Insect Orders: CMG Gardennotes #313

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Colorado Master Gardenersm Program

Colorado Gardener Certificate Training

Colorado State University Extension

CMG GardenNotes #313

Insect Orders

Anoplura: sucking lice, page 1

Blattaria: cockroaches and woodroaches, page 2
Coleoptera: beetles, page 2
Collembola: springtails, page 4
Dermaptera: earwigs, page 4
Diptera: flies, page 5
Ephemeroptera: mayflies, page 6
Hemiptera: true bugs, page 7
Homoptera: aphids, cicadas, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scale and whiteflies, page 8
Hymenoptera: snts, bees, horntails, sawflies, and wasp, page 9
Isoptera: termites, page 11
Lepidoptera: butterflies and moths, page 12
Mallophaga: chewing and biting lice, page 13
Mantodea: mantids, page 14
Neuroptera: antlions, lacewings, snakeflies and dobsonflies, page 14
Odonata: dragonflies and damselflies, page 15
Orthoptera: crickets, grasshoppers, and katydids, page 15
Phasmida: Walking sticks, page 16
Plecoptera: stoneflies, page 16
Psocoptera: Psocodis or booklice, page 17
Siphonaptera: Fleas, page 17
Thysanoptera: Thrips, page 17
Trichoptera: Caddisflies, page 18
Zygentomaa: Silverfish and Firebrats, page 18

Sucking Lice

Feeds by sucking blood from mammals.

Some species (head lice and crabs lice) feed on humans.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features: [Figure 1]
Figure 1. Sucking lice
o Wingless
o Mouthparts: Piercing/sucking, designed to feed on blood.
o Body: Small head with larger, pear-shaped thorax and nine segmented


Blattaria (Subclass of Dictyoptera)

Cockroaches and Woodroaches

Most species are found in warmer subtropical to

tropical climates.
The German, Oriental and American cockroach
are indoor pests.
Woodroaches live outdoors feeding on decaying
bark and other debris.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Figure 2. American cockroach

Features: [Figure 2]
o Body: Flattened
o Antennae: Long, thread-like
o Mouthparts: Chewing
o Wings: If present, are thickened, semi-transparent with distinct veins and
lay flat.

Beetles and Weevils

Coleoptera is the largest order of insects with 290,000 species worldwide and
some 24,000 species in North America.
Many species are plant feeders; some are predaceous (ground and lady
beetles), scavengers (scarab and hide beetles), or aquatic.
The term weevil refers to a snouted beetle.

Metamorphosis: Complete
[Figure 3]
Figure 3. Coleoptera metamorphosis
(left to right): egg, grub, pupa, and

o Wings: two pair
Front pair, called elytra, are greatly thickened and shell-like (form
fitting) and make a straight line down the back when at rest.
Hind wings are membranous and are protected by front pair.
A few beetles are wingless, or have only the front pair.
o Mouthparts: Chewing
o Antennae: Noticeable, generally quite stout
o Cerci (tail-like appendage): None
o Legs:

Larva that feed externally on plants are the typical grub with
head capsule, three pair of legs on thorax, and no prolegs on the
abdomen. [Figure 4]


Some larva that feed internally in plants (e.g., bark beetles, and
wood borers) may be maggot-like with no head capsule and no
Mouthparts: Chewing
Figure 4. Grub with head capsule, three pair of legs
on the thorax, and no prolegs on abdomen.

Beneficial families include:

o Blister beetles, Meloidae
o Carrion beetles, Silphidae
o Checkered beetles, Eleridae
o Darkling beetles, Tenebrionidae
o Fireflies, Lampyridae
o Ground beetles, Carabidae
o Lady beetles, Coccinellidae
o Rove beetles, Staphylinidae
o Scarab beetles, Scarabaeidae
o Soldier beetles, Cantharidae
o Tiger beetles, Cicindelidae
Pest families include:
o Bark and ambrosia beetles, Scolytidae
o Blister beetles, Meloidae
o Carpet beetles, Dermestidae
o Click beetles or wireworms, Elateridae
o Ground beetles, Carabidae
o Leaf beetles, Chrysomelidae
o Longhorned beetles or roundheaded borers, Cerambycidae
o Metallic wood beetles or flatheaded borers, Buprestidae
o Sap beetles, Nitidulidae
o Scarab beetles including rose chafer, Scarabaeidae
o Seed beetles, Bruchidae
o Weevils, Curculionidae

Figure 5. Examples of common beetles



Very tiny (1-2 mm) soft-bodied insect almost always associated with soil.
Very common but rarely observed due to tiny size.
Feeding: Most feed on algae, fungi, and other organic matter. Some are
predators of other insects and mites found in the soil.

Metamorphosis: None
Features: [Figure 6]
o Wingless
o Mouthparts: Chewing
o Springtail: (furcula) often
present, used to jump.
Figure 6. Springtail


Introduced from Europe as a biological control.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features: [Figure 7]
o Mouthparts: Chewing; generally feed on decaying organic matter,
occasionally feed on plants and insects.
o Wings: 2 pair
Front wings are short, leathery, without venation and meet in a
straight line down the back when at rest.
Hind wings are membranous, broad, with veins radiating from a
center, folded both lengthwise and crosswise when at rest.
Note: Wings can be confused with those of beetles, but beetles do
not have forceps-like cerci (tail-like appendage).
o Body: Elongated, flattened insects
o Cerci: Strong moveable forceps-like cerci on the abdomen end. Cerci
cannot produce a painful pinch, but the mouthparts can.
o Habit: Over-winters as adults. During the day, earwigs like to hide in
dark, moist areas, which leads them to get into things.
Figure 7. Earwigs: Female (left) has straight cerci,
male (right) has curved cerci.


Flies, Gnats, Midges, and Mosquitoes

Around 99,000 species worldwide, with some 17,000 in North America.

Feeding habits vary widely, for example
o Scavenger (house fly, blow fly)
o Blood sucking (mosquitoes)
o Plant galls (gall midges)
o Predators (flower flies, robber flies)
o Aquatic
Spelling hint: If the fly is a Diptera, the name is written as two words (house
fly, deer fly, blow fly). If the fly is not a Diptera, the name is written as one
word (sawfly, butterfly, whitefly).

Metamorphosis: Complete [Figure 8]

Figure 8. Complete metamorphosis
of flies.

Adults [Figures 8-10]

o Wings: One pair, membranous
one pair is a quick identifcation for Diptera.
Note: Count the wings! Some Diptera look like bees or wasps.
Some Hymenoptera (bees and wasps) look like flies. Diptera has
one pair. Hymenoptera have two pair, the hind pair is typically
smaller and hidden under the front pair.
o Mouthparts: Highly variable
Sponging (house fly)
Cutting-lapping (horse fly)
Piercing-sucking (mosquito)
o Body: Typically soft bodied and often hairy.

Figure 9. House fly.

Larva [Figures 8 and 10]

o Vary greatly in appearance.
o Larva of advanced forms, like the house fly, are maggot type
No head capsule
Mouth hooks
o Lower forms, such as mosquitoes, have a head capsule.
Pupa: Typically pupate in last skin of larva.
Beneficial families include:
o Bee flies, Bombyliidae
o Crane flies, Tipulidae
o Gall gnats Cecidomylidae
o Robber flies, Asilidae
o Syrphid or flower flies, Syrphidae
o Tachinid flies, Tachinidae
Figure 10. Mosquito maggot and adult.


Pest families include:

o Cabbage, onion, and seed corn maggots, beet leaf miner, Anthomyiids
o Biting midges, Certopogonidae
o Black flies, Simuliidae
o Blow flies, Calliphoridae
o Crane flies, Tipulidae
o Fruit flies, Tephritidae
o Gall gnats Cecidomylidae
o Horse and deer flies, Tabanidae
o Horse bot flies, Hippoboscidae
o Leafminer flies, Agromyzidae
o Mosquitoes, Culicidae
o Muscids (house flies), Muscidae
o Sand flies (no-see-ums), Psychodidae
o Syrphid or flower flies, Syrphidae
o Vinegar flies, Drosophilidae


Small aquatic naiads found in the bottom of streams and lakes. Serves as a
source of food for fish.
No interaction with gardening activities.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Incomplete
Adults: [Figure 11]
o Wings: two pair
Front wings large and triangular shaped.
Hind wings small and rounded.
Wings held vertically over body.
o Antennae: Small, bristle-like
o Filaments: Two very long tail-like filaments.
o Mouthparts: Adults do not feed and only live a few days.
Figure 11. Mayfly adult

Naiads: [Figure 12]

o Body: Aquatic naiads vary in shape, most are broad, and have functional
gills along the sides of the abdomen.
o Mouthparts: Chewing.
o Molting: Frequent; 20 to 60 times
Figure 12. Mayfly naiad .


TRUE BUGS: Plant Bugs, Squash Bugs, Stink Bugs
Note: New books combine Homoptera into the Hemiptera order. In this
book, we continue to teach the old taxonomy because most books that
gardeners will be using have the old taxonomic structure.

This order includes many important insect predators.

Spelling hint: If the bug is a Hemiptera, the name is written as two words
(stink bug, water bug, squash bug). If the insect is not a Hemiptera, the name
is written as one word (ladybug).

Metamorphosis:Simple/Gradual [Figure 13]

Figure 13.
Metamorphosis of stink

Features: [Figure 14]

o Mouthparts: Piercing-sucking
Jointed beak is typically visible, and originates from top of head in
front of eyes.
Note: By contrast, Homoptera mouthparts are not as visible and
appear to arise from between the front legs.
o Wings: two pair
Front wings (called hemielytra) are thickened at base and
membranous at end.
Hind wings are membranous.
When at rest, the wings overlap at the tips forming a large
triangular plate (the scutellum) on the back.
o Body: Usually broad and somewhat flattened
Beneficial families include:
o Ambush bugs, Phymatidae
o Assassin bugs, Reduvlidae
o Coreids, Coreidae
o Damsel bugs, Nabidae
o Flower or minute pirate bugs, Antocoridae
o Leaf or plant bugs, Miridae
o Stink bugs, Pentatomidae
Pest families include:
o Chinch and lygus bugs, Lygaeidae
o Coreids, aquash bugs, Coreidae
o Lace bugs, Tingidae
o Stink bugs, Pentatomidae


Figure 14. Examples of common Hemiptera (true bugs)

Aphids, Cicadas, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Scale, and Whiteflies
Note: New books combine Homoptera into the Hemiptera order. In
Colorado Master Gardener training, we continue to teach the old taxonomy
because most books that gardeners will be using have the old taxonomic

All species are plant feeders, often feeding on phloem sap.

Excretion of honeydew is common to many members of the order.
Insects of this order are carriers of several plant pathogens.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
o Nymphs and adults similar in appearance (except male scales and
Features: [Figure 15]
o Mouthparts: Piercing-sucking
Jointed beak-like mouth parts not easily visible and originate from
bottom of head so that it appears as if the beak is fastened between
the front legs.
Note: By contrast, in Hemiptera, mouthparts are more visible and
originate from top of head, in front of eyes.
o Wings: two pair
Typically held roof-like at rest
Many forms are wingless

Nymphs have no wings, but wing pads may be observed on some

older nymphs.

Pest families include:

o Adelgids, Phylloxeridae
o Aphids, Aphididae
o Armored scales, Diaspididae
o Cicadas, Cicadidae
o Leafhoppers, Cicadellidae
o Mealybugs, Pseudococcidae
o Planthoppers, superfamily Fulgoroidea
o Psyllids (many gall insects), Psyllidae
o Soft scale, Coccidae
o Spittlebugs, Cercopidae
o Treehoppers, Membracidae
o Whiteflies, Aleyrodidae

Figure 15. Examples of common Homoptera

Ants, Bees, Horntails, Sawflies, and Wasps

Large order with some 103,000 species worldwide and 18,000 in North
Order includes many important parasites and predators.
This order has the most highly developed insect behaviors and social patterns.
Most species live in nests.

Metamorphosis: Complete
Adults [Figure 16]
o Wings: 2 pair, membranous
Hind wing is usually smaller and often hidden under front wing.
Front and hind wings may be attached.



Mouthparts: Typically chewing or chewing-sucking

Body: Most species have a distinct constriction between the thorax and
abdomen (wasp waist). The sawfly/horntail group does not have a wasp
Antennae: Jointed, sometimes elbowed
Stinger: Female abdomen usually provided with a saw, piercing organ, or

o Larvae of most species are rarely observed, often developing in a nest or as
an internal parasite.
o Head: Distinct head capsule
o Legs: None (except sawfly larva)
Sawfly larva look like caterpillars but have six plus pair of
Note: Caterpillars (Lepidoptera) have five or fewer pair prolegs.
Some sawfly larva are legless and slug-like.
o Mouthparts: Chewing

Wasp or Bee?
Wasps have a slender and thin body, a narrow waist, slender,
cylindrical legs and a skin that generally lacks much hair. Yellow
jackets, bald-faced hornets, and paper wasps are the most common
wasps encountered by people.
Wasps are predators, feeding on insects and other arthropods. During
late summer and autumn when insect prey becomes more scarce, many
wasps become scavengers and are especially attracted to sweets and
other carbohydrates.
Bees are robust-bodied and very hairy compared with wasps. The hair
on bees is branched giving them a fuzzy or soft appearance. Their hind
legs are flattened, with bristle-fringed areas for collecting and
transporting pollen. Bees laden with pollen will appear to have yellow
hind legs because of the pollen loads. Bees are vegetarians, feeding on
nectar and pollen.
Beneficial families include:
o Ants and parasitic wasps, superfamily Scolioidea
o Bees, superfamily Apoidea
o Chalcid wasps, Chalcidoidea
o Digger wasps, superfamily Sphecoidea
o Ichneumon and braconid wasps, superfamily Ichneumonoidea
o Social wasps, superfamily Vespoidea
Pest families include:
o Ants, superfamily Scolioidea
o Gall wasps, superfamily Cynipoidea
o Horntails, superfamily Siricoidea
o Sawflies, Tenthredinoidae
o Social wasps, superfamily Vespoidea

Figure 16. Examples of common Hymenoptera


Termites are social insects living in

colonies. Colorado species live below ground.
Workers avoid exposure and are rarely seen except when disturbed. Only the
winged reproductive adults leave the

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features: [Figure 17]
o Color: Creamy white
o Wings: two pair that are the same size and longer than the body.
o Body: rectangular-shaped with NO constriction (wasp waist) between
thorax and abdomen.
o Antennae: Straight and beaded
o Mouthparts: Chewing
Figure 17. Winged adult termite (left), and
worker termite (right)


Ant or Termite?



Black, red, yellowish, etc.

Creamy white


Wasp waist

No constriction


Jointed, sometimes elbowed

Straight and bead-like

Wings on adult

Front wing larger and hind wing

smaller.; wings may be attached.

Front and hind wings same size,

longer than body.

Workers body

Typical ant shape

Rectangular body with large

chewing mouthparts


Commonly seen crawling around

Worker termite rarely seen except

when disturbed.

Butterflies and Moths
Metamorphosis: Complete

Adults [Figure 18]


Wings: Two pair

Typically covered with small overlapping scales.
Often but not always highly colored.
Mouthparts: Coiled sucking tube designed to siphon fluids like nectar.
Some adults do not feed.
Figure 18. The wings of butterflies and moths are
generally covered with colorful scales.

Larva: Caterpillars [Figure 19]

o Legs: Three pair on thorax
o Prolegs: Up to five pair of prolegs (fleshy leg-like appendage with crochetlike hooks on the end which helps hold the insect to plants).
Note: Sawfly larva look like caterpillars but typically have six or
more pair prolegs.
o Decorations: Often highly colored or decorated with spines or other
o Mouthparts: Chewing, with voracious appetites.

Figure 19. Caterpillars (larval

stage of Lepidoptera) have three
pair of jointed legs on the thorax
plus up to five pair of prolegs on
the abdomen.


Cocoon, made of silk spun from saliva glands

Families of interest include:


Bagworm moths, Psychidae

Carpenterworm moths, Cossidae
Clearwing moths (squash vine borer, lilac borer), Sesiidae
Giant silkworm moths, Saturniidae
Leafrollers, Tortricidae
Measuringworms, Geometridae
Monarch, viceroy, red admiral, morningcloak and angelwings butterflies,
Noctuids (cutworms, armyworms, fruitworms, corn earworm, cabbage
loopers), Noctuidae
Olethreutid moths, Olethreutidae
Prominents (redhumped caterpillars),
Pyralids (corn borer, sod webworm, meal moths), Pyralidae
Royal moths, Citheroniidae
Silkworm moths, Bombycidae
Sphinx or hawk moth, hornworms,
Swallowtail or parsleyworm, Papilionidae
Tent caterpillars, Lasiocampidae
Tineids, (cloths moths), Tineidae
Tussock moths, Lymantriidae
White or yellow butterflies (imported cabbageworm), Pieridae

Chewing or Biting Lice

Tiny parasite of birds and some mammals.

Feeds on blood, feathers, hair, skin, or sebaceous fluids.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features: [Figure 20]
o Flattened, oval
o Head larger than thorax
o Antenna short
o Eyes very small or absent
o No wings
o Legs short and modified to hold to feathers or fur
o Lives only on hosts
Figure 20. Chewing lice.



Predators of other insects, which they

capture with front legs and eat.
Winter is spent in the egg mass covered with a tough polystyrene-like coat.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features: [Figure 21]
o Legs: Foreleg designed for grasping and holding prey
o Body: Elongated
o Mouthparts: Chewing
o Antennae: Long, thread-like
o Wings: If present, are leathery and over abdomen. Absent in nymphs.
Figure 21 Mantid

Antlion, Lacewing, Snakeflies, and Dobsonflies

Order includes many important predators.

No harmful species are known.
The antlion is the larva of the common lacewing. Some forms are aquatic.

Metamorphosis: Complete
Adults [Figure 22]
o Wings: Two pairs
Membranous, similar in size and texture
Large membranous wing, usually with many veins and cross
Held roof-like over body when at rest.
o Mouthparts: Chewing; some are predators, while others feed on nectar or
o Cerci: None
o Tarsus (foot): Five segments
Figure 22. Lacewings: Left: adult, Right:
Antlion (lacewing larva)

Larva [Figure 23]

o Mouthparts: Forward-projecting curved pointed jaws designed to grasp
prey, which they crush and suck out the insides.
o Body: Often elongated
o Legs: Three pair
Figure 23. Antlion (lacewing larva)


Dragonflies and Damselflies
Metamorphosis: Simple/Incomplete
Adults [Figure 24]
o Eyes: Very large eyes that may cover much of head.
o Wings: Two pair
Large, elongated, highly veined.
Dragonflies hold wings horizontally when at rest. Damselflies
project wings back over body when at rest.
o Mouthparts: Chewing, prominent, used to
capture and consume winged prey in flight.
o Antennae: Small, bristle-like
Figure 24. Dragonfly adult


[Figure 25]
Aquatic insect that feeds on mosquito larva and other aquatic life
Eyes: Large
Mouthparts: Uniquely hinged jaw that can
project forward to capture prey.
Gills: Three leaf-like gills at end of
abdomen (damselfly only.)
Figure 25. Dragonfly naiad

Crickets, Grasshoppers, and Katydids

Note: Older books place mantids (Mantodea), walking sticks (Phasmida) and
roaches (Blattaria) in the order Orthoptera.
Most are plant feeders. A few are predators or scavengers.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features [Figure 26]
o Mouthparts: Chewing
o Wings: Two pair
Front wings more or less parchment-like with distinct venations.
Hind wings membranous and folded fan-like when at rest.
Wings may be used to make sounds.
o Legs: Hind legs enlarged for jumping.
o Cerci (tail-like appendages): 1 pair on most adults


Pest families include:

o Crickets, Gryliidae
o Short-horned grasshoppers, Acrididae
o Long-horned grasshoppers (katydids, meadow grasshoppers, and Mormon
crickets), Tettigoniidae

Figure 26. Orthoptera (left to right): grasshopper, cricket, and katydid.

Walking Stick

Feeds on plant leaves.

Stick-like form provides great camouflage.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features: [Figure 27]
o Body: Very elongated, sticklike
o Mouthparts: Chewing
o Wings: typically none
Figure 27. Walking stick


Aquatic naiads cling to stones in streams and serve as food for other aquatic
insects and fish.
There is no direct interaction with gardening activities.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Incomplete
Adults [Figure 28]
o Wings: Two pair, elongated wings fold flat over
body when at rest.
o Antennae: Long, filament-like
o Filament: (tail-like): Two
Figure 28 Stonefly adult

Naiads [Figure 29]

o Aquatic naiad typically found under stones in rivers
and lake shores.
Figure 29. Stonefly naiad.


Psocids or Booklice

Common but inconspicuous insect rarely observed due to tiny size.

Found in warm, damp places feeding on molds, fungi, cereals, pollen, etc.
Occasionally invade the home.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features: [Figure 30]
o Size: Tiny, less than 1/8 inch
o Wings: Two pair on some adults
Held roof-like over body when at rest
Front pair larger
Veins prominent
Unwinged specimens common
o Mouthparts: Chewing
o Antennae: Slender and as long or longer than body
Figure 30. Booklice


Household pest of pets and people.

Metamorphosis: Complete

[Figure 31]
Size: Less than 1/8 inch
Body: Flattened sideways, dark colored, covered
with bristles that project backwards
Mouthparts: Piercing/sucking, designed to suck
Figure 31. Flea


It is a very common insect, but due to tiny size is rarely observed.

Feeding leaves the plant looking scarred, as they rasp the leaf or flower surface
and suck the fluids.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Gradual
Features: [Figure 32]
o Wings: Two pair
Slender wings fringed with hairs


Often absent.
Mouthparts: Rasping-sucking; typically
feed on flowers and leaves.
Tarsi (feet): One or two segmented, each
with a balloon-like structure on the end.
Size: Minute, less than 1/8 inch long.
Figure 32. Thrips


Aquatic naiad.
Not associated with gardening activities.

Metamorphosis: Simple/Incomplete
Adults [Figure 33]
o Wings: Two pair
Covered with fine hairs
Held roof-like over body at rest
Resemble moths with hairy wings.
o Antennae: Extended back over body
Figure 33. Caddisfly

o Aquatic naiad
o Some live in cases constructed of silk, pebbles, sticks, and leaves. Others
construct silken nests.
o Some are free-living and actively hunt other insects.

Silverfish and Firebrats

Found in cool, moist, dark places.

General feeder on starches and carbohydrates, including paper, wall paper,
vegetables and grain products.

Metamorphosis: None
Features: [Figure 34]
o Size: Small, to
o Wingless
o Mouthparts: Chewing
o Cerci: Pair, long tail-like
o Active, fast moving
Figure 34. Silverfish


Additional Information CMG GardenNotes on Identify Insects


Identifying Insects: Reference and Study Questions

Taxonomy of Arthropods (Insects and Insect Relatives)
Insect Anatomy and Growth
Insect Orders
Key #1Key to Insects Associated with Gardening
Key #2Key to Insect Orders
Worksheet: Identifying Insects
Homework: Identifying Insects

Author: David Whiting, Consumer Horticulture Specialist, Colorado State University Extension.
Line drawings from USDA

Colorado Master Gardener GardenNotes are available online at

Colorado Master Gardener training is made possible, in part, by a grant from the Colorado Garden Show, Inc.
Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating.
Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.
No endorsement of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of
products not mentioned.
Copyright 2005-2011. Colorado State University Extension. All Rights Reserved.
CMG GardenNotes may be reproduced, without change or additions, for nonprofit
educational use.

Revised December 2011


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