Afro 4000 Vossloh Report
Afro 4000 Vossloh Report
Afro 4000 Vossloh Report
Euro 4000 Diesel Locomotive
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This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Vossloh Locomotives Espaa.
This document is loaned upon the expressed condition that it shall not be reproduced in any manner and shall
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INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
HISTORIC VIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
LOADING GAUGE DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................................................... 5
LOCOMOTIVE LOADING GAUGE ................................................................................................................................... 6
CATENARY HEIGHT ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4.1 3kV Catenary ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.4.2 25kV Catenary .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4.3 SPECIAL TRACK CONDITIONS - TAMPING ................................................................................................................. 8
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
ANNEX 1 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
ANNEX 2 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
ANNEX 3 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
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PRASA has signed a contract to purchase 20 x Euro4000 and 50 x EuroDUAL locomotives to
SWIFAMBO. Swifambo has signed a sub-contract with VOSSLOH to manufacture the mentioned
locomotives to procure them to PRASA.
The objective of the present document is to present a formal answer to the new request received
the 5th of November 2013 from PRASA to reduce the contractual height of the Euro4000 locomotive
from 4.140mm to 3.965mm.
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The Euro4000 locomotive platform was designed to operate throughout Europe and
consequently is compatible with the UIC loading gauge, that applies in European countries
(except UK). The height of this locomotive is 4.264mm as can be seen on figure 1 layout.
After studying the BE-83-252_SHT_12 loading profile provided during the tender and
negotiation phase for the offer development, the contractor stated that it was possible to
adapt the height of the locomotive from its original height of 4.264mm down to 4.140mm
without affecting the locomotive carbody structure, and thus without major modifications.
Only the detachable roof structures and some components needed to be modified to
comply with the 4.140mm height requirement.
Based on that fact, the contractor established the value of the Euro4000 locomotive height
in 4.140mm in the contractual Technical Specification (see corresponding Annex of the
contract), and started the design of the locomotive (once the contract was signed), specially
for the affected components/structures, and produced the definitive load profile study that is
shown in Annex 3.
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The first one (figure 2) was received during the tender and negotiation phase when only the
EuroDUAL locomotive was being considered in the scope of the contract, as originally
specified for all vehicles (see Annex1).
By the time, the already designed Euro4000 came as an option during the mentioned
negotiation phase (20 out of 70 locomotives) and VOSSLOH clearly stated that the
EURO4000 locomotive (with a 4.140 mm) could fit inside the same loading gauge using the
higher central area of the loading gauge that is normally reserved for folded pantographs of
electric locomotives. Prasa confirmed this option and therefore a 4.140 mm height was
fixed as the contractual value for the Euro4000 locomotive.
In fact, the second loading gauge diagram shown in figure 3 (which is basically the same
but without the special allowance on the upper part) was first provided once the project had
started, concretely after the final Technical Input Meeting of the Euro4000 locomotive, when
the locomotive design was already finished.
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As can be appreciated in the diagram, the Euro4000 locomotive for South Africa only
reaches 4.140mm height in the area dedicated for the pantograph in electric locomotives,
as agreed during the negotiation phase.
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5000mm catenary
4500mm catenary
4220mm catenary
As per EN50124
Figure 5: Euro4000 4.140mm loading gauge with air distance to 3kV catenary
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5000mm catenary
4500mm catenary
As per EN50124
Figure 6: Euro4000 4.140mm loading gauge with air distance to 25kV catenary
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3.945mm height
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As mentioned before, it is not feasible to comply with the requested height without a
complete re-design of the vehicle equipment and carbody structure.
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The contractor received an official loading gauge document, that was provided during the
tender and negotiation phase and the locomotive Euro4000 complies with it.
Regarding to the distances between catenary and locomotive, the contractual Technical
Specification of the Euro4000 locomotive complies with the air insulating distances required
by EN50124 standard by nominal catenary height, even with more margin than other actual
operating locomotives. There may exist track points where temporal restrictions could apply
to the Euro4000 locomotive due to tamping activities, but this restriction would also be
applicable to other locomotives in service in South Africa.
Although it is not possible to reduce EURO4000 locomotive height below 4.140mm, due to
all mentioned facts, it is understood that with actual height and with the information we
manage, the locomotive should be acceptable for operations in South African tracks.
Actually, PRASA has locomotives in operation that are higher than Euro4000 and it is
understood they can run without restrictions in infrastructure (tunnels, bridges, etc).
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