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Bond Development Length

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Adhesion between concrete and steel

Necessary to develop composite action between steel and
Proper bond between steel and concrete needed to ensure
No slip
Assumption plane section remains plane is valid only
when there is no slip between steel and concrete or proper
Assumption Strain in steel equal to strain in surrounding
concrete is also valid only when there is proper bond
It is the bond which results in variation in stress in steel
along the span (if no bond, stress in steel would be uniform)
To develop full tension in steel, bars must be properly
anchored on both side (otherwise slip will take place before
developing full stress)


Bond strength of concrete depends on many factors such as:
The individual contributions of these factors are difficult to separate
or quantify.

Design bond Stress, bd (For ribbed bars) = 1.6 Design bond stress for plain bars
Grade of Concrete
M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40
Average bond stress, bd (N/mm2)
1.60 1.92 2.24 2.40 2.72 3.04
For plain bars in tension
Design Bond stress for bars in compression = 1.25 Design bond stress in tension
Grade of Concrete
M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40
Average bond stress, bd (N/mm2)
2.0 2.4 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.8
For plain bars in tension

The quality of the concrete can be considered as major factors.

Code gives average bond stress as bd as
Grade of Concrete

As the BM varies along the span, bending stress also varies

and as a result Tension in steel (i.e. bond stress) varies
along the span
Shear stress developed at the interface of bar and concrete
is known as bond stress
Bond stress is calculated as Force per unit of nominal
surface area of Rebar
Average stress acting within anchorage length is called
average anchorage bond stress
Bond is developed between steel and concrete due to:
Chemical adhesion between steel and concrete
Friction between steel and concrete
Mechanical interlock due to ribs in deformed bars and
hooks in plain (mild steel) bars

M20 M25 M30 M35 M40

Average bond stress, bd (N/mm2) 1.2





Above values of bd are for plain bars in tension
Above values of bd will be increased by 60% for High deformed bars
For bars in compression, above values further will be increased by 25%
Thus bond strength of high deformed bars in compression =
1.25 1.60 bd

Types of Bond
Anchorage bond or development bond arises in anchorage zone
at the ends of beam which has pull out action

Anchorage length
in direct Tension

Anchorage length
in Tension

Flexural bond Arises due to variation in BM which results in

variation in axial tension along the length

Bar in tension
Bar in compression

Anchorage length
in Flexure

Anchorage length
in Compression

Anchorage Bond
Bond between steel & concrete in tension or
compression zone
Bond stress varies (parabolically) along the length

Development Length for Anchorage Bond:

Development Length in Tension/Compression:
Length required to develop bond strength equal to strength of
Strength of bar (in tension or compression)
= fs Ast = fs . /42
Bond strength developed in length Ld (referred as development length)
= surface area Av. bond stress = ( ) Ld . bd
Equating both, we get:
fs . /42 = ( ) Ld . bd Ld = fs. / (4. bd)
Where, fs = stress in the steel

If area of steel provided is equal to as determined from design,

then stress in steel, fs = 0.87 fy
However, if area of steel provided is more than the required,
then the stress in steel will be calculated as

Where, Ld is given as


0.87 f y .

4 u av
For deformed bars in

0.87 f y .

0.87 415

4 bd
4 1.92
Grade of Concrete
M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40
bd (average) (N/mm2) 1.60 1.92 2.24 2.40 2.72 3.04
34 45 39 36 32 29
(Ld/) for Fe-250
56 47 40 38 33 30
(Ld/) for Fe-415
68 57 49 45 40 36
(Ld/) for Fe-500

Ld for M20 concrete and Fe415 deformed bars in tension: Ld

fs = 0.87fy . (Ast required) / (Ast provided)

Flexural bond
Consider a beam segment of length x.
Moments acting on this segments are M and M+ M and
Tensile Forces in steel bar are T and T+ T
Moment at left and right faces may be calculated as
On left face M = T.z ; and On right face M+ M = (T+ T).z
On subtracting, above two equation, we get
(M+ M) - M = (T+ T)z - Tz or M = T. z
If O is the perimeter of the bar and bd is the bond stress then
For the length x, for adequate bond between concrete and steel,
T = O. x. bd
Substituting value of T, M = T. Z = O. x. bd . z
Or bd = (M/ x) . 1/(O .z) = V/(O .z)

Thus, we have bd

Check for Development Length

Development length is checked at following locations
Sections of maximum BM
at supports
at Points of cut-off
at Points of inflection (where BM changes sign)

O. z

Check of Ld at supports
Let the beam is to be checked for development length at a section located at
distance Ld from the support
At this section, if shear force is V and lever arm is z,
Then the bond stress developed between bars (s) and concrete will be
u = V/(O .z)
For the development length, Ld , total force developed will be
T = u. O. Ld
If Tension force in bars (s) at this section is T and the moment carrying
capacity beam at this section is M1 , which may be calculated as
M1 = T.z = (u O Ld).z = V/(O .z) O Ld).z = V. Ld
or Ld = M1 / V

Check for Ld at points of Max BM

Specially needed for small members such as footings
Need to check Ld on both side of Max BM (i.e. face of column)
If available length is less than required,
Decrease the diameter of bar
more surface area
reduction in required Ld
If required, additional development length
is provided by anchoring the bars (bends, hooks)

Thus, if at any point, if Moment carrying capacity of the section with available
bars (stressed to full strength i.e. 0.87 fy,) is M1 and Maximum shear force at
section is V, then available development length, Ld = (M1/V)

Note: If the bars are confined by compression reaction, Ld may be

increased by 30%. In this case
Ld = 1.3 (M1 / V)
Further, if the bars are continued beyond the (inner edge of the) support
to a length (called anchorage length), La

Determination of La

Available development length = Ld + La = 1.3 (M1 / V) + La

Thus at any section, the available development length
[= La + 1.3 (M1 / V)] must not be less than the required development
length, Ld
(which is needed to develop the full strength of the bars).
If the Bars are confined by Tension reaction
La Ld at s fd
1.3 M1
If the Bars are confined by compression reaction
La Ld at f

Bars are bent in such a way that k = 4 for Mild steel;

k = 2 for High strength steel
If bars are bent as per above mentioned guidelines
Max. allowable La in Tension : 900 Bend 8, 1800 Hook 16
Max. allowable La in compression: Projected length of bend=(k + )

Curtailment of Bars
As we move from Mid-span to support, BM decreases, Steel may be
reduced for economical design
For SS beams, as per code, at least one third of +ve moment
reinforcement must be continued to support on the same face
For Continuous beams, as per code, at least one fourth of +ve moment
reinforcement must be continued to support on the same face
Remaining steel is cut-off at intermediate locations called curtailment
Need to check the development length for the remaining +ve Moment
as well as there is a Need to check the development length for the
curtailed bars

Determination of Theoretical Cut-off Point

Let there are n bars at any section and few bars are to curtailed such that
remaining bars are m.
The theoretical cut-off point may be determined such that the moment
carrying capacity of the section with remaining bars (i.e. m bars), M1 is
equal to the moment coming at that section due to applied loads, M
Let x is the distance of the point of curtailment measured from the
nearest support, then

M x Vu x

wu x2

M1 Vu x

wu x2

Where, Vu is shear force at section due to applied loads.

Solve above equation for x.

However, the bars are not curtailed at theoretical cut-off point

Code recommends, every bar that is to be curtailed, should continue at
least for d or 12 whichever greater beyond theoretical cut-off point
Check for Development Length for bars in Tension at Point of Cut-off

Total available development length at the section

= M1/ V + Lo
Lo = sum of anchorage beyond the center of the support and the
equivalent value of any hook or mechanical anchorage at
simple support (which is minimum of d or 12)
M1 = Moment carrying capacity of section after curtailment
V = Shear force at that section
At least one-third the positive moment reinforcement in simple
members and one fourth the positive moment reinforcement in
continuous members shall extend along the same face of the member
into the support, to a length equal to Ld /3.

Example on Check for Development Length and curtailment of Bars

A reinforced concrete beam 720 mm deep (effective) and 350 mm
wide is simply supported over the span of 6 m (effective). The beam is
subjected to a uniformly distributed load including its self weight of
60 kN/m. Design the beam for flexure. Apply a check for development
length near support if only two third of the bars are continued to the
Factored load = 1.560 = 90 kN/m
Max BM at mid span = wL2/8 = 9062/8 = 405 kNm
Maximum Shear Force, V= 906/2 = 270 kN
Max moment carrying capacity of the section as singly
reinforced = 0.138fck bd2 = 0.13820357002 = 473 kNm
Section may be designed as singly reinforced.
Steel Required:

415 A st

405 10 6 0 .87 415 A st 720 1

350 720

8 .23 10 5 Ast Ast2 Ast 1558 A st 1835 mm 2

No. of 28 mm bars required 2.97 3 bars

Let one of these bars are curtailed between support and mid-span
If we assume that Neutral axis does not changes significantly then
Moment of resistance of remaining two bars = 405(2/3) = 270 kNm
However, actual moment of resistance of two bars is found as 287 kNm
The theoretical cut-off point may be determined as
M x Vx
287 270x 90 x 2 / 2
45x 2 270x 287 0 x 1.38 m from sup port
Actual cut-off point: at 12 or at d which ever more.
Actual cut-off point = 1.38 (720 mm or 1228= 336 mm which ever
more) = 0.66 m from support.
Thus one of the three bars may be curtailed at 0.66 m from the center of
the support and remaining may be continued into the support.

Check for Development Length at support for remaining 2 bars:

Moment of resistance of two remaining bars = 287 kNm
Available development length at the support 1 .3 M 1 L 0 if any

Check for development Length at point of inflexion

Required development length

0.87 f y
0.87 415

28 1316 mm
= 4
4 1.6 1.2

Point of Inflexion occurs near the continuous support


For safe design

1 .3 1 L 0 L d
or 1 .3
L0 1 .316
L0 = 0.0165 m = 16.5 mm
Let a bend is provided. L0 for the bend = 8
= 828 = 224 mm > 16.5 mm OK

(bent-up bars at near top face of beam)

At the point of Inflexion: BM changes the sign

Need to check the Development length for tension reinforcement
(in tension zone beyond pt of inflection)
Check that available development length
M1/ V + actual La (but not > d or 12 whichever greater)
is equal to or greater that the required development length
Note: here steel is not confined by compression reaction, therefore,
1.3 factor not to be used for (M1/V).

Conditions for Terminating Tension Reinforcement

Bars should extend at least d or 12 (which ever greater) beyond
Theoretical Cut-off point (TCP)
Actual shear capacity available at TCP not less than required shear
strength i.e. (Vuc + Vus) > or = 1.5 Vu
For bars with diameter 36mm, if the moment carrying capacity of
section is double than moment at section and (Vuc + Vus) 1.33 Vu
If above conditions are not satisfied Need to provided additional
shear reinforcement as follows
Determine area of additional shear reinforcement as
Asv = 0.4 bs/fy
(b= breadth of beam; s= spacing of shear rein.)
The Resultant spacing not greater than d / (8 b)
where, b = area of bars cut-off / total area of bars at that section

Bearing Stresses at Bends

Reinforcement Splicing
As per IS 456 2000 clause 26.2.5
Reinforcement is needed to be joined to make it longer
Reinforcement is joined by:
overlapping sufficient length bars Lap Splicing
welding to develop its full design bond stress Weld splicing
Socket type joints Mechanical splicing
Bar joints must be staggered.
The joint of reinforcing bars should be away from the sections of
maximum stress
Splices in flexural members should not be at sections where the
bending moment > 50% of the moment of resistance of section
Not more than half the bars shall be spliced at a section.

Lap Splices (As

As per IS 456 2000 clause
Force is transferred by bond between bar and concrete
They should be used for bar diameters up to 36 mm.
They should be considered as staggered
if the C/C distance of the splices > 1.3 lap length (as mentioned Below)
The lap length including anchorage value of hooks for bars
In flexural tension Ld or 30 , whichever is greater
In direct tension 2Ld or 30 , whichever is greater
In compression Ld (in compression) or 24 whichever is greater
The lap length shall be calculated on the basis of diameter of the
smaller bar when bars of two different diameters are to be spliced.
Lap splices of bundled bars shall be made by splicing one bar at a
time and all such individual splices within a bundle shall be
Due to splicing high shear stress in concrete cracking in concrete
In direct tension enclose splice by 6mm spirals @ 100mm (max)

Welded Splicing & Mechanical Connections

As per IS 456 2000 clause
Becomes necessary for jointing the bars of diameter > 36 mm
The strength of welded splices and mechanical connections shall be
taken as 100% of the design strength of joined bars for compression
For tension splices, such strength of welded bars shall be taken as
80% of the design strength of welded bars.
However, it can go even up to 100% if
welding is strictly supervised and
if at any cross-section of the member not more than 20 per cent of
the tensile reinforcement is welded.
For mechanical connection of tension splice, 100% of design strength
of mechanical connection shall be taken.

Side face reinforcement

As per Clause of IS 456:2000
If depth of the web in a beam > 750 mm,
side face reinforcement shall be provided along the two faces
Total area of such reinforcement 0.1% of the web area
This 0.1% steel shall be distributed equally on two faces
Spacing of side reinforcement 300 mm or web thickness (whichever less)

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