Scientific and Technical Translation Explained
Scientific and Technical Translation Explained
Scientific and Technical Translation Explained
Do your research: Try to find out what the product looks like. If
necessary, modify the instructions.
Rebuild the instructions: If not presented in a logical or chronological
sequence, rearrange the order of individual steps.
Give the reader some space: If the SL instructions are packed with
information and might be confusing, split complex sentences into
smaller units.
Give the reader a hint: If the instructions are vague, provide any
additional clarification needed.
Contact the client if the instructions do not make any sense or if
you cannot figure out what it is you are describing.
Tables of contents and ndices
It is always best to wait until you have read and translated the rest of
the text before tackling tables of contents, so that you have a better
idea of what the text is about.
Be very careful if you decide to translate the index and use it as a
glossary because you may end up wasting time using the wrong
terms and having to fix your translation.
Formatting and layout
Use short, simple words and sentences
Use abbreviations where necessary: Ideally the ones already used by
the company or in the general subject areas. Do not overuse them.
Avoid sticking too closely to the ST: Do not be afraid of using a
different grammatical or syntactic structure if it allows you to produce
a shorter translation.
Where appropriate, use imperative verb forms: These are invariably
shorter and easier to understand than passive constructions.
Be flexible and creative: Be prepared to try several possible wordings
and use modulation, transposition and adaptation strategies.
Managing and naming files
Storing your files:
Create a master folder for your project
Create one folder for your source files and one for your target or
translated files
If necessary, create separate folders for reference materials or
translation memories
Set up your computer to create daily back-ups of your files which
should be stored on a separate hard drive or another computer
Translating your files: