Question Bank
Question Bank
B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B. (20132018)
First Semester Examination
Code No.
Principle of Management
Financial Accounting
English - I
Sub Total
Second Semester Examination
Code No.
Economic- II
Business Environment
Cost Accounting
Sub Total
Political Science- III (Political
Management Accounting
Financial Management
Political Science- V (International
Quantitative Methods for Managers
Law relating to Intellectual Property
Gender Justice and Feminist
Law relating to Banking & Negotiable
BALLB/BBALLB 704 Law of Property
Organizational Behavior
Sub Total
Seventh Semester Examination
Code No.
Code No.
Sub Total
Tenth Semester Examination
Code No.
Presentation on Dissertation****
*subject to change
The total number of the credits of the BALLB Program is 228.
Each student shall be required to appear for examination in all subjects/papers. However, for
the award of the degree a student should secure at least 216 credits, relaxation of credits
will be given only in Optional Law papers.
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions, Court Visits and
summer training and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of
Moot Court and Court Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
*** The evaluation of this Course will be based on Assignment.
**** These courses will be based on the appreciating capacity of student regarding
judgments and Evaluate their level of critical analysis understanding and presentation.
Code No.
Principle of Management
Financial Accounting
English - I
Sub Total
Question Bank
BALLB 101: Political Science-I (Foundation of Political Science)
Unit I
1. Define Political Science and also give its aims and scope?
2. Critically examine the Historical approach of Political Science?
3. Discuss in detail the traditional and the contemporary scope of Political Science?
4. Is Political science s science in the true sense? Discuss the nature of Political Science
in this context?
5. Enumerate the relationship of Political Science with other social sciences and
specially law?
6. How far is it true to say that the origin of the state lies in force?
7. What in your opinion is the accepted theory of the origin state? Elaborate it?
8. Critically examine the social contract theory as the origin of the state?
9. Examine carefully the theory of the Social contract as given by Rousseau?
10. Lucidly explain the theory of Social contract as given by Hobbes?
11. Will not force is the basis of the state. Critically examine the statement of T.H.
12. Critically examine the theory of Divine origin of the State?
13. Critically examine the force theory of the origin of the state?
14. Define dictatorship. Explain its main features, merits and de-merits?
15. Define democracy and discuss its kinds, merits and de-merits?
16. What are the conditions necessary for the success of democracy? How far do they
obtain in India?
17. Democracy is the worst form of government except the rest Explain and discuss
Unit II
1. Define Liberalism and examine its basic principles?
2. What is Liberalism? Explain its basic features and add a short criticism?
3. What is liberalism? What are its main differences with conservatism? What are the
different views on liberalism?
4. Define Fascism. Describe its fundamental principles and add a short criticism.
5. Fascism repudiates individualism, democracy, socialism and internationalism.
6. Define Nazism. Describe its fundamental principles along with its criticism.
7. Analyze the similarities and differences between classic liberalism and modern
8. Define Totalitarian state and explain its importance within its ideology.
9. Why and how totalitarian state to be unacceptable?
10. Why do modern liberals support social reform and welfare?
11. Why do liberals emphasize the importance of constitutionalism and consent?
12. Distinguish between positive freedom and negative freedom and explain the
implications of each for the state.
13. Distinguish between economic liberalism and social liberalism.
14. On what grounds have liberals raised concerns about democracy?
15. Modern liberals support state intervention but only within limits. Discuss
16. Short Notes :
(a) Dictatorship (b) totalitarianism (c) propaganda (d) Fascism
Unit III
1. Analyze the fundamental principles or characteristics of Socialism?
2. What is the difference between socialism and communism?
3. Discuss the fundamental differences between communism and anarchism?
4. Describe the fundamental principles of Syndicalism, and add a short criticism?
5. Define Syndicalism. Mention the methods of Syndicalism?
6. Discuss the main principles of guild socialism and add a short criticism?
7. Critically examine the doctrine of Guild Socialism?
8. What do you understand by the Guild Socialist theory of state?
9. Guild Socialism is a half way house between syndicalism and democratic
socialism. Explain and discuss?
10. Discuss the main principles of Fabianism and add a short criticism?
Unit IV
1. Describe the fundamental principles of Marxism and add a short criticism?
2. The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle. (Marx).
Explain and discuss
3. Discuss Marxs theory of the state?
4. Explain Marxs theory of the state and add a short criticism?
5. Describe the basic doctrines of Marx. How far did Lenin depart from the original
teachings of Karl Marx?
6. Define Marxism? Analyze the concept of Historical and dialectical materialism?
7. Compare Marxism with communism? Also examine the concept of class and class
8. Short notes:
(a) Dictatorship of the proletariat class
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 102: Economics- I
1. Define economics. Also explain the nature and scope of economics.
2. Analyze different definitions of economics. Which of these definitions explain the
correct nature of economics? Give reasons.
3. The science of economics has both positive and normative aspects. Explain.
4. Explain the central problems of an economy.
5. Describe the process of formulating an economic theory. What are the uses and
limitations of economic theories?
6. Distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Explain the uses and
limitations of macroeconomic analysis.
7. What is difference between static, comparative static and dynamic microeconomic
analysis? Discuss their principal characteristics.
8. Distinguish between static and dynamic equilibrium. Explain your answer with the
help of diagrams.
9. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Short run and Long run equilibrium.
(ii) Static and Dynamic equilibrium.
10. Discuss the relationship between economics and law.
1. What do you mean by law of demand? Explain it with the help of suitable diagram.
2. State the Law of demand. Why do demand curves slope downwards to the right?
3. Wrote a short note on demand function. How will you draw the demand curve from
the demand function?
4. Discuss various characteristics of demand. Also explain the demand function in
5. Define utility. Explain the relationship between total utility and marginal utility with
the help of a diagram.
6. Explain the law of equi-marginal utility. What are its assumptions and limitations?
7. Explain fully the Law of diminishing marginal utility.What is the practical
importance of this Law?
8. What are the characteristics or indifference curves? How would you explain a
consumers equilibrium with the help of these curves?
9. Write short notes on the following:
The diminishing marginal rate of substitution.
The budget line or price line.
Indifference curve map.
10. What do you mean by price consumption curve? Explain.
1. State the law of supply. Also explain the important factors which determines the
supply of a commodity.
2. Define the supply function also explain the term change in supply and change in
quantity supplied.
3. What do you understand by elasticity of supply? What are its determinants?
4. What are the determinants of elasticity of demand? Why elasticity of demand is
always negative?
5. What is cross elasticity of demand? How will you express the nature of the
commodities with the help of this elasticity?
6. Define the term elasticity of demand? What is the relation between elasticity of
demand and the slope of demand curve?
7. What do you understand by consumers surplus? How far can it be measured?
8. Critically examine the concept of consumers surplus.
9. Distinguish between shift in demand curve and extension and contraction of demand?
With the help of suitable diagrams.
10. Distinguish between change in supply and change in quantity supplied. Explain With
the help of suitable diagrams.
1. Explain the three stages of production. Why the second stage of production is
considered the most relevant stage for factor use in production? Discuss with using
suitable diagrams.
2. Explain the main characteristics of monopolistic competition. Explain how output and
price is determined in this market.
3. Describe the main assumptions of monopoly. How does monopoly emerge in real
4. Explain the price and output equilibrium of monopoly in the long run.
5. What is an isoquant? Explain its main properties.
6. Explain the principle of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution. What are
its limitations.
7. Distinguish between fixed costs and variable costs as the terms are used by the
8. Why is Long run average cost curve known as a planning curve?
9. Explain the concept of group equilibrium under monopolistic competition.
10. Define Oligopoly and show how price is determined under it: (I) With product
differentiation, and (ii) without product differentiation.
Question Bank
BALLB 103: History- I (Ancient History)
Unit I
Define History. Describe its meaning and scope of history.
What is History? Discuss the importance of study of Indian history.
Discuss the sources of Indian of History.
Discuss the various literary sources of Indian History.
Write a note on the contribution made by the secular sources of literature on Indian
6. Discuss the economy and religious beliefs of the early Vedic period.
7. Discuss the important features of the political structure and economy of the 6th
century B.C. Do you think the emergence to Buddhism was related to this?
8. Discuss the system of administration under the Maurya's. What were the changes
introduced by Ashoka in this system?
9. Discuss the social life of the early Vedic period how was it different from the later
Vedic Period ?
10. What were the developments in the field of economy and society in the Gupta period?
Unit II
1. Write in about 300 words each on any two of the following :
(a) Kalidasa
(b) Bhakti Movement in South India
(c) Techings of Mahavira Jain
2. Discuss the main features of early medieval agrarian economy.
3. Discuss the salient features of the central administration during Sultanate period.
4. Discuss the agrarian measures introduced by various Delhi Sultans.
5. Discuss in detail the salient features of early vedic society.
6. Focus light on the social life and economic life of the Early Vedic age.
7. How later Vedic period was different from the Early Vedic Period. Discuss.
8. Discuss the political and military achievements of cholas in south India.
9. What was the objective of Non-cooperative movement.
10. Define Buddhism also discuss the fundamental principle of Buddhas teachings.
Unit III
Discuss the role of Raja Ram Mohan Roy in bringing reform during Medieval period.
Focus light on the origin and development of Sikhism.
Write a detail note on Varn system in ancient India.
Discuss the origin and development of caste system in India.
Define caste system and also discuss its characteristics.
Define the family system of Ancient India in Vedic period.
Write a note on the family structure in vedic period also define its various
What was the condition of women in early vedic period? Discuss.
9. Discuss the role of Kabir in bringing unity among Hindu and Muslims during
Medival period in India.
10. What was the contribution of Aligarh movement in the upliftment of Muslim
community in India.
Unit IV
1. What is Feudalism also discuss the system of Feudalism in Ancient and Medieval
2. Focus light on Mugal military administration built by Akbar.
3. Discuss how Portuguese and British attempted to settle in India.
4. Discuss the impact of British colonization on the Indian economy.
5. What were the reformation steps undertook by Allauddin khilji for controlling of
prices in the Market? Discuss.
6. Discuss in detail the revenue, taxation and market reformation policy of Allauddin
7. What is Iqtadari system? How this system helped Mugal Govt to achieve Military
8. Discuss the economy and society of post Mauryan period.
9. Focus light on the administrative structure and organization of Govt. in India under
British rule.
10. Discuss the Kingdoms after the Mauryan period.
Unit V
Discuss various sources of Indian of History.
Discuss the various Indigenous literary sources of Indian History.
Define secular and foreign sources of literature on ancient Indian History.
What is Dharma Sastras? Discuss three types of sutras of the Dharma Sastra.
What are Smritis? What is the role of Manu Smriti in the development of ancient
Hindu legal System?
6. Discuss in detail the various sources of Islamic law?
7. Define Islamic criminal law also describe its characteristics.
8. Discuss the judicial steps undertaken by Akber in bringing Judicial reforms.
9. Discuss the structure of judicial administration under the Mughals.
10. Discuss the fundamentals of ancient Hindu legal theory.
Question Bank
BBA LLB 101: Principle of Management
Unit I
1. Discuss the various functions of Management.
2. Mention the scientific principles of management and also specify the features of
scientific management.
3. Describe about the evolution of management thought.
4. What is Decision making? State and explain the steps involved in a managerial
decision making process.
5. Write an essay about the contributions made by F.W.Taylor to the field of
6. Explain contributions and limitations of Fayol's Administrative Theory of
7. Critically evaluate the Systems School of Management thought.
8. Elucidate and explain the important principles of management.
9. Describe the studies done , conclusions and criticisms of Hawthorne experiments.
10. Discuss in brief the various techniques of decision making.
Unit II
1. Explain briefly the steps involved in planning process.
2. What are the bases of departmentalization of an organization ? Discuss the advantages
of each of them.
3. Bring out the factors affecting centralization / decentralization. Also highlight the
merits and demerits of centralization and decentralization
4. What are the purposes of an organizing ? Explain its need and importance.
5. Describe the merits & demerits of short term & long term planning.
6. What is 'Delegation of Authority' ? What steps are involved in Delegation ?
7. What is meant by Planning? Explain essential elements of planning..
8. Define the term Span of Control. Also explain its importance in effective management.
9. Write note on:
Formal Organisation
Limitations of planning
10. Write note on:
Informal Organization
Process of organizing
Unit III
1. Explain the various techniques used in selection process.
2. What do you understand by selection? Highlight the different types of interviews that
can be used in the selection process.
3. What is Job analysis ? Why is it essential for the effectiveness of the job done?
4. What is Recruitment? Explain the different sources of recruitment.
5. What do you understand by the term training? Explain its importance.
6. Explain the meaning and purpose of Performance appraisal.
7. Explain why is it essential to deliver training in an organization?
8. What is employee compensation? Explain its importance.
9. Explain the various types of training methods adopted by an organization.
Question Bank
BBA LLB 103: Financial Accounting
Explain briefly:
a) Users of Accounting
b) Source Documents
c) Accounting Equation
What is the meaning of Accounting? What are its branches? Explain briefly
limitations of Financial Accounting.
What are different types of accounts? Explain rules of debit and credit.
State the basic accounting concept involved in each of the following situation:
Record the following transactions in the journal of Delhi Furniture Mart and Post
them to ledger.
a) Kailash started business by investing cash Rs. 25,000. He bought goods of
Rs.2,000 and furniture of Rs.250
b) Purchased building for cash Rs.5,000
c) Purchased goods for cash Rs.1,300
d) Paid carriage inward Rs. 20
e) Sold goods for cash Rs.1,375
f) Sold goods for cash to Shanker Rs. 120
g) Sold goods to Shambhu on credit Rs.2,315
h) Purchased goods on credit Rs. 1,200 from XYZ
i) Paid freight Rs. 60
j) Deposited cash into bank Rs.4,800
k) Paid salary Rs. 230
l) Withdraw from the bank for personal use Rs. 160
m) Withdraw from the bank for office use Rs. 210
n) Charged interest on capital Rs. 625
Enter the following transactions in the Cash Book (with Cash and Bank Columns):
April 1
Bank Overdraft
April 7
Cheque received from X
Discount allowed
April 9
Cheque received from X deposited in Bank
April 12 Cheque paid to Y
Discount received
April 15 Xs cheque dishonored
April 20 Money withdrawn from bank for office use
April 23 Fees of children paid
April 25 Cheque received from Z and endorsed it to A
April 27 Bank Charges
April 30 Cheque endorsed to A dishonored
April 30 Paid into Bank the entire balance after retaining Rs.75 at office
Q19 Write out the following transactions in cash book with cash and bank columns:
Jan.1 Chandrika commences business with Rs.30,000 in cash.
Jan.2 He pays Rs.19,000 into bank account.
Jan.4 He received cheque for Rs.600 from Kirti and Co.
What is a trial balance? What are the different columns of a trial balance? Explain the
different methods of preparing trial balance.
Explain the meaning and features of Trial Balance.
What do you mean by Ledger Posting? Explain the procedure for preparing Ledger
Journalize the following transaction in the books of M/s Beauty Traders.
Dec 1
Dec 20
Q25 From the following transactions pass necessary Journal entries in the
books of Mohan & Co., post them into their ledger and prepare a Trial
Balance using the Balance Method:
Jan. 1 Mohan started business with cash
Feb.5 Purchased goods
Feb.20 Sold goods
May 10 Purchased goods from Sohan on credit.
May 25 Sold good to Ramesh on credit..
June15 Cash given to Sohan....
June28 Cash received from Ramesh
Aug.2 Purchased goods for cash
Aug.29 Withdraw for personal use..
Oct.10 Purchased goods from Dinesh on Credit
Nov.20 Cash paid to Dinesh in full settlement..
Dec.31 Paid salaries
Why is the journal sub-divided in a large business house? List four subsidiary books
and give the functions of each..
What is contra entry? How will you recognize it from among other entries in cash
Define assets? Explain various types of assets?
Explain various types of accounts and their rules for journalizing transactions?
Briefly explain various subsidiary books of accounting?
What do you mean by ledger? Describe its need and importance?
Explain various adjustments of final accounts and their accounting treatment?
What do you understand by the term Reserve? What are the Kinds of Reserve and
how it is different from provision?
A Company had bought machinery for Rs.1,80,000 on 1 April 2005
and another machinery worth Rs.20,000 on 1 April 2007.The Machinery
had been credited on the written down value method for the past three
years at the rate of 10%.Prepare Machinery account for past three years.
Q36 On 1st January 2008 the Nagpur Golden Transport purchased a Truck for Rs.
4,00,000. On 1st July 2009 this truck was involved in an accident and was completely
destroyed and Rs. 3,00,000 were received from the insurance company in full
settlement. On the same date another truck was purchased by the Co. for Rs.5,00,000.
The company writes off 20% depreciation p.a. on written Down value method.
Accounts are closed on 31st march every year. Give the truck Account from 20082010.
Q37 Explain the meaning of depreciation. Differentiate between straight line method and
written down value method of providing depreciation.
the book value of plant and machinery on 1-1-2002 was Rs. 2,00,000. New
machinery for Rs. 10,000 was purchased on 1-10-2002 and for Rs. 20,000 on 1-72003. On 1-4-2004, a machinery whose book value had been Rs. 30,000 on 1-1-2002
was sold for Rs.16,000 and the entire amount was credited to plant and machinery
account. Depreciation had been charged at 10% per annum on straight line method.
Show the plant and machinery account from 1-1-2002 to 31-12-2004.
Q39 What do you understand by the term Reserves? What are the kinds of Reserves and
how it is different from provision?
Q40 Distinguish between the following:
General Reserve and Specific Reserve.
Capital Reserve and Revenue Reserve.
Q41 What is a Capital Reserve? How is it created? What are its uses?
Q42 What are Final Accounts? Explain Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and
Balance Sheet.
Q43 Distinguish between capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure.
Q44 Define fixed, floating, fictitious, liquid and wasting assets and give two examples of
The trial balance of A limited revealed the following balances on 31st March 2009.
Prepare Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet for the year
ending 31st March 2009. The value of stock on 31st March 2009 was valued at Rs.
Trial Balance
Debit Balances
Plant & Machinery
Sales Return
Opening Stock
Discount Allowed
Bank Charges
Carriage Inward
Carriage Outward
Rent, Rates & Taxes
Cash at Bank
Credit Balances
Capital Account
Purchase Return
Discount Received
The following Balances were extracted from the books of M/S Ram
Prakash on 31st December 2009. From the information given below ,
prepare Trading and Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet.
Opening Stock
Sales return
Stationery & Printing
Bad Debts
Purchase Return
Discount received
1. Depreciation on Furniture is to be charged @ 10%.
2. Outstanding salaries Rs.400.
3. Closing Stock was Rs.12000.
4. Bad Debts Rs.500
5. Prepaid Insurance amounted to Rs.175
6. There has been a fire on 1st April 2009 destroying goods worth Rs.
7. Goods costing Rs. 500 were taken away by proprietor for his
personal use.
How will you treat the following items in the final accounts? Pass
adjusting entries of these items(if any):
a) Loss of goods by flood
b) Goods taken by the proprietor for domestic use
c) Contingent liabilities
d) Goods distributed as free samples
e) Goods given as charity.
What do you mean by final accounts? Explain the importance and
purpose of final accounts.
From the following Trial Balance of Messrs Mitra & Co. prepare
Trading and Profit and Loss A/c and Balance Sheet for the year ending
31st March 2005:
Plant and Machinery
Sundry Debtors
Sundry Creditors
Returns Outward
Manufacturing Expenses
Trade Expenses
Bad Debts
Bills Payable
Returns inwards
The closing stock was valued at Rs. 1450. Provide for depreciation on
Plant and Machinery Rs. 400 and allow 5% interest on capital Rs. 50 is
due for repairs.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 104: English- I
What is a sentence? Explain the different elements of sentence with example.
Q.2. Explain the different types of Sentence with example.
Q.3. What do you understand by Active and Passive voice?
Q.4. Convert the following sentences from active voice to passive voice:
I know him.
His conduct will surprise you.
His failure disgusted his parents.
One must endure what one cannot cure.
They say that honesty is the best policy.
Convert the following sentences from active voice to passive voice:
Q.1. What is Noun? Explain the different kinds of Noun with example.
Q.2. Explain the following with example:
i. Pronouns
ii. Verbs
iii. Adverbs
iv. Adjectives
v. Conjunctions
Circle nouns and underline the complete verb phrase in the following sentences.
i. Our friends will be coming to the birthday party late.
ii. The principal does like your project.
iii. You should have gone with your dad.
iv. The forward did play well.
v. Your project will be seen by several people.
Write an appropriate subject and object for each of the following verbs:
i. Learn
iv. Fear
Combine the following sentences into one sentence using paired conjunctions:
both ... and; not only ... but also; either ... or; neither ... nor:
i. We could fly. We could go by train.
She will have to study hard. She will have to concentrate to do well on the
The speaker will not confirm the story. The speaker will not deny the story.
Q.10. Write the correct adjective or adverb in the space given below:
_____ I was finishing my homework, she began cooking.( If, As, Before)
Thewords are a great record of her ideals.(written/ write)
The..teacher concerned herself with students' abilities.(helpful/ help)
My luggage is . than yours.(heaviest/ heavier)
Q.1. Complete the story putting the verbs into the correct tense:
John ________________ (always/travel) a lot. In fact, he _____ (be) only two years old
when he first _____ (fly) to the US. His mother ___ (be) Italian and his father ___ (be)
American. John ___ (be) born in France, but his parents ________ (meet) in Cologne,
Germany after they ________ (live) there for five years. They ______ (meet) one day while
John's father __________ (read) a book in the library and his mother ________ (sit down)
beside him. Anyway, John ________ (travel) a lot because his parents also __________
(travel) a lot.
Identify past tense, present tense, or future tense in the following verb.:
i. Play
iv. Is smiling
vi. Drew
Will drive
ix. Come
Each of the sentences below is in the PASSIVE VOICE. Write the correct form of
each verb in brackets:
i. Tom was ______________ many times to stop talking in class. (tell)
ii. He was ______________ by the movie. (disappoint)
iii. He was ______________ by his brother to go to the beach. (convince)
iv. The present was ______________ to her by her co-worker. (give)
v. The thief was ______________ by the police. (catch)
Q.10. Choose the correct PRESENT TENSE form of the verb TO BE for each sentence:
1. These _________ my friends.
a) are b) is
2. Robert _________ sick.
a) are b) is
3. ________ he Mexican?
a) Aren't b) Isn't
4. His tests ________ very difficult.
a) aren't b) isn't
5. My parents are not rich, but my aunt ________.
a) is b) are
6. I ________ older than my brother.
a) is b) am
7. My sister and I ________ twins.
a) are b) am
8. That ________ a really good movie!
a) are b) is
9. These ________ not my socks.
a) is b) are
10. ________ you happy?
a) Are b) Is
1. Read the following passage carefully:
Buddha found that all men are unhappy, rich or poor. Wealth brings comfort but no real
happiness. While he was in this mood, he came across one of the saints who still performed
penance away from the madding crowd. A passionate desire to do likewise took hold of
Buddha. Just then the news was brought to him of his firstborn son. This is just another tie
to break, said Buddha. At night he awoke in great agony of spirit, went into the bright
moonshine, mounted his horse and rode off into the world. He met holy hermits of the
Vindhya Mountains and talked to them but he was not satisfied. Then he went to the jungle
with five disciples and there he gave himself up to fasting and penance. But it brought no
sense of truth achieved. Then he gave up fasting and began to feed himself fully. He realized
that whatever truth men may reach is best by a nourished brain in a healthy body.
On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions:
a) What did Buddha find?
b) What news was brought to him and what was his reaction?
c) What desire took hold of him?
d) Why did he give up fasting?
e) What did he realize?
f) Find words from the passage, which are similar in meaning to the following:
i. Very bad pain.
ii. A strong wish.
Q.6. Write a circular letter asking the other students to protest against some social
Write a letter on behalf of Rohan to his mother telling her about his hostel life.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 105: Law of Torts and Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
1. Define the term Tort. What is meant by Torture and its meaning and relevance
discuss its historical significance in the light of two basic maxim injuria sine
damnum and damnum sine injuria.
2. What is meant by the term 'Tort'? Discuss the traditional way to understand a tort.
Discuss in the context of the Right and the duty of the parties towards each other.
3. What do you understand by the term Torts? Distinguish it from Crime, Contract and
Quasi contract.
4. What are the essential constituents of Tort? Explain the maxims damnum sine
injuria and injuria sine damnum with the help of relevant case law and or suitable
5. Should this subject be called law of Tort or Torts? Explain in the light of Winfield
and Salmand Theory.
6. What is Pigeon Hole Theory? Explain in the light of Salmands Theory. Discuss
also about Winfields theory based on general principle of liability.
7. Discuss the historical background and the establishment of British Courts in India.
8. Discuss about the remedy available for the damage caused to the aggrieved party as
provided under.
9. Is it justified to say that wherever a man has a right the Law should provide a
10. Where there is no legal remedy there is no legal wrong. Explain in detail with
1. Discuss justifications from civil liability for acts considered otherwise wrongful under
law of Tort.
2. What are the rules of immunity which limit the liability otherwise imposable under
Law of Tort?
3. What is volenti non fit injuria? Discuss with the support of relevant case Law.
Distinguish between Voluntary. non fit injuria and contributory negligence.
4. What is Inevitable Accident? Distinguish Inevitable Accident and the Act of God.
5. Distinguish between private defences and Inevitable Accident.
6. Discuss Judicial and Quasi Judicial Acts as well as Parental and quasi- judicial Acts.
7. Can necessity and plaintiffs default operate as a valid defence in case of imposition
of liability for the so called wrongful act?
8. What are the private defences available to the plaintiff in case of liability imposed for
wrongful act.
9. What is statutory authority? Can it provide immunity from liability. Discuss.
10. What are the defences available to the wrong doer under law of Torts.
1. Discuss the rule of strict liability formulated by Justice Blackburn in the case of
Fletcher vs Ryland (1866) LR 3H.L, 330 with some modifications.
2. Discuss the basis of doctrine of strict Liability with essential ingredients.
3. What are the basic components required to be proved for the application of Rule of
strict liability? Explain in detail.
4. Discuss the rule of strict liability along with the defences in detail.
5. Discuss the Rule of absolute liability propounded by justice P.N.Bhagwati in the case
of M.C.Mehta vs Union of India A.I.R. 1987 SC1086.
6. Is the rule of Absolute liability a modification over the rule of hazardous occurrences
in the past resulting in loss of life of many people and rending other disabled without
setting immediate and adequate compensation?
7. What is the principle of vicarious liability? Discuss the essential ingredients of
vicarious liability.
8. Can a person be held liable for the wrongful act of another person? If so, discuss the
reason and mode of fixation liability under the principle of vicarious liability.
9. What is the Doctrine of sovereign immunity? Who and in what manner this immunity
could be enjoyed by the so called wrong doer.
10. Is the concept of sovereign immunity being diluted on account of indulgence of the
state in commercial and trading activities explain with the support of relevant case
11. Can it be said that the state enjoys sovereign immunity for such activities which can
be done by private parties and individuals in their personal capacity? Discuss with the
help of important cases.
1. Define the term Defamation. Discuss essential ingredients of Defamation. What is
Innundo. Explain with the help of relevant case law or suitable illustrations.
2. Distinguish between Libel and slander? Is it relevant in India in the context of
defamation. Discuss in detail.
3. What is Negligence? Discuss its essential components. Discuss Medical
Negligence and its coverage under the consumer protection Act,1986.
1. Is Negligence a separate and independent Tort? Discuss its essential Ingredients
distinguish between Negligence and contributory Negligence.
5. What is Nuisance? Distinguish between public and private Nuisance.
6. Can it be said that nuisance means injury to property or physical Comforts?
Illustrate and explain with the support of relevant case law.
7. Define terms Assault and Battery? Distinguish them from mayhem with the
support of suitable illustrations.
8. Distinguish between Assault and Battery with the help of relevant case law.
9. What is malicious prosecution? Give its essential ingredients. Discuss.
10. What is Nervous shock? Distinguish it from physical injury as Defined under
law of Torts.
1. Discuss in detail the Nature and Extent of Insurer's Liability.
2. Describe the Salient features of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 with the suitable
3. Why is it necessary to register a vehicle? Explain.
4. Why is it necessary to get a vehicle insured? Explain in short.
5. What is Claims Tribunals ? Explain. Who can be the member of Claim Tribunal.
Explain briefly.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 106: Law of Contract- I (General Principles)
1. Define Contract and discuss the object and scope of Indian Contract Act.
2. What is Contract? Is Indian Contract Act an exhaustive law relating to contract?
3. An agreement enforceable by law is a Contract. Comment. Discuss the essentials of
a valid contract in brief.
4. All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts. Explain.
5. By giving definition of the word agreement and contract, explain the difference
between the same.
6. What do you mean by Proposal or Offer? Explain its various characterstics.
7. What are the legal rules as to a valid contract? Discuss with the help of suitable
8. What do you mean by An Invitation to offer. Explain
9. By giving definition of an acceptance explain the various general rules regarding
acceptance of an offer.
10. What do you mean by the communication of acceptance? By describing the modes of
revocation of it, explain is there any time limit of its revocation.
11. What do you understand by capacity to Contract?
12. Who are competent and not competent to contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872.
13. Minors are incapable to enter into a contract. Discuss
14. An agreement requires a meeting of minds Comment.
15. What are the factors concerning consent not a free one? Discuss their effect on
validity of Contract.
16. What do you understand by Coercion?
17. What do you mean by Undue Influence? How it differs from Coercion?
18. What is Fraud? Discuss its effect on Contract.
19. What do you mean by Misrepresentation? Distinguish between Fraud and
20. What is Mistake? What are the kinds of it? Discuss the mistake of Law and its effect
on Contract.
21. Define Consideration. Is the existence of consideration essential for the validity of
22. A promise without consideration is a Gift, made for consideration is Agreement
(Salmond). Comment.
23. Under what circumstances the object and consideration of a Contract is deemed
unlawful? Explain with examples.
24. Contract without consideration is void. What are the exceptions of this rule?
25. Stranger to the contract can not sue. Comment and Point out the exceptions of this
26. What agreements are void if consideration and objects are unlawful in part?
27. Agreement in restraint of Marriage and Trade are void. Discuss.
28. What do you mean by Contingent Contract?
29. What agreements have been expressly declared to be void by Indian Contract Act?
30. Explain the effect of void, voidable, unlawful and uncertain agreements on Contract.
31. Discuss the obligation of the parties to the Contract.
32. Can a person who is not a party to the contract demand the performance?
33. What is tender? What are the elements of a valid Tender?
34. What is assignment of a Contract? What are the limitations within which a Contract
can be assigned?
35. Who must perform a Contract?
36. Who can demand for the performance of the Contract?
37. What is an anticipatory breach of Contract? What option has been given to an
aggrieved party?
38. Write short note on Joint Promises.
39. What is law regarding time and place for performance of Contract?
40. Explain the doctrine of Frustration of Contract. What do you understand novation?
41. What do you understand by Quasi Contract?
42. Explain about the juridical basis of Quasi Contracts with distinctive features of it.
43. Discuss the remedies available to the injured party in case of breach of Contract.
44. What do you understand by damages?
45. What are the various kinds of damages? How damages differ from compensation?
46. Discuss with illustrations the principles governing compensation for loss or damages
caused by breach of Contract.
47. Distinguish between the liquidated damages and penalty. Does Indian law recognise
48. Section 74 boldly cuts the most troublesome knot in common law doctrine of
damages. Explain.
49. Explain and distinguish between security deposit and earnest money.
50. Whether a party rightfully rescinding contract is entitled to compensation?
Economic- II
Business Environment
Cost Accounting
Moot Court*/Tutorial/Practical
(Non- Credit)
Sub Total
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions and Court Visits
and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of Moot Court and Court
Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
Question Bank
BALLB 201: Political Science- II (Political System)
Unit I
1. What do you mean by forms of Government ?
2. What do you know about Aristotelian classification of Government?
3. What are the merits and demerits of Democracy ?
4. What are the conditions required for successful working of democracy ?
5. Write a note on Dictatorship ?
6. Define the State and discuss its essential elements ?
7. Distinguish the State from society, government and nation ? Also establish the
relation of Government with State ?
8. Define the term Constitution and describe its kinds ?
9. Distinguish between rigid and flexible constitutions, and discuss their merits and
demerits. To what category does the Indian Constitution belong?
10. Short Notes :
a. Unitary Constitution
b. Federal Constitution
c. Quasi Federal Constitution
d. Nonfederal Constitution
11. What are the essential qualities or requirements or characteristics of an
Constitution ?
12. What is the Importance or Necessity of a Constitution in Democracy ?
13. Enumerate the merits and demerits of Written and Unwritten Constitution?
Unit II
1. Critically examine the concept of Separation of Power ?
2. What are the functions of Legislature ? Also account for the decline of modern
Legislature ?
3. What are the functions of modern Executive ?
4. Absolute separation of powers is neither possible nor desirable. Comment.
5. Write short notes on :
a. Delegated Legislation
b. Judicial Review
c. Collective Responsibility
d. Majority Rule
4. What are the important features of a Parliamentary government? Discuss briefly its
working in Indian context.
5. What is Presidential form of government? Explain its demerits.
6. Explain the main features of the presidential system of government, and discuss its
merits and demerits.
7. What are the prerequisites of a Parliamentary government?
8. What are the differences between Parliamentary and Presidential forms of
9. Parliamentary or Presidential Which is better suited to Indian democratic system?
10. Short Note :
(a) One Party Democracy
(b) Military Rule
Unit V
1. What are the rights ? Explain the Civil rights.
2. Write a note on the rights and duties of a citizen.
3. Distinguish between :
a. Natural and naturalized citizen
b. Citizen and alien
c. Legal and moral duties
d. Civil and Political rights
e. Citizen and National
4. Write a note on the rights and duties of a citizen.
5. Examine critically the concept of Fundamental rights. Which theory of rights appeals
to you the most?
6. Rights and duties are the two sides of the same coin. Explain? And also Discuss the
relation between rights and duties?
7. What is the difference between the Fundamental Rights and the rights secured under
various other provisions of the Constitution?
8. What is the importance of Fundamental Rights and duties given in our Constitution?
9. Explain the six freedoms guaranteed under Article 19 of the Constitution?
10. How does the Right to Freedom of Religion establish secular polity in India?
11. Mention three restrictions imposed by the states that relate to the Freedom of Speech
and Expression?
Question Bank
BALLB 202: Economics-II
1. Discuss how economic development differs from economic growth. Also explain the
economic factors that determine economic growth.
2. What are the various methods to measure economic development? Also discuss the
obstacle to economic development.
3. Explain the circular relationship of Vicious circle of poverty.
4. What is meant by low rate of capital formation? How does it affect the economic
development of a country?
5. Discuss any two constraints which affect the economic development of a country.
6. Discuss the role of technological progress and division of labour in economic growth
of a country.
7. What is meant by non economic factors that can affect the economic growth of a
country? Discuss.
8. Discuss in details the various factors which pushes income inequality in India.
9. Discuss the demographic factors that lead to income inequality in India.
10. How a government of a country can promote income inequality in a country? Discuss.
1. What is the significance of economic planning? Discuss the need for planning in
underdeveloped Countries.
2. Discuss the object of Tenth five year plan in India also discuss its growth targets.
3. Discuss critically the achievement of Tenth five year plan of India.
4. What is meant by privatization? Describe the set of measures through which
ownership or management of public enterprise can be changed.
5. Describe the concept of PURA propounded by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
6. Discuss in detail the model of development of Liberalization, Privatisation and
Globalisation (LPG).
7. Describe the significance of transport system in Indias economic development.
8. Make a comparative study on the growth of Indian Railways in 1950-51 and 2006-07.
9. Describe the role of electric power in the economic development of India.
10. What is the importance of Road transport in Indian economy?
1. What is meant by privatization? Describe the set of measures through which
ownership or management of public or private enterprise can be changed.
2. What is the meaning of Free trade? What is the difference between Free trade and
3. Is India is a free economy, controlled economy or a mixed economy? Discuss.
4. How is the foreign exchange rate determined? What is the difference between fixed
and flexible exchange rate?
5. What is meant by spot rate and forward rate? What are its uses? Explain.
6. What is meant by BOP? Briefly discuss the measures adopted to correct adverse
balance of payment with reference to India.
7. What are the causes of disequilibrium in the balance of payment of country? Discuss.
8. Discuss the measures taken for correcting the BOP disequilibrium forces particularly
in developing countries.
9. Explain clearly the relative merits or Fixed and Flexible exchange rate policies.
10. How is an automatic adjustment in the BOP brought about by allowing flexibility in
prices, interest rates, national income levels and exchange rates?
Unit IV
1. What is free trade? What does a free trade area mean?
2. What are the benefits of free trade for the average person?
3. What is the difference between fixed and flexible exchange rates?
4. Define balance of trade? What is a favorable balance of trade?
5. Can a nation have a favorable balance of trade and an unfavorable...?
6. The record of a country's transactions in goods, services, and assets with the rest of
the world is its Balance of Payment Examine the statement.
7. What is the current relationship between the IMF and World Bank How has that
changed over time? Do their functions overlap?
8. What is the IMF and World Bank's relationship to the World Trade Organization
(WTO) ?
9. How does the IMF set its policies? How do multinational corporations benefit from
IMF policies?
10. What should Congress do to reform/abolish the IMF/World Bank? What could the
IMF do to promote sustainable development?
11. What is the World Bank? Who makes decisions at the World Bank and IMF?
Unit V
1. What is the impact of new economic policy in India?
2. What was the overall impact of the New Economic Policy (NEP)?
3. What is the New Economic Policy and how it was executed?
4. What are the factors on which utilization of foreign exchange is governed under the
new economic policy?
5. Define the Debt Crisis and Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs)?
6. What is the reason / benefits of structural adjustment programme in India (SAP)?
7. Define second generation reforms regarding New economic policy?
8. Regional trading blocks are building blocks or stumbling blocks. Explain?
9. Explain Bilateral Trade Treaties with examples?
10. What are trading blocks? Mention some trading blocks and their roles in context of
economic liberalization?
Question Bank
BALLB 203: History- II (Modern History)
1. Give a brief account of the causes of the French Revolution.
2. Discuss the social and economic causes of the French Revolution.
3. Write a short note on the characteristics of the French Revolution.
4. What were the chief reasons that led to the summoning of the Estates General?
5. Describe the structure of the Estates General of France and relate how it was
converted into National Assembly.
6. Give an account of the French Legislative Assembly and its various groups.
7. Who were Girondists? Give an account of their achievements and discuss the causes
of their downfall.
8. Who were Jacobins? What part did they play in the French Revolution? Discuss the
reasons of their downfall.
9. Discuss the main aims of the foreign policy of Napoleon.
10. Write a note on the Rise of Napoleon from 1804 to 1807 A.D.
1. Discuss the main decisions of the Congress of Vienna. Also point out their defects.
2. The Vienna settlement was an honest attempt to prevent future war. Discuss.
3. The Vienna settlement was the best which could have been derived in 1815.
Examine this statement.
4. Discuss in detail the democratic and National aspirations of Europe during
independence of Belgium.
5. Give an account of details of Working Class Movement in Europe during ninetieth
6. Discuss in detail how did Belgium gain its independence?
7. Focus light on the birth of Modern Industrial Europe during ninetieth centaury.
8. Write a detailed note on the Social, Economic and Political changes in Europe 18151850.
9. Write a detailed note on the progress of Womens movement in Europe during
ninetieth centaury.
10. The real object of the congress of Vienna was to divide among the conquerors the
spoils of the conquered. Explain.
Trace the history of the unification of Italy.
A man of vision and a man of action. Do you agree with this estimate of Cavour?
Give an account of the services of Cavour, Garibaldi and Mazzini to the cause of
Italian unity.
Discuss in detail the attempts made by the people of Germany for the unification of
their country. Also account for their failure?
Napoleon Bonaparte was the first man who sowed the seeds of nationalism in
Germany. In the light of this statement, make an estimate of the contribution of
Napoleon Bonaparte to the reorganization of Germany.
What do you understand by the Eastern Question? Also discuss the nature and scope
of this problem.
Discuss in detail the causes of the decline of the Turkish Empire. Also give a detailed
account of the policy adopted by European powers towards the Turkish Empire.
Out of the mud of Crimea, a new Italy was made and less obviously a new
Germany. Explain this statement.
Cavour was the maker of modern Italy. Discuss.
10. Discuss in detail the causes of the decline of the Turkish empire. Also give a detailed
account of the policy adopted by European powers towards the Turkish Empire.
1. What were the various problems which France had to face after 1871?
How could she tackle them?
2. Was the Third Republic inevitable in France? Discuss.
3. Write a note on the domestic policy of the Third Republic.
4. Give an estimate of Bismarcks achievements after 1870.
5. How did Bismarck solve the internal problems of Germany after 1871?
6. What were the aims of the Foreign policy of Bismarck and how could he achieve
7. The growing principles of Bismarcks policy since 1871 were to safeguard his
conquests and preserve the peace of Europe by isolating France. Explain.
8. A man who ranks in history as a great statesman and diplomat. Discuss the above
statement with reference to the personality and achievements of Bismarck.
9. The partition of Africa is one of the most extraordinary facts of the period of 1876 to
1914 in the History of Europe. Explain the above statement.
10. What circumstances led to the partition of Africa in the last half of the nineteenth
1. Trace the diplomatic relations of European powers before the outbreak
Of the First World War in 1914.
2. What was Triple Alliance? How could it be concluded and what effect
Did it have on the politics of Europe?
3. What were the causes of the First World War of 1914?
4. Narrate the circumstances leading to the outbreak of World War I in 1914.
5. Describe in detail the main events of the World War II.
6. What were the causes of the Second World War?
7. Describe in detail the Humanitarian concerns of United Nations during the Second
World War.
8. What were the causes of the defeat of Germany in the First World War? Discuss.
9. Discuss the political, Social and economic consequences of First World War.
10. Discuss in detail the condition of economics during the Inter-War Years (19191938).
Question Bank
BBALLB-201:Human Resource Management
1. What information is given in Job Analysis? How is it collected and what purpose
does it serve? Explain.
2. Describe the procedure of recruitment and selection in an organization.
3. Differentiate between financial and non financial incentives. What is the importance
of non financial incentives for increasing industrial productivity? Describe.
4. Distinguish between recruitment and selection. Explain the various sources of
5. What do you understand by psychological tests? Describe the various psychological
tests used for selection of Human Resource in modern organization.
6. Write shorts notes on :
Employee counseling
Performance Appraisal
7. Define HRM. Discuss the significance of HRM in modern organizations.
8. Define Performance Appraisal. Discuss any two methods of performance appraisal.
9. Define Performance Appraisal. Discuss process of performance appraisal.
10. What is meant by incentive wage plan? Discuss the characterstics of sound wage
11. Write short notes on:
Human resource Planning
12. Define HRM. Discuss the functions of HRM in modern organizations
13. Define Performance Appraisal. The main characteristics of an effective performance
appraisal programme.
14. Define any two definition of HRM and Explain the Principles of HRMHuman
Resource Management seeks to achieve personnel and social goals. Explain.
Outline the major functions of HRM.
15. Write short notes on:
Job Design
16. What do you mean by Internal Mobility? Also explain various types of Internal
17. Define the term promotion and transfer. What are the kinds of promotion and
18. What is meant by Training and Development? Discuss the process of training.
19. What is meant by Training and Development? Discuss methods of Ttraining.
20. Discuss various on the job training techniques?
21. How is a training and development programme designed?
22. Bring out the need, criteria, and technique of evaluation of training results.
23. Job evaluation is the heart of compensation programme. Explain this statement and
the importance of job evaluation in industries.
24. What is Job Evaluation? Also state its objective?
25. What do you understand by employee remuneration? Bring out the components of
employee remuneration.
26. Write short notes on:
Job enrichment
Human Resourse Planning
Fringe benefits
Job analysis
Question Bank
BBALLB 202:Business Environment
1. Explain Business Environment and relation in between the business and
2. Write a critical note on present business environment in India.
3. Define environment and explain various critical elements of micro and macro
4. Firms which systematically analyze and diagnose the environment are more
effective than those which dont. Define.
5. What is environment? Explain process of environmental analysis?
6. What is business also explain scope of business activities?
7. What is business environment? What are the important factors which affect the
business policy of an organization?
8. Discuss economic environment and what are the silent features of economic
9. Business Environment is Dynamic. Discuss
10. What do you mean by economic environment? What are its main objectives?
11. What do you mean by Monetary Policy? Discuss its objectives and importance.
12. What do you understand by Economic systems? Explain their main types and
13. Discuss briefly factors effecting economic environment?
14. Mixed economy is the unique mixture of capitalism and socialism explain this
statement and point out essential features of mixed economy.
15. What do you mean by capitalism? What are essential characteristics of capitalism?
16. What do you mean by socialism? What are essential characteristics of socialism?
17. Discuss the achievements and failures of planning in India.
18. Explain features of economic planning. How far have we been able to achieve the
objectives of planning with these features?
19. What do you mean by industrial policy?
20. Define monetary and fiscal policies and their objectives?
21. Bring out the nature and operations of money market?
22. What do you understand by foreign exchange management act.
23. Define socio cultural environment of business. Discuss the interaction between
socio cultural elements and the business.
24. Explain what you understand by the concept of social responsibility of business.
Why should they develop a sense of responsibility? Discuss.
25. Analyze the merits and shortcomings of the fiscal policy of India?
26. What are the constituents or elements of socio cultural environment?
27. What do you understand by ethics? Why is ethics important for business?
28. State difficulties involved in ethical decision making. Bring out the guidelines
which help ethical decision making?
29. Define corporate governance? Why it is assuming greater relevance now a days
30. What is corporate governance? Explain the factors influencing corporate
31. What is technological environment? What are its features?
32. Explain the impact of technology on society.
33. Explain impact of technology on globalization.
34. Explain transfer of technology?
35. Explain sources of technological dynamics?
36. Discuss foreign market entry strategies?
37. What do you mean by globalization of business
38. Discuss pros n cons of globalization
39. Elucidate the phases of globalization/
40. Discuss the indicator of globalization.
41. Analyse the effect of globalisation on the following sectors :Textile and clothing
and Automotive sector
42. What is government? What are its responsibilities to business?
43. Discuss the impact of (a)Legislature (b)Executive (c) Judiciary on business.
44. What do you mean by Political Environment? Does it have economic implications?
45. What are the determinants of political environment?
46. Explain importance of demographic environment?
47. Write short notes on :(a)Migration and ethnic aspects (b) Falling birth rate and
changing age structure
48. Discuss the impact of political environment on business organization
49. Do you believe that Political stability leads to business development and viceversa? Discuss.
50. Enumerate the qualitative aspects of demographic environment of a country.
Question Bank
BBALLB- 203: Cost Accounting
Q.1 Discuss briefly :
a) Over time
b) Out Workers
c) Apportionment of Overheads
d) Office and Administration overheads
e) Reorder level
f) Minimum level
g) Piece wage system
Q.2 Distinguish between perpetual inventory system and periodic inventory system.
Q.3 Explain all the important ways of classification of Cost and discuss them in detail.
Q.4 What is the meaning of Labour Turnover ? How is it measured.
Q.5 The Extracts from the payroll of a factory is as follows:
Number of Employees at the beginning of 2008.150
Number of Employees at the end of April 2008.250
Number of Employees Resigned during April 200825
Number of Employees Discharged during April 2008..5
Number of Employees replaced due to resignations and discharges during April
Calculate the Labour Turnover rate (Separation ,Replacement ,Flux) for the factory
by different methods.
Q.6 Year 2008
1 July Opening stock..500 units @ Rs.20 each
4 July.Purchased400 units @ Rs.21 each
6 July..Issued..600 units .
8 July....Purchased.800 units @ Rs.24 each
9 July..Issued.500 units.
13 July..Issued.300 units.
24 July.Purchased..500 units @Rs.25 each
28 JulyIssued400 units.
Prepare a store Ledger Account when issues are priced according to standard Price
Method. Assume standard price is Rs. 24 per unit.
Q.7 From the following information , calculate Re order level, Minimum level,
Maximum level, Average stock level, Danger level.
Rate of consumption: Minimum 250 units per week, Maximum 750 units per
Normal 400 units per week.
Reorder Period : Minimum 3 weeks, maximum 7 weeks, Normal 4 weeks .For
Emergency purchase 2 weeks.
Reorder Quantity: 2000 units.
Q.8 Mr. Gopal furnishes the following data relating to the manufacture of a standard
Product during the month of April 2008:
Raw Material Consumed..Rs.!5000
Direct Labour charges..Rs.9000
Machine hours Worked900
Machine hour rate.Rs.5
Administration overheads..20% on works cost
Q.35 Give four examples of factory overhead, administrative overhead, selling overhead
and distribution overhead?
Q.36 A limited has received an order for the supply of three types of casting weighting 36,
90 and 54 tons respectively. 10% of the raw material used are wasted in
manufacturing and are sold as scrap for 25% of the cost price of raw material.
Material cost Rs. 500 per ton and the wages would amount to Rs. 12,000/-, 31,500/and 16,500/- respectively. The cost of moulds for casting is Rs. 1,200/-, 1,000/- and
900/- respectively. Factory overheads are to be charged at 30% of wages and
administration and other overhead at 20% of works cost. It is desired to earn a profit
of 25% on selling price. Ascertain the price to be quoted for the supply of these
different types of castings, on the basis of above information.
Q.37 A factorys normal capacity is 1,20,000 units per annum. The estimated cost of
production are as under Direct Material
3Rs. Per unit
Direct Labour
2Rs. Per unit(minimum 12,000/-p.m.)
Fixed overhead
1,60,000 per annum
Variable overhead
2Rs. Per unit
Semi variable overhead are Rs. 60,000 per annum up to 50% capacity and an extra
expense or Rs. 20,000/- per annum for every 20% increase in capacity or a part
thereof. Factory worked at 50% capacity for the first 3 months but it was expected to
work at 80% capacity for the remaining 9 months. During the first 3 months, the
selling price per unit was Rs. 12. what should be the price in the remaining 9 months
to earn a total profit or Rs. 2,18,000/-.
Q.38 What do you mean by process costing? Explain various characteristics of process cost
Q.39 Explain various differences between normal loss of material and abnormal loss of
Q.40 What do you mean by process accounts? Describe the general principles of process
Q.41 Thekedar accepted a contract for the construction of a building for Rs. 10,00,000; the
contractee agreeing to pay 90% of work certified as complete by the architect. During
the first year, the amounts spent were:
Rs. 1,20,000
Rs. 1,50,000
Rs. 30,000
Other expenses
Rs. 90,000
At the end of the year, the machinery was considered to be of Rs. 20,000, and
materials at site were of the value of Rs. 5,000. Work certified during the year totaled
Rs. 4,00,000. In addition, work in progress but not certified at the end of year had
cost Rs. 15,000. Prepare Contract Account in the books of Thekedar. Also show the
various figures of profit that can be transferred reasonably to the Profit & loss
Q.42 Distinguish between job costing and contract costing. State the special features of
contract costing.
Q.43 A limited produces a product which passes through three distinct processes.
The following cost data are available for the year endedParticulars
Process A
Process B
Process C
Input of material (1000 tons)
Normal loss on input (no sale value)
Scrape @ Rs. 50 per ton (tons)
50 tons
30 tons
51 tons
Selling price per ton
Two third of articles produced in process A and one half in process B were
transferred to next process and the balance were sold. Management expenses
amounted to Rs. 17,500/- and selling expenses Rs. 14,000/-. You are required to
prepare process accounts and a statement showing the profit for the year.
Q.44 Describe the general features of process costing. In what type of industries is process
costing generally adopted?
Q.45 What are the basic difference between job order and process cost system?
Q.46 State and explain the main difference between cost accounting and financial
Q.47 The following are some of the ways in which costs may be classified:
a) Direct and indirect
b) Variable and fixed
c) Controllable and uncontrollable
Bring out clearly the significance of each of these classifications and explain the
meaning of the terms used therein.
Q48 Distinguish between variable, semi-variable and fixed costs.
Q.49 Costs may be classified in a variety of ways according to their nature and the
information needs of management. Explain.
Q.50 Explain various techniques of costing.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 204: English- II (Communication Skills & Personality
Unit I
Importance of communication
Unit II
1. Define Communication in detail.
2. Write an essay on Communication in Orgnizational setting.
3. What do you understand by Communication in Orgnizational setting? Explain the
Internal and External Communication
4. Define Communication. Explain Linguistic and Non- Linguistic Communication.
5. Explain the process of Communication in detail.
6. Explain in detail the 7C's of communication.
7. Explain the importance of Communication in Organizational Setting.
8. Define Communication. Explain the importance of in maintaining relationship with
the external environment
9. Explain the following:
a. Communication in Organizational Setting.
b. Components of Communication
10. Explain the following:
a. linguistic and Linguistic
b. Internal and External Communication
Unit III
Unit IV
1. Define Business Message. Describe the points to be keep in mind while business
2. Explain the importance of Business Message. Draft a routine message.
3. What is a good news message. Draft a good news message.
4. Define Message. What are bad news messages.
5. Write a message to Rahul, informing that his job application has been rejected.
6. Draft a message to Ramesh, informing him about his selection in your company.
7. Explain what are Persuasive messages.
8. Draft An hypothetical Persuasive message
9. Explain the following:
a. Persuasive Message
b. Bad News message
10. Explain the following:
a. Routine Message
b. Good News message
Unit V
1. What are the business letters? Explain its importance.
2. Explain the usage of Business Letters. Also explain the points to be kept in mind while
drafting these messages.
3. Explain the different types of business letters in detail.
4. Define business letters. Explain the structure and layout of the same.
5. What are persuasive letters? Explain with example.
6. Explain request letters, with example.
7. Define letter of complaints with example.
8. Draft a letter to Divine shirts complaining about the defect in the shirt that you have
9. Write a letter to Vision optical, requesting to change the sun glasses that you have
bought a month before
10. Write a letter to the accounts officer requesting him to give relaxation in fee.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 205: Law of Consumer Protection and Competition
1. Discuss in detail the International and National Developments in Consumer
2. Discuss various factors which necessitated the emergence of the Consumer Protection
Act, 1986
3. 'The Law of Consumer Protection as come to meet the long felt necessity of
protection to the common man from the wrongs for which the remedy under ordinary
law for various reasons has become illusory'. discuss this statement and explain to
what extent the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 has succeeded in its objectives.
4. State and explain the salient features of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
5. Describe the nature and object of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986?
6. Define the term Consumer. Give its basic concepts as provided under the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986.
7. Distinguish between Goods and Services as given in the Consumer Protection Act,
8. Define "Complaint" and "Complainant" giving with suitable example.
9. What do you mean by "Service", " Deficiency in Service" and "Defect" under the
Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
10. Discuss in detail the deficiency in Medical Services giving with relevant case laws
and examples.
11. Discuss in detail the deficiency in Insurance Services giving with relevant case laws
and examples.
12. Discuss in detail the deficiency in Banking Services giving with relevant case laws
and examples.
13. Discuss in detail the deficiency in Housing Services giving with relevant case laws
and examples.
14. What are the provisions for Composition of Consumer Protection Council under the
Consumer Protection Act, 198? Discuss in detail.
15. Discuss in detail the object and role of Consumer Protection Council under the
Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
16. Write an explanatory note on the role of Consumer Protection Councils in promoting
and protecting the interest of Consumers under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
17. Write a short note on the composition of Central and State Consumer Protection
18. 'The services rendered 'free of charge' or under the 'contract of personal service' are
outside the scope of the Consumer Protection Act'. Discuss.
19. Discuss about the Consumer Redressal Agencies. Discuss about the functioning of
District Consumer Forum, State Consumer Commission and Central Consumer
20. Describe the procedure for the appointment of President and Members of the District
Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum. Where can an appeal lie against the order of the
District Forum?
21. State and explain three-tier Consumer Disputes Redressal Machinery established
under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Discuss the composition and jurisdiction
of the National Commission. Where can an appeal lie against the order of the
National Commissions.
22. Discuss about the manner in which complaint can be made. Explain also the
procedure about the receipt of the complaint.
23. Discuss in detail the provisions relates to Composition and Jurisdiction of District
Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
24. What procedure will be followed by the District consumer Forum for the admission
of the Complaint filed under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
25. Discuss in detail the provisions relates to Composition and Jurisdiction of State
Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
26. What procedure will be followed by the State Consumer Commission for the
admission of the Complaint filed under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
27. Discuss the composition and jurisdiction of the District Forum, State Commission and
the National commission under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
28. What are the powers and functions of the State Commission? Discuss in detail.
29. Write the procedure to be followed by the District Forum on receipt of a complaint
relating to any goods under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
30. List briefly the procedure to be followed by a District Forum on receipt of a
complaint regarding defective goods under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
31. "The provisions of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 are in addition to and not in
derogation of any other law for the time being in force." comment and briefly
enumerate the alternative remedies available to a consumer.
32. Write a short note on 'Unfair Trade Practice' with the help of decided cases.
33. Write a short note on 'Restrictive Trade Practice' with the help of decided cases.
34. In what manner, the adjudicatory forums have protected the consumers against 'unfair
trade practices'? Have the traders been protected against such trade practices? Discuss
with reference to the decided cases.
35. What do you understand by 'unfair trade practice'? How has the term been defined
under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986? Discuss.
36. Explain the restrictive trade practice of tie-up sale under the Consumer Protection
Act, 1986.
37. A Gas Distributor insists his customers to buy a gas stove as a condition to the gas
connection. Is it a tie-up sale? Give reasons and refer to the relevant case-law.
38. Discuss briefly the type of orders which the District Forum is competent to pass under
section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Could District Forum pass an
interim order?
39. What is the period of limitation for making the complaint? Discuss in detail.
40. What remedy can be awarded by the Courts for Consumer Dispute under the
Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
41. State and explain the provisions of 'Appeals' and 'Revision' under the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986.
42. Discuss in detail the provisions regarding frivolous and vexatious complaint define in
the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
43. State and explain the provisions relates to enforcement of orders of District Forum,
State Commission and National Commission.
44. What are the penalties provided under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. State and
explain the provisions relates to enforcement of orders of District Forum, State
Commission and National Commission.
45. State and explain the provisions relates to enforcement of orders of State
46. State and explain the provisions relates to enforcement of orders of National
47. "The Competition Act, 2002 was enacted in view of the economic development that
resulted in opening up of the Indian economy, removal of controls and consequent
economic liberalisation which required the Indian Economy be enabled to allow
competition in the market from within the country and outside." Elucidate.
48. "The Competition Act, 2002 provides to promote and sustain competition in markets,
to protect the interests of consumers and to ensure freedom of trade carried on by
other participants in market, in India." Explain.
49. Discuss nature and scope of the Competition Act, 2002
50. Discuss the salient features of the Competition Act, 2002
51. What is the composition of the Competition Commission of India? Discuss the
functions of the Commission.
52. Write a critical note on duties of the Competition Commission of India.
53. Discuss powers and functions of Competition Commission of India.
54. Describe the powers and functions of Competition Commission of India.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 206: Law of Contract- II (Special Contracts & Specific
1. Define a Contract of Indemnity.
2. Explain the essential elements of Contract of Indemnity.
3. State the various rights and duties of Indemnified and Indemnifier.
4. Define contract of Guarantee and ingredients of it.
5. State the essential features of Contract of guarantee.
6. Explain the various kinds of Guarantee.
7. What is continuing Guarantee? How it is different from specific Guarantee?
8. State the rights of Surety against the Principal debtor.
9. State the rights of Surety against the creditor and co-sureties.
10. Define the circumstances in which surety is discharged from his liability.
11. The liability of surety is coextensive with that of the principal debtor. Explain
12. Define Bailment and discuss the essential element of a contract of Bailment.
13. Who is Bailee? State his rights and obligations.
14. Define the various rights and duties of Bailor and Bailee.
15. What is meant by the Lien?
16. Distinguish between general lien and particular lien.
17. Explain the lien of Finder of Goods.
18. Define pledge. Discuss the essential elements of a pledge.
19. Who are Pawnor and Pawnee? State briefly his rights and duties.
20. Who is finder of goods? State the rights and obligations of Finder of Goods.
21. What is the difference between the Contract of Bailment and pledge.
22. Define the meaning of the Contract of Agency.
23. Explain the essentials of relationship of agency.
24. Define Agent and Principal. Who may be an Agent?
25. Is consideration is necessary for making an Agency?
26. Explain the various modes of creation of an Agency.
27. What is agency by ratification? What are requisites of a valid ratification?
28. Explain the rights of an Agent against his Principal.
29. Explain the duties of an Agent against his Principal.
30. Describe the various modes of by which the authority of an Agent may be terminated.
31. What do you mean by Specific Relief?
32. What are the salient features of Specific relief Act?
33. How the Recovery of specific immovable property is possible under the Specific
relief Act?
34. How Recovery of specific movable property is possible under the Specific relief Act?
35. Define the cases in which specific performance of contract may be enforceable.
Political Science- III (Political
History- III (Indian Legal &
Constitutional History)
Management Accounting
Law of Crimes- I ( Indian Penal
Family Law-I
Corporate Law I
Moot Court*/Tutorial/Practical
(Non- Credit)
Sub Total
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions and Court Visits
and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of Moot Court and Court
Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
Question Bank
BALLB 301: Political Science- III (Political Theory)
Unit I
1. Distinguish the State from society, government and nation? Also establish the relation
of Government with State?
2. Distinguish between rigid and flexible constitutions, and discuss their merits and
demerits. To what category does the Indian Constitution belong?
3. What are the essential qualities or requirements or characteristics of an ideal
4. Enumerate the merits and demerits of Written and Unwritten Constitution?
5. Critically examine the concept of Separation of Power?
6. What are the functions of Legislature? Also account for the decline of modern
7. What are the functions of modern Executive?
8. Discuss the functions of the Legislature in a modern democratic state?
9. Discuss the relation of the executive to the legislature in the modern state?
10. Define judiciary. Explain its importance and discuss its functions?
11. What do you mean by independent judiciary? What are the special conditions to
make judiciary independent?
Unit II
1. Define Unitary government, and discuss its merits and demerits.
2. Define federation and discuss the distinguishing features of a federal government.
3. Discuss the conditions that are necessary for the formation of a federation.
4. Enumerate the concept of Federation and Confederation. Also mention its features
with supporting examples of different countries.
5. What are the essential requirements of Federal Government?
6. What are the essential requirements of Co-Federal Government and Quasi Federal
7. Critically examine the appraisal of Federalism with comparison to British Federal
8. Define the parliamentary system of government and discuss its salient features.
9. Enumerate the merits and demerits of the parliamentary system of government.
10. Explain the theory of separation of powers and discuss its merits and demerits.
11. What are the important features of a Parliamentary government? Discuss briefly its
working in Indian context.
12. Explain the main features of the presidential system of government, and discuss its
merits and demerits.
13. What are the differences between Parliamentary and Presidential forms of
14. Parliamentary or Presidential Which is better suited to Indian democratic system?
15. Short Note :
a. One Party Democracy
b. Military Rule
Unit III
1. What is popular sovereignty? Who was responsible for popular sovereignty?
2. Elaborate on any four characteristics of sovereignty?
3. Describe the meaning of popular sovereignty and legal sovereignty.
4. Differentiate with examples internal sovereignty from external sovereignty.
5. What is Political sovereignty? Who was responsible for Political Sovereignty?
6. According to the principle of popular sovereignty political power rests with the
vote of the people in any given territory. Explain
7. What is Legal sovereignty? Who was responsible for Legal Sovereignty?
8. Define Sovereignty with examples of different countries?
9. Enumerate the concept of Sovereignty and give the differences between Political,
Popular and Legal Sovereignty?
10. What is the popular sovereignty and how does the constitution support the idea of
popular sovereignty?
11. Is dual sovereignty the same thing as popular sovereignty?
12. Short Note :
(a) Legal Sovereignty principles
(b) Popular sovereignty principles
Unit IV
1. What are the rights ? Explain the Civil rights.
2. Write a note on the rights and duties of a citizen.
3. Distinguish between :
a. Natural and naturalized citizen
b. Citizen and alien
c. Legal and moral duties
d. Civil and Political rights
Rights and duties are the two sides of the same coin. Explain? And also Discuss
the relation between rights and duties?
6. How does the Right to Freedom of Religion establish secular polity in India?
Mention three restrictions imposed by the states that relate to the Freedom of Speech
and Expression?
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 302: Economics-III
Unit I
1. Explain the evolution of Money? What are the important stages in the evolution of
2. What do you mean by inflation? Explain the effects of inflation on economy.
3. Money is what money does. Critically examine the statement?
4. What is Money? Discuss the nature of money. What are the main characteristics of
5. Define the function of money? How does paper money perform them well?
6. Define money and give its role in a capitalist as well as in a socialist economy?
7. What do you mean by money supply? What are the main components of money
8. What is meant by the supply of money? Discuss the factors which determine the
supply of money?
9. What is ideal supply of money? How is supply of money determined?
10. What do you mean by deflation? Explain the reasons of deflation on economy.
11. What do you mean by inflation? How can we control over Inflation.
12. What do you mean by monetary policy? Explain main tools of monetary policy.
13. Discuss the various functions of Central Bank in the context of the Reserve Bank of
14. Define Central Bank. Discuss the various functions of a central Bank?
15. Discuss the main functions of the Reserve Bank of India and till how it controls the
quantity of money and credit in the country?
16. Discuss the policy and achievements of Reserve Bank of India in the sphere of
agricultural and industrial credit in the country?
Unit II
1. Explain the classical theory of output, income and employment. Discuss using
suitable diagrams.
2. Explain the Keynesian theory of output, income and employment. Discuss using
suitable diagrams.
3. What is meant by business cycle? Explain the main phases of Business Cycle.
4. What do you mean by Poverty Line? What are the reasons of Poverty in India?
5. Explain the policy measure to remove poverty in India?
What are the essential responsibilities of the state in the different markets?
What mechanisms best promote the availability, affordability and rational use of
different commodities in the private sector?
What is the difference between Public sector companies & Private sector companies?
Define the concept of economic planning and evaluate the planning goals and
strategies in India during the last three five year pans periods?
10. What are the achievements and failures of economic planning in India?
1. What is free trade? What does a free trade area mean?
2. What are the benefits of free trade for the average person?
3. What is the difference between fixed and flexible exchange rates?
4. Define balance of trade? What is a favorable balance of trade?
5. Can a nation have a favorable balance of trade and an unfavorable...?
6. The record of a country's transactions in goods, services, and assets with the rest of
the world is its Balance of Payment Examine the statement.
7. What is the current relationship between the IMF and World Bank How has that
changed over time? Do their functions overlap?
8. What is the IMF and World Bank's relationship to the World Trade Organization
(WTO) ?
9. How does the IMF set its policies? How do multinational corporations benefit from
IMF policies?
10. What should Congress do to reform/abolish the IMF/World Bank? What could the
IMF do to promote sustainable development?
11. What is the World Bank? Who makes decisions at the World Bank and IMF?
1. What is the impact of new economic policy in India?
2. What was the overall impact of the New Economic Policy (NEP)?
3. What is the New Economic Policy and how it was executed?
4. What are the factors on which utilization of foreign exchange is governed under the
new economic policy?
5. Define the Debt Crisis and Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs)?
6. What is the reason / benefits of structural adjustment programme in India (SAP)?
7. Define second generation reforms regarding New economic policy?
8. Regional trading blocks are building blocks or stumbling blocks. Explain?
9. Explain Bilateral Trade Treaties with examples?
10. What are trading blocks? Mention some trading blocks and their roles in context of
economic liberalization?
Question Bank
BALLB 303: History- III (Indian Legal & Constitutional History)
1. Discuss in short the early history of establishment, constitution and jurisdiction along
with the acquiring of additional rights by East India Company by the Charter of 1600
and the Charter of 1661.
2. Stating the circumstances which forced the Directors of East India company to
request the Crown in 1726 for establishment of a uniform judicial system in all the
three presidencies, explain the composition, jurisdiction and working of the Mayor's
Courts established under the Charter of 1726.
3. Write a short note on Provisions of Charter of 1726.
4. State the salient features of Charter of 1726 and explain in what ways uniform
judicial administration was achieved in the all three presidency towns.
"The judicial institutions in the town of Madras before 1726 developed in three
stages." Elucidate.
6. Discuss the administration of justice in the Mayor's Courts established under the
Charter of 1726. What were the changes introduced in it by the Charter of 1753.
7. Explain " Provisions of Charter of 1753, as amendments."
8. Enumerate the provisions of Charter of 1726. Analyses its defects. How these defects
were removed by the Charter of 1753.
9. Charter of 1753 was designed to steer clear of the defects that the Charter of 1726 had
revealed. Comment referring to reforms in the Mayor's Court.
10. "The Supreme Court at Calcutta was an institution which was dislike by all and had
the goodwill of none." Elucidate.
11. Discuss the salient features of Regulating Act, 1773. What were its defects? How far
were they removed by the Act of Settlement, 1781 ?
12. Regulating Act, 1773 created so many centers of conflict. How were those conflicts
resolved by the Act of Settlement, 1781 ?
13. Discuss the salient features of Regulating Act, 1773. What were its defects ? How far
were they removed by the Act of Settlement, 1781 ?
14. What was the necessity of passing the Act of Settlement of 1781 ? Discussing its
provisions also explain how far this Act could remove the demerits which were
created by implementation of Regulating Act.
15. State the facts, arguments, decision and principles law laid down in Trial of Nand
16. State the facts, arguments, decision and principles law laid down in Cossijurih Case.
17. Illustrate in brief the Provisions of Regulating Act, 1773.
18. Illustrate in brief the Provisions of the Act of Settlement, 1781.
19. State the facts, arguments, decision and principles law laid down in Patna Case.
20. Discuss the Raja Nand Kumar case in the background of Indian Legal History. Point
out those reasons on the basis of which historians had termed it as "Judicial murder."
1. What do you understand by Adalat System ? Discuss judicial reforms that were
introduced by Warren Hastings in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
2. Discuss Warren Hastings Judicial Plan of 1772. State how far his reforms of 1774
were in improvement on that of the earlier plan of 1772.
3. What do you understand by Adalat System ? Describe Warren Hastings Plans of
1772. How it was amended by his plan of 1774.
4. Explain " Charter of 1772, as a turning point in Legal History."
5. Discuss the work of Lord Cornwallis in the administration of justice.
6. "The Governor Generalship of Lord Cornwallis constitutes a very remarkable and
highly constructive period in the history of Indian Legal Institutions." Discuss the
above statement with illustrations.
7. Comment on the judicial reforms of Lord Cornwallis.
8. "In 1790, Cornwallis Government introduced several reforms in the law to do away
with some of the fragrant abuses which marred the administration of criminal justice."
9. State briefly the reforms of Lord Cornwallis in the field of administration of criminal
10. Discuss in brief the judicial reforms introduced by Lord Cornwallis in Bengal, Bihar
and Orissa in 1793.
11. "Reforms of Lord William Bentinck are deemed second to that of Lord Cornwallis."
Compare the judicial importance of the reforms made by Lord Cornwallis and Lord
William Bentinck.
12. The keynote of Bentinck's judicial reforms was Indianisation, decentralisation and
economy comment.
13. Write a short note on Reforms by Lord Bentinck.
14. Write a short note on development of Criminal Law.
1. Discuss in detail the various stages of development of Personal Laws.
2. Discuss in detail the development of Law in Presidency Towns.
3. How Civil Laws developed in Mufassil area. Give comment.
4. Write a short note on Principle of Justice, Equity and Good conscience.
5. Write a short note on Charter of 1833.
6. "The Charter Act of 1833 was a landmark in the Indian Constitutional History as it
evolved a centralized system of administration and legislation." Discuss the
7. What do you understand by Codification of Law ? What are the merits and demerits
of codification ? Give an account of the contribution made by first law commission.
8. What do you understand by 'Codification of Law' . Give an account of the
contribution made by the Second Law Commission.
9. 'The Charter Act of 1833 was a landmark in the Indian Constitutional History as it
evolved a centralized system of administration and legislation." Discuss this
10. During the course of discussion on the Charter Act, 1833 in the British Parliament,
Lord Mill and Lord Macaulay said, "India is a good laboratory for experimenting the
Bentham's Principles of utility." Explain the above statement in the light of the
history of codification in India.
11. Discuss the powers and jurisdiction of the High Court's established under the Indian
High Court Act, 1861.
12. Write a short notes on the Indian High Courts Act, 1861
13. The High Court Act of 1861 was a momentous step forward in the direction of
improving the administration of law and justice in India." Elucidate.
14. What are the merits and demerits of codification ? Explain the contribution of First
Law Commission in codification of Indian Law.
15. Write a short note on First Law Commission.
16. Write a short note on Lex Loci Report.
17. Write a detailed note on the history of appeals from Indian courts to the Privy Council
in England. State how and when its jurisdiction came to an end?
18. Write a short note on Privy Council.
19. Write a detailed note to the history of appeals from Indian Courts to the Privy Council
in England. State how and when its jurisdiction came to an end.
20. Discuss in detail the merits and demerits of Racial Discrimination.
Unit- IV
1. Explain "Importance and necessity of Indian Legal History".
2. Write a short note on Early development of Legal Profession in India through
Mayor's Court, Supreme Court, Company's Court and the High Court.
3. Discuss in short the provisions of the Legal Practitioners Act of 1879.
4. Describe the Chamier and the Indian Bar Committee of 1951.
5. Discuss the provisions of the Indian Bar Committee of 1951.
6. "Legal profession is back-bone of legal system in any country." Discuss the gradual
development of legal profession in India.
7. Write a short note on Law reporting in India from 1773 to 1950.
8. Discuss in detail the history and aims of Legal Education.
1. Describe the main features of Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909.
2. Write a short note on Indian Council Act, 1909
3. Enumerate the salient features of Government of India Act, 1919. Upto what extent it
could establish representative responsible Government ?
4. Discuss the events which led to the passing of the Government of India Act, 1919.
What were the main provisions of the Act ?
5. Explain the system of Dyarchy introduced by the Government of India Act, 1919.
6. Discuss the main events which led to the passing of the Government of India Act,
1919. Also throw light on the main provisions of the Act.
7. Write a short note on Provincial Autonomy under Act, 1935
8. Describe in detail the provisions of Government of India Act, 1935.
9. Describe the salient features of the Government of India Act, 1935. Is it correct to say
that under this Act the Governor-General was the cornerstone of the entire
constitution ?
10. Discuss the main provisions of the Indian Independence Act, 1947 and state its
Question Bank
BBA LLB 301: Marketing for Managers
Unit I
State the nature of marketing. How does marketing satisfy the wants of people?
What is marketing? Give the modern definitions of marketing and explain the main
features of marketing.
Discuss the nature, concept and scope of marketing. State its importance in the Indian
Explain the scope of marketing. What is meant by 4Ps of marketing?
Discuss the significance of marketing in the liberalized economy.
Write short notes on:
a) Production Concept
b) Product Concept
c) Selling Concept
State all the steps of marketing process? What is meant by 4Ps in marketing?
Discuss all important concepts of marketing. Discuss the impact of external
environment on firms marketing decision.
Marketers can create needs. Do you agree? Give reasons to support of your answer.
Distinguishing clearly between selling and marketing.
Discuss all important concepts of marketing. Discuss the impact of external
environment on firms marketing decision.
Unit II
What do you mean by B2B Marketing? How is it different from B2C Marketing?
Mention all the participants of business buying. Also explain the stages of purchasing
What is the importance of studying consumer behavior/ Also explain the various
factors which effect consumer behavior.
Define Consumer behaviour. Also describe its relevance in marketing decision
Explain the various factors which affect consumer behaviour.
Write Short-note on The importance of the study of consumer behaviour.
Explain what is meant by consumer behaviour. Mention in this connection the various
psychological factors that influence the consumer decision making.
What do understand by Institute and Government Markets, Also give examples.
Briefly explain:
a) Consumer Behaviour
b) Business markets
c) B2C Marketing
Unit III
Define the term Marketing segmentation. What is the basis for market
Describe different elements that influence in deciding the principles segmentation.
Define the term Marketing segmentation. Describe different elements that influence
in deciding the principles segmentation.
Marketing segmentation is important for target markets and target markets are
important for product positioning. Elaborate with examples.
Discuss the importance of market segmentation in marketing decisions and explain
the basic methods of market segmentation.
Market segmentation is important for target market and target markets are important
for product positioning. Elaborate with examples.
What are the elements that influence in deciding the principles of segmentation.
What do you mean by S.T.P. strategy in marketing? How it can be used for
competitive advantage.
Write short notes on:
a) Target Marketing
b) Positioning
c) Segmentation
What is meant by market segmentation? What are the criteria of successful market
Unit IV
State the important of product innovation. Discuss various stages of new product
Explain the major factors which you will take into account while pricing a product.
Explain the various methods of pricing.
Define a Product. Explain the concept of Product mix.
Write an essay on New product development process.
What do you mean by Product policy? State its objectives and significance.
Define Product life cycle. Explain its importance in marketing.
Discuss the various stages of PLC. State suitable marketing strategies for each stage.
Discuss the important pricing objectives of marketing companies.
Explain the major factors which you will take into account while pricing a product.
Explain the various methods of pricing.
Unit V
What factors would you take into consideration while selecting suitable channel of
distribution? Discuss.
What is advertising media? What are the factors influencing media decision?
What do you mean by channels of distribution? Discuss its role and functions.
What is whole selling? State the type of wholesalers.
What do you understand by Retailing? State types of Retailers.
What is advertising? What are its various features?
What do you mean by sales Promotions? Discuss various sales promotion technique.
Discuss various sales promotion technique used for consumer by a marketing
What do you mean by personal selling? Describe its characteristics.
Explain in detail the process of personal selling.
Question Bank
BBA LLB 303: Management Accounting
Unit I
1. What do you mean by management accounting? How it is useful for managers?
2. Explain various differences between financial accounting and management accounting?
3. What role management accounting plays in the planning and control function of
4. Management Accounting is the presentation of accounting information in such a way
as to assist management in the creation of policy and the day to day operation of an
undertaking. Elucidate this statement giving suitable illustration.
5. Management Accounting is concerned with accounting information that is useful to
management. Comment and define management Accounting. How does it differ from
financial & cost Accounting?
6. Management Accounting is an extension of the managerial aspect of cost accounting.
7. Define Management Accounting. How can we differentiate management accounting
with Financial and cost accounting?
8. Discuss nature and scope of Management Accounting. Give its advantages also.
9. Discuss management accounting as an effective tool of financial control.
10. Define Mgmt. Accounting and discuss the functions and limitations of management
Unit II
11. What do you mean by ratio analysis? Describe various objectives of ratio analysis?
12. Define ratio analysis? How it is important in analysis of financial statements?
13. Explain limitations of ratio analysis?
14. Determine the closing stock, liquid assets and current ratio from following information sales
15,00,000/ Gross profit ratio
Current liabilities
2,50,000/ Inventory turnover (based on closing stock)
Acid test ratio
15. Calculate current assets, current liabilities & stock turnover ratio from the following Current ratio
Working capital
Opening stock
Closing stock
Gross profit ratio
25% on sales
16. What is financial statement analysis. Give its significance and limitations also.
17. What do you mean by Comparative financial statement.
18. What do you mean by common size statement.
19. From the following Balance Sheets of Exe Ltd on 31st March, 2007 and 2008, prepare
a common size Balance Sheet:
Equity Share Capital
Reserve & Surplus
8% Debenture.
Current Liabilities
Fixed Assets
Current Assets
21,00,000 30,00,000
21,00,000 30,00,000
20. Also prepare commom size statement from above balance sheet.
Unit III
21..From the following balance sheets and additional information prepare cash flow
Share Capital
P & L A/c
Outstanding Exp.
Income received
Fixed Assets
Prepaid Exp.
Deferred Expenses
1,05,000 1,33,500
1,05,000 1,33,500
22.What is cash flow statement? Discuss its main uses and limitations?
23.Give a specimen of cash flow statement using imaginary figures?
24.Define cash flow statement? How it is different from income statement?
25.Prepare cash flow statements from the balance sheets of Ram and company limited are
as followsLiabilities
Equity share capital
Accumulated Dep.
Taxes payable
Bills payable
Fixed Assets
Prepaid rent
Additional information's are as follows Purchased a new fix asset costing Rs. 25,000/-. Paid 13,000/- in cash and gave
short term bills for the remaining.
Issued additional capital for cash.
Disposed off a fully depreciated asset having an original cost of Rs. 7,000/and no scarp value.
Net profit for the year amounted to Rs. 2,000/- (after tax)
26.Prepare Fund flow statement from the following Balance sheetsLiabilities
Equity Share Capital
Preference Share capital
6% Debentures
General Reserve
Profit & Loss A/c
Provision for tax
Proposed Dividend
Fixed Assets
Less Depreciation
Net fixed assets
Prepaid Expenses
1,58,000 1,90,200
1,58,000 1,90,200
27. Explain the meaning of funds flow statement. What are its main objectives.
28. From the following balance sheets and additional information prepare a statement of
sources and uses for the year.
Loan from A
Loan from B
2,30,000 2,47,000
Fixed Assets
2,30,000 2,47,000
110 ton of material B @ 34 per ton were used to produce 182 ton of good production.
Calculate all material variances.
34. A factory which employed 100 workers on a job, all are working for 50 hours a week.
The standard rate is Rs. 10 per hour and standard output is 200 units per gang hour.
During a week in June, 10 employees were paid at Rs. 8 per hour and 5 at Rs. 12 per
hour. Rests of the employees were paid at the standard rate. Actual number of units
produced was 10,200. Calculate all labour variances.
From the following particulars, compute: - Material cost variance,
Material price variance, and Material usage variance.
Quantity of Material purchased
3000 units
Value of material purchased
Rs. 9000
Standard quantity of Materials required per ton of output
30 units
Standard rate of Material
Rs. 2.50 per unit
Opening stock of Material
Closing stock of Material
500 Units
Output during the period
80 tons
From the following information given below, calculate:- Labour cost variance, Labour Rate
variance, Labour efficiency variance.
Standard hours per unit
Standard rate
Rs. 4 per hour
Actual data:Actual production
1000 units
Actual hours
15,300 hours
Actual rate
Rs 3.90 per hour
39. Define variances? Give its classification with formulas.
40. Write short notes on:
a) Material variances
b) Price variances
Unit V
41. A factory manufacturing sewing machines has the capacity to produce 500 machines per
annum. The marginal cost of each machine is Rs. 200 and each machine is sold for Rs.
250. Fixed overheads are Rs. 12,000 per annum. Calculate the Break even point for
output and sales.
42. Write an Essay on Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
43. What is Break-even Point? How is it computed? Explain with Examples.
44. What are Break-even charts? How they are prepared? What are their
45. Explain break-even point. Discuss the utility of break even analysis and show its limitations.
46. From the following information calculate the breakeven point and turnover required to earn a
profit of Rs. 36,000:
Fixed Overheads
Rs. 180000
Variable cost Per unit Rs. 2
Selling Price
Rs. 20
If the company is earning a profit of Rs. 36000, express the margin of safty available to it.
47. What do you understand by Cost-Volume profit Analysis.
48. In 2005 the Position of X ltd. Was as follows:
Variable Overheads 96000
Gross profit
Fixed overheads
Net profit
Find out P/V ratio, Breakeven point, Net profit for sales of Rs. 180000, Desired sales for net
profit of Rs. 16000.
49. The following data are obtained from the records of a company.
Calculate: P/V ratio, Break even sales.
50.The break even analysis is a useful device of profit planning. Do you agree Discuss.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 304: Law of Crimes- I (Indian Penal Code)
1. Describe the scope of intention, preparation and attempt to commit a crime
2. Discuss the insanity as a defence to crime.
3. What is the distinction between the liability of a citizen under the IPC when he
commits an offence in a foreign country and the liability of a foreigner when he
commits an offence on land in India?
4. Write a short note on Extra-territorial jurisdiction of IPC.
5. What is the distinction between a natural person and a legal person?
6. Write short notes on:
(1) Intra Territorial Jurisdiction
(2) Extra Territorial Jurisdiction
(3) Extradiction
7. Write short notes on:(a) Wrongful Loss & Wrongful Gain
(b) Dishonestly & Fraudulently
(c) Good faith
(d) Public servant
(e) Valuable security
8. What is the law regarding constructive liability? Discuss the concept of Common
intention embodied in IPC.
9. Explain the various kinds of punishment. When may a sentence of death be passed?
10. A mistake of fact is a good defence but a mistake of law is not. Discuss
11. Nothing is an offence which is done by any person who is, or who by reason of
mistake of fact and not by reason of mistake of law in good faith believes himself to
be, bound by law, to do it. (Section 76 IPC). Comment and explain the above.
12. Nothing is an offence which is done by any person who is justified by law, or who
by reason of a mistake of fact and not by reason of a mistake of law in good faith,
believes himself to be justified by law, in doing it.(Section 79 IPC). Comment and
explain the above.
13. Write a short note on: Accident.
14. Write a short note on: Act of a Child and a liability of a child under 7years of age and
above 7 years of age.
15. Discuss criminal liability under infancy, insanity and intoxication.
16. Write a short note on: Insanity and Liability under the IPC of an in same person.
17. Write a short note on: Volenti non fit injuria under the IPC.
18. What is the right of private defence of a person? Are there any limitations or
restriction on these rights? Explain.
19. Discuss briefly the law relating to right of private defence extending to causing of
20. What is the right of private defence of property? Are there any limitations or
restriction on these rights? Explain.
21. Discuss briefly the law relating to Commencement and continuance of the right of
private defence.
22. Define Abetment. What are the kinds of abetment?
23. When is a person said to abet an offence? Explain with the help of Illustration.
24. Who is an abettor? When he is liable for abetment?
25. Discuss the liability of abettor when one act is abetted and a different act is done?
26. Write a short note on: Three ways of abetment.
27. Define Criminal Conspiracy. What are its ingredients?
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 305: Family Law I
1. Explain the origin, nature and scope of Hindu Law.
2. Who is a Hindu? State the categories of persons to whom the Hindu Law applies?
3. What are the essential conditions for a valid Hindu Marriage under HMA, 1955?
4. Explain the term Sapinda Relationship and degrees of prohibited relationship.
5. The conditions of a Hindu marriage as laid down under act are such that if contra
vented render the marriage valid, void or voidable. Explain
6. Discuss the nature and sources of Muslim Law.
7. Marriage under Muslim law is not a sacrament but a Contract. Discuss
8. Describe the essentials of valid or legal marriage under Muslim Law?
9. Discuss the legal disabilities or prohibitions to the marriage under Muslim Law.
10. Discuss the meaning and kinds of Dower. Explain the rights of wife in case of unpaid
11. What do you understand by restitution of conjugal rights".
12. What do you understand by void and voidable Marriage?
13. Discuss the various grounds of Divorce under HMA 1955.
14. Define the meaning and grounds for getting the decree of Judicial separation.
15. State the grounds and relevant proceedings for divorce by mutual consent.
16. What is the meaning of Talaq? How Talaq is made under Muslim law?
17. Explain various modes of Talaq. When they become Irrevocable?
18. Discuss the legal effects that follow from the dissolution of Marriage under Muslim
19. Explain briefly the grounds of talaq under Dissolution of Muslim marriage Act, 1939.
20. Write short on :i.
Period of Iddat
21. Discuss the law of adoption prior to the commencement of Hindu Adoption &
Maintenance Act, 1956.
22. Do you agree with a view that the Hindu law of adoption had undergone a complete
23. What are the essential conditions for a valid adoption under HM&A, 1956?
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 306: Corporate Law-I
1. Define a Company and kinds of it.
2. What are the advantages of incorporation of the Company?
3. State the principles laid down in Salomon vs. Salomon Case.
4. Describe the various features of the Company.
5. Write a note on Illegal association.
6. Explain the various differences between partnership and the Company.
7. What is the significance of the concept of Corporate Personality?
8. What is the significance of the concept of Limited Liability?
9. What do you understand by doctrine of lifting the corporate veil?
10. Explain the meaning of perpetual succession and common seal in the case of the
11. Who is promoter?
12. Write a note on the duties and responsibilities of promoters.
13. Define the various classifications of the companies that can be formed under the
14. Define a private company. State the privileges and exemptions enjoyed by the private
15. Define a public company. State the privileges and exemptions enjoyed by the public
16. Write the explanatory note on Government Company.
17. Write the explanatory note on Foreign Company.
18. Write the explanatory note on Non Profit Company.
19. What are the various advantages and disadvantages of the Company?
20. Describe the mode and consequences of the company.
21. What is your opinion on There are five members in a public company?
22. What does a private company have to do in order to become a public company?
23. Define a classification of the company according to the mode of Incorporation.
24. Define a classification of the company according to the liability of the members.
25. Define a classification of the company according to the numbers of the members.
26. Define a classification of the company according to the invitation to the Public.
27. What do you mean by one Man Company?
28. What do you mean by Non trading Company?
Financial Management
French Language
Public International Law
Law of Crimes- II (Code of
Criminal Procedure)
Family Law-II
Corporate Law II
Moot Court*/Tutorial/Practical
(Non- Credit)
Sub Total
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions and Court Visits
and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of Moot Court and Court
Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
** At the end of 2nd year of the program, Students shall undergo summer training (during
summer vacations) either with a corporate or a Law Firm. They will have to submit a Report
of the same and the marks will be awarded in 10th Semester.
Question Bank
BALLB 401: Political Science- IV (International Politics & Law)
1.what do you mean by international politics , briefly explain it ?
2.Critically examine the original approach of international politics ?
3.Discuss the nature of international politics ?
4.Discuss the scope of international politics ?
5.Critically examine the realist theory of international politics ?
6.Critically examine the system theory of international politics ?
7.Critically examine the theory of decision making of international politics ?
8.Distinguish between marxian & game theory of international politics ?
9.Distinguish between realist theory & system theory of internatioanl politics ?
10.What do you mean by international politics?Critically examine the origional approach of
international politics.
11.In what ways do realism and liberalism differ?
1.what do you mean by national power ,explain it ?
2.Give essential elements of national power ?
3.Do evaluation of national power ?
4.Give the limitations on natioanl power ?
5.Write an essay on international law ?
6.write an essay on international morality ?
7.write an essay on world public opinion ?
8.Discuss balance of power & collective security ?
9.Write advantages of national power ?
10.Write advantages of international law ?
11.What are the two major revolutions that have inspired other revolutionaries in the modern
12.How does separation of powers limit the government?
1.What do you mean by foreign policy ?
2.Give 10 components of foreign policy ?
3.Give 8 determinants of foreign policy ?
4.What do you mean by diplomacy explain it ?
5.How many type of diplomacy briefly explain ?
6.Write 8 functions of diplomacy ?
7.What do you mean by national interest & give nature of national interest ?
8.How many type of national interest , Briefly explain ?
9.Give all method for promotion of national interest ?
10.Give inter-relationship between national interest & ideology ?
Unit 4
1 What do you mean by disarmament,& Give nature of disarmament?
2 How many types of disarmament, Briefly explain?
3 Give details of major steps towards disarmament?
4 Discuss the reasons of disarmament?
5 Critically examine difficulties & obstacles in the way of disarmament?
Question Bank
BBALLB 401: Financial Management
Unit 1
1 Define financial management and discuss its main functions.
2 what is financial management?how does a modern financial management differ from
traditional financial management?
3 What is meant by financial management? What are the salient features of financial
4 Explain the scope of financial management . What role should the financial manager
play in modern enterprises.
5 What do you understand by financial management ? Discuss its significance in business
6 The importances of financial management has increased in modern times Elucidate.
7 Sound financial management is a key to the progress for corporation Explain .
8 Discuss the objectives and goals of financial management.
9 What should be the basic objectives of financial management ? Explain giving reasons.
10Explain the role and status of financial manager in the organisation structure of an
Unit 2
1 What do you understand by capital structure of a company?
2What do you understand by a balanced capital structure of a company ? Discuss the basic
qualities of a balanced capital structure .
3 Explain the concept and features of an optimal capital structure .
4 What do you understand by capital structure ? How does it differ from financial structure.
5 How is capital structure is affected by capital market conditions / nature of investors ?
6 Define cost of capital . Explain its significance in financial decision making.
7 How is the cost of debt capital is computed ? Illustrate your answer with the help of
8 Critically examine the concept of cost of capital .
9 Write five importance of cost of capital .
10 How many types of cost of capital ? Explain it.
Unit 3
1 What do you understand by capital budgeting ? Explain the importance of capital budgeting
from the point of view of industrial concern.
2 Give essential elements of capital budgeting .
3 Write five objectives of capital budgeting ?
4 Explain the procedure for capital budgeting .
5 How is projects evaluated according to pay back method ?
6What is post pay back profitability ? Explain it.
7 State the suitability of payment price method .
8 Explain computation of accounting rate of return.
9 What is the internal rate of return method ? Explain.
10 Compare 'NPV'method with 'IRR' method.
Unit 4
1 Explain clearly the meaning of cash management and its objectives.
2 What are the important motives for holding cash in a firm .Explain those factors
determining the level of cash in a firm .
3 What do you understand by Receivable Management ? Explain its objectives .
4 Define Accounts Receivables . Describe the factors affecting the investment in a firm's
5 What do you mean by Receivables management ? How will you control the investment in
6 What is the objectives of Management of Receivables?
7 Write short notes on the following;
B Re order point
C ABC Analysis
D Safety Stock
8 What is meant by inventory management ? Describe their advantages.
9 What is meant by inventory ? Explain different techniques used for inventory control .
10 Describe the objectives of inventory management .Discuss the factor determining
the investment in inventory
Unit 5
1 Why net working capital concept is superior? Explain it .
2 How is working capital effected by nature of business ? Explain it .
3 Working Capital to a business is What blood circulation is for human body . Explain.
4 Explain the concept of working capital . What are the constituents of working capital of a
5 What is operating cycle concept of working capital ? How will you determine the amount
of working capital under this method ?
6 What is the importance of working capital for a manufacturing unit ? Explain .
7 What is working capital ? On the formation of a new business, What consideration are
taken into account in estimating the amount of working capital required ?
8 What is the concept of working capital ?What factors determine the needs of working
capital and how is measured ?
9 Write shorts notes on the following;
A Operating cycle of working capital
B Types of working capital
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 402: French Language
Q.1 crivez les noms des JOURS DE LA SEMAINE.
Q.2 crivez les noms des mois de l'anne.
Q.3 crivez l'heure suivante en franais :
Ten O Clock
Quarter to Ten
Quarter Past Ten
Half Past Eleven
Twelve O clock
Le jeans
Le soulier
Les tongs
Le caleon
Le collier
Les moufles
La jupe
Le pyjama
Le pantalon
La chapeau
La basket
La cravate
La bague
La robe
La chemise de nuit
Le tee-shirt
La casquette
Les chaussettes
La botte
Le costume
Le peignoir
La veste
Les boutons
La fermeture clair
La sandale
Le smoking
La boucle doreille
Le bracelet
Le tailleur
Q.1 Changez de genre des mots suivants
Un chien
Un joueur
Un garon
Le boucher
V. Un Italien
Un infirmier
Un commerant
Un journaliste
IX. Un animateur
X. Un Franais
Q.2 Changez de genre des mots Suivants.
Une chienne
Une infirmire
Une journaliste
Une commerante
V. Une animatrice
Une Franaise
Une joueuse
Une fille
IX. La bouchre
X. Une Italienne
Q.3 Insrez articles indfinis dans les phrases suivantes
J'ai trouv livre.
Il veut .pomme.
Il y a tudiant dans la salle.
J'ai . Sur
V. J'ai achet ..pommes.
Q.4 Insrez articles dfinis dans les phrases suivantes
Je vais banque.
Voici .. livre que j'ai lu.
J'aime . glace.
C'est . vie !
V. .papier et. stylos sont dans .tiroir.
Q.5 Remplissez les blancs avec les articles indfinis Franais :
Il y a ________ soire chez Les Durand.
Mon fils a gagn _________ prix hier.
________ instant, s'il vous plat !
J'cris _________ roman mystrieux.
V. Ce sont __________ tudiantes sincres.
Q.6 Remplissez les blancs avec les articles indfinis Franais :
J'ai mang ___________ poire il y a 10 minutes.
Annabelle vient de nous raconter _____________ blague trs drle.
Vous avez _________ gomme?
Q.14 Insrez pronoms Relatifs (Qui, Que, Dont, O) dans les phrases suivantes :
La femme ________________ est assis la table va annoncer les
La carrire _________________ tu vas poursuivre, est-elle lucrative ?
J'aime cette partie _______________ cet acteur dit Je t'aime Charlotte
! .
Voici le stylo _________________ tu voulais toujours.
V. C'est une situation _____________ on ne peut rien faire.
Q.15 Conjuguez les verbes suivants prsent de l'indicatif
V. asseoir
IX. charger
X. comprendre
Q.10 Conjuguez les verbes suivants prsent de l'indicatif
V. disparatre
IX. emmener
X. enlever
Q.11 Conjuguez les verbes suivants prsent de l'indicatif
V. gagner
IX. lcher
Q.24 Conjuguez les verbes donns entre parenthses dans Pass Compos avec
leurs verbes auxiliaires respectifs :
Les invits _______________ 10h du matin. Ils
_________________jusqu'au midi. (arriver, se reposer)
Je les ________________ ma ville natale. (rencontrer)
Hier, nous ______________ beaucoup. (rire)
Elles ________________ les cadeaux. (ouvrir)
V. Nous ________________ qu'il viendrait. (savoir)
Q.1 crivez les prpositions suivantes en anglais
ct de
au sujet de
ct de
au sujet de
en dehors de
en face de
hors de
loin de
prs de
Mon frre a achet les souvenirs _______ toi. (depuis/ de/ pour)
Teresa prpare sa prsentation _________ anglais. (dans/ en/ )
Je mets tes livres __________ le tiroir. (en/ sur/ dans)
Vous trouvez la banque ____________ d'un bistro. (contre/ en face de/
Mets-toi _____________ Lucie ! ( ct de/ jusqu'/ entre)
Qui est le meilleur ____________ ces trois ? (entre/ dans/ parmi)
Je t'ai vu hier _________ la tlvision. (sur/ dans/ )
____________ un sondage, 20% femmes prfrent rester la maison.
(Pour/ Selon/ Contre)
Le petit garon ne part pas _________ sa maman. (vers/ sans/ )
Il faut tudier _____________ russir aux examen. (d'aprs/ de/ pour)
Q. 24. Rcrivez les phrases suivantes en conjuguant les verbes souligns dans
Futur simple :
Q.1 Rcrivez les mots de question suivante en anglais :
Avec qui
A quelle heure
Combien de
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 403: Public International Law
1. What do you mean by International law? Give some popular definitions of
International Law showing your preference to any of them. Assign reasons for your
2. International Law is a true law or is it simply international morality. Discuss giving
3. International Law is the vanishing point of jurisprudence. (Holland). Is it a correct
estimate of International law? Explain the statement and offer your own comments
4. Distinguish between Private International Law and Public International Law.
5. Discuss the relationship between Public International Law and Municipal Law by
reference to English and American legal systems.
6. State briefly the various theories that are advocated to decide the question of
relationship of International Law or State Law.
7. Write a critical note on the operation of Municipal Law within the international
sphere. All authorities agree that sovereign States are subjects of International Law.
8. What do you mean by State in International Law. Discuss the essential
characteristics of a State. Suitably classify different types of States for the purposes of
International Law.
9. Explain and illustrate the following:(a) Federal State and Confederation
(b) Condominium.
Consider the legal status of the above.
10. What is Commonwealth of Nations? Discuss its legal status and its constituents with
special reference to India.
11. Discuss the International status of the following:(a) Bhutan
(b) Sikkim
(c) The Holy See or the Vatican City
12. Differentiate between a Vassal State and Protectorate. Discuss the State of Tibet in
International law
13. What do you understand by the Sources of International Law?
14. Assess the importance of the Custom as a source of International Law.
15. What do you understand by the Treaties as a source of International Law?
16. What do you understand by the Decisions of Courts and Tribunal as a source of
International Law?
17. Assess the importance of the Writings of jurists and commentators as sources of
International Law.
18. Assess the importance of the The general principles of law recognized by civilizes
nations as sources of International Law.
19. What do you understand by the Resolutions and Declarations of General Assembly
of the United Nation as a source of International Law?
20. Evaluate the juristic, significance of the direction to the International Court to apply
the general principles of law recognizes by civilized nations. Discuss some
instances of such application.
21. What do you understand by recognition? Is the function of recognition in
International Law constitutive or declaratory?
22. Discuss the various theories of recognition in International Law.
23. Write a brief note on the modes of recognition of a new State. Distinguish between de
facto and de jure recognition.
24. De facto recognition of a State is a step towards de jure recognition of it. Comment
on the above statement bringing out the nature and implications of the two-kinds of
25. Is recognition a purely political act? Discuss.
26. Is recognition of State and Governments the discretion of the recognizing State?
Discuss the position.
27. What are the legal consequences of recognition of State or a Government? Has a nonrecognized Government any status in International Law? What are disqualifications
due to non-recognition?
28. Distinguish between recognition of State and Government recognition of belligerency
and recognition of insurgency.
29. As a rule, recognition de jure once given is irrevocable (Starke). Discuss the
proposition with suitable example.
30. .the recognition of a new State or Government has a retroactive operation and
relates back to the date of inception of the particular State or Government concerned(Starke).
Discuss the above statement. Cite relevant cases in support of your answer.
Point out the limits of the retroactive effect of recognition.
31. What is meant by Extradition? What are the conditions necessary for it?
32. Define political offences. What is meant by non-extradition of political offenders?
Refer to decided cases.
33. What are the rational considerations which have conditioned the law and practice as
to extradition? Discuss.
34. What do you understand by asylum in International law? Discuss the law relating to
asylum with appropriate cases and instances.
35. Asylum stops as it were, where extradition begins (Starke). Comment.
36. It is correct to say that a fugitive have a right of asylum? Give reasons.
37. What do you mean by territorial sovereignty? Discuss its extent and nature.
38. What do you understand by maritime belt? What are its chief characteristics?
39. With reference to the views regarding the breach of territorial waters under the
sovereignty of a State, consider whether you could say that existing International Law
recognizes any fixed breadth of the belt of territorial sea.
40. Discuss the evolution of the law relating to territorial waters with particular reference
to the Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case and the work of the International Law
Commission in this behalf.
41. States the rules of International Law relating to the Contiguous Zone.
42. States the rules of International Law relating to the Exclusive Economic Zone.
43. What are the rules of the International Law relating to continental shelf?
44. Present a short essay on the freedom of the open sea and point out there in the
position in regard to (a) the surface of the bed of the Open Sea, and (b) the subsoil
beneath the bed of the Open Sea.
45. Describe briefly the constitution, functions and powers of the United Nations
46. Briefly dwell upon the purpose and principles of the U.N.O. is the veto power of
the permanent members of the Security Council consistent with sovereign equality of
47. Discuss the relating to the membership of the UNO
48. Give an account of the constitution and jurisdiction of the International Court of
Justice. In what respect does it differ from the Permanent Court of Arbitration?
49. Write short notes on the following:
(a) International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.)
(b) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (I.B.R.D.)
(c) International Civil Aviation Organisation (I.C.A.O.)
50. Describe briefly the structure and function of World Trade Organisation (WTO).
51. Describe in short the various kinds of membership in WTO.
52. Describe briefly the objective, functions ,structure and membership of International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 404: Law of Crimes- II (Code of Criminal Procedure)
1. Define the Followings:(I)
Bailable Offence
Summon case
Warrant Case
Cognizable Offence
2. State the various categories of the criminal courts under the Code of Criminal
3. What powers have been given to the various courts under Code of Criminal
4. When a Police Officer can arrest a person without warrant or without an order from
5. How is the arrest made? How and where can a person who is to be arrested be
searched? What protection has been given by the law to such arrested person?
6. When bail can be taken in Non Cognizable offences?
7. Write the provision of Anticipatory Bail. Can such a bail be allowed in a Murder
Case? If so when?
8. What is meant by First Information Report? Is delay in F.I.R affecting the Matter?
What is the evidentiary value of F.I.R?
9. Describe the powers of Police Officer relating to Cognizable and Non cognizable
offence. State the relevant procedure of it.
10. Write short notes on the following
Inquest Report
11. What do you mean by Summon and Warrant? What are its contents? In which
circumstances such processes have been issued. What are the differences between
Summon and Warrant?
12. What is the power of the Court to direct for taking security?
14. Discuss the circumstances in which the proclamation and attachment against a person
can be made.
15. When can a court issue the processes to compel the production of things? Discuss in
16. What is Search warrant? State the general provisions relating to Search.
17. What are the various modes of attachment? When an order of sale the attached
property can be given?
18. When courts issue the processes to compel the production of things? What are the
various types of processes?
19. Give the general provisions relating to search?
20. What are the conditions for validity of an order of forfeiture?
21. What is Charge? State the particulars of the Charge. Can charge be altered? If so
when? What is the effect of defective charge?
22. There will be separate charge for each offence and separate trial for each charge.
Discuss this rule and exception of it.
23. Explain:(i)
Joinder of Charges
Form of charges
24. Describe the modes of taking and recording the Evidences in inquiries and trial.
When attendance of witness may be dispensed with and commission may be issued?
25. Write short notes on:(i)
Execution of commission
26. Persons once convicted or acquitted of an offence are not to be tried for the same
offence again Explain with reference to relevant provisions of Code of criminal
27. Explain:(i)
28. What is meant by compoundable offence? What are its legal effects? Can a
prosecution may be withdrawn? What is the procedure regarding it?
29. Discuss in brief the provisions of Code of Criminal procedure relating to the persons
of unsound mind.
30. When can a court issue the processes to compel the production of things? Discuss in
31. What do you mean by trial? How many types of trials can be held under Cr.p.c?
32. What is the difference between Investigation and Trial?
33. Explain the trial before a Court of Session.
34. Laid down the procedure of trial of warrant cases by Magistrates.
35. Explain Summon trial by magistrate.
36. Distinguish between Warrant trial and Summon trial.
37. What do you mean by Summary Trial? Explain the procedure of it.
38. State the provisions relating to Judgment.
39. Explain the provisions relating to submission of death sentences for confirmation.
40. Write the provisions relating to Execution, suspension, remission and commutation of
41. State the provisions relating to Appeals in Cr. P.C.
42. State the meaning of reference and procedure relating to it in Cr.p.c.
43. State the meaning of revision and procedure relating to it in Cr.p.c.
44. What is the difference between Reference and Revision?
45. Can a criminal case be transferred from one court to another?
46. State the provisions related to transfer of cases.
47. What do you mean by irregular proceedings? State the consequences of it.
48. Describe the limitation period under criminal procedure code for taking cognizance of
49. Explain in detail the provisions related to maintenance of wives, children and parents
under criminal procedure code.
50. Explain the provisions related to maintenance of wives, children and parents under
criminal procedure code in the light of Shahbano Case.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 405: Family Law II
1. Define Joint Hindu family and distinguish it from Company.
2. What are the essential features of Mitakshara coparcenary family?
3. Define Dayabhaga Coparcenary Family.
4. Define and distinguish Coparcenary and Self Acquired Property.
5. What are the rights of a Coparcener in a family governed by the Mitakshara school of
6. Distinguish Apratibandhit Daya and Sapratibandh Daya.
7. Write a short note on Survivorship.
8. Who is Karta? Discuss his position in Joint Family.
9. Discuss the powers of Karta to alienate Joint family property under Mitakshara law.
10. Write a short note on doctrine of pious obligation and antecedent debt.
11. What constitutes a partition in respect of Mitakshara Joint Family and its property?
12. What are the various ways in which a partition of Mitakshara Joint Hindu Family
property may be affected?
13. In a partition which properties are liable to partition?
14. State the difference between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga partition.
15. Who can enforce partition? Who are the persons entitled to share on partition?
16. What are the rules of partition under Mitakshara Law?
17. What is meant by Partial Partition?
18. Can a minor coparcener enforce partition?
19. Can an after born son ask for reopening of Partition?
20. Write a short note on; Reopening and Reunion of Partition.
21. There are two systems of inheritance amongst the Hindus. Discuss those systems.
22. Give a classification of heirs of a Mitakshara male Hindu with preference in
23. Inheritance is never in abeyance Comment.
24. Pointing out the significance of Hindu Succession Act, 1956. State the principal
changes made by the Act in the pre existing law.
25. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 has made serious changes in roads on the
Mitakshara principle of survivorship. Discuss.
26. What are the general rules of succession in case of death of an intestate Hindu?
27. How the property of a Male Hindu is distributed among the class-I heirs of the
28. State the order of succession among agnates and cognates.
29. Critically examine the provisions of Hindu succession Act,1956 relating to devolution
of a Hindu Females property on her death.
30. Write a short note on the right of property of a female Hindu under section 14 of the
Hindu Succession Act,1956
31. Describe the various classes of heirs under Sunni Law.
32. Explain the order in which heirs are entitled to take their respective shares under
Sunni law of inheritance.
33. Discuss the general rules for ascertaining the shares of sharers.
34. Discuss the general principles of Inheritance under Muslim Law.
35. Explain the doctrine of Aul and Radd in context of inheritance of Muslims.
36. Enumerate the various classes of heirs recognized under the Hanafi law. Distribute
the property of a Hanafi Muslim who dies leaving his father, widow, sons and a
37. Who are the sharers and residuaries under Sunni Law? Give the list of these heirs.
38. Explain the doctrine of Increase. When this doctrine is applied in the law of
39. Explain the difference between Shea law and Sunni law regarding law of inheritance.
41. What do you mean by Endowments?
42. Define the mode of creating the Endowments.
43. Describe the kinds and essentials of creation of
44. Describe the meaning of Math and powers and obligation of Mahant and Shefait.
45. What do you mean by Waqf? Define the essentials of creating a waqf.
46. Define the various kinds of Waqf and also state the characteristics of it.
47. Explain the rights and duties of a Muttavalli.
48. Explain the various methods of creation of Waqf with the help of relevant case laws.
49. Explain the doctrine of cypress in relation to wakf.
50. State the law of wakf-al-aulad. How has it been affected by the Walkf Validating
Act? Give a critical note on the development of Wakf law as culminated in Abdul
Fata v/s Russomoy Dhur Choudhary (1894[22 IA] 76) and Walkf Acts.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 406: Corporate Law-II
1. Must a limited company under the companies Act have directors?
2. What are the qualifications of a director?
3. When is a person disqualified for appointment as a director of a company?
4. Briefly state the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, regarding the mode of
appointment of the directors of a Company.
5. When is an office of Director of a Public Company deemed to be vacated?
6. Directors are not only agents but also in some sense trustees of the Company.
7. State how the managing director of a Public limited Company is appointed and what
his duties are?
8. Can a managing director act before obtaining the approval?
9. Briefly state the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, regarding the mode of
appointment of the Company Secretary.
10. Explain the role of a Company Secretary in a Company.
11. What are the different kinds of meetings of the shareholders of a Company? When
and how these meetings held?
12. What is statutory meeting? What is statutory report and what are its contents?
13. What are the Statutory provisions regarding the holding of an Annual general
Meeting. What business is transacted at such a meeting?
14. The AGM alone is the Companys primary organ and Directors are merely the
companys agents or servants at all the time subservient to the general meeting of a
Company on requisition?
15. Can the directors of a Company postpone the holding of its annual general meeting
beyond the statutory time limit on the ground that the annual accounts are not ready?
16. What do you understand by a Quorum? Must a quorum be present through out a
meeting? What is the procedure if a Quorum is never formed?
17. What are the requisites of a valid meeting?
18. What do you understand by a Proxy? What are the statutory provisions regarding
19. What are the various Kinds of Motions?
20. Describe the kinds and proceedings of Resolutions.
21. The will of Majority must prevail is the principle of Company Management. Are
there any exceptions to this rule?
22. A proper balance of the rights of the majority and minority shareholders is essential
for smooth functioning of a Company. Why?
23. What are the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for the prevention of oppression
of the minority shareholders and mismanagement of a Company?
24. What remedies are available to the minority shareholders of a Company against
oppression and mismanagement?
25. Majority will have its way but the minority must be allowed to have its say. Discuss
this proposition.
26. What are the powers given to the tribunal and the Central government by the
Companies Act, 1956 against prevention of oppression and mismanagement?
27. Who may apply for relief to the Company Law tribunal?
28. What do you mean by Corporate Social responsibility?
29. Describe the emerging trends in Corporate Social responsibility.
30. Write a short note on significance of Corporate Social responsibility.
31. What do you mean by the term Compromises and Arrangement?
32. How can a company make a compromise or arrangement with its members or
creditors without going into liquidation?
33. Set out briefly the methods by which the reconstruction of a company can be carried
34. What do you mean by the Amalgamation? State the difference between
Amalgamation and Merger.
35. How may the Amalgamation of a company with another company be able to be
carried out?
36. State the powers of central Government to provide for the amalgamation of
companies in the public interest.
37. Explain the provisions of compromise during the Winding up of a Company?
38. Explain the provisions of compromise when a company is a going concern.
39. Define the powers of court during reconstruction of Company.
40. Explain about acquisition of shares of dissenting shareholders during reconstruction
of company.
41. What do you mean by the winding up of a Company?
42. What are the different modes of winding up?
43. When can a company be wound up by the court? Who are the persons entitled to
present a petition for the winding up of a company by the court?
44. Under what circumstances will the court order a compulsory winding up of a
company? What is the effect of a winding up order?
45. Explain the various consequences of winding up of a Company.
46. Define provisions about the voluntary winding up by the creditors.
47. Explain various types of voluntary winding up of a Company.
48. What is the difference between Members voluntary winding up and Creditors
voluntary winding up.
49. Discuss the meaning of Contributories and provisions regarding them.
50. What do you mean by Liquidators?
Political Science- V (International
Quantitative Methods for
Jurisprudence- I
Administrative Law
Constitutional Law-I
Moot Court*/Tutorial/Practical
(Non- Credit)
Sub Total
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions and Court Visits
and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of Moot Court and Court
Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
Question Bank
BALLB 501: Political Science- V (International Relations)
Unit 1
1 What is cold war . Discuss its origin in the world after second world war?
2How did cold war shaped the foreign policy of newly independent nations?
3 How has cold war nuclear rised the planet, discuss ?
4 What is post cold war global order , discuss ?
5 After post cold war global order , the dominance of united states has made the world polity
unilateral ,Discuss?
6 What is non-alignment . explain its meaning , characteristics and causes?
7 Has non-alignment moment successeded in its objectives ? explain?
8 Describe the nature of polity & international relations in the post cold war era?
9 Write essential features of non-alignment?
Unit 2
1 Explain the concept of decolonization?
2 How Asian countries been able to get rid of cultural colonization properly?
3 Write an essay on the concept of new colonism?
4 Has balance of power as foreign policy choice aggravated the regional piece indifferent
reign of the world?
5 Does American intervention in the indopak relation disturbed the delicate balance of
power ?
Unit 3
1Give nature ,objectives and determinants of foreign policy ?
2 Write principles of India's foreign policy?
3 Write an essay on India's relations with USA ?
4 Write an essay on India's relations with Russia ?
5 Write an essay on India's relations with its neighbours?
6 Write a short note on Indias foreign policy ?
Unit 4
1 What is regional organizations? Briefly explain?
2 Give impact & importance of regional organization?
3 Write short note onA Asian
4 Describe the role of OPEC in deciding the price of crude oil?
5 Write an essay on EU Has it been able to integrate the non Christian country?
6 What is the role of NAFTA in promoting trade and piece?
7.The very sensitivity of SAARC is being affected by indo- pak relations, Discuss?
Unit 5
1.What were the main causes which laid for submit for Breton woods conference.
2.What were the main objectives of calling conference at Breton woods?
3.Write a detailed note on any one of the institution which was formed after breton woods
4.Give a brief account of reasons which laid to organizing Breton woods conference.
5.What were the main reasons which the charter of ITO was not ratified, Discuss?
Question Bank
BBALLB 501: Quantitative Methods for Managers
Q 1 . Define Operation Research and explain briefly its application.
Q 2 . Describe in brief some of the important quantitative techniques used in modern
business and industrial units.
Q 3. . Operation Research and quantitative technique are the basis of decision making. Justify
the statement.
Q 4. State the three different types of matrix algebra. Describe the properties of matrix
Q5. Find the inverse of the matrix
Q 8. If A =
6 4
0 2
7 1
Find A X B.
Q 9. The following matrix gives the unit of materials and units of labour required to produce
3 types of bike, Bajaj C T 100 , Bajaj Pulsar , and bajaj discover.
CT 100
Units of Material
Units of labour
If in this month production cost for each unit of material is 2000 Rs and the cost of each
unit of labour is Rs 3000. What is the total cost to manufacture the C T 100 , Pulsar and
Q10. If A=
4 -1
Q 18. Z = 20 X1 + 10 X2
Subject to constraints :
X1 + 2 X2 40
3 X1 + X2 30
4 X1 + 3 X2 60
X1 , X2 0
Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Q 19. Find the Maximum value of
Z = 3 X1 + 4 X2
Subject to constraints :
X1 - X2 -1
- X1 + X2
X1 , X2 0
Solve the following LPP by graphical method.
Q20. Write short notes on(i)
No-feasible solution
Unrestricted Variable
Unbounded Solution
Multiple Optimal Solution
Q21. Explain in brief the methods of Transportation with examples.
Q22. Give the similarities and difference between Transportation and Assignment problems.
Q23. Solve the following transportation problems:
Ware houses
Solve the following transportation problem:
To W1
Requirement 13
Find the allocation of above problem and test for the optimality for minimum cost.
Q26. Solve the following Assignment problems.
Q28. Four different airplanes are to be assigned to handle three cargo consignments with a
view to maximize profit. The profit matrix is as follows (in thousands of rupees):
Q29. Four Operator O1, O2, O3 and O4 are available to a manager who has jobs J1, J2, J3
and J4 to assign to these four operators. Given the time needed by different operators to
perform different jobs in the matrix given below:
a. How should the manager assign the jobs so that total time needed for all the jobs is minimum.
b. If Job J2 is not to be assigned to operator O2, what should be the revised assignment and how
much additional time will be required?
Q31. Explain the following(i) Two person zero sum games.
(ii) Strategy
(iii) Law of Dominance
(iv) Algebraic method to solve 2x2 game.
Player B
Q44. Explain the various quantitative methods which are useful for decision making under
Q45. A farm house owner is considering of drilling a farm well. In the past only 70% of well
drilled were successful at 200 feet of depth in that area. If there is no water at 200 feet, some
person drilled it upto 250 feet but 20 percent stuck water at 250 feet. the prevailing cost of
drilling is RS 50 per feet, the farm owner estimated that in case he does not have his on well,
he will have to pay Rs 15000 over the next 10 years (in present value terms)to buy water
from his neighbor. Determine the farm owners strategy using decision tree approach.
Q46. An organization has two packaging machines: old and new. The new machine is more
efficient if the materials are of good quality; on the other hand the old machine performs
better if the materials are of poor quality. The following information is available:
(i) In the previous batches 80% of the materials have been of good quality and 20% of poor
(ii) The profit position is as under;
Using old machine:
If the materials are good Profit of Rs. 2,000
If the materials are poor Profit of Rs 1,600
Using new machine:
Q48. A retailer purchases cherries every morning at Rs. 50 a case and sells then for Rs. 80 a
case. Any case remaining unsold at the end of the day can be disposed of next day at a
salvage value of Rs 20 per case(thereafter they have no value). Past sales have ranged from
15 to 18 cases per day. The following is the record of sales for the past 120 days.
Cases Sold:
Number of days:
Find out best act under(i) All the method of decision making under uncertainity
(ii) If the probability of S1=0.1, S2=0.7 and S3=0.2 Calculate EMV and EVPI.
Give the recommended decision for the decision criterion listed below:
(i) Maximax
(ii) Maximin
(iii) Minimax Regret
(iv) Laplace Criterion.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 502: Jurisprudence-I
1. Define the term Law in detail?
2. In what sense is law used? How is it classified?
3. How has Salmond classified law into various categories? Discuss
4. Discuss in detail the various categories of classification of law.
5. What is meant by the terms of laws, Civil Law, Positive Law and Municipal
6. Write Short notes on:
(a) Martial Laws and Military Law, (b) Constitutional Law and Administration Law,
(c) General Law and Special Law, (d) Substantive Law and Procedural Law, (e) Civil
Law and Criminal Law, (f) Public and Private Law
7. Discuss the purpose and function of law.
8. What are the purposes and functions of law? Explain it in detail
9. What are advantages and disadvantages of law? Explain it in detail
10. Distinguish between:a. Public and Private Law
b. Substantive and Procedural Law
c. Municipal and International Law
11. What do you understand by the expression Sources of Law? What are the different
sources of Law?
12. What is Precedent? Point out its characteristic features?
13. What is the doctrine of Ratio Decidendi? Distinguish between Ratio Decedent and
Obiter Dicta?
14. What are the rules regarding the application of Precedents in English Law as
suggested by Allen?
15. Comment on the following: Judicial decisions may make law, but they cannot alter
16. How far is it true to say that Judges make law.?
17. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of precedent as a source of law.
18. Discuss in the light of contribution of the judges in enactment of statutory
19. What were the reasons for the acceptance of customary law? Discuss
20. Give a definition of custom. Discuss its kinds and main features.
21.Discuss the classification of legal duties. How are they different from legal duties.
22.Differentiate between Positive and Negative Duties.
23.Bring out the difference between Primary and Secondary Duties.
24.What are legal Rights? Explain the theories of Legal Rights.
25.What are the essential elements of legal rights?
26.What is ownership? How had Austin defined ownership? Why was he criticized for it?
27.Write an essay on different kinds of ownership.
28.What is nature of Possession? Explain the kinds and elements of Possession.
29.Explain the meaning of property. Discuss the theories of property.
30.Discuss the origin of the concept of legal personality.
31Write a short note on Separation of Powers/Balance of Powers/Division of Power.
32What was the Montesquieu tripartite system regarding Separation of Power?
Explain it in short.
33Write a short note on comparison of Montesquieu Tripartite System with Fusion of
34Write a short note on Montesquieu Tripartite System.
35Which are the three organs (bodies) of division of governmental powers? Describe the
same in detail.
36What do you mean by the term Legal System? Describe it in detail.
37Explain in short the components of Indian Legal System with special reference to
distinction between the role of parliament and administrative authority.
38What are the various Components of Indian Legal System? Describe it in detail.
39Enumerate the various Components of Indian Legal System.
40Explain it in detail the various Components of Indian Legal System.
41What do you mean by legal research? Describe in short the objectives of legal
42 Describe in short the importance of legal research?
21. Describe in short the Methods and Technique of Legal Research?
43Enumerate the various Methods and Technique of the Legal Research? Describe it in
44Write a short note on Observation Method/Technique along with advantages and
disadvantages of observation method.
45Write a short note on Interview Method. Explain various types of interview. Write
advantages and disadvantages of Face-to-Face interview.
46What do you mean by Telephone Interview. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of telephone interviewing?
47Explain in detail the Questionnaire technique of Data Collection. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of Mailed Questionnaires?
48 Which are the materials available in Law Library? Explain it in detail.
49 Explain the Mode of Citation used in Legal Research.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 503: Administrative Law
1. Define Administrative law and give its scope.
2. Discuss the reason for the growth of Administrative law.
3. Explain the sources of Administrative Law.
4. Administrative law provides a useful system for control of Arbitrary powers of
Administrative officers
5. Explain Droit Administrative.
6. Explain the principle of Rule of Law and discuss its contribution to modern Administrative
7. The Indian Constitution has not indeed recognized the Doctrine of separation of powers in
its absolute rigidity but the functions of the different branches of the government has been
differentiated sufficiently. Discuss.
8. Write a Critical note on Diceys concept of Rule of Law.
9. Administrative law is a part of Constitutional law. it has become an Independent branch of
study only recently. Discuss
10. Define and explain the term Administrative law.
Unit II
11.What do you mean by Delegated legislation?
12. Trace out the History of Delegated legislation in India.
13. Distinguish between Delegated Legislation and conditional legislation.
14. Describe the various types of Delegated Legislation.
15. What are the functions which cannot be delegated under Impermissible Delegation.
16. What is permissible Delegation. Enumerate the functions which can be delegated.
17. How is Delegated legislation control.
18. Describe the procedural safeguards against Delegated Legislation.
19. Discuss the Judicial control on Delegated Legislation in India.
20. Discuss the Doctrine of Ultra Vires as Judicial control over Delegated Legislation.
Unit III
21. What are the reasons for the growth of Administrative adjudication?
22. What is the nature of Administrative Tribunals?
23. Describe the scope of Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985.
24. What are the qualification and procedure for the appointment of Chairman and vice
chairman of Administrative tribunal.
25.The doctrine of Audi Alteram Partem or the right to hearing has statutory recognized in
India. Discuss.
26. What do you mean by Doctrine of Res Judicata? Does the doctrine applies to Tribunal
27. What is post decisional hearing? why was it propounded?
28. What are the principles of Natural Justice against whom the Principle of Natural justice
can be enforced?
29. All courts are Tribunals but all Tribunals are not court. Explain the statement.
30. What is the principle of Double Jeopardy?
31. What are the principles of Judicial control over administrative acts in India?
32. What is the scope of the Article 226 of the Indian Constitution regarding the power of
High courts to control the Administrative acts. it is said that High courts assumes very
wide powers under it . discuss.
33. Who are entitled to get the remedy through writ.
34. Can the relief under Art 226 barred by the statute? Discuss.
35. What are the general grounds upon which the relief under art 226 can be provided?
35. Discuss in short the theories about the origin of the writ of Habeas corpus.
36. What are the circumstances in which the writ of Habeas Corpus does not lie?
37. Define the writ of Certiorari. what is the nature of the writ of Certiorari?
38. What is the general principles related to mandamus to enforce the public duties.
39. Define and discuss the nature of the writ of Prohibition.
Unit V
1. What do you mean by equitable remedies? do they provide adequate check on
administrative discretion?
2. What do you mean by Administrative instructions and directions?
3. Distinguish between Judicial and Quasi Judicial.
4. Write notes on : Administrative tribunal
Employees Insurance Court
Income tax Appellate Tribunals
5. What do you understand by Judicial Review?
6. What do you mean by Reasoned Decision?
7. What are the core principles of Obiter -Dicta?
8. Write a note on Locus Standi.
9. What do you mean by Doctrine of Estoppel?
10 What do you mean by Doctrine of Substantive notification?
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 504: Labour and Industrial Law I
1. Shed light on the history of trade unionism in India.
2. Define trade union. How has it strengthened the position of workers in the industry?
3. What is trade dispute? How modern trade disputes are tackled?
4. What is the procedure for the registration of trade unions?
5. Explain the powers and duties of a Registrar.
6. What is political fund? How is it different from General fund?
7. Explain the procedure by which the office beareres are disquilied.
8. How trade unions are recognised?
9. Write an essay on the concept of Collective bargaining.
10. What civil and criminal immunities are available to registered trade union?
1. What are standing orders? Dwell on its nature and concept.
Write an essay on the scope of Industrial Employment (standing Orders) Act, 1946.
8. How has national tribunal further helped in the resolution of industrial disputes?
9. Is interaction between worker and employer proper in modern times so that
unwarranted friction could be avoided?
10. At times it has been seen an individual dispute aggravates into larger conflict.
Unit- IV
1. What are unfair labour practices? How has it damaged the relationship between
employer and employee?
2. What are the mechanisms to control unfair labour practices?
3. What is appropriate government under Industrial Dispute Act? Comment
4. Explain in detail the powers of appropriate government.
5. At times it has been observed that under the garb of intervention the government has
stifled the growth of industry. Comment
6. Write an essay on Retrenchment.
7. What is the difference between Lay-off and retrenchment? Explain
8. Unfair labour practices is the root cause of simmering industrial dispute. Comment
9. Dwell on the mechanism by which appropriate uses its powers.
10. What are the penalties for illegal strikes?
1. Dwell on the concept of Strike and its various types.
2. What is the difference between Bandh and Lockout?
3. What is Gherao? How does it differ from Lockout?
4. Explain penalties for illegal strikes and Lock-outs.
5. What is the status of wages during strikes and Lock-out?
6. Is there any justification for strikes? What is the apex courts take on it.
7. What are condition precedents for retrenchment?
8. Write an essay on Disciplinary action and Domestic enquiry.
9. What is the procedure for re-employment of retrenched workmen?
10. Dwell on special provisions relating to closure in certain establishments.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 505: Code of Civil Procedure I
1. What do you mean by Decree?
2. Define the essential element of a Decree.
3. What do you mean by Mesne-profit? Discuss the principles of its measurement.
4. What is the difference between Decree and Order?
5. What is the meaning of Legal Representation?
6. What do you mean by Res-subjudice? Discuss its essential elements.
7. What is the object of res-judicata. State the relevant provision of section 11 of the
8. What are the provisions of C.P.C. which prevents multiplicity of suits in respect of
the same cause of section?
9. Write short note on the following:
a. Constructive res-judicata
b. Res-judicata between co-defendents
c. Res-judicata between co-plaintiffs
d. Res-judicata and Minors
10. Distinguish the following:
a. Res-judicata and Estoppel
b. Res-judicata and Res-subjudice
11. What do you mean by jurisdiction of a Court? State the various kinds of Jurisdiction.
12. Courts to try all civil suits unless barred. Comment the said statement.
13. Whether a suit filed relating to religious office, is a civil nature suit?
14. How is a suit instituted in a Court?
15. State the essential particulars which a plaint must contain.
16. State the circumstances where the plaint is rejected and returned.
17. What do you mean by legal set off and equitable set off? What are the difference
between two?
18. What do you mean by Pleading and state its rules in brief. Explain when the court
permits or does not permits the amendment in the pleadings.
19. When a suit may be rejected in the relation to appearing and non appearing of the
parties and what remedies are available for such parties?
20. Write short notes on following:
a. Discovery by interrogatories
b. Awarding ex-pate decree and set aside
c. Difference between set off and counter claim
d. Framing of issues
e. First hearing
21. What are the rules about the place of suing for the recovery of movable and
immovable property?
22. What will be the place of suing for compensation on breach of Contract?
23. What is the place of suing in case of tort?
24. What will be the place of suing in case of copyright infringement and for mesne
25. State the provisions regarding transfer of suits and withdrawal of suits.
26. Whether the Supreme Court has empowered in for transfer and withdrawal of Suits?
27. What do you mean by joinder, non joinder, mis joinder and multiplicity of suits and
what are their effects?
28. Under what circumstances representative suit is filed and what procedure is adopted
for such suits?
29. What is meant by Restitution? State in brief the provisions of the CPC in this regard.
30. What do you mean by inherent powers of the Court?
31. State in brief the powers of the court for issuing a Commission.
32. Can a high court or foreign court issue a Commission?
33. What are the supplement proceeding in CPC?
34. What is meant by Temporary Injunction?
35. State the cases where the court issues temporary injunction.
36. What will be the effects of violation of temporary injunction?
37. When is a receiver appointed by the court in any case?
38. State the powers and duties of Receiver. In which circumstances can a receiver be
39. Write brief notes on following:
a. Arrest before Judgment
b. Attachment before Judgment
c. Interlocutory Order
40. State the CPCs provisions regarding security of costs.
41. Describe the procedure adopted in a suit filed by or against the Government.
42. State the procedure of suit against foreign ruler, Ambassadors and Envoys.
43. State the procedure of suits by or against Military or Naval.
44. How a suit by or against the minor and persons of unsound mind may be filed?
45. State the powers of suit representative or next friend and guardian ad litem.
46. What do you mean by indigent persons?
47. How is a suit filed against or by such persons?
48. In which cases the court applies the summary procedure? What is the procedure of it?
49. What is meant by Inter pleader suit? Where will such suit be filed?
50. State the provisions of CPC relating to filling a suit of public nuisance and other
wrongful acts affecting the public.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 506: Constitutional Law-I
Unit I
Q1. What is meant by constitutional Law?
Q2. What is the difference between a Unitary and Federal constitution?
Q3. What are the essential characteristics of a Federal Constitution?
Q4. Write salient features of Indian Constitution.
Q5. Explain the term Rule of Law as propounded by Dicey in context or Constitution law?
Q6. What is the concept of separation of Powers and how it is implied in the Indian
Q7. Explain the Indian Constitution as the lengthiest Constitution of the world?
Q8. What are the main sources of Indian Constitution?
Q9. Explain the term secularism in context of Indian Constitution?
Q10. How preamble is the basic structure of the constitution?
Unit II
Q1. Explain the doctrine of Pith and Substance.
Q2. Explain the doctrine of Harmonious construction.
Q3. What is meant by Double Jeopardy?
Q4. Explain the doctrine of Territorial Nexus.
Q5. How the powers have been distributed between Centre and State?
Q6. Explain the distribution of Financial powers between Centre and State?
Q7. What is the base of Distribution of Power under Indian Constitution?
Q8. How the Administrative powers are distributed between Centre and State?
Q9. Explain the doctrine of Repugnancy.
Q10. What are the various Lists/entries which are the base for subject matter distribution?
Unit III
Q1. Explain the various organs of the Indian Constitution.
Q2. Write a comment on Parliamentary Sovereignty.
Q3. What is Anti Defection Law?
Q4. What are the Responsibility of Cabinet?
Q5. What are various priviledges which the Parliament enjoys?
Q6. Do emergency provisions modify the Federal character of the Indian Constitution ?
Q7. Explain the dependency of executive, judiciary and Legislature on each other.
Q8. Explain the Supremacy of Constitution over the Parliament?
Q9. Explain the Rule propounded in the case of R.K Dalmia v. Justice Tendulkar?
Q10. Explain the precedent propounded in the case of Indira Gandhi v. Raj Narayan.
Unit IV
Q1. What are the various Constitutional Organs?
Q2. What do you understand by Independency of the Judiciary?
Q3. What do you mean by Public Interest Litigation?
Q3. Explain the doctrine propounded in the case of Keshwanand Bharti v. State of Kerala?
Q4. What do you mean by Judicial Review under Constitution of India?
Q5. What is the doctrine of Political Question?
Q6. What is the Jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Court of India?
Q7. Explain the case of Ram jawaya Kapur v. State of Punjab?
Q8. Edxplain the principles propounded in the case of Minerva Mills v. Union of India?
Q9. Explain the case of G. Vishvanathan v. Speaker T.N. Assembly?
Q10. Can there be Judicial Review of any Economic Policy?
Unit V
Q1. What are important amendments made in Indian Constition after its Inception?
Q2. What is the importance of Article 32 and 226 of Indian Constitution?
Q3. What do you mean by Doctrine of Basic Structure?
Q4. Which part is considered as the basic structure of Indian Constitution?
Q5. Explain the Preamble of Indian Constitution ?
Q6. Can there be a amendment in the basic structure of Constitution?
Q7. Explain the case of P.V Narsimha Rao v. State?
Q8. Explain the principles laid down in the case pfRoop Ashok Hurrah v. Ashok Hurrah?
Q9. Explain the rules laid down in TirupathiBalaji Developers v. State of Bihar?
Q10. What is the test of Reasonableness under Indian Constitution?
Code No.
Organizational Behavior
Jurisprudence- II
Law of Evidence
Constitutional Law-II
Moot Court*/Tutorial/Practical
(Non- Credit)
Sub Total
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions and Court Visits
and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of Moot Court and Court
Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
** At the end of 3rd year of the program, Students shall undergo summer training (during
summer vacations) either with a corporate or a Law Firm. They will have to submit a Report
of the same and the marks will be awarded in 10th Semester.
Question Bank
BALLB 601: Political Science- VI (Comparative Constitutions)
1 Write sources , conventions and salient features of constitution of the United Kingdom?
2 Write powers of Monarchy?
3 Write present position of Monarchy?
4 Give important functions of the Parliament?
5 Write an essay on organization of parliament?
6 Write any 5 similarities between British judicial system and Indian judicial system?
7 Write any 6 differences between Indian judicial system and British judicial system?
8 Write an essay on major political parties?
Unit 2
1 Give 8 salient features of constitution of the United states of America?
2 Write the process of election of president?
3Describe the Powers of President?
4 Write an essay on organization of congress ?
5 Write the functions of Congress?
6 Write an essay on American supreme court?
7 Give Judicial review in about of American supreme court?
8 Write an essay on the theory of separation of powers?
Unit 3
1 Write the general features of Constitution of Switzerland?
2 Write an essay on federal council of the swiss plural executive?
3 Write an essay on the swiss federal legislature?
4 Write an essay on the swiss federal tribunal ?
5 Write an essay on direct democracy in switzerland?
6 What are the general features of constitution of Switzerland
7 Discuss the silent features of federal council of switzerland.
8 Discuss the concept of direct democracy of switzerland.
9 Enumerate the role of swiss federal tribunal in strengthening democracy in switzerland.
Unit 4
1 Give the general features of constitution of the people's republic of France.
2 Write the powers of the President in French execution.
3 Write the functions of the President in French execution.
4 Write down an essay about french Prime Minister.
5 Write an essay on cabinet of France.
6 Write the functions of french parliament
7 Write the composition about french parliament.
8 Write an essay on supreme court of France.
9 Give the powers of supreme court of France.
Unit 5
1 Write the powers of king in Japan.
2 Write an essay on Diet in constitution of Japan
3 Write the powers of Prime minister's in Japan.
4 Write an essay on judiciary in Japan.
5 How different Diet is from Indian Parliament in composition.
6 What is the constitutional position of the king in Japan.
7 Enumerate the position and powers of prime minister of Japan in the constitutional
8 Discuss the scope and powers of Diet as far as legislative capacity.
9 Has the constitutional of Japan provided for an independent judiciary?
Question Bank
BBALLB 601: Organizational Behavior
l. Define Organisational Behaviour. State its importance and scope.
2. Define management. Explain various functions of management.
3. Elaborate the contributions put forth by F.W. Taylor & Henry Fayol towards evolution of
management thoughts.
4. Explain the nature, importance & purpose of planning.
5. What is scientific management? How Hawthorne studies helps to understand work
6. Describe the applications of models in Organisational Behavior
7. What are dependable variables in an organization? Explain Organisational citizenship
8. Discuss Henri Fayol's contributions to organizational theory.
9. What are the organizational challenges present in Indian scenario?
10. Explain the various disciplines contributing to Organisation Behaviour
11. Explain the meaning of personality. What are the determinants of personality?
12. What are the Big Five Traits of personality?
13. What are the Eriksons Stages of personality development?
14. Define the term perception and explain perception process
15. What is Attribution Theory of perception? Define its application in OB.
16. Define Attitude and explain its various components.
17. What is Job Satisfaction? What is its relationship with productivity, absenteeism,
turnover and accidents?
18. Contrast Classical Conditioning and Operant conditioning Theories of Learning.
19. What is reinforcement? What are the four schedules of reinforcement?
20. Explain Social Learning Theory with reference to your Role Model.
21. Define motivation. Elaborate A. H. Maslows hierarchy theory of motivation.
22. Write a note on Equity Theory of Motivation.
23. What is group cohesiveness?
24. Contrast the Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory and Herzbergs Two Factor Theory of
25. Discuss merits and demerits of formal and informal group
26. Distinguish clearly between intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. Quote an example.
How does it deteriorate team work in the organisation.
27. Distinguish traditional Vs modern view of conflict. How is conflict resolved?
28. Explain the theory of transactional Analysis. Discuss ego states affecting the transactions
within an organisation.
29. Define leadership. Explain the styles of leadership
30. Leaders are born & not made. Discuss.
31. Define Organisation and discuss its components.
32. Discuss the key factors on the design dimensions.
33. What is the difference between Mechanistic and organic organization structures?
34. What is the Bureaucratic approach to organization? Why is it receiving bad results?
35. Explain the various forms of organisation structure
36. Explain centralizing and decentralising authority in hierarchy
37. What is the advantage of Matrix structure?
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 602: Jurisprudence - II
1. What is meant by Jurisprudence? give some definitions of jurisprudence in support of
your answer.
2. How is jurisprudence related with other social sciences? Discuss.
3. What are the different schools of jurisprudence? discuss the utility of such schools.
4. Discuss the analytical theory of law. who are the main jurists belonging to that
5. Discuss the imperative theory of law as propounded by Austin.
6. Discuss the main features of historical school. who are the main jurists belonging to
this school?
7. Discuss the contribution of Sevigne as propounded of Historical school.
8. Discuss Maines views on development of law.
9. Discuss Sociological school. Is it modern approach to law?
10. Discuss the scope of Jurisprudence.
11. Discuss the doctrine of Social Engineering.
12. Discuss the role of Roscoe pound in developing the sociological jurisprudence.
13. Discuss the natural law theory.
14. What is Realism? Is it a movement?
15. Distinguish the natural law from others.
16. Define law. what is its Scope?
17. Discuss the Salmonds definition of law?
18. Discuss the Kelsons pure theory of law.
19. Distinguish between Austinians theory of law and Kelsons pure theory of law.
20. Discuss the purpose and function of law. what are the advantages and disadvantages
of law?
21. Define state. what are the salient features of the state?
22. State briefly Duguits theory of the state and examine his view critically.
23. What is meant by Sovereignty? Discuss in brief the Austins contribution.
24. What is meant by the terms of laws, civil laws and positive laws.
25. State Austins classification of law, pointing out the chief contribution.
26. What is the sanction behind law? point out term sanction in support of your answer.
27. What are the chief purposes of criminal justice? discuss the theories of punishment
28. What is the role of Ratio decidendi? distinguish between Ratio decedent and obitor
29. What were the reasons for the acceptance of customary law? discuss.
30. Define the Economic approach to Jurisprudence.
31. What do you mean by Legal realism? discuss.
32. Who are the propounded of Historical jurisprudence? explain their contributions.
33. Explain the juristic concept of Right.
34. Give a definition of custom. Discuss its kinds and main features.
35. How far it is true that Judges make Laws?
36. Discuss the relation between law and morals. is there law in morals and morals in
37. What are the elements of legal Right? is it a legally protected interest?
38. What are the different kinds of legal rights?
39. Discuss the Duguits concept of legal rights.
40. Distinguish between legal and moral rights.
41. What is the classical approach to jurisprudence?
42. What is the role of medieval influences in bringing the modern trends.
43. What are the modern trends in the area of law and jurisprudence.
44. Distinguish between legal and equitable rights.
45. What is the legal nature of right against the state?
46. Distinguish between public and private rights?
47. Define possession and bring out its essentials.
48. Discuss the difference between ownership and possession.
49. Discuss the various theories of Possession.
50. Discuss the contribution of Bentham in jurisprudence.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 603: Law of Evidence
Unit I
Q1. Write in detail the history of law of evidence in India?
Q2. Define law of Evidence and state the function of the law of Evidence in Judicial
Q3. What are the principles and cardinal rules of Law of Evidence?
Q4. Law of Evidence is the Lex Fori which governs the court, critically analyze.
Q5. State a synopsis and scheme of the Indian Evidence Act.
Q6. The rules of Evidence are in general same in civil and criminal proceedings, comment.
Q7. The Indian Evidence act is not a complete code in itself, comment briefly.
Q8. Define Evidence and distinguish between oral and written Evidence.
Q9. Explain various types of evidence giving Illustrations.
Q10. Explain the provision related to Exclusion of oral evidence by documentary evidence.
Unit II
Q1. Define presumption, what do you mean by May Presume, shall presume and
conclusive proof?
Q2. What are the provisions related to Admission ?
Q3. Define the term Admission, who are the persons by whom admissions can be made
distinguished between admission and estoppels?
Q4. Can admissions be proved by or on behalf of the persons making them? If so, is the rule
subject to any exceptions?
Q5. Are admissions made by strangers admissible? If not, are there any exception to this
Q6. Define confession. Under what circumstances the confession is admissible or
Q7. Differentiate between admission and confession.
Q8. State the provisions of Law relating to confessions under Indian Evidence Act.
Q9. Every confession is necessarily a admission but not vice-versa, Discuss.
Q10. What is the difference between Judicial and Extra Judicial confession? Explain the
evidentiary values.
Unit III
Q1. What do you mean by the term Dying declaration.
Q2. state the cases in which statement of relevant fact by a person who is dead or cannot be
found is relevant.
Q3. What are the essential conditions for Dying Declaration.
Q4. In reference to dying declaration, there is a difference between Indian and English law
differs. Explain.
Q5. State briefly the facts and principles in the Pakala Narayan Swami v. Emperor.
Q6. Now a days dying declaration has lost its creditability and authenticity, discuss.
Q7. What are the provisions relating to Experts opinion?
Q8. What do you understand by books of accounts u/s 34 of Indian Evidence Act.
Q9. Are entries in books of account are sufficient alone to charge a person with liability?
Q10. Who is an expert? What is the meaning of expert and value of Expert evidence.
Unit IV
Q1. When are opinions of third person relevant according to Indian Evidence Act?
Q2. Define character evidence, how far it is admissible in civil and criminal cases?
Q3. Differentiate between Oral and Documentary evidence regarding its validity.
Q4. What is public document and private document? Is the certified copy of public
documents admissible?
Q5. Explain the laws relating to presumptions as to documents 30yrs old.
Q6. What is Burden of Proof? on whom the burden of proof lies in suit of proceedings?
Q7. Explain the principle of Estoppels? Explain the difference between Estoppel and Res
Q8. Here-say evidence is no evidence. Explain.
Q9. Explain and illustrate the rule of estoppels as enacted in Indian evidence act.
Q10 discuss the different kinds of estoppels?
Unit V
Q1. Explain the provisions regarding testimony of husband and wife as witnesses.
Q2. What do you mean by Privileged communication? Explain the provisions.
Q3. Who is and accomplice? What is his position and value of his statement?
Q4. Discuss a conviction is not illegal merely because it proceeds on the Uncorroborated
testimony of an accomplice.
Q5. What do you mean by judicial notice? Explain provisions.
Q6. What are the presumptions regarding the Dowry death?
Q7. Mention the provisions regarding the Hostile witness.
Q8. Explain the terms Proved, Disproved and Not proved.
Q9. Explain the provisions regarding the Exclusion of oral evidence by written evidence.
Q10. State what facts need not to be proved by the parties to the legal proceedings.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 604: Labour and Industrial Law-II
Unit I
1. Who is Workman under Workmens compensation Act, 1923?
2. Explain the historical circumstances which led to the codification of Workmens
Compensation Act, 1923.
3. Write an essay on the statutory position of dependant?
4. How has concept of partial and total disablement been tackled by workmens
compensation Act, 1923.
5. Explain the conditions precedent to qualify a person to be regarded as totally
6. Write an essay on the Employers liability for compensation under Workmens
compensation Act, 1923.
7. How an employer can wriggle out of his liability to pay compensation? What can be
done to plug this loophole?
8. What is scope of arising out of and in the course of employment?
9. Write an essay on Doctrine of Notional Extention.
10. Is Workmens Compensation Act, 1923, able to address the growing challenges of
complex industrial environment? What changes could be brought to address them?
1. How the amount of compensation is calculated under workmens compensation Act,
2. Explain the mechanism by which compensation is distributed.
3. What are the procedure before commissioner regarding compensation?
4. How and why an appeal is filed regarding distribution of compensation?
5. Explain the employers liability when workmen is properly engaged.
6. Describe employers liability when workmen is on contract.
7. What is the mechanism to distribute the compensation under Workmens
Compensation Act, 1923?
8. Where an appeal is preferred in case of adequacy of compensation?
Unit- V
1. How has the concepts of Factory, manufacturing process, worker and occupier been
defined under Factories Act, 1948.
2. What are the General duties of occupier under factories Act, 1948.
3. Discuss the working hours of adults. How are they calculated?
4. What do we mean by annual leave with wages? Discuss
5. Are measures enumerated under factories act, 1948 for the health and safety of works
adequate? How they could be further improved?
6. Has factories act been able to tackle the menace of child labour and young person?
7. What are the provisions for the safety and security of women under factories Act,
8. Shed light on the additional provisions regulating employment of women in the
9. Explain the provisions of the Factories Act dealing with the employment of children
in the factories.
10. Has the aims and objectives of the Factories Act been achieved. Discuss
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 605: Code of Civil ProcedureII & Law of Limitation
1. What do you mean by Decree?
2. Define the essential element of a Decree.
3. What are the various kinds of Decree?
4. What is the difference between Decree and Order?
5. How a decree passed in case of dissolution of firm and for getting mesne- profit?
6. Define Judgment and its essentials.
7. Differentiate between Judgment and Decree.
8. When judgment pronounced and what will be the contents of it?
9. Which orders are not included in the definition of Decree?
10. How costs and interest are imposed on the parties for causing delay?
11. By which court a decree may be executed?
12. Give the definition of the court by which a decree may be passed.
13. What are the questions which are to be determined by the court executing decree?
14. What are provisions regarding payment under decree?
15. How an application can be filed for execution?
16. Explain the mode of execution to execute a decree.
17. In what circumstances court may stay execution?
18. When liability of Judgment may be discharged?
19. How a process may be passed for execution?
20. How the decree for payment of money may be executed?
21. When can an appeal be filed against the original decree?
22. Discuss the procedure in the case of appeals to be adopted by the court.
23. What are the various stages of an appeal?
24. Write short note on
a. Second Appeal
b. Appeal against orders
25. When can an appeal be filed in the Supreme Court? State the relevant provisions.
26. In which cases no further appeal lies?
27. Explain the powers of High Court to determine appeals.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 606: Constitutional Law II
Unit I
Q1. What is the concept of State under Indian Constitution?
Q2. What are the criteria for defining the body as State?
Q3. Explain the Article 14 of Indian Constitution?
Q4. Explain the Doctrine of Severability?
Q5. Explain the Doctrine of Waiver?
Q6. Is any part of the Article 14 of the Indian Constitution above the recognition of
exceptions and qualifications on special growth?
Q7. Are the fundamental Rights available against the State?
Q8. Explain the doctrine of Reasonable classification?
Q9. What is the Principle of absence of Arbitrariness?
Q10. How Article 14 is connected with social and economic equality?
Unit II
Q1. Should the requirement of natural justice be satisfied before a man is deprived of life and
personal liberty?
Q2. What are the views of the Supreme court in regard to Prisoners Rights?
Q3. Write a note on freedom of Association or right to assembly with some case references.
Q4. Write a note on Freedom of Trade, business and Profession with cases.
Q5. What are the Reasonable restriction in purport to Article 19.
Q6. Write a note on Freedom to reside and settle with some cases.
Q7. Write a note on freedom of association and reasonable restriction on it.
Q8. Write a brief note on principle propounded in case of Menaka Gandhi v. UOI.
Q9. What is meant by right to privacy? Is any publication concerning the privacy illegal?
Q10. What is meant by freedom of press? Explain with referred cases.
Unit III
Q1. Can the right guaranteed under article 21 of the Indian Constitution be denied to
Q2. Is Right to Die a Fundamental Right under Indian Constitution?
Q3. Is Article 21 of Indian Constitution positive or negative?
Q4. What was the rule propounded in Mohinijain v. State of Karnataka?
Q5. Who is entitled for legal aid?
Q6. What are the rights of an arrested person under other Indian Laws?
Q7. Write a note on Right against exploitation with cases?
Q8. Write a note on Freedom of religion?
Q9. Is two children norm for elective post not violative of article 25 of Indian Constitution?
Q10. What requirements should be satisfied under the preventive detention law?
Unit IV
Q1. What are the remedies available in the Indian Constitution against infringement of
Fundamental rights?
Q2. Write briefly about article 32 of the constitution and its importance.
Q3. What do you mean by term Habeas Corpus, explain the term with decided cases.
Q4. What principles were laid down in Bandhwa Muktimorcha Case.
Q5. What is the difference between Article 32 and 226 of Indian Constitution>
Q6. Write short note on writ of Mandamus.
Q7. Write a short note on writ of Certiorari.
Q8. Write a short note on writ of Prohibition, give examples.
Code No.
Law relating to Intellectual
Property Rights
Gender Justice and Feminist
Law relating to Banking &
Negotiable Instrument
BALLB/BBALLB 704 Law of Property
Sub Total
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions and Court Visits
and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of Moot Court and Court
Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 701: Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights
1. Define Intellectual property. Explain the scope of IPR as expanded by WIPO and
2. Enumerate the salient features of Copyright Act, 1957. What changes have been
incorporated in recent years?
3. Define Copyright. What are the main features of Copyright?
4. Copyright exists in expression of Idea and not in Idea. Explain it with illustrations.
5. What is the criterion for determination of ownership of Copyright?
6. Who is treated as author in various categories of Work?
7. Copyright is a bundle of rights. Describe various rights enjoyed by an owner of the
8. Explain the procedure of registration of Copyright.
9. Write short note on rectification of registration of copyright.
10. Explain the meaning and importance of publication in determining the term of the
11. Enumerate the term of Copyright for various categories of work as provided in
Copyright Act.
12. What are the various modes of transfer of Copyright? Discuss the mode and manner
of assignment of Copyright.
13. Discuss the cases in which compulsory licences may be granted.
14. Who will grant the compulsory licences and when it van be revoked?
15. What do you mean by infringement of copyright? What are the determining factors
for measuring infringement?
16. With the help of decided cases explain the types of infringement in literary, artistic
and cinematographic work.
17. Explain when use of Copyright work of others is not treated as infringement?
18. Define the defences which may be set up by the defendant in a civil suit of
infringement against him?
19. Explain various civil & criminal remedies against infringement of Copyright.
20. What offences and punishment are prescribed in Copyright Act.
21. Discuss the salient features of Patent Act, 1970.
22. Define Patent. What is the object of granting patent?
23. What are the three important requirements of an invention to qualify for patent?
Explain in detail.
24. Discuss the various rights available to Patentee. Are they absolute?
25. Enumerate those categories of inventions which are not patentable.
26. Who can file application for Patent? Discuss the procedure for granting a Patent.
27. What is the term of Patent?
28. What is compulsory licence? Discuss the cases in which compulsory licences may be
29. Describe various modes of transfer of Patent.
30. What do you mean by infringement of Patent? Which acts do not constitute
infringement? Discuss various reliefs available against it.
31. Explain the salient features of Trade Mark Act, 1970.
32. Define Trade Mark. Discuss its essential features by giving illustrations.
33. What purpose is served by trademark? How it is different from property mark.
34. Internet domain names are also entitle to protection as Trademark. Comment.
35. Discuss in detail the procedure for registration of Trademark.
36. Discuss the various rights of a trademark holder. Are there any limitations on those
rights? Explain.
37. Discuss the terms and conditions of assignment and transmission of trademark. Is
registration of assignment compulsory?
38. What do you mean by infringement of Trademark? Which acts do not constitute
infringement? Discuss various reliefs available against it.
39. Explain Passing off action. What is the distinction between Passing off and
40. What are the various categories of offences and their punishment provided under the
Trademarks Act, 1999?
41. Discuss the salient features of design Act, 2000.
42. What is the significance of a design? What are its essential features?
43. Discuss the mode and manner of registration of design under designs Act, 2000.
44. When can the registration of a design be cancelled?
45. What rights are available to the proprietor of design?
46. What do you mean by piracy of copyright in design?
47. What remedies are available against the piracy of copyright in design?
48. Who is entitled to seek registration of design?
49. State the designs which are not registrable under Designs Act, 2000.
50. How can proprietor of Design can protect his rights?
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 702: Gender Justice and Feminist Jurisprudence
Unit I
Q1. Write in detail the comparative status of women in ancient and modern world.
Q2. Write a detail the note on modernisation and status of women.
Q3. Write in detail the principles propounded in the case of SarlaMudgal v. UOI.
Q4. How the preamble of Indian Constitution has given the equal approach to the status of
women and gender justice?
Q5. Explain how article 14 of Indian Constitution is helpful in maintaining equality in gender
Q6. Explain in detail how ancient epics and mythology have described the status of women.
Q7. What is the role of Universal declaration of Human Rights in establishing the dignity of
women all over the world.
Q8. What is the major objective of CEDAW convention 1979?
Q9. Are International conventions helpful in making the Indian Laws for securing the gender
Q10. Explain the rule propounded in the case of Lily Thomas v. UOI.
Unit II
Q1. Write a detail note on Gender justice and Uniform Civil code.
Q2. Mention the provisions relating to inheritance of property to women according to muslim
Q3. Write in detail the provisions relating to succession of property to women according to
Hindi laws.
Q4. Mention the provisions related to Guardianship under Muslim laws.
Q5. Mention the provisions relating to Guardianship under Hindu laws.
Q6. How the gender inequality has been depicted in various personal laws, mention
Q7. Mention the provision relating to women mentioned in the Directive principles of state
Q8. Write a detail note on comparative status of women under various personal laws.
Q9. Describe in detail the concept of Gender justice and how laws are helpful in achieving
Q10. Mention the international instruments specially made for securing gender justice.
Unit III
Q1. Mention in detail the provisions relating to Adultery according to Indian Penal Code and
also explain the position of Indian women according to the provisions.
Q2. Write in detail about the status of women and criminal laws.
Q3. Write in detail about the provisions related to rape and status of women in India.
Q4. Write in detail about the recent amendments in rape provisions made in Indian Penal
Q5. What do you mean by outraging the modesty of women? Mention provisions.
Q6. Explain in detail the case of SheelaBarse v. UOI.
Q7. Explain the salient features of Domestic Violence Act 2005.
Q8. Explain the case of RanjithD. Undeshi v. state of Maharashtra.
Q9. Explain the guidelines mentioned in the case of Vishakha v. state of Rajasthan.
Q10. Esplain the principles propounded in the case of Gaurav Jain v. UOI.
Unit IV
Q1. Explain the provisions relating to Dowry under the Indian Penal Code.
Q2. Write salient features of The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 703: Law Relating to Banking & Negotiable Instrument
Unit I
1. Define the terms banker and customer and bring out the relationship exists
between them.
2. Explain the process of credit creation by commercial banks.
3. Explain the main provisions of the Banking Regulation Act , 1949 and its
management with regard to the regulation of Indian Banking System. Discuss its
effect on the growth of banking in India.
4. What are Regional Rural Banks? Discuss their functions. Also discuss the main
regional rural banks working in India.
5. What are Commercial Banks? Discus their role & functions.
6. Discuss the structure of cooperative banking in India.
7. Explain the objectives, constitution and working of the Reserve Bank of India.
8. Describe the main provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
9. Discuss in detail Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 1995.
10. Discuss the Liability of a Bank under Consumer Protection Act, 1986
11. Discuss in detail Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2002.
12. Explain the principles that guide a banker in granting loans and advances.
13. What are the different forms of a bankers advances ?
14. Explain the progress and problems of priority sector lending.
15. Discuss the rationale of priority sector lending.
16. Discuss special schemes of bank finance to priority sectors.
17. What precautions should a banker take while making advances against fixed deposit
18. Describe the general principles governing secured advances.
19. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of goods as security for bank advances.
Analyse the precautions to be taken in such cases.
20. Examine the advisability of lending by a banker against documents of title to goods.
21. In granting an advance against life policy, what factors you would examine and
precautions you would take ?
22. Discuss the functions of the reserve bank of India.
23. Explain the Credit control policy of the reserve bank of India.
Unit III
Q.1 Why is the Commission proposing a framework for bank recovery and resolution?
Q.2 Why is this (recovery by banks) framework needed?
Q.3 Why are normal insolvency proceedings unsuitable for banks?
Q.4 What are examples of asset recoveries?
Q.5 How long does it usually take to resolve asset recovery cases?
Q.6 What are the Debts recovery tribunals
Q. 7 What aspects are to be taken into consideration by indian Bank while granting license to
a financial institution?
Q. 8 Under what grounds license of Financial lnstitution can be cancelled?
Q. 9 State the provision of Financial lnstitution Act 1993 regarding minimum capital.
Q. 10 What restrictions are there in the Financial lnstitution Act 1993 in regard to opening of
Unit IV
1. Plastic money has replaced paper money. Critically analyze this statement. What are
the limitations of credit cards?
2. Discuss how the credit cards are beneficial to banks, customers & retailers.
3. Discuss how ATM has changed Indian banking scenerio.
4. Explain the various types of risk associated with Internet banking. How they can be
5. Discuss internet banking & smart cards in detail.
6. What is a banking fraud ? What are its essential elements ? what are the reasons for
occurrence of fraud?
7. What are the areas of fraud in banking? Discuss.
8. How can you prevent banking frauds.
9. Discuss the types of saving account & current account frauds in detail.
10. Discuss the legal regime to control banking frauds.
11. Explain the different modes of discharge of liability of parties to a negotiable
Unit V
1. Explain the essentials of valid insurance contract.
2. Does the non compliance of insurance principles lead to the contract becoming void
or voidable? How?
3. Explain how life insurance is different from non life insurance.
4. Explain the feature of life insurance.
5. Explain the stages of life cycle of a person and link it with the calculation of
insurance needs.
6. Define fire insurance. What are the essentials of a fire insurance policy?
7. Define health insurance. Discuss major health insurance issues in India. Also explain
the major reasons to rising health care costs expenditures in India
8. Explain the constitution, functions & powers of IRDA.
9. Explain the features of Motor insurance in detail.
10. Discuss Consumer Protection Act, 1986 in reference to insurance.
11. What do you understand by dishonor? When an instrument be treated as dishonored.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 704: Law of Property
Unit I
1. What is the concept of property? What is the distinction between movable and
immovable property? Discuss and explain with the help of suitable case law or
2. Define movable immovable property. Distinguish between the two by applying the
basic test with the support of suitable examples or relevant case law.
3. What is meant by transfer of property? What is the mode and the test regarding
transfer of suitable examples or relevant case law.
4. Discuss the essential components of the valid transfer of property. Discuss in detail.
5. Define transfer of property as provided in the Transfer of property as provided in the
Transfer of Property Act, 1882.Explain in detail with the help of suitable illustrations.
6. What cannot be transferred as given in section 6 of the Act? Explain in detail with the
help of suitable illustrations.
7. Can a property be transferred directly could be transferred to unborn person.
8. Can a perpetual transfer be made? What is the maximum period for which a transfer
for the benefit of unborn person be delayed? Explain in detail.
9. What is meant by vested interest and the contingent interest? What is the
distinction between the two? Explain with the help of suitable illustration.
10. What is the rule of election? Can a person transfer a property of which he is not the
owner? If yes, what conditions are required to be fulfilled by him? Discuss in detail.
Unit II
1. Can a person confer a better title to the property than possessed by him? If so, discuss
in detail the transfer of property by ostensible owner.
2. Who is ostensible owner of the property? Can he transfer the property validly to the
transferee? If so, discuss the essential conditions which are required to be fulfilled for
a valid transfer of property.
3. What is the rule of feeding the estoppels by grant? Can a transferee recover the
property as a matter of right from the transferor in case of transfer of such property
subsequently to him.
4. Is a person creating estoppel against him by transferring a property of which is not the
If so, has he to feed the estoppels by
5. What is the rule of lis pendens? What conditions are required to be fulfilled for the
application of rule of Lis pendens.
6. What is the object of application of rule of Lis pendens? When it could be applied?
Discuss in detail.
7. What is fraudulent transfer? Is a fraudulent transfer valid? Discuss the essential
components of fraudulent transfer valid? Discuss the essential components of
fraudulent transfer.
8. What is the object of declaring fraudulent transfer to be void? When it could be felt
that the transfer has been made with intention to defeat the interest of the creditors.
Discuss in detail.
9. What is the rule of part performance can operate as a shield and not as a sword.
Discuss in detail the application and utility of the rule of part performance.
10. Rule of past performance can operate as a shield and not as a sword. Discuss in detail
the application and utility of the rule of part performance.
Unit III
1. What is mortgage? Discuss the purpose of creating mortgage. Discuss about the
mortgage. Discuss about the mortgager, mortgagee and mortgagee debt.
2. What is equity of mortgage? How interest of mortgagee be protected? Discuss in
3. Discuss different kind of mortgages as defined in section 58 of the Transfer of
property Act, 1882.
4. Discuss resemblance and distinction among following:(a) Simple mortgage and English mortgage.
(b) Mortgage by condition sale and mortgage by deposit of title deeds.
(c) Anamolous mortgage and usufratuary mortgage.
5. What is the right of redemption of the mortgagor? How it could be exercised by the
6. Discuss the right of redemption and too upon right of redemption and its
7. What is right of preclosure and the right of causing sale of the mortgaged property?
Distinguish between these two rights.
8. In which type of mortgage right of foreclosure and in what other type of mortgage,
right of causing sale of the mortgaged property be exercised? Discuss in detail.
9. What is doctrine of Marshalling? How it could be exercised? What the doctrine of
contribution? Discuss the application of doctrine of contribution.
10. Distinguish between doctrine of marshalling and contribution? Which one will
dominate the ----? Explain.
Unit IV
1. Whit is Gift? Discuss essential ingredients of a valid Gift? Is acceptance by done
essential for the validity of the Gift? Discuss in detail.
2. Define the following:(a) Onerous Gift
(b) Universal Donee
3. Define the term Lease. Discuss essential components of a valid Lease. Explain
various kinds of Leases.
4. What is License? Discuss essential ingredients of a valid License.
5. Distinguish between lease and License with the help of important case law.
6. Discuss rights and liabilities of lessor and lessee.
7. Discuss different modes of determination of a lessee.
8. What is forfeiture and waiver of forfeiture in the case of lease? Discuss in detail.
9. What is actionable claim? Discuss in detail.
10. Explain actionable claim and its transfer.
Unit V
1. Define the term easement. Discuss essential features of easement.
2. What is easement of necessity and quasi easement? Distinguish between these two
types of easements.
3. What is easement by prescription? Discuss the essential conditions to be fulfilled for
acquisition of easement by prescription.
4. Discuss various modes of Extinction, suspension and revival of easementary rights.
5. How a easementary right could be extinguished? Give suitable illustrations to clarify
different modes of extinction of the easementary rights.
6. What are different modes of suspension and revival of easementary rights? Explain
giving suitable examples.
7. Can easement by prescription become absolute right? How it could be acquired?
Explain in detail.
8. Can easement of necessity be acquired as a matter of right compulsorly upon servant
heritage? Explain in detail.
9. Distinguish between easement of necessity and easement by prescription.
10. Would it be right to claim that if by one mode easementary right could be acquired
then by the reverse mode it would be extinguished? Explain in detail with the help of
suitable illustrations.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 705: Human Rights Law
1. Human rights is twenty first century name for what has been described as natural
law. Comment
2. What do we mean by Human rights? Shed light on its importance.
3. History, Evolution, and growth of human rights are entwined. Comment
4. How are human rights classified?
5. Write an essay on the nature of human rights.
6. Explain the natural law origin of the Human Rights.
7. Discuss the role of Greek philosopher in shaping human rights.
8. Why has positivist attacked the naturalist over their their conception of Human
9. Discuss the evolution of concept of human rights in Dharma.
10. Are human rights and fundamental rights on the same page? Discuss
Unit- II
11. Shed light on important provisions of United Nations charter.
12. How the establishment of United Nations proved to be an important event in the
history of human rights jurisprudence?
13. How had Second World War shaped the contemporary legislations on human rights in
the modern world.
14. What is Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Discuss
15. Give a brief history in the formation of universal declaration on human rights.
16. Write an essay on covenant on civil and political rights.
17. Write an essay on covenant on Economic, social and cultural rights.
18. Has the goals enumerated in the UDHR been achieved? Discuss
19. Write an essay on the various organs of United nations working in the field of Human
20. Bring out the distinction between second and third generation human rights.
21. Fundamental rights in the Indian constitution encompasses basics of human rights.
22. Are all human rights which can be envisioned justiciable before the apex court.
23. To what extent Economic and Social rights given under Directive principles of state
policy are in consonance with second generation Human Rights.
24. To what extent fundamental rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution has fulfilled
the concept of Human Rights.
25. How has the courts in India strengthened the human rights jurisprudence for the
vulnerable groups.
26. It is argued that social and political rights under directive principles of state policy
should have been given weight age than civil and political rights under part three of
the Indian constitution. Comment
27. It is argued that stress on Social and economic would have made Indian democracy
more vibrant. Discuss
28. Why judiciary and legislature are at loggerhead over third generation of human
29. Write an essay on the fourth generation of human rights.
30. Give an comparative analysis of the human rights regime in old Soviet nations and
31. Discuss all the national mechanisms to enforce human rights of the people.
32. What are the objectives of The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.
33. State Powers and Functions of National Human Rights Commission.
34. It is said that NHRC lacks teeth. What could be done to remedied the situation?
35. Discuss the role of NGOs in the promotion of Human Rights in India.
36. Discuss the role of media in the promotion of Human Rights in India.
37. Is media overstepping its role in the protection of human rights?
38. What measures could be employed to curb the fake army of NGOs.
39. Has NHRC been able to achieve the mandate it was tasked to? Discuss
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 706: Criminology, Penology and Victimology
Unit I
Q1. Define the term Crime?
Q2. What are the various approaches to understand the criminology?
Q3. Explain the casual approach of criminology?
Q4. What are the various difficulties in application of the casual approach?
Q5. How human behaviour is related to the crime?
Q6. Briefly mention the various theories of crime?
Q7. What do you mean by causation of crime?
Q8. What are biophysical and psychodynamic approaches?
Q9. Explain the sociological school of criminology?
Q10. What do you mean by psychodynamic approach?
Unit II
Q1. Explain the role of legislation in making the criminal laws?
Q2. What is the role of police in controlling the crimes?
Q3. What is the role of judiciary in controlling the crimes?
Q4. What do you mean by the term deviation?
Q5. How the method of treatment is made and what procedure should be followed?
Q6. Explain the deviations as relating to the human behaviour?
Q7. What are the causes of deviations ?
Q8. What do you mean by Reformation ?
Q9. What is the role of administration in relation to prevention of crimes in society?
Q10. How the role of legislation and judiciary controls the crimes in society?
Unit III
Q1. What do you mean by White collar crimes?
Q2. Explain the various types of whice collar crimes?
Q3. Explain how money laundering can be stopped through laws?
Q4. How the consumption of drug leads to commission of crime?
Q5. Mention the various enactments related to white collar crimes?
Q6. Explain the correlation between politics and crime?
Q7. What measures can be taken by the government to control the tax evasions?
Q8. Can a company be punished for evasion of taxes? If yes what is the legislation?
Q9. What do you understand by socio economic offences?
Q10. What is the role of imposing sin taxes by govt. in controlling the white collar crimes?
Unit IV
Q1. What are the various theories of punishment?
Q2. Explain the deterrent theory of punishment?
Q3. Explain the Retributive theory of punishment?
Q4. Explain the Preventive theory of punishment?
Q5. Explain the reformative theory of punishment?
Q6. What are the various alternative to prison ?
Q7. Explain the term probation?
Q8. What are open jails ? explain the concept?
Q9. What do you mean by release on parole?
Q10. How the prisons in the modern world should be reformed?
Unit V
Q1. What do you mean by the term capital punishment?
Q2. How the capital punishment is contradictory to the concept of human rights?
Q3. Explain the various judicial reforms in relation to punishment?
Q4. How the theories of punishment are applicable to Indian Penal Code?
Q5. What is the role of administration in compensating the victims of crime?
Q6. How the victims of the crime should get assistance and rehabilitation?
Q7. Explain the compensation as a mode of punishment?
Q8. What are the constitutional perspectives of compensation?
Q9. What is the role of judiciary in providing the justice to victims of crime?
Q10. What is the role of state in application of concept of penology and victimology?
Code No.
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions and Court Visits
and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of Moot Court and Court
Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
** At the end of 4th year of the program, Students shall undergo summer training (during
summer vacations) either with a corporate or a Law Firm. They will have to submit a Report
of the same and the marks will be awarded in 10th Semester.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 801: Interpretation of Statutes and Principle of
1. What do you mean by Interpretation. Discuss in detail the difference between
'Interpretation' and 'Construction'.
2. What do you mean by interpretation? What is its object? Distinguish between
interpretation and construction.
3. Define interpretation. Discuss the basic principles of interpretation.
4. Define Interpretation and distinguish it from construction. What are the basic rules of
21. The Court while interpreting should try to suppress the mischief and advance the
remedy. Explain
22. Discuss and illustrate the Plain or Literal Meaning Rule as applied to the
interpretation of statutes.
23. "A statute is not passed in vacuum but in a frame work of circumstances so as to give
a remedy for a known state of affairs. To arrive at its true meaning one should know
the circumstances with reference to which the words were used and what was the
object appearing from those circumstances which Parliament had in view."
Make a critical appraisal of the above in the light of Haydon's rule as applied to the
interpretation of statutes.
24. Discuss and illustrate the Haydon's rule as applied to the interpretation of statutes to
find out the mischief. How far is this rule different from the Literal Rule?
25. Discuss in detail with decided cases the Mischief Rule of Interpretation.
26. Discuss and illustrate the Golden Rule as applied to the interpretation of statutes.
How far is this rule different from the Literal Rule?
27. Explain the Golden rule of interpretation with reference to decided cases.
28. Explain in brief the various internal aids of interpretation.
29. What are 'internal' aids to the interpretation of statutes? Assess the importance of any
four of the following in the interpretation of statutes.
30. Discuss in detail the Internal Aids which gives help in Interpretation of Statutes?
31. What are Internal Aids? How do they help in Interpretation of Statutes?
32. What are Internal Aids? Assess the importance of Language, phraseology, clauses
and punctuation in Interpretation of Statutes.
33. How short and long titles, preamble, marginal headings, parts and their captions,
chapters and their captions, marginal and section-headings gives helps in Interpretation
of Statutes? Discuss the same with support of leading cases.
34. Write a short note on Explanations, exceptions, examples, provisos and schedules as a
internal aids which gives help in Interpretation of Statutes?
35. What are 'external' aids to the interpretation of statutes? Assess the importance of any
four of the following in the interpretation of statutes.
36. Discuss the importance of Preamble and Proviso in the interpretation of a statute.
37. Write a short note on Legislative history-Legislative Intention, Statement of objects
and reasons, legislative debates and Committee reports.
38. "External Aids are subsidiary Aids in Interpretation of statutes." Explain.
39. Write a short note on Role of Constituent Assembly debates in the interpretation of
the Constitution of India.
40. Discuss in detail about the Internal aids and External aids of interpretation with the
help of decided cases.
41. Bring out the distinction between penal and remedial statutes and the rules of
interpretation applicable to them. Discuss the current judicial trend in the
interpretation of penal statutes.
42. Explain the special rule of interpretation of Fiscal Statute supported by decided
43. Discuss the general principles of interpreting taxing statutes.
44. Discuss the special rules of interpretation for Penal Statutes.
45. Explain the distinction between Remedial and Penal Statutes.
46. Explain in brief the principles of interpretation in relation of Constitution.
47. Discuss the general Principles of Interpretation of Constitution.
48. Write a short notes on the following:
a. Rule of Pith and Substance
b. Doctrine of colorable legislation
49. Discuss the rules for the interpretation of the Constitution of India. Refer decided
50. Write a short notes on the following:
a. Beneficial Construction
b. Interpretation of Statutes in Pari-materia
51. With reference to Interpretation of the Indian Constitution, explain the following:
a. Theory of Territorial Nexus
b. Doctrine of Pith and Substance
c. Pari-materia Rule
52. The chief Role of Legislation is to make the laws of the country, Enumerate the
statement taking into consideration the reasons.
53. It is said that the Administration i.e. Executive is the body to implement the laws
framed by Legislation but sometimes the Executive also functions as a law making
body. Discuss how?
54. Explain the principle of Utility while framing the new laws. How it should be
followed while framing the Laws impacting the society at large?
55. Explain the theory of pleasure and pain.
56. Explain the term Judicial Activism in context of social transformation in India and
as a law making machinery .
57. How the Judiciary is playing vital role in framing the new laws? Mention with
examples and cases.
58. Discuss the interconnectivity of the three tiers of the Constitution in making the laws
and interdependency on each other.
59. Discuss the role of Administrative tribunals in sharing the burden of Judiciary.
60. To make the law is not the function of Legislation alone, rather Judiciary and
Executive also adds to contribute new laws. Explain.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 802: International Trade Law
1. Discuss the reasons for the evolution of GATT in the world for regulating world Trade.
2. What were the main objectives of GATT formed in 1947? Explain.
3. What are the fundamental principles of GATT on which it was regulating world Trade?
4. What was the main agenda of Uruguay Round in 1986? Discuss.
5. What are the main differences between GATT and WTO. Discuss.
6. What is the importance of Most favour nation Clause in world trade? Discuss.
7. What are the various objectives set out in the Punta del Este Declaration in line with Trade in
8. What are the implication of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Measures? Discuss.
9. Define GATT. What is its purpose also discuss how the GATT has influenced the Tariff and
Non Tariff barriers in the world trade.
10. Describe the sailent features of Agreements on Agriculture. Also explain its consequence on
developing countries.
1. How the trade-related investment measures (TRIMS) agreement is one of the most
controversial agenda during the Uruguay Round negotiation (1986-1993)? Discuss critically.
2. Elaborates the historical background of the negotiation of the TRIMS Agreement, and its
implication on the developing countries.
3. Discuss the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
4. What are the countervailing measures available under SCM agreement to neutralise the
adverse effects of subsidised imports? Discuss.
5. Why agreement on technical barriers to trade is important in terms of world trade? Discuss.
6. What are the key principles and rules of the TBT agreement? Discuss.
7. What are the Special and Differential Treatment available to Developing Countries under the
TBT Agreement.
8. Write short note on the following:
a. Technical Assistance under TBT agreement.
b. Special and Differential Treatment under TBT agreement.
9. What do you mean by the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade? Discuss various
procedures how it checks the misuse of technical barriers existed in World Trade.
10. Discuss the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures of WTO. Also explain
how far it helps in controlling the unfair Trade practices by some countries.
1. How dumping of a good can be determined in World Trade? Explain.
2. Dumping exists when Normal Value is more than the Export Price. Elaborate this statement.
3. Injury and causal linked are required to be proved for imposing antidumping duties.
Elaborate this statement.
calculating Margin of dumping? Explain.
5. What are the safeguards available to developing countries under the Agreements of
safeguards? Discuss.
6. How safeguard agreement has helped member countries to protect their interest in
international trade? Explain.
7. What do mean by antidumping agreement? How this agreement has helped member countries
to protect their interest in world trade.
8. What is Dumping? Explain the process of determination of Dumping by an exporting country.
9. Why safeguards under the WTO agreement are so unpopular? Discuss
1. What are the scope and applications of General Agreement on Trade in services? Discuss.
2. Discuss the various multilateral negotiations involved in General Agreement on Trade in
3. What is the importance of General Agreement on Trade in services? Discuss.
4. How trade in services has proved useful in expansion of service sector in India? Explain.
5. How the multilateral negotiation agreement has proved useful in bringing uniformity in trade
of service sector? Explain.
6. How multilateral negotiation agreement has helped developing countries in expansion of its
trade in service sector? Explain.
7. How GATS played important role in the expansion of service sector around the world?
1. What are the various dispute settlement mechanisms are available under WTO? Discuss.
2. How developing and developed countries have solved their trade disputes by the dispute
settlement mechanisms available under WTO? Explain.
3. What are the various laws applicable under dispute settlement mechanisms of WTO?
4. Explain the dispute settlement procedure under the dispute settlement mechanisms of WTO.
5. What are the future challenges regarding dispute settlement between member countries under
the dispute settlement mechanisms of WTO.
6. Write a detailed note on the evolution of dispute settlement under the GATT and WTO.
7. Write a detailed note on the dispute settlement process under WTO.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 803: Alternative Dispute Resolution (Clinical- I)
1. What do you mean by Alternative Dispute Resolution?
2. What is the concept and need of Alternative Dispute Resolution?
4. Trace out the reasons that in spite of its badly felt necessity, people in India are not
opting for them in large number.
5. Discuss the organization and functions of National Legal
"arbitration agreement"
"international commercial arbitration"
21. On what grounds an arbitral award may be set aside?
22. In what manner an arbitral award may be enforced?
23. When an arbitral award said to be final?
24. What do you mean by a Conciliation proceeding?
25. Explain the nature and scope of a Conciliation proceeding?
26. Give the provisions regarding number and appointment of Conciliators.
27. Put light on the role of a conciliator in a Conciliation Proceeding.
28. In what manner a Conciliation Proceeding may be terminated?
29. What is the difference between Conciliation and Arbitration?
30. Describe the methods of Conciliation proceedings.
31. What is Mediation?
32. What are its essential ingredients?
33. What are different stages of Mediation?
34. Discuss and suggest what the qualities should be of Mediator?
35. Discuss about Negotiation.
36. In what manner Negotiation is differ from Mediation?
37. What do you mean by Consultation as a technique of ADR?
38. What is the difference between Negotiation and Consultation?
39. What is the difference between Mediation and Consultation?
40. Describe the significance of Good Offices as a technique of ADR.
41. What do you mean by International Commercial Arbitration?
42. What do you understand by foreign arbitration award?
43. When a foreign award is binding under the New York Convention?
44. Describe the conditions for enforcement of foreign award under the New York
45. Explain the enforcement of foreign award under New York Convention?
46. Comment on the conditions for enforcement of foreign awards under the Geneva
47. When a foreign award is binding under the New York Convention?
48. Describe the conditions for enforcement of foreign award under the New York
49. Explain the enforcement of foreign award under New York Convention?
50. What do you mean by International Commercial Arbitration?
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 804: Law and Technology
Unit I
Q1. What do you mean by E-Commerce?
Q2. What is the role of laws in controlling of E-Commerce?
Q3. What do you mean by Online contract?
Q4. What are the laws relating to Online Contracts?
Q5. Describe the role of law in governing Online securities offerings and contracting.
Q6. What do you mean by the term digital signatures?
Q7. Mention in detail the role of E-Commerce in Banking field?
Q8. What are the rules relating to E-Governance?
Q9. Give a detail background of evolution and scope of E-Commerce in India.
Q10. Mention the applicability of Information and technology act 2009 on E-Commerce.
Unit II
Q1. What do you mean by Cyber crime?
Q2. Define Cyber defamation in detail?
Q3. Mention the provisions and rules governing the crime of Obscenity.
Q4. What do you mean by the terms Hacking and cracking?
Q5. What do you mean by libel and slander and how they tend to cyber defamation?
Q6. What is the role of Information technology act in suppressing the cyber crimes?
Q7. Describe the provisions of IPC applicable in Cyber crimes?
Q8. Mention the various penalties imposed under the Information technology act?
Unit III
Q1. What do you mean by Genetic technology?
Q2. Explain the constitutionality of the Genetic technology?
Q3. Explain the Role of various laws for Genetic technology?
Q4. What are the regulations for genetic technology?
Unit IV
Q1. What do you mean by the term medical technology?
Q2. What and which legislation is made for regulating medical technology?
Q3. What are the features and constitutionality of medical and scientific technology in health
Q4. What are the various techniques under the medical technology?
Unit V
Q1. Explain the scope of broadcasting and technology related laws in India?
Q2. Mention the regulations for regulation of Broadcasting?
Q3. Write short note on Art 19 and broadcasting.
Q4. Give an overview of the cable television related laws?
Q5. Explain the various penal procedures relating to broadcasting.
Q6. Write short note on Right to privacy and media laws.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 805: Law of Partnership and Limited Liability
1. Define Partnership and state its essential elements.
2. Discuss the modes of determining the existence of partnership.
3. Partnership exists from contract, not from status Comment.
4. Discuss the modes of determining the existence of partnership.
5. State the difference between partnerships and firm and partnership and company.
6. Describe the comparison between partnership and HUF.
7. What do you mean by partnership at will?
8. What do you mean by legal partnership and illegal partnership?
25. What are the rules laid down in the Partnership Act for settling accounts of a firm
after its dissolution?
26. What do you mean by Goodwill of a Firm? Describe the modes of buying and selling
of it.
27. What is the procedure of registration of a firm?
28. Describe the benefits of registration of a firm?
29. Mention the consequences of non registration of a Firm?
30. Enumerate the conditions on which are not affected by non registration of a Firm.
31. What do you understand by Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?
32. What are the essential elements of LLPs?
33. Write the various advantages and disadvantages of formation of LLP.
34. Compare the LLP from other forms of Business Formation.
35. What is the difference between LLP and a Company?
36. Describe the distinctions between LLP and Partnership.
37. Whether it is necessary for all partners to participate in management of LLP?
38. Whether provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 would be applicable to LLPs?
39. Whether LLP can carry on activities related to financing, accepting deposits & other
NBFC activities?
40. What kind of Business Activities can be carried out only with the prior approval of
regulatory bodies?
41. What are the incorporation formalities relating to LLPs? Whether LLP requires a
registered office?
42. What are the effects of registration of a Limited Liability Partnership?
43. What are the basic requirements for incorporating a LLP in India?
44. Whether a body corporate may be a partner of an LLP?
45. What are the qualifications for becoming a partner? What are the restrictions in
respect of minimum and maximum number of partners in an LLP?
46. How can a person become a partner of an LLP? What are the duties of him in respect
of LLP?
47. Can partners be prosecuted?
48. Whether other business entities like firm or company would be able to convert
themselves into LLP?
49. What are the requirements and consequence provided in the Act in respect of
licences, permits, approvals etc obtained by a firm, private company or an unlisted
public company, prior to its conversion into LLP?
50. Explain the provisions regarding Compromise and Arrangement of Limited Liability
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 806: Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyer &
Bench Bar Relation (Clinical- II)
Unit I
Q1. Give a brief Historical background of Legal profession in India?
Q2. Give an overview of Indian Advocates Act, 1961.
Q3. Explain the functions of Rajasthan State Bar Council.
Q4. Explain the functions and role of Bar council of India in regulating the legal education?
Q5. What is the structure of Bar council of India?
Q6. What is the role of Disciplinary committee in Bar council of India?
Q7. What are the qualifications of Membership for the Bar council of India?
Q8. Mention the provisions relating to Power to make rules under sec 3 to sec 15.
Unit II
Q1. Give an overview of The Advocates act, 1961.
Q2. Mention the common roles of advocates in legal fraternity.
Q3. What are the qualifications and disqualifications for enrolment.
Q4. What is the procedure for enrolment as an advocate as per the bar council act.
Q5. What do you mean by professional misconduct?
Q6. What are the rules for determining the misconduct.
Q7. What is the role of disciplinary committee in case of misconduct?
Q8. What is the procedure for cognizance of misconduct?
Q9. Mention the provisions related to appeals to the Supreme court.
Q10. What can and cannot be amount to misconduct? Explain with examples.
Unit III
Q1. What is the need for an ethical code rights?
Q2. What are the various privileges and rights of an advocate.
Q3. Mention how as an advocate you will prepare the advocate and what should be the fee
Q4. What is the role of Bar in soliciting work and advertisement.
Q5. What is the accountability of an advocate towards client.
Q6. Why and what should be the confidential matter between client and advocates.
Q7. What are the rules of code of ethics prepared by the bar council of India.
Q8. What are the code of ethics for an advocate towards society, court and clients.
Unit IV
Q1. What do you mean by the contempt?
Q2. What are the various areas of contempt and scope?
Q3. What is the difference between civil and criminal contempt?
Q4. What is the penalty for punishment for contempt?
Q5. Mention with the help of renowned cases the cognizance taken by HC.
Q6. Explain with the help of various cases the contempt matters dealt by Supreme court.
Q7. What are rules related to contempt proceedings and procedure thereof in Supreme court.
Q8. Explain the term contempt with the help of various cases dealt by High courts.
Q9. Can a court itself commit contempt? If yes mention the instances with examples.
Unit V
Q1. Mention the instances when the contempt proceedings were initiated by Supreme court
itself when the contempt is done by High courts.
Q2. Mention the instances where cognizance is taken by High courts in case of contempt of
courts decisions.
Q3. What should be the procedure for contempt under the supreme courts.
Q4. Mention the instances and categories of contempt with the help of decided cases.
Q5. Mention the rules prescribed in the case of Amrit Nahata v. UOI.
Q6. Mention the rules propounded in the case of P.D.Gupts v.Ram Murti.
Q7. What kind of contempt will be, if a person slaps the judge or a magistrate? Explain with
the help of cases?
Q8. Mention the principles enunciated in the case of Supreme court bar council v. UOI and
Code No.
Moot Court*/Tutorial/Practical
Sub Total
*It is compulsory to attend and participate in the Moot Court Competitions and Court Visits
and submit their certificate of participation accordingly. The marks of Moot Court and Court
Visit will be awarded in 10th Semester.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 901: Principles of Taxation Law
1. Definition of Income as given in section 2(24) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is not
exhaustive but inclusive. Explain with reference to decided cases.
2. Discuss whether the prize money received by an assessee coming first in a motor rally
is income.
3. Write a short note on Assessee and Income.
4. Is it necessary that income must have been earned by legal sources? Discuss
5. The idea behind providing on inclusive definition of Income under section 2(24) is
not to limit its meaning but to widen its net. Discuss
6. Define the meaning of previous year and assessment year.
7. Discuss the basis of charge in context of Income.
8. Discuss the difference between application of income and diversion of Income
with the help of cases.
9. Discuss the law relating to residential status and its link with the liability to pat
income tax.
10. What do you understand by the term Agriculture Income under the provisions of
11. What do you mean by exempted income?
12. List out exempted income by proper classification
13. Explain the concept of exempted income.
14. Explain the provisions for claiming exemption under section 10 A.
15. What are the benefit derived by an industrial undertaking which is established in Free
trade Zone.
16. Explain deductions for the units newly established in special economic zone (SEZ) on
or after 01.04.2005. u/s 10 AA
17. Explain the provisions relating to tax exemption to trusts.
18. Explain the provision relating to institutions for contributories.
19. Explain the provisions relating to political parties.
20. Explain deductions for the newly established industrial undertaking which is hundred
percent export oriented.
21. What is the deduction available for the gross total income of a company in respect of
any contribution given to a political party?
22. Write a short note on deduction in respect of loan taken for higher education.
23. What is the deduction allowable in respect of donations for political purposes?
24. What is the deduction available from the gross total income of a company in respect
of any contribution given to a political party?
25. Explain various deductions from gross total Income.
26. Discuss the provisions of set off of losses as given in Income Tax Law.
27. Which losses can be carried forward?
28. State the provisions regarding set off capital losses.
29. Discuss in brief about procedure for assessment in Income Tax Act, 1961.
30. Write short notes on :
a. Regular Assessment
b. Best Judgment Assessment
c. Persons authorized to sign the return of income
d. E-return
e. Power of assessing officer
31. What are the various heads of Income under Income Tax Act 1961?
32. What items are included under the head salaries as per IT Act 1961?
33. Explain the following:
a. Contract of Service
b. Contract for Service
c. Profits in lieu of Salary
d. Perquisites
34. What do you mean by Allowances? How many types of Allowances? Give five
names from each head of Allowances.
35. Explain the charging section of Income from house property. Explain the provisions
regarding income tax computation of Income from HP.
36. Explain the valuation of self occupied property as per section 23(2) of IT Act 1961.
37. How Gross Annual Value (GAV) is determined under income from House Property?
38. Explain the valuation of self occupied property as per section 23(2) of IT Act 1961
39. Describe the various income that are chargeable to income tax under the head
PGBP. What deductions are allowed under PGBP heads at the time of computing
business income?
40. Discuss the following:
a. Charging section of Capital Gain
b. Capital assets and its types
c. Exemption available in respect of income from CG
d. Chargeability section of income from other sources
41. Write the various classes of Income Tax authorities.
42. Explain the duties of an assessing officer under section 220(6)
43. The assessing officer while acting under section 220(6) should not act as a mere tax
gatherer but as quasi judicial authority comment.
44. What are the presumptions which can be made if any books of account, document,
money, bullion, jewellery are found in possession of a person in the course of search?
45. What are the circumstances under which an authorization under section 132 can be
46. Explain the jurisdiction of Income tax Authorities.
47. Define the various powers of Income tax authorities.
48. Explain the various offences and prosecution in context of IT Act 1961.
49. Define the provisions of appeal, reference and revision under Income Tax Act 1961.
50. What are the rules regarding collection and recoveries under the Act of 1961.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 902: Law Relating to Insurance
Unit 1
1 What do you understand by insurance? Give definitions.
2 Briefly explain the principles of insurance.
3 Write the nature of insurance.
4 Explain the history of insurance.
5 How many types of insurance, explain it?
6 Give performance of insurance-contract.
7 Define risk, explain how important it is to people.
8 What people mean to say when they use the word risk?
9 Discuss the term insurance and its nature.
10 Describe various types of risks and their affects on human society.
11 Explain various kinds of insurance.
Unit 2
1 Explain how life insurance is different from non-life-insurance.
2 What is the life insurance, what is the need of life insurance?
3 Explain the features of life insurance.
4 Explain the concept of financial planning with the help of life insurance.
5 Life insurance is scientific explain?
6 Explain the stages of life cycle of a person and link it with the calculation of insurance
7 India masses are under insured Comment.
8 Explain the basic elements and features of life insurance plans.
9 Explain various types of insurance policies.
10 Differentiate between following1. Nomination and Assignment
2. Surrender Value and Paid up Value
3. Group insurance and Individual insurance
4. Surrender and Lapse of Policy
Unit 3
1 Define fire insurance. What are the essentials of a fire insurance policy?
2 What kind of risks is covered by a fire insurance policy? Explain
3 What is the standard fire policy? Explain in detail.
4 Explain various fire insurance policies.
5 Write short note on the following1. Consequential fire policy
2. Risk covered by fire insurance
6 What is accident insurance ? Explain the relevant provisions
7 Define Health insurance . Briefly trace the history of Health insurance in India.
8 Explain the principles of General Insurance.
9 Explain the commercial lines of business in general insurance.
10 Explain the personal lines of business in general insurance.
Unit 4
1 Define the following terms.
1 Marine Insurance
2 Marine adventure
3 Marine policy
4 Perils of sea
5 voyage
2 Explain the main features or essentials of a marine insurance contract.
3 Explain all the clauses related to a marine adventure in detail.
4 Define contract of marine insurance ? Explain briefly the various kinds of marine insurance
5 Write an essay on voyage deviation.
6 Write classifications of Marine policies, Briefly explain.
7 Write an essay The perils of the sea.
8 Give warranties in marine insurance loss.
Unit 5
1 Write an essay on Public liability insurance act , 1991.
2 Define risk selection .What is the purpose of risk selection.
3Premium is consideration of the insurance contract. Comment.
4 Discuss various factors affecting the determination of insurance premium.
5 How does law of large numbers of influence insurances.
6 Explain the importance of ethics in insurances distribution.
7 Explain the ways of enforcing ethics in employees of an insurance firm .
8 Write duties of owner to take out insurances policies.
9 Write provisions as to other right to claim compensation for Death.
10 Write penalty for Contravention.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBALLB 903: Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance (Clinical- III)
1. Write a note on the Fundamental Rules of Pleadings.
2. Explain in detail the provisions under which a plaint structure is instituted in a court
of law.
3. Enumerate how parties are described in a plaint. What provisions of CPC guides it.
4. What is written statement? Why an affidavit is necessary to support an averment in
the written statement?
5. How an ex-parte decree is set aside? What are consequences of it being set aside?
6. Describe the contents given in the application for setting aside ex-parte decree.
7. Can a defendant aver arguments additional to what has been specifically denied.
8. Explain the provisions of CPC relating to filing of suit.
9. Discuss the provisions of CPC which deals with setting aside of ex-parte decree.
10. Discuss the provisions of CPC which deals with the filing of written statement.
11. How and under what circumstances Suit for permanent Injunction is filed?
12. Explain the procedure followed for moving the application for temporary injunction?
13. Enumerate the contents given under order XXXIX of CPC.
14. How suit for Specific Performance is instituted?
15. Describe the procedure and contents of the petition filed for eviction under Rent
Control Act.
16. Bring out the difference between the suits for temporary and permanent injunction.
17. Explain the provisions of the CPC which deals with filing of petition for eviction
under rent control Act.
18. Discuss the provisions regarding filing suit for specific performance.
19. How a suit for permanent injunction is files. Also discuss the provisions under which
it is filed.
20. Can an ordinary suit for recovery be modified? Explain
21. Write an essay on General principles being followed in Criminal Pleadings.
22. Describe the provisions of Cr.P.C. under which an application for bail is moved.
23. Under what circumstances application under section 125 of Cr.P.C. is filed?
24. Write a note on First information Report registered under section 154 of Cr.P.C.
25. What consequences would follow in the non pursuance of registering a F.I.R. Shed
light on the judicial intervention in this regard?
26. Enumerate the circumstances under which an application under section 482 of the
Cr.p.C. is filed. Prepare a model draft of it.
27. What is compounding of offences by way of compromise under section 320(i) of
Cr.P.C. Also prepare a model draft of it.
28. Bail is a general rule jail is an exception. Discuss
29. Write an essay on muslim womens right to maintenance under section 125 of CrPC.
30. Explain the role of information technology in streamlining filing a FIR.
31. Prepare a model draft of the notice to the tenant under section 106 of the Transfer of
the Property act.
32. When notice under section 80 is served? Prepare a model draft of it.
33. What is General Power of Attorney? Prepare a model draft of it.
34. Bring out the difference between agreement to sell and sale deed. Prepare a model
draft of them.
35. When a suit for the dissolution of Partnership is instituted? Prepare a model draft of
36. Under what circumstances petition for grant of probate is files. Prepare a model draft
of it.
37. Under what circumstances an appeal is preferred under order 41 of the CPC.
38. What is revision petition? Enumerate the provisions of CPC dealing with it.
39. What do we mean by review petition? Shed light on its provisions enshrined in CPC.
40. Prepare a draft of an appeal orders under order 43 of CPC.
41. Prepare a model draft of the application under section 5 of the Limitation Act.
42. What is caveat? Prepare a draft of the application filed under section 148A of the
43. What is Lease Deed? Prepare a model draft of it.
44. Bring out the difference between Relinquishment deed, partnership deed, and
mortgage deed. Also prepare their model drafts.
45. Prepare a model draft notice for the specific performance of the contract. Under what
circumstances it is served?
46. When an application for execution is filed? Also prepare a model draft of it.
47. What is reference to arbitration? Prepare a model draft of deed of arbitration.
48. Write a note on notice for specific performance of contract. Also prepare a draft of it.
49. What do we mean by arbitration? Prepare a draft on deed of arbitration.
50. When an application for execution is filed? Prepare a draft of it.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 904: Law of Indirect Taxes
Unit I
Q1. Explain the structure of excise law in India?
Q2. Define the term Manufacturer in detail?
Q3. What are the various classification of goods?
Q4. Give a brief flash light on Central Excise and Tariff act,1985.
Q5. What are the rules for interpretation for tax laws?
Q6. What are the rules related to valuation ?
Q7. Compare between CENVAT and MODVAT?
Q8. What is the role of excise officers in execution under the act?
Q9. Mention the rules related to Value Added Tax?
Q10. Explain the concept of Value Added Tax in India and its applicability.
Unit II
Q1. Mention in detail the Background and evolution of custom laws in India?
Q2. What is the structure of custom law In India?
Q3. Write in detail about the administrative structure of customs department in India?
Q4. What do you mean by the territorial waters of India?
Q5. Define the term Goods under the customs act?
Q6. What are the various types of duties applicable on customs goods?
Q7. Write the rules related to valuation of the custom goods?
Q8. What are the various restriction on import and export under the customs act, 1962?
Q9. What do you mean by Duty Drawback? Explain the circumstances?
Q10. Write in brief about the rules relating to baggage and import by post and courier?
Unit III
Q1. Give an overview and features of Central sales tax in India?
Q2. What is the scope of Central sales tax in India?
Q3. Mention the constitutional provisions related to sales of goods ?
Q4. Explain the constitutionality of the sales tax in India?
Q5. What are the various charges and penalties under the Central sales tax in India?
Q6. Explain the provisions related to Inter state sales under the Central sales tax Act?
Q7. Mention the rules relating to movement of goods?
Q8. Mention the process of stock transfer?
Q9. Define and explain the meaning of goods and sales
Q10. What are the various penalties imposed under the act?
Unit IV
Q1. Give the basic features of Value Added tax in India?
Q2. What is the rationale behind the VAT?
Q3. Mention and explain the concept of VAT?
Q4. What are the rules relating to manufacturing and how VAT is charged?
Q5. Mention the rules relating to charging of VAT?
Q6. Explain the main provisions of VAT?
Q7. Mention with your comments the success of VAT in India?
Q8. Explain the process of charging the VAT with an example?
Unit V
Q1. What do you mean by the term Service under the service tax act?
Q2. Explain the constitutionality of charging service tax in India?
Q3. Mention the process of registration under the service tax act?
Q4. Explain the process of maintaining records under the service tax act?
Q5. Mention the rules relating to self assessment under the service tax act?
Q6. Mention the provisions related to charging of Interest on delayed payments?
Q7. Explain the feasibility of the GST in India?
Q8. What changes can be expected on applicability of GST in India?
Q9. Mention the various penal provisions under the Service Tax Act?
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 905: Environmental Law
1. How do we define Environment Pollution? Shed light on various statutory efforts in
this regard.
2. What are the causes of environmental pollution?
3. How has environmental pollution effected the general climate? Discuss
4. What is sustainable development? Shed light on its meaning and scope.
5. Describe International norms being practiced for the cause of Sustainable
6. What is Precautionary Principle? Discuss
8. Write an essay on Public trust doctrine? How has it strengthened the cause of
9. Write an essay on Rio Conference (earth summit) on Environment and Development,
10. Earth summit had been a milestone in the cause of environmental protection. Discuss
11. Right to wholesome environment has been recognized as the part and parcel of
fundamental right. Comment
12. Discuss the application of wholesome environment.
13. Write an essay on the evolving jurisprudence around wholesome environment.
14. Shed light on the provisions enshrined under Indian constitution for the protection of
15. Public interest litigation of late has emerged as boon for the cause Environment
Protection. Comment
16. Have we been able to develop a national perceptive on Environment? Comment
17. Explain fundamental duties enshrined in the constitution regarding protection of
18. Right to wholesome environment has been regarded as part and parcel of right to life.
19. How has public interest litigation championed the cause of environment protection in
India? Explain
20. MC Mehta v. Union of India has been a watershed regarding protection of
environment. Discuss
21. Explain the scope of the Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974.
22. What is the composition of central pollution control board? Shed light on its powers
and functions?
23. Explain the powers and function of state pollution control board.
24. How has the water pollution control areas been indentified?
25. What is citizen suit provision? Has it served its desired purposes?
26. Define Air pollution as has been described in Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981.
27. Has central and state pollution board been effective in putting measures which can
control air pollution? Comment
28. What do we mean by sample of effluent? Also discus restraint order.
29. What is consent requirement in the context of Air Act, 1981?
30. Write a note on water and air pollution control areas.
31. Give a brief history on Indian Forest Act, 1927.
32. What are the scope and objectives of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
33. Bring out the difference between Private, Reserved, protected and Village forest.
34. Explain the authorities appointed under the Wild Life (protection) Act, 1980.
35. What are the scope and objectives of Wild Life Act, 1972.
36. Hunting of wild animals have been prohibited under Wild Life (protection) Act, 1972.
37. Has Trade or commerce in wild animals, animal articles been properly curtailed by
Wild Life Act? Elaborate
38. Write a note on the concept of protected areas as enumerated in Wild Life Protection
39. Shed light on the situation of trade in wild animals in India and its adverse impact on
40. Discuss proper authorities to be appointed and constituted under Wild Life Act, 1972.
Unit V
41. Explain the meaning and scope of Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986.
42. Define Environment. What is the difference between Environment Pollutant and
Environment Pollution?
43. Shed light on Citizen Suit Provision under Environmental Act, 1986.
44. What are the powers and functions of central government under Environmental
(Protection) Act, 1986.
45. Explain the scope and objectives of Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991.
46. Differentiate between No fault and absolute liability.
47. Describe important features of Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991.
48. What are the objective and scope of the National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995.
49. Discuss the scope and objectives of National Appellate Environmental Authority Act,
50. Elaborate on the Constitution, powers and functions of the National Appellate
Environmental Authority Act, 1997.
Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 906: Socio-Economic Offences
1. What are the object and scope of essentials commodities Act, 1955?
2. Discuss important provisions of essential commodities Act, 1955.
3. Have laws related to hoarding and profiteering been able to effectively achieved their
desired goals? Comment.
4. Discuss the scope and objectives of the essential services maintenance act, 1981.
5. Elaborate important provisions of essential services maintenance act, 1981.
6. Hoarding of essential supplies could seriously jeoparadize the free market economy
and could fuel chaos. Comment
7. Discuss the important provisions of the standards of weights and measures Act, 1956.
8. What are the aims and objectives of the standards of weights and measures Act,
9. Use of cutting edge technology in weighing essential goods has improved the position
of consumer dramatically. Comment
10. Discuss the role of state government in maintenance of essential commodities.
11. What is food Adulteration? Why has it been described as slow poison?
12. Explain the scope of the prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954.
13. Shed light on important provisions of Food Adulteration Act.
14. Food adulteration has emerged as the menace which could shake the basic health
ecosystem of the society. Comment
15. What are spurious drugs? What measures have been taken to tackle it.
16. The venom of spurious drugs is taking its toll on society. Discuss
17. What are the aims and objectives of Drug and Cosmetic Act.
18. Discuss important provisions of Drug and Cosmetic Act.
19. Discuss the salient features of Drug and Cosmetic Act.
20. Has the goals set out in drug and cosmetic act been met with? What more could be
done to achieve them?
21. What are corrupt practices? Discuss various dimensions of it.
22. Discuss the journey of anti corruption efforts in India.
23. Discuss the aims and objectives of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
Unit- V
41. What is Criminal Investigation Department? Explain
42. CID has remained as steadfast backbone for the Indian police since colonial times in
investigating crimes. Comment
43. Discuss the salient features of National Investigation Agency, Act 2008.
44. Shed light on important features of NIA Act, 2008.
45. Explain the objective and scope of scope National Investigation Agency, Act 2008.
46. It is being said that NIA is encroaching upon the federal character of Indian Union.
47. Can arming CID with prosecution power help in taking criminal investigation to its
logical conclusion. Comment
48. Write a shot note on directorate of revenue intelligence and its role in unearthing
black money.
49. Write an essay on the intelligence bureau and its role in strengthening domestic
50. Write a short note on police reform.
Officiating Dean