Ramsar Factsheets 1-4 en

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Fact Sheet

on Wetlands

why should I care?
Humans often equate wetlands with wasteland;
a place to be drained, filled in, burnt off and
re-purposed. In fact, scientific studies show that 64%
of the worlds wetlands have disappeared since 1900.
Measured against 1700, an estimated 87% have
been lost.
Why is this such an alarming trend? And why are wetlands actually
essential to sustainable development for the human race?

Wetlands are

Wetlands guarantee
our food supply

Wetlands are land areas that are

saturated or flooded with water
either permanently or seasonally.

Humans consume 19kg of fish each

year on average. Most commercial
fish depend on coastal wetlands for
part of their life cycle.
Rice, grown in wetland paddies,
is the staple diet of nearly three
billion people, and accounts
for 20% of the worlds nutritional


Inland wetlands include

marshes, ponds, lakes, fens, rivers,
floodplains, and swamps.
Coastal wetlands include saltwater
marshes, estuaries, mangroves,
lagoons and even coral reefs.
Fish ponds, rice paddies, and salt
pans are human-made wetlands.
Wetlands range in size from
less than a single hectare to the
Pantanal in Brazil, Bolivia and
Paraguay, which covers an area
three times the size of Ireland.

Wetlands ensure fresh

water for all of us
Less than 3% of the worlds
water is fresh, and most of that is
frozen. Yet every human requires
20-50 litres of water a day for basic
drinking, cooking and cleaning.
Wetlands provide our water needs
and help replenish the groundwater
aquifers that are an important
source of fresh water for humanity.
Fact Sheet 1.1

Wetlands purify

and filter harmful waste

from water

Some of the pollutants from

pesticides, industry and mining,
including heavy metals and toxins
are absorbed by wetland sediments,
plants and marine life.
Almost two billion people in Asia
and 380 million Europeans depend
on groundwater aquifers for their
water supply.

Wetlands are natures

shock absorbers

Wetlands are critical

for biodiversity

Peatlands and wet grasslands in

Wetlands are home to more than
river basins act as natural sponges,
100,000 known freshwater species
absorbing rainfall, creating
alone, and this number is growing
wide surface pools and reducing
all the time. From 1999 to 2009,
floods in streams and rivers.
some 257 new species of freshwater
This storage capacity also helps
fish were discovered in the Amazon.
safeguard against drought.
Wetlands are essential for many
Mangroves, saltmarshes and coral
amphibians and reptiles, as well as
reefs all reduce the speed and
for bird breeding and migration.
height of storm surges. Their roots Individual wetlands often hold
bind the shoreline, resist erosion
endemic species; forms of life that
by wind and waves, and increase
are unique to one particular site
resilience against climate change.
such as Lake Baikal in Russia or
the Rift Valley lakes of East Africa.

Total world land area



Carbon stored worldwide



Wetlands store carbon

Peatlands alone cover an estimated Wetlands create

3% of the worlds land area, but
sustainable products
they hold 30% of all carbon stored
and livelihoods
on land. This is twice the amount
61.8 million people earn their
stored in all the worlds forests.
living directly from fishing and
But when they are burned or
aquaculture. Including their
drained for agriculture, they go
families, more than 660 million
from being a carbon sink to
people depend on these sectors.
a carbon source. CO2 emissions
Sustainably managed wetlands
from peatland fires, drainage
provide timber for building,
and extraction equate to 10% of
vegetable oil, medicinal plants,
all annual fossil fuel emissions.
stems and leaves for weaving
and fodder for animals.

Source: TEEB: The Economics of Ecosystems

and Biodiversity for Water and Wetlands

The Ramsar Convention

This Fact Sheet is made available by the

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Statistics
are drawn from a variety of publications and
websites which are listed in the Reference
Sources sheet, available for download
separately. While we strive to provide
accurate and carefully researched
information, this publication is provided
with no warranty of any kind.
Fact Sheet 1.2

The Convention on Wetlands

of International Importance,
commonly known as the
Ramsar Convention, is a
global intergovernmental treaty that
provides the framework for national
action and international cooperation
for the conservation and wise use
of wetlands and their resources.
It is the only global treaty to focus
on one single ecosystem.

Fact Sheet

on Wetlands

Wetlands: wise use

basics on site
A wetland site can be less than a single hectare,
as much as 6 million hectares, or anything in between.
These are dynamic areas open to natural and human
influences. Wetland managers and decision-makers
all grapple with one fundamental question: How
can we keep a resilient wetland ecosystem that
provides for human well-being and still sustains
biodiversity and many other wetland services?
There isnt any one-size-fits-all
solution, but experience shows a
range of practices that seem
to work.

Good practices
in wetlands planning
and management
Integrate local stakeholders
from the start
People who occupy, own, govern,
or rely on the wetlands have a
natural interest in them. Involve
them directly and take their
needs into account.
Do a wetlands inventory and
impact assessment
Note the extent and types of
wetlands, the biodiversity present
(what species, how abundant,
how are they threatened),
the other services they provide,
and who relies on them.
Evaluate the likely impact
for a range of possible uses and
activities for the site.

Fact Sheet 2.1

Create a wise use plan

for the site
Map out how the site will be used
in a way that ensures its viability
for the long term. The plan might:
Define what activities can
happen in which zones of the site
and at which times.
Enable hunting and fishing at
natural replenishment levels.
Outline a water management
approach for how the sites
water is sourced and for how
groundwater is affected, taking
a wider, basin-oriented view.
Include knowledge and capacitybuilding for the community.
Consider eco-tourism potential
and how a visitor centre might
support this.

Name or create an authority

to implement the plan
Specify who has the power to
implement the plan, and make sure
all stakeholders are clear on this.
Monitor the site for changes
Carry out regular observation and
monitoring as laid out in the plan.

examples of wise
in action

Apply for Ramsar Site

If your site is not yet a designated
Wetland of International Importance,
consider the visibility, fundraising
and tourism benefits that Ramsar
Site designation can bring. Discuss
the possibilities of designation with
your government.

Diawling National Park
Ramsar Site

Ten years later, the areas condition

is greatly improved, and the local
community is requesting WWFs help in
designating Cakaulevu as a Ramsar Site.

The lower delta of the Senegal River

was extraordinarily rich in biodiversity

until the construction of two dams in
1986 and 1990. Mangroves and fisheries
nearly disappeared.

Xe Champhone Ramsar Site

This Ramsar site is a mix of marshes,

swamps, and woodland forest that flood
during the rainy season, when it becomes
an important fish spawning area and
home to the critically endangered Siamese
crocodile (Crocodylus
omic Field Survey Report: A Rights-based Approach t

Ten years later, the Diawling National

Park was established. An IUCN-facilitated
stakeholder study recommended
re-establishing the pre-dam flood cycle.
Sluicegates and embankments for
re-flooding were placed using the
knowledge of local fisherman. The timing
and level of the re-flooding is now agreed
to meet both their needs and those
of women who collect grass stems for

Appendix 2: Socio-Econ
Conservation in the Xe Champhone Ramsar Site, Lao PDR

Local people have adapted their traditional

rice farming and fishing practices to
the annual rise and fall in water level. They
also consider some parts of the site to
be sacred.
Socio-Economic Field Survey Report
In 2011 the Ministry of Natural Resources
A Rights-based Approach to Conservation in the
and Environment and the local IUCN
Xe Champhone Ramsar Site, Lao PDR
Country Office initiated a project to study
May 2012
the local communitys laws and customs
and to integrate them into the official
management plan for the site.

Cakaulevu reef system
The Great Sea Reef, locally known

as Cakaulevu, is the worlds third longest

continuous barrier reef system.

In 2004, a biodiversity survey conducted

by WWF South Pacific confirmed
the sites international importance. The
organization began working with the
local communities and other stakeholders.
The resulting broad-based management
plan promotes the sustainable harvesting
of fish while restoring areas of coastal
wetland and the reef itself.

This Fact Sheet is made available by the

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Statistics
are drawn from a variety of publications and
websites which are listed in the Reference
Sources sheet, available for download
separately. While we strive to provide
accurate and carefully researched
information, this publication is provided
with no warranty of any kind.
Fact Sheet 2.2

Need more detail?

Try the Ramsar Wise
Use Handbooks!

A series of Wise Use Handbooks,

authored by Ramsar experts,
explains all of the good practices
touched on here in much greater
detail. The handbooks can be
downloaded free of charge from


The Ramsar Convention

The Convention on Wetlands

of International Importance,
commonly known as the
Ramsar Convention, is a
global intergovernmental treaty that
provides the framework for national
action and international cooperation
for the conservation and wise use
of wetlands and their resources.
It is the only global treaty to focus
on one single ecosystem.

Fact Sheet

on Wetlands

Wetlands: a global
disappearing act
Its a sobering picture. Scientific estimates show
that 64% of the worlds wetlands have disappeared
since 1900. In some regions, notably Asia, the loss
is even higher. Inland wetlands are disappearing at
a faster pace than coastal ones, but the overall
trend is clear.

As a result,1900
access to fresh water

is declining for one to two

extent while1999
people worldwide,
17%storage and
control, carbon
traditional wetland livelihoods
8.6% all
suffer. In parallel, the populations
of freshwater species declined
by 76% between 1970 and 2010
according to WWFs Living
Planet Index.
Ramsar is a joint sponsor of the
Wetlands Extent Index, which
provides an indicator of the loss in
recent decades, measuring the
decrease in a global sampling of
more than 1000 wetland sites
between 1970 and 2008. Overall,
these sites shrank by an average
of 40
% over theland
wetlands and regions vary
widely, but the continuing trend
is unmistakable.

What is driving
this loss?
Unfortunately, wetlands are often
viewed as wasteland; something
to be drained, filled and converted
to other purposes. The main causes
of the degradation and loss of
wetlands are:
Major changes in land use,
especially an increase in agriculture
and grazing animals
Water diversion through dams,
dikes and canalization
Infrastructure development,
particularly in river valleys and
coastal areas
Air and water pollution and
excess nutrients

Relative extent (1970 =1)

Relative extent (1970 = 1)

Extent Index











Fact Sheet 3.1

Year 1970









2006 08

Wetlands Extent Index as published in the CBD Technical Series No.78: Progress Towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

where are they now?

Drivers of US Wetland Loss

Deepwater Habitat

Drivers of loss can vary widely

from country to country. In the
United States, drainage for
forest-related uses such as logging
accounted for a considerable
share of wetlands loss between
1998 and 2009. Inundation caused
major declines as well. Urban
and rural development together
accounted for just over a third
of wetland losses.









Source: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Status and Trends of Wetlands
in the Conterminous United States 1998 to 2004 and 2004 to 2009

What can
decisionmakers do?

Decision-makers can help slow, stop and reverse

the trend in several ways:
Make policies that consider the ecosystem services that wetlands
provide, and integrate them into land use planning.
Use all remaining wetland sites wisely; meeting human needs
while sustaining biodiversity and other wetland services.
Restore wetlands that have been degraded.
Develop financing sources for wetlands conservation.
Educate others about the benefits of wetlands.
Photo: Swiss Study Foundation

Detailed suggestions for wise management at site level can be found in Fact Sheet 2
Wetlands: wise use basics on site. Actions that individuals can take for wetlands are
outlined in depth in Fact Sheet 4 Wetlands: What can I do?

This Fact Sheet is made available by the

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Statistics
are drawn from a variety of publications and
websites which are listed in the Reference
Sources sheet, available for download
separately. While we strive to provide
accurate and carefully researched
information, this publication is provided
with no warranty of any kind.
Fact Sheet 3.2

Need more detail?

Ramsar makes a wide variety of

materials available for wetlands
stakeholders and decision-makers.
Particularly useful are the Ramsar
Wise Use Handbooks, a series
The Ramsar Convention
of booklets that provide detailed
guidance on all aspects of wetlands,
The Convention on Wetlands
ranging from policy-making
of International Importance,
and community participation to
commonly known as the
Ramsar Convention, is a
monitoring and wetlands site
treaty that
management. They can be
downloaded free of charge from
for the conservation and wise use
of wetlands and their resources.
It is the only global treaty to focus
on one single ecosystem.

Fact Sheet

on Wetlands

what can I do?
Youre convinced that wetlands provide a multitude
of benefits, including filtering our water, ensuring
biodiversity, protecting our coastlines, and mitigating
climate change.
And youre alarmed that 64% of the worlds wetlands have disappeared
since 1900, and that the remaining ones are being degraded. So what can one
person actually do to help turn the tide?

Seven actions
you can take for
Open your eyes to the
wetlands near you
Look around to see what types are
in your area. Saltwater marshes,
fens, swamps, peat bogs and
mangroves are some of the more
common types. Coral reefs, lakes
and rivers are also considered
Visit a wetland near you to get
a deep personal impression. What
kind of vegetation and wildlife
thrive there? How the site is
being used? Go back at different
times of year and observe how
the surroundings change.

Talk with the site managers to see

what kind of help they could use.
Is there a wetland site in your area
that is not yet listed with Ramsar
but perhaps should be protected?
Contact a local government,
university or NGO to see how you
can help maintain its ecological
Educate others
Often, wetlands are seen as
wasteland; something to be filled
in, drained, burned off or converted
to other uses. You can help others
to understand the huge benefits
that wetlands bring, both globally
and locally.

Drop some interesting facts about

wetlands into the conversation.
Ramsar Fact Sheets are a great
If you see any illegal activities such
source for these.
as logging in a protected site,
report it to the relevant authorities. Hold an educational event so people
in your area can better understand
Check the list of Ramsar Sites
how local wetlands benefit them.
the-ramsar-sites) and see if
theres a designated Wetland of
International Importance in your
area. If theres one listed, you
can download a kmz file to create
a placemark in Google Earth,
complete with information about
the site.

Fact Sheet 4.1

Organize a wetlands
In populated areas, wetlands often
attract rubbish.
Working in a group for an hour
or two can show how much
of a clean-up can be achieved in
a very short time.
Take pictures before and after
to highlight the difference.
Change your consumption
Saving water, reducing harmful
waste and encouraging sustainable
farming and fishing can all have
a positive effect on wetlands.

Combine an educational event

with World Wetlands Day.
Consult the Guide for teachers and
organizers for loads of tips.
Join with others to make
a difference
Many organizations and networks
already work for wetlands and
their sustainable use. Link up with
their efforts.
Here are just a few of the largest:
Wetlands International

The only global not-for-profit organization

dedicated to the conservation and restoration
of wetlands.

Buy sustainably raised or caught

seafood, organic produce and meat.

IUCN International Union for

the Conservation of Nature

The worlds oldest and largest global environmental organization has more than 1,200 member
organisations around the globe, including Ramsar.
Search their member database here:

Use reusable bags at the

grocery store.
Take shorter showers.
Recycle household trash, and
make sure that batteries and other
harmful waste do not end up in
landfills or in wetlands!

Birdlife International

An alliance of 120-bird related organizations

around the world. Search for partners by
country here: http://www.birdlife.org/worldwide/
WWF World Wide Fund for Nature
Aims to build a future in which people live in
harmony with nature. WWF works in more than
100 countries on 6 continents:

Manage your own garden

Polluted water and invasive plants
pose a real threat to wetlands.
Improve the water and drainage
effects of your own garden.

IMWI The International Water

Management Institute

A non-profit, scientific research institute focusing

on the sustainable use of water and land resources
in developing countries.

Select native and pest-resistant

plants and place them in settings
that suit them.

WWT Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust

A UK-based conservation charity that saves
wetlands around the world.

Use as little fertilizer as possible,

and avoid toxic pesticides.
Water thoroughly but infrequently,
using collected rainwater.

WLI Wetland Link International (WLI)

A support network for wetlands education
centres that deliver engagement activities on site.

Get involved in World

Wetlands Day
Monday, February 2nd, 2015
is World Wetlands Day. Support
this global day of awareness:

This Fact Sheet is made available by the

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Statistics
are drawn from a variety of publications and
websites which are listed in the Reference
Sources sheet, available for download
separately. While we strive to provide
accurate and carefully researched
information, this publication is provided
with no warranty of any kind.
Fact Sheet 4.2

Encourage youths aged 15-24

in your area to enter the World
Wetlands Day Youth Photo
Contest. Photos must be taken
in a wetland location between
2 February and 2 March 2015
and uploaded to the WWD website

The Ramsar Convention

The Convention on Wetlands

of International Importance,
commonly known as the
Ramsar Convention, is a
global intergovernmental treaty that
provides the framework for national
action and international cooperation
for the conservation and wise use
of wetlands and their resources.
It is the only global treaty to focus
on one single ecosystem.

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