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The Hong Kong

Polytechnic University


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Department of Civil and Structural Engineering

Numerical and Experimental Studies of

Flows in Open-Channels with Gravel
and Vegetation Roughnesses

ZENG Cheng

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Dec 2011

Certificate of Originality
I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge
and belief, it produces no material previously published or written, nor material that
has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma, except where due
acknowledgment has been made in the text.


(Name of student) ZENG Cheng

Open-channels made up of simple geometry and free of obstructions are desirable for
efficient water conveyance. Nowadays, large and flexible roughness elements, such
as gravels and vegetation, are commonly deployed into artificial open-channels to
stabilize the channel sectional shapes and to maintain the ecological balance there.
Consequently, the hydrodynamic behaviour of flows in these channels will be
significantly affected. The determination of the velocity and turbulence intensity
profiles, as well as the hydraulic resistance, is of practical importance in the
engineering design of these channels. This study aims to quantify the gravel and
vegetation induced roughness effects on flows and mixings in open-channels using
experimental and numerical methods. The whole study can be subdivided into the
following four parts.

Firstly, a three-dimensional (3D) Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model

with the Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) turbulence closure has been developed to simulate
the fully developed open-channel flows with smooth surface and submerged
vegetation canopy. By comparing to the well-documented laboratory measurements
and direct numerical simulation (DNS) results, the S-A model was valid for
simulating open-channel flows with low Reynolds number (Re = 439) and higher
Reynolds number (Re = 2143) over smooth bed. Furthermore, as the turbulence
kinetic energy (TKE) cannot be calculated explicitly in the S-A model, an empirical
equation were proposed and used to estimate the TKE. The resulting profiles of mean
velocity, shear stress and TKE agree well with the well-documented experimental

data. The drag force method (DFM) was used to simulate the resistance effect
induced by submerged vegetation. This method is found to be able to faithfully
reproduce the mean flow and turbulence structure in open-channel flows with rigid
or flexible vegetation canopy.

Secondly, a Double Averaged Navier-Stokes equation (DANS) model has been

developed for depth-limited open-channel flows over gravels. Within the gravels the
flow is highly obstructed and the porosity is low, the use of the RANS equations may
not be accurate enough. Three test cases are used to validate the model: (1) an
open-channel flow over a densely packed gravel bed with small-scale uniform
roughness (D/d50 ~ 13, d50 = median diameter of roughness elements, D = water
depth); (2) open-channel flows over large-scale sparely distributed roughness
elements (D/ = 2.3 and 8.7, = roughness height) and (3) steep slope gravel-bed
river flows with D/d50 = 7 ~ 25. Various methods of treatment of the gravel-induced
resistance effect have been investigated. The results show that the wall function
approach (WFA) is successful in simulating flows over small gravels but is not
appropriate for large gravels since the vertical profile of the longitudinal velocity
does not follow the logarithmic-linear relationship. The drag force method (DFM)
performs better but the non-logarithmic velocity distribution generated by sparely
distributed gravels cannot be simulated accurately. Noting that the turbulence length
scale within the gravel layer is governed by the gravel size, the DANS model
incorporating the DFM and a modified S-A turbulence closure is proposed. The
turbulence length scale parameter in the S-A model is modified to address the change
in the turbulence structure within the gravel layer. The computed velocity profiles
agree well with the corresponding measured profiles in all cases. Particularly, the

model reproduces the S-shape velocity profile for sparsely distributed large size
roughness elements. The DFM is robust and can be easily integrated into the existing
numerical models.

Thirdly, laboratory measurements of the velocity profiles and flow resistances of

open-channel flows over fixed gravel patches (GPs) under different bed slopes and
flow rates were carried out. Two GPs with identical individual element size and
different lengths (3.81m and 7.5m) were tested. The depth-limited uniform flow
regime with relative submergence Sr (= D/ks) ranging from 2.68 to 5.94 was
produced by adjusting the tailgate weir. The velocity profiles were carefully
measured by using both an ultra-sound velocity profiler (UVP) and an acoustic
Doppler velocimeter (ADV). The two sets of profiles measured were found to be
consistent and have high correlation. The conventional methods used to determine
the zero-plane displacement and estimate the bed shear velocity were then reviewed
and compared. The uncertainty of the shear velocities estimated with different
methods appears to be greater for the case with shorter patch length than that with
longer patch length. The measured double-averaged (DA) velocity profiles were
found to fit well with the log law and defect law with a non-universal Karman
constant . Under relatively small submergence, the -value decreases to 0.22 for the
fitting the velocity profiles by the logarithmic flow resistance law. The values of the
constant Br in the logarithmic law fall within the normal range between 3.25 and
6.25. The streamwise turbulence intensity distributions were found to agree well with
the available experimental data in the intermediate region and wall region.

Finally, the hydrodynamics of flows over a finite length flexible vegetation patch

(VP) was investigated in the laboratory. Plastic strips were attached vertically onto
the flume bed section (3.4 m long 0.3 m wide) to simulate the flexible VP. Uniform
real gravels were paved before and behind the VP to represent the natural river bed.
The ADV technique is used for monitoring the 3D velocity above and within the VP
at high-frequency sample rates The density effect of VP was analyzed by comparing
the measured results for the high density (HD) patch ( = vegetative coefficient =
0.056 m-1) and those for the low density (LD) patch ( = 0.028 m-1). The VP, which
retarded the flow within the canopy and accelerated the overlying flow, appeared to
be swaying under different flow rates. As the elevation of occurrence of the
maximum velocity gradient increases with the distance downstream from the leading
edge, the position of the maximum shear stress rises with distance from the channel
bottom to the time-averaged deflected height of the VP. Correspondingly, the
turbulence structure changes from the boundary-layer type to the mixing-layer type
and the peak TKE occurs at the top of the trailing edge, similar to those observed in
the flows with rigid VP. However, comparing to the case with rigid VP, the high-level
turbulence region within the adjustment region occurred at a farther downstream
distance from the leading edge for the case with flexible VP, as the high frequency
vibration of the strips dissipates part of the TKE. In the fully-developed region the
increasing canopy density leads to the increasing degree of inflection in the mean
velocity profile. The existence of the Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) vortices within the
shear layer is confirmed by both the flow visualization and the quadrant analysis. The
flow evolution within the VP was successfully replicated by a 3D RANS model
incorporating the DFM and the S-A turbulence closure.

In summary, the present research contributes to the knowledge and understanding of


open-channel flows with gravel and vegetation roughnesses. It reveals the mean flow
and turbulence structure in the fully developed flows with gravels or submerged
flexible vegetation as well as the flow evolution across the finite vegetation patch.
The findings are supported by both laboratory measurements and numerical
modelling results, and can be useful for engineering applications.


First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor
C.W. Li, for his helpful suggestions, valuable guidance and incredible patience during
my research and thesis work. This thesis would never reach to this point without his
enlightening discussions and brilliant advice.

Particular thanks are expressed to the other three examiners of my PhD defense, Prof.
Onyx W. H. Wai, Prof. Chiu On NG and Prof. Bingliang LIN, for their critical and
constructive comments.

I am also grateful to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for giving me the
opportunity to study here and for providing me with the financial support. Many
thanks are owed to Mr. K.H. Leung, the technician of the Hydraulic Laboratory, for his
assistance in preparing the experimental setup and valuable help throughout the

I would like to thank my wife, Dr. J. Zhou, for her constant love and support
throughout my doctoral study. Words can never express how much it has meant to me.

Finally, I would like to pay special thanks to my parents for their encouragement and
support from home during these years.


Table of Contents
Certificate of Originality ............................................................................................I
Abstract ...................................................................................................................... II
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................. VII
Table of Contents...................................................................................................VIII
List of Figures ......................................................................................................... XII
List of Tables ........................................................................................................ XVII
List of Photos ...................................................................................................... XVIII
List of Symbols ...................................................................................................... XIX
Chapter 1.

Introduction and Overview ............................................................... 1

Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

1.1.1. General Background ................................................................................ 1

1.1.2. Objectives................................................................................................. 3

Overview of thesis ...................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2.

Literature Review............................................................................... 6


Introduction ................................................................................................ 6


Review on the basic theories ..................................................................... 6

2.2.1. Gravel-bed flows ...................................................................................... 6

2.2.2. Submerged canopy flows ....................................................................... 11

Review on experimental studies .............................................................. 17


2.3.1. Experimental studies of gravel-bed flows .............................................. 17

2.3.2. Experimental studies of submerged canopy flows ................................. 21

Review on numerical studies ................................................................... 25

2.4.1. Numerical studies of gravel-bed flows .................................................. 25

2.4.2. Numerical studies of submerged canopy flows ..................................... 28

Summary ................................................................................................... 31

Chapter 3.

RANS Modelling of Open-Channel Flows ..................................... 32


Introduction .............................................................................................. 32


Numerical methodology ........................................................................... 34

3.2.1. Reynolds averaging ................................................................................ 34

3.2.2. Governing equations and turbulence closure ......................................... 35
3.2.3. Numerical methods ................................................................................ 40
3.2.4. Boundary conditions .............................................................................. 45

Case studies ............................................................................................... 47

3.3.1. Open-channel flows over smooth surface .............................................. 47

3.3.2. Open-channel flows over submerged vegetation ................................... 53

Conclusions ............................................................................................... 57

Chapter 4.

Numerical Modelling of Flows over Gravel Beds.......................... 58


Introduction .............................................................................................. 58


DANS model ............................................................................................. 60


Case studies ............................................................................................... 68

4.3.1. Open-channel flow over small-scale roughness elements ..................... 68


4.3.2. Open-channel flow over large-scale roughness elements ...................... 75

4.3.3. Steep-slope gravel-bed river flow .......................................................... 84

Conclusions ............................................................................................... 89

Chapter 5.

Depth-limited Open-Channel Flow over Gravel Patch ................ 90


Introduction .............................................................................................. 90


Experimental facilities ............................................................................. 92

5.2.1. Tilting Flume .......................................................................................... 92

5.2.2. Water depth and discharge measurements ............................................. 94
5.2.3. Velocity measurement ............................................................................ 94

Experimental arrangement ..................................................................... 99

5.3.1. Pre-experiment calibration ..................................................................... 99

5.3.2. Experimental procedures...................................................................... 102
5.3.3. Experiment conditions ......................................................................... 106

Experimental results .............................................................................. 108

5.4.1. Shear velocity ....................................................................................... 108

5.4.2. Velocity profiles ................................................................................... 111
5.4.3. Streamwise turbulence intensity .......................................................... 117
5.4.4. Flow resistance ..................................................................................... 121

Numerical model results ........................................................................ 126


Conclusions ............................................................................................. 129

Chapter 6.

Open-Channel Flow with Finite Flexible Vegetation Patch ....... 131

Introduction ............................................................................................ 131



Laboratory experiments ........................................................................ 134

6.2.1. Experimental set-up ............................................................................. 134

6.2.2. Measurement techniques ...................................................................... 137
6.2.3. Experimental results and discussion .................................................... 141

Numerical simulations ........................................................................... 165


Simulation setup ................................................................................... 165


Results .................................................................................................. 167


Conclusions ............................................................................................. 172

Chapter 7.

Summary, Conclusions and Future Works .................................. 174

Conclusions ............................................................................................. 174


Numerical study ................................................................................... 174


Experimental study .............................................................................. 176


Future work ............................................................................................ 178

References ............................................................................................................... 180


List of Figures
Figure 2.1. Typical velocity distribution in gravel-bed flows .................................... 10
Figure 2.2. Two flow regimes of submerged canopy flow (after Nepf and Ghisalberti
2008) .......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2.3. Definition of vegetative coefficient ...................................................... 13
Figure 2.4. Velocity profile in and above a submerged canopy (after Nepf and
Ghisalberti 2008)........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 3.1. Drag force induced by flow through vegetation ...................................... 37
Figure 3.2. Illustration of -coordinate transformation ............................................. 41
Figure 3.3. Profile of mean streamwise velocity for Case 1

(experiments by Nezu

and Rodi 1986) ........................................................................................................... 49

Figure 3.4. Profile of mean streamwise velocity for Case 2

(experiments by Nezu

and Rodi 1986) ........................................................................................................... 49

Figure 3.5. Profiles of eddy viscosity (experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986) .......... 50
Figure 3.6. Profiles of Reynolds stress (experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986) ........ 51
Figure 3.7. Profiles of TKE (experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986).......................... 53
Figure 3.8. Profiles of mean streamwise velocity (experiments by Dunn et al. 1996)
.................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3.9. Profiles of Reynolds stress (experiments by Dunn et al. 1996) .............. 56
Figure 4.1. Velocity distribution over small-scale roughness elements ..................... 60
Figure 4.2. Velocity distribution over large-scale roughness elements ...................... 60
Figure 4.3. Original standard wall distance model (SWD) ........................................ 66
Figure 4.4. Modified wall distance model (MWD).................................................... 66

Figure 4.5. Measured and calculated velocity profiles for flow over small-scale
roughness elements .................................................................................................... 71
Figure 4.6. Grid convergence test of DFM ................................................................ 72
Figure 4.7. Grid convergence test of WFA ................................................................ 72
Figure 4.8. Normalized Reynolds stress profiles for flow over small-scale roughness
elements ..................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 4.9. Normalized eddy viscosity profiles for flow over small-scale roughness
elements ..................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 4.10. Normalized velocity profiles for flows over spherical segment-type bed,
runs C1S, C1W, C1M2, C2S, C2W, C2M2 are defined in Table 4.4 (experiments by
Nikora et al., 2001; the dash line denotes the upper level of the interfacial sublayer)
.................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 4.11. Normalized Reynolds stress profiles for flows over spherical
segment-type bed (experiments by Nikora et al., 2001) ............................................ 80
Figure 4.12. Plan view of the roughness arrangement and the location of position of
spatially-averaged verticals (experiments by Lawless and Robert, 2001a & 2001b) 81
Figure 4.13. Variation of porosity with the z/ .......................................................... 82
Figure 4.14. Vertical velocity profiles for flows over large and widely-spaced pebble
clusters (experiments by Lawless and Robert, 2001a & 2001b; the horizontal dash
line denotes the upper level of the interfacial sublayer) ............................................ 84
Figure 4.15. Velocity profiles for steep-slope gravel-bed rivers ................................ 88
Figure 5.1. Schematic of laboratory setup (not to scale).......................................... 103
Figure 5.2. Comparison between streamwise velocities measured by UVP and ADV
.................................................................................................................................. 112
Figure 5.3. Power spectra of velocity components from ADV (LPS5R3L1 with Sr =

3.49, at depth z/D = 0.35; for reference, -5/3 power slope is also shown by the red
straight line.) ............................................................................................................ 112
Figure 5.4. Probability density function (PDF) of velocity components from ADV
(LPS5R3L1 with Sr = 3.49, at depth z/D = 0.35.) .................................................... 113
Figure 5.5. Double averaged velocity profiles of selected SP case: ........................ 114
Figure 5.6. Double averaged velocity profiles of selected LP case: ........................ 115
Figure 5.7. Variation of with relative submergence Sr .......................................... 117
Figure 5.8. Variation of Br with dimensionless roughness height ks+....................... 117
Figure 5.9. Variation of streamwise turbulence intensity I as a function of z/D for SP
cases ......................................................................................................................... 119
Figure 5.10. Variation of streamwise turbulence intensity I as a function of z/D for LP
cases ......................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 5.11. Variation of cn (= nb/ks1/6) with relative submergence Sr (= D/ks) ........ 124
Figure 5.12. Variation of (8/fb)1/2 with relative submergence Sr (= D/ks) ................. 126
Figure 5.13. Measured and calculated velocity profiles for SPS2R4 ...................... 127
Figure 5.14. Best-fit values of frk (m-1) against Sr for SP cases................................ 128
Figure 5.15. Best-fit values of frk (m-1) against Sr for LP cases ............................... 128
Figure 6.1. Schematic diagram of the longitudinal section of the flume ................. 135
Figure 6.2. Definition of geometric characteristics of individual plastic strip......... 136
Figure 6.3. Plan view of the VP ............................................................................... 137
Figure 6.4. Measured profiles of mean velocity and Reynolds stress in point A &
point B at x = 1.63 m for Case 3 in Table 6.1 .......................................................... 139
Figure 6.5. Measured water surface elevation profiles ............................................ 142
Figure 6.6. Contour plots of the mean velocity components u and w (m/s) within
adjustment region for Case 1 in Table 6.1 ................................................................ 145

Figure 6.7. Streamwise mean velocity profiles measured within the fully-developed
region ....................................................................................................................... 146
Figure 6.8. Comparison of DA velocity profiles within fully-developed region
between Case 1 & Case 2 ......................................................................................... 147
Figure 6.9. Contour plots of the streamwise mean velocity u (m/s)

within wake

region ....................................................................................................................... 148

Figure 6.10. Contour plots of measured Reynolds stress per unit mass u ' w ' (m2/s2)
within adjustment region .......................................................................................... 150
Figure 6.11. Contour plots of measured TKE per unit mass k (m2/s2)


adjustment region ..................................................................................................... 151

Figure 6.12. Vertical distribution of measured Reynolds stress ............................... 152
Figure 6.13. Vertical distribution of measured TKE per unit mass k ....................... 153
Figure 6.14. Maxima of measured Reynolds stress per unit mass u ' w '

along the

flow direction ........................................................................................................... 154

Figure 6.15. Contour plots of measured TKE per unit mass k (m2/s2)

within wake

region ....................................................................................................................... 155

Figure 6.16. Quadrant diagram of downstream (u') and vertical (w') turbulent flow
components (after Robert et al. 1993)...................................................................... 157
Figure 6.17. Contour maps of the ratio of time contribution from Q2 and Q4 (RS2/RS4)
within the adjustment region .................................................................................... 158
Figure 6.18. Vertical distributions of quadrant Reynolds stress RSi

within the

fully-developed region ............................................................................................. 160

Figure 6.19. Vertical distributions of Ejection-to-sweep ratio (RS2/RS4)


fully-developed region ............................................................................................. 161


Figure 6.20. Scatter plots of u'/u* against w'/u* in different layers within
fully-developed region for Case 1 ............................................................................ 163
Figure 6.21. Contour maps of the ratio of time contribution from Q2 and Q4 (RS2/RS4)
within the wake region ............................................................................................. 164
Figure 6.22. Computational domain (not to scale) ................................................... 166
Figure 6.23. Input velocity profile at the inflow boundary ...................................... 166
Figure 6.24. Comparison of water surface profiles along the flow direction .......... 167
Figure 6.25. Vertical distributions of streamwise velocity u at various locations 169
Figure 6.26. Vertical distribution of Reynolds stress (per unit mass) u ' w ' at
various locations ...................................................................................................... 171
Figure 6.27. Comparison of the Reynolds stress maxima along the flow direction 172


List of Tables
Table 3.1. Flow parameters for the simulations (experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986)
.................................................................................................................................... 47
Table 3.2. Flow parameters for the simulations (experiments by Dunn et al. 1996) . 54
Table 4.1. Summary of parameters for flow over small roughness elements ............ 69
Table 4.2. Model parameters for SWD and MWD (grid number = 61, frk = 25 m-1) . 74
Table 4.3. Flow parameters for the simulations (experiments by Nikora, et al., 2001)
.................................................................................................................................... 76
Table 4.4. Computational parameters used in the simulations (experiments by Nikora
et al., 2001) ................................................................................................................ 78
Table 4.5. Computational parameters used in the DANS modelling (experiments by
Lawless and Robert, 2001a & 2001b) ........................................................................ 82
Table 4.6. Characteristic parameters and average velocities for three simulations of
river flows .................................................................................................................. 85
Table 5.1. Calibration results for flow rates ............................................................. 101
Table 5.2. Calibration results for bed slopes ............................................................ 101
Table 5.3. Grain size distribution for the original material ...................................... 103
Table 5.4. Characteristic parameters for GPs ........................................................... 104
Table 5.5. Experimental conditions in gravel-bed flows with limited water depth . 107
Table 5.6. Comparison of the shear velocities calculated by energy-gradient method
(u*e) and Reynolds-stress method (u*r). .................................................................. 110
Table 6.1. Summary of experimental conditions ..................................................... 142
Table 6.2. Values of xa for experimental conditions ................................................. 146

List of Photos
Photo 5.1. Tilting flume ............................................................................................. 93
Photo 5.2. The build-in electromagnetic flow meter.................................................. 94
Photo 5.3. The UVP system ....................................................................................... 95
Photo 5.4. 3D Vectrino ADV (NORTEC) .................................................................. 97
Photo 5.5. Image of the ADV probe and schematic diagram of sampling volume .... 98
Photo 5.6. Facilities used to calibrate the flow rates ................................................ 100
Photo 5.7. Laser maker ............................................................................................ 101
Photo 6.1. A K-H vortex above the flexible vegetation canopy is visualized using red
dye for Case 1 in Table 6.1 ....................................................................................... 143


List of Symbols
Alphabetical Symbols


solidity ratio;


numerical constant in log-law;


characteristics width of roughness elements, m;


width of stem, m;

parameter of velocity distribution;


drag coefficient;


Chzy resistance coefficient;


resistance factor ( n k s1 6 );


parameter of MWD that control the linearly distribution in

interfacial sublayer;


shielding factor;

water depth measured from the reference level h0, m;

thickness of the interfacial sublayer, m;


median diameter (diameter of bed particles for which 50% are

finer), m;


diameter of bed particles for which 84% are finer, m;


diameter of bed particles for which 90% are finer, m;

Darcy-Weisbach friction factor;


Froude number;


drag force parameter reflecting the resistance effect of the bed


particles in DFM (= CdCsbsN/(1-Ap)), m-1;


gravitational acceleration, m/s2;

water depth measured from the bottom, m;


reference level (the level where the mean velocity is zero), m;


displacement of the zero-velocity plane below the top of the

roughness elements, m;


averaged deflected height (for flexible stem experiments), m;


penetration depth, m;


undeflected canopy height (for rigid stem experiments), m;

streamwise turbulence intensity (= urms/u*);

Kinetic energy of turbulent fluctuations per unit mass, m2/s2;


thickness of the roughness layer (for small-scale roughness

condition), m;


equivalent (Nikuradse) sand roughness (roughness length sacle);

ks +

dimensionless roughness height (= ksu*/);


plant space in streamwise direction, m;


plant space in spanwise direction, m;


length of VP, m;

number density of gravel bed, m-2;

Manning resistance coefficient;

flow rate, l/s;


Event associated with quadrant i (where i = 1 4);


Reynolds number;


Reynolds number (= Du*/);



hydraulic radius, m;


square of correlation coefficient;


bed slope;

depth averaged velocity, m/s;

cross-sectional averaged velocity, m/s;


maximum point velocity observed over a velocity profile, m/s;

u, v, w

instantaneous velocity components in x, y, z directions, m/s;

u, v, w

time-averaged velocity components in x, y, z directions, m/s;

u', v', w'

fluctuating velocity components in x, y, z directions, m/s;

double-averaged (in time and spatial domains) velocity

u , v , w

components in x, y, z directions, m/s;

urms, vrms, wrms =

root-mean-squared velocity fluctuations in x, y, z directions;


bed-shear velocity, m/s;


bed-shear velocity computed using Clauses method, m/s;


bed-shear velocity computed using energy gradient method, m/s;


bed-shear velocity computed using Reynolds stress method, m/s;

u ' w '

Reynolds shear stress per unit mass, m2/s2;


relative submergence (= D/ks);

channel width, m;

x, y, z

rectangular Cartesian coordinates, m;


vertical distance from the bottom, m.

Greek Symbols


plant density, m-1;

distance from the reference level to the point where velocity

reach the maximum value, m;

penetration scale, m;

Karman constant;

kinematic molecular viscosity, m2/s;

kinematic eddy viscosity, m2/s;

water density, kg/m3;










acoustic Doppler velocimetry


computational fluid dynamics


conjugate gradient squared stabilized




double averaged Navier-Stokes


drag force method


direct numerical simulation


gravel patch


high density




personal computer


probability density function


particle-image velocimetry


particle tracking velocimetry


large eddy simulation


low density


laser Doppler anemometer


long patch


Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes


Reynolds stress model




signal-to-noise ratio


short patch


turbulence kinetic energy


ultrasonic velocity profiler


vegetation patch


wall function approach


Chapter 1.
Introduction and Overview
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. General Background

Open channels, which refer to the natural or manmade conveyance structures with open
tops, are efficient to convey flows for industrial and drainage purposes. Natural open
channels include all watercourses that exist naturally on Earth, such as brooks, streams,
rivers and estuaries. Manmade open channels are exemplified by drainage ditches,
irrigation canals, aqueducts, flood diversion channels, etc. The most important
characteristic distinguishes open-channel flow from closed conduit flow is that
open-channel flow has a free surface in contact with air. Due to the existence of free
surface, the open-channel flow structures are more complex. Neglecting the surface
tension, the relevant forces causing and resisting motion and the inertia must form a
momentum balance such that the free surface is a streamline along which the pressure is
constant and equal to the atmospheric pressure.

Another important characteristic of open-channel flow is the extreme variability in the

bed roughness. Turbulent flows and the associated transport processes in open channels
are strongly influenced by the roughness elements on the channel bed. For natural
rivers, the composition of the bed roughness is very complex. The roughness elements

include sand, gravel, rock, aquatic vegetation, etc. The characteristics of the elements,
such as the shape, density and heterogeneity, can vary from site to site significantly. In
man-made open channels, gravels and boulders are often deployed onto the bottom to
prevent erosion. Recently, there is also a trend to plant vegetation within man-made
open channels to maintain the balance of the whole ecosystem.

An undesirable effect of theses roughness elements is that the flow capacities of these
channels will be significantly reduced due to the increase in resistances. The
engineering design of drainage ditches as well as the river restoration both requires the
knowledge of the resistance induced by bed roughness elements on the water flows.
Therefore, many researchers have investigated flow resistance or friction laws for flows
over fixed rough beds and over complicated bed configurations. Another effect is that
the presence of bed roughness (particularly the large roughness) in an open-channel
flow can alter the channel morphology and consequently change the velocity
distribution, turbulence structure and coherent motion of the flow. These changes, in
turn, can strongly influence the sediment transportation, erosion processes as well as
the livings of organisms. Therefore a better understanding of this effect will be greatly
advantageous to the river restoration and drainage/irrigation design.

Although the hydrodynamics of rough-bed flows has been studied extensively for the
last two decades, there are still many unsolved problems awaiting clarification. For
instance, the roughness effect on mean flow and turbulence structure is unclear for
open-channel flows with small relative submergence (ratio between mean water depth
and roughness height, D/ks). Secondly, there is still a great deal of uncertainty in the
accuracy of the representation of various flow and turbulence boundary conditions at

the bottoms of natural rivers, particularly in the presence of bed forms, and large bed
roughness elements. The generation of turbulence and friction by bed roughness
requires further study in order to understand flows over natural surfaces. In addition,
the numerical simulation of rough-bed flows also received considerable research
attention. Several methods used to represent the roughness effect have emerged
recently. However, the present state of knowledge indicates that the accuracy of
quantifying the roughness effect in turbulent open-channel flows is insufficient as
compared to that achieved in modelling turbulent flows over smooth beds.

1.1.2. Objectives

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of

depth-limited open-channel flows over gravel patches (GPs) and submerged
vegetation patches (VPs) and to quantify the gravel and vegetation induced roughness
effects on mean flow and turbulence structure using experimental and numerical
methods. The specific objectives are:

To develop a three-dimensional (3D) Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes

(RANS) model with the Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) turbulence closure to
simulate fully developed open-channel flows over smooth beds and
submerged vegetation canopies.


To develop a double-averaged Navier-Stokes (DANS) model incorporating

the drag force method (DFM) and a modified S-A turbulence model to
simulate the gravel-bed open-channel flows.


To understand the hydrodynamics of depth-limited open-channel flow over

GP through laboratory experiments.


To conduct laboratory experiments of depth-limited open-channel flow over


finite flexible VP, and to assess the applicability of the developed 3D

RANS model in modelling the flow evolution across the leading edge of

1.2. Overview of thesis

This thesis consists of 7 chapters. Apart from the first introduction chapter, the
remaining 6 chapters are organized as follows:

Chapter 2 reviews the studies on open-channel flows with gravel and vegetation
roughnesses. The results obtained from laboratory experiments and numerical
simulations reported in the literatures are separately introduced.

Chapter 3 presents the development of a 3D RANS model and its applications in

modelling the open-channel flows with smooth and rough surface.

In Chapter 4, a DANS model with modified S-A model is developed to simulate

the gravel-bed open-channel flows and predicts the non-logarithmic velocity

Chapter 5 describes the experiments for depth-limited open-channel flows over

GP and presents the results. A sensitivity analysis of the drag force parameter (frk)
is also included based on the flume measurements.

Chapter 6 describes the experiments for the depth-limited open-channel flows

with finite flexible VP and presents the results. In addition, the 3D RANS model
developed in Chapter 3 are also used to replicate the flume experiments.

Chapter 7 finally gives the conclusions on the results of the experimental and
numerical works. It also points out the unsolved problems and makes some

recommendations for future work to pursue.

Chapter 2.
Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
In this chapter, we review the relevant concepts as well as the previous works on
open-channel flows with gravel and vegetation roughnesses. The literatures related to
some specific topics will be quoted separately in the subsequent chapters.

2.2. Review on the basic theories

2.2.1. Gravel-bed flows Representative roughness height

In natural gravel-bed rivers, the bed roughness elements are mixtures of sediment of
different sizes. Thus the representative roughness height is very difficult to be
accurately estimated. Based on the previous investigations, the equivalent or
Nikuradses grain roughness, ks, is often taken as the representative roughness height.
However, there is much uncertainty on how to define ks. The ks is commonly
assumed to be equal to the median diameter (d50) for practical engineering
applications. This assumption works reasonably well in more well graded sand bed
rivers, where the size d50 could be considered to be a good representative of the
roughness elements. However, this issue is more complicated for a natural river in

which the grain size typically has a much wider distribution, and the roughness
elements may consist of sands, gravels, or cobbles. In this situation, the d50 is often
too small to quantify the roughness effects.

For more accurate representation of the non-uniform bed roughness effect, ks is

generally assumed directly proportional to a characteristic grain diameter as follow:
ks Cx d xx


where Cx is a constant corresponding to a characteristic grain diameter dxx, and xx

denotes the percentage of roughness elements with diameter smaller than dxx.
Equation (2-1) is empirical and different values of Cx and dxx have been proposed.
The proposed roughness length scale ks could even exceed the maximum particle size
present on the bed (Kamphuis 1974; Bray 1980; Gessler 1990). Van Rijn (1982)
summarized the available literature and suggested a range of values from ks = d90 to
ks = 10d90. It is generally assumed for gravel-bed rivers ks is equal to 6.8d50 or 3.5d84
(Hey 1979; Bray 1980). The large range of the reported values of ks in field
measurements is not surprising as the bed roughness scale not only depends on the
grain roughness, but also on the size of the bed forms (the aggregation of sediment
grains), the bed load (rolling or saltating near-bed sediment layer), the lateral velocity
gradients and the varying conditions immediately upstream. Consequently, many
researchers believe that ks cannot be estimated by a single grain size (Bray 1982; Hey
and Thorne 1986; Kirchner et al. 1990; Robert 1990; Carling et al. 1992). Nikora
(1998) and Smart et al. (2002) argues that the roughness properties of gravel-bed
rivers can be described by three characteristic linear scales and ks is a function of
statistical properties of the roughness elements in the longitudinal, transverse and

vertical direction. Flow regimes classification

In the presence of surface roughness, the turbulence structure near the surface
depends on the viscous length scale /u* (m = kinematic molecular viscosity, u* =
wall shear velocity), and the roughness length scale ks. The ratio of the roughness to
the viscous length scale yields a single non-dimensional quantity as follow:
k s

u * k s


Base on this non-dimensional parameter, the turbulent rough-bed channel flows can
be classified into three regimes:

Hydraulically-smooth (ks+ < 5) where the bed roughness elements are

completely submerged within the viscous sublayer and barely disturb the


Transitionally-rough (5 < ks+ 70) where the bed roughness elements are
only partially submerged within the viscous layer and both roughness
effects and viscous effects are significant.


Fully-rough (ks+ > 70) where the bed roughness elements disrupt the
viscous and buffer layers and the velocity distribution becomes
independent of the molecular viscosity.

Another classification of rough-bed flows is based on the ratio of water depth D to

the roughness length scale ks (Nikora et al. 2001):

Flow over partially inundated rough bed: D/ks < 1


Flow with small relative submergence: 1 D/ks < 2 ~ 5



Flow with large relative submergence: D/ks >> 1

In terms of flow behaviors, Nikora et al. (2001) also subdivides the rough-bed flow
into four types based on the characteristics of velocity distribution. These four kinds
of flows are listed as follows:
Type , with a roughness layer, a well-developed logarithmic (log) layer and
an outer layer.
Type , with a roughness layer and an outer layer.
Type , in which the roughness layer occupies the entire water depth.
Type , in which the roughness elements protrude through the free surface.
It is difficult to relate the relative submergence ratio (D/ks) to the above flow types
due to the fact that the flow also depends on other geometrical characteristics of
roughness elements. For example, flow Type may occur at small relative
submergence with streamlined roughness elements which produce a thin roughness
layer and still allow the fully development of the log layer. Zero-plane displacement

For fully turbulent flows over smooth boundaries, the zero level of the velocity
profile, z' = 0, should be set at the solid boundary. However, for gravel-bed flows
most of the researchers (Kamphuis 1974; Bayazit 1976; Nikora et al. 2002) hold the
view that the actual reference level h0, called the hypothetical bed (i.e., the level
where the mean velocity is zero), lies between z' = 0 and z' = kr, where kr is the
thickness of the roughness layer (as shown in Figure 2.1). In laboratories it is easy to
define h0, while in the field it is easier to define h1, the displacement of the

zero-velocity plane below the top of the roughness elements. Although the
determination of h1 has been addressed in a number of studies, its value is still
uncertain in practical applications. For example, several researchers have
experimentally found that the values for h1 could varied between 0.2ks (Kironoto and
Graf 1994) and 0.3ks (Rodriguez and Garcia 2008) for typical gravel beds.

Figure 2.1. Typical velocity distribution in gravel-bed flows

The methods for determining h0 from velocity measurements or roughness geometry

have been developed for a long time. However, most of the theoretical and
experimental developments were restricted to the atmospheric flows over rough
surfaces such as buildings or forested areas (Monin and Yaglom 1971; Jackson 1981;
Raupach et al. 1991). In aquatic environment this issue also has been also widely
recognized among researchers dealing with rough-bed flows (e.g., Bayazit 1983).
The existing methods have been well documented in Nikora et al. (2002). The most
widely used method in hydraulics is the Best-fit approach. According to the

method, the bed origin is defined as a level, which provides the best data fit for the
near-bed logarithmic velocity distribution. This method can be further optimized by
using the least square method and the correlation coefficient (or some other statistical
measures) as a criterion. This method, although simple and appealing, can be only
applied to the flows over small-scale roughness in which the logarithmic velocity
distribution is valid in the inner region.

2.2.2. Submerged canopy flows Flow regimes classification

It is well-known that the aquatic canopies can be classified as submerged or

emergent depending on whether they occupy partly or fully the flow depth. Nepf and
Vivoni (2000) further classified submerged canopy flows (as shown in Figure 2.2)
into two types, depending on the depth ratio, defined by D/hv, where D is the total
flow depth and hv is the canopy height. When D/hv > 5 to 10, unconfined canopy
flow occurs which is analogous to flow over a rough boundary. When 1 < D/hv < 5 to
10, the flow is classified as depth-limited canopy flow. The terrestrial canopy flow is
all unconfined as the canopy height is small comparing to the atmospheric layer. The
unconfined canopy regime is also observed in some deeply submerged flows, e.g.
with seagrass meadows. However, for most aquatic vegetation flows the depth ratio
is not large. Thus the submerged canopy flows in aquatic environment, generally
speaking, is depth-limited.


(a) Terrestrial canopy flow:

(b) Submerged aquatic canopy flow:



Figure 2.2. Two flow regimes of submerged canopy flow (after Nepf and Ghisalberti
Much is already known about unconfined canopy flow through the studies on flows
with terrestrial canopies, which is reviewed in Raupach et al. (1996). A key feature of
the terrestrial canopy flow is the development of a strong shear layer at the top of the
canopy with a flow structure similar to a free shear layer. Turbulence produced
within this layer defines the scale of active turbulence within and just above the
canopy. Typically, the shear length scale, Ls, is of the order of the canopy height.
Turbulence produced within the wakes of vegetation stems become secondary,
contributing approximately 10% of the in-canopy turbulence (Raupach and Shaw
1982). The flow within the canopy is driven only by the vertical turbulent transport
of momentum from the overlying flow, with negligible contribution from pressure
gradient (Raupach et al. 1991).

The detailed comparison between the terrestrial canopy flow and the aquatic canopy
flow can be found in Nepf et al. (2007b). Different from the terrestrial canopy flow,

the flow in aquatic canopy flow is driven by the combination of turbulent stress
generated by the overflow and by potential gradients associated with the hydrostatic
pressure gradient and bed slope. The shear length scale Ls is also found to be
dependent on the depth ratio in the aquatic environment. Ls is constant and of the
order of the canopy height for D/hv > 2, and is diminished for D/hv <2 (Nepf and
Vivoni 2000). Nepf and Vivoni (2000) further inferred that wake turbulence is
generally more important in aquatic than in terrestrial systems, even for large depths
of submergence. Its contribution may never decline to the terrestrial limit of 10%.

The plant density can be described by the vegetative coefficient (m-1) which is
defined as:

projected area of plant bv

total volume
s l


where bv is the width of the stem; s and l are the lengths of the control volume.
Figure 2.3 shows the definition of these three parameters for circular section rod and
rectangular rod. According to Nepf et al. (2007a), the parameter Cdhv indicates
whether the canopy is dense (Cdhv > 0.1) or sparse (Cdhv < 0.1), where Cd is the
drag coefficient and hv is the canopy height.

Figure 2.3. Definition of vegetative coefficient

13 Flow structure within depth-limited canopy flows

Figure 2.4 shows the typical velocity profile within depth-limited canopy flows. In
the presence of a submerged canopy, the whole flow region is divided into the
following three sublayers:

Pressure-driven layer: (0 z hp)


Mixing-layer: (hp z hlog)


Logarithmic layer: (hlog z D)

Sufficiently far above the canopy, the velocity profile is logarithmic. However, the
existence of this layer requires equilibrium turbulence, i.e., the dissipation and
production are locally in balance (Nepf and Ghisalberti 2008). For very shallow
submergence, D/hv 1.5, the logarithmic profile is not observed above the canopy
(e.g., Nepf and Vivoni 2000). At the top of the canopy the discontinuity in drag
generates a mixing-layer across the canopy-water interface. Within this layer, due to
momentum absorption by the canopy elements, there exists an inflection point near
the vegetation top which triggers the Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability. As a result,
the coherent vortices developed at the canopy-water interface dominate the
streamwise momentum and scalar transfer between overlying and canopy layers,
making bottom friction much less important than the interfacial shear due to stem
drag. Particularly within dense canopies, the vortices cannot penetrate completely to
the bed. This, consequently, separates the canopy into two layers. The upper layer
(termed as Stress-driven layer) is predominantly driven by turbulent stress, which
penetrates downward into the canopy over a distance e (as shown in Figure 2.4). The
lower layer (termed as Pressure-driven layer) is driven by potential gradients due

to bed or pressure gradients. Nepf et al. (2007a) suggested that penetration scale e is
inversely proportional to the drag length scale of the canopy ((aCd)-1 and can be
given as:

e 0.25( aCd ) 1


The lower level of mixing-layer can also be determined by penetration depth hp, at
which the Reynolds stress u ' w ' has decayed to 10% of its maximum value (Nepf
and Vivoni 2000).

Figure 2.4. Velocity profile in and above a submerged canopy (after Nepf and
Ghisalberti 2008)

Figure 2.4 also plots the typical distribution of the Reynolds stress ( u ' w ' ) within
the depth-limited canopy flows. It can be seen from the figure that the peak value
occurs at the canopy height and then decreases linearly above the canopy to a value

of zero at the water surface. Of particular significance is the sharp decrease in the
Reynolds stress within the canopy, which is caused by the drag due to vegetation
elements. In other words, the momentum transfer from the overlying layer toward the
bed is obstructed by vegetation elements. Coherent motion of flexible canopies

Most of the natural canopies are flexible and move in response to the mean and
turbulent flows. Kouwen and Unny (1973) classified these motions into three types,
i.e., (1) erect, (2) waving and (3) prone, and distinguished the erect and waving types
(as rough boundary) from the prone type (as smooth boundary) by a critical friction
velocity which is found to be a function of the vegetation density and the flexural
rigidity. Later, Okamoto and Nezu (2009) considered the erect type and the waving
type as the gently Swaying (deflected but no organized waving) and the Monami
(organized waving) respectively.

Although the Swaying and Monami are both induced by the K-H vortices within the
mixng-layer, these two type of motions lead to an evident difference in the flow
structure of submerged canopy flows (Okamoto and Nezu 2009). The velocity
gradient near the canopy height is larger for Monami than that for Swaying canopy,
suggesting that the inflection-point instability and the associated organized motions
occur more significantly for Monami than those for Swaying canopy. The Reynolds
stress distribution has a rounder peak structure in Monami canopy flow than that in
Swaying canopy flow. In addition, much higher space-time correlations among the
vegetation elements are observed for Monami than those for Swaying canopy.

2.3. Review on experimental studies

The open-channel flows over gravel bed or submerged canopy have been extensively
studied for a long time. There are numerous experimental and numerical studies
reported. Some of the important works are reviewed hereinafter.

2.3.1. Experimental studies of gravel-bed flows

Kirkgoz (1989) carried out a number of experiments of flows over a uniformly rough
surface with averaged roughness height varied from 1 to 12 mm, Froude number in a
range from 0.075 to 0.43, and Reynolds number between about 20,000 and 100,000.
Velocity profiles were collected by using a laser-doppler anemometer (LDA). He
suggested that the shift of the zero reference level, which represents the fictitious
viscous sublayer on a rough wall, decrease with increasing Reynolds number, but
does not seem to be affected by the roughness height. The velocity profiles, without
assuming a value for ks different from the bed roughness height, were found to
follow the following equation for 100 < zu*/ < 400:
1 z u *



where is the Karman constant (= 0.41).

Ferro and Giordano (1991) performed an experimental investigation to study the

effect of the concentration of coarse roughness elements on the friction factor. They
found that the semilogarithmic equation gives the best fit to the experimental data
and the use of d84 or d90 as the characteristic diameter implicitly includes the effect of

the particle concentration. The semilogarithmic resistance equation can be given as


b0 b1 log

d xx



where Ch = Chzy coefficient; g = acceleration due to gravity; b0, b1 = numeric

constant. In the further study, Ferro (1999) suggested that b0 depends on the median
size ratio (ratio between the median diameter of coarser particles and the median
diameter of the bed layer particles) and the boulder concentration. He explained the
differences between the experimentally determined friction factor ( Ch

g ) and the

calculated values in terms of the ratio between the Shields parameter and its critical

Robert et al. (1992) provided the first experimental data set on the effects of
roughness transitions on depth-limited flows. Flow measurements along roughness
transitions from smooth to rough beds were collected in a flume using artificial
roughness features as well as in a natural gravel bed river. Both sets of experiments
(flume and field) show similar effects: flow deceleration at the bed downstream from
the roughness transition, sharp increases of the velocity gradient and roughness
length and increase in turbulence intensity.

Wang et al. (1993) conducted systematic measurements of longitudinal turbulence

intensity in a laboratory gravel-bed flume with one-dimensional LDA. The bottom of
the flume was roughened with gravels of uniform or non-uniform sizes. It was found
that the distribution of streamwise turbulence intensity I (= urms/u*) depends greatly

on the relative submergence D/ks. For D/ks 1.0, I could be taken as a constant for
the entire water depth. With the increase of D/ks, the influence of the roughness
elements on turbulence intensity decreases and the distribution of I gradually
approaches that in the smooth bed case. The turbulence intensity distribution feature
was also found to be independent on the uniformity of the bed roughness.

Ferro and Baiamonte (1994) carried out velocity measurements in a laboratory flume
with a non-uniform gravel bed. The velocity profiles were collected for four different
bed shapes, characterized from different concentrations of coarser elements, and for
conditions of small- and large-scale roughness. It was found that the shape of
velocity profile (S-shape or log-shape) was affected by the depth/sediment ratio
D/d50, the aspect ratio W/D, and the concentration of the gravel bed. They also
compared the velocity profiles with the same Froude number and aspect ratio in
order to identify the effect of the concentration. The comparison indicated that with
small aspect ratio the number of coarser elements does not affect the velocity profile.
For cases with high aspect ratio the velocity decreased when the concentration of
coarser elements increased.

Kironoto and Graf (1994; 1995) experimentally investigated the turbulence structure
of uniform and non-uniform open-channel flows over rough plate and gravel bed. For
uniform flows, within the inner region, the velocity distribution follows the
logarithmic law:

1 z
ln Br
u * ks


where Br is a numerical constant of integration with the suggested value of 8.47


0.9 (Kironoto and Graf 1994) for uniform flow with densely packed, small-scale
gravel bed.

In the outer region, the velocity distribution follows the Coles law:
Uc u
1 z 2
cos 2




where Uc is the maximum point velocity in the mean velocity profile, and is
defined as the distance between the reference level and the point where u U c ; is
Coles wake parameter and found to be equal to 0.09 based on the flume observations.
The energy spectra display well the inertial sub-range characteristics. For
non-uniform flows, the logarithmic law is also valid in the inner region. In the outer
region, the measurements follow the Coles law of the wake, for which the -value
depends on the pressure-gradient parameter. The energy spectra for non-uniform
flow are essentially the same as for uniform flow.

Dittrich and Koll (1997) also used one-dimensional LDA to measure the streamwise
velocity components in gravel-bed flows. They reported that, for flows with low
relative submergence, the value of the von Karman constant for the best-fit
velocity profile following the logarithmic distribution is 0.18, departing significantly
from the normal value ( = 0.41). They argued that the reduction in the value of
indicated some uncertainties in the applicability of logarithmic law to flows with
large relative roughness.

Mignot et al. (2008) performed an experimental investigation focused on the

characteristics of near bed turbulence in a fully rough, uniform open-channel flow

with a gravel bed. The flow characteristics are measured using a 3D-ADVP
(Acoustic Doppler Velocity Profiler). From the experimental data analysis it appears
that the double-averaged turbulence production, turbulence transport, and dissipation
terms have their maximum values away from the reference plane, and occurred near
the roughness crests.

Hardy et al. (2009; 2010) carried out flume experiments in which flows over gravel
beds are quantified through the application of digital particle imaging velocimetry
(PIV), which allows the study of the downstream and vertical components of velocity
over the entire flow field. Their measuring results indicated that coherent flow
structures over gravels owe their origin to bed-generated turbulence and that
large-scale outer layer structures are the results of flow-topography interactions in
the near-bed region associated with wake flapping. Particularly, as the effective
protrusion decreases, the scale of these coherent flow structures also decreases.

2.3.2. Experimental studies of submerged canopy flows

Ikeda and Kanazawa (1996) captured the instantaneous two-dimensional (2D) and
three-dimensional (3D) flow fields by using a 2D LDA and PIV. The measurements
reveal that organized vortices are generated intermittently above the canopy. The side
view of the vortex shows an elliptical shape, and the part of the 3D structure above
the canopy consists of a pair of vortices inclined downward toward the front. The
wavy motion of flexible vegetation is induced by the movement of such organized
vortices. The average period of vortex generation can be explained in terms of linear
stability analysis.

Wu et al. (1999) experimentally investigated the variation of the vegetative

roughness coefficient with the water depth. Rubberized horsehair mattress material
was used to simulate the vegetative roughness on the watercourses. Test results
reveal that the roughness coefficient tends to increase at low depths but then decrease
to an asymptotic constant as the water depth rises for fully submerged conditions.
They developed a simplified model based on force equilibrium to evaluate the drag
coefficient of vegetation.

Nepf and Vivoni (2000) conducted turbulence measurements in submerged vegetated

open-channel flows using both LDA and acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV). They
highlighted the effect of water depth on turbulence structure, and pointed out that the
generation of wake turbulence due to vegetation stems is strongly associated with the
depth of submergence (D/hv). They firstly subdivided the flow field of the aquatic
canopy flows into two regions, namely vertical exchange zone and longitudinal
exchange zone.

Carollo et al. (2002) performed flume experiments to investigate the effect of

vegetation concentration and the depth/vegetation height ratio on the velocity
profiles of flexible canopy flows. They found that the location of the logarithmic
zone is influenced by the depth/vegetation height ratio, but no relevant influence of
the stem concentration was observed. However, the stem concentration affects the
shape of the velocity profile. With decreasing stem concentration, the flow velocities
inside the vegetation increase and the velocities above the canopy decrease. They
also deduced a theoretical velocity profile using the classical Prantls mixing length

turbulence model with a new expression for the mixing length.

Stephan and Gutknecht (2002) investigated three species of flexible aquatic

vegetation under submerged conditions in a laboratory flume. Velocity measurements
above the submerged canopy were conducted to determine the relationship between
the hydraulic roughness and the deflected plant height. The deflected canopy height
was used as the geometric roughness parameter, whereas the equivalent sand
roughness based on the universal logarithmic law modified by Nikuradse was used as
hydraulic roughness parameter. The absolute values of the equivalent roughness, the
deflected plant height, and the zero plane displacement of the logarithmic law were
all close.

Jarvela (2002) carried out laboratory investigations on flow resistance of natural

grasses, sedges and willows. He reported that the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f
was dependent mostly on (1) the relative roughness in the case of grasses; (2) the
flow velocity in the case of willows and sedges/grasses combined; and (3) the flow
depth in the case of leafless willow on bare bottom soil. The friction factor of the
case with leaves on willows could double or even triple the friction factor of the case
without leaves. For the leafless willows, f appeared to increase with depth almost
linearly and independent of velocity.

Wilson et al. (2003) conducted an experimental study to explore the effect of two
forms of flexible vegetation on the turbulence structure within the canopy layer and
the overlying water layer. They observed that the additional surface area of the fronds
significantly increases the momentum absorbing area of the plant which leads to a

decrease in the mean primary velocities within the canopy layer and for a proportion
of the overlying layer. Accordingly, the shear-generated turbulence is reduced due to
the inhibition of momentum exchange by the frond surface area. The addition of the
plant foliage at the top of the stems inhibits the turbulent mixing between the canopy
layer and the overlying layer, and shifts the Reynolds stress peak to a level above the
canopy height.

Poggi et al. (2004b) performed turbulence measurements in submerged canopy flows

with rigid vegetation elements (cylinder rods) by using LDA. They developed a
phenomenological model, in which the whole flow-depth region was divided into
three layers. The first is the lower layer in which the Karman-vortex-street is
generated due to vegetation stems; the second is the middle layer in which the K-H
waves are generated by the inflection instability and the third is the upper layer
which is similar to the boundary layer. By assuming different profiles of the mixing
length in these three layers, the analytical velocity profiles can be computed and are
in good agreement with the experimental results.

Ghisalberti and Nepf (2006) carried out flume measurements with rigid and flexible
model vegetation to study the structure of coherent vortices and vertical transport in
shallow vegetated shear flows. They found that the oscillation of moving vegetations,
so-called Monami, has significant effects on the large-scale coherent structure, i.e.,
sweeps and ejections, and pointed out that the momentum transfer within both rigid
and flexible canopies is dominated by sweeps.

Okamoto and Nezu (2009) conducted simultaneous measurements of turbulence and


vegetation motion by using a combination of PIV and particle tracking velocimetry

(PTV) in open-channel flows with flexible vegetation. They observed a periodical
property of sweep and ejection motions near the vegetation canopies. These coherent
motions govern the momentum transfer significantly for Monami canopy. The
spectral analysis also revealed that the Momani frequency of vegetation is in good
agreement with the peak frequency of the velocity spectrum for the Monami canopy.

Yang and Choi (2009) performed flume experiments on depth-limited open-channel

flow with submerged vegetation. The main purpose was to investigate the impact of
stem flexibility on the mean flow and turbulence structures. The instantaneous
components of the streamwise and vertical velocities were measured by using 2D
LDA. It was found that the stem flexibility hardly affects the mean flow but increases
the peak value of the Reynolds stress. In addition, the stem flexibility respectively
decreases and increases the streamwise component of the turbulence intensity within
the canopy layer and the overlying layer.

2.4. Review on numerical studies

2.4.1. Numerical studies of gravel-bed flows

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or 3D numerical models have been widely used
to simulate open-channel flows with simple geometries. The results also have been
confirmed to be reliable by comparing to the data obtained under controlled laboratory
conditions. However, the application of CFD models to natural rivers has not been so
successful due to the complex geometry and topography. Generally speaking, there are

two traditional approaches to deal with the roughness elements. In the first approach a
very fine grid is used to resolve the boundary of roughness elements. The disadvantage
of this method is that the number of grid cells can be excessive for practical application.
In the second approach the wall function is used to determine the hydraulic quantities
in the boundary-adjacent cells, e.g., Nicholas and Smith (1999) and Wu (2004). This
approach has been proven to be an accurate and economic method for dealing with
flows over small-scale roughness elements as the roughness effect can be modeled
within each grid cell. However, because this method requires the velocity distribution
to be logarithmic in the near-bed region, it is not capable to accurately predict the
S-shape velocity profiles resulting from flows over large-scale roughness elements. To
settle the problem of complex irregular boundary geometry, several methods emerge
recently. Olsen and Stokseth (1995) suggested a porosity treatment to model the
large-scale roughness effect. This method allows smooth interactions between areas
with small and large-scale roughness. The porosity of each cell is determined by
empirical formulas for water flows through sand. Lane et al. (2004) combined this
porosity treatment with a high-resolution digital elevation method and validated the
numerical model for the case of flows over rough gravel beds. Nicholas (2001)
proposed a random bed elevation model coupled with the wall function to simulate the
supra-grid and sub-grid scale roughness components respectively. This model is
capable to simulate the displacement of peak turbulent kinetic energy values above the
bed resulting from the velocity shear. However, the random elevation model is
mesh-dependent and the results obtained are sensitive to the horizontal and vertical
mesh resolution.

The resisting effects of natural bed roughness can also be simulated by CFD models

utilizing the drag force method (DFM). In this method the gravel-induced resistance
is represented by a drag force term which depends on the roughness geometry (size,
shape, distribution, etc.) and the flow velocity. Although this method has been
commonly used to simulate flows over vegetation canopies (e.g., Fischer-Antze et al.
2001; Lopez and Garcia 2001; Su and Li 2002), its application in gravel-bed
open-channel flows has not been widely reported. Cui et al. (2003b) described a force
field model to simulate turbulence flow over a surface with arbitrary roughness
elements. The roughness was decomposed into resolved and subgrid-scale
components by a fine Cartesian grid system. The force field used to represent the
resolved roughness component was determined through the Large Eddy Simulation
(LES) solution process without empiricism. The subgrid-scale roughness was modeled
by a random drag force distribution in which a drag coefficient was required to be
specified. The model was successfully applied in the calculations of a duct flow over
wavy wall with superimposed fine-grain roughness. Wiberg and Smith (1991)
developed a modified mixing-length model to simulate spatially averaged velocity
profiles for flows over poorly sorted beds. The drag forces associated with different
grain sizes were computed and aggregated as a sink term in the momentum equations.
The computed velocity profiles agreed with those obtained from field measurements in
coarse gravel-bedded rivers by Marchand et al. (1984). Carney et al. (2006) used
FLUENT with the RNG (Re-Normalization Group) k- turbulence closure and treated
the bed roughness layer as a porous medium. A constant drag coefficient was used and
the results compared favorably with the field data. Nicholas (2005) developed a drag
force model in which the drag coefficients are based on bed topography profiles to
represent the bed roughness. The methodology appears to be sensitive to both the
hydraulic conditions and grid resolution.

2.4.2. Numerical studies of submerged canopy flows

Numerical modelling of submerged canopy flows has received much attention in the
last few decades, especially for cases in the atmospheric environment. For
atmospheric canopy flows, advances in modelling technology are well reviewed in
Finnigan (2000) and Finnigan et al (2009). Thus only the numerical studies of
aquatic canopy flows are reviewed hereinafter.

Many RANS methods for simulating the fully developed submerged canopy flows
have been reported. Shimizu and Tsujimoto (1994) developed a modified k-
turbulence closure model, introducing drag-related sink terms into the momentum as
well as into the k- (turbulent kinetic energy) and - (dissipation) transport equations.
They adjusted the drag coefficient Cd between 1.0 and 1.5 to achieve a good fit with
between the computed results and the measured velocity and Reynolds stress profiles
by Tsujimoto et al. (1992). As Cd was not specified a priori their model can be
considered incomplete. Lopez and Garcia (1997) numerically replicated the physical
experiments (Dunn et al. 1996) and calibrated the drag induced parameters of the k-
model. As their model is complete with a constant Cd (= 1.13), the reported calibrated
results were less accurate comparing to those of Shimizu et al (1944). The adoption
of universal values for the weighting coefficients (Cfk = 1.0 and Cf = 1.33) may lead
to the overestimation of the streamwise turbulence intensity. More recently, Lopez
and Garcia (2001) tested the accuracies of two turbulence closure schemes (k- and
the k-) by computing the mean flow and turbulence structure of submerged canopy
flows. No significant difference in numerical performance was found between these
two models. They further claimed that the inconsistencies in the values of the

weighting coefficient are due to the spatial and temporal averaging technique used
within the simulation to account for the heterogeneous nature of the velocity and
turbulence intensity fields. To avoid the recalibration of the turbulence model,
Fischer-Antze et al. (2001) developed a similar drag force method but only
introduced sink terms into the momentum equations and made no modification to the
k- model. The turbulence closure adopted the standard values for the weighting
coefficients and the value of Cd equal to unity. The model was implemented to
reproduce flows through rigid and emergent vegetation in simple-section and
compound-section channel arrangements and good agreement between the computed
results and the experimental data was reported. Neary (2003) developed a numerical
model which using a near-wall k- turbulence closure for 1D fully developed canopy
flows. Based on extensive validation, he found that reasonable predictions of
streamwise velocity and Reynolds stress profiles could be obtained by using
universal values for all coefficients, but the calculated energy gradients were
inaccurate. The amendatory values for Cfk and Cf were suggested to improve the
predictions of streamwise turbulence intensity. Li and Zeng (2009) applied a 3D
model utilizing the DFM and the one-equation S-A turbulence closure to simulate
vegetated flows in channel junctions. The model was complete with constant drag
coefficient (Cd = 1.13). The model successfully replicated the experimental cases of
Dunn et al. (1996).

With the rapid development of computing hardware, high order anisotropic model
(i.e., Reynolds stress model) was introduced to simulate the submerged canopy flows.
To the authors knowledge, Naot et al. (1996a; 1996b) were the first to use the
Reynolds stress model (RSM) to simulate the flow through rigid submerged

vegetation elements. They also used the DFM but additionally accounted for the
effect of sheltering, i.e., the upstream rods obstructing the flow and reducing the drag
force on the downstream rods. Furthermore, they related two vegetative weighting
coefficients to a characteristic length scale that can be estimated from the
configuration and geometry of the vegetative elements. Choi and Kang (2006)
developed an RSM for the numerical simulation of a partly-vegetated flow.
Comparisons between the computed results and the experimental data indicated that
the RSM predicts turbulence structures such as turbulence intensity and Reynolds
stress components reasonably well. Particularly, the evaluation of secondary current
patterns and mean flow structure were obtained with the RSM.

Recently, the use of large eddy simulation (LES) and even hybrid LES/RANS
modelling to simulate the submerged canopy flows has been emerged. Su and Li
(2002) proposed an LES model and considered the vegetation as an internal source of
resistant force and turbulence energy. The satisfactory agreement between the
numerical results and the experimental data was reported. At the interface between
the vegetated and non-vegetated regions, they successfully replicated the organized
vortex which grows in size and then transported downstream. Li and Yu (2010)
developed a hybrid LES/RANS model for effective simulation of vegetated
open-channel flow. The model employed the S-A turbulence closure in the RANS
region and the Smagorinsky sub-grid scale turbulence closure in the LES region.
They investigated various boundary treatments to efficiently couple the RANS and
LES model. With proper boundary treatments, the hybrid model is found to perform
better in predicting the turbulence quantities (e.g., turbulence intensity and Reynolds
stress) than the RANS model.

2.5. Summary
In the previous section of this chapter, the basic concepts and theories for the
open-channel flows with gravel bed and submerged canopy have been reviewed.
Some of the widely used methods and formulas were summarized. The existing
experimental and numerical studies were also briefly reviewed.

For the numerical studies, in spite of extensive research efforts, the change of the
turbulence length scale within the interfacial sublayer is still unknown. In addition,
the existing literature indicates that the Double Averaged Navier-Stokes (DANS)
approach is still a challenge to modeler. Therefore, in the present study, it is
necessary to deepen the understanding on these two issues.

For the experimental studies, although numerous laboratory and field measurements
have been reported, the double averaged (DA) experiments data is still limited. And
the gravel-bed open-channel flow with small submergence also needs to be further


Chapter 3.
RANS Modelling of Open-Channel
3.1. Introduction
With the rapid development of modern computational techniques and numerical
solution methodologies over the last few decades, CFD has emerged to be an
alternative to physical modelling in hydraulic engineering, with its advantages of
lower cost and greater flexibility. CFD models that solve the Navier-Stokes (N-S)
equations can provide us not only the high-resolution data of the flow field, but also
the guidelines for engineering projects such as flood control, channel design, erosion
control and channel restorations. Although the 3D CFD models have been widely used
in hydraulic engineering simulation, the prediction of turbulent flows is still a
continuing challenge. Three methods are available for this problem: direct numerical
simulation (DNS), large-eddy simulation (LES), and the solution of the
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with turbulence models. DNS
and LES can provide invaluable information about the details of the flow field, and
are expected to be more accurate than RANS solutions in 3D, nonequilibrium flows.
However, to take the advantages provided by DNS or LES one needs access to
high-performance computing facilities as well as highly resolved initial and
boundary conditions, which are currently unavailable for many real-life engineering

or ecological applications. Thus, the RANS-based numerical modelling has become

the most popular tool in solving practical problems of fluvial hydraulics.

Applications involving the simple channel geometries (e.g., backward-facing steps,

ducts, confluences and compound channels) have been verified rigorously with
measurements collected under controlled laboratory conditions. Most of these
simulations were concerned with the smooth bed (e.g. Pezzinga 1994; Williams and
Baker 1997). Some of them were conducted with regular bed forms, such as fixed
dunes (Dimas et al. 2008) and ribs (Cui et al. 2003a). Recently, several researchers
have demonstrated the utility of using CFD in open-channels with natural roughness,
such as gravels and vegetation (e.g. Nicholas 2005; Carney et al. 2006; Wilson et al.
2006). The roughness models function at several levels, including equivalent
(Nikuradse) sand roughness, mixing-length modification, wall-function approach, and
changes to wall boundary condition. These approaches, which were reviewed by Patel
(1998), have been used in RANS models with some success. In the present simulations,
we focus on the drag force method (DFM) in which an extra term, the drag force, is
introduced into the momentum equations to represent the resistance effect of bed

In this chapter, a 3D RANS model with Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) turbulence closure is

utilized and tested against laboratory experiments of fully developed turbulent flows
with smooth bed and submerged vegetation. This model was initially developed by
Lin and Li (2002) and further extended by Li and Yan (2007), Li and Zeng (2009).
This chapter is organized as follows: the governing equations, turbulence model and
numerical methods adopted are firstly introduced. The numerical model is

subsequently tested with two well-documented laboratory experiments, namely,

open-channel flows with smooth bed and submerged vegetation. As the turbulence
kinetic energy (TKE) cannot be calculated explicitly in the S-A model, an empirical
equation was proposed, tested and used to estimate the TKE in smooth-surface
open-channel flows.

3.2. Numerical methodology

3.2.1. Reynolds averaging

Turbulent flow is the commonest type of flow in open channels. It consists of motions
with a wide spectrum of length scales ranging from millimeters to the flow depth.
Moreover, the random and short-term fluctuations of flow properties (e.g., velocity
and density) govern the energy dissipation rate, the transport of matter and the
processes of dispersion or mixing. The most common way of describing turbulence is
the statistical approach which was introduced by Reynolds (1895). In the approach, the
instantaneous turbulent flow velocities can be decomposed into mean and fluctuating
parts. The averaged value of a variable is the mean and the fluctuating part is an
unknown. There are several methods of taking the average: (1) time average which
would suit for a turbulent flow which is steady in time or is of a low degree of
unsteadiness in time; (2) spatial average where the flow is uniform in all directions and
the turbulence is homogeneous and (3) ensemble average which is the most commonly
used as it suits for all flows that are unsteady.

In the present study, based on the first method of Reynolds decomposition, the

instantaneous velocity ui and the kinematic pressure p can be decomposed into

time-averaged mean and fluctuating parts as follows:
ui ui ui , p p p


where the overbar denotes the time-averaged mean and the prime denotes the
fluctuating part. The mean of a mean is equivalent to itself while the mean of a
fluctuation is zero.

3.2.2. Governing equations and turbulence closure

The fundamental parameters required to describe an open-channel flow are the

pressure and the velocity of the flow. If the fluid is water the flow can be assumed to
be Newtonian and incompressible, these two parameters are solely governed by the
constitutional Navier-Stokes equations which are based on the basic physical
principles of conservation of mass and momentum. The Navier-Stokes equations for
Newtonian and incompressible fluids can be formulated as follows:
Continuity equation:
0 i 1,2,3


Momentum equations:
1 p

x j
x j x j xi

i 1,2,3


where xi (= x, y, z) are the coordinates in longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions,

respectively; ui (= u, v, w) are the instantaneous velocity components in x, y and z
directions, respectively; t = time; = density of fluid; p = dynamic pressure; m =
kinematic molecular viscosity; gi (= gx, gy, gz) are the components of the gravitational

The Reynolds-averaged form of the N-S equations for an incompressible and turbulent
open-channel flow can be obtained by introducing the Reynolds decomposition
(Equation 3-1) and averaging Equations 3-2 and 3-3. They can be written as follows:
Continuity equation:
0 i 1,2,3


Momentum equations:


uj i
x j x j

u u j
1 p 1
Fi gi
m i
x j xi

i, j 1,2,3


The additional terms Fi (= Fx, Fy, Fz = 0) represent the resistance force components
per unit volume induced by vegetation in x, y, z directions, respectively. Some sort of
spatial averaging has been done in arriving at these terms.

The resistance effect of vegetation is modelled by the drag force method (DFM). In
this method, the resistance force due to vegetation is determined by the quadratic
friction law. Consider a single stem (see Figure 3.1), the force fi per unit depth is
given by

Cd bv ui u j u j ( i 1, 2; j 1, 2,3)


where Cd = drag coefficient of stem; bv = width of stem. The drag force is due to the
wake formation downstream of the stem. The average force per unit volume within
the vegetation domain is obtained by
Fi Nf i

f rk ui u j u j (i 1, 2; j 1, 2,3)


where N = number density (number of stems per unit area, in m-2) and frk = CdbvN =

Cd. Previous experimental studies (Dunn et al. 1996) have showed that the value of
Cd of circular cylinder rods in open channels is not constant in the vertical; the value
reaches a maximum at distances close to one third of canopy height with a mean
value close to Cd = 1.13 0.15.

Figure 3.1. Drag force induced by flow through vegetation

The Reynolds averaging gives rise to the velocity correlations uiu j which come from
the non-linearities of the N-S equations and govern the interaction between the mean
flow and the fluctuating motion. They can be interpreted as apparent stresses uiuj
which form the Reynolds stress tensor. This tensor is symmetric and thus has six
independent components. As the system of Equation (3-4 and 3-5) involves more
unknowns than equations, it requires a turbulence model to close the problem. A
variety of turbulence models have been proposed and reported in the literatures, which,
depending on the general approach adopted to model the Reynolds stress terms, can be
classified as isotropic eddy viscosity models, non-linear eddy-viscosity models and
Reynolds-stress models. Most turbulence models used for numerical modelling of

open-channel flows are based on the so-called Boussinesq approximation which was
suggested by Boussinesq in 1877. It relates the Reynolds stress (ij) to the mean
strain-rate tensor, Sij (

1 ui u j

), through the equation:

2 x j xi
u u 2
uiuj t i j k ij
x x 3


where k (


uiui ) is the TKE (per unit mass) that may be incorporated into the

pressure term in the numerical scheme, and ij is the Kronecker delta and t is the
kinematic eddy viscosity. The eddy viscosity t herein is a scalar and hence is the same
for all stress components, i,e., the eddy viscosity is isotropic.

In the present study the eddy viscosity t is specified by the S-A turbulence model
which is a relatively recent and simpler isotropic eddy-viscosity model. The S-A
model is a one-equation statistical turbulence model (Spalart and Allmaras 1994).
This model involves the solution of a new eddy viscosity variable and includes
eight closure coefficients and three closure functions. The governing equations are as

t f 1

x j


cb 2
cw1 f w (3-10)

xk xk


1 c6

where: f 1 3 3 , f 2 1
, f w g 6 w36 , S S 2 2 f 2 ,
1 f 1
c 1
g cw3

S j j ,

, g r cw 2 r 6 r , r
, cb1 0.1355 , cb 2 0.622 ,
S 2 L2

c 1 7.1 , 2 3 , cw1


1 cb 2

, cw2 0.3, cw3 2 . L is a turbulence length

scale equal to the normal distance to the nearest wall. SF is an additional source term
due to vegetation.

The left-hand side of Equation 3-10 represents local and convective changes of
transport variable ; On the right hand side of Equation 3-10, the first term
represents the production of turbulent energy and hence eddy viscosity due to
vorticity, the second term represents the diffusion of turbulent energy, and the last
term represents the destruction of turbulent energy. The new variable was
introduced to account for transitional flow behavior. The values of the model
coefficients have been determined through the model calibration against
experimental data of mixing layer flows, wake flows and wall-bounded flows. The
S-A model is simpler than the commonly used k- or k- model and it has been
successfully applied in the modelling of certain free-shear flow, wall-bounded flow
and separated flow problems (Breuer et al. 2003). This model is complete for
practical applications as the turbulence scales are automatically defined, i.e., no
adjustable closure coefficient is involved.

The S-A model has been developed mainly for aerodynamic flows. This model is
basically a transport equation for the eddy viscosity, and is quite popular because of
its reasonable results for a wide range of flow problems and its numerical properties.
This model has given good results for transonic turbulent flow in complex industrial
configuration and for slightly separated flow in over-expanded nozzles. This model is
developed under the so-called Boussinesq hypothesis. The main limitation of the

S-A model includes: (1) it is an isotropic model which cannot be used to reproduce
the anisotropic phenomenon, such as the velocity dip and secondary current; (2) the
turbulence kinetic energy cannot be explicitly solved in the S-A model; (3) the S-A
model is not well suited to applications involving jet-like free-shear regions.

3.2.3. Numerical methods -coordinate transformation

As the most commonly used coordinate system, the Cartesian coordinates is not quite
suitable to represent irregular bottom. Furthermore, with the Cartesian coordinate,
the computed free surface could normally cross the computational cell arbitrarily.
This leads to the difficulty of applying the pressure boundary condition precisely on
the free surface and may eventually affect the accuracy of velocity computation
nearby. However, the -coordinate transformation, which was firstly introduced by
Phillips (1957), can overcome these problems. The coordinates have been widely
used in computational models for oceanography, meteorology and other such Earth
science fields with a focus on fluid dynamics. It basically maps the varying vertical
coordinate in the physical domain to a uniform transformed space where spans
from 0 to 1 (as shown in Figure 3.2). In this study, assuming the free surface is a
single function of the horizontal plane, a slightly modified -coordinate developed
by Lin and Li (2002) is introduced as follows,

1 = x

2 = y

z h* z h*



where (x, y, z, t) are space and time coordinates in Cartesian coordinate system; (1,
2, 3, ) the space and time coordinates in the coordinate system; D (= h* + ) is

the total water depth, h* is the depth measured from z = 0, is the surface elevation.

Figure 3.2. Illustration of -coordinate transformation

By applying Equation 3-11 to Equations 3-4, 3-5 and 3-10, the governing equations in
the new coordinate (1, 2, 3, ) can be obtained as follows:
ui k
k xi

ui ui k
u k
u j ik
x j
k ui m ij k 1 p k 1

Fi gi

x j k m x j k x j k xi




uj k
k t
x j

1 k m

x j k m x j

m m

cb 2 m
c f
x j
m x j w1 w d


In particular,





3 1 h * D

x D 1 D 1


3 1 h * D

x2 y D 2 D 2


3 1

z D


In the new coordinate system, the Reynolds stresses can be calculated as follows,
u u


12 21 t



13 31 t

23 32 t

11 2 t

22 2 t

u u v v

y 1 x

u w w

z x


v w w


33 2 t Split operator method

A split operator method is used in the solution of the governing equations. At each
time interval, the momentum equations are split into three steps: advection, diffusion
and pressure propagation. The momentum equations can be written in the following
A(ui ) D (ui ) P ( p )


where A denotes the advection operators, D denotes the diffusion operators and P
denotes the pressure gradient and body force operators.


In the advection step, the equations to be solved are listed as follows:

u k
(ui ) n 1 3 (ui ) n
u k
A(ui ) n ik
u j ik

x j


where is the time step size, and the superscript n+1/3 represents the first
intermediate step among these three steps. Similar symbols are also used in the
following equations.

The method of characteristics is used to solve the above equation. Assuming the
spatial variation of a function (e.g., velocity component) can be decomposed into a
series of Fourier wave components, the schemes in this class of method produce an
accurate solution for the advection of waves. In particular the phase accuracy is very
high and the amplitude damping is quite small (Leonard 1979). Under a uniform grid
the combination of the quadratic backwards characteristics method and the
Lax-Wendroff method gives the Minimax characteristics method (Li 1990). Lin and
Li (2002) has successfully implemented this method on non-uniform grids. The
Minimax characteristics method is also adopted here.

The diffusion process is solved after the advection is completed. In the diffusion step,
the following equation is to be solved:
k u m ij k
(ui ) n 2 3 (ui ) n 1 3
D(ui ) n 1 3

x j k m x j k x j

n 1 3


In the pressure propagation step, the equation to be solved is listed as follow:

1 p k
(ui )n1 (ui )n 2 3
n 1
P( p )


n 1

Fi gi



The central difference scheme in space is used to discretize the Equations 3-22 and
3-23. For continuity requirement, the Equation 3-23 is substituted into the continuity
equation to give the Poisson pressure equation.

The eddy viscosity equation 3-14 is split into two steps: advection and diffusion with
source. The same procedures for the solution of the momentum equations are used in
the solution of the eddy viscosity equation, i.e., the Minimax characteristics method
and the central difference scheme are adopted in the advection step and diffusion step,
respectively. CGSTAB method

The Poisson pressure equation obtained after the -coordinate transformation and
aforementioned discretization can be written in the following general form:

Aq b


where A is a sparse matrix which contains information of mesh system, free surface,
bottom geometry and boundary conditions; q is the vector of to-be-solved pressure
( p n 1 ); b is the known vector which contains information of sources and boundary

In order to solve the Equation 3-24, the so-called conjugate gradient squared
stabilized (CGSTAB) method was utilized in the present simulations. This method
was first proposed by Van den Vorst and Sonneveld (1990) and further modified by
Van der Vorst (1992). It can be applied to non-symmetric matrices and to both
structured and unstructured meshes. Comparing to the classical Gauss-Seidel method,

this method was confirmed to be able to significantly shorten the computational time
under the same convergence criterion.

3.2.4. Boundary conditions

Various types of boundary conditions have been implemented in the model. And the
boundary conditions are applied at each split step. The free surface is an interface of
water and air, at which both the dynamic and kinematic conditions should be
satisfied. Neglecting the surface tension and the wind stress on the free surface, the
dynamic condition can be given as follow:

p 0,



Assuming the surface is smooth and no overturning occurs, the kinematic condition
can be given as follows:



The equation is an advection equation, which can be solved by the method of

characteristics. In the present model the backward characteristics method with
quadratic interpolation polynomial is used.

Based on the no-slip boundary condition, particle velocities in all directions need to
be zero on a bottom or solid wall. This treatment, however, is accurate only when
fairly fine meshes are used to revolve the bottom boundary layer. Alternatively, the
zero gradient boundary condition (e.g., u 0 ) can be used to estimate velocity
gradients at the first interior node, which will be subsequently used in the advection

calculation. Meanwhile, the log-law wall function is used to calculate the wall shear
stress that will be used in diffusion step. The latter method can produce reasonable
results when relatively coarse meshes are adopted.

The wall function applied in zero gradient boundary condition is given as follow:
ln E z


where u* is the shear velocity and E is the logarithmic law constant. For
hydraulically-smooth boundaries, a value of E = 9.0 is recommended, and for
hydraulicallyrough boundaries, the following formula suggested by Naot and
Emrani (1982) is used to estimate E:

0.3 ks

1 20 ks


where ks+ is the dimensionless roughness height ( = ksu*/).

To obtain the value of u* an iteration is made, once the distance z and the fluid
velocity u have been chosen. The wall function can be rewritten as:

Ezu *


The iteration can be made subsequently by successive approximations, yielding the

value of u*, the use of the Newton Raphsons method has been of utility to greatly
accelerate the convergence.

At the inflow boundary, the inflow rate with a predetermined velocity distribution is

specified and the gradient of the water surface elevation is assumed to be zero. At the
outflow boundary, the water surface elevation is specified and the velocity gradients
are assumed to be zero.

3.3. Case studies

3.3.1. Open-channel flows over smooth surface

The 3D RANS model is initially tested by replicating the laboratory experiments of a

fully developed open-channel flow over smooth bed, which were conducted by Nezu
and Rodi (1986). The experiments were carried out in a tilting flume of rectangular
cross-section. The flume is 20 m long, 0.6 m wide and 0.65 m high. Two of the
experimental conditions were selected (as shown in Table 3.1). It can seen that the
flows in these two cases are fully turbulent according to the Reynolds number Re (=
4DU/) and subcritical according to the Froude number Fr ( U

gD ).


Case 1 belong to the low-Reynolds number situation (say for Re < 500, Re =
Du*/), the Case 2 is at the much higher Reynolds number (Re = 2143).

Table 3.1. Flow parameters for the simulations (experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986)

D [cm]

S0 10-4

Q [l/s]





Case 1


< 1.0




2.3 10


Case 2






14.5 104



In the computation the domain is of length 15 m and width 0.6 m. The mean height is
equal to the water depths which are listed in Table 3.1 for these two cases. The
uniform meshes were used in the streamwise and spanwise directions while a
rectilinear grid with refinement at the near bottom region was employed in the
vertical direction. The grid numbers were 151 21 41 in streamwise, spanwise and
vertical directions for Case 1 and 151 21 39 for Case 2. The time step is 0.001 s.
The grids and the time step were found to be sufficiently small to obtain grid
convergent results. In order to obtain the mean velocity within the viscous sublayer,
the no-slip boundary condition was applied on the bottom. The zero gradient
boundary condition was applied on the side walls.

The computed vertical velocity profiles after a steady state are shown in Figure 3.3
and Figure 3.4, together with the corresponding experimental data (Nezu and Rodi
1986) and reported DNS results by Hoyes and Jimenez (2006) and del Alamo and
Jimenez (2003). The profiles are shown in semi-logarithmic scale with u u u *
and z z u * . It can be seen from these figures that the computed profiles agree
well with the experimental data and the DNS results for both low-Reynolds-number
case (Case 1) and high-Reynolds-number case (Case 2). The computed velocity
profile for Case 1 (Figure 3.3) indicates the low-Reynolds number effect compared to
the computed velocity profile for Case 2 (Figure 3.4). For one thing, the simulation
for Case 1 has a shorter log layer; for another, the apparent log law in Case 1 has a
larger intercept than in the higher Reynolds number flows (Case 2).


Figure 3.3. Profile of mean streamwise velocity for Case 1

(experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986)

Figure 3.4. Profile of mean streamwise velocity for Case 2

(experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986)


The comparison between the measured and computed eddy viscosity for Case 1 and
Case 2 are shown in Figure 3.5. The agreement is fairly good which indicates that the
transport equation for eddy viscosity (Equation 3-10) performs well for the
open-channel flows over smooth surface.

Case 1 inTable 3.1

Case 2 in Table 3.1

Figure 3.5. Profiles of eddy viscosity (experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986)

The velocity fluctuation correlation component u ' w ' can be derived from the
computed mean velocity profile and the eddy viscosity using Equation 3-8. Figure
3.6 compares computed u ' w ' with the flume measurements of Nezu and Rodi
(1986) and the corresponding DNS results (del Alamo and Jimenez 2003; Hoyas and
Jimenez 2006). It can be seen that the agreement is excellent. The maximum value of
Reynolds stress occurs in the near-wall region. The Reynolds stress varies linearly
from the maximum value to zero at the free surface.


Case 1 inTable 3.1

Case 2 in Table 3.1

Figure 3.6. Profiles of Reynolds stress (experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986)

Since the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) cannot be explicitly solved in the S-A
model, the TKE has to be calculated empirically. For isotropic turbulence, the TKE
(per unit mass) can be obtained from the following equation (Rung et al. 2003):

2 Sij Sij


where Sij is the mean-strain-rate tensors (

1 ui u j

); c is a numerical
2 x j xi

constant (= 0.09).

Previous studies (Nezu and Nakagawa 1993) have revealed that the turbulence in the
open-channel flows is anisotropic because of the side-wall effect. The side-wall
effect eventually result in the redistribution of turbulence intensities u , v and w .
Due to the damping effect of the side walls in open-channel flows, k, which is

defined in the following equation, is reduced.


1 2
u v2 w2 uiui


All three components of turbulence intensity were firstly studied by Nakagawa et al.
(1975) and were found to be in the following proportion for open-channel flows:
u : v : w 1: 0.55: 0.71


Consequently, for an identical case there exists a constant reduction coefficient Cr

for the TKE between the isotropic turbulence condition and the anisotropic
turbulence condition. This coefficient can be deduced from Equation 3-31 and
Equation 3-32 as follow:
12 0.552 0.712
0.6022 0.6
12 12 12


By taking Cr = 0.6, k can be calculated for the open-channel flows as follow:

k Cr

2 Sij Sij


Based on extensive experimental measurements Nezu and Nakagawa (1993) found

that the vertical distribution of k for open-channel flows follows the empirical

k u *2 4.78exp 2 z D


Figure 3.7 shows the computed results of k by using the Equation 3-34, together with

the corresponding DNS results and the Equation 3-35. Although the computed results
were under-predicted in the near-wall region and near-water-surface region, they
were in great agreement with DNS results and experimental data in the intermediate
region for both Case 1 and Case 2. The fairly good agreement indicates that the
Equation 3-34 performs well for the empirically estimation of TKE for open-channel
flows over smooth surface.

Case 1 inTable 3.1

Case 2 in Table 3.1

Figure 3.7. Profiles of TKE (experiments by Nezu and Rodi 1986)

3.3.2. Open-channel flows over submerged vegetation

The 3D RANS model is subsequently tested by replicating the flume experiments of

fully developed vegetative open-channel flows, which were conducted by Dunn et al.
(1996). The experiments were conducted under uniform conditions in a 19.5 m long,
0.91 m wide and 0.61 m deep tilting flume. Vegetation was simulated by rigid
wooden cylinders and flexible plastic commercial drinking straws, and arranged in a

staggered pattern with variable density. A SonTek acoustic Doppler velocimeter

(ADV) was used to measure the three velocity components instantaneously at a
section at least 1.5 m downstream of the first row of cylinders to ensure the
establishment of a fully developed flow condition. Two cases with the primary flow
parameters listed in Table 3.2 were chosen for the model test. It can be seen from this
table that the primary flow parameters for these two cases are almost identical, with
the same bed slope, flow rate and vegetative coefficient. The essential difference
between these two cases is the stem flexibility, with rigid vegetation for Case 1 and
flexible vegetation for Case 2. While the wooden cylinders did not deflect for Case 1,
the flexible cylinders were found not only deflected under the flow of water, but also
vibrated and swayed in both vertical and transverse directions. Thus the canopy
height is the undeflected canopy height hv = 0.1175 m for Case 1 and the averaged
deflected height hd = 0.152 m for Case 2.

Table 3.2. Flow parameters for the simulations (experiments by Dunn et al. 1996)

D [m]


Q [l/s]

frk [m-1]

Case 1







Case 2







The computational domain is of length 15 m, width 0.91 m. The mean height is equal
to the water depths which have been included in Table 3.2. The uniform meshes were
adapted in the streamwise, spanwise and vertical directions. The mesh size of 151
21 41 was selected for these two cases. The time step was 0.0015 s. The
computations were performed with Cd = 1.13 which was the mean value suggested
by Dunn et al.(1996) and confirmed to be valid for both rigid cylinder-type and

flexible film-type stems (Yang and Choi 2009). The zero gradient boundary
condition was applied to the bottom and the side walls.

Figure 3.8 shows the computed vertical velocity profiles after a steady state have
been reached. Four sets of vertical profiles, which were measured at various
locations within the cylinders, also plotted for comparison. It can be seen that the
computed profile is in close agreement with the experimental data for both rigid
cylinder case (Case 1) and the flexible cylinder case (Case 2). The vegetation
resistance produces a velocity defect at the vegetation region and the continuity
requirement redirects the flow to the region above the vegetation. The velocity
profiles, therefore, departs from the logarithmic distribution for open-channel flows.

Case 1 in Table 3.2

Case 2 in Table 3.2

Figure 3.8. Profiles of mean streamwise velocity (experiments by Dunn et al. 1996)
(The dot line denotes the canopy height)


Figure 3.9 shows the comparison of velocity fluctuation correlation component

u ' w ' between the computed profiles and the experimental measurements. A fairly
good agreement between experimental values and model predictions is observed for
flow within the vegetation canopy. The computed values, however, were found to be
greater than the experimental measurements above the simulated canopy. This
phenomenon is typical of free surface flows (Nezu and Nakagawa 1993) and can be
explained by the action of secondary currents. The secondary currents are caused by
the side-wall effect and cannot be reproduced by the isotropic turbulence model. This
effect appears to be more evident with a smaller width-to-depth ratio (aspect ratio) in
flume experiments. It can be also concluded from Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9 that the
DFM performs well for simulating the resistance effect of rigid and flexible cylinder

Case 1 in Table 3.2

Case 2 in Table 3.2

Figure 3.9. Profiles of Reynolds stress (experiments by Dunn et al. 1996)

(The dot line denotes the canopy height)

3.4. Conclusions
Numerical model is a cost-effective tool for solving engineering problems involving
open-channel flows. In this chapter, a 3D RANS model is described and used for
simulating open-channel flows. The popular S-A one-equation model, which has
been widely used in the aeronautical applications, was adopted for the turbulence
closure. The governing equations, S-A model and the adapted numerical solution
algorithm are described in detail. The numerical model was validated with two cases:
open-channel flow with smooth surface (Nezu and Rodi 1986), and open-channel
flow with submerged vegetation canopy (Dunn et al. 1996). The good agreement
with the experimental data confirms the applicability of the S-A model in the
modelling of open-channel water flow. The DFM performed well in simulating the
flow resistance induced by rigid or flexible vegetation canopy.


Chapter 4.
Numerical Modelling of Flows over
Gravel Beds
4.1. Introduction
The roughness elements in gravel-bed open-channel flows vary in size and shape from
site to site. Depending on the depth sediment ratio D/d50, where D = water depth and
dxx refers to the element diameter of which xx% by weight of the elements have
smaller diameters, the bed surface condition can be subdivided into two categories.
One is small-scale roughness for which D is much larger than d50 and the other is
large-scale roughness for which D is of the same order as d50. For the condition of
small-scale roughness, it is conventional to consider the flow as a perturbed boundary
layer flow. As shown in Figure 4.1, two different flow regions can be identified in the
vertical direction: the inner (or near-wall) region and the outer (or near-water-surface)
region. In the inner region, the logarithmic velocity distribution is valid (Kirkgoz and
Ardiclioglu 1997). For the condition of large-scale roughness, if d50 is comparable to D
(say D/d50 < 2.0), the flow can be assumed to be a mixing layer flow (Katul et al. 2002).
The flow velocity profile may be of S-shape (Figure 4.2) with near-surface velocities
much larger than near-bed velocities (Ferro and Baiamonte 1994). This velocity field
of this particular profile can also be subdivided into two zones: (1) a lower zone,
located within the roughness layer, in which flow velocities are substantially reduced

by resistant effects of the gravels; (2) an upper zone, located above the roughness layer,
in which a quasi-smooth flows with higher velocities occurs. According to Bathust
(1988), two situations are suitable for the development of the S-shape profile. One is
that the bed slope should be above 1% and the depth sediment ratio D/d84 should be
within the range of 1 to 4. The other is that the roughness elements should have
evident non-uniform size distribution to allow the development of the lower zone flow.
The criterion differentiating the small-scale and large-scale roughness is not clear-cut,
and depends on the shape, concentration and arrangement of the roughness elements.
According to the field measurements of two shallow gravel-rivers by Franca and
Lemmin (2009), the S-shape velocity profiles were a consequence of local protrusions
on the riverbed and exist concurrently with log-shape profiles in the same river cross
section. In the near-bed region the time-averaged velocities will not follow the
logarithmic law because the roughness geometry introduces too many length scales
which influence velocity statistics. Nikora et al. (2004) further subdivided the
roughness layer into a form-induced sublayer and an interfacial sublayer. The velocity
distribution within the interfacial sublayer can be exponential, linear or constant,
depending on the roughness geometry and flow condition.

RANS models may not be accurate enough to simulate the flow within the gravel
layer if the degree of porosity is low. The flow there will be obstructed significantly
by the gravels and will be highly heterogeneous. In this situation the Double
Averaged Navier-Stokes (DANS) approach will be more appropriate. This chapter
describes the development of a DANS model, which includes the drag term, the
form-induced stress term, the porosity and the turbulence closure terms, to simulate
the roughness effects induced by the complex surface topography in gravel-bed

open-channel flows. The velocity profiles in the whole flow region, including the
interfacial sublayer, form-induced layer and logarithmic layer are covered. The
gravel-induced resistance effect is simulated by a drag force method (DFM) and the
turbulence is parameterized by using the S-A model with a modification of the
turbulence length scale in the interfacial sublayer. The performance of the proposed
model was evaluated by extensive tests against available laboratory and field
measurements. All tests gave great correspondence between the computed and
measured velocity profiles.

Figure 4.1. Velocity distribution over

Figure 4.2. Velocity distribution over

small-scale roughness elements

large-scale roughness elements

4.2. DANS model

Generally it is not economical to numerically simulate flows over rough-beds with
large gravels using the traditional Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations (RANS)
approach or the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach since in these two approaches
a very fine grid system is required to resolve the topography and the shapes of gravels.

A more practical and rigorous approach is to conduct temporal and spatial averaging of
the governing equations and derive the DANS equations (Nikora et al. 2007a). In this
chapter this set of equations are used in the development of a numerical model. For
uniform flow the governing equations become one-dimensional. The continuity
equation is given by:


The double-averaged (DA) momentum equation in the streamwise direction is given





xz g x x




u ' w ' uw


and x = streamwise ordinate; y = transverse ordinate; z = vertical ordinate with datum

set at h1 below the roughness element surface; ( u , v , w ) = DA velocity
component in x, y, z directions; t = time; = fluid density; = porosity; Fx =
streamwise resistance force per unit volume induced by roughness elements; gx = gS0 =
streamwise component of the gravitational acceleration and S0 = bed slope. Comparing
to the conventional time-averaged RANS equations, a new additional term (dispersive
or form-induced stress, = uw ) is introduced into the momentum equation due to
spatial variations in time-averaged fields. This term represents the momentum flux
induced by the spatial heterogeneity of the time-averaged flow. For the completely
porous region above the roughness layer where 1 , Fx = 0 and uw 0 , the
DANS equation (Equation 4-2) takes the same form as the x-momentum RANS

equation. Recent studies have indicated that the form-induced stress is largely
dependent on the roughness arrangement, physical geometry and flow conditions
(Nikora et al. 2007b; Aberle et al. 2008; Manes et al. 2008). The experiments on
open-channel flows over rods and artificial dunes have revealed that the magnitude of
the form-induced stress increases significantly with increasing roughness spacing. The
form-induced stress can be assumed negligible for flows with densely distributed
small-scale roughness and contribute up to 30% of the total measured shear stress
within the roughness layer for flows with sparely distributed large-scale roughness.
However, it seems that no model equation has been developed to parameterize these
stresses (Nikora et al. 2007b; Rameshwaran et al. 2011)

There are two possible approaches to pursue. The first is to make an analogy with the
technique of LES by assuming that the form-induced stress term uw is similar to
the subgrid scale stress term. The form-induced stress term can then be parameterized
by a sub-layer scale eddy viscosity model as follow:
uw xzsgs s



where s is the sub-layer scale eddy viscosity which can be calculated as follow:

s cs



where cs is an empirical coefficient, is a length scale which can be taken as the

characteristic grain diameters (viz, d50, d84 or d90). This model can produce a peak
stress around the interface between the gravel layer and the water body above since
the gradient of the velocity there is the largest. If cs is real, the process is dissipative
and will produce a reduction in the velocity and a redistribution of the total Reynolds

shear stress within the gravel layer. This is true in many cases. However, Nikora et al.
(2007b) showed that the process can be anti-diffusive, which means that cs can be
imaginary. It is not very clear at the present moment how to determine the
appropriate value of cs.

The second approach is to absorb the stress into the drag force density term (the last
term in Equation 4-2) and to calibrate the drag force (as shown in Equation 4-6). This
method is simpler and is adopted in the present study. The shortcoming of this
method is that the exact distribution of the form-induced stress is unknown.

uw Fx Fx


Assuming secondary currents are unimportant, and using the eddy viscosity concept,
equation 4-2 can be simplified to

1 Fx
( m t )


where m = kinematic molecular viscosity; t = kinematic eddy viscosity. The eddy

viscosity t is specified by the Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) turbulence model. Since the
formulation of this model has been detailed introduced in Chapter 3, it will not
included herein for simplicity.

In the modelling of open-channel flows, the turbulence length scale L is a crucial

parameter for turbulence models under mixing length hypothesis which demand
damping terms to correct the near-wall behavior. By using modified S-A model to
simulate rough wall boundary layers, Lee and Paynter (1996) shifted the distance d by

the value R ( 0.9 u * ks ks exp ks 6 ) toward the wall and calculated the

eddy viscosity based on the effective distance from wall Leff (Leff = L + R). Aupoix and
Spalart (2003) suggested the offset R = exp(-8.5)ks 0.03ks. The modification to the
S-A model increased the eddy viscosity close to the rough wall. The corresponding
effect can be considered as a shift of the near-wall velocity profile towards the wall
leading to an increase of the skin friction. These modified S-A models performed well
in simulations of open-channel flows over small roughness elements, such as sand
grain paper and wire meshes (Aupoix and Spalart 2003). However, its implementation
into natural rivers with large roughness elements (e.g. gravels and pebble clusters) has
not yet been reported.

For flow over smooth surface, close to the wall the turbulence length scale is
proportional to the distance between the point of interest and the solid wall and the
vertical profile of the longitudinal velocity follows the logarithmic-linear relationship
(the logarithmic layer). For flow over rough surface, in additional to the logarithmic
layer, a roughness layer exists in which the flow is significantly affected by the
roughness elements. Just above the crests of the roughness elements flow separation
occurs and vortices are formed and washed downstream. The coherent structures
exist as the roughness elements tend to block the large boundary-layer eddies. The
roughness elements resist the flow and produce a form drag, as well as wake
turbulences behind the elements. A range of turbulence length scales exists and the
energy dominant turbulence eddies have a length scale proportional to the roughness
element size. In the turbulence model the turbulence length scale thus is required to
be modified to reflect these processes.

In the present study the gravel induced turbulence is simulated by using the S-A
model. A modification of the effective wall distance (a turbulence length scale), Leff, is
made in accordance with the roughness length scale ks. The turbulence length scale
Leff is assumed constant within the interfacial sublayer and remains unchanged (equal
to the vertical distance between the point of interest and the zero reference level) in
the rest of the flow region (as shown in Figure 4.2). The interfacial sublayer is taken
to be the thickness of the gravel layer between the crest of the roughness elements
and the zero reference level, which is around 0.5d50. This modelling option is called
the modified wall distance model (MWD). The expressions for the effective distance
are listed below:
Leff = z

when z < d0

Leff = cr d0

when z < d0

Leff = z

when z > d0


where is a parameter controlling the thickness of the boundary layer adjacent to the
bed, taken to be within the range of 0.05 to 0.1; d0 is the thickness of the interfacial
sublayer; cr is a parameter that controls the velocity distribution in the interfacial
sublayer. For comparison, the original model with L = z is also included and called the
standard wall distance model (SWD). The schematic diagrams of the SWD and
MWD are shown in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4, respectively.


Figure 4.3. Original standard wall

Figure 4.4. Modified wall distance model

distance model (SWD)


The wall function approach (WFA) is traditionally employed to model rough-bed

induced resistance. The law of the wall (log-law) is assumed valid in the inner region
for the small-scale roughness condition, which can be described by the following




where u ( z ) is the DA streamwise velocity at a distance z measured from the

reference level; u* is the bed-shear velocity; is Karman constant (= 0.41 for
small-scale roughness conditions); ks is the equivalent (Nikuradse) sand roughness and
is often chosen as the roughness length scale to quantify the roughness effects; Br ~ 8.5
is a numerical constant of which the exact value depends on the nature of the wall
surface. Numerically it is a semi-slip boundary condition in which the wall boundary
shear stress determined by Equation 4-9 is equated to the viscous shear stress at the

However, the WFA is not entirely satisfactory in the numerical modelling of the
gravel-induced roughness effect. It assumes the vertical profile of the longitudinal
velocity profile follows the logarithmic-linear relationship and the turbulence length
scale is proportional to the distance of the point of interest to the impermeable solid
wall. For flows over gravels the velocity profiles do not follow the logarithmic-linear
relationship and the assumption used by WFA thus is not valid. The results is that the
empirical coefficient ks and Br will not be constant (Kironoto and Graf 1994).
Gaudio et al. (2010) suggested that is not universal in flows with either a low relative
submergence (Sr) or with bed-load and suspended-load transport. Also the value of ks
can be large, which generates unrealistic negative velocity in the near-wall region.
From Equation 4-9 it can be observed that the velocity becomes negative at z <
0.03ks for Br = 8.5. To avoid the generation of the negative velocity a coarse grid can
be used but then the numerical solution will be sensitive to the point above the
surface where the wall function is applied.

In DFM, the modelling of resistance force induced by a gravel bed is based on the
quadratic friction law. The average force per unit volume within the drag force layer
can be obtained by:

Cd Cs bs N u1

f rk u1


f rk Cd Cs bs N


where N = number density (number of gravels per unit area, in 1/m2); bs = effective
projected width of the roughness element; Cd = drag coefficient corresponding to a
single roughness element; Cs = shielding factor arising from the other roughness

elements in proximity; frk = drag force parameter reflecting the effects of shape, size
and density of the roughness elements and the size of the wake generated by the flow
conditions; u1 = resultant DA velocity within the roughness layer. The thickness of
the region in which Fx is introduced is set equal to h1 (see Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2).
The composite term CdCs is commonly defined as the bulk drag coefficient. The
value of CdCs for spheres is approximately constant and equal to 0.45 in the Reynolds
number range of 103 to 105 (Coleman 1967). In fact some previous works (e.g. Wiberg
and Smith, 1991; Carney et al., 2006) have not addressed these factors.

The central finite difference scheme in space and forward difference in time is used
to generate a system of algebraic equations to approximate the governing equations.
The solution of the algebraic equations gives an approximate solution of the
governing equations. To reduce the discretization error due to the difference between
the exact solution of the governing equations and the exact solution of the system of
algebraic equations obtained by the discretization process, a grid refinement study is
carried out in the following section.

4.3. Case studies

4.3.1. Open-channel flow over small-scale roughness elements

Generally d50 is used as the roughness length scale ks. In the range D/d50 > 10, the
roughness element is commonly classified to be of small-scale. The velocity profiles
of the flows follow the logarithmic linear relationship. To assess the performance of
various methods to deal with the gravel induced resistance, including WFA, DFM

with SWD option and DFM with MWD option, for this case, the experiments carried
out by Kironoto and Graf (1994) are numerically replicated. The experiments were
performed in a tilting flume with bed surface covered densely by quasi-uniform
gravels. The width of the flume was 0.6 m. The thickness of the gravel bed was about
0.10 m. The median and standard deviation values of the gravels are d50 = 23 1.25
mm. Table 4.1 lists the flow parameters for the case chosen. The dimensionless
roughness height ks+ ( k s u * ) > 70, which indicates the flow regime is fully rough.

Table 4.1. Summary of parameters for flow over small roughness elements














4.7 105


ks +

The computational domain extends from the reference level to the water surface (see
Figure 4.1). The reference level is the level where the mean velocity is assumed to be
zero, which is also the zero level (z = 0, where z = z' h0) used in the model. The drag
force is then added in the roughness layer (from the reference level to the visual bed
level) with the thickness equal to h1 to represent the resistance effect induced by
gravels. A rectilinear grid with refinement at the near wall region is employed. In order
to evaluate the sensitivity of these two methods to mesh resolution, three meshes with
61, 31 and 21 grid cells were used in the simulation under the same flow condition.
The simulations using WFA with the same meshes are also performed for comparison.
In these simulations frk = 25 m-1 in DFM and Br = 9 in WFA The value of frk = 25 m-1 is
consistent with Equation 4-9 with Cd ~ 0.45, N ~ 1/ks2 = 1890 m-2, and bs ~ 0.75ks.


The equivalence between WFA and DFM can be explained by the following analysis.
If the shear stress is reduced from the value of the bed shear stress u* at the crest
level of the roughness elements to zero at the zero-reference level, based on
Equations 4-9 and 4-10 the bed shear stress can be given by


u(h1 )
1 h1
ln Br
k s

f rk h1


So there is a relationship among frk, h1 and ks. In the present case the above equation
approximately holds for frk ~ 25 m-1, ks = 0.023 m and h1 ~ 0.2ks, if u (h1 ) ~ u1 .

Figure 4.5 shows the computed results using the two methods. In this figure and the
subsequent figures (Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7) DFM1, DFM2 and DFM3 denote the
computed results using DFM with grid number n = 61, 31 and 21 respectively.
Similarly, WFA1, WFA2 and WFA3 denote the computed results using WFA with grid
number n = 61, 31 and 21. With the finest mesh (n = 61) the computed velocity profiles
using these two methods are indistinguishable from each other. They also fit perfectly
with the experimental data in the logarithmic inner region. An apparent discrepancy
occurs in the near-water-surface region where the measured maximum velocity
occurred beneath the water surface. This is the typical velocity dip phenomenon
which is due to the side-wall induced secondary current effect.

In Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 it can be seen that the decrease of grid number has no
significant impact on the accuracy of these two methods in the inner region. No visible
difference can be identified for the reduction of grid cells by 66%. However, the
decrease in grid number leads to a smaller velocity in the near-water-surface region.

This is attributed to the numerical dissipation error since the number of the grid cells
has been substantially reduced in the near-water-surface region. Comparatively
speaking, the numerical error resulting from the reduction in grid number is smaller
for DFM. The velocities in the near-water-surface region computed by DFM3 differ
by less than 2.7% from those of of DFM1, while the largest discrepancy of the
computed velocities from WFA3 and WFA1 is 5.33%. It appears that DFM is less
sensitive to grid refinement as compared to WFA, mainly because the drag force is
imposed to a flow region rather than at the boundary.

Figure 4.5. Measured and calculated velocity profiles for flow over small-scale
roughness elements
(The horizontal dash line denotes the upper level of the roughness layer; Grid number
= 61; DFM1 and WFA1 without secondary current, DFM4 with secondary


Figure 4.6. Grid convergence test of

Figure 4.7. Grid convergence test of



Figure 4.8 shows the normalized Reynolds stress profiles. It can be seen that the
measured Reynolds stress reduced linearly from the bottom to zero at z = where
velocity reaches the maximum value. This is a consequence of the sidewall-induced
secondary current and the associated anisotropic turbulence. The Reynolds stress
follows the linear distribution which is also plotted in Figure 4.8, viz.,
u ' w '


The computed profiles of Reynolds stress for all the three methods (WFA, DFM with
SWD, DFM with MWD) collapse on the same line which is denoted by DFM1 in
Figure 4.8. The profile is in acceptable agreement with measured data. As the
secondary current effect is not accounted for in the numerical models, the surface dip
phenomenon cannot be predicted. Figure 4.9 compares the computed and measured

eddy viscosity profiles. Again the computed eddy viscosity profiles for all the three
methods (WFA, DFM with SWD, DFM with MWD) collapse on the same line which
is denoted by DFM1 in Figure 4.9. The computed eddy viscosity profile is in
reasonable agreement with the measured data in magnitude and trend.

Figure 4.8. Normalized Reynolds stress

Figure 4.9. Normalized eddy viscosity

profiles for flow over small-scale

profiles for flow over small-scale

roughness elements

roughness elements

In using the MWD option, the turbulence length scale L and hence the viscous force
within the interfacial sublayer increase as compared to those in the SWD option. The
resultant DA velocity within the interfacial sublayer u1

is then reduced and a

larger value of frkh1 is required to balance the shear stress u* (Equation 4-12).
Assuming a constant value of frk, the interfacial layer h1 varies with cr and the results
are shown in Table 4.2. It can be seen that the range of h1 is 0.2ks - 0.37ks, which falls

within the experimentally determined range. The computed velocity and Reynolds
stress profiles are indistinguishable from the corresponding profiles computed by
using the SWD option. Thus both the MWD and SWD options are applicable for this
problem, providing the total shear stress at the crest of the roughness elements can be
simulated accurately.

Table 4.2. Model parameters for SWD and MWD (grid number = 61, frk = 25 m-1)
Model option



Computed mean velocity (m/s)












Further improvement in the prediction can be achieved by noting that the secondary
current produces an approximate balance of the forces in the near-water-surface
region. In the simulation the body force density gx can be set to zero in this region.
Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.8 (curves DFM4) show that marked improvement in the
velocity profile and Reynolds stress at the near-water-surface can be obtained. The
balance of the body force and the secondary current induced force there generates a
constant velocity and a zero Reynolds stress, which are in better agreement with the
measured data. The eddy viscosity is smaller (Figure 4.9) mainly because the
secondary current dissipates part of the flow energy.


4.3.2. Open-channel flow over large-scale roughness elements Open-channel flow over spherical segment-type roughness element

In the range 10 > D/d50 > 1, the roughness element is commonly classified to be of
large-scale. In this section, laboratory measured data of open-channel flows over two
different kinds of widely-spaced, large-scale roughness elements were used to test the
performance of the DANS model. The first data set was collected from the case of
regular spherical segment-type roughness, and the second data set was collected from
the natural-setting case with irregular pebble clusters.

The experiments of open-channel flows over spherical segments (diameter d = 63.8

mm, roughness height = 21 mm) were performed by Nikora et al. (2001). The
elements were arranged in a regular staggered configuration. The relative distances
between two adjacent elements in the streamwise and spanwise direction were 114
mm and 66.5 mm respectively. The experimental data were collected at two different
flow rates, Q = 48.9 l/s (case 1) and Q = 92.0 l/s (case 2) (see Table 4.3). Based on the
DA (time and space averaged) velocity data, Nikora et al. (2001) found that the
form-induced sublayer did not exist and the flow region only consisted of the outer
layer, the logarithmic layer and the interfacial sublayer. The empirical equations
obtained for the latter two layers are as follows:

1 z




within logarithmic layer


within interfacial sublayer (4-15)


where u

is the DA streamwise velocity component; d0 is the thickness of the

interfacial sublayer; C is a parameter of velocity distribution ( u d0 u * ) and was

determined to be 7.1 experimentally.

Table 4.3. Flow parameters for the simulations (experiments by Nikora, et al., 2001)

Q [l/s]


D [cm]


u* [cm/s] Re (= u*ks/

In the simulations, the mesh with grid number = 61 used in the previous section was
employed. In the presentation of the experimental data the subsurface layer thickness
has already been deducted. The reference level is taken at z = z = 0. The drag force
was added in the interfacial sublayer with the thickness d0 = = 2.1 cm. The MWD
option is used with frk = 3.8 m-1, which is consistent with the calculation using bs = d
(= 0.0638 m), N = 1/(0.1140.0665) = 132 m-2, CdCs = 0.45 (suggested by Coleman
(1967)). The value of cr is set to 0.3. Table 4.3 summarizes these two experimental
conditions used for comparison in the numerical study. For comparison, computer
simulations using other model options have also been carried out. Details of the
computer runs are tabulated in Table 4.4.

Figure 4.10 shows the computed velocity profiles as well as Equations 4-14 and 4-15
with = 0.41 and C = 7.1. The computed velocity profiles match the measured mean
velocity profiles in both the interfacial sublayer and the logarithmic layer. This show
that the DFM with MWD option is capable of yielding velocity profiles which are
linear in the interfacial sublayer and logarithmic in the logarithmic layer.

The advantage of using the DFM with MWD option is demonstrated by comparing
the results with those using the DFM with SWD option and the WFA option. For the
DFM with SWD option, by neglecting the change in the turbulence structure within
the interfacial sublayer, the linear velocity profile within the sublayer cannot be
produced, and the whole flow region becomes the logarithmic region. Also, to match
the measured velocities, the value of frk has to be reduced slightly to 1.9 m-1(Figure
4.4). For the WFA option, the value of ks is large and unrealistic negative velocities
occur at the near-wall region. Also the linear velocity variation within the interfacial
sublayer cannot be reproduced since the WFA option assumes the velocity follows
the logarithmic-linear relationship.

Case 1 in Table 4.3

Case 2 in Table 4.3

Figure 4.10. Normalized velocity profiles for flows over spherical segment-type bed,
runs C1S, C1W, C1M2, C2S, C2W, C2M2 are defined in Table 4.4 (experiments by
Nikora et al., 2001; the dash line denotes the upper level of the interfacial sublayer)

Table 4.4. Computational parameters used in the simulations (experiments by Nikora et

al., 2001)


Model option


frk [m-1]












The computed vertical profile of the Reynolds shear stress (Figure 4.11) exhibits a
linear variation with zero value at the free surface and the maximum at the crest level
of the roughness elements, and then decreases towards the trough level of the
roughness elements. The increase in Reynolds shear stress with the decrease of the
elevation is caused by the balance between the longitudinal gravitational force
component and the Reynolds shear force. The decrease in the Reynolds shear stress
within the roughness element layer is due to the existence of the drag force which
counteracts partly the gravitational force component. This typical variation of the
Reynolds shear stress has been confirmed experimentally (Manes et al. 2009).

The sensitivity of the solution to the parameter cr was further investigated. The value
of cr is expected to vary within the range 0.1 to 0.5. The computations show that the
resulting velocity profile can match the measured profile very well by adjusting the
value of frk which is not exactly known. h1 is kept constant in this case since its value

is comparatively large and a significant change is not justified. A smaller value of cr

requires a larger value of frk to produce a constant total resistance to the flow (Table
4.4). However, it is noteworthy that the value of frk remains nearly constant for
different flow conditions (Case 1 and Case 2) with the same cr.

Figure 4.11 also shows the corresponding computed Reynolds stress profiles for
different values of cr. It can be observed that the Reynolds stress variation within the
interfacial sublayer is sensitive to the parameter set (cr, frk) used. A smaller value of
cr leads to a smaller Reynolds stress within the interfacial sublayer. Previous studies
have revealed that the shear stress is mainly composed of the Reynolds stress and the
form-induced stress within the interfacial sublayer. Because the form-induced stress
is dependent on the bed forms, the Reynolds stress would be affected accordingly. It
is, therefore, inappropriate to use the standard S-A model for cases with large-scale
roughness as the standard version is designed for smooth beds. With the MWD
option, apart from yielding the quasi-linear distribution of the mean velocity, the
DFM can also control the magnitude of the Reynolds stress within the roughness
layer by adjusting the value of cr.


Case 1 in Table 4.3

Case 2 in Table 4.3

Figure 4.11. Normalized Reynolds stress profiles for flows over spherical
segment-type bed (experiments by Nikora et al., 2001) Open-channel flow over sparely distributed pebble clusters

This model is subsequently applied in a natural setting: an open-channel flow over a

plane bed of real gravels including large, sparely distributed pebble clusters. The
laboratory experiments were carried out by Lawless and Robert (2001a; 2001b). The
bed roughness elements consisted of a mixture of two components: the ground
components with d50 = 12.4 mm and manually developed pebble clusters. Seven
pebble clusters were arranged in a staggered pattern on the top of the ground layer
(as shown in Figure 4.12). The total area examined for the experiments was 0.96 m2
(1.6 m long, 0.6 m wide). The average dimensions of the pebble clusters were 0.262

m in length, 0.085 m in width. The maximum bed form height is 5.9 cm and the
mean bed elevation is 3.06 cm. Velocity measurements were collected in a series of
vertical profiles spaced at 0.1 m intervals along the channel under steady flow
conditions with an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV). In the present study totally
18 vertical profiles (shown as the filled circles in Figure 4.12) were chosen for the
computation of a statistically representative DA flow field. Two flow conditions with
identical flow rate and different water depths were selected for model test. The water
depths were 0.137 m and 0.275 m for the shallow flow condition (Case 1) and deep
flow condition (Case 2), respectively. The corresponding relative submergence (D/d0)
were 4.5 and 9. To be consistent with the experiments (Lawless and Robert 2001a;
Lawless and Robert 2001b), the reference level is taken at the top of the ground layer
due to the apparent difference in size between the ground components and the pebble
clusters. Figure 4.13 shows the variation of the porosity with the dimensionless
height z/. It can be seen that equals to 0.8 at the top of the ground layer and
increases linearly to 1 at the top of the roughness layer.

Figure 4.12. Plan view of the roughness arrangement and the location of position of
spatially-averaged verticals (experiments by Lawless and Robert, 2001a & 2001b)


Figure 4.13. Variation of porosity with the z/

The finest grid adapted in the previous section (n = 61) was also used herein. The
drag force was introduced in the interfacial sublayer with the thickness d0 = 3.06 cm.
The numerical simulations were also performed using DFM with SWD and MWD
options. The parameters used in the simulations are listed in Table 4.5. The bulk drag
coefficient CdCs can be obtained in accordance with Equation 4-11 with bs = 0.085 m,
N 7 m-2. It can be seen from this table that the MWD option leads to more
consistent parameterization of the bulk drag coefficient (CdCs = 0.77), which also fall
within the suggested range (0.6 ~ 0.8) for the DANS modeling by Rameshwaran et al.
(2011), for shallow and deep flow conditions.

Table 4.5. Computational parameters used in the DANS modelling (experiments by

Lawless and Robert, 2001a & 2001b)



Model option


frk [m-1]

















Figure 4.14 shows the comparisons between the predicted and the average measured
vertical velocity profile, along with the standard deviation of the flume
measurements (horizontal bars for the data points) for both Case 1 and Case 2. It can
be seen from the DA experimental data that for Case 1 with smaller relative
submergence (D/d0 = 4.5), a velocity inflection occurred and an S-shape profile was
formed. The average measured velocity profile appears to be linearly distributed
within the interfacial sublayer. For Case 2 with larger relative submergence (D/d0 =
9), however, the average measured velocity distribution was logarithmic. The
standard deviations shown in Figure 4.14 also indicate that the measured velocities
within the interfacial sublayer are more scattered than those in the outer flow region
for these two cases. The predicted profile of the spatially-averaged mean velocity for
the RANS model with high-resolution topography (Rameshwaran et al. 2011) are
also plotted for Case 1. It can be seen that for the shallow flow condition (Case 1),
the DANS model with SWD option, which perform equally well with the
high-resolution RANS model, under-predicted the mean velocities above the
interfacial sublayer and over-predicted the mean velocities within the interfacial
sublayer. On the contrary, the simulated velocity profile with the MWD option shows
excellent agreement with the average measured profile. Although all the predicted
values fall within the standard deviation of the measured values, the DANS model
with MWD option faithfully reproduced the quasi-linear variation of the mean
velocity within the interfacial sublayer. For the deep flow condition (Case 2), it can
be seen from Figure 4.14 that the computed velocity profile with SWD option fit well
with the logarithmic profile. In the region above the interfacial sublayer the
computed velocities with MWD option were slightly higher than that with SWD
option but still in good agreement with the experimental measurements. Within the

interfacial sublayer, the agreements between the numerical prediction and the
experimental measurements were satisfactory by using both the SWD and MWD

Case 1 in Table 4.5

Case 2 in Table 4.5

Figure 4.14. Vertical velocity profiles for flows over large and widely-spaced pebble
clusters (experiments by Lawless and Robert, 2001a & 2001b; the horizontal dash line
denotes the upper level of the interfacial sublayer)

4.3.3. Steep-slope gravel-bed river flow

The model is then applied to the field. The data for field verification of the model were
collected by Marchand et al. (1984) in high-gradient, coarse-grained streams in
Colorado. They measured velocity profiles from nine streams with depth sediment
ratio ranging from D/d84 = 2.33 to 14.3. The reported water surface slope ranged from
0.002 to 0.029. For each stream, velocity profiles were collected at 3 or 4 locations

along the centerline with 8-10 points between the bed and water surface. At each
location, velocity profiles were measured at several flow stages. Due to the
heterogeneity in local bed geometries for different locations, the measured velocity
profiles show some degree of variability. Hence the field data used herein for
comparison have been processed through spatial averaging. The characteristic
parameters for these three streams are summarized in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6. Characteristic parameters and average velocities for three simulations of
river flows
Case 1

Case 2

Clear Creek at

Blue River near



Bed slope




d50 (cm)




d84 (cm)




D (cm)
Range of U
measured by
Marchand et al.
(1984) (cm/s)
U computed by
Carney et al.
U for simulation
with SWD model
U for simulation
with MWD model

















Case 3
Lake Creek


For the computational details, the reference level is taken to be the bed level measured
by Marchand et al. (1984), which is approximately 0.5d50 higher than the actual
channel bed (h0 = 0.5d50). For MWD, the thickness of the interfacial sublayer is taken
as the other half of the median diameter (d0 = d50 - h0= 0.5d50) and cr = 0.15. The
rectilinear mesh with grid number n = 61 is still used. The value of frk is determined
from Equation 4-9 and is equal to 4.4 m-1, 4.2 m-1 and 1.9 m-1 for Clear Creek, Blue
River and Lake Creek, respectively. Computed average velocities are listed in Table
4.6. All the computed values with both the SWD option and the MWD option fall
within the range of measured mean velocities. The two set of results are very close
with the results from the SWD option marginally smaller than those from the MWD

Figure 4.15 shows the computed velocity profiles with the SWD option and the MWD
option, the range of spatially averaged data collected by Marchand et al. (1984), and
computed profiles from Carney et al. (2006). It can be seen that most of the computed
velocities fall within the range of the field measurements. Both the computed and
measured velocity profiles do not follow the logarithmic linear relationship (Figure
4.15). In the last case (Lake Creek) in which D/d84 = 3.7, the velocity profiles are
approximately S-shape. Lake Creek has a bed slope greater than 1% and D/d84 value
within the range of 1 to 4, meeting the conditions for the development of the S-shape
velocity profile. Marked difference in velocities occurs near the water surface for
cases 1 and 2. This is probably due to that in the field the flows were non-uniform
and under the spatially decelerating condition. For the case of Lake Creek, the
computed velocities fall on the boundaries of the measured velocity range. The
computed velocity profile exhibits an apparent S-shape as compared to the measured

velocity profile.

The computed velocities using the RNG k- model due to Carney et al. (2006) are
also included for comparison. The present model gives a slightly better prediction of
the mean velocities as shown in Table 4.6. The present computed velocity profile is
remarkably close to that in Carney et al. (2006) for the case of Clear Creek and better
matches the field measured data for the case of Blue River. It also gives a more
apparent S-shape profile for the case of Lake Creek. The slightly better performance
of the present model is mainly due to that a different turbulence modelling strategy is
used. In the RNG k- model the gravels are assumed to have no effect on the turbulence
generation or dissipation rates (FLUENT 2005), therefore no modification to the
equations has been made. It is expected that the RNG k- model is unable to
reproduce the S-shape profile shown in Figure 4.15 (similar to the DFM with SWD
option) and a higher order turbulence closure may not have benefit.

(a) Clear Creek at Golden


(b) Blue River near Dillon

(c) Lake Creek

Figure 4.15. Velocity profiles for steep-slope gravel-bed rivers


4.4. Conclusions
A DANS model incorporating the drag force method (DFM) and a modified S-A
turbulence closure has been developed for gravel-bed open-channel flows. Extensive
tests show that the model can simulate accurately the velocity profiles in the
interfacial sublayer, form-induced sublayer and logarithmic layer. Particularly, the
S-shaped velocity profile for sparsely distributed large size roughness elements can be
faithfully reproduced. The modification of the turbulence length scale within the
interfacial sublayer increases the viscous force and reduces the drag force in
balancing the gravitational force component. The model leads to a more consistent
parameterization of the bulk drag coefficient (CdCs) and generates a quasi-linear
velocity distribution within the interfacial sublayer. For practical applications, the
drag force parameter frk can be obtained from the measurable parameters shown in
Equation 4-11. The parameter for the turbulence length scale (cr) was found to be
able to control the magnitude of the Reynolds stress within the interfacial sublayer
and the value of 0.3 is recommended from the case studies. Further improvement of
the model can be done by seeking an accurate parameterization of the form-induced
stress term.


Chapter 5.
Depth-limited Open-Channel Flow over
Gravel Patch
5.1. Introduction
The mean flow and turbulence characteristics of open-channel flows over
hydraulically smooth surfaces have been extensively studied in the last 20-30 years
(Nezu and Nakagawa 1993). Progress was also achieved in understanding the mean
flow and turbulence structure in flows over hydraulically rough beds with high
relative submergence (Kirkgoz 1989; Kironoto and Graf 1994; Nikora and Smart
1997). Knowledge of mean velocity and turbulence characteristics of open-channel
flow over gravel bed with small relative submergence (e.g., mountain streams and
floodplain rivers) remains incomplete and needs to be further studied.

One of the main topics in the study of turbulent geophysical flows is the form of the
streamwise velocity profile. In shallow gravel-bed rivers the mean velocity profiles,
which are greatly affected by the macro-rough beds, have two kinds of shapes, i.e.,
logarithmic and S-shaped. As mentioned previously, the S-shaped velocity profile is
a consequence of local protrusions and simultaneously exists with the logarithmic
velocity profile in gravel-bed river flows (Franca and Lemmin 2009). Thus for most
cases in gravel-bed open-channel flows, especially under the well-sorted condition,

the streamwise mean velocity might still follow the logarithmic distribution
(Equation 2-7). However, due to the low relative submergence, the Karman constant
appears to be non-universal (Rand 1953).

The Karman constant , which is defined as the ratio of the mixing-length to the
vertical distance from the wall, is a crucial parameter to describe the time averaged
streamwise velocity profile along the vertical axis in a wall-bounded shear flow
based on the log-law. There have been many attempts to accurately determine for
an idealized flow over a smooth wall or for homogeneous turbulence. Based on
systematic velocity measurements with an LDA-system, Nezu and Rodi (1986)
obtained a universal value for (= 0.412) for fully-developed open-channel flows
over smooth beds. This value has been confirmed extensively in the subsequent
experimental and numerical studies. On the contrary, the value of for rough-bed
flows with low submergence still remains unclear. To the authors knowledge, Rand
(1953) could be the first researcher to study the effect of relative submergence on .
By performing laboratory experiments on an open-channel flow with artificial
bottom roughness, he reported a value of = 0.3 for the open-channel flow with
relative submergence Sr = 3.3. Dittrich and Koll (1997) experimentally demonstrated
that is non-universal and dependent on both the bed roughness and Sr. Their
experimental results indicated that the vertical velocity distributions can be described
by the logarithmic relationship with modified values in the order of 0.18. In
addition, they also claimed that the value of strongly depends on the chosen
reference level. Koll (2006) also reported that is non-universal but depends on the
irregularity of the bed roughness as well as the Sr. For regular surfaces and large
relative submergences, approaches a value of 0.4. The -value decreases

significantly as the bed roughness becomes more irregular or the values of Sr

decreases. Furthermore, he suggested that the -value reaches a mimimum within the
range 4 < Sr < 7 and increases again as Sr further decreases. Cooper (2008) also
reported values of < 0.41 when 4 < Sr < 13. Gaudio (2010) summarized the existing
experimental data and suggested a non-monotonic dependency of on Sr: -value
decreases as Sr increases if Sr > 2, reaches a minimum value of 0.27 at Sr = 7.5, and
becomes universal for Sr > 15. Nevertheless, the cause of the non-monotonic
dependency still remains unexplained.

In this study, a series of laboratory experiments were conducted to further investigate

the mean velocity and turbulence intensity distribution, as well as the friction factor
in gravel-bed open-channel flows with small relative submergence. Experiments
were carried out in a laboratory flume instead of a natural channel due to the fact that
it was feasible to control the flow properties, such as flow rate and water depth.
Furthermore, homogeneous vegetation and gravel bed can be fabricated in the
laboratory while there are more difficult to be constructed in the field. Based on the
experimental results, a sensitivity analysis of the drag force parameter (frk) was also
performed subsequently.

5.2. Experimental facilities

5.2.1. Tilting Flume

The laboratory experiments in this study were conducted in a 12.5 meter long, 0.31
meter wide, and 0.4 meter deep tilting flume which was manufactured by GUNT

Hamburge, Germany (Photo 5.1). Its longitudinal bed slope can be varied from -0.83%
to 2%. The sidewalls and the bottom of the flume were made of glass and steel. A
series of honeycomb grids were installed at the entrance of the channel to straighten
the flow and prevent the formation of large-scale flow disturbances. The flume
received a constant supply of water from a head tank and had an adjustable tailgate at
the downstream end of the flume to regulate the flow depth. Water leaving the flume
entered a large sump under the flume, where it was recirculated to the constant head
tank with a pump. Two wheeled trolleys, which can be moved along the double-rail
track on the top of the flume, were used to mount the point gauge and velocity
measuring instruments (i.e., UVP and Vectrino ADV).

Photo 5.1. Tilting flume


5.2.2. Water depth and discharge measurements

A Vernier point gauge with 1mm accuracy was mounted on the mobile trolleys to
measure the water depth. As shown in Photo 5.2, the water discharge rate was
measured by a build-in electromagnetic flow meter (PROMAG type, made by
Endress & Hauser) installed in the flow return pipe.

Photo 5.2. The build-in electromagnetic flow meter

5.2.3. Velocity measurement

Two types of velocity measuring instruments, namely ultrasonic velocity profiler

(UVP) and Vectrino acoustic Doppler velocimeter (Vectrino ADV), were used in the
flume experiments. Both instruments were operated in a non-intrusive way. The UVP
is 1D and can record only one component of velocity along a line. The Vectrino ADV
is 3D and can measure all three components of the velocity at a single point.

94 Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler (UVP)

The UVP system is manufactured by Met-Flow SA and consists of a specially made

personal computer (PC) with a monitor (as shown in Photo 5.3), and a cylinder probe
(60 mm long and 13 mm in diameter).


Photo 5.3. The UVP system

The probe generates a short emission of ultrasound (US) which travels along the
measurement axis. When the US pulse hits moving particles, part of the US energy
scatters by the particles and echoes back. The echo reaches the transducer after a
time delay:



where t = time delay between transmitted and received signal; x = distance of

scattering particle from transducer; c = speed of sound in water. If the scattering
particle is moving with non-zero velocity component along the beam axis, the
received echo is Doppler-shifted so that:

c 2 f0


where V = velocity component along the transducer axis (only one velocity
component can be collected); fd = Doppler shift (Hz); f0 = transmitting frequency.
UVP measures the time delay t and the Doppler shift fd and then calculates both the
position and velocity of a particle. The basic function of the UVP is the ability to
measure instantaneous velocities at many spatial points (channels) along the
measurement distance, permitting the calculation of both time- and space-averaged

In the present application, velocities were measured by means of a 2MHz Met-Flow

UVP probe. The probe measures instantaneous velocities at 128 locations or bins
within a length of about 9.5 cm. The sampling volume at each measurement point is
shaped as a disk having ~ 10 mm diameter (the diameter increases at a rate imposed
by the divergence of the beam, i.e., 2.2 degrees) and 0.74 mm thickness. The
velocities measured at each point, represent the average velocity of the particles
moving within the sampling volume.

The signals coming from the UVP probe are transferred to the PC in which the
velocity data can be stored, analyzed and visualized. More details about the
Met-Flow UVP system can be found in the UVP Monitor User Guide. Vectrino ADV

As a new generation of 3D ADV, a Nortek AS Vectrono ADV (as shown in Photo 5.4)
was used to measure the instantaneous velocity components in the experimental

study. Its operation acoustic frequency is 10 MHz.

Photo 5.4. 3D Vectrino ADV (NORTEC)

As shown in Photo 5.5, the probe is down-looking and consists of four receive
transducers and a transmit transducer. Each of the four receive transducers is
mounted inside a receiver arm. The transmit transducer is in the centre of the probe.
The sampling volume, which is located 5 cm below the transmit transducer, is a
cylinder of water with a fixed diameter of 6 mm and a user-defined height of 3-15
mm. The sampling rate was also adjustable (0 ~ 200 Hz).


Photo 5.5. Image of the ADV probe and schematic diagram of sampling volume
(Source: Vectrino User Guide 2009)

The ADV technology is based on the measuring method known as pulse-to-pulse

coherence (Lohrmann et al. 1994; Nikora and Goring 1998). The transmit transducer
generates an acoustic signal that is reflected back by sound scattering particles
present in water (such as naturally fine particles or seeding material) and are assumed
to move at the fluid velocity. The scattered signal is detected by the receivers and
used to calculate the signal Doppler phase shift from which the flow velocity
components are estimated accordingly. The ADV measures the sound scattered from
two consecutive pulses. After the signal is processed, the phase difference determines
the value of velocity. A PC with Windows XP operation system was connected
directly to the Vectrino to obtain real time series of the velocities. Vectrino Plus
software was employed to gather experimental data. The WinADV software (version
2.027) was used to analyze these data.


The correlation coefficient is a measure of the similarity of two pulses. Thus it

becomes an important parameter to estimate the quality and accuracy of the ADV
velocity data. Correlation is expressed as a percentage: values close to 100% indicate
that the transmitted and received signals are fully coherent and thus the
measurements are reliable; low correlations indicate insufficient seeding, the probe is
out of the water, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is too low, or ADV malfunctioning.
It is commonly accepted that the correlation coefficient should be above 70% (e.g.,
Voulgaris and Trowbridge 1998; Martine 2003). This threshold criterion was also
followed in the data analysis performed in this study.

The noise in ADV phase measurements, which is an inherent part of all

Doppler-based backscatter systems, is caused by a number of factors. The most
important one is the effect of electronics noise which is determined by the SNR. In
the laboratory, the minimum SNR at which the ADV should be operated is about 15.
Throughout the experiments, the SNR was maintained at 17 or above.

In addition, the Vectrino ADV was equipped with temperature correction,

self-adjusting for sound propagation speed depending on the water temperature. The
temperature was read by a thermometer included within the ADV.

5.3. Experimental arrangement

5.3.1. Pre-experiment calibration

Flow rate and bed slope are the control parameters for open-channel flow conditions,

the instruments used to measure them need to be calibrated before conducting the
experiments. As shown in Photo 5.6, a portable ultrasonic flowmeter (GE
Panametrics TransPort, Model PT878) and a rectangular sharp-crested weir were
used for the calibration of flow rates. Five flow rates were produced in the flume
experiments. Table 5.1 shows the calibration results for these 5 flow rates. It can be
seen that the values evaluated from these three methods are very close and their
difference is within 5%. The averages, as shown in Table 5.1, were taken as the real
values of these flow rates in the following data processing.



Photo 5.6. Facilities used to calibrate the flow rates

(a) Portable Liquid Flowmeter (Source: Model PT878 Users Manual);
(b) Rectangular sharp-crested weir.


Table 5.1. Calibration results for flow rates

Flow rate
Flow rate
Flow rate
Flow rate
Flow rate


ic flowmeter




The bed slopes were calibrated with a laser maker (as shown in Photo 5.7). A
horizontal laser beam was emitted from the laser maker and projected to the
longitudinal direction of the flume. The height of the laser beam from the flume
bottom at different locations can be measured and used to calculate the bed slopes. 5
bed slopes (as shown in Photo 5.2) was verified and used in the experiments.

Table 5.2. Calibration results for bed slopes

Bed slope (S1)
Bed slope (S2)
Bed slope (S3)
Bed slope (S4)
Bed slope (S5)


Photo 5.7. Laser maker


5.3.2. Experimental procedures

The experimental study was conducted in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the Civil and
Structural Engineering Department at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. A
schematic diagram of the laboratory setup is shown in Figure 5.1. The laboratory
flume is a closed system in which water is recirculated by means of an electrically
powered pump.

Natural gravels were used to roughen the flume bottom in the testing section. A
sample of the gravels were sieved and weighted to obtain the grain size distribution.
The weight of the sample was 49.3 kg. The sieving was performed using the
following set of sieves: 9.5, 13.2, 19.0, 25.4, 38.1, 50.0 mm. All the gravels were
shaked through the sieves from coarser to finer in a mechanical shaker for 10
minutes. These five sub-samples were subsequently weighted. Table 5.3 illustrates
the grain size distribution of the gravels. It can be seen that the diameters of most of
the particles range from 19.0 mm to 38.1 mm (over 96.7%). Thus the gravels are
quasi-uniform with median diameter approximately equal to 23 mm. These gravels
were densely and randomly deployed into plates which were then placed
consecutively on the flume bottom. The armoured bed was considered fixed since no
motion of the gravels was observed throughout the experiments.


Figure 5.1. Schematic of laboratory setup (not to scale)

Table 5.3. Grain size distribution for the original material

Maximum diameter
< 9.5

Cumulative finer

Two GPs with different length were tested under the uniform flow condition.
Throughout the flume experiments, the water depths along the testing area were
monitored. We consider the uniform flow state is reached within the testing area as
long as the water depths are identical. The testing length of the short patch (SP) and

long patch (LP) were 3.81 m and 7.5 m, respectively. The gravels used in the SP and
LP are also slightly different. While the original gravel pack, which is quasi-uniform,
was used in the SP, the uniform gravels with very narrow size distribution (19.0 ~
25.4 mm) was used in the LP. By using uniform gravels, it can be more effective to
control the uniformity of a relatively long patch. The characteristic parameters of
these two patches are listed in Table 5.4. These two GPs were both well sorted with
low protrusion.

Table 5.4. Characteristic parameters for GPs

Length (m)
Width (m)
Median diameter d50 (mm)
Thickness kr (mm)



Steady uniform flow conditions were obtained by regulating the water level with the
downstream tailgate. For the laboratory applications, the water depth is found not
very sensitive to the flow rate. The uniform flow condition can be reached for a range
of water depths. Past experiences show that the uniform flow depth is the minimum
flow depth satisfying the uniform flow criterion. Therefore, for each experimental
condition, we followed these procedures: (a) Drop down the tailgate; (b) Turn on the
pump and adjust the water discharge to the assigned rate; (c) Raise the tailgate slowly
until the uniform flow condition is firstly reached. The uniform flow obtained from
this procedure is depth-limited as their water depth is of the same order of magnitude
as the bed material size. Water surface elevations were measured with Vernier point
gauge at several points along the channel centerline to ensure the uniform flow was

As shown in Photo 5.3, the transducer of the UVP was placed horizontally inside the
water body and measured the longitudinal profile of the centerline velocity. The
uniform flow condition was reconfirmed by checking the uniformity of the
longitudinal velocity profiles. The vertical profiles of the centerline velocity were
obtained by measuring the longitudinal velocity profiles at different levels. The
vertical measurement interval was 0.5 cm. At each level, the UVP sampled for 252 s,
yielding 4000 records. For the use of Vectrino ADV, the height of the sampling
volume was set to 7 mm and the sampling rate was set to 75 Hz according to the
sampling frequency criteria suggested by Nezu and Nakagawa (1993). Centreline
velocities were measured every 0.5 cm in the vertical direction except for the
uppermost 5 cm layer where measurement cannot be performed. At each point, the
Vectrino ADV sampled for 107 s, yielding 8000 records. Since the water depth is
limited in the study, fewer measurement points were used for a single vertical profile.
Thus the experimental data measured by ADV were mainly used to estimate the
bottom shear stress and recheck the measuring accuracy of UVP.

The SP and LP began at 3.74 m and 2.5 m from the flume entrance respectively. The
testing area was predetermined by checking the uniformity of the longitudinal
velocity profiles to ensure a fully developed boundary layer flow was achieved. The
velocity measurement section was located between 6.1 m and 6.5 m for SP cases. For
each LP case, three vertical profiles were collected from three testing areas, i.e., 5.7
m ~ 6.1 m, 6.1 m ~ 6.5 m, 6.5 ~ 6.9 m (hereinafter referred to as L1, L2 and L3).
This arrangement also provides a sufficiently long distance from the downstream
weir for the flow to be independent of the downstream boundary condition.


Orientation set up was done so that the measuring instruments z ordinate coincided
with the vertical axis and the x and y coordinates were aligned with the streamwise
and spanwise flow directions, respectively. Velocities were measured at 5 mm
interval in the vertical direction.

5.3.3. Experiment conditions

A total of 33 experiments were performed (25 with SP and 8 with LP) to investigate
the profiles of mean velocity, turbulence intensity, and drag in gravel-bed
open-channel flows with small relative submergence. The controllable variables in
the laboratory were flow discharge, channel bed slope, and patch length. A summary
of the experimental conditions is shown in Table 5.5. It can be seen that the
investigated flows are highly turbulent (1.11 105 < Re < 2.56 105) and subcritical
(0.37 < Fr < 0.68). Their relative submergences are relatively small and range from
2.68 to 5.94.

It should be noticed that the aspect ratios (W/D) of the present experiments are all
less than 5, the flows thus should be classified as narrow channel flows (Nezu and
Nakagawa 1993). In such flow conditions, the secondary currents may occur and
result in the velocity-dip phenomena in the outer region. However, in our laboratory
setting the gravel-bed is fully rough while the sidewalls are smooth. The effect of
aspect ratio is thus less severe as compared to that for the case in which the bottom
and sidewalls are equally rough. As a consequence, the streamwise velocity will not
be strongly affected by the secondary currents. Nevertheless, when estimating the
flow resistance, the correction of the side-wall effect should still be conducted.

Table 5.5. Experimental conditions in gravel-bed flows with limited water depth


















Code for the names of the runs:

SP and LP stand for short gravel patch and long gravel patch (Table 5.4)
S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 stand for different bed slopes (Table 5.2)
R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 stand for different flow rates (Table 5.1)

5.4. Experimental results

5.4.1. Shear velocity

Detail investigation of turbulence structures in open-channel flow requires accurate

evaluation of the shear velocity u*. This parameter is of engineering significance as it
represents the skin friction drag, and is also an essential scaling parameter for the
theoretical analysis of the mean velocity profile and turbulence intensity profile.
Several methods for the determination of the shear velocity can be found in the
literature (Nezu and Nakagawa 1993):

Clausers method
The shear velocity can be determined from the measured mean velocity
profile in conjunction with the logarithmic law (Equation 2-7).


Energy-gradient method
The shear velocity can be calculated using the global momentum balance
equation under the uniform flow condition as follows:
u* gDS0



Reynolds-stress method
The shear velocity can be determined by extending the measured Reynolds
stress profiles to the boundary, i.e.,

u* 0 u ' w '

z 0


Mean-velocity profile in the viscous sublayer

If a viscous sublayer exists, the shear velocity can be deduced by using the
linear distribution of the mean velocity (Equation 5-5) in this sublayer.

u u * z u *


Direct measurement
The shear velocity can be determined by using skin friction probes,
Preston tubes, etc.

Amongst the methods described above, the first three methods were used in this

The evaluation of shear velocities by using Clausers method can be problematic

over rough beds (Smart 1999), since three unknowns must be determined
simultaneously: h1, ks, and u*. Furthermore, the universal logarithmic law for the
velocity distribution might not exist in gravel-bed flows with small relative
submergence. To address this problem, Manes et al. (2007) suggested a procedure to
evaluate h1 and u* in the absence of the universal log law and confirmed that the
zero-plane position depends on the roughness density and energy of large eddies. In
other words, a gravel-bed flow with small relative submergence but of the same u*
and roughness density as a flow with a larger relative submergence should have the
same zero-plane displacement as that flow. Following their conclusions, the
assumptions used by Kironoto and Graf (1994) were taken herein to identify the h1
and ks since the roughness geometry and the flow properties of their experimental
study are similar to the present flume experiments. The present laboratory
experiments can be considered as a continuing study of Kironoto and Graf (1994) as
their investigated flows were under a large relative submergence. They assumed ks =
d50 and h1 = 0.2ks, and also justified these assumptions in the data analysis. Therefore,
in the present study the equivalent sand roughness ks is taken to be ks = d50 = 2.3 cm

for the SP case, and ks = 2.22 cm for the LP case. Since the use of the Clausers
method is still questionable for gravel-bed flows with small relative submergence,
the results of the shear velocities estimated by the energy-gradient method (u*e) and
Reynolds-stress method (u*r) are compared in Table 5.6 for selected cases. It should
be noted that the agreement between the values of u*r and u*e are not so favorable
with the maximum difference up to 10%. This error could be attributed to the
deficient performance of the ADV near the channel bed (Precht et al. 2006). Firstly,
the ADV technique underestimates the flow velocities very close to the bottom
inherently. Secondly, the sampling volume used in the flume experiments was not
small enough for the near-bottom measurements.

Table 5.6. Comparison of the shear velocities calculated by energy-gradient method

(u*e) and Reynolds-stress method (u*r).


u*e 102

u*r 102


By taking u*e as the reference, and Br can be determined by fitting the measured
vertical velocity profiles to Equation 2-7 with the predetermined ks and h1. For the
fitting process, the Karman constant of = 0.4 (recommended by Kironoto and Graf
(1994) for the gravel-bed flows with large relative submergence) was assumed at the
very beginning. The data in the inner region were fitted against the logarithmic-linear

equation (Equation 2-7) using the least squares method which is available as an
add-in sub-program in Microsoft Excel. The values of and Br affecting the slope
and y-intercept of the logarithmic curve (Equation 2-7) can then be determined. The
correlation coefficients of the least square fitting were R 0.974 for SP cases, and R
0.991 for LP cases.

5.4.2. Velocity profiles

Totally 49 vertical profiles (25 for SP case and 24 for LP case) were collected in the
laboratory flume under uniform flow condition. Since the UVP measures the
streamwise component of the velocities along a distance of 9.5 cm, its averaged
values can be considered as double averaged values, i.e., spatially and temporally
averaged. It has been widely recognized that the double averaging procedure could
account for the spatial heterogeneity effect of the rough bed (Buffin-Belanger et al.
2006; Nikora et al. 2007a; Nikora et al. 2007b).

Figure 5.2 shows the comparison between the streamwise velocities measured by the
ADV and UVP for runs SPS1R4, SPS2R4, SPS3R4, SPS4R4 and SPS5R4. The good
agreement (R2 = 0.9391) indicates that the accuracy of these two measuring
instruments is acceptable.

Figure 5.3 shows the power spectra of the measured velocity components for the run
LPS5R3L1 (Sr = 3.49) from ADV. It is noteworthy that, even with the small relative
submergence, the power spectra still approximately follow the classic Kolmogorov
-5/3 law.

Figure 5.2. Comparison between streamwise velocities measured by UVP and ADV

Figure 5.3. Power spectra of velocity components from ADV (LPS5R3L1 with Sr =
3.49, at depth z/D = 0.35; for reference, -5/3 power slope is also shown by the red
straight line.)


The resultant histograms of the probability density function (PDF) distribution of

velocity for run LPS5R3L1 are shown in Figure 5.4. It can be seen that the PDFs of
the three velocity components resemble Gaussian distribution, which indicates that
the sampling size is large enough to yield adequate flume measurements.

Figure 5.4. Probability density function (PDF) of velocity components from ADV
(LPS5R3L1 with Sr = 3.49, at depth z/D = 0.35.)

Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 show the double averaged velocity profiles for selected SP
case (SPS5R1) and LP case (LPS5R1L1) respectively. It can be seen that the double
averaged velocity profiles still agree well with the log law and the defect law even
under small relative submergence (Sr = 2.94 for SP case and Sr = 2.68 for LP case) in
the present experiments. It can be explained by the fact that the gravel patches were
well sorted with low protrusion. Therefore, the S-shaped velocity profiles were not

observed throughout the laboratory experiments. It can also be found from these two
figures that the streamwise velocity data follow the outer velocity-defect law without
the need for a wake correction for both SP and LP cases. This can be interpreted as a
confirmation that the effect of the aspect ratio is not evident in the depth-limited
open-channel flow with gravel roughness.

Figure 5.5. Double averaged velocity profiles of selected SP case:

(a) Fitting with log law; (b) Fitting with defect law


Figure 5.6. Double averaged velocity profiles of selected LP case:

(a) Fitting with Log law; (b) Fitting with Defect law

Figure 5.7 shows the values of for different relative submergence Sr. It can be seen
from this figure that with nearly the same Sr, the values for SP cases are greater than
0.3 with the mean value approximately equal to 0.4 and the values for LP cases are
smaller than 0.3 with the mean value approximately equal to 0.23. Although the nonmonotonic dependency of on Sr was not observed, the values for LP cases are more
consistent with the previously reported -values with small relative submergence. As
the -value reflects the formation and evolution of turbulence coherent structures, the

higher -values of the SP cases could be attributed to the finite patch length. Because
of the finite length, the large-scale coherent vortices are not fully developed and thus
not strong enough to completely alter the velocity gradient near the rough bed. With
sufficient length for LP cases, it also can be found from Figure 5.7 that the -values
of different locations (L1, L2 and L3) do not vary significantly.

There are also some uncertainties in the determination of the numerical constant Br
in log law (Equation 2-7). For smooth-bed open-channel flow, Nezu and Nakagawa
(1993) suggested that Br = 5.0 - 5.3 irrespective of flow type. Reynolds (1974)
suggested Br = 8.5 15% for rough-bed open-channel flows and Kironoto and Graf
(1994) further reported Br = 8.8 0.96 (mean and standard deviation of Br value) for
gravel-bed open-channel flow with large relative submergence (Sr > 12.3). For the
depth-limited gravel-bed open-channel flow (2.68 < Sr < 5.94) investigated in the
present study, the average Br-value is Br = 8.2 0.71, which is in good agreement
with the values reported by Reynolds (1974) and smaller than the values suggested
by Kironoto and Graf (1994) for gravel-bed open-channel flow with large relative
submergence. Figure 5.8 shows the variation of Br with dimensionless roughness
height ks+ (for LP cases, the Br-value is the average of three profiles in different
locations). Within experimental scatter range, it still can be found that for the SP
cases the Br-value decreases gradually as ks+ increases which are consistent with the
variation of Br for transitionally-rough flows (5 < ks+ 70). However, for the LP
cases, the Br-value remains nearly constant and equals to 8.5 which is consistent with
the value of Br for fully rough flows (ks+ > 70). The decrease of Br-value with ks+ for
open-channel flow over short gravel patch (even with 885 < ks+ < 1630) could also be
attributed to the finite patch length.

Figure 5.7. Variation of with relative submergence Sr

Figure 5.8. Variation of Br with dimensionless roughness height ks+

5.4.3. Streamwise turbulence intensity

The vertical distribution of streamwise turbulence intensity (I), which is defined as

the ratio of the root-mean-square of the velocity fluctuations urms to the shear velocity
u*, has been measured in earlier research work (Nezu 1977; Nezu and Rodi 1986;
Cardoso et al. 1989; Wang et al. 1993) on smooth- and rough-bed open-channel
flows. For uniform open-channel flow, Nezu (1977) claimed that the distribution of
the streamwise turbulence intensity is independent of the Reynolds and Froude

numbers and follows an exponential law:

u '2
z D

Du e u


Nezu (1977) also suggested that Du = 2.3 and u = 1.0 for smooth-bed open-channel
flow. Nezu and Rodi (1986) measured in details the distribution of turbulence
intensity for the uniform flow in a smooth-bed flume with a two-dimensional LDA.
By regression analysis on their experimental results and other available flume
measurement data (Clark 1968; Blinco 1971; Nezu 1977; Steffler et al. 1983), they
reported Du = 2.26 and u = 0.88. Caroso et al. (1989) carried out similar flume
studies and suggested that Du = 2.28 and u = 1.08 for smooth-bed open-channel flow.
The values of Du and u reported by Nezu and Rodi (1986) and Caroso et al. (1989)
agree well with the values of Nezu (1977). Therefore, Du = 2.3 and u = 1.0 can be
considered as the standard values for smooth-bed open-channel flow. For gravel-bed
open-channel flow, Wang et al. (1993) suggested that the distribution of the
streamwise turbulence intensity depends greatly on the relative submergence Sr and
Du = 2.14 and u = 0.8 when Sr 4. Kironoto and Graf (1994) reported that Du =
2.04 and u = 0.97 for uniform open-channel flow over rough plate and gravel bed.

Figure 5.9 and Figure 5.10 respectively show the distributions of streamwise
turbulence intensities for SP and LP cases, together with the empirical equations
proposed by Nezu (1977) and Wang et al. (1993). Due to the sample volume
limitation of the UVP and its poor performance in the near-bottom region, the data
for the distribution in the inner region (z/D < 0.2) as well as the peak value were lost.
The present experimental data, for both SP and LP cases, were evaluated with the
least squares method; the empirical constants were found to be: Du = 2.28 and u =

1.11 for SP case (with correlation coefficient, R = 0.8), and Du = 2.44 and u = 0.83
for LP case (R = 0.91). The streamwise turbulence intensity distributions of the
present data compare reasonably well with the experimental data from the literatures.
Even under the small relative submergence (Sr = 2 ~ 3), the measured streamwise
turbulence intensities also fit well the empirical equation obtained for Sr 4 (Wang
et al. 1993) in the intermediate region, which should be attributed to the
low-protrusion of the gravel-bed used in the present study.

Figure 5.9. Variation of streamwise turbulence intensity I as a function of z/D for SP


Apart from more evident experimental scatter among the SP cases, the streamwise
turbulence intensity distributions for the SP and LP cases are very similar. Within the
near-water-surface region (0.7 < z/D < 1), the streamwise turbulence intensity
increases gradually with the water depth, which could be induced by the effect of
surface waves (Nezu and Nakagawa 1993). However, it was reported that this effect

is significant only for near-critical flows, i.e., Fr 1. As the investigated flows in

the present study are all subcritical (0.37 < Fr < 0.68), the surface waves should be
caused by the enhanced large-scale coherent structures and the narrow width of
laboratory flume. The large-scale coherent structures are enhanced because of the
completely rough bottom and the limited water depth. The effect of the surface
waves is also one of the reasons that the scatter of experimental data is larger near the
free surface.

Figure 5.10. Variation of streamwise turbulence intensity I as a function of z/D for LP


Figure 5.9 and Figure 5.10 also compare the distribution of streamwise turbulence
intensity for a wide range of relative submergence (D/ks). It can be seen that the main
difference occurs within the near-water-surface region (0.7 < z/D < 1). With the
decrease of the relative submergence, the streamwise turbulence intensity increases
significantly, which indicates that the effect of the surface waves is more evident.
With the decrease of the relative submergence, the influence of the bed roughness on

flow turbulence increases and gives rise to stronger coherent vortices above the
roughness elements.

5.4.4. Flow resistance

Well-established flow resistance formulas, such as the Darcy-Weisbach, Manning

and Chezy equations, have long been used for open-channel flow. The flow
resistance is commonly represented by three resistance coefficients, i.e., the
Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (f), Manning roughness coefficient (n) and Chzy
resistance factor (Ch). These three factors are related to the mean flow velocity
through the following equations:

Kn 2 3 1 2
Rh S f


Rh S f

U Ch Rh S f







where Rh = hydraulic radius, Sf = friction slope (= S0, the bed slope in uniform flow
conditions); g = gravitational acceleration; and Kn = 1 for U and Rh in SI units,
1.486 for U in ft/s and Rh in ft. From the above three equations, the resistance
coefficients can be related by the following equation.

gRh S f
n g

8 Rh K n Ch


Therefore, knowing the value of one resistance coefficient, the values of other two
resistance coefficients can be calculated.

121 Manning resistance coefficient

The relationship between the Manning resistance coefficient n and the relative
submergence Sr (= D/ks) was proposed by Sturm (2010) as follow:

8 g ks

cn 1 6
2.03log 12


where Kn = 1.0 for SI units and 1.49 for English units. The parameter cn (=n/ks1/6)
was found to be roughly constant over a fairly wide range of Sr and therefore is not a
function of the flow depth (Sturm 2010). Furthermore, cn was reported to vary within
5% of a constant value over a range of 4 < Sr < 500 (Yen 1992). However, in the
literature different values of cn were reported. Sturm (2010) suggested that the value
is 0.039 in SI units (0.032 in English units), which is close to that reported by
Henderson (1966) (0.041 in SI units, 0.034 in English units). This value was also
verified in the case that the effective size in the gravel-bed stream is larger than d50
due to bed armoring. Several other sources, including Hager (1999), however,
reported the value of cn = 0.048 in SI units (0.039 in English units).

Due to the narrow width of the laboratory flume, the resistance effect of the glass
side-walls has to be considered in analyzing the flow resistance. The Manning
resistance coefficient calculated from Equation 5-7 is an equivalent n value which is
corresponding to the composite roughness of channel bottom and side-walls. In order
to distinct the roughness effect of the gravel-bed, a correction of the side-wall effect
should be conducted to the equivalent n value. Following Chow (1959), we assumed
that the total force resisting the flow is equal to the sum of the forces resisting the

flow developed in the subdivided areas, i.e., the near-bottom area and near-side-wall
area. According to this assumption, the equivalent roughness coefficient can be
decomposed as:


n 1
P1 2

P n

b b

Pw nw2


P1 2


where n, nb and nw denote the equivalent roughness coefficient, roughness coefficient

for gravel bed and glass side walls, respectively. P, Pb and Pw denote the total wetted
perimeter and wetted perimeter for gravel bed and glass side walls, respectively.
Since the roughness coefficient for glass wall can be considered constant (nw = 0.01),
the roughness coefficient for the gravel bed can be evaluated accordingly.

The variation of the measured cn (= nb/ks1/6) with the relative submergence are plotted
in Figure 5.11, together with the Equation 5-11. The agreement is satisfactory with
the values of cn around 0.04, supporting the results of Sturm (2010) and Henderson
(1966). It can also found this figure that the values of the cn for SP cases are greater
than that for LP cases. This can be explained by the fact that the gravel roughness
elements are more irregular in SP cases than that in LP cases. Generally speaking, the
irregularity of the bed roughness leads to a higher relative grain protrusion and
consequently a greater flow resistance effect.


Figure 5.11. Variation of cn (= nb/ks1/6) with relative submergence Sr (= D/ks) Darcy-Weisbach friction factor

For the rough-bed open-channel flow with large relative submergence, the flow
resistance law, which can be theoretically deduced from the log law through an
integration procedure, is semi-logarithmic:


8 1 Rh
f ks



where U is the cross-sectional averaged velocity; f is the Darcy-Weisbach friction

factor; Rh is the hydraulic radius; Br is a integration constant.

Considerable studies have been performed on the resistance to flow over sand, gravel
and boulder-bed channels, in both man-made and natural open-channel flows. A
value of 6.25 is usually adopted for Br in the case of infinitely wide channels for
large relative submergence of Sr > 20 (Graf et al. 1991). In the case of small relative
submergence of Sr < 4 a Br -value of 3.25 is recommended by Graf (1984),
whereas in the intermediate range of 4 < Sr < 20 a linear relationship is supposed to
exist (Graf et al. 1991) between the two threshold values of 3.25 and 6.25.

The corrected value of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (fb) for the gravel bed can
be calculated through the relationship between the fb and nb (Equation 5-10). When
concerning about the fb, the hydraulic radius Rh = A/Pb = A/W = D. The equation 5-12
thus can be rewritten as:
1 D
ln Br
fb ks


Figure 5.12 shows the variation of the measured (8/fb)1/2 with relative submergence,
together with the Equation 5-13. The dash line indicates the Equation 5-13 with =
0.22 and Br 3.25 and the solid line indicates the Equation 5-13 with = 0.22 and
Br 6.25 . It can be seen that under the relatively small submergence (2.68 < Sr <

5.94), while the Karman constant decrease in the log law, it also decreases to 0.22
in the flow resistance law (Equation 5-13). Furthermore, the experimental data for
the SP and LP cases follow the linear relationship and generally fall within the
threshold Br -values of 3.25 and 6.25.


Figure 5.12. Variation of (8/fb)1/2 with relative submergence Sr (= D/ks)

5.5. Numerical model results

The 1D DANS model developed in Chapter 4 was used to replicate the laboratory
experimental cases herein. The drag force method (DFM) was employed to simulate
the gravel-induced resistance effect. The drag force term is added within the
roughness layer (from reference level to the visual bed level). A rectilinear mesh with
refinement at the near wall region is used in the simulation. In order to evaluate the
sensitivity of the drag force parameter (frk) to mesh resolution, a fine mesh with 60
grid cells and a coarse mesh with 30 grid cells were used in the simulation under the
same flow condition.

Figure 5.13(a) and (b) show the comparison between the numerical results and the
experimental data for the run SP2S2R4 (Sr = 4.9) with fine mesh and coarse mesh,
respectively. It can be found that the calculated velocity profiles from both mesh
systems fit the logarithmic law well in the inner region. Only a slight difference
occurs for the velocities at the near-water-surface region where the number of grid
cells has been significantly reduced as shown in Figure 5.13(b). The best-fit values of
frk for cases with fine mesh and coarse mesh are 36 m-1 and 29 m-1, respectively.
Therefore, the value of the frk is dependent on the grid resolution. This is mainly due
to the presence of a sharp discontinuity in the drag force distribution (frk = 0 above
the gravel layer).

(a) Fine mesh

(b) Coarse mesh

Figure 5.13. Measured and calculated velocity profiles for SPS2R4

(The dash line denotes the reference level)


Figure 5.14 and Figure 5.15 show the best-fit values of the frk for the SP and LP cases,
respectively. It can be seen from these figures that the frk remains roughly constant
for a single bedform with different relative submergence (Sr), which is of great
benefit for the practical application of DFM. The best-fit frk-values for the SP cases
are apparently greater than that for the LP cases which should attribute to the greater
shielding factors (Cs, Equation 4-11) for the gravel bed in SP cases.

Figure 5.14. Best-fit values of frk (m-1) against Sr for SP cases

Figure 5.15. Best-fit values of frk (m-1) against Sr for LP cases


Evident difference occurs in the best-fit values of frk between cases with fine mesh
and coarse mesh. For the SP cases, the best-fit frk = 39.8 2.2 m-1 (mean and
standard deviation) with fine mesh and frk = 34.1 5.1 m-1 with coarse mesh. For the
LP cases, the best-fit frk = 20.1 1.5 m-1 with fine mesh and frk = 18.6 2.7 m-1 with
coarse mesh. For both the SP and LP cases in the present study, the variance of the
best-fit frk-values decreases significantly with the increase of grid cells by 50%.
Therefore, with sufficient grid resolution, it could be feasible to take the frk as a
constant for the computations of streamwise velocity profiles with different Sr. In
other words, once the frk is successfully verified for one case with arbitrary Sr, it can
be used in the other cases with different Sr.

5.6. Conclusions
Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the mean streamwise velocity
and turbulence intensity distributions, as well as the friction factors in depth-limited
open-channel flow over gravel patch with the relative submergence (Sr) ranging from
2.68 to 5.94. The following conclusions can be drawn from the present study:

The measured double averaged velocity profiles were found to fit well
with the log law and defect law with a non-universal Karman constant
under small relative submergence. For the LP cases, with fully developed
coherent large-scale vortices, the values of are nearly constant and in the
range from 0.2 to 0.3. However, due to the finite patch length, the -values
are scattered within a wider range from 0.3 to 0.5 for the SP cases.
Furthermore, while the Br-value remains constant and equals to 8.5 for LP
cases, the Br-value was found to decrease with the increase of

dimensionless roughness height ks+ for SP cases.


The streamwise turbulence intensity distributions under the small relative

submergence were found to agree well with the empirical equations
proposed by Nezu (1977) and Wang et al. (1993). The streamwise
turbulence intensity increases gradually with the water depth within the
near-water-surface region (0.7 < z/D < 1), which could be induced by the
effect of surface waves. The streamwise turbulence intensity increases
significantly in this region with the decrease of the relative submergence.


The measured value of cn (= nb/ks1/6) was found to be around 0.04,

supporting the results of Sturm (2010) and Henderson (1966). Under the
relatively small submergence, the -value decrease to 0.22 for the flow
resistance law (Equation 5-13). The experimental data follow the linear
relationship and generally fall within the threshold Br -values of 3.25
and 6.25.


The 1D DANS model developed in Chapter 4 successfully reproduced the

measured streamwise velocity profiles. The best-fit value of frk was found
to be roughly constant for a single bedform with different Sr. The
sensitivity analysis on frk indicates that its value is greatly dependent on the
grid resolution, mainly due to the presence of a sharp continuity in the drag
force distribution at the gravel-water interface.


Chapter 6.
Open-Channel Flow with Finite
Flexible Vegetation Patch
6.1. Introduction
Submerged vegetation canopy plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems
worldwide. The presence of a vegetation patch (VP) could baffle local currents and
dampen wave energy by producing additional hydrodynamic drag force with the
plant stems and branches. Therefore, the VPs are able to protect the wetland areas
from erosion. In addition, the patchy vegetation creates regions of increased or
decreased bed shear stresses and is of benefit to habitat and species diversity (Kemp
et al. 2000; Shields and Rigby 2005). Furthermore, through the direct uptake of
nutrients and heavy metals (Keskinkan et al. 2004), the capture of suspended
sediment (Palmer et al. 2004) and the production of oxygen, submerged VP can
dramatically improve water quality.

A number of experimental (both laboratory and prototype) and numerical studies

have been conducted in the recent years to investigate the mean flow and turbulence
characteristics of fully-developed open-channel flow with submerged vegetation
canopies (Lopez and Garcia 2001; Jarvela 2002; Choi and Kang 2004; Poggi et al.
2004a; Ghisalberti and Nepf 2006; Okamoto and Nezu 2009; Li and Yu 2010;

Dimitris and Panayotis 2011 and their references). However, the effect of a limited
length VP on aquatic environment has received less attention. Several experimental
studies have been devoted to this topic. Neumeier (2007) made laboratory
observations on the turbulence distribution and flow evolution across the front edge
of saltmarshes. He believed that the roughness length of the vegetation is
independent of the water depth or the flow velocity, but depends only on the canopy
characteristics. Folkard (2005) reported the flume investigations of flows in and
around simulated patches of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanic in a
shallow-water environment. He considered particularly the effects of the wake of a
patch on an adjacent downstream patch and found that the turbulence conditions in
downstream patches can be predicted by deriving a parameterization of the
wake-length scale. By imitating the same seagrass, Maltese et al. (2007) presented a
flume study which focused on the changes in the dominant coherent turbulent
structures at the patch-gap interface, and changes to the shape of the velocity profile.
Bouma et al. (2007) combined field, flume and numerical experiments to identify
spatial sedimentation and erosion patterns developing within rigid VPs and assess the
relevance of hydrodynamic flume studies for the long-term sediment dynamics in the
field. Ghisalberti and Nepf (2009) experimentally investigated the distinguishing
hydrodynamic features of flows with rigid and flexible VP and stated that the length
at which the flow is considered to be fully-developed is governed by the growth of
the vortex street and the mixing-layer. Zong and Nepf (2011) described the flow
structure and the spatial pattern of deposition in a finite VP at the sidewall of a
channel. They reported that the flow field was self-similar when scaled with the
channel velocity for different patch densities. Folkard (2011) further examined the
flow regimes in gaps within stands of flexible vegetation with laboratory flume

simulations. The Reynolds number based on the canopy overflow speed and the gap
depth, and the gap aspect ratio are found to be the key parameters that can be used to
identify the four different flow regimes, namely skimming flow, recirculation flow,
boundary layer recovery and canopy through-flow.

CFD modelling is still largely restricted to fully-developed state simulations for

aquatic canopy flows, while extensive modelling works have been carried out for the
flow transition regions in terrestrial canopies (Irvine et al. 1997; Belcher et al. 2003;
Yang et al. 2006a; Yang et al. 2006b; Dupont and Brunet 2008; Dupont and Brunet
2009). Two pioneer studies in aquatic environment have been reported. Bouma (2007)
replicated their flume and field experiments with a k model. The model was found
to be capable of reproducing the general features of the measured flow except for the
leading edge effects. Souliotis and Prinos (2011) performed a numerical study to
investigate the effect of density and length of a VP on the development of computed
mean and turbulence characteristics. The computed results by the three models (two
models with k type turbulence closure and with Reynolds stress turbulence closure)
have a similar qualitative behavior. However, the predictions of the bed shear stress
along the VP by the three models differ significantly for both sparse and dense

The present study on open-channel flow with finite flexible VP will be divided into
two parts. In the first part, laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the
effects of the vegetation number density and flow rate on the momentum and energy
transfer along the flexible submerged VP. In particular, we shall focus on changes in
the dominant coherent structures within the adjustment region and the wake region

behind the VP. In the second part, a numerical simulation of the problem using the
3D RANS model with the S-A turbulence closure will be carried out. Although many
turbulence models have been extensively tested for fully-developed vegetation
turbulence (e.g., S-A model, k model, k model and RSM model), their
performances in turbulent flow over a finite VP length have not been thoroughly
investigated. In particular, the performance of the S-A model has not been reported to

6.2. Laboratory experiments

6.2.1. Experimental set-up

Experiments were conducted in the same laboratory flume as in Chapter 5. The

details about this flume can be found in 5.2.1. For this set of experiments, the bed
slope was fixed at 0.25%, which is a typical for a plant covered brook. Uniform inlet
conditions were achieved using a honeycomb flow straightener to eliminate swirl.
The tailgate at the downstream end of the flume controlled the water depth. The
experimental section was 7.9 m in the longitudinal direction and consisted one VP
and two GPs (as shown in Figure 6.1). The simulated VP was 0.3 m wide (equal to
the flume width), 2.4 m long, and began at 5.5 m from the flume entrance. Two GPs
of 3 m and 2.5 m length, were placed at the immediate upstream and downstream
ends of the VP respectively. The length of the GP at the upstream side of the VP was
found to be sufficient in preliminary experiments to establish near-uniform flow
approaching the VP. Both the GPs and VP were used herein to representing a natural
river bed. For the coordinate system employed, x, y and z denote the longitudinal,

lateral and vertical directions, respectively. x = 0 is located at the leading edge of the
VP. z denotes the vertical coordinate starting from the top of the baseboard of the VP.
Figure 6.1 shows the schematic diagram of the experimental set-up. The flow field
can be separated into 5 regions. They are upstream gravel-bed region, adjustment
region, fully-developed region, wake region and the downstream gravel-bed region
along the flow direction.

Figure 6.1. Schematic diagram of the longitudinal section of the flume

The plastic strips used to represent the flexible vegetation in this study were
rectangular in cross section (as shown in Figure 6.2). The size of one vegetation
element was hv = 0.15 m height, w = 0.005 m width and t = 0.0015 m thickness.
Their flexural rigidity J E Im = 4.75 10-3 N/m2, in which E = stiff modulus and
Im = inertial moment. Many previous experimental studies have used circular
cylinder rods as vegetation elements (e.g., Dunn et al. 1996; Poggi et al. 2004b;
Ghisalberti and Nepf 2006; Kothyari et al. 2009). However, the advantage of using
the present plastic strip is that the vegetation model could become more flexible as
the thickness is smaller. These plastic strips were held on perforated PVC baseboards

and densely distributed in parallel configuration (as shown in Figure 6.3). Two stem
densities were considered in the present experimental study. For the relatively high
density (HD) patch, the plant space in x and y directions (Lx and Ly) are identical and
equal to 3 cm. For the low density (LD) patch, Lx and Ly are equal to 6 cm and 3 cm
respectively. The density of the HD patch is twice as great as the density of the LD

Figure 6.2. Definition of geometric characteristics of individual plastic strip

The two GPs were composed of natural gravels. These gravels are considered
uniform as their size distribution is very narrow (19.0 mm ~ 25.4 mm). The median
diameter (d50) equals to 22.2 mm if the particle sizes are assumed to be uniform
distributed in such narrow range. The thickness of these two GPs was about 35 mm.
The GPs were considered fixed as no motion of the gravels was observed throughout
the experiments. In the present study, the reference level is assumed to be given by h1

= 0.20ks, which has been confirmed in the previous experimental studies (Chapter 5).
The equivalent sand roughness ks, therefore, is given by ks = d50 = 22.2 mm.

Figure 6.3. Plan view of the VP

6.2.2. Measurement techniques Velocity measurement

The velocity measurements were undertaken by a new generation 3D acoustic

Doppler velocimeter (ADV) Vectrino (NORTEK). The principle and the applications
of ADV technique in the laboratory flume experiments have been reviewed in the
previous chapter. The widely use of ADV in the flume measurements over gravel bed
(Nikora et al. 2001; Ferro 2003; Rodriguez and Garcia 2008, etc.) or within the
vegetation canopy (Dunn et al. 1996; Nepf 1999; Ghisalberti and Nepf 2006; Bouma
et al. 2007, etc.) has indicated that this measuring instrument is reliable. Considering
the sampling frequency criteria suggested by Nezu and Nakagawa (1993), turbulence

should not be sampled below 75 Hz in the flume measurements. According to

Chanson et al. (2007), the sampling record must be larger than 5,000 samples to
yield minimum errors on first and second statistical moments of the velocity
components. In the present experiments, measurements at each point were taken for
120 s at 75 Hz, yielding 8,000 samples to give a good average.

The Vectrino ADV was positioned on a trolley mounted on runners at the top of the
flume that facilitated accurate vertical and horizontal location. The measurements of
the sample volume height provided by the ADV software can be used as a check on
the positioning measured by the Vernier scale on the trolley. Previous experimental
studies (Takemura and Tanaka 2007; Martino et al. 2011) indicated that the
measuring location can be an important factor when studying the flow structure and
drag characteristics of vegetated flows. In the present flume experiments, due to the
size limits of the acoustic probe, all measurements had to be taken along the
centerline of the flume (point A in Figure 6.3) to avoid interfering with the swaying
vegetation for the cases with HD patch. For the LD patch measurements, two typical
locations were chosen as the measuring locations for comparison. One is behind the
plastic strip (point B in Figure 6.3), and the other is on the centre-line between two
strip (point A in Figure 6.3).

Figure 6.4 shows the comparison of the mean velocity profiles and Reynolds stress
profiles collected at point A and point B with the LD patch (Case 3 in Table 6.1) in
the fully-developed region. It can be seen that the mean velocity profile collected at
the point B is slightly smaller than that collected at point A within the vegetation
canopy. The peak value of the Reynolds stress measured at point B is slightly greater

than that measured at point A. The good agreement between the measured profiles at
point A and point B should be attributed to the narrow width of the plastic strips and
their large density in the present laboratory study. Thus for the LD patch experiments,
all measurements were also collected along the centerline of the flume. This
comparison also indicates that the flow within the vegetation canopy is a skimming
flow in the present study. The skimming flow was firstly identified by Morris (1955)
and referred to the flows in which the wakes are unable to form in the gaps between
the roughness elements when these roughness elements were densely packed.

(a) Mean velocity

(b) Reynolds stress

Figure 6.4. Measured profiles of mean velocity and Reynolds stress in point A &
point B at x = 1.63 m for Case 3 in Table 6.1
(The dot line denotes canopy height)

In order to accurately obtain the maximum shear stress at each location, at least 32

point measurements were conducted at different vertical positions. The previous

experimental studies have indicated that the peak Reynolds shear stress occurs at the
deflected height for the fully-developed open-channel flow with submerged flexible
VP. As there is a distance of 5 cm between the ADV probe and its sampling volume,
the uppermost 5 cm layer of the flow cannot be sampled. Therefore, when designing
the experimental conditions, we should ensure that the water depth is 5 cm higher
than the undeflected canopy height to capture the maximum Reynolds stress within
the VP.

Due to the well-known fact that with the increasing particle concentration in water
the data quality measured by ADV remarkably increases, special attention was given
to provide particle-rich environment in water to increase the data quality.
Furthermore, the raw data collected from flume measurements were processed by
applying a threshold greater than 70% to the signal-correlation time series and the
phase-space thresholding method (Goring and Nikora 2002) to remove
high-frequency Doppler noise. As a result, at least 90% of samples were retained in
most time series, although in some this fraction was considerably lower. Water depth measurement

A point gauge, which was positioned on another trolley at the top of the flume, was
used to measure the water depth. The water depth was measured every 10 cm from x
= -2.0 m to x = 4.4 m, covering most of the experimental section. In addition, water
depth was measured along the channel centerline only, since the transverse variations
of the water surface were too small to be measured accurately.

6.2.3. Experimental results and discussion Test conditions

Table 6.1 summarizes the three experimental conditions employed in the flume
experiments. The water depth D and the cross-section averaged velocity U in the
table were measured at the leading edge of VP (x = 0 m). The Froude number,
Fr U ( gD)0.5 and Reynolds number, Re U D , where g = gravitational

acceleration; m = kinematic molecular viscosity, were computed using the measured

D and U at the leading edge location. The flow was subcritical and fully turbulent
for all cases. It is noteworthy that the Case 1 & 2 have the same upstream flow
condition and thus the same Fr and Re. Case 1 was with the HD patch ( = 5.56) and
Case 2 was with the LD patch ( = 2.78). Case 3 was a low-Re case (Re = 27,643)
with the HD patch, in contrast to Case 1 (Re = 44,812).

Due to the finite length of the VP, the water flow cannot be uniform around the patch.
Figure 6.5 shows the variation of the water surface for the three cases listed in Table
6.1. The presence of VP induces fluctuations of the water surface not only in the
downstream region, but also the upstream region of the VP. This phenomenon
indicates that the flow region under consideration in this study is always nonuniform
even though its upstream or downstream region might have uniform flow. It can be
also seen from the comparison of the profiles between the Case 1 and Case 2 that the
denser VP results in a steeper water surface slope due to the stronger resistance


Table 6.1. Summary of experimental conditions


















Figure 6.5. Measured water surface elevation profiles

Visualization experiments were also performed by injecting a fluorescent dye

solution (Red Rhodamine) at several vertical layers. A digital video camera was used
to record the flow visualization and the motion of the plastic strips. Photo 6.1 shows
an experimental evidence of K-H vortices in flows over vegetation canopy. The
vortex, outlined by the dot circle, is displaced upwards relative to the top of the
canopy. These vortices, in both terrestrial and aquatic canopy flows, dominate the
exchange of mass and momentum between the canopy and the overlying flow
(Finnigan 2000; Ghisalberti and Nepf 2005; Nepf and Ghisalberti 2008; Nezu and
Sanjou 2008). Throughout the experimental period, the simulated plants were found
to be deflected (as shown in Photo 6.1) and swaying. Because Ghisalberti and Nepfs

mixing layer theory (Ghisalberti and Nepf 2002) requires an extended free shear for
K-H instabilities to grow, the lack of monami in the present laboratory observations
can be seen as a corroboration of this theory. In the fully-developed region, the plants
appeared to be gently swaying without organized motion. The plants were more
deflected and violently swayed at the leading and trailing edges. While the plants
only swayed in the longitudinal direction in the fully-developed region, the plants
swayed and vibrated in both the longitudinal and transverse directions at the leading
and trailing edges. As the bending degree of plants was different along the patch
length, the time-averaged deflected height in the fully-developed region was chosen
to represent the canopy height for simplicity. The time-averaged deflected height,

hd , are included in Table 6.1 for all these three cases. It can be seen that in the
present study the bending degree of the plastic strips are small in the fully-developed
region which attributes to their large flexural rigidity (J = 4.75 10-3 N/m2). Lower
vegetation density or higher Reynolds number leads to a smaller hd .

Photo 6.1. A K-H vortex above the flexible vegetation canopy is visualized using red
dye for Case 1 in Table 6.1
143 Mean flow measurement results

The primary objective of this study is to investigate the response of mean velocity
and turbulence to the presence of finite and flexible VP in a gravel-bed open-channel
flow. Therefore, the research focus was limited in the adjustment region,
fully-developed region and wake region (as shown in Figure 6.1). The experimental
measurements within these three regions will be demonstrated and discussed
separately below.

Adjustment region

The adjustment of the mean velocity downstream of the leading edge was found
similar for all the cases. The flume measurements of Case 1 were taken as an
example to show the variations of mean velocity components in this region. The
contour plot of the mean velocities in the streamwise and vertical directions is shown
in Figure 6.6. The two-dimensional (2D) velocity vectors were also plotted to show
the values and directions of mean velocity at each measurement point. It can be seen
from this figure that downstream of the leading edge, the streamwise velocities
decelerated progressively within the vegetation canopy and accelerated above it
(development of skimming flow). The reduction of streamwise velocity within the
vegetation canopy was always accompanied by vertical flow to maintain the water
flux, i.e., a part of the water reaching the canopy was slowed down, but the major
part was deflected upwards (as shown in Figure 6.6b). The vertical position of the
maximum velocity gradient moved upwards with the greater distance from the
leading edge.

(a) Mean streamwise velocity u (m/s)

(b) Mean vertical velocity w (m/s)

Figure 6.6. Contour plots of the mean velocity components u and w (m/s) within
adjustment region for Case 1 in Table 6.1
(The rectangle indicates the location of the VP)

Fully-developed region

With submerged VP, a skimming flow developed immediately downstream of the

leading edge (Bouma et al. 2007; Neumeier 2007). After a certain distance for
adjustment, the mean velocity profiles become uniform. This distance is called
adjustment length (xa). As shown in Figure 6.7, at a downstream distance of 1.65 m

and 1.99 m from the leading edge, the mean velocity profiles become uniform for
Case 1 and Case 2, respectively. The values of xa for all the three cases are listed in
Table 6.2. The xa appears to be dependent on the vegetation density and Reynolds
number. A higher vegetation density or smaller Re leads to a smaller xa. It can be
seen from Figure 6.7, an inflection point was generated in each mean velocity
profiles for Case 1 and Case 2.

Case 1 in Table 6.1

Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.7. Streamwise mean velocity profiles measured within

the fully-developed region
(The dot line denotes the canopy height)

Table 6.2. Values of xa for experimental conditions

xa (m)

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3


Figure 6.8 shows the comparisons of the double-averaged (in time and spatial
domains) velocity profiles within the fully-developed region. It can be found from
the comparison that the decrease in vegetation density leads to greater mean
velocities within the canopy layer, and smaller mean velocities in the upper layer. In
other words, the increasing canopy density leads to the increasing inflection in the
mean velocity profile.

Figure 6.8. Comparison of DA velocity profiles within fully-developed region

between Case 1 & Case 2

Wake region

Figure 6.9 shows the contour plots of the streamwise mean velocity in the vicinity of
the trailing edge for Case 1 and Case 2. The canopy resistance suddenly disappears
downstream the trailing edge, which causes a gradual change of the vertical profile
of the velocity along the longitudinal direction. Thus the high flow in the upper layer
tends to move downward and reattach with the gravel bed. The hydrodynamic

characteristics in this area have strong similarities with those of a mixing layer and a
reattached mixing layer in backward-facing step flow. A low-velocity region is found
behind the trailing edge. It can be seen from the comparison of the results between
Case 1 and Case 2 that the increase in the vegetation density leads to lower velocities
behind the trailing edge. Due to the highly porosity of the VP, no recirculation zone
was found according to the flume measurements.

(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.9. Contour plots of the streamwise mean velocity u (m/s)
within wake region
(The rectangle indicates the location of the VP)

148 Turbulence measurement results

As expected, the flexible plants had evident effects on the turbulence structure within
and above the VP, which correspond closely with the measurements made by
Neumeier (2007).

Adjustment region

For the turbulence analysis, the Reynolds stress u ' w ' (per unit mass) and the
turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) k (per unit mass) were computed from the measured
instantaneous velocities. Figure 6.10 shows the contour plot of u ' w ' within the
adjustment region for Case 1 and Case 2. In a Cartesian co-ordinate system the
positive value of u ' w ' indicates the momentum flux transports towards the bed
which is the predominant situation in a wall-bounded flow. This quantity is of great
engineering interest as it reflects the sedimentation and erosion processes of
open-channel flows. Negative values of u ' w ' can be identified at the top of the
VP near the leading edge for both Case 1 and Case 2, indicating the flow momentum
transports upwards into the upper layer. In all other areas beyond the leading edge,
however, this quantity appears to be positive, suggesting the momentum flux
transports towards the sediment bed. The values of the Reynolds stress are generally
low inside the VP because of the small velocity gradient. A high level of this quantity
can be only measured at the very frontal part of the patch which indicates a higher
sediment deposition would occur in this region. This high-level area is greater in
Case 1 with HD patch. This phenomena are in fair agreement with the field
observations by Bouma et al. (2007).

(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.10. Contour plots of measured Reynolds stress per unit mass u ' w ' (m2/s2)
within adjustment region
(The rectangle indicates the location of the VP)
Figure 6.11 shows the contour plot of k within the adjustment region for Case 1 and
Case 2. It can be seen that, for both open-channel flows with HD and LD patch (Case
1 and Case 2), a significant increase in turbulence (TKE) occurs within the upstream
area of the VP with longitudinal length 50 cm. The TKE then decreases further
downstream. This is in good agreement with the flume observations by Neumeier
(2007), but inconsistent with the statement by Bouma et al. (2007). Bouma et al.
(2007) performed flume experiments with open-channel flows with submerged
bamboo patch. They found that the highest level of k was generated at the leading

edge of VP. This difference can be attributed to the stem flexibility of the simulated
plants. As the flexible plants were employed in the present study, 2 ~ 3 rows of these
plants beyond the leading edge appear to be deflected more and violently vibrated.
These motions would dissipate part of the TKE at the leading edge and result in the
downstream movement of the high-level TKE region. Beyond this high-level region,
the position of the turbulence maximum moved upwards with the downstream
distance from the leading edge, corresponding to the upward shift of the maximum
velocity gradient. According to the comparison of the results between Case 1 and
Case 2, it also can be concluded that a denser VP leads to a higher TKE level inside
the patch within the adjustment region.

(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.11. Contour plots of measured TKE per unit mass k (m2/s2)
within adjustment region

Fully-developed region

Figure 6.12 shows the vertical profiles of the measured u ' w ' within the
fully-developed region for Case 1 and Case 2. The profiles at different streamwise
locations all follow the typical distribution of vegetated flows. The values of the
Reynolds stress reach the peak value at the time-averaged deflected height. While the
values remain nearly constant inside the canopy, the values increase with the
downstream distance from the leading edge in the upper layer. The height, at which
the Reynolds stress decays to 10% of its peak value, is regarded as the penetration
depth suggested by Nepf and Vivoni (2000). Based on the flume measurements, the
penetration depth is 0.11 m for Case 1 and 0.1 m for Case 2, approximately. The
decrease in vegetation density leads to the decrease in the penetration depth.

Case 1 in Table 6.1

Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.12. Vertical distribution of measured Reynolds stress

(The dot line denotes the canopy height)

Figure 6.13 shows the vertical profiles of measured k within fully-developed region
for Case 1 and Case 2. They show great similarities with the profiles of Reynolds
stress. Both cases show peak values of TKE at the time-averaged deflected height.
Due to the damping effect of the VP, the values of TKE were reduced significantly
inside the patch and reach a nearly constant minimum below the penetration depth.
In the upper layer, the TKE gets increased with the downstream distance from the
leading edge. According to the comparison between the Case 1 and Case 2, it can be
found that the values of TKE are nearly identical with = 5.56 and 2.78 below the
penetration depth. Above the penetration depth, the decrease in the vegetation density
leads to the decrease of TKE.

Case 1 in Table 6.1

Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.13. Vertical distribution of measured TKE per unit mass k

(The dot line denotes the canopy height)


Wake region

Figure 6.14 shows the maxima of the measured u ' w ' throughout the whole testing
area for all the three cases. It can be seen that the values of the Reynolds stress,
within the open-channel flows with VP, increase monotonically from the leading
edge to the trailing edge, and then decrease monotonically beyond the trailing edge.
At a sufficient distance further downstream, the value of the Reynolds stress reduces
to the same level measured in the upstream of leading edge. The decrease in the
vegetation density (Case 2) or the upstream Reynolds number (Case 3) leads to the
smaller values of Reynolds stress beyond the leading edge. Although for these two
cases the two distributions of the maximum Reynolds stress value are similar, the
effects of reduction in vegetation density and reduction in Reynolds number cannot
be the same. The dependence of the maximum Reynolds stress on these two
parameters has to be further studied.

Figure 6.14. Maxima of measured Reynolds stress per unit mass u ' w '
along the flow direction
(The dot lines, on the left and right, denote the leading edge and trailing edge,

Figure 6.15 shows the contour plots of the measured k within the wake region for
Case 1 and Case 2. It can be seen that for these two cases the highest level of the
TKE occur at the top of the trailing edge. Beyond the trailing edge, the TKE is
dissipated and its peak value shifts slightly downwards. A denser VP also produces a
higher level of TKE within this region.

(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.15. Contour plots of measured TKE per unit mass k (m2/s2)
within wake region
(The rectangle indicates the location of the VP)

155 Quadrant analysis

The conventional quadrant analysis of the instantaneous u and w velocity signals

allows a quantitative understanding and description of the turbulence structure. The
method was developed by Lu and Willmarth (1973) and Luchik and Tiederman
(1987) and based on the joint distribution of the streamwise and vertical velocity
fluctuations (u' and w' respectively). It has been widely used in the last decade to
illustrate changes in turbulent flow fields above different bed surfaces (Robert et al.
1996; Buffin-Belanger and Roy 1998; Poggi et al. 2004b; Pokrajac et al. 2007;
Hardy et al. 2009). As shown in Figure 6.16, four distinct quadrants can be defined
(Qi stands for the event associated with quadrant i). For each quadrant, the quadrant
Reynolds stress RSi can be defined as follows:

RSi u ' w '

u (t ) w(t )I i (t ) dt

i 1, 2,3 and 4


where Ii(t) = 1 when the (u', w') exists in quadrant i, and otherwise Ii(t) = 0; i is the
quadrant number and T is the total record length. RSi represents the contribution rate
of each event to the Reynolds stress. The sum of these four components equals to 1.

Quadrant contributions and time scale of quadrant events can be evaluated for
various threshold values. Threshold values are defined by the hole size (H):

u 'w'
urms wrms


where urms and wrms are the root-mean-square value of u and w velocity components,
respectively. In order to characterize low- and high-magnitude events, arbitrary
threshold values of 0 and 2 are used. H = 0 means that all events within a quadrant

are considered whereas H = 2 means that only high-magnitude events in terms of

shear stress production are considered. The value of 2 is often used to analyze the
bursting phenomena in rough-bed open-channel flows (e.g., Bennett and Best 1995;
Buffin-Belanger and Roy 1998). However, Nezu and Sanjou (2008) argued that such
a threshold level may not be necessary to analyze coherent motions in canopy flows
as the contribution of low-magnitude events is significantly small.

Figure 6.16. Quadrant diagram of downstream (u') and vertical (w') turbulent flow
components (after Robert et al. 1993)

Of the four quadrant events, Q2 events (ejections) and Q4 events (sweeps) are mostly
interested in experimental observations, since they contribute positively to the shear
stress and the strong sweep events are also critical in the mechanisms of sediment
transportation. In the following, an attempt was made to relate the flume
measurements to the dominant coherent structures using the quadrant analysis.


Adjustment region

The contour maps of the Ejection-to-sweep ratio (RS2/RS4) are shown in Figure 6.17
within the adjustment region for Case 1 and Case 2. This ratio is useful to identify
whether ejections or sweeps of coherent structures are more predominant. From this
figure, it can be seen that the adjustment region is dominated by the ejection events
(RS2/RS4 > 1). The high-magnitude Q2 events (RS2/RS4 > 1.4) occur at the leading
edge, suggesting the presence of stronger coherent vertical motions associated with
upwelling motions of flow at the upstream side of the VP.

(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.17. Contour maps of the ratio of time contribution from Q2 and Q4 (RS2/RS4)
within the adjustment region

Fully-developed region

Base on the mixing layer analogy, Ghisalberti and Nepf (2006) separated the canopy
layer into the exchange zone and the wake zone; the boundary between the two
layers is at z1 where Reynolds stress just decays to zero. The shear layer extends from
z1 to z2 (where the velocity gradient is approximately zero). Thus the shear layer
comprises two layers. One is the exchange zone, the other one between ( hd < z < z2)
is termed the upper shear layer. Because the uppermost 5 cm layer of the flow
cannot be measured by using the ADV, the flow layer above the shear layer will not
be taken into consideration in the present study.

Figure 6.18 shows the vertical profiles of the quadrant Reynolds stress RSi within the
fully-developed region for Case 1 and Case 2. It is found that the outward and inward
interactions (RS1 and RS3) become much smaller than RS2 and RS4 near the
vegetation tips. This strongly indicates that the ejections and sweeps near the
vegetation tips are more organized motions which do not almost contain the
less-organized motions, such as the outward and inward interactions. The values of
RS2 and RS4 within the VP for Case 1 are found to be larger than those for Case 2
which indicate a stronger organized motion in the canopy layer with denser patch.


Profile at x = 1.95 m in Case 1

Profile at x = 2.11 m in Case 2

Figure 6.18. Vertical distributions of quadrant Reynolds stress RSi

within the fully-developed region
(The dot line denotes the time-averaged deflected height; the dash line denotes the
lower limit of the exchange zone)

Figure 6.19 shows the vertical variations of Ejection-to-sweep ratio (RS2/RS4) within
the fully-developed region for Case 1 and Case 2. As the shear layer is dominated by
a street of coherent K-H type vortex structures (as shown in Photo 6.1), the Q2 events
(ejections) and the Q4 events (sweeps) appear to be dominant in the upper shear layer
and the exchange zone, respectively. The Ejection-to-sweep ratio is close to unity
below z1 because the wake zone is dominated by stem wakes and without the
coherent large-scale eddies.


Profile at x = 1.95 m in Case 1

Profile at x = 2.11 m in Case 2

Figure 6.19. Vertical distributions of Ejection-to-sweep ratio (RS2/RS4)

within fully-developed region

Figure 6.20 presents the scatter plots of u'/u* against w'/u* in the three layers within
the fully-developed region (x = 1.95 m) for Case 1. Figure 6.20(a-c) depicts the
fluctuating velocity components (u', w') in the upper layer (z/D = 0.713), exchange
zone (z/D = 0.521) and wake zone (z/D = 0.195), respectively. The fluctuating
velocity components (u', w') were nondimensionalized by the shear velocity u*.

In the present study, the shear velocity is defined as the square root of the maximum
in a Reynolds stress (per unit mass) profile. That is,
u* (u ' w ') max


The maximum Reynolds stress is expected to occur at the time-averaged deflected

height for a flexible canopy.

The scatter plots in Figure 6.20(a & b) show that a long tail stretches towards the
second quadrant (ejection events) in the upper shear layer and fourth quadrant
(sweep events) in the exchange zone, respectively. This is in good agreement with
the previous analysis that the ejections and sweeps are dominant in the upper layer
and the exchange zone. In these two layers (upper shear layer and exchange zone) the
number of Q2 events (ejections) and Q4 events (sweeps) are significantly larger than
those of Q1 events (outward interactions) and Q3 events (inward interactions), which
also indicates that the organized motions (K-H vortices) are dominant in the upper
shear layer and exchange zone. In the wake zone (as shown in Figure 6.20(c)),
however, these four quadrant events are nearly of equal weightings. This suggests
that the organized motions are vanished in the lowest layer.

(a) Upper layer (z/D = 0.521)


(b) Exchange zone (z/D = 0.521)

(c) Wake zone (z/D = 0.195)

Figure 6.20. Scatter plots of u'/u* against w'/u* in different layers within
fully-developed region for Case 1


Wake region

Figure 6.21 shows the contour maps of the Ejection-to-sweep ratio (RS2/RS4) within
the wake region for Case 1 and Case 2. It was found that the wake region is
dominated by the sweep events (RS2/RS4 < 1). The high-magnitude Q4 events
(RS2/RS4 < 0.6) occur near the trailing edge of VP, indicating the presence of stronger
coherent vertical motions associated with shedding motions of the flow beyond the
VP. Higher level of the Q4 events is observed downstream of the denser patch (Case
1) which indicates a stronger vortex shedding.

(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.21. Contour maps of the ratio of time contribution from Q2 and Q4 (RS2/RS4)
within the wake region

6.3. Numerical simulations


Simulation setup

The 3D RANS model described in Chapter 3 was used to replicate the flume
experiments. Case 1 and Case 2 in Table 6.1 were chosen to test the applicability of
the Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) model to reproduce the velocity and turbulence variations
along the finite VP. The primary parameters for these two cases are shown in Table
6.1. Figure 6.22 illustrates the computational domain of the numerical simulations.
The computational domain is carefully chosen for proper setting up of the inflow and
outflow boundaries. The length of the computational domain is equal to the length of
the VP (Lv = 2.4 m) and the width is equal to the width of flume (W = 0.31 m). The
computational domain, therefore, covers the adjustment region and full-developed
region (see Figure 6.1). Uniform grids were used in the present simulations. A grid
independence study was firstly conducted to determine the appropriate number of
grid points to be used by varying the total number of grid points. The final grid
chosen has 97, 21 and 41 points in the streamwise, spanwise and vertical directions,
respectively. A finer mesh used did not show any appreciable difference in the results.
The time step is 0.002 s which is small enough to obtain grid convergent results. At
the inflow boundary, a measured upstream velocity profile (as shown in Figure 6.23)
was specified and the gradient of the water surface elevation is assumed to be zero.
At the outflow boundary, the water surface elevation is specified and the velocity
gradients are assumed to be zero. The zero gradient boundary condition was applied
to the bottom and the side walls.


Figure 6.22. Computational domain (not to scale)

(The dot line denotes the time-averaged deflected height)

Figure 6.23. Input velocity profile at the inflow boundary

In order to simulate the drag force of VP, a drag coefficient Cd = 1.22 was used for
these two cases. The value is slightly greater than the reported value (Cd = 1.13) for
the circular cylinder rods but is lower than the reported value (Cd ~ 2.0) for a
rectangular plate. According to Nepf et al. (2007a), parameter Cd hd indicates
whether the vegetation canopy is dense ( Cd hd > 0.1) or sparse ( Cd hd < 0.1).
Hence, Case 1 ( Cd hd 0.98 ) and Case 2 ( Cd hd 0.48 ) are all belong to the first


Results Results of water surface elevation

Figure 6.24 shows the comparisons between the computed and measured water
surface profiles. It is seen that the agreement is acceptable and the simulations
faithfully reproduces the water-surface variation from the leading edge to the trailing
edge of VP.

(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.24. Comparison of water surface profiles along the flow direction
(Solid line computed, circle - measured)
167 Results of streamwise velocity profiles

Figure 6.25 shows the computed vertical profile of streamwise velocity along the
flow direction, together with those from the flume measurements. The dot line
denotes the time-averaged deflected height hd . It can be seen that the RANS model
successfully reproduces most of the flow characteristics of the flow evolution within
the VP. A clear inflection point occurred at the deflected height in each computed
profiles at different sections along the patch. The computed profiles are in good
agreement with the experimental data within the fully-developed region for Case 1
(x/Lv 0.688) and Case 2 (x/Lv 0.829). Within the adjustment region, slightly lower
velocity is computed within the canopy layer comparing to the flume measurements.
The reason for the discrepancy is twofold. First, the stem wakes make a major
contribution to the TKE and result in the suppression on the drag coefficient Cd
within the adjustment region (Nepf 1999). As the wake turbulence cannot be
modelled by the RANS model and the drag force method (DFM), the sheltering
effect cannot be included in the present simulations. Second, the measurements in the
present laboratory experiments were not spatially-averaged, while the velocities are
locally varying around the plastic strips with low values behind the strips and high
values in the free passage regions (point A as shown in Figure 6.4). The spatial
difference is greater within the adjustment region. Since the sampling points were all
located in the free passage regions, the values of the mean velocity are expected to be
larger than the spatially-averaged values within the adjustment region.


(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.25. Vertical distributions of streamwise velocity u at various locations
169 Results of Reynolds stress profile

Figure 6.26 shows the computed vertical profiles of u ' w ' along the flow direction,
together with those from the flume measurements. The computed profiles show that
the peak value occurs at the time-averaged deflected height (denoted by the dot line
in Figure 6.26). The computed profiles are also in good agreement with the
experimental data within the fully-developed region for Case 1 (x/Lv 0.688) and
Case 2 (x/Lv 0.829). The major differences are found in the vegetation layer within
the adjustment region where the wake turbulence takes place. In this region, the
measured Reynolds stress is mostly induced by the stem-wake turbulence. Since the
wake turbulence cannot be simulated by the RANS model and the DFM, the
predicted values are nearly zero within the adjustment region.

Figure 6.27 gives the comparison of the computed and measured Reynolds stress
maxima. The agreement is fairly good within the fully-developed region. The
numerical model slightly overpredicted the peak values at the time-averaged
deflected height within the adjustment region. This can also be attributed to the two
reasons mentioned in the previous section.


(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.26. Vertical distribution of Reynolds stress (per unit mass) u ' w ' at various locations

(a) Case 1 in Table 6.1

(b) Case 2 in Table 6.1

Figure 6.27. Comparison of the Reynolds stress maxima along the flow direction

6.4. Conclusions
In this chapter, the open-channel flows with finite flexible vegetation patch have
been studied experimentally and numerically. The flume measurements complement
previous laboratory and field studies by revealing the flow structure, turbulence
distribution and the evolution across the leading edge as well as the trailing edge of
vegetation canopy. Comparing to the reported cases with rigid VP, the high-level
turbulence region is found at a farther downstream distance beyond the leading edge
for the case with flexible VP because high frequency vibration of the strips dissipate

part of the TKE. The length of the adjustment region and the turbulence level are
dependent on the vegetation density and the upstream Reynolds number. Throughout
the flow filed, the minimum and maximum values of the Reynolds stress occur at the
top of the leading edge and the trailing edge, respectively.

For the first time, the coherent flow structures were identified using quadrant
analysis in canopy flows with finite patch. It was found that the Q2 events (ejections)
and the Q4 events (sweeps) are dominant in the adjustment region and the wake
region, respectively. Within the fully-developed region, the Q2 events (ejections) and
the Q4 events (sweeps) are dominant in the upper shear layer and the exchange zone,
respectively. The existence of the K-H vortices within the shear layer is confirmed by
both the flow visualization and the quadrant analysis. Stronger swaying was
observed within flows with HD patch.

The 3D RANS model incorporating the drag force method (DFM) and the S-A
turbulence closure were used to replicate the flow evolution within the VP. The
model faithfully reproduced most of the flow characteristics and reached a good
agreement with the experimental data within fully-developed region. Further
refinement of the numerical model is needed for more accurate prediction in the
adjustment region.


Chapter 7.
Summary, Conclusions and Future
7.1. Conclusions
The flow behaviour in association with bed roughness has been a fundamental issue
of river hydraulics and fluvial morphodynamics and received considerable attention
for decades. The present research deepens the understanding of this issue through
detailed flume measurements and numerical modelling of open-channel flow with
gravel and vegetation roughnesses. Consistent results were obtained from both
laboratory observations and numerical simulations.


Numerical study

The whole numerical study is separated into two parts. A 3D RANS model was
refined to model open-channel flows with smooth bed, submerged vegetation canopy
as well as the flow evolution within a finite VP. Next a DANS model was developed
for depth-limited open-channel flows over gravel bed. The main findings from these
two parts are as follows.

The 3D RANS model was firstly validated against two

well-documented laboratory experiments: open-channel flow with smooth bed


(Nezu and Rodi 1986), and open-channel flow with submerged vegetation
canopy (Dunn et al. 1996). For the former case, the numerical model
successfully replicated the flow conditions with different Reynolds numbers
(Re = 439 and 2143). With the development of an appropriate empirical
equation, the S-A model accurately reproduced the distribution of the TKE. In
the latter case, the DFM is employed to simulate the vegetative resistance. By
taking a constant value for drag coefficient (Cd = 1.13), suggested by Dunn et
al. (1996), the numerical model yielded accurate profiles for open-channel flow
with rigid or flexible vegetation canopy. This model was subsequently used to
replicate the flow evolution within a finite VP. By comparing to the detailed
flume measurements, the numerical model was found to be able to accurately
reproduce most of the flow characteristics.

A DANS model incorporating the DFM and a modified S-A

turbulence closure has been developed for the modelling of depth-limited

open-channel flow over gravel-bed. Extensive tests indicate that the numerical
model can simulate accurately the velocity profiles in the interfacial sublayer,
form-induced sublayer and logarithmic layer. Particularly, the S-shaped
velocity profile for sparely distributed large size roughness elements can be
reproduced. The modification of the turbulence length scale within the
interfacial sublayer increases the viscous force and reduces the drag force in
balancing the gravitational force component. The parameter for the turbulence
length scale (cr) was found to be able to control the magnitude of the Reynolds
stress within the interfacial sublayer and the value of 0.3 is recommended from
the case studies. The modified S-A model is able to generate a quasi-linear

velocity distribution within the interfacial sublayer and also leads to a more
consistent parameterization of the bulk drag coefficient (CdCs). The DFM is
found to be robust and can be easily integrated into the existing numerical


Experimental study

For the experimental study, two laboratory experiments were performed for
open-channel flows with gravel patch (GP) and VP, respectively.

Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the vertical

distribution of the streamwise velocity and turbulence intensity, as well as the

friction factor in depth-limited open-channel flow over gravel patch. Two
gravel patches were examined: a short patch (SP) with length equal to 3.81 m,
and a long patch (LP) with length equal to 7.5 m. A total of 33 experiments
were performed with the relative submergence range from 2.68 to 5.94. The
measured profiles, which have been double averaged (spatially and temporally),
were found to fit well with the log law and defect law with a non-universal
Karman constant . For LP cases, the values of are nearly constant and in the
range from 0.2 to 0.3. For SP cases, the -values are scattered within a wider
range from 0.3 to 0.5. Furthermore, while the Br-value remains constant and
equals to 8.5 for LP cases, the Br-value was found to decrease with the increase
of the dimensionless roughness height ks+ for SP cases. The streamwise
turbulence intensity distributions were found to agree well with the available
experimental data in the intermediate region and wall region. Under the
relatively small submergence, the measured value of resistance factor cn (=

nb/ks1/6) was found to be around 0.04, supporting the results of Sturm (2010)
and Henderson (1966). The -value decrease to 0.22 for the semilogarithmic
flow resistance law (Equation 5-13). The experimental data follow the linear
relationship and generally fall within the threshold Br -values of 3.25 and

Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the flow

structure, turbulence distribution and the evolution processes within and

beyond the VP. Two VPs with different density were examined: a high density
(HD) patch with = 5.56 m-1, and a low density (LD) patch with = 2.28 m-1.
The VP, which decelerated the flow within the canopy and accelerated the
overlying flow, appeared to be swaying under different flow rates. Stronger
swaying was observed within flows with the HD patch. Comparing to the
laboratory observations with rigid VP, the high-level turbulence region within
the adjustment region located at a farther downstream distance from the
leading edge for the case with flexible VP, as the high frequency vibration of
the strips dissipate part of the TKE. The length of the adjustment region and the
turbulence level increase with the increase of the vegetation density and the
upstream Reynolds number. In the fully-developed region the increasing
vegetation density leads to the increasing in the degree of inflection in the
mean velocity profile. A quadrant analysis was also carried out, which revealed
that the Q2 events (ejections) and the Q4 events (sweeps) are dominant in the









fully-developed region, the Q2 events (ejections) and the Q4 events (sweeps)

are dominant in the upper shear layer and the exchange zone, respectively.

7.2. Future work

In this study both the experimental and numerical approaches were employed to
investigate the open-channel flows with gravel and vegetation roughnesses. Although
some promising results are obtained, there are still rooms for improvement. Future
work to be done may focus on the following aspects:

The DANS equations have been recognized to have a better basis

for hydrodynamic modelling of rough-bed flows comparing to the conventional

RANS. However, to the authors knowledge, model equations have not yet
been developed to parameterize the form-induced stress terms arising from the
DA procedure. In order to parameterize and present these terms in the models,
an improved understanding of these stresses is needed, which requires specially
designed laboratory or field measurements in the further studies.

ADV and UVP were employed in the laboratory experiments. The

operations with these two instruments have confirmed that they are accurate
and reliable for velocity and turbulence measurements in open-channel flows.
The main shortcoming of these two instruments is that their sampling volume
is still not small enough for the measurements in the very near-wall region.
Furthermore, it was not possible to measure the uppermost 5 cm layer of the
water column by using ADV, and the possible faster velocities near the water
surface cannot be recorded. Therefore, in the further experimental studies,
some advanced measuring instruments, such as LDA, PIV or PTV, should
preferably be adopted.

For the open-channel flow with finite VP, DA measurements should


be performed within the adjustment region, especially near the leading edge.
By comparing to these DA measurements, the numerical simulation can be
improved accordingly. Generally speaking, there are two possible methods for
the model improvement. First, if a RANS model is still used, a sheltering
coefficient can be introduced into the drag force term in the momentum
equation within the adjustment region. Second, the large eddy simulation
(LES), in which turbulence can be partly resolved, might be able to simulate
the wake turbulence occurred in the leading edge region.


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