KKG Testimony

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1 sorority, Kappa Kappq Gamma, because I wanted to make the

2 world a little smaller and have a core group of people and
3 get involved and things like that. So I joined the Greek
4 system and Kappa Kappa Gamma, that specific house within
5 the system.
t) O. While you were a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma
1 were you at any time a member of what's been categorized
B here at this trial as a group?
9 A Vac

10 O. What was .the name of the group that you were

11 in?
I2 A. Pi Tau.
13 O. And did you serve as the representative for
T4 Kappa Kappa Gamma at any time?
15 A. I can't there was I think there was

I6 always someone who was my senior that was in BIue Key that
t1 was also a Kappa Kappa Gamma but I would be a

1B representative. I'd go to the meetings but sometimes I

I9 don't know if I was,.like, the head person. I think that
{.. t 20 might have.been Terry, another girl in my sorority.
2I O. Did you attend group meetings during the course
LL of your tenure at the University?
LJ A. Yeah, we would have before or after a BIue
24 Key meeting sometimes our group woufd meet to discuss --
t5 usually they'd ask you, well, you know, what are your



1 girls, meaning other girls in your sorority, are they

2 interested 1n joining this group or that group on campus,
3 do they want to be involved in Homecoming or Gator Growl.
4 And you would go back to your house before meetings and ask
5 who wants to get invol-ved and they would sdY, oh, I would
6 like to be involved in Gator Growl, I'd like to be invofved
1 in Homecoming or divisions which, I don't know, it's this
B part of Blue Key where we sponsor different things like a

9 debate tournament and we sponsored a charity, a group that

10 does charity work.
11 So if they want to do something like that they
I2 come and tell me. Then I would go to the meeting and SdY,
13 well, I've got three freshmen who would like to be on a
L4 committee for Gator Growl and maybe two sophomores or
15 juniors who want to be an assistant director for a

I6 Homecoming pageant or something Iike that. Then they would

I1 come back and tell vou, well, we have room for something
1B like this, would you be interested. And it will go that
L9 would be basically the topic of these meetings.
'; .,/
"a: * 20 O. What official positions have you held with
2L Florida Blue Key?

22 A. I was assistanL treasurer starting fall of 1994

23 and then I was the treasurer from the spring, all spring
.A 1995 and fall 1995.
25 O. Actually I guess I never really asked you, when


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