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Biological Hazards

of Electomagnetic Radiation
by K.K.Carlos
Electrical energy goes into the operation of a bunch
mechanical, experimental, medicinal, group as well
in the house equipment and appliances. The
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are partially changed
into radiation that influences human wellbeing. This
examination explores the potential wellbeing hazards
of radiation exuding from electric power cables. The
exploration depends on studies by research
associations and on pragmatic field measurements.
electromagnetic radiation from high-voltage electric
lines in possessed ranges in a urban domain, and
gives a few estimations in test areas in a normal city.
The outcomes are benchmarked against prescribed
wellbeing levels.

I. Intoduction
Most people are unconscious of the
dangers encompassing them as a consequence of
electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Studies were led
to discover whether the utilization of electronic
gadgets and equipment endangers human
health,and the degree of harm actuated by
consistent or long term exposure to radiation. Then
again, the outcomes were a long way from being
convincing. This research attempts to investigate
some potential effects of living close to, or using
some types of electromagnetic radiation sources.
This would add to expanding the awareness,
taking measures to dodge hazards, and directing
and observing the utilization of power. Radiation
measurements were taken in some electric field
zones in a run of the city with a specific end goal
to evaluate the electromagnetic radiation that
could harm the people.

invisible EMFs and EMR that constantly attack

the human body affecting its biofield. EMR is
categorized by frequency and falls into two types:
non-ionizing which is the low-level radiation
mistakenly perceived as harmless to humans,
and ionizing which has a potential for cellular and
DNA damage (Figure.1)
EMFs fall into these types [1]:
Static electric fields caused by ions released from
synthetic materials, and can make humans feel
Residual magnetism that often occurs from metal
in the bed and can change its magnetic field
causing body discomfort.
Power frequency fields from wall wiring,
electrical outlets, extension cords, lighting and
other electrical appliances. These may turn the
body into an antenna and interfere with the ability
of the cells to communicate with each other.
Power frequency magnetic fields caused by
faults in wiring, power lines running underground
near the sleeping area, electrical panel boxes
located on adjacent walls or even a refrigerator or
TV located on the other side of a wall.
Radio communication frequency fields that
include a broad range of radio and TV, cordless
phones, wireless devices, cell phones and
communication towers.
Radioactivity (and its by-product radon): This
enters the home from building materials such as
granite one-third of the granite in homes is
radioactive, and radon gas is emitted from the

II. Electromagnetic Radiation

1. Radiation Types
The world suffers from electromagnetic
contamination and electrosmog (e-smog). E-smog
refers to the huge amount of electromagnetic fields
(EMFs) present on this planet. Electrical and
magnetic equipment cause e-smog and produce

Figure 1: Ionizing & non-ionizing regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

2. Radiation Sources
Non-Ionizing RadiationsSources, Biological
Effects, Emissions and Exposures
Non-Ionizing radiation (NIR) refers to
radiative energy that, instead of producing charged
ions when passing through matter, has sufficient
energy only for excitation. Nevertheless it is
known to cause biological effects. The NIR
spectrum is divided into two main regions, optical
radiations and electromagnetic fields. The optical
can be further sub-divided into ultraviolet, visible,
and infra-red. The electromagnetic fields are
further divided into radiofrequency (microwave,
very high frequency and low frequency radio
wave). Non-Ionizing radiation originates from
various sources: Natural origin (such as sunlight or
lightning discharges etc.) and man-made (seen in
wireless communications, industrial, scientific and
medical applications). [2]
The basics of biological effects seen with
NIR relevant to human health is reviewed,
including the optical biological effects of
photochemical and heating; the electromagnetic
fields of surface heating, electrical burn and shock.
A survey of the current emissions from various
sources and exposures from human activities
involving NIR based on the National Radiological
Protection Board (NRPB) of the United Kingdom
and the International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is
presented. Finally, a brief review of the standards
and guidelines for NIR is presented. Further
research based on epidemiological studies,
experimental biology, volunteer studies and
dosimetry are needed. These areas of science play
an essential role in identifying possible health
effects and in providing information on
appropriate exposure guideline levels. [2]
Non-Ionizing radiation originates from
various sources: Natural origin (such as sunlight or
lightning discharges etc.) and man made (seen in
wireless communications, industrial, scientific and
medical applications). The NIR spectrum is
divided into two main regions: optical radiations
and electromagnetic fields. [2]

Radiofrequency and Microwave

RF radiations transmitted from base
stations and mobile phones have received a lot of
attention. Typical locations where the public is
exposed are at ground level, in buildings beneath
antennas and in buildings facing antennas
mounted on masts or other buildings. NRPB has
made many measurements of exposure levels at
publicly accessible locations around base stations.
One study reported measurements taken at 118
locations from 17 different base station sites.
Average exposures were found to be 0.00002% of
the ICNIRP public exposure guidelines and at no
location were exposure found to exceed 0.02% of
the guidelines. The maximum exposure at any
location was 0.00083 mWcm-2 (on a playing field
60 meters from a school building with an antenna
on its roof). Typical power densities were less than
0.0001 mWcm-2 (less than 0.01% of the ICNIRP
public exposure guidelines). (See Fig. 2) [2]
Power densities indoors were substantially
less than power densities outdoors. When RF
radiation from all sources (mobile phone, FM
radio, TV, etc.) was taken into account the
maximum power density at any site was less than
0.2% of the ICNIRP public exposure guidelines.

Figure 2: Relationship bet. RF power density and distance from the base

A mobile phone transmits RF radiation in

all directions and a proportion of it is directed to
the body. It does not operate with a fixed output
power level when a call is made. The maximum
output powers of GSM phones operating at 900
MHz and 1800 MHz are 2 W and 1 W respectively
but can be reduced by a factor of 1000 during
calls. [2]

III. Field Measurements and Observations

1. Measuring Tools
Measuring Tools Electric field strength is
measured in volts per meter (V/m). Magnetic
fields are measured in units of gauss (G) or tesla
(T), with 1 T = 10,000 G, and most commonly in
microtesla (T) or milligauss (mG). The sensor
that was used in the measurements is the Cell
Sensor EMF Detection Meter (Figure 3). It detects
cell phone radiation and extremely low frequency
electromagnetic fields as well as high strength
signals, delivers audible and visual alerts, and
includes a remote probe for ease of measurement.
It measures hazards with an easy-to-read gauge
that also beeps and glows when high readings are
detected, runs on one 9-volt alkaline battery and
has a flattened frequency response in ELF mode
for increased accuracy.

Figure 3: Cell Sensor EMF Detection Meter

2. Exposure to EMFs
Electric currents exist naturally in the
human body and play an important role in the
normal physiological functions. [3] Nerves
transmit their signals by relaying electric impulses.
The effects of exposure to EMFs on the body and
cells depend on the EMF frequency and strength.
At low frequency EMFs pass through the body,
while at radio frequencies the fields are partially
absorbed and penetrate only a short depth into the
tissue. Low-frequency electric fields influence the
distribution of electric charges at the surface of
conducting tissues and cause electric currents to
flow in the body. Low-frequency magnetic fields
induce circulating currents within the body; the
strength of these induced currents depends on the
amount of the external magnetic field and the size
of the loop through which the current flows. When
large enough, these currents can cause excitation
of nerves and muscles [4].

Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electric

Fields induced by movement of the Human
Body in a Static Magnetic Field and by Timevarying Magnetic Fields below 1 Hz
When the static magnetic field exceeds a
threshold of approximately 2 T, the movementinduced electric field in the head may be high
enough to evoke vertigo and other sensory
perceptions such as nausea, visual sensations
(magnetophosphenes) and a metallic taste in the
mouth (WHO 2006; AGNIR 2008; ICNIRP 2009a;
Heilmaier et al. 2011). There is also the possibility
of acute neurocognitive effects, with subtle
changes in attention, concentration and
visuospatial orientation (van Nierop et al. 2012).
All these effects are not considered to be
hazardous per se, but they can be disturbing and
may impair working ability. For normal
movements, the threshold for peripheral nerve
stimulation is unlikely to be reached with
exposures below 8 T, although it is possible that
the basic restrictions for peripheral nerve
stimulation (ICNIRP 2010) may slightly be
exceeded by very fast movements. In addition to
these movement-induced effects, static magnetic
fields may cause direct effects arising from
induction of electrical flow potentials across
blood vessels due to the movement of electrolytes
in the blood, forces on paramagnetic and
diamagnetic components of tissues, changes in
chemical reactions due to altered spin chemistry
and deflection of ionic currents due to magnetic
mechanisms are not considered to have a
significant health effect when the magnetic flux
density is below 7 T (WHO 2006; ICNIRP 2009a),
above 7 T there is too little research for any firm
conclusions. [5]
Safety Level with Respect to Human Exposure
to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
Exposure to electromagnetic fields in the
frequency range under consideration is but one of
the several sources of energy input into the body,
which requires wide ranges of energy production
and dissipation in order to function. For situations
involving exposure of the whole body, the radio

frequency protection guide is believed to result in

energy deposition averaged over the entire body
mass for any 0.1 hour period of about 144 joules
per kilogram (J/kg) or less. This is equivalent to a
specific absorption rate (SAR) of about 0.40 watts
per kilogram (W/kg) spatially and temporally
averaged over the entire body UIS.SS. [6]
IV. Hazards to Humans
1. Biological Effects
A biological effect occurs when a change
can be measured in a biological system after the
introduction of some type of stimuli. However, the
observation of a biological effect, in and of itself,
does not necessarily suggest the existence of a
biological hazard or health effect. A biological
effect only becomes a safety hazard when it
causes detectable impairment of the health of the
individual or of his or her offspring . Biological
effects could be physiological, biochemical or
behavioural changes induced in an organism,
tissue or cell.
Table 1 : Biological Effects of Different Non-Ionizing

NIRs usually interact with tissue through

the generation of heat. The hazards depend on the
ability to penetrate the human body and the
absorption characteristics of different tissues
(Table 1). There are still much uncertainties about
the severity of effects of both acute and chronic
exposure to various types of NIRs. Generally the
public is concerned about the risks from ELF, RF
and MW. However, the greatest risk to the public
probably arises from natural UV radiation. [2]
The nature, extent, and physiological
importance of biological effects from NIR
exposures will depend on many factors such as the
energy of the incident radiation (determines the
penetration depth), the power density of the field
or beam, source emission characteristics, duration
of exposure, environmental conditions, and the
spatial orientation and biological characteristics of
the irradiated tissues (molecular composition,
blood flow, pigmentation, functional importance,
In the lower frequency range (300 Hz to 1
MHz), induction currents may interfere with the
functioning of the central nervous system. In the
intermediate frequency range (100 kHz to 10
GHz), the absorption of EMF generates heat. At
the upper frequency range of 10 GHz to 300 GHz,
heating of superficial tissues is possible. It is
generally recognized that, except for optical
radiation, there is scarce data on the quantitative
relationships between exposures to different types
of NIR and pathological responses in humans.
Biological effects that result from heating of
tissues by RF radiation are referred to as
thermaleffects. The body has effective ways to
regulate its temperature, but if exposures are too
intense the body no longer copes. Much of the
current debate is about relatively low levels of
exposure to RF radiation from mobile phones and
base stations producing non-thermaleffects.
Some experiments have suggested that
there may be biological effects at non-thermal
exposure levels, but the evidence for production of
health hazard is contradictory and unproven. The
scientific community and international bodies
acknowledge that further research is needed to

improve our understanding in some areas.

Meanwhile the consensus is that there is no
consistent and convincing scientific evidence of
adverse health effects caused by RF radiation. [2]

[2] Non-ionizing radiations-sources, biological

effects, emissions and exposures [Online]
ve/en/keynote3ng.pdf [Accessed: 11-27-2015]

V. Conclusion
Scientific knowledge about the health effects of
EMFs is based on a large number of technological,
epidemiological, animal and environmental
studies. Many outcomes have been examined, but
so far no conclusive evidence or connection has
been drawn. This is due to overlooking the
combined effects of multiple sources and the
difficulty of correlating every effect with its cause,
and because many of the effects are exhibited in
the long term surpassing the timescale of the
technologies that caused them, and rendering any
later investigation out of focus. Evidence for all
other cancers in children and adults, as well as
other types of exposures was considered
inadequate to classify due to insufficient or
inconsistent scientific information [7]. There is,
however, some epidemiological evidence that
prolonged exposure to higher levels (more than
0.4 T) of power frequency magnetic fields is
associated with a risk of leukemia in children [8].
It is obvious from our study that EMR does cause
harmful effects on human health. EMF exposure
has a cumulative effect, increasing over time and
with the dose [9]. Children, pregnant women and
those with poor health conditions are especially at
risk for a lifetime of exposure [9]. The amount of
absorbed vs. exposed radiation has to be
considered since the absorption depends on the
nature, amount and duration of radiation as well as
the individual body condition. It is worth
mentioning, however, that research and studies
alerting from hazards are much more than those
denying the effects.

[3] International Commission on Non-Ionizing

Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) (1998) Latest
Publications on Radio Frequency EMF Guidelines,
ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to TimeVarying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic
Fields. Health Physics, 74, 494-522.

[1] Vanderlinde, J., (2004) Engineering in Medicine
Electromagnetic Theory. 2ndEdition, Wiley, New

[9] Department of Protection of the Human

Environment, World Health Organization, Geneva,
Switzerland (2002) Establishing a Dialogue on Risks
from Electromagnetic Fields, Radiation and

[4] IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation

(COMAR), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society (2000) Possible Hazards from
Exposure to Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic
[5] Guidelines for limiting exposure to electric
fields induced by movement of the human body in a
static magnetic field and by time-varying magnetic
ions/ICNIRPmvtgdl_2014.pdf [Accessed: 11-272015]
[6] Simon Saunders, Alejandro Aragon Zavala.
Communication Systems , pp.373-374, May 7, 2007
[7] American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (2001) Documentation of the Threshold
Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices. 7th
Edition, Publication No. 0100, Cincinnati.
[8] Kaune, W.T. and Zaffanella, L. (1994) Assessing
Historical Exposure of Children to Power Frequency
Magnetic Fields.
Journal of Exposure Analysis Environmental
Epidemiology, 4, 149-170.

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