QACPS Calendar Handbook 2015-2016
QACPS Calendar Handbook 2015-2016
QACPS Calendar Handbook 2015-2016
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! The beginning of the school year is an exciting time for students
and staff and we are pleased to provide you with this Student/Parent Handbook to help you successfully
navigate our school system. Parents are a critical factor in their childs education and we recognize they
cant serve in that capacity if they dont have up-to-date information about our school system and programs,
as well as clear and frequent communication. The handbook includes school system rules and regulations,
a calendar of important school dates, school locations, starting and ending times, helpful tips about school
closings or delays, and available programs and services for students and families.
We continue to practice our belief of Everyday Excellence for Every Student. We are involved in the
development of a Comprehensive five-year strategic plan and like the Middle States process we went
through three years ago, the development of our Strategic Plan will require many long hours of self-assessment and analysis of feedback
from our stakeholder groups. We will reaffirm our goals and identify strategies and rigorous targets to ensure our students have every
opportunity to be college and career ready when they leave our school system.
We will begin year two of our 5-year digital conversion. This past school year, all middle school students, as well as 5th grade students in
several of our elementary schools, received a Google Chrome Book to use both at home and at school; this year our remaining 5 th graders
will receive Google Chrome Books and all high school students will receive a laptop computer. Plans are still in place that in 2016-17 all
students in grades 3 and 4 will receive a Google Chrome Book.
Grades 5 through 8 students are using Techbooks rather than the traditional textbooks in social studies and science classes. Techbooks
are very engaging, provide many more resources, and address alternative learning styles seamlessly. They feature video; interactive text;
digital simulations and explorations; virtual and hands-on labs; and interactive glossaries with animations, audio and video. Our middle
school math classes have been utilizing a web-based resource, Agile Minds, as well. Plans are in place to utilize Agile Minds in some of
our high school math classes.
We are in our fourth year of implementing the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards and our students have responded well to
this more rigorous course of study. Since the new PARCC state assessment is delivered online, we have provided our students with
opportunities to take similar types of assessments online and will continue to do so this year. During this past school year many of our
local assessments (i.e. mid-terms, finals, benchmarks) were given online! We found the testing online provided much faster feedback to
both teachers and students. All of our students in grades 3-8 took the PARCC fieldtest this past year, as did students in PARCC English
and PARCC Algebra. However, this year we will not receive data from the PARCC exam until late fall or early winter.
Please become involved in our schools as volunteers, as members of parent/booster organizations, as members of school improvement
teams or county-level committees, and in support of school activities. We need to work together to create a safe environment for all of our
children and to provide programs that meet every childs needs. I hope you will take time to review this handbook with your child and
keep it available for easy reference as you and your child plan for a successful school year. Our handbook is also available at . I value your involvement in our school system and in your childs education. Best wishes for a successful school year!
A graduate of Queen Annes County Public Schools will be well-educated, globally competitive and prepared to become a caring,
productive citizen of the 21st Century.
The mission of Queen Annes County Public Schools, a high-performing public school system, is to ensure that every student
demonstrates a commitment to high achievement and everyday excellence, possessing the skills and knowledge to empower
them to thrive and continue to grow intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially in a rapidly changing, globally competitive
society; this will be accomplished through a partnership with our families and community, a world class curriculum, excellence
in teaching and challenging educational experiences.
Focus on Results and Creating Value | Managing for Innovation | Learning-Centered Education | Systems Perspective |
Visionary Leadership | Agility | Organizational and Personal Learning | Valuing Faculty, Staff, and Students | Management
by Fact | Social Responsibility
Tammy Harper
Arlene Taylor
The Queen Anne's County Board of Education directory information may include the
following items relating to a student: Name, address, telephone listing, photograph, grade,
date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities
and sports, weight and height of athletic members, awards or degrees received, dates of
attendance, home room assignments, honor roll and perfect attendance lists, other similar
information as defined by the Board of Education of Queen Annes County, Federal Law
requires schools to provide military recruiters, upon request, with names, addresses, and
telephone listings.
(Annotated Code of MD 7-111. )
School officials may disclose directory information of students unless the parent/guardian
or student over the age of 18 informs the school system, in writing, that personal
identifiable information is not to be designated as directory information with respect to that
student. This notification must be received by the school system no later than 30 days
after the beginning of the school year or from the date of enrollment.
The right to disclose information extends to the following school year so that school officials
may disclose bus routes, addresses of bus stops and school home room assignments in
August preceding the beginning of the school year.
301 Church Street
Stevensville, Maryland 21666
110 Elementary Way
Stevensville, Maryland 21666
Mr. Lawrence Dunn, Jr., Principal
[email protected]
213 Homewood Avenue
Centreville, Maryland 21617
Mr. David DuLac, Principal
[email protected]
631 Main Street
Church Hill, Maryland 21623
Dr. Lloyd W. Taylor, Principal
[email protected]
Queen Annes
County High
7:25 AM
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2:20 PM
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8:00 AM
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Anchor Points
7:30 AM
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2:30 PM
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3:30 PM
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3:30 PM
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7:30 AM
7:45 AM
Church Hill
8:40 AM
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9:00 AM
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Kent Island
10:30 AM
2:30 PM
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3:45 PM
BUS OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITY. The school bus operator will report in writing within 24
hours to a principal, assistant principal, or other designee any conduct appearing to require
disciplinary action. After administrative staff evaluation, appropriate disciplinary action will
follow. A copy of the misconduct report will be returned to the school bus operator. School
bus operators may temporarily suspend students riding privileges for one day.
PARENT RESPONSIBILITY. PK, K, 1st and 2nd grade students must have someone
accompany them to and from the bus stop. Parents are urged to assist their children in
developing a respect for and a sense of safety concerning all of the related operations of the
school bus.
Parents are urged to play a role in their responsibility when the child leaves home to
walk to the bus stop and the childs behavior at the bus stop. Parents should see to it that
their child arrives at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the regularly scheduled arrival
time. Bus drivers will not wait for tardy students since any wait will adversely affect the
established time schedules for many other students.
One a.m. and one p.m. stop location shall be allowed for each transported student.
Exceptions will be made only in case of an emergency or when extenuating circumstances
exist. This shall be approved by the school Principal.
Pupils must board their bus and be discharged from their bus at the assigned stops.
Permission to use a different bus stop may be granted on a temporary basis if approved by
the school Principal and provided that the request does not involve a bus assignment/route
change. Bus drivers must be notified by the school Principal.
Parents are reminded that students must ride their assigned bus. Any deviation must
be approved in advance by the principal or designee. Vacations, temporary work
assignments, social events, riding to a friends home, or other foreseen events will not be
approved for change in bus assignment. Under short-term emergency situations only the
principal may approve a different bus assignment
The opt-out program applies to families that never plan on utilizing bus services either to or
from school. Knowing this information in advance will help us optimize travel time on the
route, identify appropriate bus stops, and allow for more consistent and effective service.
If you choose to have your child(ren) opt out of bus transportation, please
contact your childs school or visit for addition
information and a form to complete. Your decision is not binding. If at a later date you
decide that your child needs bus transportation, contact the school to request service. This
may take up to three work days to complete, so we ask that you provide us with sufficient
notice to route the buses more efficiently.
Student Breakfast
Reduced Breakfast
Elementary Lunch
Middle Lunch
High School Lunch
Reduced Lunch
Student Milk
Adult Breakfast
Adult Lunch
Adult Milk
$ .30
$ .40
$ .50
$. 50
Each of our schools, need and welcome your help. Volunteers serve a vital role in
each school by providing time, energy, and life experiences. Volunteers work in
classrooms, libraries, offices, cafeterias and playgrounds, serving as helpers,
chaperones, and mentors. While volunteers typically serve in the schools close to
their homes, they are welcome to donate their efforts to any of the schools in our
county. If you would like to volunteer your time in any of our schools, please contact
the school you are interested in, and ask to speak to the Volunteer Coordinator about
receiving required Volunteer Training. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
I. Overview
Title I is a federally funded, state supported program. The purpose of the Queen
Annes County Title I program is to improve the instruction and academic achievement
of students in Targeted Assistance and School-Wide schools. The Title I program
enable students to meet challenging academic content and performance standards.
Queen Annes County Title I schools are provided with additional resources and
support to increase the quality of instructional time and materials.
Queen Annes County Title I has a parent involvement mission which is designed to:
WHY? In school year 2001-2002, before Judy Centers were created, only 49% of Maryland
children were entering kindergarten with the skills they needed to be successful. Judy
Centers were created to make a difference in school readiness.
WHAT? The Judy Center coordinates community partners who serve children prenatal
through age 5 and their families to work together. They facilitate partnerships so that
programs can share limited resources to use money more wisely, identify gaps, work to fill
the gaps and monitor progress.
WHEN & WHERE? The Judy Center for Queen Annes County is located in Sudlersville
Elementary School. It was relocated there from Grasonville Elementary School in 2012.
HOW? Powerful things happen when programs work together and this is something Queen
Annes County is very good at doing. In addition to the difference collaboration makes, the
Judy Center utilizes funds to support additional efforts. Among many other projects, they
provide funds for professional development, materials of instruction and substitutes for Pre
K and K teachers. They provide training, support, supplies, and incentives for family child
care providers. They provide funds to support other child development programs, provide
parent education and transport families. The Judy Center facilitates staff of programs that
serve individual families to work together to minimize duplication, avoid gaps and more
effectively connect families with resources to help. The Judy Center is sponsored by QAC
Public Schools. The staff put much of their daily efforts into supporting 4 and 5 year old
children and child care family providers in the Sudlersville Elementary School zone. Call
about their twice per week playgroups!
School Readiness Begins Before Birth!
3 major Judy Center Partners that serve families with the youngest children:
The Family Center of QAC is sponsored by QAC Public Schools. Its Center is located in
Sudlersville and is for all families who have a child age 3 or younger or are expecting a
baby. Parents attend with their child who participates in a high quality child development
program. Parents attend classes on-site such as Parent Nurturing, Employment support,
GED classes for those who did not finish high school, connections to further education for
those who did, English classes, Nutrition and other Health topics, Peer support, Cooking
and Gardening and much more. A Home Visitor takes child development and parent
resources to the homes of families who cannot get in to the center. To find out more call
410-438-3182 or look for them on Facebook.
The Infants and Toddlers Program. See page 17
Healthy Families Mid-Shore is an evidence-based, accredited home visiting program that is
a program of the Queen Annes County Department of Health. This program promotes
health and development starting at the most effective time: first time expectant parents,
and first time parents with new babies under three months of age. Highly trained Family
Support Workers (FSWs) deliver intensive, long term (until the child reaches 5 years of
age) home visiting services to families facing the most challenges. The FSWs share the
Growing Great Kids, Inc. curriculum to build a sustained relationship with the
participants, conduct developmental screens, referrals for community resources and
provide information regarding essential parenting skills. For more information please call
the Queen Annes County Department of Health at 410-758-0720.
Mission The Queen Annes County (QAC) Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee
(SECAC) is committed to ensuring the provision of quality services to students with disabilities
ages birth to 21 by working collaboratively with families, community, school staff and other
professionals to provide a forum to discuss issues related to and advocate for positive
changes in special education in Queen Annes County Public Schools.
This group meets at Centreville Elementary School from 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Oct. 17,
Nov. 17, Dec. 12 (Holiday Party, 1:00 pm), Feb. 16, Mar. 15, April 19, and May 17.
Welcome Back Picnic: Sept. 19 Time and Location TBD
Chair: Kelly Spray
Secretary: Juli Panzer-Yoos
Treasurer: Anita Chalupa
A childs early years are full of excitement and change for every parenta great balancing
act between dreams and challenges. For families of young children with special needs, the
challenges may seem overwhelming at times. Concerns about a childs development, or
how a disability may affect his or her ability to grow and learn may overshadow those
dreams for the future.
The Infants and Toddlers Program assists families of children with special needs during the
first three years of the childs developmental journey. Support, information, and
coordinated services in community settings are among the many aids provided to families
to assist with the challenges and celebrate the gifts that each child has to offer.
Who is eligible?
Children from birth to third birthday who
may be slower than others in doing things.
have a diagnosis putting them at-risk for delays.
may have something about their development that is just not right.
may have something about their behavior that causes concern.
To begin referral process contact
First Contact - Mary Lou Christian, R.N., Q.A.C. Health Department,
at 410-758-0720 Ext. 4456
Additional Contact Wesley Campbell, Program Coordinator at 410-827-4629 ext. 10
[email protected]
Contact Information
Queen Annes County Department of Social Services....Heather Andrew, 410-758-8026
Queen Annes County Public Schools..410-758-2403, Ext. 154
Ask for the Pupil Personnel Worker or the Supervisor of Student Support Services
The Maryland State Department of Education410-767-0293
Ask for the Homeless Education Coordinator
Does my child have the same rights as other school children?
Your child has the same rights to school programs and services as all children and
youth: school breakfast and lunch, before and after-school programs, preschool
programs, transportation, special education, gifted and talented programs, career and
technology education.*
If I am homeless, where will my child go to school?
Your child has the right to stay in the same school he or she attended (school of
origin) before you became homeless or changed locations. Your child has the right to
transfer to the school that is closest to your new location.
To register my child for school, do I need to show proof of where I live such as a
gas/electric or phone bill?
You do not need to show any proof of where you live.
What is in the best interest for my child -- to stay in the same school or change
You have the right to decide, along with your childs school, any decisions about where
your child should go to school. If you have concerns about the school your child will
attend, call the school systems homeless education coordinator at 410-758-2403, Ext.
Can my child ride the school bus?
Your child has the right to school bus transportation. Your childs school should help
you get transportation for your child.
What records does the school need about my child?
If you do not have your childs records, the school can help you get them. Your child
cannot be denied entry from school if you do not have all of your records.
Any parent or guardian who chooses to teach his/her child(ren) at home is required to
complete and sign a Home Schooling Notification form which indicates consent to the
requirements of the Board of Education policy and COMAR By-law 13A.10.01,
13A.10.05. This form shall be submitted to the Supervisor of Student Services at least
fifteen (15) days before the beginning of a Home Schooling Program. Students enrolled
in private school or who are on a Home Schooling Instruction program are excluded from
participation in public school sponsored programs and activities.
The Goal of Queen Annes County Public Schools is clearly outlined in our Vision
Statement: A graduate of Queen Annes County Public Schools will be well-educated,
globally competitive and prepared to become a caring, productive citizen of the 21st
This task is made possible with the help of a great many partners who aid in the process in
many ways. QACPS depends on the support of the community at large in achieving our
goals year round.
These programs in particular demonstrate the importance of just a few of our many
Teacher of the Year
Our Teacher of the Year program benefits from many local companies donating gifts for our
Teacher of the Year as well as the four Finalists.
At the QACPS Awards Gala where the name of the
Teacher of the Year is announced many of our
employees are honored for their hard work: our
partners supply a variety of items and gifts to the
recipients. Board Meetings. Our partners get
involved with the Recognitions segment of our
monthly Board Meetings by donating awards to the
winners tickets to Six Flags, restaurant coupons
and more make the recognitions a special event.
The entire Queen Annes County community participates in our
UNITY DAY efforts as every student, school staff and County
employees all wear a distinctive t-shirt proclaiming our strong
belief that Bullying of any sort must end. Many county business
and organizations play key roles in this effort. It is a message that resonates throughout
the year.
Queen Annes County Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber is one of our strongest partners they are an essential companion in our
goals. The Business-Educational Meetings, held four times a year, focus on the partnership
between the Board and the business community. The Chamber is a vital part of the
Teacher of the Year and Gala Program. The January Chamber of Commerce Kick-Off
Breakfast Meeting is hosted by the BOE where we can present information of interest to
the business community. The September Chamber Meeting pays tribute to our Teacher of
the Year as well as all of our new teachers. They assemble a truly impressive set of gifts for
the Teacher of the Year all donated by our partners. New teachers enjoy a special event
where they can meet the Chamber members.
Queen Annes County Public Schools is honored and deeply grateful to all of our partners!
The purpose of this policy is to govern and establish guidelines for the use of all
technology equipment, software, related materials, electronic communications and
licensed network systems
II. Rationale.
The Board of Education of Queen Annes County acknowledges that educational resources
located on computer networks and the Internet can be effective learning tools and motivators
for students. Digital learning encourages independent and critical thinking which provide
students the ability to contribute to their collection, analysis, and dissemination of knowledge.
Moreover, understanding how to responsibly access, utilize and evaluate this wealth of
information and effectively communicate, are critical skills for the 21st century. However, the
Board of Education also recognizes the vital need for all users to follow specific guidelines
and exhibit responsible behavior during utilization of this vast array of technologies.
Therefore, the purpose of this policy is to establish governing procedures and regulations
where all users are required to follow specific guidelines and exhibit responsible behavior
during utilization of this vast array of technologies.
IV. Authorization
Users have no expectation of privacy in the contents of their files on the system. Furthermore,
users shall comply with laws, regulations, and policies covered by the Family Education Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA), Childrens Online Protection and Protection Act (COPPA), and the
Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA) when handling student educational records. Users
should be aware that computer files may be accessible under State public records laws and
are discoverable in litigation. Information written or transmitted on the network may be read or
viewed by any properly authorized individual, organization, or agency. The BOEQAC establishes
that use of digital networks is a privilege, not a right; inappropriate, unauthorized, and illegal
use will result in the suspension and or cancellation of those privileges and
appropriate disciplinary action.
V. Definitions
Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks
The overriding procedure that governs and
establishes guidelines for the use of all
technology equipment, software, related
materials, electronic communications and
licensed network systems.
CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act)
The federal law enacted by Congress to address
concerns about access to offensive content over
the Internet on school and library computers.
CIPA imposes certain types of requirements on
any school district that receives funding for
Internet access or internal connections from the
E-rate program.
COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection
The federal law enacted by Congress that
applies to the online collection of personal
information by persons or entities under US
jurisdiction for children under 13 years of age.
The legal device that protects the rights of
creators of any work of art, literature, or a work
that conveys information or ideas.
Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is an incident or a pattern of
behavior that occurs through electronic
mechanisms, which results in a person feeling
intimidated or harassed by another. Cyber
bullying behavior can impact the health/safety
of students and/or be disruptive to the
educational environment.
Cyber Stalking
Cyber stalking is the use of the Internet or other
electronic means to stalk someone. This
behavior includes false accusations, monitoring,
the transmission of threats, identity theft,
damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of
minors for sexual purposes, and gathering
information for harassment purposes.
Cyber Threats
Cyber threats include attacks from viruses,
worms, Trojan horses, phishing, denial of
service attacks, unauthorized access (stealing
intellectual property or confidential information),
and control system attacks.
Electronic Communication
Any communication that is distributed on
the Internet or World Wide Web (WWW)
including email, instant messaging, chat,
blog posts, etc. (See Email Procedure)
The Superintendent will provide the Board
of Education a review of this policy in
August 2015. The focus of this review will
be the effectiveness of this policy in
assisting the Board in fulfilling its mission.
Fair Use Guidelines
The four basic guidelines that assist
educators determine the scope of use of
copyrighted materials within a classroom
purpose of the use,
nature of the copyrighted work,
amount or percentage of the work used,
effect of the use on the original work
A collection of related data or records
stored as a unit with a single name.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights Privacy
The Federal law that protects the privacy
of student educational records. The law
applies to all schools that receive funds
under an applicable program of the
U.S. Department of Education.
The Superintendent is responsible for
drafting procedural guidelines for the
implementation of this policy.
MLDs (Mobile Learning Device)
MLD includes but is not limited to
computers, portable game units, graphing
calculators, iDevices, E-readers,
Techbooks, Chromebooks and similar
electronic devices.
Network etiquette
Recognized protocol that all Internet
users should follow when accessing and
searching various online resources.
V. Definitions Cont.
The taking of someone elses words, ideas, or findings and intentionally presenting them as
your own without giving credit to their source.
Cell Phone Policy
The policy that governs and establishes guidelines for the cell/smart phones for Queen
Annes County Public School students.
Sexual Discrimination/Harassment
Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination and consists of unwelcome and
unsolicited sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct,
or communication of a sexual nature by another person.
Refers to QACPS employees, students, parents, organizations, or guests accessing and/or
using QACPS network computers and resources.
Access to all electronic resources on the BOEQAC network is a privilege. Therefore, users
must agree to comply with the BOEQAC guidelines. Violations of the AUP include and are not
limited to;
utilizing the BOEQAC network for product advertisement, financial gain, or political
using inappropriate and threatening language, cyber bullying, cyber threats, and
cyber stalking on the BOEQAC network,
downloading or uploading to the network copyrighted materials that are exempt from
Fair Use guidelines,
Accessing Internet through unauthorized use of tethering and Smart Phone hot
Violations may result in loss of access for users violating the Acceptable Use Policy for
Queen Annes County Public Schools. Loss may be short term to permanent.
Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the building level in line with existing
practices regarding infractions by users. Intentional damage to the BOEQAC network
and/or electronic equipment may result in appropriate restitution. (See Discipline
Policy). When applicable, law enforcement agencies will be notified and individual
violators will face possible criminal charges, as well as possible expulsion for students
and possible termination of employment for staff members.
I. Cell/Smart phone is a mobile wireless electronic device used to make telephone calls across a
wide geographic area, served by many public cells. A smart phone varies from a cell phone because
it usually includes functions similar to those found on a personal computing device.
II. Elementary Schools Elementary school students are not permitted to possess or use cell/smart
phones while on Queen Annes County Public School property or while attending any elementary
school activity. School office phones are available for those students who need to contact parents.
III. Middle School -- Middle school students may possess cell/smart phones during the school day
in accordance with the following regulations:
Written authorization from the parent/legal custodian to a school administrator indicating that the
student is in possession of the cell/Smart phone. Each letter will be kept on file during each school
year (includes summer). A student may not have the portable communication device in his/her
possession without this written authorization and administrative approval.
Prior to entering the school building, the cell/smart phone must be turned off.
During regular instructional hours cell/smart phones must be turned off, secured, and out of sight,
unless a classroom teacher has given a student authorization to use the device for an educational
activity. Once the activity is completed the cell/smart phone must be turned off, secured, and
removed from sight.
IV. High Schools High school students may possess cell/smart phones during the school day in
accordance with the following regulations:
Written authorization from the parent/legal custodian or eligible student (18 years and older) to a
school administrator indicating that the student is in possession of the cell/Smart phone. Each
letter will be kept on file during each school year (includes summer). A student may not have the
portable communication device in his/her possession without this written authorization and
administrative approval.
Prior to entering the school building, the cell/smart phone must be turned off.
During regular instructional hours cell/smart phones must be turned off, secured, and out of sight,
unless a classroom teacher has given a student authorization to use the device for an educational
activity. Once the activity is completed the cell/smart phone must be turned off, secured, and
removed from sight.
All students who have cell/smart phone use as part of their IEP or 504 plan are authorized to carry
such a device during the regular school day. During regular bus transportation to and from school
middle and high school students may only use cell/smart phones with permission of the bus driver.
V. Use of Student Cell/Smart Phones at School Sponsored or Related Activities
Middle or high school students involved in after-school and weekend instructional activities
including Saturday school may not use cell/smart phones without the instructors permission in the
area of the activity from the beginning of the activity until the end of the activity. Cell/smart phones
may be used if students are participating in non-academic activities (athletics, drama, clubs,
etc.). If traveling to or from a school sponsored activity via bus, student cell/smart phones may be
used with the permission of the sponsor.
During bus transportation to and from athletic events or other school sponsored events, students
may use cell/smart phones only with the permission of the athletic coach or principal designee.
VI. Middle and High School Student Misuse of Cell/Smart Phones
Any staff member having knowledge of unauthorized possession or use of a cell/smart phone by a
student on Queen Annes County Public School property shall promptly report this information to the
(Misuses continued) . Students who misuse cell/smart phones in any of the following ways may face
disciplinary action: a) refusal to turn off a cell/smart phone. Students in possession of a cell/phone
must turn it off when directed by a teacher, administrator, coach, counselor, or other school
personnel, and secure it out of sight, b) causing disruption, c) using a cell/phone to cheat, including
getting and giving answers to tests and copying from the Internet, d) using a cell/smart phone to
bully, threaten, harass, or attack another student or school personnel whether or not communicated
directly to that person, and e) sending (or asking to receive) pictures or videos of people without their
When cell/smart phones are misused, students will be subject to disciplinary action including but not
limited to, verbal or written warning and loss of the cell/smart phone. Additional consequences are
referenced within the Queen Annes County Public Schools Search and Seizure Policy, Mobile
Learning Devices Policy, Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy, and the Discipline Policy. Any
student in violation of the policy and procedures regarding cell/smart phones may be subject to
disciplinary action.
I. The first offense confiscation of cell/smart phone for one (1) day and parent must pick up the
cell/smart phone, with a conference.
II. The second offense confiscation of the cell/smart phone, and student must attend Saturday
School or after school detention. The cell/smart phone will be returned only to the parent at the
completion of the consequence and with a conference.
III. The third offense one day out-of-school suspension and loss of privileges to have a cell/smart
phone for the remainder of the day. The cell/smart phone will be confiscated and returned only to
parents at the end of the suspension and with a conference.
IV. The fourth offense will result in a three (3) day suspension. The student will not be allowed to
have a cell/smart phone on school property for the remainder of the year.
Any subsequent violation may result in additional disciplinary action or loss of school privileges (e.g.
parking permit, admission to school functions, etc.).
Mobile Learning Devices (MLD) may include but are not limited to computers, portable
game units, graphing calculators, tablets, E-readers, iDevices, pagers, hand-held radios,
and similar electronic devices.
I. Use of Mobile Learning Device in Queen Annes County Public Schools
Student or employee use of computers and Mobile Learning Devices (MLDs) owned by the
school or owned by individuals is subject to the conditions set forth in the Board of
Education of Queen Annes County (BOEQAC) Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy
(AUP). The AUP stipulates that all employees, students, parents and staff of Queen Annes
Public Schools must sign the policy, indicating that they have read it and agreed to comply
with its terms. Additionally, under no circumstances are students permitted to use MLDs on
Queen Annes County Public Schools property or Queen Annes County Public Schools
sponsored activities or events in order to transmit any text or images that are obscene,
pornographic, illegal, profane, violate academic policies, or invade anothers privacy. This
includes sexting (the sharing of explicit or otherwise sexually provocative photos). This
also includes the possession of inappropriate digital content. All Queen Annes County
Public School students who bring personal MLDs to school must have them turned off and
out of sight during the regular instructional day. They may be used during instructional
activities within a classroom only if the instructor has given permission. Once the
instructional activity is completed all personal MLDs must be turned off. The BOEQAC will
assume no responsibility or liability for loss, theft, damage or destruction of any MLD. The
BOEQAC will not provide Internet access for unauthorized personal MLDs (not owned by the
district) that are brought into any district school building. The MLD Policy regarding middle
schools is under review.
II. Use of Student or Employee MLDs at School Sponsored or Related Activities
MLDs may be used if students are participating in non-academic activities (athletics,
drama, clubs, etc.). If students are participating in an after school academic activity,
personal MLDs may only be used with the permission of the activitys sponsor. If traveling
to or from a school sponsored activity via bus, MLDs may be used with the sponsors
permission. During regular bus transportation to and from school, personal MLDs may only
be used with permission of the bus driver. During bus transportation to and from athletic
events or other school sponsored events, students may use personal MLDs only with the
permission of the athletic coach or principal designee.
Visitors (Parents/Guardians) are encouraged to visit school anytime. Visitation of
classrooms must be coordinated through the school administration. All visitors are
required to sign in at the main office.
Home/Hospital Instruction is a service provided by the Board of Education of Queen Annes
County for students who are physically unable to attend school as certified by a physician or
emotionally unable to attend school as certified by psychiatrist, or psychologist, for a
minimum of 10 school days. During the period of Home/Hospital Instruction, the student
may not be on school property unless accompanied by a parent, may not be employed, or
attend any school function.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is
a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all
schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These
rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school
beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible
Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education
records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records
unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to
review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which
they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record,
the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the
school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to
place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested
information. Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible
student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However,
FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or
under the following conditions (34 CFR 99.31):
Accrediting organizations;
State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific
State law.
Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name,
address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of
attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory
information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request
that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents
and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification
(special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to
the discretion of each school.
Whether the teacher is certified by the State of Maryland to teach a particular grade level or subject area;
Whether your child is served by paraprofessionals and, if so, the qualifications of that paraprofessional.
If you would like to receive any such information about your childs classroom teacher, please make the
request in writing to your schools principal. The principal will then provide the information to you
in a timely manner; in more cases within 30 business days.
Maryland state law requires regular school attendance. The Annotated Code of MD requires that
Each child who resides in this state and is 5 years old or older and under 17 shall attend a
public school regularly during the entire school year unless the child is otherwise receiving
regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the studies usually taught in the public
schools to children of the same age.
Health Screenings
Parents/guardians will
be notified if a child
fails a screening and is
in need of an
evaluation by a health
care provider.
Children Who Threaten to Harm Themselves or Make Serious Substantive Threats of Violence
Students who demonstrate by word or action that they may represent a danger to themselves or
others will be screened by a designated member(s) of the schools Student Support Team. If the
threat is transient; then the response may include a reprimand, parent notification, or another
disciplinary action. If the threat is substantive a safety evaluation will be conducted by a designated
member(s) of the student Support Team.
Students are expected to behave in a courteous, cooperative manner towards each other and toward
all others in the school setting at all times. Most violations of this standard of conduct can be handled
within the classroom and/or with the intervention of school counselors and administrators. Severe
and/or repeated violations are handled by school administrators in the appropriate manner. A student
who engages in any activity which violates the rights of another individual in any manner or continues
to be an impediment to the learning process on school grounds, or on approved trips or activities
under the direction of school staff away from the school facilities, may receive a discipline
consequence for their actions. The school district reserves the right to discipline student behavior
which is not conducive to group order and discipline in the schools or on/in school-sponsored
activities even though such behavior may not be specified in the written rules.
I. Suspension
Days of suspension are considered to be lawful absences. Therefore, a student may request and
receive make-up work according to each schools procedure. Each school has an assigned school
liaison. In accordance with recent legislation, each principal of a public school may suspend for cause,
for not more than 10 school days, any student in the school who is under the direction of the principal
COMAR 13A.08.01.11
Appeals for suspensions for 10 or fewer days, should be made to the school principal . This appeal
must be submitted in writing within 5 days of the alleged violation/misapplication of the Student
Discipline Code. The appeal does not stay the principals decision.
Each school should also have copies in
the main office and the counseling
What do I do if my child has been
bullied at school?
1. Talk to your child and get as much
information as you can about the
2. Complete a Bullying, Harassment,
Intimidation, Reporting form either
online or by using the printed form and
return this to the school
3. Report this information to the
school administration and set up a
meeting to discuss the situation.
Students who feel they have a
complaint under the Board of
Educations Harassment Policy should
immediately contact the school
counselor or building administrator. If
the accused is a student, a written
report will be placed in their folder if the
complaint has been substantiated. The
administrator will also send a copy of
the report to the Supervisor of Student
Services. Should the student feel that
his/her complaint needs further action,
the student may request a review of the
complaint by: Student Services (if the
complaint is against a student) or the
Director of Human Resources (if the
complaint is against an employee).
Student Services and/or the Director of
Human Resources will review the
complaint and school based
decisions. Student Services and/or the
Director of Human Resources will file a
written report with recommendations to
the Superintendent with a copy given to
the complainant.
The Superintendent will review the
complaint that Student Services and/or
Human Resources report and take
appropriate action.
Queen Annes County Public Schools defines
bullying, harassment and intimidation as
intentional conduct, including verbal, physical, or
written conduct or an intentional electronic
communication that is repeated over time, creates
a hostile educational environment by substantially
interfering with a students educational benefits,
opportunities, or performance, or with a students
physical or psychological well being
and is:
1. Motivated by an actual or a perceived personal
characteristic including race, national
origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, religion, ancestry,
physical attributes, socioeconomic status,
familial status, or physical or mental ability or
disability; or,
2. Threatening or seriously intimidating; and
3. Occurs on school property, at a school activity
or event, or on a school bus; or,
4. Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of
a school.
(Violation of QACPS
Alcohol Policy)
* School should refer
student to local health
department or
community group for
prevention and
Academic Consequences
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-school Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Bomb Threats/False
Alarm *
*School should
conduct threat
assessment and refer
student to counseling
*School should use
Engaging in bullying or
consequences only for harassment which includes
persistent bullying and cyber-bullying
harassment. Schools
should focus on
interventions strategies
Possible Minimum
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Police/Fire Marshall
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Police Notification
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Restorative Practices
Loss of Privileges
Removal from honor
societies or other
Suspension with a
for Further Action
Police Notification
Suspension with a
for Further Action,
Police/Fire Marshall
Suspension with a
for Further Action
Police Notification
SST Referral
Suspension with a
for Further Action
Police Notification
Possible Minimum
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-school Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Bus Suspension
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
Saturday School
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-school Detention
Saturday School
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Referral to SST
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
Bus Misbehavior
Cutting Class
Loss of Riding
*School should use
consequences only for
students who are
repeatedly or
persistently disrespectf
ul or insubordinate
Disruption of School
*School should use
consequences only
when the disruption
directly affects the
safety or well being of
Intentionally engaging in
behavior that distracts or
disrupts the teaching and
learning environment.(This
includes disruptions on the bus
or at school sponsored
Dress Code
*School should use
Violating the schools dress
maximum consequence
only for persistent
violations of the dress
Drugs(Violation of
* School should refer
student to local health
department or
community group for
prevention and
Possible Minimum
Student Conference/Parent
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
further action
Student Conference/Parent
Change of Attire
Loss of Privileges
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
In-school Intervention
Police Notification
Possessing an incendiary or
explosive device or material or
any explosive substance that
can cause harm to people or
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-school Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Police Notification
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Saturday School
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action,
Police Notification
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
Leaving School
Grounds Without
Personal Electronics
(Inappropriate use)
*Cyber-bullying is
addressed as a
Physical Attack on
Physical Attack on a
a Staff Member
Possible Minimum
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-school Intervention
Student Conference/Parent
Student leaves school campus
Loss of Privileges
without permission of
After-School Detention
authorized school personnel
Saturday School
Loss of Privileges
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action,
Police Notification
In-School Intervention
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
Possible Minimum
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
In-School Intervention
Student Conference/Parent
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Inappropriate behavior of a
sexual nature, including
indecent exposure; consensual
sex inappropriate texts and
*School should refer
other sexual activity not
students to appropriate
identified as sexual
Student Conference
Parent Contact
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Safety Violation
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Activity
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
Sexual Attack(601)
Intentionally engaging in a
physical sexual attack on
*School should refer
students to appropriate another
Theft/Destruction of
Student Conference
Parent Contact
In-School Intervention
Student Conference
Parent Contact
Loss of Privileges
In-School Intervention
After-School Detention
Saturday School
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action
Police Notification
To Adult(403)
To Student(404)
*School should
conduct threat
assessment and refer
to counseling
Tobacco or Ecigarettes
Elementary Students
with unexcused
absences should not
be given punitive
Expressing-orally, in writing or
by gesture an intent to do
physical harm.
Using a threat(without a
weapon) to turn over his or her
Possible Minimum
Student Conference
Parent Contact
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further action
Police Notification
Loss of Privileges
Saturday School
Student Conference
Parent Contact
Loss of Privileges
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Student Conference
Parent Contact
Loss of Privileges
Saturday School
Any student in
possession of a
firearm on school
grounds shall be
expelled for a period
of one year. (COMAR
Possessing a Firearm on
School Grounds
Possible Minimum
Student Conference
Parent Contact
Loss of Privileges
After-school Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Student Conference
Parent Contact
Possessing an implement that
Loss of Privileges
is likely to cause serious bodily
After-School Detention
Saturday School
In-School Intervention
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action*
Suspension with a
Recommendation for
Further Action*