Carbon Footprint Letter
Carbon Footprint Letter
Carbon Footprint Letter
Click here for carbon footprint strategy for lightening our own footprint. We invite
you to reflect on it and to respond creatively to any new challenges that it may offer
you and/or your household. Sharing the many solutions to address the challenges
before us can help empower us all.
Another way to reduce carbon footprint is to purchase carbon offsets. Individuals and
institutions purchase offsets from organizations who then invest this money into
projects that reduce C0 emissions.1
We all know that humankind must make significant reductions in C02 emissions in
order to address the global problem of climate change. The problem will not go
away soon, but lets not lose hope. Even now we sense an air of optimism as leaders
gather for the Summit in Paris. And our own faith as Christians impels us to respond
with countless acts of love for Earth, and for a hoped-for future.
Quoting John Paul II, Pope Francis writes:
If the simple fact of being human moves people to care for the environment of which
they are a part, Christians in their turn realize that their responsibility within creation,
and their duty towards nature and the Creator, are an essential part of their faith.
Laudato Si (64)
In faith let us do all we can to collaborate and work together for the good of our
common home.