Background: Holmium laser enucleation (HoLEP) in surgical treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) potentially
offers advantages over transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
Methods: Published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were identified from PubMed, EMBASE, Science Citation Index, and
the Cochrane Library up to October 10, 2013 (updated on February 5, 2014). After methodological quality assessment and
data extraction, meta-analysis was performed using STATA 12.0 and Trial Sequential Analysis (TSA) 0.9 software.
Results: Fifteen studies including 8 RCTs involving 855 patients met the criteria. The results of meta-analysis showed that: a)
efficacy indicators: there was no significant difference in quality of life between the two groups (P.0.05), but compared
with the TURP group, Qmax was better at 3 months and 12 months, PVR was less at 6, 12 months, and IPSS was lower at 12
months in the HoLEP, b) safety indicators: compared with the TURP, HoLEP had less blood transfusion (RR 0.17, 95% CI 0.06
to 0.47), but there was no significant difference in early and late postoperative complications (P.0.05), and c) perioperative
indicators: HoLEP was associated with longer operation time (WMD 14.19 min, 95% CI 6.30 to 22.08 min), shorter
catheterization time (WMD 219.97 h, 95% CI 224.24 to 215.70 h) and hospital stay (WMD 225.25 h, 95% CI 229.81 to 2
20.68 h).
Conclusions: In conventional meta-analyses, there is no clinically relevant difference in early and late postoperative
complications between the two techniques, but HoLEP is preferable due to advantage in the curative effect, less blood
transfusion rate, shorter catheterization duration time and hospital stay. However, trial sequential analysis does not allow us
to draw any solid conclusion in overall clinical benefit comparison between the two approaches. Further large, welldesigned, multicentre/international RCTs with long-term data and the comparison between the two approaches remain
Citation: Li S, Zeng X-T, Ruan X-L, Weng H, Liu T-Z, et al. (2014) Holmium Laser Enucleation versus Transurethral Resection in Patients with Benign Prostate
Hyperplasia: An Updated Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101615. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101615
Editor: Peter C. Black, University of British Columbia, Canada
Received March 12, 2014; Accepted June 8, 2014; Published July 8, 2014
Copyright: 2014 Li et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Data Availability: The authors confirm that all data underlying the findings are fully available without restriction. All relevant data are within the paper and its
Supporting Information files.
Funding: The authors have no support or funding to report.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* Email: [email protected]
. These authors contributed equally to this work.
The latest American Urological Associations (AUA) Guideline
defines transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) as the gold
standard surgical treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia
(BPH) [1]. However, the latest guideline from the European
Association Urology (EAU) indicates that when the prostate
volume is larger than 80 ml, it is dangerous for BPH patients to be
treated with TURP, and EAU recommends holmium laser
Eligibility criteria
Studies were eligible for inclusion if they met the following
criteria: (1) study participants were clearly diagnosed as BPH and
needed surgical treatment (we excluded patients who had unstable
bladder, neurogenic bladder, preoperative urethral stricture,
history of bladder cancer, or previous history of bladder neck
cancer surgery); (2) randomized controlled studies which used
HoLEP and TURP as the intervention and control arms,
respectively; (3) at least reported one of the efficacy, safety or
perioperative outcomes, which consisted of the International
Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), maximum flow rate (Qmax) (ml/
s), quality of life (QoL), postvoid residual volume (PVR) (ml), the
International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), blood transfusion,
TUR syndrome, urethral stricture, bladder neck contracture,
secondary treatment, acute urinary retention (AUR), urinary tract
infection (UTI), and transient hematuria, operating time (min),
We reported this systematic review and meta-analysis based on
the methodology recommended by the Cochrane Collaboration
and according to the Preferred Reporting items for Systematic
Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement [7]. The protocol
(CRD42014007334) of this systematic review was published in the
PROSPERO register (www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO).
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Sample size
Age, yr
Prostate size, g
Qmax, ml/s
Random sequence
Allocation concealment
Table 2. Risk of bias assessment of the included randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
Incomplete outcome
Selective outcome
PVR, ml
Baseline imbalance
IPSS = International Prostate Symptom Score; QoL = quality of life; Qmax = maximum flow rate; PVR = postvoid residual volume; IIEF = International Index of Erectile Function; NA = not available.
2004; 2007
Publication, yr
Other bias
Figure 2. Forest plot for International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months based on a random
effects model. WMD = weight mean difference; CI = confidence interval.
catheterization time (h), hospital stay (h), reduction of haemoglobin (g/dl) and serum sodium (mmol/L).
Search strategy
We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Science Citation Index, and
the Cochrane Library for relevant published studies up to October
10, 2013 (updated on February 5, 2014). The search strategy was
summarized in Appendix S1. The bibliographies of the included
studies and recent reviews were hand-searched. No language
restriction was applied.
Figure 3. Forest plot for maximum flow rate (Qmax) at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months based on a fixed effects model.
WMD = weight mean difference; CI = confidence interval.
Statistical analysis
All data were pooled using STATA version 12.0 (Stata Corp).
For binary outcomes, relative risks (RRs) and corresponding 95%
confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated; for continuous
outcomes, weighted mean differences (WMDs) and their 95%
CIs were calculated. The Cochran Q test was used to explore
statistical heterogeneity with P,0.1 for statistical significance; a
quantitative measure of heterogeneity across studies was also
investigated using the I2 statistic. Studies with I2 values of less than
40% were considered as having acceptable level of statistical
heterogeneity [9]. We used a fixed-effect analytical model to pool
the results of studies with acceptable or no heterogeneity.
Subgroup analysis was conducted to investigate potential source
of between-study heterogeneity. A two-side P value ,0.05 in the
Z-test was regarded as statistically significant.
Figure 4. Forest plot for postvoid residual volume (PVR) at 6 months and 12 months based on a random effects model.
WMD = weight mean difference; CI = confidence interval.
Characteristics of included studies
Our initial search yielded 1065 potential publications and finally
8 trials [1926] were included (Fig. 1). The eight trials [1926],
which were referring to fifteen publications [1933] based on the
different durations of follow-up period. Our meta-analysis
included data of 855 participants. All trials were published in
English. Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of the included
RCTs. The max follow-up duration ranged from 9 months to 24
IPSS. The IPSS data were acquired from seven trials [1926].
Of them, two [21,26] reported IPSS at 3 months, seven [2026] at
6 months, and seven [1923,2526] reported data at 12 months.
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Figure 5. Forest plot for intraoperative complications. RR = relative risk; CI = confidence interval.
0.75 to 3.91 ml/s) (Fig. 3). Trial sequential analysis of trials data
obtained at 12 months showed that there was insufficient evidence
to show a reduction of 3.0 ml/s in Qmax, the cumulative Z-curve
surpassed the futility boundary, but it did not cross the trial
sequential monitoring boundary (Fig. S2).
QoL. The QoL data were obtained from four trials including
445 BPH patients. Two trials [21,26] reported QoL at 3 months,
three [21,2526] at 6 months, and four [19,21,2526] at 12
months. Meta-analysis of 3 months (WMD 20.19, 95% CI, 20.68
to 0.30, heterogeneity I2 = 0.0%), 6 months (WMD 0.06, 95% CI,
20.48 to 0.60, heterogeneity I2 = 77.3%) and 12 months (WMD
20.09, 95% CI, 20.65 to 0.47, heterogeneity I2 = 82.6%) all
showed no significant difference between HoLEP and TURP
based on a random effects model (Fig. S3).
PVR. The PVR data were obtained from four trials including
514 BPH patients. Three trials [20,2324] reporting PVR at 6
months and three [1920,23] at 12 months were pooled with
random effects model. The results presented significant differences
favoring HoLEP (6 months: WMD 28.90 ml, 95% CI, 215.15 to
22.64 ml, heterogeneity I2 = 66.1%; 12 months: WMD 2
15.98 ml, 95% CI, 222.50 to 29.47 ml, heterogeneity
I2 = 46.6%) (Fig. 4). Trial sequential adjusted 95% CI, of 6 and
12 months were 234.43 to 16.63 ml, 242.58 to 10.61 ml,
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Intraoperative complications. Seven trials [1924,26] reported blood transfusion involving 755 BPH patients and the
result of analysis (Fig. 5) showed a significant difference between
HoLEP and TURP (RR 0.17, 95% CI, 0.06 to 0.47, heterogeneity
I2 = 0.0%). Application of a constant continuity correction of 1.0
in the zero event trial did not change the result. TSA showed that
14.8% (755) of the required information size of 5112 patients were
accrued to detect or reject a 35% reduction in relative risk, the
cumulative Z-curve surpassed the futility boundary, but it did not
cross the trial sequential monitoring boundary (Fig. S6). The TSA
adjusted 95% CI was 0.00 to 11.89.
Figure 6. Forest plot for early postoperative complications. RR = relative risk; CI = confidence interval.
and crossed the trial sequential monitoring boundary (Fig. 9). TSA
adjusted 95% CI was 2.18 to 21.99 min.
Catheterization time. The catheterization time data obtained from eight trials [1926] and the meta-analysis result
showed a significant difference between intervention groups
(WMD 219.97 h, 95% CI, 224.24 to 215.70; heterogeneity
I2 = 53.4%; Fig. 8) based on a random effects model. TSA showed
that there was sufficient evidence to show a reduction of 5 h, with
crossing of the trial sequential monitoring boundary for favoring
HoLEP (Fig. 10). TSA adjusted 95% CI was 226.88 to 212.69 h.
Hospital stay. Six trials [1921,23,2526] reported hospital
stay data. The duration of hospital stay was shorter in HoLEP
(WMD 225.25 h, 95% CI, 229.81 to 220.68 h, heterogeneity
I2 = 27.6%; Fig. 8) based on a random effects model. TSA showed
that sufficient evidence was available to show a reduction of 5 h,
with crossing of the trial sequential monitoring boundary for
favoring HoLEP (Fig. 11). TSA adjusted 95% CI was 235.37 to 2
12.13 h.
Reduction of hemoglobin and serum sodium. Four trials
[1920,23,25] reported reduction of hemoglobin and the pooled
result showed no significant difference between HoLEP and
TURP (WMD 20.59 g/dl, 95% CI, 21.20 to 0.01 g/dl;
heterogeneity I2 = 62.9%; Fig. 8). TSA showed that there was
Only one trial [25] reported TUR syndrome and one [24]
reported injury of mucosa. They were both showed no significance
between HoLEP and TURP (Fig. 5).
Early postoperative complications. Six trials [2126]
reported acute urinary retention, three trials [2122,26] reported
urinary tract infection, and one trial [24] reported transient
hematuria. They all showed no significant difference between
HoLEP and TURP (Fig. 6)
Late postoperative complications. Seven trials [1923,25
26] reported urinary stricture, five trials [20,2225] reported
urinary incontinence, four trials [2123,26] reported secondary
treatment, three trials [22,2425] reported transient dysuria, and
one trial [23] reported the bladder neck stenosis. They all showed
no significant difference between HoLEP and TURP (Fig. 7).
Perioperative indicators
Duration of operation. Eight trials reported the duration of
operation [1926] and the pooled result showed a significant
difference favoring TURP (WMD 14.19 min, 95% CI, 6.30 to
22.08 min, heterogeneity I2 = 92.1%; Fig. 8) based on a random
effects model. TSA showed that sufficient evidence was established
to show even a small reduction of 5.0 min in duration of
operation, the cumulative Z-curves surpassed the futility boundary
Figure 7. Forest plot for late postoperative complications. RR = relative risk; CI = confidence interval.
Major findings
This systematic review included a total of 8 RCTs enrolling 855
patients, all trials were assessed to be of low to moderate risk of
bias. The main finding of this systematic review was that both
HoLEP and TURP could significantly improve symptoms in BPH
patients. There was no statistical difference between the two
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Figure 8. Forest plot for perioperative indicators. WMD = weight mean difference; CI = confidence interval.
Figure 9. Trial sequential analysis of operation time. The required information size for operation time was calculated based on a two side
a = 5%, b = 20% (power 80%), a minimal relevant difference of 5.0 min, a standard deviation of 29.2 min, and D2 = 63% as estimated in a random
effects model.
Figure 10. Trial sequential analysis of catheterization time. The required information size for operation time was calculated based on a two
side a = 5%, b = 20% (power 80%), a minimal relevant difference of 5.0 min, a standard deviation of 26.8 min, and D2 = 60% as estimated in a random
effects model.
Supporting Information
Figure S1 Trial sequential analysis of International
Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) at 12 months. The
required information size for IPSS at 12 months was calculated
based on a two side a = 5%, b = 20% (power 80%), a minimal
relevant difference of 0.5, a standard deviation of 3.5, and
D2 = 77% as estimated in a random effects model.
In summary, our study provided the strongest available
evidence and showed that there were no clinically relevant
differences in early and late postoperative complications between
the two techniques. Although the operative time favored TURP,
HoLEP was more preferable due to its more favorable profile,
defined by the clinically relevant differences detected regarding
curative effect and less blood transfusion. Additionally, catheterization time and hospital stay were significantly shorter in HoLEP.
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Figure 11. Trial sequential analysis of hospital stay. The required information size for operation time was calculated based on a two side
a = 5%, b = 20% (power 80%), a minimal relevant difference of 5.0 min, a standard deviation of 34.1 min, and D2 = 54% as estimated in a random
effects model.
Figure S6 Trial sequential analysis of blood transfusion. A diversity adjusted information size of 5112 patients was
calculated using a two side a = 5%, b = 20% (power 80%),
D2 = 0%, an anticipated relative risk increase of 35% and an
event proportion of 4% in the control arm. Trials with no events
were included in the study with a constant continuity correction of
1. The blue cumulative Z-curve was constructed using a fixed
effects model.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: XHW SL. Performed the
experiments: SL XW HW XTZ ZM TZL ZM. Analyzed the data: SL TZL
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