FIR Filter
FIR Filter
FIR Filter
is delay in samples.
to 11 samples, we have
= 0 otherwise
For n=0
From the given frequency response we can find that =0. Therefore, the
filter coefficients are symmetrical about n = 0 satisfying the condition
For n=1
= - 0.225
the transfer function of the filter is given by
= 0.75 +
The transfer function of the realizable filter is
= 0.0045 0.075
- 0.159
=h(5) = 0.75 , .
+ 0. 75
convolution of
Figure 2: Windowing technique
Rectangular window
The rectangular window sequence is given by
= 0 otherwise
An example is shown in Fig 3 for N = 25.
Hanning window
The Hanning window sequence can be obtained as follow:
= 0 otherwise
The frequency response of Hanning window is
Hamming window
The equation for Hamming window can be obtained as follows:
= 0 otherwise
The frequency of the Hamming window is
Because the Hamming window generates lesser oscillation in the side of the
lobes than the Hanning window for the same main lobe width, the Hamming
window is generally preferred.
Figure 11: (a) Frequency response of Hamming window for N = 25 (b) Log
magnitude response of Hamming window for N = 25.
Figure 12: (a) Frequency response of Hamming window for N = 51 (b) Log magnitude
response of Hamming window for N = 51.
Figure 14: Log magnitude response of LPF using Hamming window for N = 25
Blackman window
Figure 16: (a) Frequency response of Blackman window for N = 25 (b) Log magnitude
response of Blackman window for N = 25.
The additional cosine terms (compared with the Hamming and the Hanning windows)
reduces the sidelobes, but increases the main lobe width to
. The frequency
sponse of the Blackman window is shown in Fig.17. the peak side lobe level is down
about 57dB from the main lobe peak, an improvement of 16 dB relative to the
Hamming window. From Fig.19 we can observe that the side lobe attenuation of a
lowpass filter using Blackman window is -74dB.
Figure 17: (a) Frequency response of Blackman window for N = 51 (b) Log magnitude
response of Blackman window for N = 51.
Figure 19: Log magnitude response of LPF using Blackman window for N = 25
= 0 otherwise
For N = 11
= 0 otherwise
(a)Hamming window
The Hamming window sequence is given by
Figure 21: Log magnitude response of example 2 using Hamming
Cascade realization
The equation 1 can be realized in cascade form from the factored form of
H(z). For N odd
For N odd, N-1 will be even and H(z) will have (N-1)/2 second order
factors. Each second order factored form of H(Z) is realized in direct
form and is cascaded to realize H(z) as shown in figure 23.
For N even
For N even, N-1 will be odd and H(z) will have one first order factor (N2)/2 second order factors.
Example 3
Determine the direct form realization of system function
Example 4
Obtain the cascade realization of system function
The Eq.1 and Eq.2 can be realized in direct form and can be cascaded
as shwn in Fig.26.
Example 5
Obtain the cascade realization of system function