Fluid Flow Heat Transfer Mass Transfer 1
Fluid Flow Heat Transfer Mass Transfer 1
Fluid Flow Heat Transfer Mass Transfer 1
10. What is the specific volume at the upstream end of the pipe?
A. 0.468 m3/kg
B. 0.254 m3/kg
C. 0.162 m3/kg
11. What is the flowrate of the pump?
A. 0.213 kg/s
B. 0.151 kg/s
C. 0.652 kg/s
12. What is the effective rate of working of the pump?
A. 113kW
B. 223kW
C. 333kW
D. 0.741 m3/kg
D. 0.001 kg/s
D. 433kW
A. Compressibility
B. Density
C. Bulk modulus
D. Thermal conductivity*
37. Friction factor for both laminar and turbulent flows can be found plotted in a
A. Steam table
B. Psychrometric chart
C. Moody diagram*
D. Mollier diagram
38. The hydraulic grade line of a pipeline denotes which of the following?
A. Total energy
B. Pressure energy
C. Potential energy
D. The sum of pressure energy and potential energy*
39. The energy grade line of a pipeline denotes which of the following
A. Total energy*
B. Pressure energy
C. Potential energy
D. The sum of pressure energy and potential energy
40. Hydrometer is used to find out
A. Specific gravity of liquids*
B. Specific gravity of solids
C. Specific gravity of gases
D. Relative humidity
41. Orifice refers to an opening
A. With closed perimeter and or regular form through which water flows
B. With prolonged sides having length of 2 to 3 diameters of opening in thick wall
C. With partially full flow
D. In hydraulic structure with regulation provision*
42. The value of coefficient of discharge in comparison to coefficient of velocity is found
to be ____________.
A. More
B. Less
C. Same*
D. More/less depends on flow
43. Weir refers to an opening
A. Having closed perimeter and of regular form through which water flows
B. Having prolonged sides with length of 2 to 3 diameters of opening in thick wall
C. Having partially full flow*
D. In hydraulic structure with regulation provision
44. The flow on two sides of a normal shock wave is called _______________________.
A. Sonic
B. Subsonic
C. Supersonic
D. Supersonic on one side and subsonic on the other side*
45. Which of the following is the basis of Bernoullis law for fluid flow?
A. Continuity equation
B. Principle of conservation of energy*
C. Fouriers law
D. Principle of conservation of mass
46. The ratio of the area to the wetted perimeter is known as ___________________.
A. Flow factor
B. Hydraulic radius*
C. Kutters C
D. Equivalent diameter
47. What is the coefficient of contraction?
A. The ratio of the area of the vena contracta to the area of the orifice*
B. The ratio of actual discharge to the theoretical discharge
C. The ratio of the actual velocity to the theoretical velocity
D. The ratio of the effective head to the actual head
48. Where is the vena contracta most likely located?
A. At the orifice
B. At a distance approximately the diameter of the orifice*