Trusses Are Used in A Broad Range of Buildings, Mainly Where There Is A Requirement For Very Long Spans, Such

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Definition of a truss

Members under axial forces in a simple truss

1 - Compression axial force
2 - Tension axial force
A truss is essentially a triangulated system of (usually) straight interconnected structural elements; it is
sometimes also referred to as an open web girder. The individual elements are connected at nodes; the
connections are often assumed to be nominally pinned. The external forces applied to the system and the
reactions at the supports are generally applied at the nodes. When all the members and applied forces are in a
same plane, the system is a plane or 2D truss.
The principal force in each element in a truss is axial tension or compression.
Overview of trusses
[top]Use of trusses in buildings
Trusses are used in a broad range of buildings, mainly where there is a requirement for very long spans, such
as in airport terminals, aircraft hangers, sports stadia roofs, auditoriums and otherleisure buildings. Trusses are
also used to carry heavy loads and are sometimes used as transfer structures. This article focuses on
typical single storey industrial buildings, where trusses are widely used to serve two main functions:

To carry the roof load

To provide horizontal stability.

Two types of general arrangement of the structure of a typical single storey building are shown in the figure

Vertical trusses are supported by columns.

Lateral stability provided by portal trusses.
Lateral stability provided by longitudinal wind girder
Longitudinal stability provided by transverse wind

and vertical bracings in the gables (blue)

girder and vertical cross bracings (blue)

Longitudinal stability provided by transverse wind
No longitudinal wind girder.

girder and vertical bracings (green)

Portal frame and beam and column arrangements

In the first case (left) the lateral stability of the structure is provided by a series of portal trusses; the
connections between the truss and the columns provide resistance to a global bending moment. Loads are
applied to the portal structure by purlins and side rails.
In the second case, (right) each vertical truss and the two columns between which it spans, constitute a simple
beam structure; the connection between the truss and a column does not resist the global bending moment,
and the two column bases are pinned. Transverse restraint is necessary at the top level of the simple structure;
it is achieved by means of a longitudinal wind girder which carries the transverse forces due to wind on the
side walls to the vertical bracing in the gable walls.

[top]Types of trusses
Trusses comprise assemblies of tension and compression elements. Under gravity loads, the top and bottom
chords of the truss provide the compression and tension resistance to overall bending, and the bracing resists
the shear forces. A wide range of truss forms can be created. Each can vary in overall geometry and in the
choice of the individual elements. Some of the commonly used types are shown below.

[top]Pratt truss ('N' truss)

Pratt trusses are commonly used in long span buildings ranging from 20 to 100 m in span. In a conventional
Pratt truss, diagonal members are in tension for gravity loads. This type of truss is used where gravity loads
are predominant (see below left). An alternative Pratt truss is shown (below right) where the diagonal members
are in tension for uplift loads. This type of truss is used where uplift loads are predominant, which may be the
case in open buildings such as aircraft hangers.

Pratt truss (gravity loads)

Pratt truss (uplift loads)

It is possible to add secondary members (as illustrated below left) to:

Create intermediate support points for applied loads

Limit the buckling length of members in compression (although in a 2D truss, the buckling length is only
modified in one axis).

For the Pratt truss and any of the types of truss mentioned below, it is possible to provide either a single or a
double slope to the upper chord of a roof supporting truss. An example of a double (duo-pitch) Pratt truss is
shown below.

Pratt truss with secondary members

Duo-pitch Pratt truss

A Pratt truss University of Manchester

(Image courtesy of Elland Steel Structures Ltd.)

[top]Warren truss

Modified Warren trusses National Composites Centre, Bristol

(Image courtesy of Billington Structures Ltd.)
In this type of truss, diagonal members are alternatively in tension and in compression. The Warren truss has
equal length compression and tension web members, and fewer members than a Pratt truss. A modified

Warren truss may be adopted where additional members are introduced to provide a node at (for example)
purlin locations.
Warren trusses are commonly used in long span buildings ranging from 20 to 100 m in span.
This type of truss is also used for the horizontal truss of gantry/crane girders.

Modified Warren truss

[top]North light truss

North Light truss

North light trusses are traditionally used for short spans in industrial workshop-type buildings. They allow
maximum benefit to be gained from natural lighting by the use of glazing on the steeper pitch which generally
faces north or north-east to reduce solar gain. On the steeper sloping portion of the truss, it is typical to have a
truss running perpendicular to the plane of the North Light truss, to provide large column-free spaces.
The use of north lights to increase natural daylighting can reduce the operational carbon emissions of buildings
although their impact should be explored using dynamic thermal modelling. Although north lights reduce the
requirement for artificial lighting and can reduce the risk of overheating, by increasing the volume of the
building they can also increase the demand for space heating. Further guidance is given in the Target
Zero Warehouse buildings design guide .

[top]Saw-tooth truss

Saw-tooth (or Butterfly) truss

A variation of the North light truss is the saw-tooth truss which is used in multi-bay buildings. Similar to
the North light truss, it is typical to include a truss of the vertical face running perpendicular to the plane of the
saw-tooth truss.

[top]Fink truss

Fink truss
The Fink truss offers economy in terms of steel weight for short-span high-pitched roofs as the members are
subdivided into shorter elements. There are many ways of arranging and subdividing the chords and internal
This type of truss is commonly used to construct roofs in houses.

Truss Types
Trusses come in all shapes and sizes. Here is a list of common names and pictures of the standard truss

Attic & Storage Trusses


Gambrel Attic



Garden Shed Hoop

Common Trusses



Stepdown Hip


Double Howe

Triple Howe

Double Fan

Modified Queen

Dual Pitch

Mono Trusses




Scissor (Vaulted) Trusses

Scissor (or Vaulted)

Barrel Truss

Bow Barrel



Sliding Scissor

Floor Trusses

Bottom Chord Bearing

Chase Way

Top Chord Bearing

Types Of Trusses And Construction

Haden Y. Mateo
Ar. Samson

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