A Trial of Imaging Selection and Endovascular Treatment For Ischemic Stroke

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original article

A Trial of Imaging Selection and

Endovascular Treatment for Ischemic Stroke
Chelsea S. Kidwell, M.D., Reza Jahan, M.D., Jeffrey Gornbein, Dr.P.H.,
Jeffry R. Alger, Ph.D., Val Nenov, Ph.D., Zahra Ajani, M.D., Lei Feng, M.D., Ph.D.,
Brett C. Meyer, M.D., Scott Olson, M.D., Lee H. Schwamm, M.D., Albert J. Yoo, M.D.,
Randolph S. Marshall, M.D., Philip M. Meyers, M.D., Dileep R. Yavagal, M.D.,
Max Wintermark, M.D., Judy Guzy, R.N., Sidney Starkman, M.D.,
and Jeffrey L. Saver, M.D., for the MR RESCUE Investigators*

A bs t r ac t

Whether brain imaging can identify patients who are most likely to benefit from
therapies for acute ischemic stroke and whether endovascular thrombectomy improves clinical outcomes in such patients remains unclear.

In this study, we randomly assigned patients within 8 hours after the onset of largevessel, anterior-circulation strokes to undergo mechanical embolectomy (Merci
Retriever or Penumbra System) or receive standard care. All patients underwent
pretreatment computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain.
Randomization was stratified according to whether the patient had a favorable
penumbral pattern (substantial salvageable tissue and small infarct core) or a nonpenumbral pattern (large core or small or absent penumbra). We assessed outcomes
using the 90-day modified Rankin scale, ranging from 0 (no symptoms) to 6 (dead).

The authors affiliations are listed in the

Appendix. Address reprint requests to
Dr. Kidwell at Bldg. D, Suite 150, Georgetown University, 4000 Reservoir Rd. NW,
Washington, DC 20007, or at ck256@
* Investigators in the Mechanical Retrieval
and Recanalization of Stroke Clots Using
Embolectomy (MR RESCUE) study are
listed in the Supplementary Appendix,
available at NEJM.org.
This article was published on February 8,
2013, at NEJM.org.
N Engl J Med 2013.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1212793
Copyright 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.


Among 118 eligible patients, the mean age was 65.5 years, the mean time to enrollment was 5.5 hours, and 58% had a favorable penumbral pattern. Revascularization
in the embolectomy group was achieved in 67% of the patients. Ninety-day mortality
was 21%, and the rate of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage was 4%; neither rate
differed across groups. Among all patients, mean scores on the modified Rankin
scale did not differ between embolectomy and standard care (3.9 vs. 3.9, P=0.99).
Embolectomy was not superior to standard care in patients with either a favorable
penumbral pattern (mean score, 3.9 vs. 3.4; P=0.23) or a nonpenumbral pattern
(mean score, 4.0 vs. 4.4; P=0.32). In the primary analysis of scores on the 90-day
modified Rankin scale, there was no interaction between the pretreatment imaging
pattern and treatment assignment (P=0.14).

A favorable penumbral pattern on neuroimaging did not identify patients who would
differentially benefit from endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke, nor was
embolectomy shown to be superior to standard care. (Funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; MR RESCUE ClinicalTrials.gov number,
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ultiple randomized, controlled

trials have shown the efficacy of the
use of intravenous tissue plasminogen
activator (t-PA), administered up to 4.5 hours
after the onset of symptoms of acute ischemic
stroke.1,2 However, the global effect of this therapy has been limited, largely because of the narrow time window available for treatment and the
risk of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage.
Although endovascular approaches, including
thrombectomy devices, have been shown to
achieve greater rates of recanalization than the
use of intravenous t-PA, no randomized, controlled trial has been completed comparing clinical outcomes versus standard medical care. Moreover, the potential to benefit from interventions
in late time windows (3 hours) may be increased
when they are coupled with brain imaging to select patients who are the most likely to benefit.
Salvage of the ischemic penumbra has formed
the theoretical basis of recanalization therapies
designed to reverse or minimize the effects of
acute ischemic stroke.3 For practical purposes,
the ischemic penumbra can be defined as brain
tissue with reduced blood flow that is at risk for
infarction if flow is not restored. The use of multi
modal computed tomography (CT) or magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) to identify patients
with a favorable penumbral imaging pattern has
been suggested to be particularly helpful in late
time windows, when the proportion of patients
with penumbral tissue steadily decreases over
time.4 The hypothesis regarding penumbralimaging selection presumes that some patients
have substantial regions of salvageable brain tissue within several hours after a stroke, and it is
this group of patients who would benefit from
reperfusion treatments, whereas patients with
nonpenumbral patterns (i.e., large core or small
or absent penumbra) would not benefit and could
even be harmed by reperfusion. It has been postulated that the modest rates of good outcomes
(25 to 54%) observed in patients treated with
endovascular recanalization despite high rates of
recanalization (46 to 88%) are, in part, due to
the treatment of patients who have large infarcts
or those who do not have a clinically relevant
volume of salvageable brain tissue.5-10
A number of studies have provided support
for penumbral-imaging selection for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke11-14 However, to
date, no randomized, controlled trial has shown


m e dic i n e

that patients who are selected for revascularization on the basis of the penumbral-imaging pattern have better clinical outcomes than patients
who are treated medically or those with nonpenumbral imaging patterns.

Me thods
Study Design

The Mechanical Retrieval and Recanalization of

Stroke Clots Using Embolectomy (MR RESCUE)
trial was a phase 2b, randomized, controlled,
open-label (blinded outcome), multicenter trial
conducted at 22 study sites in North America. Details of the study design and rationale have been
published previously.15 The study protocol, statistical analysis plan, and Supplementary Appendix
with additional methodologic details are available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org.
In summary, patients between the ages of 18
and 85 years, with National Institutes of Health
Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores of 6 to 29 (on a scale
ranging from 0 to 42, with higher scores indicating more severe neurologic deficits) who had a
large-vessel, anterior-circulation ischemic stroke
were randomly assigned within 8 hours after the
onset of symptoms to undergo either mechanical
embolectomy (Merci Retriever or Penumbra System) or standard medical care. Patients who
were treated with intravenous t-PA without successful recanalization were eligible if magnetic
resonance angiography or CT angiography after
the treatment showed a persistent target occlusion. All patients underwent pretreatment multimodal CT or MRI of the brain, which permitted
stratification according to the presence of a favorable penumbral pattern versus a nonpenumbral
pattern during randomization with the use of a
biased coin technique. A favorable penumbral
pattern was defined as a predicted infarct core of
90 ml or less and a proportion of predicted infarct
tissue within the at-risk region of 70% or less.16
Study Oversight

The study was performed under an investigationaldevice exemption approved by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). The steering committee
designed and oversaw the conduct of the trial,
made the decision to submit the manuscript for
publication, and vouches for the accuracy and
completeness of the data and analysis and for the
fidelity of this report to the study protocol. The

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Imaging Selection and Endovascular Treatment for Stroke

first author drafted the manuscript without editorial assistance. Core laboratories completed
primary neuroimaging analyses blinded to treatment assignment before database lock. Data
analysis was undertaken by four authors. One
author, a biostatistician, performed prespecified
analyses after the database was cleaned and
locked. Approval was obtained from the institutional review board at each study site. Patients or
their legally authorized representatives provided
written informed consent, except at one site that
was exempted from the need for explicit consent
by the FDA and the institutional review board.17
The trial was funded by the National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
An independent medical monitor and a NINDSappointed data and safety monitoring board
oversaw the conduct of the trial. There were no
confidentiality agreements between NINDS and
the investigators. Concentric Medical provided
study devices until August 2007; thereafter, costs
were covered by study funds or third-party payers. Concentric Medical had no involvement in
the study design or in the analysis or interpretation of the data. No other commercial support
for the study was provided.
Neuroimaging Analyses

Baseline multimodal imaging was automatically

processed on a dedicated site computer, generating a 4-digit code that assigned patients to treatment on the basis of separate permuted-block
sequences for favorable penumbral and nonpenumbral patterns. If local postprocessing failed,
the software generated a different 4-digit code
indicating that penumbral status was unknown,
and the patient underwent randomization with
the use of an unknown-pattern permuted-block
sequence. Final baseline imaging-pattern assignment was determined by the central imaging
laboratory after quality checks and image postprocessing.

Outcome Measures

The primary study hypothesis was that the presence of substantial ischemic penumbral tissue and
a small volume of predicted core infarct, as visualized on multimodal CT or MR imaging, would
identify patients who were most likely to benefit
from mechanical embolectomy for the treatment
of acute ischemic stroke caused by a large-vessel
occlusion up to 8 hours after symptom onset.
Functional outcome was assessed with the modified Rankin scale, which ranges from 0 to 6, with
higher scores indicating greater disability. The
hypothesis was tested by analyzing whether the
pretreatment penumbral pattern had a significant
interaction with treatment assignment (embolectomy vs. standard medical care) as a determinant
of functional outcome scores across all seven levels of the modified Rankin scale (shift in disability levels).
For secondary analyses, patients with scores
of 0 to 2 on the modified Rankin scale were
classified as having a good functional outcome.
Successful revascularization was assessed with
the use of the Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction
(TICI) scale, which ranges from 0 (no perfusion)
to 3 (full perfusion).18 Partial or complete revascularization was defined as a TICI score of 2a to 3.
On 7-day CT or MRI perfusion imaging, successful reperfusion was defined as a reduction of
90% or more in the volume of the perfusion lesion from baseline with the time until the peak
of the residue function of more than 6 seconds.
Statistical Analysis

We performed a nonparametric two-way analysis

of variance using permutational methods for the
primary outcome of the score on the modified
Rankin scale. The analysis of variance interaction compared the mean treatment difference for
the penumbral pattern versus the nonpenumbral
pattern. All statistical analyses were performed
with the use of SAS software, version 9.2 (SAS
Institute), and STATA software, version 11.2.


Patients in the embolectomy group could be

treated with any combination of FDA-cleared embolectomy devices, including the Merci Retriever
(since trial initiation in 2004) and the Penumbra
System (since 2009). The intraarterial administration of t-PA at a dose of as much as 14 mg was
allowed as rescue therapy within 6 hours after
symptom onset.

R e sult s
Study Population

Between 2004 and 2011, we randomly assigned

127 patients to the two study groups. Of these
patients, 9 were excluded from the primary analyses (Fig. 1). This report focuses on the 118 patients who met the full eligibility criteria. Of

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m e dic i n e

127 Patients underwent randomization

70 Were assigned to undergo


57 Were assigned to receive

standard care

6 Were excluded from the

per-protocol analysis
5 Did not have a target
lesion on vessel imaging
1 Had failed perfusion

34 Had a penumbral
pattern and underwent

3 Were excluded from the

per-protocol analysis
2 Did not have postt-PA
vessel imaging
1 Had failed perfusion

30 Had a nonpenumbral
pattern and underwent

34 Had a penumbral
pattern and received
standard care

20 Had a nonpenumbral
pattern and received
standard care

Figure 1. Enrollment and Outcomes.

The abbreviation t-PA denotes tissue plasminogen activator.

these patients, 64 were assigned to undergo embolectomy and 54 to receive standard care. Table 1
shows the baseline characteristics of the patients
and the four subgroups that were defined according to study-group assignment and penumbral-pattern status. Demographic and risk-factor
characteristics were similar across subgroups,
except for the baseline NIHSS, which was lower
in both penumbral-pattern groups. Pairwise differences were also noted in congestive heart failure and alcohol use. For imaging characteristics,
the median at-risk volumes and predicted core
volumes were lower in the penumbral-pattern
The study software successfully processed 74
of 127 cases (58%) in real time. At the core
laboratory, 116 of 118 cases (98%) were successfully automatically processed by the software.
Two cases required some manual processing to
generate a pattern code. Final pattern assignment changed after core laboratory postprocessing in 10 of 118 cases (8%). Imbalances in the
numbers of patients among the four randomization cells arose from the cases in which pattern
categorization was not made in real time. Overall, 68 of 118 patients (58%) had a favorable
penumbral pattern on final core laboratory


In the embolectomy group, adjunctive intraarterial

t-PA was administered in eight patients (mean dose,
5.1 mg; range, 2 to 12). Revascularization (TICI
score, 2a to 3), as determined on postprocedural
angiography, was achieved in 67% of the patients. Seventeen procedural complications occurred, of which five were deemed to be serious
adverse events (Tables S6, S7, and S8 in the Supplementary Appendix).
Primary Outcomes

Table 2 shows clinical and imaging outcomes for

the four subgroups. The primary analysis testing
for an interaction between treatment assignment
and penumbral pattern was not significant, with a
mean difference of 0.88 between patients with
a penumbral pattern versus those with a nonpenumbral pattern in the comparison between embolectomy and standard care on the basis of
the90-day score on the modified Rankin scale
Among all patients, mean scores on the modified Rankin scale did not differ between embolectomy and standard care (3.9 vs. 3.9, P=0.99).
In patients with a favorable penumbral pattern,
embolectomy was not superior to standard care
(mean score, 3.9 vs. 3.4; P=0.23). Similarly, in

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Imaging Selection and Endovascular Treatment for Stroke

Table 1. Characteristics of the Patients at Baseline.*


All Patients

Study Group
Embolectomy, Standard Care, Embolectomy,
Penumbral Nonpenumbral

Age yr

P Value
Standard Care,







Male sex no. (%)

57 (48)

17 (50)

15 (44)

13 (43)

12 (60)


Hypertension no. (%)

95 (81)

29 (85)

24 (71)

25 (83)

17 (85)


Myocardial infarction no. (%)

24 (20)

6 (18)

8 (24)

4 (13)

6 (30)


Congestive heart failure no. (%)

19 (16)

4 (12)

8 (24)

1 (3)

6 (30)


Atrial fibrillation no. (%)

36 (31)

11 (32)

13 (38)

5 (17)

7 (35)


Diabetes mellitus no. (%)

26 (22)

8 (24)

8 (24)

4 (13)

6 (30)


Hyperlipidemia no. (%)

68 (58)

19 (56)

17 (50)

17 (57)

15 (75)


Previous ischemic stroke no. (%)

18 (15)

6 (18)

3 (9)

4 (13)

5 (25)


Smoking no. (%)

47 (40)

15 (44)

11 (32)

12 (40)

9 (45)


Alcohol use no. (%)

44 (37)

12 (35)

9 (26)

10 (33)

13 (65)


17 (1321)

16 (1218)

16 (1118)

19 (1722)

20.5 (1723)


Time to enrollment hr







Administration of intravenous tissue

plasminogen activator no. (%)

44 (37)

16 (47)

9 (26)

12 (40)

7 (35)


Use of magnetic resonance imaging

no. (%)

94 (80)

27 (79)

31 (91)

20 (67)

16 (80)


Median score on NIHSS

(interquartile range)

Target occlusion site no. (%)


Internal carotid artery

20 (17)

6 (18)

5 (15)

7 (23)

2 (10)

M1 middle cerebral artery

78 (66)

18 (53)

23 (68)

21 (70)

16 (80)

M2 middle cerebral artery

20 (17)

10 (29)

2 (7)

2 (10)

Median at-risk volume

(interquartile range) ml




6 (18)




Median predicted core volume

(interquartile range) ml







* Plusminus values are means SD.

P values are for the overall comparisons among the four subgroups. The alpha level for significance for pairwise comparisons was 0.05.
P=0.01 for the pairwise comparison regarding a nonpenumbral pattern in the embolectomy group versus the standard-care group.
P=0.04 for the pairwise comparison regarding a nonpenumbral pattern in the embolectomy group versus the standard-care group; P=0.009
for the comparison in the standard-care group between patients with a favorable penumbral pattern and those with a nonpenumbral
Neurologic deficit was assessed with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), which ranges from 0 to 42, with higher scores
indicating more severe neurologic deficits.
P=0.004 for the pairwise comparison in the embolectomy group between patients with a favorable penumbral pattern and those with a nonpenumbral pattern; P=0.005 for the comparison in the standard-care group between patients with a favorable penumbral pattern and those
with a nonpenumbral pattern.

patients with a nonpenumbral pattern, embolectomy was not superior (mean score, 4.0 vs. 4.4;
P=0.32). After adjustment for the only independent baseline prognostic factor (i.e., age), both
the interaction and treatment-assignment analyses remained negative (P=0.43 and P=0.36, respectively).


Across the cohort, the rate of all-cause 90-day

mortality was 21%, the rate of symptomatic hemorrhage was 4%, and the rate of asymptomatic
hemorrhage was 58%. The rates did not differ
significantly across groups in pairwise comparisons (Table 2).

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Table 2. Study Outcomes.*


Study Group

Standard Care,

P Value


Standard Care,

Score on 90-day modified Rankin scale













95% CI

3.3 to 4.4

2.8 to 4.0

3.4 to 4.6

3.6 to 5.2













95% CI

3.2 to 4.4

2.9 to 3.9

3.8 to 4.7

3.7 to 4.8

7 (21)

9 (26)

5 (17)

2 (10)


Good outcome at 90 days

No. of patients (%)
Adjusted analysis (%)





6 (18)

7 (21)

6 (20)

6 (30)



3 (9)

2 (6)



19 (56)

14 (41)

23 (77)

12 (60)


Death no. (%)

Hemorrhage no. (%)

Final infarct volume

No. of patients evaluated





(34.5 to 138.2)

(24.9 to 78.3)

(84.6 to 273.8)

(144.3 to 282.8)





(0.5 to 89.1)

(8.3 to 52.0)

(33.2 to 104.8)

(24.1 to 137.5)

Reperfusion no./total no. (%)**

16/28 (57)

14/27 (52)

7/19 (37)

6/12 (50)


Partial or complete revascularization no./

total no. (%)

20/30 (67)

25/27 (93)

20/26 (77)

14/18 (78)


Median (interquartile range) ml


Absolute infarct growth

No. of patients evaluated
Median (interquartile range) ml


* CI denotes confidence interval.

P values are for the overall comparisons among the four groups. The alpha level for significance for pairwise comparisons was 0.05.
Functional outcome was assessed with the modified Rankin scale, which ranges from 0 to 6, with higher scores indicating greater disability.
This analysis was adjusted for an imbalance in age between groups.
P=0.04 for the pairwise comparison between patients with a favorable penumbral pattern in the embolectomy group, as compared with
those in the standard-care group; P<0.001 for the comparison in the standard-care group between patients with a favorable penumbral
pattern and those with a nonpenumbral pattern; P=0.001 for the comparison in the embolectomy group between patients with a favorable
penumbral pattern and those with a nonpenumbral pattern.
P<0.001 for the pairwise comparison in the standard-care group between patients with a favorable penumbral pattern and those with a
nonpenumbral pattern.
** Reperfusion was assessed on day 7 with the use of perfusion MRI with contrast material and was defined as a reduction of 90% or more
in the volume of the perfusion lesion from baseline with the time until the peak of the residue function of more than 6 seconds.
Revascularization was assessed with the use of magnetic resonance angiography or computed tomographic angiography on day 7 on the
basis of the Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) scale, which ranges from 0 (no perfusion) to 3 (full perfusion). Partial or complete
revascularization was defined as a TICI score of 2a to 3.

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Imaging Selection and Endovascular Treatment for Stroke

Secondary Outcomes

In the prespecified age-adjusted analysis, 90-day

scores on the modified Rankin scale were lower
(indicating less disability) in patients with a penumbral pattern (3.6; 95% confidence interval
[CI], 3.3 to 4.0) than in those with a nonpenumbral pattern (4.2; 95% CI, 3.8 to 4.7; P = 0.047),
regardless of treatment assignment. There were
no differences on the basis of treatment assignment alone in final infarct volume or lesion
growth. Figure 2 shows the distribution of outcomes according to treatment assignment and
imaging pattern across all scores on the modified Rankin scale. Good functional outcome
(mean score, 0 to 2) according to subgroup is
shown in Table 2. The final infarct volume was
lower in patients with a favorable penumbral pattern regardless of treatment assignment. Across
all four subgroups, there were no significant differences in the rates of reperfusion or recanalization on 7-day imaging (Table 2).
Table 3 shows analyses of final infarct volume and clinical outcome on the basis of assessments of revascularization at the time of 7-day
imaging. A good 90-day clinical outcome, as well
as attenuated infarct growth, was achieved more
often in patients with substantial reperfusion
(>90% reduction in tissue volume with >6-second
delay in the time until the peak of the residue
function)13 and in patients with 7-day revascularization (TICI score, 2a to 3).
Exploratory analysis with a receiver-operatingcharacteristic curve did not identify a threshold
of predicted core volume that would have yielded
a significant difference in outcomes on the basis
of treatment assignment and a favorable penumbral pattern.

Our study did not confirm our primary hypothesis that penumbral imaging would identify patients who would differentially benefit from endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke
within 8 hours after symptom onset. Moreover,
among all enrolled patients regardless of penumbral-imaging pattern on study entry, no significant
differences were noted in clinical and imaging
outcomes for patients undergoing embolectomy,
as compared with those receiving standard medical care.

n engl j med

Modified Rankin Score




Standard Care,










5 4





Standard Care, 1
Nonpenumbral 5 4










Percent of Patients

Figure 2. Functional Outcome at 90 Days in Four Subgroups of Patients,

According to Score on the Modified Rankin Scale.
Shown are 90-day modified Rankin scores in patients undergoing embolectomy or receiving standard medical care for the treatment of acute ischemic
stroke with a favorable penumbral pattern (substantial salvageable tissue and
small infarct core) or a nonpenumbral pattern (large core or small or absent
penumbra), after adjustment for age. The percentages of patients are shown
in or above each cell. The modified Rankin scale ranges from 0 to 6, with higher scores indicating increased disability. Among all patients, mean modified
Rankin scores did not differ between embolectomy and standard medical
care (3.9 vs. 3.9, P = 0.99). Embolectomy was not superior to standard medical
care in patients with either a favorable penumbral pattern (mean score, 3.9 vs.
3.4; P = 0.23) or a nonpenumbral pattern (mean score, 4.0 vs. 4.4, P = 0.32).

These results raise important questions. There

are several possible explanations for the neutral
results independent of the validity of the imaging-selection hypothesis. One is the relatively low
rate of substantial revascularization in the embolectomy group, which was perhaps associated
with the use of first-generation embolectomy
devices. In randomized trials, newer-generation
stent retrievers have had higher revascularization rates and better clinical outcomes than has
the Merci Retriever.7,8 It is possible that these
newer-generation devices would show a treatment
benefit (and a benefit in patients with a favorable penumbral pattern) because of both higher
recanalization rates and lower complication
rates.7,8 Other potential factors contributing to
the neutral results include the extended time
from imaging to embolectomy, the use of intravenous t-PA in some patients in the standardcare group, and heterogeneity of imaging approaches that were tested (both MRI and CT).


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m e dic i n e

Table 3. Secondary Outcomes, According to Status Regarding Reperfusion and Revascularization.*

Patients with Reperfusion
or Revascularization

Outcome and Measure

Patients without Reperfusion

or Revascularization
P Value



Mean score on 90-day modified Rankin scale

(95% CI)

No. of patients

3.2 (2.6 to 3.8)

4.1 (3.7 to 4.5)


Median absolute infarct growth (interquartile

range) ml

9.0 (13.7 to 50.3)

72.5 (5.6 to 120.7)




Mean score on 90-day modified Rankin scale

(95% CI)

3.5 (3.1 to 3.9)

4.4 (4.0 to 4.8)


Median absolute infarct growth (interquartile

range) ml

17.7 (8.8 to 89.2)

60.3 (19.9 to 93.3)


Partial or complete revascularization

No. of patients

* Reperfusion was defined as a reduction of more than 90% in the volume of the perfusion lesion from baseline with the
time until the peak of the residue function of more than 6 seconds. Revascularization was assessed with the use of
the Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) scale, which ranges from 0 (no perfusion) to 3 (full perfusion). Partial
or complete revascularization was defined as a TICI score of 2a to 3.

Patients who were evaluated on CT tended to

have larger predicted core volumes than those
evaluated on MRI, which suggests that the two
imaging approaches and predictive models may
differ in some respects.
An alternative consideration is that the imaging-selection hypothesis is flawed as currently
conceived. In our study, there was no difference
in outcomes among patients with a favorable
penumbral pattern who were treated with embolectomy, as compared with those treated with
standard medical care.19 Moreover, data analysis
with the use of a receiver-operating-characteristic curve did not show any threshold of predicted
core volume that would have yielded a positive
treatment effect in patients with a favorable penumbral pattern.
It is possible that patients with a favorable
penumbral pattern, particularly in late time windows (i.e., 3 hours), may have a good functional outcome regardless of which recanalization
treatment they undergo.20 In our study, patients
with a favorable penumbral pattern had improved
outcomes, smaller infarct volumes, and attenuated infarct growth, as compared with patients with
a nonpenumbral pattern, regardless of treatment
assignment. In early time windows (<3 hours),
recanalization may be particularly beneficial in
patients with large-vessel occlusions and poor

collateral vessels. However, in later time windows, a favorable penumbral pattern may be a
biomarker for a good outcome because of the
presence of more vigorous collateral vessels and
therefore greater tolerance of occlusion, increased
likelihood of eventual spontaneous recanalization, and good final outcome.17,21 In patients with
a favorable penumbral pattern without early recanalization, collateral flow may support penumbral tissue until spontaneous recanalization
Among patients with 7-day follow-up imaging,
there were greater rates of good functional outcome as well as smaller infarct volumes in patients who had undergone reperfusion, recanalization, or both. Although the timing of follow-up
imaging differed, these findings are similar to
those of the Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging
Evaluation for Understanding Stroke Evolution
(DEFUSE 2) trial and previous studies showing
that reperfusion was associated with a better
clinical outcome.13,19 However, unlike patients in
the DEFUSE 2 trial, patients in our trial who had
a nonpenumbral pattern showed a benefit in
clinical outcome from late (but not early) reperfusion, albeit less pronounced. It is notable that
if we had not included the control group in our
study, we would not have been able to show that
the benefit from reperfusion was not an effect of

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Imaging Selection and Endovascular Treatment for Stroke

acute embolectomy. Unlike the DEFUSE 2 investigators, among patients who underwent embolectomy, we did not see a differential benefit
inpatients with a favorable penumbral pattern,
as compared with those with a nonpenumbral
pattern. However, our study differed from the
DEFUSE 2 trial in that our patients had a longer
time until treatment and larger predicted infarct
cores, and we used varying approaches to predicting penumbral patterns, including a larger
threshold for the predicted ischemic-lesion volume in the group with a favorable penumbral
Our study was also designed to explore outcomes in patients who were treated with embolectomy, as compared with standard medical
care, regardless of imaging pattern. The trial
found no evidence of benefit from embolectomy
on clinical outcome, possibly because of the overall low rates of recanalization. This finding is
unlikely to be explained by increased rates of
procedural complications, since there were no
significant between-group differences in the rates
of death and symptomatic hemorrhage.
There are several limitations to this study.
The trial was completed over an 8-year period,
during which time there were advances in techniques and clinical practices. Study enrollment
was also completed before the introduction of
the new stent retrievers.7,8 Baseline-imaging prediction maps came from a single time point, and
therefore the neuroimaging pattern may have
changed by the time of recanalization in patients
undergoing embolectomy. In addition, the time
to groin puncture was more than 6 hours after
the onset of symptoms, which is longer than
in many previous trials of endovascular surgery.5,7,8,10,22 In our study, we used automated
image-analysis software, allowing for the onsite
identification of penumbral-pattern status in real
time, which allowed the patients to be stratified

according to pattern. However, real-time analysis was only modestly successful. An additional
limitation, inherent to all studies of acute stroke,
is that follow-up imaging was not available for
all patients.
There are several important aspects of our
study that may help guide the design of future
trials. Despite FDA clearance of embolectomy
devices and the relative lack of equipoise in the
stroke community regarding the putative benefits on clinical outcomes of embolectomy versus
standard medical care, we were able to complete
a randomized clinical trial of embolectomy versus standard medical care, showing that true
controlled trials of embolectomy are achievable
(though arduous) for acute ischemic stroke. Our
study also showed the feasibility and importance
of performing trials that directly test the full
spectrum of the imaging-selection hypothesis by
enrolling patients with both favorable penumbral patterns and nonpenumbral patterns, rather
than excluding patients with nonpenumbral patterns a priori.
In conclusion, our study did not show a treatment benefit in patients with a favorable penumbral pattern or an overall benefit from mechanical embolectomy versus standard medical care.
Further randomized clinical trials that use newgeneration devices are needed to test both the
imaging-selection hypothesis and the clinical
efficacy of mechanical embolectomy for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Our findings do
not support the efficacy of using CT or MRI to
select patients for acute stroke treatment or the
efficacy of mechanical embolectomy with firstgeneration devices.
Supported by a grant (P50 NS044378) from NINDS. Concentric
Medical provided study catheters and devices from the initiation of
the study until August 2007; thereafter, costs for all study catheters and devices were covered by study funds or third-party payers.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at NEJM.org.

The authors affiliations are as follows; the Department of Neurology and the Stroke Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
(C.S.K.); the Departments of Radiology and Neurosurgery (R.J.), Biomathematics (J. Gornbein), Neurology (J.R.A., J.L.S.), Neurosurgery
(V.N.), and Emergency Medicine and Neurology (J. Guzy, S.S.), and the Stroke Center (R.J., J.R.A., J.L.S., J. Guzy, S.S.), University of
California, Los Angeles; the Departments of Neurology (Z.A.) and Radiology (L.F.), Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles; the Departments
of Neurosciences (B.C.M.) and Radiology (S.O.) and the Stroke Center (B.C.M.), University of California, San Diego; and the Division
of Neurosurgery, Scripps Clinic, La Jolla (S.O.) all in California; the Departments of Neurology (L.H.S.) and Radiology (A.J.Y.),
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; the Departments of Neurology (R.S.M.) and Neurological Surgery
and Radiology (P.M.M.), Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; the Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami (D.R.Y.); and the Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology Division, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (M.W.).

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