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Soil Acidity Liming

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Soil acidity and

Agfact AC.19, 3rd edition 2005
Brett Upjohn 1 , Greg Fenton 2 , Mark Conyers 3


District Agronomist, Tumut, NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Former Program Coordinator, Acid Soils Action, NSW Department of Primary Industries.
Senior Research Scientist, Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute, NSW Department of Primary Industries.



Soil tests
Measuring soil pH
Leaching of nitrate nitrogen
Use of nitrogenous fertilisers and
legume pastures
Removal of produce
Build-up of soil organic matter
The effect of aluminium (Al) toxicity
Soil testing for aluminium
The effect of manganese (Mn) toxicity
Plant analysis
Seasonal changes in availability of
Soil testing for available manganese
Managing toxic levels of soil manganese 14
The effects of molybdenum (Mo) deciency 14
Correcting a molybdenum deciency
The effects of calcium (Ca) deciency
The effects of magnesium (Mg) deciency 15
Magnesium and soil structure
Magnesium and grass tetany in cattle 16
Using the Ca:Mg ratio to predict plant
Effect of soil acidity on the microorganisms that affect plant growth

Reduced xation of nitrogen

The effect of pHCa on the activity of
Take-all root disease in cereals
Growing acid tolerant crops and pastures 17
Protecting soils at risk of becoming acidic 17
Reducing the leaching of nitrate nitrogen 17
Using less acidifying fertilisers
Minimising product removal effects
Preventing erosion of top soil
Limestone quality
Neutralising value
Calcium and magnesium contents
Comparing liming materials
The quantity and timing of limestone
Timing of limestone application
Check list before applying lime
Applying and incorporating lime
Spreading machinery
Dust problems
Surface applied limestone



1. Pasture improvement may be associated with an
increase in the incidence of certain livestock health
disorders. Livestock and production losses from some
disorders are possible. Management may need to be
modied to minimise risk. Consult your veterinarian or
adviser when planning pasture improvement.
2. Legislation covering conservation of native vegetation
may regulate some pasture improvement practices
where existing pasture contains native species. Inquire
through your ofce of the Department of Infrastructure,
Planning and Natural Resources for further details.

Much of the content of this Agfact has been

derived from Agfact AC.19, editions 1 & 2.
The authors of Edition 3 acknowledge the
contribution of previous authors including:
Keith Helyar, Peter Orchard, Terry Abbott, Peter
Cregan and Brendan Scott.
Acknowledgement is also given to Ross Ballard
(SARDI) for rhizobia nodule photos, and Michel
Dignand for diagram design. Also to David and
Jamie Elworthy and Jade Francis for permission
to take photos of liming related activities.

The information contained in this publication is based
on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing
in March 2005. However, because of advances in
knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure
that information upon which they rely is up-to-date
and to check the currency of the information with the
appropriate ofcer of NSW Department of Primary
Industries or the users independent adviser.


A soil pHCa between 5.5 and 8.0 provides the

best conditions for most agricultural plants. If
the pHCa drops below 5.0, plants that are highly
sensitive to acidity, such as lucerne and barley,
are adversely affected. Plants that are more
tolerant of acidity continue to grow normally
until the pHCa falls below 4.5. Below pHCa 4.4
most plants, except the very highly acid tolerant
plants like oats, narrow leaf lupins and the
native pasture grass Microlaena spp, show a
signicant reduction in production.

Acidic soils are an impediment to agricultural

production. More than half of the intensively
used agricultural land in NSW is affected by
soil acidity. The gross value of agricultural
production lost in NSW due to soil acidity has
been estimated in the Land and Water Audit
(2002) at $378 million per year. Ongoing
acidication caused largely by normal
agricultural practice increases limitations on
future production and in some areas results in
permanent degradation of soils in NSW.

If only the top 10 cm of the soil prole is

acidic it can be readily corrected by applying
and incorporating nely ground limestone.
However, if acidication of the soil continues
and the surface pHCa drops below 5.0 the acidity
will leach into the subsurface soil (Figure 2a).
The further the acidity has moved down the
prole the greater the effect on plant growth
and the more difcult it is to correct. This is
called subsurface soil acidity and is a long term
degradation of the soil. Not all areas of NSW
with subsurface soil acidity have been identied,
but it can be assumed that most soils with pHCa
values below 4.8 in the surface soil and an

The average pHCa1 of surface soil throughout

eastern and central NSW based on data collected
in 1989 is shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that
large areas of the northern, central and southern
tablelands, the central and northern coast, and
the central and southern slopes have soil with a
pHCa of 5.0 or less.
At that time it was estimated that 13.7 million
hectares of agricultural land had a surface soil
(0 to 10 cm) pHCa of less than 5.0. It was also
estimated that a further 5.7 million hectares
was at risk of developing acidic soil problems
because they had a topsoil pH of 5.1 to 5.5.

Figure 1. Soils with a low pHca and soils at risk of developing a low pHca.

Yetman Tenterfield


Lightning Ridge






Glen Innes





Tweed Heads/Coolangatta
Byron Bay




White Cliffs







Lake Cargelligo









Swan Hill

< 4.25 (acid soils)

(slightly acid soils)

5.15.5 (soils at risk from acidity

Wagga Wagga







Batemans Bay







pH in 1:5 soil:0.01 M CaCl2 see Measuring soil pH page 6.














Wauchope Port Macquarie






Gilgandra Binnaway

Broken Hill







Coffs Harbour
Nambucca Heads




pHCa range



Figure 2a. The development of subsoil acidity and the implications for acid sensitive plants.


Michel Dignand



Acid Soi l

No acidic soil problems.

Acidication starts at the surface restricting surface root development.
Acidity is leached to depth when the pHCa of the surface soils drops below 5.0 and all root growth is restricted.
Subsurface soil acidity is permanent as surface applied lime only corrects acidity in the surface soil.

Figure 2b: Sampling of the 1020 cm (subsurface) soil layer, as well as the surface soil, indicates
whether acidity is a problem in subsurface layers.

pH of 010 cm sample is
similar for both situations

acid soil
pH of 1020 cm sample will show if acidity
has moved into the sub-surface layers

average annual rainfall of at least 500 mm would

have developed acidic subsurface soils.

The details of the impact of soil acidity on

specic crops and pastures are explained in
the section How soil acidity reduces crop and
pasture production.

The pHCa of a soil rarely falls below 3.8. If

further acid is added to a soil, it causes a
breakdown of the clay minerals. This is a
permanent change to the soil and cannot be
reversed. Soils that are very acidic, with pH less
than 3, are usually associated with acid sulphate
conditions and these soils are not discussed in
this Agfact.


The signs of soil acidity are more subtle than
the clearly visible symptoms of salinity and soil
Cereal growers may predict that their soil is
acidic when acid sensitive crops fail to establish,
or crop production is lower than expected,
particularly in dry years. In pasture paddocks
poor establishment or lack of persistence of
acid sensitive pastures such as lucerne, and to a
lesser degree phalaris, is an indication that the
soil may be acidic.


Farmers see the direct impacts of soil acidity as
lost productivity and reduced income through:
reduced yields from acid sensitive crops and
poor establishment of perennial pastures
failure of perennial pastures to persist.
Acidic soils also impact on the community.
There is permanent degradation of the soil
when the acidity leaches to a depth where
it cannot be practically or economically
corrected (Figure 2b.). This is a slow process
and will most likely affect future generations
more than it affects the present land
Recharge of aquifers is due to less water
use by plants affected by soil acidity. This
can lead to dryland salinity and damage to
infrastructure such as the break up of roads.
There is an increase in soil erosion and
addition of silt and organic matter to
waterways as annual vegetation predominates
on acidic soils, leaving the soils exposed to
erosion for a signicant part of the year.

More denitive indications of acidic soil are:

Stunted or shallow root growth in crops and
pastures (see photos 1,2, 3 and 4)
poor nodulation in legumes or ineffective
nodules (see photos 5 and 6)
Photo 1: Subterranean clover root stunting due
to increasing aluminium.

Photo2: Acid tolerant triticale on right grew much better than acid sensitive barley on left.

manganese toxicity symptoms in susceptible

plants (see photos 6 and 7).

sensitive crops will be affected by subsurface

acidity, it is recommended that subsurface soil
(10 cm to 20 or 30 cm) be tested for pH.

Soil tests
A soil test is the most reliable way to assess
if soils are acidic. A comprehensive chemical
analysis of the surface soil (010 cm depth)
gives information that will assist farmers in
determining if a crop or pasture will be affected
by acidity. In order to assess whether acid

For soil tests to be meaningful, paddocks

need to be divided into management units for
sampling. For example, dividing the paddock on
the basis of slope and aspect. To be condent
that the soil sample which goes to the laboratory
represents the variability of the paddock, it
is necessary to collect and thoroughly mix 30
cores (or greater than 0.5 kg of soil) from each
management unit.

Photo 3: Berseem clover grown in a high

aluminium (pHCa 4.0) soil. The small purple leaves
are characteristic of aluminium toxicity in clover.

Common soil analysis includes the following

soil pHCa or soil pHw. (See Measuring soil
pH below for an explanation of these terms.)
exchangeable cations and their percentage of
the ECEC (see the Glossary for explanation of
available phosphorus
electrical conductivity (EC)
soil texture.
Measuring soil pH
Acidity and alkalinity in any solution is
measured as pH. Soil pH is an estimate of the
acidity/alkalinity of the soil solution, which is
the water that is held in the soil (Figure 3). Most
soil pH measurements in Australia are made by
shaking soil samples for an hour in either a 1:5
soil to water suspension (pHw) or a 1:5 soil to
0.01M calcium chloride suspension (pHCa) and
using an electrode to measure the pH of the
resultant mixture.

Photo 4: The effect of aluminium toxicity on

the roots of wheat plants. From left to right the
plants were grown in solutions containing 0, 5
and 10 ppm aluminium.

The pH measured in calcium chloride is on

average 0.5 to 0.8 less than pH measured in
water, although the difference can vary from
nil to 2.0 for different soils. In this Agfact, pH is
nominated as pHCa.
The timing for collection of the soil sample
and the sampling depth are important as the
acidity of soil varies throughout the year, and
down the prole. The pH in summer is in most
circumstances higher than that in winter by up
to 0.5 of a unit. This is important when making
recommendations for winter crops based on
analysis of samples taken over summer.
The pH varies down the soil prole, the
surface soil usually being more acidic than
the subsurface soil layers. In this Agfact,
recommendations are made on the basis that

the samples for analysis are taken to a depth of

10 cm, in late summer or early autumn.

leaching of nitrate nitrogen sourced from

legume xation or from ammonium fertilisers
removal of produce
build-up of soil organic matter.

If the pHCa of the 010 cm layer is less than 4.8

then the subsurface soil may be acidic. In higher
rainfall areas, subsurface soil layers are more
likely to be acidic. The failure of lucerne to
persist over summer after lime has been applied
is a potential indicator of an acid subsurface soil
(Figure 2b). The only reliable way to determine
if a paddock has an acidic subsurface soil is to
sample and analyse the 1020 cm, and possibly
2030 cm layers.

In some older texts the removal of base cations,

that is calcium, magnesium, potassium and
sodium, is given as a cause of soil acidity. This is
misleading, and in a similar vein acidity cannot
be corrected by applying calcium.
Leaching of nitrate nitrogen
Leaching of the nitrate form of nitrogen is a
major contributor to agriculturally induced soil
acidication. Nitrate nitrogen is produced in the
soil by the breakdown of organic matter, or of
ammonium forms of nitrogen.

Acidication of the soil is a slow natural
process and part of normal weathering. Many
farming activities cause an increase in the rate
of acidication of the soil. Changes in soil pHCa
under agricultural use are measured in tens or
hundreds of years rather than thousands of years
as in the natural environment.

The chemical processes that produce nitrate

nitrogen from fertiliser and organic matter
leave the soil slightly more acidic. This acidity
is neutralised by plants discharging an alkaline
substance as they take up nitrate nitrogen and
to a smaller extent by conversion of nitrate
nitrogen to nitrogen gas.

There are four ways that agriculture contributes

to the accelerated acidication of the soil and
these are shown in Figure 4.

While the plants continue to take up all the

nitrate nitrogen, the acid/alkali balance of the
soil surrounding the roots remains in balance.
Nitrate nitrogen is very soluble and easily

They are:
use of fertilisers containing ammonium or urea

Figure 3. Plant growth in relation to pH, and examples of some of commonly used terms to describe
effect of acidity/alkalinity on plant growth.

leached. Leaching breaks the balance of the

acid/alkali processes and results in increased
soil acidity. Deep rooted perennial plants reduce
the risk of leaching which is most prevalent in
autumn/early winter. Perennial plants are more
suited to control leaching as they are able to
grow quickly after the autumn break rains and
capture soil water before leaching can occur.
Where farming systems are based only on

annual plants, leaching can occur before new

root development has occurred.
Use of nitrogenous fertilisers and legume
The amount of acidication that results from
using nitrogenous fertilisers depends on the
fertiliser type (Table 1). Fertilisers that contain
nitrogen as ammonium, for example ammonium

Figure 4. Agricultural practices that increase the rate of soil acidication.

Table 1. Acidifying effect of nitrogenous fer tilisers and legume-fixed nitrogen in terms of lime required
to neutralise the acid added.

Source of nitrogen

Lime required to balance acidification

(kg lime/kg N)
0% nitrate

50% nitrate

100% nitrate

High acidification Sulphate of ammonium,

Mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP)




Medium acidification
Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP)






3.6 1


Low acidification
Ammonium nitrate
Aqua ammonia
Anhydrous ammonia
Legume fixed N
Sodium and calcium nitrate

Equivalent to applying 3.6 kg lime/kg N.

clover, has generally led to increased

organic matter in the soil. While increasing
organic matter has many benets, including
improvement of soil structure, it also increases
soil acidity. The build up of organic matter will
not continue indenitely, and there is no further
acidication due to this cause once the organic
matter stabilises at a new level.

sulphate, acidify the soil within weeks after

application. Calcium nitrate and sodium nitrate
have a neutralising effect on soil acidity, unless
all the nitrate is leached (Table 1) but they are
expensive and use is restricted to horticulture.
Using superphosphate fertiliser on crops and
pastures does not directly acidify the soil.
However, its use stimulates growth of clover and
other legumes, resulting in a build-up in organic
matter which in turn increases soil acidity. Also
there is an increase in nitrate nitrogen in the
soil that comes with the higher levels of organic
matter. This increases the likelihood of soil
acidication from leaching of nitrate nitrogen.

The acidication caused by a build up in organic

matter is not permanent and can be reversed if
the organic matter breaks down. However, there
will be a permanent change in the acid status
of the soil if the topsoil containing the organic
matter is eroded or removed.

Applying pure sulphur or owers of sulphur

will acidify the soil. An application of 3 kg of
limestone for each kg of sulphur is required to
neutralise this effect.

The relative importance of these causes of soil

acidication for two farming systems is given in
Table 3.
A simple demonstration of the extent to which
agricultural land use has acidied a paddock
is to compare the soil test of the paddock with
a similar test of a sample collected from an
area close to the paddock that has not been
cultivated or fertilised, such as an adjacent

Removal of produce
Grain, pasture and animal products are slightly
alkaline and continued removal will lower the
soil pH over time. This contribution to acidity is
part of the carbon cycle (see the Glossary). If
very little produce is removed, such as in wool
production, then the system remains almost
balanced. Where a large quantity of produce
is removed as in the case of hay making
(particularly clover or lucerne hay), the soil is
left signicantly more acidic. For details on the
quantity of lime needed to neutralise acidity
relating to common agriculture products see
Table 2.

Table 2. The amount of lime needed to neutralise

the acidification caused by removal of produce.
Produce removed

Lime requirement
kg/t of produce


Removal of produce by burning, for example

burning of stubble, does not change the
acid/alkali balance of the soil, but gives a
redistribution, leaving alkali at the soil surface
as ash. If the ash is then washed away, as
might occur after a re, this would leave the
soil more acidic.
Build-up of soil organic matter
Over the last 50 years the regular use of fertiliser
and improved pastures, particularly subterranean








Grass hay


Clover hay


Maize silage


Lucerne hay


* Further acidification occurs with set stocking of sheep due to the

uneven deposition of animal excreta in stock camps.

Table 3. Estimates of the relative impor tance of factors causing agriculturally induced soil acidity for
two farming systems.
Cause of acidification

Annual pasture Southern

Tablelands NSW(%)

Cropping/pasture rotation,
Wagga Wagga (%)

Leaching of nitrate nitrogen



Build-up of soil organic matter


Nil or reverse

Removal of product





Use of nitrogenous fertilisers


Nutrient solubility, and thus availability to plants,
varies with soil pH. Some nutrients may reach
toxic levels, while others become unavailable
leading to deciencies. The increased availability
of aluminium in the soil solution associated with
declining pH is an example of this, aluminium
toxicity being a major problem for crop and
pasture production in acid soils.
Other production losses may occur where acidity
reduces the activity of benecial soil microorganisms. It is recognised that the nitrogen
xation by Rhizobia spp. on legume roots is
retarded in acid soils, resulting in lower nitrogen
availability and reduced production.
In general the changes in the availability of plant
nutrients associated with increasing soil acidity are:
Increased available aluminium (Al3+) causing
stunted root development in crops and
pastures (see photos 1, 2, 3 and 4). Stunted
roots result in reduced capability to access
soil moisture, and reduced nutrient uptake.
Increased available manganese (Mn2+)
causing reduced growth in some plants in
some soils (see photos 3, 4 and 5).
Reduced solubility and availability of
molybdenum, phosphorus, magnesium and

to reduce the mass and function of roots.

Generally this is seen in the eld as stunted,
club shaped roots. This reduces their ability
to extract moisture from deep in the soil. (See
photos 1, 2, 3 and 4.)
Tying up phosphorus. Soluble aluminium
immobilises phosphorus in the soil and the
plant, causing symptoms of phosphorus
deciency, that is, small and dark-green or
occasionally purple leaves. The symptoms
become more pronounced as the aluminium
level increases.
Note that applying lime to strongly acidic
soils slightly increases plant access to
soil phosphorus that is normally of low
availability (such as residues of previously
applied fertiliser). This effect is usually small,
and normal phosphorus applications are still
required when lime is used.
Reduced availability of calcium and
magnesium. Very high levels of aluminium
in the soil also reduce the uptake and
utilisation of calcium and magnesium.
Aluminium toxicity does not usually occur in
soils where the pHCa is above 5.2. Applying
sufcient lime to lift the pHCa above 5.5 will
remove aluminium from the soil solution.

The actual amount of aluminium and manganese

in solution in a soil at a given pH varies between
different soil types. Weakly weathered soils
that are acidic tend to release toxic amounts
of soluble manganese, but lesser amounts of
aluminium. Alternatively, highly weathered soils
(other than a group of soils high in iron and
aluminium oxides) tend to release large amounts
of aluminium and lesser amounts of manganese.
Different soils release different amounts of
aluminium and manganese at the same pHCa.
As the tolerance to aluminium and manganese
varies between plant species, it is not possible to
recommend a single pH at which liming should
begin for all situations.
The effect of aluminium (Al) toxicity
Soluble aluminium in the soil solution causes
most of the problems associated with acidic
soils. The principal effects on plant growth from
soluble aluminium in the soil solution are:
Reduced root mass and function. The
principal effect of aluminium toxicity is

Alternatively the impact of aluminium can be

reduced by growing plants that can tolerate
aluminium. Different plants show different levels
of tolerance to soluble aluminium levels in soil.
See Table 4.
Soil testing for aluminium
Two methods are commonly used to measure
available aluminium in the soil. The rst method
measures the aluminium in the 0.01M CaCl2
Photo 5: Yellow leaf margins of clover indicate
manganese toxicity in the soil.

extract used to determine pHCa and is called the

calcium chloride extractable aluminium, AlCa.
This is the best estimate of the aluminium that
will be encountered by the plant root. It gives
the best prediction of the effect of aluminium on
plant growth.

organic matter and is therefore high in soluble

aluminium. Both soil tests, calcium chloride
extractable and the exchangeable aluminium,
will indicate a reduction in the available
aluminium caused by organic matter taking the
aluminium out of solution.

The alternative method measures the

exchangeable aluminium as part of the
determination of the effective cation exchange
capacity (ECEC see the explanation in the
Glossary). The proportion of aluminium in
the ECEC expressed as a percentage (Alex),
reects the aluminium in the soil solution.
This measurement is determined routinely by
commercial laboratories. When interpreting
these results the electrical conductivity (EC)
of the soil is needed to accurately predict the
effect of the aluminium on plant growth. Table
5 shows critical concentrations of calcium
chloride extractable aluminium (AlCa) and the
exchangeable aluminium percentage (Alex)
for different electrical conductivities for the
major groups of plant tolerance to aluminium.
A critical concentration is one that will reduce
plant growth by 10%.

The effect of manganese (Mn) toxicity

Toxicity from excessive amounts of available
manganese can affect the growth of crops,
pasture and horticultural crops in soils where
pHCa is less than 5.5, but only in some soils
and then only at certain times of the year.
Plants require manganese in small amounts
for photosynthesis and for several enzymes
including those controlling the plant hormones.
Toxic amounts of manganese disrupt
photosynthesis and the function of plant
Toxic levels of manganese do not affect the
productivity of crops and pastures to the same
extent as aluminium toxicity. Manganese toxicity
effects are sometimes complicated by related
problems. The anaerobic conditions associated
with waterlogged soils induce manganese
toxicity but, other problems such as loss of
gaseous nitrogen may result in more yield losses
than the toxic manganese.

Note when the organic matter is over 5% it may

adsorb soluble aluminium resulting in sensitive
plants being able to grow in soils with a low
pHCa. These plants will often have shallow
roots as the subsurface soil contains little

While both toxicities and deciencies of

manganese can occur in NSW, the main problem

Table 4. Aluminium sensitivity (tolerance) of some crop and pasture plants.

Highly sensitive

Durum wheat, most barley cultivars, faba beans, lentils, chickpeas, lucerne, medics,
Strawberr y, Berseem and Persian clovers, Buffel grass, tall wheatgrass


Cunningham & Janz wheat, Canola, Yambla barley, albus lupins, red grass (Wagga),
wallaby grass (D. linkii), phalaris, red clover, Balansa clover, Caucasian and Kenya
white clovers.


Whistler, Sunstate & Diamondbird wheats, annual & perennial r ye-grass, tall fescue,
Haifa white and subterranean clovers, chicor y.

Highly tolerant

Narrow leaf lupins, oats, triticale, cereal r ye, cocksfoot, kikuyu, paspalum, yellow &
slender serradella, Maku lotus, common couch, Consol love grass

These are only examples. For the current information on the tolerance of current varieties of winter crops to soil acidity see the Winter crop variety sowing guide
published annually by NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Table 5. Critical concentrations of calcium chloride extractable aluminium

Aluminium tolerance
of plants (Table 4)

Critical levels
Al Ca mg/L

Equivalent % Al ex for soils at different electrical conductivities

(EC 1:5 dS/m)
Low EC < 0.07

Med. EC 0.070.23

high EC > 0.23

Highly sensitive















Highly tolerant






is toxicity. However, excessive applications of

lime may result in manganese deciency in
some light textured soils.

death of the seedlings. The seedlings of

legume pasture species germinating in the
autumn can be affected by high levels of
available manganese. Lucerne and most
medics are highly sensitive, while sub clover
and serradella seedlings are only affected by
higher levels of manganese.
Grasses. Lack of seedling vigour, yellowing
at the tips and margins, and some ecking of
the older leaves are indicators of manganese
toxicity (see photo 6). However, other
nutritional problems can have similar effects
in grasses and tissue analysis is required to
conrm manganese toxicity.

The visual symptoms of manganese toxicity in

some common agricultural plants are:
Canola. The effect of manganese toxicity
is reduced vigour with yellowing of the
leaf margins (see photo 7). Higher levels of
manganese result in yellowing of the whole
leaf, necrosis of the leaf margins and greatly
reduced vigour or death. In most seasons
canola grows despite the toxic effects of
manganese as the solubility of the manganese
drops in late autumn.
Lucerne, medics, serradella and sub
clover. The effect of excess manganese is
reduced seedling vigour and red or yellow
leaf margins. Normal growth rates return
with a decrease in available manganese
as the season progresses. If warm to hot
conditions return after the rst germination
the level of available manganese increases,
renewing the effect and possibly causing

Plant analysis
Because of the complexity of identifying
toxicity using visual symptoms, analysis of plant
tissue can help to determine if there is a toxic
manganese problem.
Some plants are affected by only a small amount
of manganese in the tissue, while others are
tolerant of high levels. The concentration of
Photo 7: Canola leaves that are cup shaped with
yellow margins indicating manganese toxicity.

Photo 6: The effect of manganese toxicity on

Teal wheat. From left to right plants were grown
in solutions ranging from 0, 90 to 180 ppm


manganese in plants at which a small decline

in growth will occur can vary from 200 to over
1000 mg/kg of plant dry matter, depending on
the tolerance of the plant. Critical manganese
levels sufcient to cause a 10% decline in
growth for a number of species are given in
Table 6. These levels are determined on the
youngest fully developed leaf.

low levels of oxygen and loss of nitrogen

associated with waterlogging are likely to affect
the plants more than the high manganese levels.
Rain in autumn creates a soil environment that
favours microora which convert the manganese
back to an unavailable (oxidised) form. It
follows that the availability of manganese is at its
lowest in winter, although potentially toxic levels
may remain if the conditions are too cold in
autumn (soil temperatures less than 10C) for the
microora to change the available manganese to
the unavailable form.

Some plants are more sensitive to aluminium

than to manganese and vice versa. For example,
white clover is tolerant of aluminium but
sensitive to manganese.

Soil testing for available manganese

Because the levels of available manganese
can vary up to four-fold through the year in
response to temperature and rainfall, a soil
test which measures available manganese at
one time in the year cannot be relied on to
determine if manganese toxicity is likely to be
a problem at another time. For example, it is
not possible to predict the level of available
manganese in April, when sowing canola or
lucerne, from a soil sample taken in February.

Seasonal changes in availability of manganese

The availability of manganese can vary up to
four-fold through the year as shown in Figure 5.
Manganese is most available in summer when
hot and dry conditions stimulate the chemical
changes from an unavailable form (oxidised) to
an available form (reduced). This effect is less in
a wet summer.
Waterlogged conditions in spring can produce
high levels of available manganese. However,

Table 6. Critical levels of manganese for various plants.

tolerance categor y

Critical leaf
manganese level


Highly sensitive

Lucerne, pigeon pea, barrel and burr medics



White clover, strawberr y clover, chickpea, canola



Sub clover, cotton, cowpea, soybean, wheat, barley, triticale, oats


Highly tolerant

Rice, sugar cane, tobacco, sunflower, most pasture grasses, oats,

triticale, Tiga, Currency, cereal r ye

> 1000

See NSW DPI Winter crop variety sowing guide for more information.

Figure 5. Variation of manganese availability with season.

unlimed soil
limed soil


This problem can be overcome by using soil

tests that determine the potentially available
manganese (the maximum that could become
available under the most harmful conditions)
rather than that which is available at the time
of testing and then to estimate the available
manganese based on the time of the year and
soil conditions at sowing.

molybdenum is decient, nitrogen xing

nodules occur more frequently than usual and
when opened the normal pink colour is replaced
with a pale green (indicating that they are not
functional). The symptoms of a molybdenum
deciency in a legume are those of a nitrogen
deciency, that is, pale green to yellow leaves.

To assist in the interpretation of soil test results,

Table 7 lists three tests that are commercially
available and a research test that gives
potentially available manganese, the form of
manganese that is extracted by each test, and
the range of results that might be expected. Note
that the values obtained from different tests can
not be compared in absolute amounts.
Managing toxic levels of soil manganese
Applying lime sufcient to lift the pHCa to
above 5.5 will decrease available manganese.
Alternatively, the effects of manganese toxicity
on autumn sown crops and pastures which are
sensitive to manganese can be decreased by
sowing on the second autumn rain.
The effects of molybdenum (Mo) deciency
Many Australian soils are naturally low in
molybdenum and deciencies are more likely to
occur in soils with pHCa below 5.5.

Correcting a molybdenum deciency

Because molybdenum is required in such small
amounts a soil test is not a reliable method
for assessing if there is a deciency. The only
recommendation is that where the pHCa of a
soil is below 5.5 a response in legumes and
some cruciferous vegetables may occur to an
application of 50100 g of sodium molybdate
per hectare. This response varies and local
information from your district agronomist
or fertiliser outlet should be sought before
proceeding. An application every 35 years
(depending on soil type) as a spray of sodium
molybdate or molybdenum trioxide, or as a
component of a fertiliser, is sufcient for all
plants. A lime application that increases pHCa by
one unit, for example from 4.5 to 5.5, increases
the availability of both applied and naturally
occurring molybdenum.
The effects of calcium (Ca) deciency
Calcium is required to form new plant cells, so it
is essential for the growing points of shoots and
roots, for root hair and for leaf development. Low
levels of soil calcium also adversely affect the
nodulation of legumes. Short term deciency can
cause petiole collapse of young expanding leaves.

All plants need molybdenum in trace amounts

to facilitate the use of nitrate nitrogen.
Molybdenum deciency causes an accumulation
of unused nitrate nitrogen, resulting in irregular
twisting of the leaves. The whole plant may be
pale green and the older leaves can also show
chlorotic striping and burnt leaf margins.

Most soils in NSW have an adequate supply of

available calcium for eld crops, pastures and
horticultural crops. Vigorously growing plants in
marginal calcium soils will show symptoms on
the parts of the plant that are furthest from the

Legumes have higher molybdenum requirements

than grasses and cereals as molybdenum plays
a part in the nitrogen xing process. Where

Table 7: Tests for soil manganese that are commercially available.

Extraction method

Form of Mn extracted

Likely range of values

(mg/kg soil)

soluble + exchangeable


1:5 soil:solution
0.05 M EDTA

soluble + exchangeable + portion

of potentially reducible


1:5 soil:solution
0.01 M CaCl 2

soluble + exchangeable


potentially available


1:10 soil:solution DTPA

Triethanolamine CaCl 2

1:10 hydroquinone in
1 M ammonium acetate


main ow of water. Blossom end rot in tomatoes

(Photo 10) and watermelons and poor seed set
in peanuts and subterranean clover are examples
of the effect of moderate calcium deciency.
More severe calcium deciency causes death of
growing points, for example November leaf in
Very severe calcium deciency is very rare and
will only occur in acidic soils that are sandy and
low in organic matter, or where there has been
excessive use of highly acidifying fertilisers.
Under these circumstances the percentage of
exchangeable calcium of the ECEC can drop to
low levels (< 40%), leaving the exchangeable
aluminium as the dominant exchangeable
cation (see the Glossary for an explanation
of these terms). The symptoms may appear
as stubby, unbranched and discoloured roots
or as dead growing points in the shoots. The
root symptoms are difcult to distinguish from
symptoms of aluminium toxicity.

Photo 9: Rhizobia nodules from a medic. Pink

nodules on the left are active, white/green
nodules on the right are non-functioning.

The effects of magnesium (Mg) deciency

Magnesium deciency has been recorded
in seedling crops and pastures in light soils

Photo 10: Tomato blossom end rot.

Photo 8: Lucerne plants showing leaf yellowing characteristic of molybdenum deciency. Similar
symptoms occur where nitrogen is decient.


in southern NSW where there is less than

0.2 meq/100 g exchangeable magnesium in the
010 cm soil layer, but such reports are rare.
Usually these crops or pastures recover by
spring, as nearly all soils in NSW have an ample
supply of magnesium in the subsoil that plants
access as their roots extend down the prole.

magnesium needs to be of the order of 4 to 6 to

achieve a healthy soil and therefore optimum
agricultural production. This claim has not
been proven. Furthermore, there have been
several scientic reports that show that the Ca:
Mg ratio can vary signicantly with no effect on
agricultural production.

The signs of magnesium deciency in cereals are

yellowing of the oldest leaves and this can be
confused with nitrogen deciency. In clovers the
symptoms can include reddening of the oldest

Effect of soil acidity on the micro-organisms

that affect plant growth
Sometimes the effect of acidic soils on the
growth and production of crops and pastures is
not direct but rather through the effect on soil
micro-organisms that in turn affect plant growth.

Magnesium and soil structure

There have been some reports that high levels of
magnesium (exchangeable Mg > 50% of ECEC)
may cause loss of structure in soil. Research has
shown that magnesium itself has no effect on
spontaneous dispersion of undisturbed soil. It
can, however, affect dispersion of a soil that has
been cultivated.
Where the exchangeable magnesium is greater
than 30% of the ECEC it may enhance the
effect of sodium in causing dispersion of a soil,
provided that the Ca:Mg ratio is less than 1 and:
the ESP > 4% and/or
the sum of ESP plus (Ex.Mg% divided by 10)
is greater than 6.
(See glossary for explanation of terms.)

Photo 11: Rhizobia on lucerne roots.

In practice this means that when the ESP is more

than 6%, the contribution of sodium (Na) is much
more important than that of magnesium. ESP is
the principal measurement used to predict soil
dispersion. Note that the critical values of Mg
and Na for dispersion given above are for a soil
with a low electrical conductivity (EC < 0.2 dS/m
in 1:5 soil:water). As the electrical conductivity
increases, so will the critical value of (ESP plus
Mg/10) need to increase to cause dispersion.

Reduced xation of nitrogen

Acidity reduces the survival of Rhizobia and
the effective infection of legume roots. The
sensitivity to acidity varies greatly between
species. When a Rhizobia sp is affected by soil
acidity it shows as poor nodulation and results
in reduced nitrogen xation. Often Rhizobium
bacteria are more sensitive to soil acidity than
the host plant, for example lucerne and medics.

Magnesium and grass tetany in cattle

The onset of grass tetany in cattle is sometimes
attributed to a low soil magnesium but a number
of factors might inuence the onset of this
condition. Check with a veterinarian or livestock
ofcer before applying dolomite or magnesite
to correct a grass tetany problem. There may
be more effective and less expensive ways to
reduce the occurrence of grass tetany in cattle.
Using the Ca:Mg ratio to predict plant growth
Since 1901 there have been claims that the
ratio of exchangeable calcium to exchangeable

Lime pelleting of inoculated legume seed is used

to protect the inoculum against drying out and
contact with fertiliser. Sowing into bands of limesuper also creates an environment suitable for
survival of the inoculum in an acidic soil.
For further information on the effect of soil
acidity on legume nodulation and how to
manage it, see Agfact P2.2.7, Inoculating and
pelleting pasture legume seeds.
The effect of pHCa on the activity of
Take-all root disease in cereals
The fungus that causes the root disease Takeall in cereals, Gaeumannomyces graminis var.

tritici, is most active in soils with a pHCa greater

than 4.8, and has a low level of activity in soils
with a pH less than 4.6. Liming greatly increases
the activity of Take-all.

Refer to the list of aluminium tolerant crops and

pastures in Table 4 when selecting crops and
pastures for acidic soils. Tolerance of plants to
aluminium closely reects acid soil tolerance in
all soils except the weakly weathered soils.

Wheat and triticale should not be grown after

liming a paddock unless the population of the
fungus has been greatly reduced with a break
crop or early fallow. Take-all can build up
rapidly in wet seasons on roots of wheat, barley,
triticale and many grasses and pose a threat to
wheat grown in the paddock the next year. A
break crop of a broadleaf crop (canola, lupins,
peas, etc.) or winter cleaning of grasses from
clover or lucerne pastures reduces the threat from
take-all and should be done routinely after liming.

Protecting soils at risk of becoming acidic

Where soils are at risk of becoming acidic the
future impact of soil acidity can be reduced,
but not eliminated, by slowing the rate of
acidication. This can be achieved by:
minimising leaching of nitrate nitrogen
using less acidifying fertilisers
reducing the effect of removal of product
preventing erosion of the surface soil.



Reducing the leaching of nitrate nitrogen

Nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) is easily leached as it
is highly soluble. When NO3-N is leached away
it leaves that part of the soil more acidic. If the
NO3-N is taken up further down the prole
there can be an increase in pHCa at the point of
uptake. However when the NO3-N is leached
below the root zone it leaves the soil prole
more acidic (Figure 4).

Growing acid tolerant crops and pastures

If a paddock is already acidic, particularly where
both the surface and subsurface soils are acidic,
the economic and downstream impacts and the
rate of acidication can be reduced by growing
acid tolerant crops and pastures.
Acid tolerant species can help farmers to reduce
the impact of soil acidity by:
maintaining cash ow if limestone cannot be
applied when required
maintaining or increasing production on soils
with acidic subsurface layers that are too
deep to be limed economically, or are on
non-arable land
slowing the rate of acidication with more
efcient use of nitrate nitrogen and soil
moisture; particularly by replacing annual
winter grasses with vigorous, perennial
grasses that have some summer growth
allowing crop and pasture rotation sequences
to match the typical decline of soil pHCa
during a 1015 year liming cycle
increasing water use and ground cover and
thus reducing the downstream impacts.

Table 8 lists the factors that affect NO3-N

leaching in order of importance. It qualies the
effect of each factor and indicates how the effect
can be inuenced. The absolute effect of each
factor will increase with higher rainfall.
Using less acidifying fertilisers
Acidication of the soil can be reduced by
avoiding the use of highly acidifying fertilisers
such as sulphate of ammonium and monoammonium phosphate (MAP) (see table 1).
Nitrogen fertiliser (including urea) that is presown should be drilled into narrow bands to
slow nitrication and subsequent leaching.
Surface application of nitrogenous fertiliser for
crops before sowing, even if harrowed, can
result in acidication due to nitrate leaching.
Nitrate nitrogen will be better utilised by
applying top-dressed nitrogen to actively
growing rather than dormant crops, resulting in
less acidication risk.

Acid tolerant plants may slow the acidication

of the soil but will not prevent it. Eventually
the soil will become so acidic that only the
most tolerant species can grow, and then with
reduced production.

The acidication caused by applying elemental

sulphur can be eliminated by using products
that contain sulphur in the sulphate form
such as gypsum, potassium sulphate and
superphosphate. Correcting acidication caused
by using elemental sulphur requires 3 kg of
limestone for each 1 kg of sulphur applied.

Where the soil is very acidic and sowing acid

tolerant species is not practical then retiring land
from agriculture may well be the best option for
the farm and the environment.

the biomass is reduced and the organic matter


Minimising product removal effects

Grain, pasture and animal products are slightly
alkaline and their removal from a paddock
leaves the soil more acidic. When a large
quantity of produce is removed, particularly
clover or lucerne hay, the soil becomes
signicantly more acidic. If very little produce is
removed, such as in meat or wool production,
then the effect on the soil acidity is far less. The
rates of limestone required to neutralise the
acidication caused by removal of produce are
given in Table 2.

However, if the topsoil is removed by erosion

the increase in the acidity of the soil is
permanent. Similarly if the biomass is burned
and the ash is washed or blown away then soil
is left a little more acidic.
Higher organic matter levels often mean higher
levels of available nitrate nitrogen and the
potential for further acidication due to leaching.

If the produce is sold off-farm, regular liming is

the only way to maintain pHCa. The effect on soil
acidity of removing hay will be greatly reduced
if the hay is fed back in the paddock where
it was cut. On dairies, efuent from the shed
should ideally be spread back on the paddocks
and more than one night paddock should be
Preventing erosion of topsoil
A build-up of soil organic matter and/or
increasing the biomass, both dead and alive,
has the same effect on soil acidity as removing
produce from the paddock. The increase in
soil organic matter or biomass will stabilise at
a new level over time and can be reversed if


Application of nely crushed limestone, or
other liming material, is the only practical way
to neutralise soil acidity. Limestone is most
effective if sufcient is applied to raise the
pHCa to 5.5 and it is well incorporated into
the soil. Where acidity occurs deeper than the
plough layer, the limestone will only neutralise
subsurface soil acidity if the pHCa of the surface
soil is maintained above 5.5.
The liming materials most commonly used are
agricultural limestone and dolomite, but other
materials are available. A list of the principal
liming materials, together with some of their
properties, is given in Table 9.

Table 8. Factors that affect NO 3 N leaching in order of impor tance.

Factor affecting
NO 3 N leaching

Nature of effect

Reducing the effect

Poor plant growth

Inefficient water use increases leakage

of water containing NO 3 N into the sub
soil and into the water table.

Efficient water use by healthy well

managed crops and pastures reduces
leakage into the water table.

Nitrogen fixed by clovers

in pastures

NO 3 N will leach with autumn rain

before annual pastures establish.

Perennial pastures will utilise the NO 3 N

as it comes available soon after rain.

High clover to grass ratio

in pastures

High N producing pastures increase

NO 3 N available to be leached.

Aim for maximum of 30% clover,

minimise annual weeds and maximise
perennial grass component.

Annual crops

Delay in sowing annual crops will allow

the NO 3 to move down the profile on
the first water front ahead of the roots.

Sow as early as possible after weed


N Fer tiliser

Soluble forms of N are leached away

before the plant can use it

Apply top dressed N fertiliser according

to N budget guidelines.

Soil pH

Higher pH increases nitrification thus

increasing NO 3 N available.

Maintain high productivity (and

maximise NO 3 N use) with perennial
pastures and efficient crop management.

Lack of adsorption onto


NO 3 is weakly adsorbed by clays, so

leaching occurs.

Utilise the nitrogen before it is leached.

e.g. early sowing of crops, perennial


Analyses of commercial grades of materials based on NSW DPI records.

High values can be expected only from freshly burnt products. Burnt and hydrated lime, dolomite and magnesite readily react with carbon dioxide and moisture in the atmosphere to revert to hydrated and
carbonate forms, causing their neutralising values and calcium and magnesium analyses to fall with time and exposure to air.

There are two benets to neness. The ner
particles in a liming material react more quickly
in the soil as they have a greater surface area
to react with acids. Secondly they will be better
distributed through the soil after incorporation.
Most lime crushers in NSW strive to produce a
lime that has a particle size where 90% passes
through a 150 m sieve. Lime where 99% is less
than 75 m is highly reactive but requires special
machinery to spread. Particles larger than 500
m react only very slowly with the soil. There
is a compromise between neness and the cost
of production, so there are practical limits on
Neutralising value
The neutralising value (NV) of a liming material
is its capacity to neutralise acidity. The higher
the NV the more pure is the product. Pure
calcium carbonate (pure limestone) is taken as
the standard with an NV of 100. The neutralising
value of commercial limestone is usually
between 96 and 98. Other liming materials are
more reactive than limestone and therefore have
higher neutralising values, for example hydrated
lime and burnt lime (Table 9). In NSW the
Fertiliser Act requires that the neutralising values
are calculated for three particle sizes (see Table
10) to inform the buyer if there are variations in
the purity of the liming material in the fractions.
Calcium and magnesium contents
The proportion of calcium and magnesium in
a liming material does not greatly affect the
neutralising value. The chemical form (carbonate,
hydroxide, oxide or silicate) will greatly affect
the neutralising value as detailed in Table 9.
The hydroxide, oxide and silicate forms are
hazardous to health. In extensive cropping and
pasture situations, a response to the magnesium
in dolomite or magnesite is unlikely as there is






Burnt magnesite (magnesium oxide)

180220 b

Magnesite (magnesium carbonate)

110160 b
Burnt dolomite (calcium/magnesium





Usually <1%



Dolomite (calcium/magnesium

128150 b
Burnt lime (calcium oxide)





Usually <1%



Usually <3%






Hydrated (slaked) lime (calcium

Agricultural lime (calcium carbonate)







Commercial grades


Commercial grades
Pure form
Liming material

Poor to fair

Pure form

Commercial grades

Pure form

Magnesium (% Mg)
Calcium (% Ca)

Neutralising value

Table 9. Chemical analyses a of pure and commercial grades of the principal liming materials.

Limestone quality
Agricultural lime in NSW comes from naturally
occurring limestone that is mined and crushed
at several plants throughout eastern Australia.
The quality or effectiveness of different liming
products varies. All liming products sold in NSW
are required to be correctly labelled under the
Fertilisers Act, 1985. This means the calcium and
magnesium content, neness and neutralising
values must all be stated on the label or invoice.
See Table 10.


Recommended liming rates based on a standard

soil test are given in Table 11. As the results
of the soil test are the average of many subsamples it is likely that half of the paddock will
have a pHCa and ECEC less than the average.
Liming at a higher rate than that indicated in the
table will ensure that this half of the paddock
will receive sufcient lime to bring it up to the
desired pHCa.

Table 10. The information on lime quality that

must be specified on the label of lime sold in
The propor tion (expressed as w/w or w/v) in which
calcium and magnesium in the following forms
occur in the liming material:




Liming to increase the pHCa of the surface 10 cm

signicantly above 6.0 should be avoided as it
may induce deciency of other plant nutrients
such as zinc, boron and manganese in well
weathered soils.

The par ticle size distribution expressed as a % of

weight passing through the following sieves:
1,000 microns (1mm)
Neutralising value for the following par ticle sizes
Passing through 75 microns
Between 75 and 250 microns
Between 250 and 1,000 microns

ample magnesium in the subsurface layers of

nearly all soils in NSW. The choice of a limestone,
dolomite or magnesite for crops or pastures
depends principally on price and to a lesser
extent on the results of plant and soil testing
and the crop type. In horticulture, dolomite or
magnesite may be required to supply magnesium
where it is shown to be decient through soil
or plant tissue testing. Chemical analysis of pure
and commercial grades of the principal liming
materials is given in Table 9.
Comparing liming materials
Information on the label will allow a comparison
of the particle sizes and the neutralising value
of liming products. A spreadsheet has been
developed by some of the limestone crushers
to assist in comparing liming products using
this data. If the information specied under the
Act is not available on a product, for example
limestone from interstate, several laboratories
are equipped to analyse limestone such as the
Charles Sturt University Environmental and
Analytical Laboratory at Wagga Wagga.
The quantity and timing of limestone
Liming a paddock to achieve a surface soil
(0 to 10 cm) pHCa of 5.2 will remove most of the
problems associated with an acidic soil. If the
1020 cm layer is also acidic then liming to pHCa
greater than 5.5 will ensure a net movement of
alkali down the prole.

Where the soil is acidic to depth it may take

many years for the lime effect to move to 20 cm,
especially for heavy soils. Changes in pHCa in the
subsurface soil layers of an acidic soil have been
measured for 12 years in a trial to the east of
Wagga Wagga. This trial has conrmed that if the
pHCa is maintained around 5.5 in the top 10 cm
then the pHCa at 15 to 20 cm will slowly increase.
Table 11 shows the amount of limestone
required (ne and NV>95) to lift the pH of
the top 10 cm of soil to 5.2 for a range of
effective cation exchange capacities and pH
normally encountered when making liming
recommendations. The additional lime required
to lift the pH from 5.2 to 5.5 is given in the right
hand column. Assumptions: bulk density of soil
is 1.4 and 70 per cent of the lime dissolves in
one year. For cracking clays this table will give
an over-estimate of lime required.
Timing of limestone application
Apply limestone before the most acid sensitive
crop or pasture in a rotation as it gives the best
economic return. If the limestone will not be
effectively incorporated due to reduced tillage
then apply the limestone a year before the most
sensitive crop and apply it at a slightly heavier rate.
These two actions will enhance lime movement
into the top soil. The time of the year when lime
is applied is not important. Limestone begins to
become effective as soon as the soil is moist and
reaches its major impact after 12 to 18 months.
Do not apply limestone directly before a wheat
or triticale crop unless the root disease Take-all
has been controlled with a break crop or grassfree long fallow.
Applying limestone to permanent pastures is
often not economic as there is no incorporation


of the limestone and the pasture species are

generally acid tolerant and will give only a limited
response. Where funds are limited, liming may
not be a priority. However, delaying the liming
program for too long will give more opportunity
for the acidity to move deeper into the subsurface
soil where it cannot be corrected. Always
consider liming if a new pasture is being sown.

The timeframe is long enough for top-dressed

limestone to be effective.
Applying and incorporating lime
For the quickest and maximum effect, limestone
should be nely crushed, evenly spread and
incorporated into the soil to 10 cm.
Spreading machinery
Because agricultural limestone is generally ne
and large quantities are usually applied, most
spreading is done by contractors using 35
tonne hoppers and belt fed spinners or drop
tubes (see photos 12 and 13). Combines and
seeders cannot handle the quantity required per
ha and conventional fertiliser spreaders have
proved unreliable as the limestone tends to
bridge over the outlet.

Check list before applying lime

The following list gives details to be checked to
ensure that a response to liming is likely. This
is particularly important when putting in a lime
trial or test strip.
The soil is acidic as determined using a soil test.
The crop or pasture being limed is sensitive
to acidity.
The growth of crop or pasture is not
restricted by some other factors such as poor
soil structure, disease or a nutrient deciency.
The acidity of the subsurface soil will not
restrict the productivity and persistence of the
crop or pastures to be sown.
The limestone to be used is sufciently ne
and with a high neutralising value, or is the
most cost-effective product available.
The lime rate is sufcient to correct the problem
When planting wheat or triticale, Take-all has
been controlled.

Dust problems
Most limestone spreaders generate clouds of
ne dust. This is the nest portion of limestone
and, therefore, the quickest to react with the
soil. Traditionally it has been claimed that up to
8% of the lime can be blown away. However,
with the move to ner limestone this could be
underestimating the problem. Many contract
spreaders have a shroud to control the dust.
Wetting the limestone with 24% by weight
of water (400800 L of water to 20 t of lime)
minimises dust.

Table 11. Limestone required (fine and NV > 95) to lift the pH of the top 10 cm of soil to 5.2.
Colour codes group limestone rates to the nearest 0.5 t/ha
Soil test ECEC
(meq/100 g)

Lime required (t/ha) to lift the pH of the top 10 cm:

from 4.0 to 5.2

































from 4.3 to 5.2

from 4.7 to 5.2

from 5.2 to 5.5















*It is recognised that low rates of lime are impractical to apply, but over-liming can cause nutrient imbalances, particularly in these light soils.

KEY: Limestone rates per hectare

0.5 t/ha

1.0 t/ha

1.5 t/ha

2.0 t/ha


2.5 t/ha

3 to 4 t/ha

Split applications



Because limestone moves very slowly down
through the soil, incorporation should be to
the depth of the acidity problem (or as deep as
practicable) for the most effective and speedy
response (see photo 14).

It is possible to estimate the rate of acidication

for a given paddock, enabling budgeting for
future liming programs.
Rainfall is the climatic feature that has the
greatest effect on the rate of soil acidication. It
inuences the following factors:

Surface applied limestone

In sandy soils and where the annual average
rainfall is greater than 600 mm, limestone
applied to the surface may move to 10 cm
depth in 23 years. As the clay content in the
soil increases, or the rainfall decreases, there is
less movement of limestone down the prole. A
rapid response to surface applied limestone is
most likely caused by release of molybdenum
or improvement in legume nodulation, and the
release of nitrogen from organic matter.

plant productivity (which includes the

amount of nitrogen xed by legumes)

The effectiveness of surface applied limestone

can be improved by the following techniques.
Use of a ne grade of limestone spread when
there is good ground cover will ensure that
the limestone does not blow or wash away.
Direct drilling after spreading limestone gives
some incorporation.
Use a superne limestone, with a particle size
as low as 70 microns. The smaller limestone
particles wash down through a sandy or silty
soil, achieving a distribution within the soil
that is similar to the distribution that would
have occurred if the limestone had been
incorporated. Superne limestone is mostly
used in horticulture.
Band limestone and superphosphate with the
seed using direct seeding techniques. Only
small amounts of limestone can be applied in
this way.
Certain species of earthworms also assist the
movement of limestone into the soil; these
worms may become available for purchase in
the future.

Photo 12: Lime spreading using drop tubes at


Photo 13: Drop tubes for accurate lime placement.

Table 12. Management options for acid soils based on the pH (010) and pH (1020). Soils with a pH
above 5.6 do not have the problems associated with soil acidity.


5.0 to 5.5

5.0 to 5.5

Lime will increase Mo availability, reduce Mn availability and increase yield of
only the highly acid sensitive plants (Table 6.)


< 5.0

Usually means lime has been applied to surface soil before.

< 4.7


Lime will increase yields of all acid sensitive crops and pastures.


4.4 to 4.7

Lime will increase yields of all acid sensitive crops and pastures, but a dr y finish to
the season may reduce crop yields.


3.9 to 4.3

Lime will increase yield of acid tolerant crops and pastures.


leaching of nitrate nitrogen

900 mm in the southern tablelands and slopes

and above 700 mm in summer rainfall zones, and
are able to take up most of the nitrate nitrogen
that is produced before it can be leached.

whether a pasture is predominantly annual or

These factors interact in their inuence on the
rate of acidication. For example, perennial
plants use up most of the nitrate nitrogen before
it can be leached, removing the main cause of
soil acidication (see Table 3). It follows then
that the highest rates of dryland acidication
are in southern NSW in the 500700 mm annual
average rainfall zone, particularly under pastures
based on annual legumes and grasses. In lower
rainfall zones, acidication is limited by the lack
of leaching of nitrate nitrogen. Perennial pastures
are more likely to persist where rainfall is above

Table 13 shows some estimated acidication

rates. The gures in the table apply to southern
NSW based on a number of experiments. In
other areas it will be necessary to seek out local
data for an estimate of acidication.

For further information contact your district
agronomist or horticulturist.
The following publications are also useful
Agfact P2.2.7, Inoculating and pelleting pasture
legume seeds, NSW Agriculture
Winter cereal management guide, NSW
Soil acidity and plant growth, edited by A.D.
Robson, Academic Press, Sydney.
NLWRA (2002) Australians and natural resource
management 2002. National Land and Water
Resources Audit, Canberra.

Photo 14: Lime incorporation prior to

sowing lucerne at Gundagai. Two workings
will take place at right angles for maximum

The NSW Department of Primary Industries

website contains much agricultural information:

Table 13: Examples of acidification rates for southern NSW used as a guide to calculate lime requirements.
Cause of acidification

Rate of lime to neutralise acid added

NO 3 N leaching 1 District average

Average rate

High rainfall annual crops or grasses

250 kg/ha/year

High rainfall perennial crops and pastures

100 kg/ha/year

Medium rainfall annual crops or grasses

150 kg/ha/year

Medium rainfall perennial crops and pastures

50 kg/ha/year

Above average crop removal (See Table 2.)

e.g. Soybeans

20 kg/t/ha/year

e.g. Corn silage

40 kg/t/ha/year

Above average fer tiliser type (See Table1.)

e.g. DAP

36 kg/100 kg DAP

Total annual lime requirement

Time to next liming if pH is above 5.0

sum of three categories above


This rate will be based on local experimental data or if not available will need to be built up with farmer experience over time.
If the pH < 5 it may be time to lime now. Experience in Wagga Wagga is that it is most economical to apply lime at 2 to 2.5 tonne per
hectare when required to neutralise accumulated acidity, usually ever y 10 to 20 years.



Acknowledgement is also given to Ross Ballard

(SARDI) for the rhizobia nodule photos, and
Michel Dignand for his diagrams. Also to
David and Jamie Elworthy and Jade Francis
for permission to take photos of liming related

Much of the content of this Agfact has been

derived from Agfact AC.19, editions 1 and 2.
The authors of this third edition acknowledge
the contribution of previous authors including
Keith Helyar, Peter Orchard, Terry Abbott, Peter
Cregan and Brendan Scott.

Acid soil

Soils that have a pH Ca of 5.4 or less

Calcium chloride extractable

aluminium and manganese

The aluminium and manganese measured in the 1:5 soil:0.01 M CaCl 2 extract
used to determine pH Ca . This is the aluminium and manganese that is immediately
available to the plant.

Carbon cycle

The cycle of plants growing, producing carbon products through photosynthesis,

dying, breaking down to organic matter and supplying nutrients to the next
generation of plants.


Abnormal yellowing of plants.

Effective cation exchange

capacity (ECEC)

The sum of the values in a soil analysis of exchangeable cations (calcium,

magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese and aluminium). The unit of
measurement is cmol(+)/kg (previously meq/100 g).

Electrical conductivity (EC)

EC is a measure of soil salinity, that is, concentration of soluble salts in the soil

ESP Exchangeable sodium


Sodium on the exchange layer; calculated as exchangeable sodium divided by the

sum of the exchangeable calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, expressed
as a percentage.

Exchangeable cations

Exchangeable cations are positively charged ions that are loosely bound
to negatively charged clay particles and organic matter in soil. The unit of
measurement is cmol(+)/kg (previously meq/100 g).


The percolation of water with dissolved nutrients through soil.


The name used to describe any of several liming materials, including agricultural
limestone and dolomite. In the building industr y lime refers to calcium
hydroxide (slaked lime)


Death of parts of plants, giving a brown shrivelled appearance.


The transformation of ammonium to nitrate by microbes.

Nitrogen cycle

The cycle of plants taking up nitrogen, plants dying and releasing that nitrogen to
the soil or air for the next generation of plants.

pH buffering capacity

The capacity of a soil to resist a change in pH when acid or lime is added to it.

Potentially available

Manganese is held in a number of different ways in the soil, the most abundant
being manganese oxide. Only some manganese is available to move into the
soil solution when conditions are right and this manganese is referred to as
potentially available.

Soil pH

Soil pH (Figure 3.) is measured in two ways in Australia.

1. Mixed and shaken 1:5 soil:0.01 M CaCl 2 (pH Ca ).
2. Mixed and shaken 1:5 soil:water (pH w ).
pH Ca gives pH values on average 0.5 to 0.8 lower, but with less seasonal
variation, than pH w. While most commercial soil testing laboratories use the CaCl 2
method, most field pH testing kits and some laboratories use the water method.


State of New South Wales 2005

NSW Department of Primary Industries


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