Chayote Squash
Chayote Squash
Chayote Squash
Many cultures have found that if the harvest of chayote is abundant, it is cheap
er to use it as food for pigs or cattle than the usual commercial feed.
In my own experience with spiny chayote (Zone 9), 2 years ago I had one of these
which I started about this time of year survive for a year through the coldest
winter we can get here without any special protection or encouragement. It gets
real dry for about 8 months on end between fall and spring here every year and t
he plant survived through that period of both hot/dry and COLD/dry with hit or m
iss watering and even neglect.
GERMINATION INSTRUCTIONS: These are already 'germinating' and should be 'planted
' immediately. Simply bury it only half way below surface laying on its side as
it would seem natural, much like as pictured.