Earthquake Research Report

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Research Assignment

You are going to complete a research assignment about either earthquakes You will begin by researching
some general information about the topic you choose and then you will select one example of a specific
earthquake event to use in the completion of your research.
Sign up for a topic.
Begin by researching the first set of questions which looks at general information about earthquakes.
All questions must be typed and put into a report. Include pictures and/or diagrams.
Next, you need to research the questions that are about your chosen earthquake event. All questions
must be typed and put into a report. Include pictures or diagrams.
Add an introduction and conclusion to enhance the flow of your report. Write as many paragraphs
as you feel necessary. Also, you may ADD extra information to your report if you feel it would make
your report more interesting. Remember this is meant to be a Case Study to enhance your
understanding of specific earthquake events.
Once all your research is complete, make sure all of the info is written in your own words and
explained in detail. Be specific. Check spelling, grammar and punctuation and make sure you
paragraphs flow.
Create a bibliography of ALL the websites you have used
Create a title page for your report
Due Date for Assignment: _________________________________________

Possible Topics:
Sumatra, Indonesia
Maule, Chile
Sichuan, China
Christchurch, New Zealand
California, USA
Wenping, China
Sumatra, Indonesia
Java, Indonesia
Loma Prieta, California

December 26th, 2004

Feb. 27th, 2010
January 12, 2010
May 12th, 2008
October 8th, 2005
Feb 21st, 2011
March 11th, 2011
Dec. 26th, 2003
Jan, 26th, 2001
Aug 17th, 1999
Jan 17th, 1994
Aug 3rd, 2014
Sept 30th, 2009
Sept. 23rd, 2011
May 26th, 2006
June 23rd, 2001
Sept. 20th, 1999
June, 20th, 1990

Earthquake Assignment Instructions:

Research information to answer the following questions:
1. Explain why earthquakes occur. (K)
2. Where do most earthquakes occur in the world? Explain why. (k)
3. What are the different types of earthquakes (ways the plates move, fault lines). Explain each type of
movement and how it happens. (K)
4. What is the difference between shallow and deep earthquakes (K)
5. Explain what the difference is between the S wave and P waves. How do these waves impact the
region? (K)
6. What are some of the effects/outcomes of an earthquake? Why are tsunamis commonly related to
earthquakes? Explain. (K)
7. Explain how the intensity of an earthquake is measured and why. (K)
8. What is the difference between a foreshock and an aftershock? Explain. (K)
9. What are some of the factors that affect the amount of earthquake damage? (K)
10. Why is it so difficult to predict an earthquake? (K)
11. What can people do to protect themselves and their property/buildings from earthquakes? What can
citizens do to prepare for a disaster? (K)
12. Where is the safest place to be during an earthquake? (K)
13. Who is the most vulnerable group of people during an earthquake event? Explain why. (K)
14. Pictures/Images
Research the following information about the earthquake that you have selected. Try to find as much
information and pictures as possible. Include lots of visuals.
Pick one major earthquake event and answer the following questions.
1. What type of earthquake is it? (movement of plates) (Application and Analysis)
2. Which tectonic plates out of the approximately 20 on Earth were involved in this particular
earthquake? Where were the faultlines located? (Application and Analysis)
3. Find a map showing the location of the earthquake (epicenter, focus). (K)
4. Describe its location. (Cities, country, continent, major landmarks nearby) (K)
5. How frequent do earthquakes happen in this location or area? (K)
6. What was the magnitude, duration, areal extent, spatial concentration and speed of onset of this
earthquake. (try to find all that apply) (K)
7. How shallow or deep was this earthquake event? (K)
8. How strong or powerful was the earthquake? How far away were the effects felt? (K)
9. What happened before and after the earthquake occurred? Were there any warning signs? Secondary
hazards? (K)
10. How many aftershocks were felt? (K)
11. How were people (emotions) and property (the land, country, and town) affected by this particular
earthquake event? (K)
12. How many people were injured, died or hospitalized during this earthquake? (K)
13. How was this event handled by the government? Were they in a state of emergency? Did they need
emergency aid? (K)
14. How much damaged resulted from this event? (Long term effects - cost, distance, politics, rebuilding,
disease, sanitation, health care) (K)
15. What is the population of this area/city/country? Did population density play a role in the outcome or
damage or injuries that resulted from this quake? (K)
16. Based on the outcome, who was most vulnerable or at risk? (Application and Analysis)

17. Are there any possible human activities in the area that could have triggered an earthquake?
(groundwater, drilling, mining, nuclear testing, etc) (K)
18. Interesting facts about this earthquake event. (K)
19. Pictures/Images of your earthquake. Are there any visuals or maps of where the actual earthquake hit
or what it looks like in that area today? Find visual images of the damage caused by the earthquake or
images that would represent the damage.
Based on this earthquake or other major ones in this region answer the following questions:
1. Does this country/area have an emergency plan for when earthquakes/tsunamis occur? Evaluate the
effectiveness of their emergency procedures in place. (synthesis and evaluation)
2. In your opinion, do you think this country/city/community is prepared for future earthquake events in
the region? (building types, development, emergency services, health care services, military, money
for relief, etc) (Application and Analysis)
3. Compare this earthquake event to another one in a different country. Was the outcome similar or
different in terms of damage, injuries, costs, relief aid, and government response? Could they handle
disasters differently? What could they learn from eachother? (synthesis and evaluation)
4. In your opinion, why do people continue to live in these hazardous regions? (synthesis and

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