass velocity
Value = 10000 [kg m-2 s-1]
Boundary 4
Type = Free Outlet
Velocity(Phase #0) = Pressure
Value =0 [Pa]
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Boundary 5
Name = Valve
Type = Wall
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
nX = 60
nY =1
nZ = 20
In this problem, it is necessary to carry out the adaptation of the grid on the surface of the valve and merge
previously adapted cells, located away from the valve.
Specify adaptation on the surface of the valve. In the properties of the boundary condition set on the surface
of the valve, set:
Enabled = Yes
Max level =4
Cell Strata =3
Activation = Yes
Object = Computational space
Max level =0
Split/Merge = Merge
Zone = In volume
Specify in the Solver tab in the properties of the Time step element:
Method = In seconds
Constant step = 0.05 [s]
Open the FVPROJ project file in a text editor. Add into the module <FVPROJECT> the following line:
<ConnectorID> MpmConnector </ConnectorID>
MPManager is a module designed to prepare coupling analysis of Abaqus and FlowVision. In MPManager
the following functionality is carried out:
Specifying connection Solver agent FlowVision
Project Selection FlowVision
Setting the exchange (general settings)
Project Selection Abaqus
Running the calculation
Select the operating mode The online mode (connected to solver agent)
FlowVision's Solver-Agent
Click Next
Specify in the Authorization window:
Before starting the calculation, you must create the server part of the project.
You can not start the calculation of the project that you downloaded in Solver, which is connected to pre-
Step exchange
Absolute step exchange, s 0.05
Conversion Factors
Load 1
Relaxation parameters for the load
R1 0
R2 1
N1 0
N2 1
Running Abaqus
Run Abaqus automatically Yes
MPM-Agent IP IP address of the machine on which the
MPM-Agent and Abaqus
MPM-Agent port Port to connect to the MPM-Agent
Direct connection
Abaqus port Port for direct connection to Abaqus and
FlowVision (Direct coupling port settings
Project Abaqus
The project file Local path to the Abaqus project
Parameters double
The project file name Abaqus provides no extension.
1. The number of processors that are running a project is determined by the user.
2. If the parameters of the coupling analysis Abaqus - FlowVision already been set once, the calculation can
be started via the Terminal.
6.1.4 Visualization
To view the dynamics of the solution during the computation, build before the start of computation:
1. Velocity distribution in the plane of the flow.
2. Pressure distribution on the surface of the valve
X =0
Y =1
Z =0
Create a layer Vectors on the Plane.
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Velocity
Size 1 = 50
Size 2 = 20
Variable = Velocity
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 35
Min =0
Operations = Load from File > heat.fvpal
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
Create a Supergroup on BC Valve using the Create supergroup > In Postprocessor command from the
context menu.
Create a layer Color contoursonSupergroup
In the Properties window of the layer specify:
Variable = Pressure
Value range
Mode = Manual
Max = 1000000
Min = -25000
To display the palette, which is used for coloring the vectors by their absolute value (modulus), you can use
the Info window or enable Overlay. To open the Info window, you have to select the layer in the tree of
Postprocessor and click the button. Overlay is turned on in the layer's properties in the Palette group of
If you wish to hide some layers or objects displayed in the View window, use the Hide command from their
context menus.
Chord length: c = 0.256 [m]
Dimensions of the computational 5.3 x 5 x 0.00254 [m x m x m]
Substance: Air
Inlet parameters:
Static pressure: P = 100000 [Pa]
Static temperature: T = 298 [K]
Velocity on inlet: Vinl = 103.83 [m s-1]
Reference values
Temperature = 298 [K]
Substances = Air
Phases = Gas (equilibrium)
X = 103.83 [m s-1]
Y =0 [m s-1]
Z =0 [m s-1]
Boundary 1
Type = Wall
Temperature(Phase #0) = Zero gradient
Velocity(Phase #0) = Logarithm law
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Value in cell near wall
Boundary 2
Type = Symmetry
Temperature(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Velocity(Phase #0) = Slip
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Symmetry
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) = Symmetry
Boundary 3
Type = Non-reflecting
Temperature(Phase #0) = Non-reflect.
Value =0 [K]
Velocity(Phase #0) = Non-reflect.
Velocity at inf.
X = 103.83 [m s-1]
Pressure at inf. =0 [Pa]
TurbEnergy(Phase #0) = Pulsations
Value =0
TurbDissipation(Phase #0) =Turbulent scale
Value =0
In the Properties window of the Initial grid, click on the button , which opens the Initial grid editor.
Specify the Initial grid editor:
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.635 [m]
h_min = 0.002 [m]
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
x1 =0 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = -2.54 [m]
h =0.635 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.002 [m]
kh- = 1.001
kh+ = 0.95
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 2.794 [m]
h =0.635 [m]
Grid parameters
kh_max =2
h_max = 0.635 [m]
h_min = 0.002 [m]
Insert a reference lines with a coordinate:
x1 =0 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = -2.54 [m]
h =0.635 [m]
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 0 [m]
h = 0.002 [m]
kh- =1
kh+ =1
Parameters of reference line with coordinate = 2.54 [m]
h =0.635 [m] Adaptation
Specify adaptation to the airfoil surface. In the properties of the boundary condition set on the airfoil surface
(boundary 1) specify:
Enabled = Yes
Max level =1
Cell Strata = 10
Starting =0 [s]
Stop = 0.05 [s]
In this problem, the parameter optimization is the rotation angle of the profile to the stream. In order to make it
accessible to change IOSO, should make it an external parameter.
In order to make the pitch angle external parameter:
In the context menu ofinitial position Pitch anglein the properties windowMoving body #0 to
highlightAdd to exposed parameters table...
In the window that appears,set the valueof the parameter identification=Pitch angle
After this update, you can disable the moving body. In theMoving bodyset:
Type = Disabled
In this problem, the optimization criterion is the lift force. Also, as additional information it is advisable to
withdraw the force of resistance profile. In order to make their values available for reading IOSO, it is necessary
to make their output parameters.
Preprocessor tab
Create Propertiesforimported objects #0
In thePropertieswindow, specify0 # Characteristics:
Variable = Pressure
Solver tab
in the context menu of the folder Stopping conditions > User values, select Create.
In the Properties window of the new just created Stop criterion #0 set:
Name = Fx
Object = Characteristics #0 (imported object #0)
Variable Fl = F
Component =X
in the context menu of the folder Stopping conditions > User values, select Create.
In the Properties window of the new just created Stop criterion #0 set:
Name = Fy
Object = Characteristics #0 (importedobject #0 )
Variable Fl = F
Component =Y
Log on Solver-Agent:
Specify the parameters and run the project IOSO solver FlowVision
Otpimizatsiya Select the version IOSO, on which you will carry out the calculation
Click Ok. The draft FlowVision automatically closes and opens the project IOSO
Specify the parameter optimization and changes in the boundaries of its IOSO:
Switch to the Statement of the Problem
The lower limit of-90
Top border= 0
In IOSO ntab andoutput parametersare displayed options made available for reading from FlowVision after the
In FlowVision calculated forces acting on the flow from the side of the profile which are equal in magnitude and
opposite in sign to the forces acting on the flow profile from the side. In order to be used as the optimization
criterion coefficient of lift force acting on the profile side stream is necessary to add a synthetic parameter and
make it optimization criterion:
Name = Cy
In this problem, as additional information is also advisable to display the drag coefficient and the coefficient of
aerodynamic efficiency, equal to the ratio of lift to drag force. To do this, you can create additional synthetic
click ,
set formula for a new parameter -RS1 / 16.17 and clickOK*
specify the name of Cx,
click ,
set the formula for the new value RS1 / RS2 and clickOK*
specify the name of k.
*)If you specify a synthetic parameter that depends on the output parameters in the formula for the calculation
as the variables corresponding to the output parameters used by their ID, displayed on the tab ofthe Output
In the window that appearsIOSO PM. Mathematical modelplace a check mark in theCopy all files for
multiprocessor nodes:
Switch to theStatus:
After that will appear on the computational project launches FlowVision and time calculation of these projects
Stop optimization is recommended to carry out when the optimization results do not change much.
Once will be held over 10 settlements, will be available to view the results. In order to display the results of a
calculation, switch to theResultstabSearch History.
In the IOSO displays a graph of the lift from the pitch angle: