Broacou Project KCarlos
Broacou Project KCarlos
Broacou Project KCarlos
of Electomagnetic Radiation
by K.K.Carlos
Electrical energy goes into the operation of a bunch
mechanical, experimental, medicinal, group as well
in the house equipment and appliances. The
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are partially changed
into radiation that influences human wellbeing. This
examination explores the potential wellbeing hazards
of radiation exuding from electric power cables. The
exploration depends on studies by research
associations and on pragmatic field measurements.
electromagnetic radiation from high-voltage electric
lines in possessed ranges in a urban domain, and
gives a few estimations in test areas in a normal city.
The outcomes are benchmarked against prescribed
wellbeing levels.
I. Intoduction
Most people are unconscious of the
dangers encompassing them as a consequence of
electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Studies were led
to discover whether the utilization of electronic
gadgets and equipment endangers human
health,and the degree of harm actuated by
consistent or long term exposure to radiation. Then
again, the outcomes were a long way from being
convincing. This research attempts to investigate
some potential effects of living close to, or using
some types of electromagnetic radiation sources.
This would add to expanding the awareness,
taking measures to dodge hazards, and directing
and observing the utilization of power. Radiation
measurements were taken in some electric field
zones in a run of the city with a specific end goal
to evaluate the electromagnetic radiation that
could harm the people.
2. Radiation Sources
Non-Ionizing RadiationsSources, Biological
Effects, Emissions and Exposures
Non-Ionizing radiation (NIR) refers to
radiative energy that, instead of producing charged
ions when passing through matter, has sufficient
energy only for excitation. Nevertheless it is
known to cause biological effects. The NIR
spectrum is divided into two main regions, optical
radiations and electromagnetic fields. The optical
can be further sub-divided into ultraviolet, visible,
and infra-red. The electromagnetic fields are
further divided into radiofrequency (microwave,
very high frequency and low frequency radio
wave). Non-Ionizing radiation originates from
various sources: Natural origin (such as sunlight or
lightning discharges etc.) and man-made (seen in
wireless communications, industrial, scientific and
medical applications). [2]
The basics of biological effects seen with
NIR relevant to human health is reviewed,
including the optical biological effects of
photochemical and heating; the electromagnetic
fields of surface heating, electrical burn and shock.
A survey of the current emissions from various
sources and exposures from human activities
involving NIR based on the National Radiological
Protection Board (NRPB) of the United Kingdom
and the International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is
presented. Finally, a brief review of the standards
and guidelines for NIR is presented. Further
research based on epidemiological studies,
experimental biology, volunteer studies and
dosimetry are needed. These areas of science play
an essential role in identifying possible health
effects and in providing information on
appropriate exposure guideline levels. [2]
Non-Ionizing radiation originates from
various sources: Natural origin (such as sunlight or
lightning discharges etc.) and man made (seen in
wireless communications, industrial, scientific and
medical applications). The NIR spectrum is
divided into two main regions: optical radiations
and electromagnetic fields. [2]
Figure 2: Relationship bet. RF power density and distance from the base
V. Conclusion
Scientific knowledge about the health effects of
EMFs is based on a large number of technological,
epidemiological, animal and environmental
studies. Many outcomes have been examined, but
so far no conclusive evidence or connection has
been drawn. This is due to overlooking the
combined effects of multiple sources and the
difficulty of correlating every effect with its cause,
and because many of the effects are exhibited in
the long term surpassing the timescale of the
technologies that caused them, and rendering any
later investigation out of focus. Evidence for all
other cancers in children and adults, as well as
other types of exposures was considered
inadequate to classify due to insufficient or
inconsistent scientific information [7]. There is,
however, some epidemiological evidence that
prolonged exposure to higher levels (more than
0.4 T) of power frequency magnetic fields is
associated with a risk of leukemia in children [8].
It is obvious from our study that EMR does cause
harmful effects on human health. EMF exposure
has a cumulative effect, increasing over time and
with the dose [9]. Children, pregnant women and
those with poor health conditions are especially at
risk for a lifetime of exposure [9]. The amount of
vs. exposed
radiation has to be
considered since the absorption depends on the
nature, amount and duration of radiation as well as
the individual body condition. It is worth
mentioning, however, that research and studies
alerting from hazards are much more than those
denying the effects.
[1] Vanderlinde, J., (2004) Engineering in Medicine
Electromagnetic Theory. 2ndEdition, Wiley, New