Reading 4
Reading 4
Reading 4
Information and Communication Technologies have transformed the way the world lives and
thinks. Education, especially, Distance Education is no different. While the technologies per se
are an important factor, the social milieus in which these technologies are implemented are
equally important. Technological convergence in the Indian context surely has to account for
Old Generation Technologies on their platform as much as new technologies. The vibrant
interface between social and technological issues in the Educational field is an important area
of discourse. The current paper discusses these and many more issues in ample detail.
Keywords: Communication Technology, Technology and Distance Education
Convergence of technologies.
"The virtue of a computer in the classroom is that it requires a user, not a watcher."
-Diane Ravitch
Diane Ravitchs interesting quote perhaps sums up the essence of education in the 21st century.
Technologies have to come to rule and even dictate the terms on which pedagogic discourse is
undertaken the world over. Despite the seemingly over-whelming nature of technological
intrusion into academic discourse, the many questions that remain to be answered are
whether there has been a revolution or has it been an evolution? If it is indeed a revolution as
many would like us to believe, how has it impacted the ways in which we teach, study or
transact academically? Further, has it been a systemic revolution? Do technologies impede the
development of traditional competencies in teaching and learning? Are all technologies value
neutral? Finally, perhaps most important one is can technologies replace the teacher?
Such questions are often asked at the cross roads of major technological changes. The present
era seems to project one such scenario. New educational technologies are constantly being
unveiled and older ones are constantly modified or updated.
A number of studies conducted in the past by scholars namely, Dziuban, (2002); Navarro and
Shoemaker, (2000), Hilgenberg and Tolone, (2000); Keegan, (2000), Smith, Ferguson, and
Caris (2003) and Mason (2000) reveal the following facets (Gaudelli, 2006):
There exists a higher level of student satisfaction in web-based distance learning
than through face-to face learning
Matched or exceed achievement of distance learning students when compared to
face-to-face situations
Increased engagement in a-synchronous discussions, which would motivate
learners to continue in the programme
Even in subjects like Mathematics, the effectiveness of ICT based learning and
the levels of involvements of learners were found to be far higher than that of
Face to Face Learning
However, ICT based learning pedagogy is not without its vibrant critics. Postman states that
technology integrated learning is a form of edutainment which threatens to unravel our social
fabric. Clark states that the ICT based modality of instruction does not translate into a
significant difference in student achievement. Russell (2002) based on his study of an
extensive database of 355 citations to educational articles over the past century that document
no significant difference in student achievement when distance learning is compared to
traditional modes (Gaudelli, 2006).
It can clearly be seen that there are few major studies on how technologies have converged to
create a more democratic learning space. The current study is an effort in the direction of
addressing this vital issue.
Firstly, we shall see what Emerging Technologies or new technologies are. Miller, Green and
Putland define Emerging Technologies as:
A technology is still emerging if it is not yet a must have. For example, a few
years ago, E-Mail was an optional technology. Infact, it was limited in its
effectiveness as a communications tool when only some people in an
organization have regular access to it. Today, it is a must have, must use
technology for people in most organizations. In this sense, a technology can be a
standard expectation in the commercial or business world, while still being
considered as emerging in the educational sector (Veletsianos, 2010).
Some of the major theoretical strands that go behind the adoption of new technologies are as
given below:
The Constructivist Approach
Constructivist theories derive their popularity from the writings of Jean Piaget, Dewey and
Mead. Though there are a large number of theories that signify constructivism, they all share a
common strand, which is that individuals of all kinds construct knowledge based on their
understanding of their backgrounds and proclivities. Constructivism also claims that learning
takes place when the tasks those are being done hold meaning for the learners and are
contextual in nature (Veletsianos, 2010). These techniques require problem focus and
elaborate techniques of enquiry (Veletsianos, 2010).
Complexity Theory
The Complexity theory involves the study of living systems and focuses on how a living
organism adapts to changing living environments. In the effort to survive in the changing
external setting, the organism, modifies the external setting and in the process creates
complex yet stable systems (Veletsianos, 2010). The said theory attempts to predict phase
transitions that provide for growth, change or learning. This theory imagines learning contexts
(class rooms, online learning etc) as entities themselves.
Net-Aware Theories
The Net-Aware theories look at three distinct affordances as far as teaching- learning processes
is concerned (Veletsianos, 2010):
The capacity for powerful yet Low Cost Communication, which encourages
epistemic engagement in teaching- learning processes. Net-based technologies
provides avenues for collaborative, informal and life-long learning
Net based technologies create a mechanism whereby we move from a position of
information and content scarcity to one of sheer abundance.
Internet provides active agents that compile and present relevant information
according to ones needs. The search Engine is one such manifestation.
Hase and Kenyon coined the term, Heutagogy to signify self directed learning that dispenses
with the need for the teacher that is characteristic of pedagogy and andragogy (Veletsianos,
2010). The authors predict that the future of learning will be a movement away from
competency building to capacity building. It is also a movement away from prescriptive
contents to exploration of issues that affect the students life (Veletsianos, 2010).
Activity Theory
The Activity Theory states clearly that all human activity is oriented towards goal attainment
and that this process is mediated by tools- either mediated or physical. (Kirkwood, 2005).
Training of learners through activities is a sure way of inculcating the requisite and desired
skills. The selected technologies should be such that they aid and promote the desired learning
The choice of technology is integrally linked to the level of understanding that is sought to be
achieved. Learning typically goes through four distinct stages. The first level is characterized by
information assimilation and reproduction.
Traditionally, such learning has been associated with learning by rot and therefore
reinforcement of memory is an important aspect in this scheme. To cater to such requirements,
technologies that promote maximum information flow, seem most suitable. The notable
examples of such technologies are Peer to Peer (P2P) technologies, virtual class rooms, podcasts and so on.
The second stage of learning is synonymous with practical learning in which the theoretical
learning is converted into functional understanding by hands-on training. The most relevant
technologies in this scenario relate to web-based as well as practical computer models.
The third stage is one of reflective learning or in other words, applying the knowledge acquired
in different practical scenarios. In this stage technologies like web based workbooks would be
real assets.
The fourth stage is that of Analysis by the learners. At this stage, skills of a higher order need
to be inculcated into the learners.
As a natural corollary of what is stated above, it can be easily perceived that the most intensive
and attention catching technologies need to be brought into the pedagogic framework in the
initial stages of curricular transaction and more functional technologies can be utilized.
In this section we shall focus on some of the new technologies or emerging technologies
relevant to the field of Education and Distance Education in particular. The underlying
philosophy behind Technology Enabled Pedagogic method is that knowledge is created through
engagement, dialogue and interactivity. In this scheme, knowledge is subjective and methods
of learning are focused on interaction, participation and dialogue. Students are also active and
initiative taking (Anderson, 2010).
Personal Learning Networks
Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) provide learning platforms that suit particular learning
needs of the learner community. The most well known among these PLNs are WebCT/
Blackboard, Moodle, Ning and wiki. Let us analyze the comparative merits and demerits of
these mechanisms.
WebCT is an online proprietary Virtual Learning Environment that is licensed to colleges and
other institutions mainly for the purpose of E-Learning.
It was initially developed by Murray Goldberg. WebCT is an important technological innovation
in the sense that, it was the worlds first and most widely used E-Learning Plat form. At the
height of its popularity, it catered to the needs of more than 10million students in more than 80
countries. It is seen that WebCT works well with students who have prior acquaintance with
online learning.
The major drawback of the system is that it is a proprietary system that cannot be modified
without the vendors permission. Further, the LMS favours Directed Learning compared to
Constructive Learning and is also costly in terms of license fees (Veletsianos, 2010). The over
reliance of the LMS on Java, its use of multiple browsers and need for inactivating pop-up
blockers are regarded as some of its other major drawbacks.
Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System
(LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a free web application that educators can
use to create effective online learning sites (MoodleTrust). The major advantage of Moodle is
that it can scale up its size to meet the personalized requirements of thousands of learners
across the globe. Further, the Moodle comes in as a handy tool for blended Learning, that is to
augment class-room teaching. Further, collaborative communities can also be easily built
around the Moodle (MoodleTrust). From an educationists point of view the greatest benefit of
limited fuss. The how and when factors are of paramount importance while
dealing with integration of ICTs
To harness the full scope of ICT, the aspect of specializing appropriate
technologies assumes importance. The maxim, too many cooks spoil the broth
holds good. Today, a large number of complementary technologies exist in the
market. Experimenting with all of them or many of them is often not a very good
idea due to the time constraint as well as the technical complexities involved. A
case in view is that of A-view and Wiz-IQ. Both are similar platforms, but using
both of them for the same purpose is not often a very good idea. At the same
time, there are instances that require integration of technologies of diverse hues,
an aspect we shall dwell in some detail under the discussion on convergence of
The use of technologies also hinge upon the question of the end use of these
technologies. Higher cognitive applications need technologies those are different
from those required for introductory applications. The role of an effective
administrator is to find an effective solution to this vital issue in technopedagogy.
The process of infusion of Educational technology has been greatly aided by globalization in the
educational field. GATS had a profound impact on the process of globalization of education.
The major provisions of GATS are presented in the paragraphs that follow. The traditional
definition of Services terms it as an economic output that gets consumed as soon as it is
produced, while there is a divergence in the time period between which a good is produced and
consumed. For the same reason, trade in services requires a mix of cross-border transactions
and local establishment rules (Wooton, 2000).
Again, consequent to this fact, GATS emphasizes both cross border barriers and barriers to local
establishments without explicit preference to either, while the General Agreement on Trade
and Tariffs (GATT) gives explicit preference to barriers at the borders like tariffs, Quota etc.
GATS bring under its purview, any service in any sector, except those provided in exercise of
Governmental Authority {GATS-Article13 (B)}.
However, the text goes on to say that any service provided on a commercial basis or in
competition with one or more service providers will also is under its ambit. This provision has
major implications for the education sector. The major modes of supply under GATS as
applicable to Distance education are presented below:
It covers the aspect of Cross- Border Trade; this covers all those activities in which a producer
exports a service from its own territory to a consumer in a foreign country. For example, an
educational Institution in India provides an on-line educational programme to students in
another country.
It pertains to consumption abroad. This takes care of all those cases where a consumer goes
abroad to obtain a service. For example if a patient goes abroad for treatment or a student
from one country visiting a foreign country to obtain a degree, it is a case of a service
consumed abroad.
It covers within its ambit the aspect of commercial presence. This implies that a service
provider from one country sets up business subsidiary or branches in another country. For
example, if IGNOU establishes its branches in foreign countries, it indicates the commercial
presence of IGNOU in that country.
It deals with the Movement of Natural Persons. In this case a member of the service-providing
firm goes to the domestic territory of another country to provide a service there. Such
movements are only for a short period of time. For Example, a Distance Learning institute of
India sends its administrative officer to Dubai to manage the affairs of its branch there for a
period of Five years. GATS enjoin upon its members certain obligations that can be grouped
under two categories:
General Obligations and
Specific obligations
The General obligations are those that apply to all the service sectors irrespective of whether a
country has made commitments on them or not. These can be noted as follows:
Most Favored Nations Treatment (MFN)
GATS stipulate the acceptance of Most Favoured Nations Status (MFN) in the case of services
too. The MFN status stipulates that any commercial advantage provided to one of the
signatories on a particular product must be provided to all other signatories who export a like
product to the country.
For Example, if Government of India permits Alama Iqbal Open University (Pakistan) to run its
programmes in India, the same facility must also be extended to Singapore National University
if the latter requests the Government of India for the same.
Obligations Related To Rule Framing and Implementation
GATS enjoins its members to internationally notify/publish changes in laws, rules and
regulations that have a bearing on international trade in services. Similarly, any regulation that
the members frame to deal with business relations between service providers, especially those
dealing with Foreign Service providers must be based on objective criteria and must be applied
equally to all service providers ( GATS Primer, 2001). Further, Paragraph 4 of Article VI of
the GATS calls upon the Council for Trade in Services to develop new disciplines to ensure that
non-discriminatory measures relating to qualification requirements and procedures, technical
standards and licensing requirements do not constitute unnecessary barriers to trade. As part
of the implementation of this provision, the Services Council established the Working Party on
Professional Services (WPPS) with the mandate to develop such disciplines in the area of
professional services and designated the sector of accountancy as a priority (ITD, 2004).
Rules related to the working of Monopolies
The GATS signatories should ensure that working of monopolies for providing services should
not in any way violate the working of the countrys MFN obligations (Friends of Earth, 2001).
On the other hand Specific Obligations apply only to those service sectors in which a country
has made commitments. They are
Market Access Obligations: As regards the market access obligations of member
nations, GATS is very categorical in its approach. It states the following
When a member undertakes a commitment it must indicate for each mode of
supply what limitations, if any, it maintains on market access. Article XVI: 2 of
the GATS list six categories of restrictions, which may not be adopted or
maintained unless they are specified in the schedule. All scheduled limitations on
market access therefore must fall into one of these categories. They comprise of
four types of quantitative restrictions as well as limitations on foreign equity
participation and on the types of legal entity permitted. (ITD,
National Treatment Obligation: GATS in its National Treatment obligation under
Article XVII requires members to accord to services and service suppliers of any
member treatment no less favourable than that it accords to services and service
suppliers of national origin (ITD, 2004)
Notwithstanding anything that has been mentioned above, the GATS framework like GATT
provides for certain explicit exceptions to GATS obligations. These exceptions have been
provided under three heads: Temporary Exceptions, General Exceptions and Security
Temporary Exceptions to GATS provisions have been provided under Article XII,
which provides for appropriate measures to safeguard precarious Balance of
Payment positions (BOP) of nations.
General Exceptions to GATS provisions are provided under Article XIV to
Protect public morals and to maintain public order. Public order is defined as
situations where a genuine and sufficiently serious threat is posed to one of
the fundamental interests of society (ITD, 2004)
For purposes of classification of educational services, GATS accepts the following break-up of
types of educational services based on UNs CPC classification.
Table 1:
Education Services in the GATS Scheduling Guidelines and CPC
Sectoral Classification List
B. Secondary education
D. Adult education
It is very clear from the foregoing discussion that GATS has a major bearing on the nature of
liberalization of global education. However the maximum impact is to be seen in the field of
Distance Education. Let us explore the issues related to technological implementation as far as
liberalization in the field of education is concerned. Let us take the case of Cross Border Trade.
This field is totally technology intensive. The latest example of Cross Border Trade linked
Technologies is the MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSEWARE (MOOC). MOOC is now touted as the
low cost alternative to expensive higher education provided by traditional universities. MOOCs
provide not only a wide range of choices to the student community but also give them the
comfort of doing these courses at the conveniences of their homes or work place. Further,
students have the benefit of a large number of reputed universities coming together to provide
high quality education. One does not need to go beyond COURSERA to understand this.
Indians are not avoiding these global phenomena. Of the 2.9 million registered users of MOOC,
2, 50,000 are from India. These numbers are sure to grow, given the fact that the relevant
population in the age-group 15-34 is set to grow from 430 million in 2011 to 464 million in
2021. It seems for the time being that the future of Distance and Online Learning lies in MOOC.
If we look at the CPC classification, it is clear that Distance Education falls under the category
of Adult Education. The following passage needs to be noted:
Included are education services through radio or television broadcasting or
by correspondence. The programmes may cover both general and vocational
subjects. Services related to literacy programmes for adults are also
The classification presumes the use of a wide range of technologies for imparting adult
education. Such technologies are therefore an integral part of the process of liberalizing Adult
However, for technology infusion on a large scale in the field of education, a significant
commercial ethos has to be infused. The flow chart presented below can be quite instructive:
However, the biggest challenge emerges in the case of Die-Hard Traditionalists or Late
Adaptors. Most of them are not only technology averse but also not keenly intent upon adopting
or experimenting with technologies of any hue. Even among the Teachers we can easily find
such persons.
As depicted in the chart of Retail Association of India (RAI), the days of reliance on a single
technology is long over. In times of liberalization convergence of technologies is the key.
Distance education can succeed only with the infusion of a large number of technologies.
However, the issue of convergence of technologies in Distance Education is a pretty vexed one.
Let us understand the graph given below. Learners fall under various categories. Some of the
learners, especially from the younger age groups adopt new technologies with far greater ease
that those from higher age brackets. However, irrespective of their age, the ones accepting and
adopting new technology at the earliest are the ones denoted as Innovators in the graph
given below.
India have realized the importance of giving a boost to New Information and Communication
Technologies for the general betterment of the society. The Information Technology Act 2000
passed by the Indian Parliament is a step in the right direction. Many Countries have bestowed
tax incentives on Communication technology based industries. Some Countries that have paid
relatively scarce attention to the area of information technology are lagging behind in the field
of spreading education using the latest technology. The failure of Distance Education in many
African Countries can be attributed to this. Not only are policies important but also their
implementation deserves greater attention. The road to failure is often paved with good
intentions. Many structural factors make the implementation of technology a daunting task. At
the planning stage the enormity of such factors are often not recognized.
The perceptions and attitudes of a political system greatly affect the acceptance and growth of
technology in any society. The same holds true for all the ICTs relevant to Distance Education.
A political system conscious of the payoffs of ICT for the enhancement of the educational
profile of a country will frame appropriate policies for the adoption and dissemination of ICT
throughout the length and breadth of the country. As A. W. Bates states while talking about his
criteria of Media Selection, Novelty of an ICT should be the least important criteria that should
guide the political society in deciding upon the ICT that should be selected. Rather than being
guided by the fashion of the day, ICT should always be selected in accordance with its end
result that is the extent to which it can bring about positive pedagogic out comes.
In Education, cost is an important factor that guides the adoption and growth of
Communication Technology in a country. Developing Countries often lack the initial allocation
as well as matching funds to make feasible investments in ICTs. Many countries often acquire
costly technology without making provisions for building sufficient infrastructure to run them.
Most Developing countries are constrained by resource scarcities. Even where the importance
of ICTs is recognized, allocation for the development of these is at best paltry. Due to this,
many developing countries are forced to depend on mostly traditional means of
communication. These are limited in their efficiency. The Developing countries are vitally
dependent on substantial foreign assistance to ensure the development of ICTs. Often it is
found that it is very difficult to invite the attention of donors on ICTs. These countries are
perennially short of Foreign Exchange for acquiring latest technologies. Most of the Developing
Countries are undergoing Structural Adjustment Programmes under the auspices of the IMF.
Cost-efficiency of an ICT is another major factor that is important that determines its growth.
Developing countries have to ensure that such a technology is adopted that is easily accessible
to the target group and also fulfills all the functions that are expected of it. Such a scenario
essentially implies that a costly technology need not always be the best technology. However,
it is often seen that Developing Countries often invest in the latest technologies without
considering whether the target audience is effectively reached or whether the target audience
is interested in the technology.
Language is one of the major factors that hinder the easy assilimilation of ICTs by many
developing countries. This hinders transfer of technology. The radio and TV programmes,
computer software and the printed texts are produced in different countries bearing different
cultural backgrounds. As such, such tools may fail to impress students of another country. For
example, a zoology text can safely give the example of a koala in Australia, but the same
cannot be replicated in India. With regard to cultural patterns there are two groups of policy
makers. Policy makers can be Pro-implementation or Anti- implementation. It is precisely the
cultural moorings of a society that makes people either in favor of implementing technology or
to reject it.
Japanese have over the years built up a reputation of being quick to adapt and implement new
technology. This can be linked to the way in which a new culture of receptivity to new ideas
was built up after centuries of stagnation when commodore Perry forced the Japanese to open
up their society.
Again, in recent times it has been seen that the culture of class room teaching and learning has
been so strongly built into the psyche of the teaching community that they often exhibit
resistance in the way of implementing technological change that forces a change in the role of
the teacher from being a store house of all learning to a manager of the teaching-learning
process. Very often, technology becomes the determining factor in the growth of ICT in any
society. One would be justified in applying the Bates criteria for media selection as an
appropriate parameter for selecting appropriate technology for educational purposes.
Bates states that the following are the major criterions that have to be taken into consideration
while selecting appropriate media for Educational purposes
(IGNOU, 2001).
With regard to the acceptance of a particular technology, the factors such as access, cost,
teaching functions, instructiveness and user-friendliness, organizational issues and speed
afforded to change are important issues.
In the case of Media selection, Bates regards Novelty of a media as the least important criterion
on which a particular media should be selected or rejected. However, in the case of many third
world countries, it is novelty of a media that attracts the attention of policy makers.
For example, in the late70s and 80s, the novelty of TV as a medium influenced the UGC to
initiate the Country-Wide Class room programme for the benefit of the college students.
However much care was not taken to ensure whether, the programme could generate enough
interest in the student community to make the programme a success. Moreover, at the time of
its initiation, access to TV sets was also a major problem. Even today the tele density in India
stands at a low 80 per 1000. The end result was that UGCs CWC generated a utilization rate of
less than 10%.
Apart from the factors mentioned above, once a technology is selected, there are certain other
factors that need the concern of policy makers. Handling of New technology needs care and
technical proficiency. For this training is an important aspect. Many developing countries lack
enough personnel to train manpower in new technology. Moreover, constant retraining of
manpower to acquaint them with changing technology is also important. These often act as
constraints before the smooth growth of ICT.
Maintenance of equipment also needs sufficient care. Frequent snags may render equipments
unusable. Maintenance as a function also needs sufficiently trained staff, high quality spare
parts and machine friendly attitude from the users.
In order to further understand the practical issues related to Convergence of technologies, a
short questionnaire was administered by the researcher to teachers at various levels teaching
across the state of Kerala.
The sample size of the study was 30.
The demographic detail of the participants of the survey is given below:
Gender-based Distribution
The gender-wise distribution of the data of the study is given in the following table:
Table: 1
Gender based distribution
Number of Male
Number of Female
It is clear from the table given above that 54% of the respondents were females and the rest
46% of the respondents were males.
Qualification-based Distribution
The Qualification-based distribution of the data of the study is given in the following table:
Table: 2
Qualification Based distribution
with a Doctoral
Respondents with a
Respondents with
a Bachelors
Of the respondents only 10% held a PhD qualification, while 64% of the respondents held a
Masters Degree, while 26% held only a Bachelors qualification.
Semi Government
It is clear from the table that 67% of those who participated in the survey were teachers
working in government institutions, while 13% represented Semi-Government institutions and
the rest 20% represented Private Education institutions.
Experience in Years
Table: 4
Experience in years
The table under reference that the respondents were well experienced in the various
institutions they were representing. 47% of the respondents had experience ranging between
10 and 20 years, while 30% had experience ranging from 20 to 30 years and the rest (23%)
had experience ranging upto 10 years.
Post Graduate
No Response
From the forgoing table it is clear that 53% of the respondents taught at the under-graduate
level, 13% at the Post Graduate Level and 34% of the respondents did not indicate the levels
at which they taught.
The discipline-wise distribution of teachers shows that 43% of the respondents were from the
Arts faculty, 43% from the Education faculty, and 7% from Management and Science Faculty
each. The issue specific response of the respondents is given the tables presented below:
The respondents were asked to provide responses on issues those were closely related to
Convergence of Technologies. The initial battery of questions was aimed at finding out the
parameters, which in the opinion of the respondents contributed to efficient technology
management. A large number of the respondents stated that hands on skills in operating
technologies and equipment ranked highest in the scale of importance as an essential element
of technology management (47%), while a moderate number (20%) felt it to be of medium
importance. The pie chart given below is illustrative of this fact.
From the survey it is clear that Creativity and Ability to innovate is of primary importance in
Technology Management (48% of the respondents graded it in scale 1). Only 6.7% of the
respondents graded it as being of least importance, while a moderate number (20%) felt it to
be of medium importance
Qualitative research across the world has proved that Adaptation to new technical and
Creative Environment is a basic factor in ensuring sound technology management. The current
survey corroborates this view. As much as 45% of the respondents graded it on scale 1.
Most modern educational technology runs on platforms that utilize English language. 72% of
the respondents feel that Good Language skills especially in English Language (combined
score for scale1 and 2) is an essential factor in managing modern educational technology.
Governmental support has been revealed as an important aspect in the educational technology
management. 56% of the respondents fell that this parameter is of primary importance. This
could also be due to the reason that the flow of governmental financial support also critically
hinges upon its policy framework.
No matter, how attractive the technology is, the attitude of the host management is an
essential factor in implementing and assimilating new educational technology.
More than 66% of the participants in this survey feel the same way (scores on scale 1 & scale
The graph presented below shows intra group variation in choices of the respondents.
It is clear from the chart that scale 1 preference is the highest for the technologies- Land line
telephone, TV, Web-Conferencing, On-line white boards, 3-D Model projectors and video and
audio players. The linediagram given below further elucidates the preferences.
It is thus clear that technological convergence in the Indian context surely has to account for
Old Generation Technologies on their platform as much as new technologies. While, WebConferencing, On-line white boards, 3-D Model projectors and video and audio players can be
integrated into a synchronous or asynchronous digital platform, the importance of integrating
older technologies such as Land line telephone and TV into such a platform has been
emphasized by this study.
"1" "2"
The results given in the table above are depicted in the line graph given below and are quite
The preference of the teaching community for the technologies those need to be integrated into
a technology based learning platform is very clear. Based on the Scale1 and Scale 2
preference of the respondents, it is clear that they have expressed their opinion in favour of the
combination, Web Conferencing plus Online Workbook plus Online Chat board plus Online
White Board plus PDA plus 3D Model Projector plus Group mailing Facility for their vision of an
ideal technology based educational platform.
In conclusion, one might be justified in stating that Convergence of technologies requires a
high degree of planning for its success. While the technologies per se are an important factor,
the social milieus in which these technologies are implemented are equally important.
The short study initiated by the author also makes it substantially clear that the teachers have
a very clear perception on the convergence of technologies. Only when all relevant factors are
taken into consideration, would there be an optimum technological platform that caters to
diverse needs and would act as a solution to various constraints faced by the learner.
M. RAJESH is working as Regional Director at IGNOU Regional Centre, Cochin.
He holds a Masters degree in International Relations and a doctorate on the
topic, Indian Distance Education in the era of GATS. He is an external PhD
evaluator and guide in some of the reputed universities in India. He has been
nominated to many committees within and outside IGNOU. He frequently
delivers talks on various academic issues on electronic media.
Regional Director,
IGNOU Regional Centre, Cochin, INDIA
Phone: +91-9497721366
Email: [email protected]]
Friends of the Earth (2001) GATS Primer. London, UK.
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Anderson, A. (2010). Learning to Learn in E-Learning- Constructive practices for Development.
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MoodleTrust. (n.d.). Welcome to Moodle Community. Retrieved October 23rd, 2013, from
NCERT. (March, 2006). Position Paper of the National Focus Group on Educational Technology.
New Delhi: Publication Division, NCERT.
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Veletsianos, G. (2010). Emerging Technologies in Distance Education. Canada: Athabasca
Wooton, I. a. (2000). Market Structure, Trade Liberalisation and GATS. Tinbergen Institute .