Q1) how do you define a brand ? what are its core properties ?
Ans) A brand is defined as one which looks at working culture of a company to which it
represents to addressing core issues for which the company stands for
core properties
what is the use of a brand if it is weak in core competency which includes different branches of
management -- all the branches hold the key for success of company
Q2) what is brand equity ? how to manage it effectively without incurring losses to
the company while introducing brand to end consumer for first time ?
Ans) brand equity is defined as managing the brand properly in relation to outsiders
which include everyone
According to reference book of jean noel kapferer, i got the information that private
labels are never researched upon , that something is weird because without doing
research how can the organised retailer sell his product, research has to be their
otherwise sales generated by the organised retailer can never be known to the
without knowing which is selling , retailer can never replicate the product, where
quality standard of the product introduced as private label also holds a key to the
success of the organised retailer introducing the best sales product in the retail outlet
these private labels actually sell only geographically and not in any format as per
jagadish is concerned, companies can overcome it by creating combos through 4c
cooperation between companies in these outlets by giving bonazas for promoting
their products in place of private labels
customer stock option plan can also be introduced to counterattack private labels in
specific geographic areas where the product of private label is selling exceptionally
Ans) co branding talks about 4c concept of sharing brands and promoting brands to
each other
cobranding is used
Q6) what steps should a company take while giving a name to its brand ?
Q8) how can companies know on what basis that their brands are catering to right
segment ?
Ans) companies can know whether the brand is catering to right segment if
a) market space questionnaire is being used properly by the target audience to which
it catered to -- response of audience is important
b) sales decline
c) employees of branch where company is located decreases
Ans) only small priced products example satchets and luxury products sell
how come luxury products example : basic model of mobiles , tv, computers etc
Q10) what steps should companies decide when they want to touch rural sector ?
Ans) cannot sell as rural people are brand conscious ---- highlighted in TV,
computers (internet)
Ans) global brands would fail if brands arent localised as per geographic sementation
Ans) media to be used for cause marketing and share of products launch price during
life cycle of brand overall at regular intervals
Ans) how to know by company whether consumer behavior of people they are
targeting has changed and shifted to other taste buds
Ans) brands can sustain over a period of a decade if proper results are seen
a) change in the ceo without affecting the culture to the likes of ceo
b) employee stock option plan and customer stock option plan to be adopted at
regular intervals
c) complementors to be given due weightage in the say of brands company has
linked it with them
Q18) how do you manage brand equity with marketing channels as the arsenal ?
Ans) The various channels that look out for brand equity sustainance are
distribution channels ------- customer stock option plan
communication channels ------- internet
service channels ------- face to face problem solving through meetings with
technology advancement
internet evolution in a country
industry growth and employment generation in that industry
ethics of companies ( complementors, 4c)
Ans) failure because it doesnt come with 4c concept of sharing price under difficult
strategy should be how to accomplish that objective to sustain the steps taken by
company according to porter
but the above statement according to jagadish are once again mission statements
not strategy direction
jagadish actually defines strategy as "overall growth of the company over a period of
time say quarterly growth accomplished compared to previous quarterly in sustaining
the momento accomplished by taking steps in present quarterly to see that previous
quarterly has been sustained "
their is another way to see strategy along with vision and mission
mission statements give you direction as to how to accomplish that vision set by the
now strategy gives you information as to where mission is failing and succeeding in
accomplishing the vision of the company
This world considers itself ethical, is it really ethical . the five force model of Michael e
porter is going to survive but not 4c concept
Porters model is based upon Rivalry (competition) among competitors and not on
cooperation , earning profits by company is considered to be sole moto which porter
wrote it 30 years back, even that stands correct even now even though i wrote about
cooperation between companies as the other way of doing business
Psychology tells me that in times of difficulty one remembers relatives, friends etc
including mother , father
rest assured this would be the demise of 4c unless companies aren’t looking at profits for
themselves but want to share it
this sharing can happen in times of difficulty but would not be used in times of good
everyone want to enjoy the pie but nobody wants a lesser pie which is available specially
in good times
one rule------money
compelementors would become money minded and offer bonaza to companies which
offer more bonaza compared to other companies ,
if 4c has to survive it is ethics , without ethics 4c is destroyed
their may be situations where complementors like middle east countries would ask for
more money from governements resulting in companies shelling out huge money stating
that petrol, oil is complementor
we cant blame middle east countries for hiking money because it is natural based petrol
which would deplete in near future say in another 10 to 25 years down the lane, they are
dependent upon food imports from other countries also
4c actually looks at beyond the scope of horizon something like out of box thinking
if you look at my answers they were strategic based answers but within scope of reach to
be used specially say complementors
4c covers a bigger ground of imagination while others to some extent are narrow based in
thinking process
what is 4c
what can you gauge from the above four
think ?
company concentrates upon quarterly results which should be above average than industry
can it be achieved ?
yes it can if cooperation is their within industry to which companies represent by sharing the
profits and cooperation in both good and bad times
friendship can be termed as something beyond which cooperation exceeds in bad times when
one company is in doldrums and other helps it out
step two : in this ngo why not pool up resources of money by companies for those companies
who are struggling
step three : this cooperation can be handed by sanctioning money through G20 countries
step four : this money being pooled up is tax free for companies who have donated
good relations
you are putting fear factor in place in bad times and dont know where to earn money
jagadish says help each other whether good or bad ultimately only good survives
it has to otherwise their are only aliens , means to say aliens in the form of human beings
does quarterly reports of more money important or is friendship between industries is important
want to experiment
i never ever advised companies to go for 4c concept on larger scale
i always told them to suggest each other to go for 4c on smaller scale of contract , gain trust and
venture out in middle not big
otherwise bloodshed
nor unilever
you are losing core competency which can be used by both together
companies might think if i learn his tricks i can surpass him in knowledge
i least expected it to go to this far fetched in information gathering and creativity which is quite
atleast top 5 companies from any industry background stand a good chance to learn from each
other whether competition or cooperation between companies