2015 LIVE Summer School: Courses Offered
2015 LIVE Summer School: Courses Offered
2015 LIVE Summer School: Courses Offered
Lit Comp I
Lit Comp II
American Lit
Social Studies
European Studies
US History
CC Algebra 1
CC Geometry
CC Algebra 2
NW Studies
New Courses/Advancement:
There are options below for PE, Art, English and Science elective credits.
ART: Guided Study
Ecology Research
Archetypes in Literature
Food & Fitness A
Food & Fitness B
Northwest Fitness
Varies by course*
Varies by course*
Varies by course*
Varies by course*
Issaquah School District curriculum will be taught using district instructional materials and resources
Special education is not available as part of the regular summer school program; however, students with
disabilities who, with reasonable accommodations, are able to participate and derive educational benefit in
a regular classroom setting using regular curricula are eligible to register
ELL services are not available as part of the regular summer school program; however, ELL students who
are able to participate and derive educational benefit in a regular classroom setting using regular curricula
are eligible to register
District grading and attendance procedures will be followed. The attendance equivalent to the district
policy regarding loss of credit is 3 or fewer days of class can be missed without penalty. Any student who
misses more than 3 days of summer school may not be granted credit.
Student supervision will only occur in the times the classes are being held students may not remain on
campus outside of class time for safety purposes.
ALL COURSES are based on enrollment a course can be cancelled at any time due to low enrollment
ALL COURSES are first come, first served
Students and parents will be able to view and print their schedules online on June 25th
Registration closes on June 24th at 11:59pm
Registration is available online at
After completing registration, you will be billed according to the costs outlined in the course
descriptions within one calendar week. You will receive an email confirmation with the link for
Payment must be made by June 24th at 11:59pm or the student will be unenrolled.
Partial scholarships applications are available to eligible students enrolling in credit retrieval only. The
form is available at:
Refund Policy:
*Cancellations must be received on or before the course start date for a full refund
*Cancellations within the first 2 days of the course may receive a 50% refund
*Cancellations made after the 2nd day of the course will receive no refund
*The above refund policies do not apply to the Ecology Summer Research Class this class is not eligible for
Transportation is NOT provided for any course
All summer PE courses involve multiple off-campus sites. Transportation is NOT provided by the district.
Parents are responsible for all transportation
IMPORTANT: Students may improve a maximum of 4 semester grades during high school (Grades 9-12).
Per WAC 392-415-055 and WAC 392-415-070 the original grade earned must remain on the transcript
however, the credit will be removed so it is not calculated in the student's GPA. The new grade, if higher,
will be used in the GPA calculation.
This course allows students creative freedom to explore all that the art world has to
offer. Drawing, watercolor, mixed-media, pastel and charcoal are just a few of the many
mediums that will be explored. Students will be given an introductory overview of
techniques associated with many mediums and continue their exploration with their
own direction. This is an incredible opportunity for students interested in pursuing
their own, unique artistic interests. Students will be supported throughout the creative
process and encouraged to experiment with new mediums. The grade will be an
assessment of the varied techniques used correctly on the independent projects.
Monday, June 29th Friday, July 17th
7:30am-12:30pm + independent portfolio time
Issaquah High School, 700 2nd Ave SE, Issaquah, WA 98027
$375 0.5 Fine art credit
The Ecology Summer Research Program is a two-week summer course in which students
will design and perform an original and independent research investigation. Upon
completion of the course, students will have a complete scientific report suitable for
STEM research competitions or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Extended essay.
The field component of the course is the where students will discover firsthand the
complexities and inspiration of Northwest forests. Students will design and perform an
original and independent research investigation during a weeklong visit to the Olympic
National Park. While at the park, students will stay at the Nature Bridge educational
facility. Working with trained educators, students will learn about the methodology of
modern ecology and the natural history of the Pacific Northwests ecological
communities. Once back in the classroom, the students will learn background research
techniques and use statistical analysis to evaluate research results. Upon completion of
the course, students will have a final IB extended essay project or equivalent report.
The course is open to all 11th and 12th grade students interested in outdoor fieldwork
and further studies of life science. IB diploma candidacy is not a requirement.
Students will learn through a combination of:
Inquiry based laboratory work
Critical thinking exercises
Multimedia offerings (computer simulations, video features)
Student project and research
Cooperative learning
Interdisciplinary applications are used when appropriate/possible
Scientific inquiry
Archetypes in Literature
The Food & Fitness PE course provides opportunities for students to develop and
improve skills to participate successfully in a variety of lifelong physical fitness
activities. Students will also gain knowledge in nutrition and have the opportunity to
prepare basic healthy snacks and meals in class. Students will experience many off
site activities such as golf, spinning, hiking, hot yoga, Crossfit, Body Pump, Zumba,
and bowling to name a few. They will also participate in on-campus team and
individual sports such as soccer, floor hockey, pickle ball, badminton and tennis.
Most days students will prepare a healthy snack or lunch to teach them basic
cooking skills to prepare healthy snacks and meals for themselves.
Students should be prepared both physically and mentally for 7 hours a day of
activity. This can range from incredibly intense and rigorous to moderate and/or
light. On an average day, a student will walk a minimum of 4-5 miles at a 3.5-4.0
mph pace and must be able to keep up with the group for safety purposes.
The design of this course will allow students the opportunity to experience team
and individual sports as well as a wide variety of fitness activities at Issaquah high
school and around the Issaquah community. Students will also prepare quick and
healthy lunches as a part of their individual fitness plans.
Students should be prepared both physically and mentally for 7 hours a day of
activity. This can range from incredibly intense and rigorous to moderate and/or
light. On an average day, a student will walk a minimum of 4-5 miles at a 3.5-4.0
mph pace and must be able to keep up with the group for safety purposes.
Students participate in lifetime activities that are unique to the Pacific Northwest
such as hiking, golf, fly fishing and archery. Students learn important lifetime fitness
skills such as yoga, weight training, heart rate training and apply these concepts
during class. Students also experience individual and team sports as part of the
Summer Olympics theme which includes sports such as soccer and tennis. Students
coordinate activities at the Pine Lake Club such as spin classes and core strength.
This course prepares students with skills and knowledge to lead a healthy and
active lifestyle.
Students should be prepared both physically and mentally for 7 hours a day of
activity. This can range from incredibly intense and rigorous to moderate and/or
light. On an average day, a student will walk a minimum of 4-5 miles at a 3.5-4.0
mph pace and must be able to keep up with the group for safety purposes.