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Kiu Chi 1995

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Computerized Numerical Simulation of Roll-Forming Process

Manabu Kiuchi (I), Kenji Abe, Ryu Onodera

Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Received on January 9,1995

A computerized numerical simulation system for cold roll-forming was developed. It was applied
to various roll-forming processes of ERW (electric resistance welded) pipes, light gauge section
steels, deck-plates and others. Through simulations, effects of pass-schedule, geometry and
position of roll, dimension of product and mechanical properties of metal sheet on deformation
features of metal sheet at every forming stage, stress and strain occurring in it, roll separating
force, roll driving torque and dimensional accuracy of product were clarified. The system is now
being used for design and prediction of desirable profiles of forming rolls, roll positions and other
operation factors. It is also being successfully used to design pass-schedules for newly requested
Roll, Forming, Simulation

In a roll-forming process, pairs of profile rolls
arranged in tandem transversally bend a moving
metal sheet and make it into a product which has a
designated cross-sectional profile (See Fig.1).
The design of roll profiles and roll positions
needs to analyse and take account of deformation
features of metal sheets. However, no theoretical
methods for roll design were presented for long
period because of difficulty of the analysis.
But diversified small lot production, requirement
for high quality products and necessity of quick response to customers make it more and more difficult to carry out the roll design only by relying upon
experience- based knowledges.
In order to settle such situation, the present authors have developed a computerized numerical
simulation system which is usable for analysis of
details of deformation of metal sheets in roll-form[2], [S]. In this paper, the outline
ing processes [l],
of the system and some results obtained by it will
be explained [3],[4],[5],[7].

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of roll-forming.

Annals of the CIRP Vol. 44/1/1995

Fig. 2(a) shows the co-ordinate systems used for
the analysis and a deformed neutral ( central in the
thickness direction ) curved surface of metal sheet
between two roll-stands. Here, X co-ordinate
coincides with the forming (longitudinal) direction
and X=X, and X=X, indicate the positions of #(i)roll and #(i+l)-r.oll, respectively.
The deformed curved surface of the metal sheet
is expressed by the following generalized equations.

Here, Y,(y), Z,(y), and Y,(y), Z,(y) are Y and Z coordinates of the point Pi and Pi+, on the crosssections of the neutral curved surface of metal
sheet at roll-gaps of #(i)-stand and #(itl)-stand.
The points Pi and Pi+, correspond to each other,
that means, Pi moves along the neutral curved
surface and reaches to Pi+,. S(X) and S(X)z are
specially defined function, named ":hape function",
which express the three-dimensional pattern of
flow line of each element of the metal sheet moving
from #(i)-roll to #(itl)-roll. Here, S(X)y and S(X)z
are defined as follows.


, X'=X-X,


Here, nYl'and ' I nzll are parameters which dominate the pattern of flow line. Their values are
mathematically decided so that the total power of
deformation of the metal sheet between two roll
stands becomes minimum. This means that the
analysis is based upon the so-called energy
The metal sheet is considered to move from #(i)roll to #(i+l)-roll along the assumed neutral curved
surface expressed by Eq. (1). The longitudinal and
transversal elongation, shrinkage and bending of
metal sheet elements, transversal and longitudinal
stresses and strains occurring in them during the
movement are analysed by the incremental
method based on the theory of plasticity. Here, the
equilibrium of forces acting to sheet elements in the
longitudinal and transversal directions is taken into

# ( i + l )Stand

#/i I Stand(b)Egui I i b r i u m o f

(c)Equi I i b r i u m o f transversal force


The restrictions introduced to the analysis are as

(1) The longitudinal force which is calculated by
integrating the longitudinal stress occurring in sheet
elements locating along an arbitrary cross-section
of the deformed neutral curved surface should be
equal to the interstand tension or compression
imposed upon the metal sheet (Ref. Fig. 2(a), (b)).
(2) The transversal membrane and shear stresses
occurring in each sheet element should satisfy the
equilibrium of transversal force acting to it. In addition, the transversal membrane stress at the sheet
edge should be zero.
(3) The longitudinal and transversal deformation of
each sheet element takes place so that both of the
above conditions are satisfied.
Fig. 2(a) shows a deformed neutral curved surface divided into elements. In the simulation, a
band element, which is defined by dividing the
metal sheet by planes perpendicular to X-axis, is
introduced. The band element is considered to
move along the neutral curved surface from #(i)-roll
to #(i+l)-roll. The length ( AXo) of the band element changes, such as, +( AXk-,),( AXk), (AXk+,)
, so that the equilibrium of longitudinal force IS
The band element is divided into smaller rectangular elements in the transversal direction. As
mentioned above, each rectangular element elongates or shrinks in the transversal direction so as to
satisfy the equilibrium of transversal force acting to
Fig. 2(c) shows the definition of the shear strain
( y ) occurring in rectangular elements.
f l e details of the mathematical procedure of the
incremental analysis of deformation of sheet
elements are shown in the references, [l], [2] and
[6]. It should be noticed that the metal sheet is
subjected to so-called steady-state deformation,
therefore, the analysis should be carried out taking
account of effect of deformation history of each


Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of coordinate systems,

deformed curved surface of metal sheet between
two roll-stands, sheet elements moving along
deformed curved surface and pattern of flow line on

sheet element. This procedure is different from

those for sheet formings, such as deep drawing,
bulging and bending.
Following to the analysis of stresses and strains
occurring in all of the sheet elements moving from
#(i)-roll to #(i+l)-roll, the total power of deformation dissipated in the metal sheet between two rollstands is calculated. By changing the values of
parameters " ny and 'I nz included in the shape
functions S(X), and S(X)z,the total power of deformation which IS affected by those values is calculated. Through the iteration, the optimum values of
I' ny I' and I' nz I' that give the minimum value of the
total power of deformation are chosen. The deformed neutral curved surface, flow lines of sheet
elements, stress and strain distributions in the
metal sheet which correspond to this minimum
power of deformation are considered as the optimized results of the simulation.



Fig. 3 shows some deformed neutral curved surfaces of metal sheets in roll-forming processes of
ERW round pipes, ERW square pipes and light
gauge sections. Fig. 4 shows similar neutral
curved surfaces of metal sheets at the initial stage
of roll-forming of floor pannels and deck-plates.
These are the optimized results.
From the results like this, not only the whole
deformation features of metal sheets, but also the
characteristics of local deformation of each portion
of them can be known. For instance, it is clear that
(1) each metal sheet deforms to an unique compli-

cated shape corresponding to employed roll's profiles, their positions, interstand distance and other
working conditions, and (2) the metal sheet usually
deforms largely at every inletting stage to the rollgap.
In the figures, flow-lines of metal sheet elements
are also shown on each neutral curved surface. By
checking these flow-lines, it becomes possible to
judge if the rolls' profiles and positions are appropriate or not and if the roll-forming of supplied
metal sheets can be carried out smoothly or not. If
the flow-lines of some elements differ from others
by large amount, the strains occurring in those elements are considered to be largely different from
others. In such cases, the deformation of the
metal sheet is not smooth. Eccentric distributions
of strains and stresses take place in it and troubles such as local buckling and fracture are predicted.

Fig. 3 Deformed neutral curved surfaces of metal

sheets in roll-forming of round pipe, square pipe
and channel section predicted by computer aided


The most popular problem in roll-forming is socalled edge buckling which is sometimes called as
"edge wave". The edge portion of metal sheet
usually tends to elongate in the longitudinal direction much more than other portions at the inletting
stage to the roll-gap. However, this eccentric
elongation should be amended, in other words, the
edge portion should shrink, so that the deformed
metal sheet keep the longitudinal straightness after
it comes out of the roll-gap. This means that the
compressive longitudinal stress is induced in the
edge portion. If it is excessive, the longitudinal
buckling occurs there.
Fig. 5 shows the calculated longitudinal edge
elongation of metal sheet in roll-forming processes
of ERW round pipes. The subjected metal sheets
are mild steel. These figures show the effects of
number of roll-stands, interstand distance "SL",
diameter "D" and thickness "1" of aimed pipes on
the maximum value of longitudinal edge elongation
denoted by "(E,JmaX"that takes place at sheet
edge. This elongation is usually called as "edge
When ERW round pipes are roll-formed, as
above-mentioned, if the excessive edge elongation
occurs, the edge wave (edge buckling) takes place
very often,. Once the edge wave takes place, it is
very difficult to amend the shape of the edge portion. As the result, the welding of both edges
becomes very difficult or impossible. Therefore, for
the roll-forming of ERW round pipes, it is extremely
important to make the edge elongation as small as
By checking the predicted edge elongation and
performing preliminary amendment, the effective
design of forming process, forming mill, roll profiles
and roll positions suitable for aiming products
becomes possible.

(b) Deformation Mode I1

Fig. 4 Deformed neutral curved surfaces of metal
sheets in roll-forming of floor pannel and deckplate.
D =% Circular Bending Process


1. ,I

D=lOl.6 D=252.7


lnterstand Distance "SL"(mm)


Fig. 5 Effects of number of roll-stands, "SL". "D"

and "t" on (Exo)max
in roll-forming of ERW round



When a flat metal sheet is roll-formed into a

product such as a floor pannel or a deck-plate as
shown in Fig. 4, a metal sheet portion which corresponds to a groove of product's cross-section is
pushed up or down in the vertical direction by
convex profile rolls. At the same time, other portions of metal sheet are pulled by rolls in the transversal direction and made move to the grooving
portion. According to this, the transversal tensile
stress and elongation ( stretch ) are induced in the
metal sheet.
When the width of metal sheet is large and the
groove is formed deeply at the center portion of it,
the induced tensile stress and elongation become
large. If they become excessively large, thinning or
tearing of the metal sheet occurs. Therefore, for
roll-forming of products with wide cross-s.ection
and thin wall thickness, the prediction of transversal
stretch and the prevension of thinning and tearing
are very important.
The transversal stretch usually concentrates at
the bending corners of grooving portion. Fig.6
shows some examples of calculated distribution of
transversal stretch I' E, 'I along the cross-section
of deformed metal sheet at roll-gap. It is clearly
shown that the large transversal stretch occurs at
the corners of the groove. It is also known that the
transversal stretch increases as the width of metal
sheet becomes large.
Fig.6 also shows the comparison between calculated and measured values of the transversal
stretch. Both values show fairly good agreement.
This means that the mathematical model and the
numerical simulation method proposed in this paper
are good enough to analyse the details of local
deformation as well as total deformation of the
metal sheet subjected to roll-forming.
(1) A computer aided numerical simulation system
(simulator) for roll-forming was developed.
Systematic simulations of various roll- forming
processes were carried out. By summarizing
the results, a theoretical data base for design
of rolls and roll positions ( pass-schedules ) is
now being developed.
(2) Effective and quick design of the optimum roll
profiles and roll positions for the requested
products are becoming possible.
(3) An intelligent CAD system based on this
simulation system is being used for actual

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The 25th Anniversary Issue of J. of Japan
Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP),
pp. 674-680.
KIUCHI, M. et. al., (1986), Development of








=e c




Position in Transversal Direction /mm




SS400 L=140





(15mm front of
Roll Gap)

tt I

Position in Transversal Direction /mm
Fig. 6 Distribution of transversal elongation on
cross-section of roll-formed metal sheet.

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27-31 1, pp. 1349-1355.
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KIUCHI, M ., et.al.,(l994), Extension of RollForming Simulator(3) Proc. Japan Spring
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