Data Analysis of Internet Usage of University Students
Data Analysis of Internet Usage of University Students
Data Analysis of Internet Usage of University Students
Mobile because of configuration and interface of those devices. Other University and
faculty students also use desktop for their educational and entertainment purpose.
4. Laptop: Above the discussion of desktop, laptop used by more or less all the respondents
who can afford it. Laptop is same as desktop and it has portability so as result students
use this device more than desktop. It is handy as well as big screen for multi-tasking
work with portability facility.
Subtheme 02: Knowledge about of safety software uses in internet: Students of CSE, EEE in
ULAB, UAP, and BRAC has some knowledge about spam link, spam message. However, some
students use many Internet security virus scanner. Other students have lesser idea about safety
browsing. So overall students have not any proper idea about safety software and safety
Subtheme 03: Selection of Search Engine: Respondent of BRAC university of EEE department
...Google knows everything that is why I use it
Google has vast information storage and gives relevant information about the search. Other
search engine such as Yahoo, Bing also used by the students.
Subtheme 04: Core visiting Websites: Core visiting websites mainly Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook,
Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, Google Books, Google Scholar, Tutorial related website,
Educational Website, Movie, Mp3 related website and others website used by the students. So
overall, we draw the line students from different university use educational, entertaining website
in internet.
Subtheme 04: Business perseverance usage in internet: Nowadays people buy things from
online. Students most of the girls are always buy many product from online. However, students
sometime did not get appropriate product. They are being cheated from online marketer. Some of
student has started online business in internet. One of the student of ULAB said that,
Social networking sites help me to connect with my client
Therefore, in this way people are being touch with internet and use it for their business
preference in time of students life.
Theme 06: Effect of internet usages among the university students and related
This is the last and ending theme for internet usage of university students. In this theme, the
effect or impact has been shown thorough two subtheme. Overall student said that it depends on
users to avoid harmful usage of internet. One of student of ULAB from CSE dept. stated that,
it depends on user in which way I use internet, negative or positive.
Subtheme 01: Blessing of internet usage: Internet is obviously blessing. Students cannot think
them to pass a day without surfing internet. In the time Globalization period people has been
connected through internet to disseminate and share knowledge that is beneficial for students.
Online Maps, GPS helps used by overall all university students. They use this when they went to
go for long journey or locate something, which is need for their research and educational
purpose. Many students learn from online through tutorial video from YouTube, Khan Academy
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and other educational tutorial website. Student always is connected through social networking
site. They are benefited by knowing notice form the educational group that was created in social
networking websites. Besides that online marketing done by some female students and others.
One of the respondent of UAP form CSE dept. stated that,
..Nowadays internet makes the world smaller and it makes possible to get every information
under the grip of our finger. We have polluted our world through misuse of internet. We are
getting updated by the news that gathers from internet.
This is how we are benefited from internet. So beneficial side of internet cannot be describe one
paragraph. It has been attached in every sector of government and country. Therefore, it is not
measurable how much we are benefited from internet.
Subtheme 02: Detrimental use of internet: Everything of scientific invention has a positive
and negative side. So as internet has also negative or bad side. However, it mostly depends on
users. Every university students told about addiction, pornography, blackmailing, fraud in online
marketing and others, violent speech, hacking, spamming etc. Because of internet, everything is
spread faster than any other news medium. Therefore, there is no filtration of news and as a
result, many fraud and rumor news has been spread. Lack of monitoring such as adult site and
fraud news are the negative impact of internet.
Now new types of crime has been started which is called cybercrime. Harassment, blackmailing,
hated speech, hacking are under cybercrime. SO some this type of crime has affected more or
less all respondents. According to respondent of DU, form IR dept. stated that, is a time consuming thing. Some people is brainwashed by propaganda news from online.
Online celebrity prioritizes virtual life more than real life. Some of them harass women. Because
of online dependency and misinformation, people had been losing their tolerance power.
Therefore, this is how people are being hampered from internet. Last of all it only depends, how
students use the internet because only students of university know what way is best for them.
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List of Acronyms
DU- University of Dhaka
ULAB - University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
BUFT - BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology
IUBAT - International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
AIUB - American International University Bangladesh
UAP - University of Asia Pacific
BUBT - Bangladesh University of Business and Technology
SAU - Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
BRACU BRAC University
EEE- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
CSE-Computer Science and Engineering
IR- International Relations
Dept. Department
TV- Television
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