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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:

Revisiting the Cognitive Processes of the

Brainstorming Technique: Theoretical
Considerations from a Synthesis of Piaget,
Vygotsky and SIAM for Learning Science
Farah Alrubaie1, Esther Gnanamalar Sarojini Daniel2
1, 2

Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract: Brainstorming is not new and has been used in teaching and learning for many years. However, how this
technique leads to learning is still vague. In this paper the authors first put forward extended procedural steps to
the basic brainstorming technique. The cognitive processes associated with the brainstorming technique include
creative and critical thinking and problem solving skills. The authors argue a possible theoretical position for these
cognitive processes underlying the procedural steps of the brainstorming technique in the science classroom and
how learning could occur during utilization of the brainstorming technique in teaching and learning science. The
cognitive theories employed for the underlying theoretical framework are: Search for Idea in Associative Memory
(SIAM) theory, Piagets Cognitive Development theory, and Vygotskys Socio-cultural theory.
Keywords: Brainstorming technique, SIAM, Piaget, Vygotsky



Osborn (1953) introduced brainstorming as a technique to increase group creativity. However, he did not provide a
theoretical basis for the brainstorming technique (Butler & Kline, 1998). Nevertheless, there are a few empirical studies
that offer an evidence base for understanding how brainstorming leads to learning (Wang, Ros, & Chang, 2011). Wood
(1970) showed that the brainstorming technique of problem solving has much merit, as it makes learning an active
process. The learner will have fun and soon will become very skilled and perceptive in the science. According to (Davis,
1986) brainstorming has great importance in the teaching process and the development of creative thinking, critical
thinking and problem-solving skills among students, as it helps students to learn because there are no rules, criticism or
evaluation to restrict the production of ideas. In addition to this, brainstorming is in a way a training process to stimulate
cognitive processes for imagination and flexibility in creative thinking In addition, Conklin (2007) stated that traditional
teaching methods are not effective and more teachers should use interactive methods such as the brainstorming technique
which can enable students to construct knowledge and improve mental abilities. Enhanced performance due to cognitive
stimulation and cooperative learning in group brainstorming has been found (Paulus & Yang, 2000).
DeHaan (2009) demonstrated that brainstorming provides an opportunity for teachers to pose a problem and to ask the
students to suggest as many solutions as possible in a brief period, thus enhancing ideational fluency. Here, students can
be encouraged explicitly to build on the ideas of others and to think flexibly. Mohammed, (2010) asserted that the
brainstorming technique provides an opportunity for a learner to impose assumptions, observe, experiment, measure, and
Wang et al. (2011) showed that the brainstorming technique is beneficial for students learning in science education. The
learning through brainstorming comes from the cognitive, inferential process of idea generation, building on prior
knowledge as well as from the collaborative process of students building on one anothers ideas. These components of
cognitive and collaborative processes make brainstorming a powerful technique for students learning and teachers
teaching. In more recent studies, (Mased & Yamin, 2012; Mohammed, 2010) have stated that critical-thinking ability is
stimulated in brainstorming, through the process of problem solving, particularly in evaluation and the selection ideas

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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:
stage when group brainstorming discussion critically considers one best possible solution for the problem. Overall,
brainstorming has been found to improve creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and
achievement among learners, as well as improving the attitude of learners towards science learning (Cheng, 2011; Fanona,




Several researchers have highlighted the effectiveness of brainstorming in teaching and learning (Butler & Kline, 1998;
Cheng, 2004, 2011; DeHaan, 2009; Harbi, 2002; Hobson, 2001; Holubov, 2010; Jessop, 2002; Mased & Yamin, 2012;
Paulus & Paulus, 1997; Wang, Ros, Li, & Chang, 2006; Wood, 1970) and is illustrated in Table 1.





Paulus &
Butter &










Wang et al














Mased &


Brainstorming an effective teaching technique for all levels of learning.
Group brainstorming increase productivity, learning, and creativity for
gifted and regular education.
A comparison of brainstorming, hierarchical, and changing perspective to
determine which produced the most, best, and the most creative solutions.
Using brainstorming as an interactive technique for teaching physics.
Brainstorming develops critical thinking skills and academic achievement
in biology lessons.
Brainstorming and critical thinking skills to expanding students
brainpower in chemical and biochemical engineering.
Enhancing creativity in physics by using brainstorming technique and
other different strategies.
Virtual brainstorming to support productive group for collaborative
creative idea generation in science education.
using brainstorming method in teaching science on developing the
creative thinking of the second grade intermediate pupils in Arar City
Using brainstorming technique to promote creative problem solving in
The effectiveness of brainstorming technique as modern teaching methods
in teaching physics.
Using brainstorming for developing science processes skills among fifth
secondary students in biology.
Brainstorming technique for infusing creativity into regular science
Using brainstorming in the development of concepts and the attitude
towards biology for the eleventh grade Male students.
A comparison of problem based learning and brainstorming technique on
developing critical thinking.

Brainstorming is a type of stimulation to activate particular cognitive structures (relevant domain knowledge) in the mind
of students for in-depth search (deep exploration) for creative idea generation (Stroebe, Nijstad, & Rietzschel, 2010). The
most important function of the brainstorming technique for students is to practice the flexibility, fluency, risk taking,
elaboration and other skills, which are associated with creativity (Starko, 2009). The main purpose of brainstorming is to
let students generate ideas or options for solving a problem by themselves (Wang, et al., 2006). Butler and Kline, (1998)
found that brainstorming is an effective technique for facilitating intellectual fluency to help students generate creative
solutions. Cheng )3122( found that in addition to creativity enhancement, brainstorming improves students abilities, of

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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:
novel and innovative thinking, challenging and risk-taking attitudes, metacognition, understanding of science knowledge
and positive attitudes towards science learning.
Schneider, )2002( asserted that brainstorming is an effective technique to develop and enhance critical thinking skills for
students in science, as it helps activate students thinking to explore new options instead of merely receiving information
from a teacher. Harbi (2002) identified brainstorming as a useful method for developing critical thinking and that there is
positive and direct statistically significant relationship between critical thinking and achievement when using the
brainstorming technique among biology students in a secondary school. Brainstorming develops critical thinking when
students working in-groups begin to evaluate each generated idea using agreed-upon criteria. Students will discuss
whether or not their proposed ideas were likely to solve the problem and decide which ideas are to be rejected and which
ideas are to be modified to make them more powerful and appropriate to solve the problem (Case, 2005; Mased & Yamin,
2012). Ho, (1998) found that ideas generated during brainstorming become more effective and feasible when group
members evaluate and judge it. Creative and critical thinking can be said to have three dimensions: the analytic, the
evaluative, and the synthesis (creative), these three dimensions cannot be separated from each other and must be involved
together to be effective (Paul & Elder, 2008). Lamb, (2003) and Huitt, (1998) equate evaluation with critical thinking and
synthesis with creative thinking.
Enhancing thinking skills (Mestre, Dufresne, Gerace, Hardiman, & Tougher, 1992), Rabari, et al., 2011) is an important
aim for science education. Therefore, many researchers have made connections between critical thinking and creativity
(Aizikovitsh-Udi & Amit, 2011; Bailin, 2002; Barak & Dori, 2009; Bonk & Smith, 1998; Cotton, 1991; Fisher, 2002;
Forrester, 2008; Glassner & Schwarz, 2007; Harris, 1998; Koh, 2002; Marrapodi & Education, 2003; Paul & Elder, 2008;
Rabari, Indoshi, & Okwach, 2011; Sulaiman, 2011; Swartz, Fischer, & Parks, 1998); Glassner & Schwarz,2006). All
researchers agree that students need the process of solving the problem for both creative and critical thinking. This is
because first, students must analyse the problem, then generate possible solutions, next choose and implement the best
solution, and finally, evaluate the effectiveness of the solution. In this manner, there is a resonance between creative and
critical thought (BacanlI, DombaycI, Demir, & Tarhan, 2011).
Fisher (2002) defined that the right brain represents creative thinking and the left brain represents critical thinking. Fisher,
(2002), Glassner and Schwarz, (2007) and Harris, (1998) have differentiated between critical thinking, which is described
as being left brained, analytical, convergent, vertical probability, making judgments, hypothesis testing, objective, closed
and linear, reasoning, logical; and creative thinking, which is characterized as being right brained, generative, divergent,
lateral possibility, suspended judgment, hypothesis forming, subjective, open-ended, associative, speculative, and
intuitive. The brainstorming technique (which can be seen as an educational stimuli) stimulates both the left and right
sides of the brain during the learning process to produce ideas to cope with the situation and restore equilibrium during
problem solving (Fanona, 2012).
To summarize the ideas of how brainstorming encompasses problem solving, creative and critical thinking have been
researched and discussed by various researchers, Figure 1 below is put forward by the authors to indicate the cognitive
processes associated with brainstorming.

FIGURE 1: Error! No text of specified style in document.: The Brainstorming technique for problem solving, creative and
critical thought

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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:
The brainstorming procedure was designed with the specific goal of stimulating thinking skills to solve problems.
Brainstorming procedures make students spend their time thinking about and organizing the salient concepts or points of
the topic instead of simply recording information and listening (Seeler, Turnwald, & Bull, 1994). However, in order to
activate student's mental abilities, brainstorming follows three stages, namely problem identification, idea generation and
idea evaluation. The authors have illustrated the stages of the brainstorming technique in Figure 2.

FIGURE 2: Cognitive Processes and the Stages of Brainstorming

The first stage identification of the problem, is the key to generating a great number of ideas. Dewey, (1903), the
philosopher, commented that a problem well-stated is a problem half-solved." Brainstorming is intended to open fresh
perspectives and allow learners to attack the original problem from a new point of view. For this to be effective, students
must be able to understand the problem, understand abstract principles for reversing data, and to use them in a new
situation (Starko, 2009). A good problem should be presented with questions such as, What is the purpose? Why is this
important? Who is affected? and so forth. These types of questions would help learners to activate prior knowledge and
generate more ideas. In essence, by clearly viewing the problem from all angles, it is easier to start the brainstorming
process. It is also imperative when brainstorming in a group that all members understand the questions to the answered
before suggesting solutions. If some group members misinterpret the problem, they will not be contributing to the
solution, and they may slow down the brainstorming process.
The second stage is the actual brainstorming for the generation of solutions (ideas). During the generative process,
learners would probably activate the right brain (divergent thinking) to generate and to synthesise a set of novel mental
models as potential solutions to the problem by linking new knowledge with old knowledge or making connections
between various concepts (DeHaan, 2009). Critical restraints are minimized to encourage free creativity in generating lots
of ideas and building upon one anothers ideas (in group brainstorming) to generate even more ideas. Students can think

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Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:
freely, by consciously trying to see in a new way, to imagine new possibilities without critical restrictions, because they
have the security of knowing that their wild ideas will be critically evaluated during the evaluative phase that follows
(Rusbult, 1997).
The third stage is the evaluation of ideas. The first step of evaluation is simply to choose ideas, which are potential
solutions for the problem. In this stage, a learner would employ critical thinking abilities (convergent thinking) to analyze
and evaluate each idea to ensure the ideas would actually be useful or effective in some way. Only at this time are similar
ideas combined, criteria for judging the ideas determined, and the best ideas would be selected (Finney, 2008 ).
The authors have extended another final stage which involves acting and selecting upon the best ideas and evaluating the
results, for example run the experiment and determine if the hypothesis is proven or not (Jessop, 2002). In this stage, a
learner needs to blend between creative and critical thinking to solve the problem.



Three cognitive theories are suggested in this paper to explain the cognitive processes underlying brainstorming and how
learning occurs during utilization of the brainstorming technique. These theories are: Search for Idea in Associative
Memory (SIAM) theory (Nijstad, 2000; Nijstad, Stroebe, & Lodewijkx, 2002, 2003), Piagets Cognitive Development
theory (1929), and Vygotskys Socio-cultural theory (1978). All these theories play an important role in explaining how
knowledge is generated and how learning occurs during brainstorming.
Search of ideas in associative memory (SIAM) is a cognitive theory developed to explain the cognitive processes
underlying idea generation in the brainstorming technique. It is an extension of Raaijmakers and Shiffrin (1981) Search of
Associative Memory (SAM) model of memory retrieval. The SAM model explains that learning occurs from the shortterm memory control process (coding, rehearsal and decision) and retrieval of a variety of long-term memory structures
followed by the formation of new associative relationships between the retrieved structures. SIAM is similar with the
SAM model and assumes that there are two memory systems: short-term memory and long-term memory (Nijstad, 2000;
Nijstad & Stroebe, 2006; Nijstad, Stroebe, & Lodewijkx, 2002, 2003).
1. Short-Term Memory
Or called a limited capacity Working Memory (WM), working memory can only handle a small number of units or
chunks at one time. It is labile, often lasting only a few seconds without specific activities to prolong it. The major role
of WM is used as a working space for control processes of all sorts, including plans, coding, rehearsal, and decision.
2. LongTerm Memory (LTM)
An unlimited capacity consists of elements that are a richly interconnected network of cognitive nodes that is called a
(semantic network). Long-term memory contains a vast quantity of relationships, schemes, frames, and rules for how to
use and process them (declarative and implicit memory). It is highly stable and can store data for decades. However, longterm memory for science learning is not just having the memory, but being able to use it and make the associations that
bring it into working memory. This is important for students to understand knowledge of science to be functional.
SIAM assumes that LTM and WM memory are essential elements of the brainstorming process because brainstorming
repeatedly searches for ideas in associative memory and their integration in working memory. How can this be
visualized? As stated earlier, the first stage of the brainstorming technique is identification of the problem. During
problem identification activation and retrieval of prior knowledge (image, concept or idea activation) in LTM occurs. This
activation of knowledge is a controlled process in which search cues are applied, which image or concept is activated is
probabilistic and depends on the strength of association between the search cue and the concept. Concepts that are more
similar to one another have many strong connections with currently active ideas than concepts which are very different
from one another. When a particular idea or concept is activated other ideas or concepts with strong connection to that
idea are also activated, Consequently, these are analyzed automatically in series on stages along many parallel paths
(Dugosh, Paulus, Roland, & Yang, 2000). This analysis results in activation of information in LTM.

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Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:
An example is given in Figure 3. The initial stage for knowledge retrieval is that the science teacher should stimulate
students for activation of a particular knowledge by identifying a problem as a question to guide students for a retrieval
plan of knowledge from LTM to answer the question.

Why does the pen appear broken when you look at the surface of the water

FIGURE 3: An example of a science problem

The retrieval plan includes an initial decision such as what is the scientific law that should be employed to solve the
problem and what combinations of probe cues should be employed. The teacher can facilitate the students to ask questions
such as,
What is the phenomenon that explains the problem?
What is the relevant information to this problem?
Next, basic to the retrieval plan, the probe cues of information have to be assembled in WM to be used in retrieval of
knowledge from LTM. Generally, these cues will include information related to the science problem. Following this, the
retrieval process concerns searching for knowledge, determining relative knowledge and recovery from LTM. These three
steps will determine what image is sampled and how much of the information in the sampled image becomes available to
the problem. Finally, when the recovery process has brought enough information to solve the problem, this information
will be subject to evaluation and decision-making. The evaluation stage includes deciding whether the sampled
information was indeed on the list being tested, whether the sampled image matches the problem, whether a response
should be output (knowledge has been activated), and whether the research should be continued. If the research is
continued the process loops back to the retrieval plan to start the next step in the retrieval process.
According to the SIAM theory when the knowledge has been activated in LTM the second stage of brainstorming
technique which is idea generation can proceed. Knowledge activation in LTM is thought to stimulate the learners mind
to activate the creative thinking skills to construct new ideas by connecting new knowledge with the old, build new links,
rearrange or reverse knowledge, build connections between various concepts, form new associations, or apply knowledge
to a new domain in order for the learner to attain equilibrium. A single initial idea can be used to generate further varied
ideas and thus these should be semantically more closely related than ideas which develop from differing initial ideas.
These ideas can be added to the search cue to activate new ideas in LTM. This could result in a train of thought a
rapid accumulation of semantically related ideas. When a train of thought no longer leads to new ideas, a new search cue
must be assembled, a process which takes some time. The new cue is then used to probe memory and results in the
continuous activation of new images and the generation of additional ideas (Brown & Paulus, 2002; Nijstad, et al., 2003).
The evaluation stage employs critical thinking to decide whether the ideas generated match the problem, whether a
response should be the output (ideas to be implemented), and whether the search should be continued. If the search is
continued the process loops back to the search of knowledge in LTM to start the next step in the knowledge activation.
The authors have put forward the ideas above in Figures 4 and 5 to illustrate the process of knowledge activation in LTM
as well as the process of idea generation for the brainstorming technique. After the ideas have been evaluated the group
members begin to implement the ideas to solve the given science problem.

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FIGURE 4: Knowledge activation from Raaijmakers and Shiffrin, (1981)

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Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:

FIGURE 5: Ideas Generation for the Brainstorming Technique

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Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:


Piaget (1929) saw learning as the process of creation and innovation. Piaget believed that the process of thinking (creative
and critical) and learning requires four processes:
Schema: Mental structures which organize past experiences and provide a way of understanding future experiences.
Assimilation: Incorporate new information into existing schemas. In other words, the process of modified experience and
new information to suit what an individual knows in advance, and occurs when the individual is facing a new situation
and tries to modify the experience with the appropriate the cognitive structure, it is a process of changing experiences to
become familiar.
Accommodation: A mental process that restructures existing schemas so that the new information is better understood.
Equilibrium: The process of seeking mental balance. Piaget believed that equilibrium and disequilibrium occurs when
the learner tries to look for existing knowledge incompatible with the new experience of the individual. The more times
the equilibrium of the student is lost and then restored, the better the learners ability to cope with new situations.
Equilibrium influences schemas because of the internal and external processes through assimilation and accommodation.
Mutual stimulation within the brainstorming processes increases the likelihood of cognitive conflict. Cognitive conflict is
the mental state in which learners become conscious of gaps in their understanding, which increases their receptivity to
cognitive restructuring and learning. The brainstorming process forces students to develop existing schemas and create
new structures. Hence, student would actively seek re-equilibrium when he/she faces a new science problem. The learner
internalizes hypothetical-deductive question asking and generates answers which involve the acquisition of linguistic
skills associated with hypothesis testing and leads ultimately to the development of hypothesis testing schemes and
patterns of discussion with his/ her group member if his answers are correct or not. The learner must rely on others for this
so when left on his/her own he/she simply generates ideas and for the most part, uses them for better or for worse. At this
point, a successful assimilation has occurred. When assimilation is accomplished by the learner, he/she would refine and
be ready to solve the physics problem. As a result, students would attain equilibrium again.
In contrast, if new knowledge cannot be linked to the schemas that are already available in the learners mind, students
who go through the active phase of the brainstorming procedural steps would discuss and analyze the science problem
with his\her group to stimulate their minds for employing creative thinking to generate and hypothesize ideas by
combining new knowledge with the old, forming new associations, rearranging or reversing knowledge for solving the
given science problems. Following this, students will activate the critical thinking to evaluate each others ideas together
and select one right idea to apply in solving the science problem. At this point, a successful accommodation has occurred.
As a result, students would achieve mental equilibrium. In summary, a series of assimilation and accommodation are
continuous during the brainstorming session until the learner implements the right idea to solve the science problems. At
this point, learners reach mental equilibrium and develop his\her schemas. The authors have interpreted Piagets theory
during the brainstorming technique in the classroom as in Figure 6.

FIGURE 6: Interpretation of Piagets Theory for Brainstorming (1929)

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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:


Vygotsky had developed a socio-cultural approach to cognitive development. Individual development cannot be
understood without reference to the social and cultural context within which it is embedded. Higher mental processes
(creative and critical thinking) in the individual have their origins in social processes. The individual cannot learn and
develop higher mental skills without communication from others. Vygotsky (1978) believed that learning always precedes
development along the ZPD. The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is the distance between the actual
developmental level as determined by independent problem-solving and the level of potential development as determined
through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers p86.
Scaffolding is the support given during the learning process which is tailored to the needs of the student with the intention
of helping the student achieve his/her learning goals via focused questions and positive interactions. Individualized
supports, such as small-group learning, can be provided. The idea is to build on prior knowledge with the teacher
supporting the learners development to get to the next level and reduces uncertainty or difficulties so learning is
The students need assistance (scaffolding) to solve the science problem during the brainstorming procedure. Therefore,
the teacher could facilitate the learning process and scaffold the learner by: i.

Working collaboratively within a group;


Identifying a good problem to stimulate the mind of students;


Encourage members of the group to discuss and dialogue;


Provide each learner paper to write down ideas for solving the problem;


Instruct students to analyze the problem by dividing it to the sub-problem;


Instruct students to synthesize and organize the information and


Instruct students to discuss and evaluate the result

Thus, it can be said that the mutual stimulation during group brainstorming helps students to generate new ideas and
develop creative thinking skills. Listening to other students' ideas provokes thinking and draws attention to different
aspects that may not have come to mind before. This stimulation can cause students to listen to the ideas of others viewed
from angles other than their own. Providing an opportunity for students to exchange ideas, modify existing ideas and
adding to the existing information could also allow an increase in student activity that can influence each other, as
participants within a brainstorming group possess a huge pool of knowledge as they are from a variety of backgrounds.
Evaluation during brainstorming procedures encourage students to use higher thinking skills (such as analysis and
synthesis) through dialogue and discussion of generated ideas, considering divergent views from the members of group,
exclusion of incorrect ideas, complete incomplete ideas and then trying to agree on one point of view (ideas) to be
adopted as the answer to the problem including providing appropriate interpretations as to the choice of the
idea.Successful scaffolding results in increased cognitive development for learners and develops creativity, critical
thinking and problem-solving skills. The authors have interpreted Vygotskys theory during brainstorming in the
classroom as illustrated in Figure 7.

FIGURE 7: Interpretation of Vygotskys theory for Brainstorming (1978)

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Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (44-57), Month: July - September 2014, Available at:


The authors have synthesized and interpreted the three cognitive theories: Search of Ideas in Associative Memory (SIAM)
theory (2003), Piagets cognitive development theory (1929) and Vygotsky social-cultural theory (1978). The SIAM
theory shows how a learner retrieves knowledge from LTM and how a learner generates ideas; whereas Piagets theory
shows how a learner reaches, mental equilibrium and develops his\her cognitive structures. Lastly, Vygotskys theory
shows how teachers and peers could assist a learner to develop abilities to think creativity, critically and solve the
problems. Figure 8 illustrates the cognitive processes interpreted by the authors for a learner during brainstorming
technique by interpreting and synthesizing the (SIAM) theory (2003), Piagets cognitive development theory (1929) and
Vygotsky social-cultural theory (1978).

FIGURE 8: Interpretation of the cognitive process for students during brainstorming technique



The brainstorming technique continues to be widely applied for teaching science in many empirical studies. However,
none of these studies have explicitly explained how brainstorming leads to learning. Therefore, the major motivation
behind this paper was to provide an explanation for the cognitive processes underlying brainstorming as a technique for
teaching science. Three cognitive theories were synthesised to explain and to help visualise that procedures of the
brainstorming technique could actually stimulate three main thinking skills: problem solving, creative and critical thinking
skills among science students.

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