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Basic of Unix

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4 Basics of Unix

You should read through this section, ideally sitting in front of a terminal so you can try out the
various commands.

4.1 Introduction
The Unix operating system is accessed partly through the X-Window interface and partly
through Terminal Window into which you type commands. This section covers the basic U NIX
commands that you will need to use in the Terminal Window.

4.2 Entering Commands

Commands are typed into an active terminal window, however the command is not executed
by the system until your press the R ETURN or ←- key. Note also that all commands are case
sensitive (capital and lower case letter are different).

4.3 The Directory Structure

All information, be it a program source, letters, programs, or system applications, are all held
in “files”. These files are grouped together in “directories”. The directories are then arranged
as a “tree”, starting from the system root directory. This is shown schematically is figure 1


Home cdrom etc usr tmp

liz wjh s0312345 bin local phys.local java

ls cat more bin lib share bin demo

letters WWW private sci−prog
xfig emacs javac java
bank−grovel checkpoints trialprogs

CheckPoint1.java CheckPoint2.java

Figure 1: Schematic of part-of the U NIX file system.

For example the file that contained the source code for the solution to your first checkpoint may
be located in:


while the JAVA compiler javac is located in:


The structure is divided into user and system files, being the files that belong to the users of the
system and the files that are part of the general system. On this system the users file are under
/Home, while the system one are mostly under /usr (the name is historical!).

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Your files are located under /Home in a directory which have the same name as your username.
So in the above example if your username is s0312345 then your files are located under


This is known as your home directory. All files below this directory belong to you, and you can
do anything to them, (read, write, delete etc.).

Path Names

Filenames can either be absolute, where the file names defines the whole path from the system
root (/) directory. Such filenames start with (/) as above. Alternatively filenames can be
relative to where “you are” in the file structure. In this case the name does not have a leading
For example, if your username is s0312345 then when you login the terminal screen is initially
in your home directory, being /Home/s0312345. This is called your present working directory.
So when in this directory the file checkpoint1.c can be referred to as either:




where the first example is its absolute name and the second is its name relative to your present
working directory.
This all sounds rather complex, but is actually very intuitive once you have tried it out for

4.4 File and Directory Names

File and directory names can be up to 32 characters long and can be any combination of letters,
digits and punctuation characters -+., :;. There are however some rules, and basic guidelines,

1. Directories or files names that start with a dot (“.”) are called hidden. These will not
appear on normal directory listings, see below. Such files are normally used to hold user
options to various applications.

2. Most filenames are of the form <basename>.<extn> where <extn> is used to specify
the type of information in the file.

3. It is possible to use other punctuation characters but they can clash with wild-card char-
acters and other special characters, so should be avoided.

4. Spaces are not allowed.

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4.5 Directory Manipulation
The following commands are used to check and set your present working directory:
pwd show the present working directory
cd change directory to home directory
cd newdir change directory to newdir (newdir can be absolute or relative)
cd .. change directory to parent directory (one-up)
Your prompt changes as you change directory to show the basename of the present working
New directories can be created, and deleted with:
mkdir newdir make directory newdir (newdir can be absolute or relative)
rmdir olddir remove directory olddir.
You will get an error message if the directory you try and remove contains either files or other

4.6 List of Files and Directories

Generating lists of the contents of directories is obtained with the very flexible command ls
which has many dozens of options. The most common are:
ls list of file and directories in current directory (simple output)
ls -l list of file and directories in current directory (long format)
ls -a list of all files, including hidden files. (see section on filenames)

4.7 Viewing and printing files

The contents of a file can be “paged” to the screen with the utility more. If you want to view
the contents of file Fred.java then the command is,

more Fred.java

If the file Fred.java is longer than the current terminal screen the following keys come into
play, these being.
S PACE Forward one screen
D Forward half screen
R ETURN Forward one line
B Back one screen
H Rather cryptic help screen
Q Quit
Plain text files can be printed using

lp <filename>

where <filename> is the name of the file to be printed. This printer is free and useful for short
program listings.
If using the CPLab L INUX this will appear on the laser printer in the CPLab, if using the remote
connection via the Microlab, this will appear on the EUCS “lineprinter” in room 3305.

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4.8 Manipulation files
Files are normally created with an editor emacs, or from the output of programs or applications.
Other useful file manipulation commands are:
cp file1 file2 make a copy of file1, named file2
mv file1 file move file1 to file2 (rename)
rm file1 remove, or delete file1
These utilities can also be used with directories in the filenames, in particular mv can be used
to move files into a directory for example if checkpoints is the name of a directory, then
mv CheckPoint-1.java checkpoints
mv CheckPoint-2.java checkpoints
will move the two files, CheckPoint-1.java and CheckPoint-2.java into the directory
Warning: files that are deleted with rm are really gone. There is no WASTE BASKET to fish
things “out-off”.

4.9 Wild-cards in file names

Wild-cards characters allow matching of a range of filenames. The two commonly used wild-
cards are:
* matches any string of characters
? matches any single character
so for example
rm *.class removes all files with extension .class
ls CheckPoint-?.java lists all files called CheckPoint-<any>.java where <any> is
any character

4.10 E-Mail
You do not have a seperate E- MAIL account on this system. You sould continue to use your
University SMS account which is available through M OZILLA.

man pages
All U NIX commands, most applications and most functions are all documented via the on-line
system manual pages. These are very complete, usually being written by the actual programmer
who implemented the command or application. As a result they usually assume a level of
knowledge about the system well above that possessed by the average (never mind the novice)
user. The quality, readability and length of man pages is very variable, however they do usually
contain the correct information!
The man pages are accessed by,
• Type man <command> in the terminal window. For example to get the man page for ls
you simply type man ls. This will output the manual page to the terminal window one
page at a time with the same page commands as more (see above).

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4.11 The Shell
When you type commands they are interpreted by the program called the shell. Under U NIX
there are many different shells (eight I know of) all of which do the same basic task, but
with subtle and annoying differences. All your accounts have been set-up to use bash (bourne
again shell), which is used on about 50% of all U NIX system including all the E DINBURGH

4.12 More Information

This section contains the “absolute minimum to get by” with U NIX. Extensive additional doc-
umentations are available:

1. CP Lab “on-line” H ELP pages, link from Scientific Programming Home Page.

2. On-line via the U NIX H ELP pages written and maintained by the E DINBURGH C OMPUT-
ING S ERVICE (ECS). Link from Scientific Programming Home Page.

3. ECS documentation available at a modest cost from J OB R ECEPTION IN ROOM 3210 or


4. Any and varied books on U NIX in the library and for purchase in bookshops.

Note: There are many “flavours” and “dialects” of U NIX which are superficially similar but
with subtle and annoying differences. These differences mainly show-up in the system manage-
ment tools which most users never need or use. For each system the definitive documentation
is located in the man pages!

What Next?
Now you have some practice of using the basic U NIX commands you should now read the next
section on the emacs editor. You will need to use this to write your first JAVA program.

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