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New Microsoft Word Document
New Microsoft Word Document
ASSIGNMENT 2015 - 16
Subject Lecturer
Professor in BEE
Exhaust System
The exhaust gas is removed from engine, to the atmosphere by means of an exhaust system.
A silencer is normally used in this system to reduce noise level of the engine.
Cooling System
The heat produced due to internal combustion, drives the engine. But some parts of this heat
raise the temperature of different parts of the engine. High temperature may cause permanent
damage to the machine. Hence, it is essential to maintain the overall temperature of the
engine to a tolerable level. Cooling system of diesel power station does exactly so. The
cooling system requires a water source, water source, water pump and cooling towers. The
pump circulates water through cylinder and head jacket. The water takes away heat from the
engine and it becomes hot. The hot water is cooled by cooling towers and is re-circulated for
Lubricating System
This system minimises the water of rubbing surface of the engine. Here lubricating oil is
stored in main lubricating oil tank. This lubricating oil is drawn from the tank by means of oil
pump. Then the oil is passed through the oil filter for removing impurities. From the filtering
point, this clean lubricating oil is delivered to the different points of the machine where
lubrication is required the oil cooler is provided in the system to keep the temperature of the
lubricating oil as low as possible.
Starting System
For starting a diesel engine, initial rotation of the engine shaft is required. Until the firing
start and the unit runs with its own power. For small DG set, the initial rotation of the shaft is
provided by handles but for large diesel power station. Compressed air is made for starting.
Diesel power plant has some of the following advantages,
1) Mobility as the prime mover is I.C Engine.
2) Able to use for peak load.
3) Less start up time & easily can be located near the load centre.
It has also some of the disadvantages
1) Higher maintenance & lubrication cost.
2) Comparing to coal fired thermal powerplant, Diesel power plant capacity was
limited. India had a largest plant, maximum combined capacity of 200 MW in
Tamilnadu. In the world level Jordan secures the largest of a combined capacity
of 573 MW.
3) Noisier in operation.
Diesel power plant
5. Now-a-days power cut has become a regular feature for industries. The only solution
to tide over this difficulty is to install diesel generating sets.
Diesel engine:
Diesel engines or compression ignition engines as they are called are generally classified as
two stroke engine and four stroke engines. In diesel engine, air admitted into the cylinder is
compressed, the compression ratio being 12 to 20. At the end of compression stroke, fuel is
injected. It burns and the burning gases expand and do work on the position. The engine is
directly coupled to the generator. The gases are then exhausted from the cylinder to
Fuel system:
Pump draws diesel from storage tank and supplies it to the small day tank through the filter.
Day tank supplies the daily fuel need of engine. The day tan is usually placed high so that
diesel flows to engine under gravity.
Diesel is again filtered before being injected into the engine by the fuel injection pump. The
fuel is supplied to the engine according to the load on the plant.
Exhaust system:
In the exhaust system, silencer (muffler) is provide to reduce the noise.