UltrasoundTraumaCh02 Fast Exam
UltrasoundTraumaCh02 Fast Exam
UltrasoundTraumaCh02 Fast Exam
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
Historically, diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) and CT have been the preferred
initial diagnostic tests for identifying intraperitoneal hemorrhage. Diagnostic
peritoneal lavage is an invasive procedure (complication rate, 1% to 5%) that is overly
sensitive and results in numerous nontherapeutic laparotomies. Computed tomography
is very accurate, but it is contraindicated in unstable patients (because the CT suite is
an unsuitable place for resuscitation) and requires costly equipment and considerable
expertise. In contrast, bedside ultrasonography is fast, accurate, cost effective, and can
be performed in unstable patients. Multiple studies now support the use of
ultrasonography as the initial diagnostic modality in patients with blunt or penetrating
thoracoabdominal trauma.
Bedside ultrasonography performed by emergency physicians and trauma surgeons
in the evaluation of trauma patients has been given numerous names; the favored term
is the FAST exam. The acronym “FAST”—which originally stood for “Focused
Abdominal Sonography for Trauma”—first appeared in the literature in 1996.1 As the
role of ultrasonography in trauma expanded, some thought that this definition did not
appropriately describe all uses of trauma ultrasonography, including evaluation of the
heart and the pleural spaces.2 In 1997, the FAST Consensus Conference Committee
concluded that the abbreviation FAST should stand for “Focused Assessment with
Sonography for Trauma.”3 The term FAST is synonymous with trauma
ultrasonography and is clearly accepted as an integral part of the bedside assessment
of patients with blunt or penetrating trauma.
The FAST Exam
Figure 2-1A
Figure 2-1D
Figure 2-1B
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
• Pericardial (cardiac)
• Perihepatic (right upper quadrant [RUQ])
• Perisplenic (left upper quadrant [LUQ])
• Pelvic
The goal of this focused study is simply to detect pericardial and intraperitoneal
fluid. A few authors perform the FAST exam in this order for all patients; however,
the order in which these views are obtained is not particularly important. Most
authorities perform the RUQ view first (highest yield) for patients with abdominal
trauma and the cardiac view first in patients with penetrating trauma to the chest.
For description of issues surrounding the FAST exam, including the use of
Trendelenburg, multiple versus single views, quantity of fluid detectable, pericardial
site of fluid collection, specific organ injuries, and pitfalls, see Chapters 3 through 5
and 7.
The FAST Exam
Sonographic Findings
Clinical findings associated with hemopericardium are nonspecific and insensitive.
Even with pericardial tamponade, Beck’s triad and pulsus paradoxus are not
consistently present. Hemopericardium is usually recognized clinically only after
deterioration has occurred. Cardiac ultrasonography is sensitive for detecting even
small amounts of fluid in the pericardial sac and allows for early recognition at the
bedside. Early recognition of cardiac injuries leads to immediate interventions that
decrease morbidity and mortality.20 Several studies have shown that hemopericardium
can be detected accurately by emergency physicians and trauma surgeons with limited
ultrasonography training.21,22
The subcostal window provides a four-chamber view of the heart (Figure 2-3). A
small portion of the liver is seen closest to the probe, with the heart behind it. The
hyperechoic pericardium is seen surrounding the heart. Normally, there is a small
amount of fluid between the parietal and visceral pericardium. This fluid is usually
not visualized; however, in some healthy patients, a small amount of fluid can be seen
in the dependent aspect of the heart, so clinical correlation is essential. If fluid is
present in a nondependent aspect of the heart, it should be considered abnormal.
The presence of pericardial fluid is demonstrated by separation of the visceral and
parietal pericardial layers (Figure 2-4A). Acutely, blood will appear anechoic (black);
however, echoes may be present if clotting has occurred (Figure 2-4B). When looking
at a pericardial window, the pericardium should be identified; there should be only
one hyperechoic line surrounding the heart. If two lines are seen surrounding the heart
and there is no evidence of anechoic fluid, then an isoechoic fluid collection is
possible. The presence of clotting can result in fluid collections that are isoechoic to
the surrounding cardiac muscle (Figure 2-4C). False-negative results have been
attributed to this in the literature.21
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
Pericardial fluid can be mistaken for intraperitoneal or pleural fluid. Fluid in the
subdiaphragmatic space between the diaphragm and the liver can be visualized with
this window; therefore, it is important to make certain the fluid is located between the
two pericardial layers (Figure 2-5). Even though the pleural window is limited in this
view, a large hemothorax can be mistaken for hemopericardium22 (Figure 2-6). It is
also possible for a large hemothorax to obscure a small pericardial fluid collection.22
In such cases, repeat studies should always be obtained after tube thoracostomy
Pericardial tamponade can be diagnosed based on the presence of a circumferential
fluid collection with diastolic collapse of the right atrium or ventricle seen on
real-time scanning (Figure 2-7). Patients with severe pulmonary hypertension can
demonstrate clinical cardiac tamponade without right-sided chamber collapse.
Figure 2-4B
The FAST Exam
Figure 2-6
Large right pleural fluid collection and small pericardial fluid
collection. The right pleural fluid collection is located adjacent to
the right side of the heart. There is a small pericardial fluid
collection that is not circumferential to the heart. (Courtesy of
Dr. Kendall.)
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
Figure 2-9
Probe placement for perihepatic (RUQ) coronal view. This view is
used to visualize Morison’s pouch and the right kidney. The probe
is moved caudally to image the inferior pole of the right kidney
and the right paracolic gutter.
The FAST Exam
Sonographic Findings
The perihepatic view provides fractional views of the liver and right kidney and
allows visualization of fluid in Morison’s pouch, the subphrenic space, the right
pleural space, and the retroperitoneum (Figure 2-11A-D). Hemoperitoneum appears as
an anechoic area in Morison’s pouch or in the subphrenic space (Figure 2-12A-D).
Fluid in adjacent structures such as the gallbladder, hepatic flexure of the colon, and
duodenum can be mistaken for intraperitoneal fluid.23 To prevent this error, the user
must identify peristalsis during real-time scanning and demonstrate an echogenic
border surrounding the fluid. In addition, free fluid tends to form spicules or
triangulate as it follows the path of least resistance, whereas fluid within organs or
vessels has a rounded or cylindrical appearance (Figure 2-13A-C). Morison’s pouch is
a pooling site for excess pelvic fluid and perisplenic fluid; thus, it is particularly
important to adequately visualize this region.24-27 Placing the probe in a coronal plane
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
and sliding it caudally until the inferior pole of the kidney is seen will allow detection
of both supramesocolic and inframesocolic fluid around the tip of the liver that has
not yet reached Morison’s pouch (Figure 2-14A,B). Moving the probe in a cephalad
direction permits visualization of subphrenic space, a common site of fluid
Pleural fluid can be accurately detected using this limited view. Studies have shown
sensitivities in the range of 96.2% to 97.5% and specificities in the range of 99.7% to
100% for the detection of hemothoraces using ultrasonography.4,5 The patient should
be in the supine position, although reverse Trendelenburg positioning intuitively
should improve detection. Free pleural fluid is represented by the presence of an
anechoic area cephalad to the hyperechoic diaphragm (Figure 2-15A,B). Clearly
identifying the diaphragm prevents misdiagnosing a subphrenic fluid collection or
other intraperitoneal fluid as a pleural fluid collection (Figures 2-16 and 2-17). It has
been shown that, although supine and upright chest radiographs require a minimum of
175 mL and 50 to 100 mL of pleural fluid, respectively, for detection, ultrasonography
can detect a minimum of 20 mL of pleural fluid.4 The significance of a hemothorax
The FAST Exam
Figure 2-13B
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
Figure 2-15B
Perihepatic view with fluid noted in the pleural space. A, Fluid in
the pleural space makes a V shape on the longitudinal view, Figure 2-17
whereas subdiaphragmatic fluid has a crescent shape. B, The Perihepatic view with echogenic liver contusion. The liver
hemothorax is compressing the adjacent lung tissue, and the tip hematoma has a heterogeneous appearance, and there is free
of the atelectatic lung is clearly visible. (A, Courtesy of Dr. Jones blood to the right of it between the liver and kidney. (Courtesy of
and Dr. Welch.) Dr. Jones and Dr. Welch.)
detected with ultrasonography and not visualized by plain radiography is not known;
for this reason, the detection of hemothorax is not a primary goal of FAST. Future
studies should examine the sonographic appearances of pulmonary contusions,
because a false-positive study for hemothorax has been reported in a patient with a
pulmonary contusion without hemothorax.5 When chest radiography is unavailable or
delayed, ultrasonography should be used.
The FAST Exam
placed in the intercostal space between ribs 9 and 10 or 10 and 11. The bulk of the
spleen is located more dorsal than the liver and the organ is smaller; thus, the probe
placement must be more posterior. In a coronal plane, the probe is placed near the
posterior axillary line with the probe indicator directed cephalad (Figure 2-18A). To
place the probe in the proper plane, it is occasionally necessary to either turn the
patient slightly on the right side (this can be done only if it will cause no further
injury to the patient) or place the patient near the edge of the stretcher. The probe can
be slightly rotated clockwise to reduce rib shadowing (image beam parallel to ribs),
thus obtaining a better longitudinal view of the spleen and kidney (Figure 2-18B). The
beam is then swept anterior and posterior, as well as cephalad and caudal, to visualize
the regions of interest.
With more experience, the user can predict, with some certainty, the best probe
position based on patient body habitus. In most patients, a depth of 12 to 15 cm is
appropriate for this examination. More depth is useful if finding the spleen is difficult
(more depth translates into a larger field of view), and is required in very large
patients. Less depth helps magnify regions of interest. Asking the patient to slowly
take a deep breath helps bring the spleen into view. A significant amount of pressure
on the probe might be required to obtain a quality image in an obese patient and, as a
result, may not be tolerated if injuries are present in that region.
Ideally, portions of the left hemidiaphragm, spleen, and left kidney appear in a
single view (Figure 2-19). Occasionally, the sonographer cannot adequately visualize
the diaphragm (Figure 2-20). If this occurs, two (or more) separate views are needed.
The patient may take a deep breath, or the probe may be moved up one intercostal
space, or the beam may be directed more cephalad to visualize the spleen and left
hemidiaphragm. Moving the probe down one intercostal space and directing the beam
more caudally might be required to visualize the spleen and lower pole of the left
kidney (Figure 2-21A-C). If these structures are not visualized, the study must be
considered incomplete. The user must keep in mind that the subphrenic space is the
most frequent site for fluid accumulation in this region; failure to visualize the
diaphragm will result in a significant number of false-negative studies.
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
Figure 2-21B
Figure 2-20
Perisplenic view showing spleen and kidney. The diaphragm is
not well visualized in this view. There is fluid/blood seen at the tip
of the spleen. (Courtesy of Dr. Kendall.)
Figure 2-21C
Perisplenic views showing diaphragm and splenorenal fossa.
Multiple views of the LUQ often must be obtained to view the
diaphragm, spleen, and the entire kidney. A,B, Subdiaphragmatic
fluid/blood is seen in these views. The left kidney is poorly
depicted in A but nicely imaged in B. C, A small stripe of blood is
visualized in the splenorenal space. The diaphragm is not seen.
(Courtesy of Dr. Kendall.)
The FAST Exam
Sonographic Findings
The perisplenic view provides fractional views of the spleen, left kidney,
retroperitoneal region, and left pleural space (Figure 2-22). Hemoperitoneum appears
as an anechoic area in the subphrenic space or in the splenorenal fossa. Fluid in this
region preferentially goes to the subphrenic space, with overflow going to the
splenorenal fossa and across the midline to Morison’s pouch13 (Figure 2-23A-G). One
study found that, of 69 patients with isolated spleen injuries, only 33.3% had a
positive perisplenic view, whereas 77.3% had a positive perihepatic view.28 The
diaphragm must be clearly identified so that a pleural fluid collection is not mistaken
for a subphrenic collection. Once blood coagulates, the sonographic appearance is that
of varying echogenicity. With time, the clots can become isoechoic and difficult to
differentiate from solid organs. Fluid in adjacent structures such as the stomach or
splenic flexure of the colon can be mistaken for intraperitoneal fluid.23 Careful
inspection for the presence of peristalsis during real-time scanning and recognition of
the appearance of fluid in the gastrointestinal tract is crucial to prevent this error.23
Pleural fluid (hemothorax) in the left pleural space can be accurately detected on
this limited view as an anechoic region cephalad to the left hemidiaphragm (Figure
2-24A-C). Clearly identifying the diaphragm prevents misdiagnosing a subphrenic
fluid collection as a pleural fluid collection; this is described in more detail in
Chapters 3 and 6.
Ultrasonography is not as sensitive as CT in the detection of spleen injuries, but the
fractional view of the spleen seen on the perisplenic window might provide
information about parenchymal injury (Figure 2-25). Because intraparenchymal
hemorrhage can appear similar to the surrounding normal tissue, it can be easily
missed.27, 28 A complete description of solid organ injuries is provided in Chapter 5.
Figure 2-22
Normal perisplenic view. There is a mirror image of spleen
evident cephalad to the diaphragm (mirror artifact). (Courtesy of
Dr. Reardon.)
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
The FAST Exam
Figure 2-24B
Figure 2-24C
Perisplenic views of left pleural fluid/hemothorax. A,B, A large
amount of anechoic fluid in the chest. C, Patient with a stab
wound to the left chest that displays free blood and echogenic
clot within the hemothorax. (Courtesy of Dr. Jones and Dr.
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
Pelvic Window
The pelvic view is best accomplished when the patient’s bladder is filled. For this
reason, the FAST exam should be completed before Foley catheter placement or
spontaneous bladder emptying. If a catheter is already in place, retrograde filling with
saline can create a sonographic window (but this is often impractical during a
resuscitation). Another option is to clamp the catheter long enough to allow normal
bladder filling. This is performed most frequently when repeat scans are done or when
a patient has been transferred from another facility. The goal of this view is to detect
pelvic fluid (hemoperitoneum) in the most dependent part of the peritoneum.
The pelvic view can be obtained in either a longitudinal or transverse plane.
Although Rozycki et al29 recommend only a transverse view, most recommend both
the transverse and longitudinal views as being necessary for optimal sensitivity.30 To
obtain the longitudinal view, the probe is placed on the patient’s abdomen in the
midline just above the pubic symphysis with the probe indicator directed toward the
patient’s head (Figure 2-26). The probe can be angled in a posteroinferior direction to
obtain better visualization of the pelvic structures. The transverse view is obtained by
placing the probe in the midline just above the pubic symphysis with the probe
indicator directed toward the patient’s right (Figure 2-27).
It has been noted that, in nontrauma patients, an overdistended bladder may
obscure free pelvic fluid. Some urine is needed in the bladder to create an acoustic
window, but a very large bladder can displace fluid from the pouch of Douglas
(cul-de-sac) in females and cause a false-negative study.31 If the bladder is noted to be
overdistended on the original scan, the bladder should be partially drained with a
Foley catheter and the pelvis rescanned. Further study is needed to determine if a
repeat partial void study increases sensitivity in injured patients.
The FAST Exam
Sonographic Findings
In a female patient, fluid appears in the pouch of Douglas just posterior to the
uterus, with overflow fluid extending around the uterus (Figures 2-28A-C and
2-29A,B). A small amount of fluid may be present as a normal finding in
premenopausal females, and clinical correlation is essential. Although not a primary
indication of the FAST exam, the uterus should be observed for the presence of an
intrauterine pregnancy.
In a male patient, fluid appears in the rectovesicular pouch or cephalad to the
bladder (Figures 2-30A-E and 2-31A,B). The seminal vesicles are paired structures
that appear hypoechoic and lie posterior to the bladder; they can easily be confused
with free intraperitoneal fluid23 (Figures 2-32 and 2-33). They can be distinguished
from free fluid based on their appearance between the bladder and prostate and by the
fact that, on the longitudinal view, the seminal vesicles taper off in the cephalad
direction and do not extend beyond the bladder, in contrast to free intraperitoneal
Figure 2-28B
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
This chapter summarizes the techniques and the sonographic findings of the basic
FAST exam. The chapters that follow address clinical applications of the FAST exam,
specific organ injuries, pitfalls, and additional applications and provide a review of the
literature and issues regarding training and credentialing.
The FAST Exam
Figure 2-30C
Ultrasonography in Trauma: The FAST Exam
Figure 2-31B
Transverse pelvic views (male). A, Normal transverse view of the
pelvis demonstrating bladder and prostate. B, Anechoic blood
posterior to the bladder in a patient with intraperitoneal Figure 2-33
hemorrhage. Transverse pelvic view (male) with hypoechoic seminal vesicles
posterior to the bladder. Seminal vesicles vary in appearance and
do not always have the classic paired profile. (Courtesy of Dr.
Jones and Dr. Welch.)
The FAST Exam
1. Rozycki GS, Shackford SR. Ultrasound, what every trauma surgeon should know. J Trauma. 1996;40:1-4.
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