SOA Suite 11 Hands-On Workshop VM Intro / Demo / Deployment: Oracle®
SOA Suite 11 Hands-On Workshop VM Intro / Demo / Deployment: Oracle®
SOA Suite 11 Hands-On Workshop VM Intro / Demo / Deployment: Oracle®
Hands-On Workshop
VM Intro / Demo / Deployment
Note: This startup flow assumes you have extracted the VMWare into a local
directory and are using one of the following to load and run it:
a) VMWare Workstation 6.5 or higher
b) VMWare Player 2.5.x or higher
c) VMWare Server 2.x or higher
1. Start up the image by clicking the Start this virtual machine link. (VMWare
Workstation example shown here)
2. I f your running this image on dual-core laptop or server you can bump up the number
of processors to two.
. Double click on this line in VMWare
Workstation and make the change. This will give you a little more performance.
3. If your running the image from VMWare Player you can define two procesors by
editing the OEL5U3_11gSOA.vmx file in the directory where you extracted the
image. Change the line that says numvcpus = "1" to numvcpus = "2".
Then bring it up.
4. If you get the screen below, select the I moved it radio button and click OK.
5. The VM will take a number of minutes to start. Part of the startup flow is the Oracle
XE Database that stores metadata for OracleSOA Suite and has the schema referenced
in the labs to store data for the Pemit Applications being requested. After the image
starts you should see a screen like the following:
8. At the next prompt take the default (admin) and click OK.
9. After 7 9 minutes you should see the Admin server started. Click Close.
The above diagram shows a real world scenario simple enough that it can be completed
during the workshop. The following provides a brief overview of the scenario:
On the left hand of the diagram two data inputs exist to send permit application
data to the Composite Application flow:
1. Batch File Input (multiple requests are placed via comma delimited
file (.csv)
2. An exposed SOAP interface to take an XML payload in.
The Rules component is responsible for checking a local Dictionary and doing an
evaluation on data values passed in.
The BAM (Business Activity Monitoring component is fed from initial data sent
into the PermitAppIn Meditor. The real time dashboard displays the results.
The BPEL process component provides the business logic and orchestration for
handling permit applications. For each request a CreditScore web service is called
and returns a value based on the first character of the SSN of the input payload.
The credit scores are sent to the rules engine for evaluation. The result of the rule
will be AutoApprove, Approval Required, or Denied. If Approval Required is
returned, a Human Workflow will be executed to allow a permit reviewer to
manually APPROVE or REJECT the application request. The BPEL process ends
with data again being sent to BAM (Updates the status of the request) and various
portions of the payload are written to three database tables.
On the right hand side of the diagram, the services that are needed by the BPEL
process are identified.
a. PermitDB External reference to write three database tables (Master
Detail relationships).
b. CreditScore External Web Service created from a WSDL definition
and deployed to the application server.
c. PermitDO External Web Service interface into the BAM data object
that were inserting or updating.
2. Run the command /sbin/ifconfig and write down the IP address for your image: (In
this example its:
4. Now, well go to our Windows OS environment and bring up the BAM Active Viewer
to look at our dashboard. At this point no data exists. Open IE7 (Internet Explorer)
and go the URL
5. Subtitute your IP address in place of the example above here if its different. Log in
using weblogic password: welcome1.
7. When Activer Viewer window comes up, resize it so youll be able to go back and
forth between it and the VM image window during testing. Click on Select Report.
9. In the Select a Report dialog. Select Permit Workshop Dashboard and click OK.
10. The dashboard will run and you should see the following:
11. Back inside the VM image bring up the Firefox browser by double clicking on the
Desktop icon OR by right clicking and selecting Open.
12. Once the browser is up select the Enterprise Manager FastLink from the toolbar.
14. After a minute or so the Enterprise Manager main dashboard comes up showing the
domains in this installation; in our case domain1.
15. Navigate down to Farm_domain1SOAsoa-infraPermitAppComposite and
click this link.
17. Now, we will cut and paste a test payload into the browser. Minimize the browser
and open a terminal window on the Linux desktop using the icon.
18. Change directory into MyFiles ( cd My* ) and type: gedit SamplePermitWS.xml
<hit Return/Enter>
19. From the gedit window select EditSelect All and then select EditCopy.
Minimize the terminal window.
20. Go back to the browser and scroll down towards the bottom were you see the Input
Arguments section. In this section choose XML View.
21. Right click anywhere inside the argument pane and choose Select All. The test
payload will be highlighted.
22. Hold down the <Ctrl> key on the keyboard and type v. This will paste the contents
you copied from within the gedit session. Click the
23. The first time this is run after an Application Server startup, it may take a minute or
so to instantiate all of the flow logic. Subsuquent executions will be quicker. The
composite flow will execute and a response will be displayed:
25. The Trace flow shows the components that executed and their status.
26. Selecting the PermitAppIn mediator link brings up the flow of execution through the
Mediator component. Expand the payload for the Input payload received. This
will show what came into the Mediator in addition to Header information:
27. Expanding the response payload that came back from the BPEL process shows the
instanceID that was generated for this BPEL execution:
29. Close the window, click on the Instance ID link again and select the PermitProcess
BPEL component.
30. Click on the Flow tab. This shows the actual BPEL activities that executed.
31. Selecting any of the activities in the flow will show you the state of the XML payload
being handled by that activity. For example, the receiveInput shows the input
payload sent from the Mediator.
32. Selecting the Invoke_CreditScore activity shows the SSN being sent to the Web
Service and the response of 721. Close the pop up.
33. Selecting the replyOutput activity shows the response sent back to the PermitAppIn
mediator component.
34. Go back to the BAM dashboard and you will see a record has been inserted into the
underlying PermitData DataObject. The Instance ID in this case is 20001 which is
the instance ID of the composite executed. The permit request was Atuo Approved
based on the content of the payload coming in.
35. Now, well test the Batch File input. Back in the VM image close the Trace Flow
windows. Minimize the browser window and open up another Terminal window from
the Desktop. Change directory into MyFiles/files/in ( cd My*/files/in )
36. Type cp ../../permit.csv . (Note: Include the ) and hit return. This will copy a
sample comma delimited file to the current directory. The file contains seven records
and should be picked up within 10 seconds.
SOA 11g Workshop VM Intro
37. Immediately return to the BAM Permit dashboard to see any updating taking place.
As soon as the file is picked up and processed you will see the dashboard react.
Recall that seven new records are added. Three of the requests still need to be
approved or rejected as indicated dby the number of In Process records in the
Application Disposition view.
38. Back in the VM image we will now use BPM Worklist to complete the In Process
requests. You will APPROVE one of the requests and REJECT the other two.
39. From the browser right click BPM Worklist from the FastLink menu and select
Open in a New Tab.
41. Youll notice three permit requests waiting for approval or rejection. These were three
out of the seven requests in the batch file whos credit score started with the number
2 and thus the Rules engined returned the Approval Required status. Human
Workflow invoked and now its in your hands. Click on the topmost request to see
details. NOTE:The first time this option is executed it may take a minute to instantiate
and display in the lower panel.
42. In the details section you can verify the SSN of the request:
44. The instance flow will be completed the the request will be removed from the tasks
waiting on action.
47. Maximize the VM image window as we are done with the BAM dashboard.
48. Go to the browser and click the soa-infra (AdminServer) link to see the most recent
instances. Youll notice that there are 7 new executions that took place and completed.
If you would like to drill into the flow details of a given instance feel free to do so.
You can lLook at the various payload values returned during these executions.
49. For example, the returned values from the invoked Credit Score web service will
show differnet returned values depending on the first character of the SSN (1 = 583,
2 = 644, 3 = 721)
50. Ex: SSN starts with 1: (output shown from Flow page of Invoke_CreditScore step)
51. Ex: SSN starts with 2: (output shown from Audit Trail page of the Invoke_CreditScore
52. Finally, well look at data written into the database tables. Open up JDeveloper 11g
by double clicking on the Desktop icon OR right clicking the icon and selecting
55. Double click the Applicant table. Then select the Data tab all the bottom of the
window that comes up.
56. The eight Permit requests that have been submitted and completed up to this point are
shown (One from the XML cut-and-paste and seven via the batch file)
57. Look at the data contained in the ADDRESS and PERMITAPPLICATION tables.
In this section we will show how to re-deploy any of the completed Labs in this
workshop in case some people wanted to start from a particular spot or maybe they just
need to catch up because they are stuck.
NOTE: If you have not yet created the SOAWorkshop application in JDeveloper
then skip to Step 6
1. If you have already done some work in JDeveloper we need to first delete your
current application. If its not already running start JDeveloper 11g by doubleclicking OR right-clicking and selecting Open.
2. Right click on the SOAWorkshop application in the Application Navigator tab and
click Delete Application.
NOTE: If your replacing the CreditScore application, then substitute its name here
instead of SOAWorkshop. We will be using SOAWorkshop as the exmaple in this
5. Minimize JDeveloper.
6. Double click on the Terminal Desktop icon or right click on it and select Open.
9. If you have already done work on the CreditScore or SOAWorkshop applications then
those directories may still be on the filesyatem.
10. Delete any remaining references by executing rm rf SOAWorkhop (Exact match,
no wildcards!!)
An ls shows:
12. Go back to JDeveloper and select FileOpen from the menu bar. Browse to the
/home/oracle/jdeveloper/mywork/SOAWorkshop or CreditScore directory depending
on what you extracted. In this case its the SOAWorkshop directory. Click Open.
Click OK and Yes to any Migration staus prompts you may receive.
13. The last step is to deploy the Composite. (NOTE: The CreditScore and SOAWorkshop
composites deploy the same way).
For this example we are going to deploy the PermitAppComposite project in the
SOAWorkshop application.
14. Right click on the PermitAppComposite project in the Application Navigator and
select DeployPermitAppCompositetoLocalAppServer
15. In the SOA Deployment Configuration Dialog select the checkbox marked
Overwrite any existing composites with the same revision ID and click OK.
16. After the composite successfully compiles you may be prompted for credentials to the
Weblogic application server. Enter weblogic/welcome1 at the prompt and click OK.
(NOTE: Any warnings displayed are OK as these are simple string to int datatype
conversions that are handled fine during execution)
17. In the SOA tab the log should show a successful build and in the Deployment tab the
log should show a successful deployment.
18. If you are redeploying Lab 5 or Lab 6 they include Human Workflow. The Task Form
generated and used in the BPM Worklist application is in a separate project in the
SOAWorkshop apllication and is deployed in a different way.
In the Application Navigator tab click on the PermitTaskForm project within the
SOAWorkshop application.
20. If this TaskForm is already on the application server you will be prompted to
comfirm. Click Yes.
21. In the Deployment tab the log should show a successful deployment: