Color and Brand Design For Multicultural Packaging

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Color and Brand Design for Multicultural Packaging

By: Kyle Valdillez

Graphic Communication Department

College of Liberal Arts
California Polytechnic State University

Color and Brand Design for Multicultural Packaging

Kyle Valdillez
Graphic Communication Department, March 2012
Advisor: Colleen Larkin Twomey
The purpose of this study is to determine how companies can use the color and brand design of
packaging to effectively communicate their products across multiple cultures. Companies are
entering new markets overseas where culture is affecting how a product is being perceived.
Whether it is positive, negative, or neutral, they must accommodate these influences to
potentially increase profits. This study will specifically explore the Spanish and Japanese
cultures in comparison to the American culture, concerning the meanings of various colors and
their use in brand design. The research methods used were historical research and content
analysis. Through thorough examination of the research gathered, this study was able to draw a
few effective techniques to ensure that when developing a multicultural package, that it will have
greater appeal to a larger audience.

Table of Contents
Chapter I Introduction and Purpose of Study.......6
Chapter II Literature Review....9
Chapter III Research Methods....19
Chapter IV Results......24
Chapter V Conclusion............37

List of Tables
Table 1...26
Table 2...28

List of Figures
Figure 1..22
Figure 2..22
Figure 3..23
Figure 4..31
Figure 5..34
Figure 6..35

Chapter I Introduction and Purpose of Study

There is a need for a multicultural approach to packaging within the graphic communication
industry. Multicultural package design is the overall aesthetics of a design, which make it
functional solution in order for it to be used in multiple countries. The idea for multicultural
packaging became relevant when products were being introduced into an international market. It
is the combination of features such as logos, colors, legal requirements, religious beliefs and
values that make up an effective way to communicate a product to other cultures. It is a way to
transcend language barriers and increase brand recognition. This study asks the question: What is
the best way to communicate a product through the package design aesthetics of color and brand
design to other cultures?

The package aesthetics of a product are the first thing that a customer sees; the packages job is
to sell itself to the customer. A multicultural package is designed with the values of different
cultures in mind, using research to determine which are the best ways to portray the product. The
essential function of a multicultural package is for it to be a viable competitor in a market that is
unfamiliar and become a recognized brand over time. Brand recognition is crucial, which makes
designing for a broad spectrum of cultures quite difficult. The components of multicultural
packaging involve research on the target markets themselves. Then, that research is implemented
in the design to seem as if it were specifically designed for each market it enters.

Multicultural package design is still in the development phase and needs to be addressed further
in terms of practicality. While legal requirement specifics will not be discussed, it is one of the

other major concerns within multicultural packaging because they tend to be quite different from
country to country. The idea about the use of iconography has been proposed, however, it is not
yet clear what the International Standards Organization (ISO) regulations will allow in terms of
decreased written disclaimers on product packaging. This is due to the consequence that
customers might not be provided with all the necessary information.

There are a few companies that are currently using a type of multicultural design, most are on a
small scale and are being tailored to a specified country. As opposed to having a general package
for all countries, even just having fewer designs, like one per continent such as Europe, Africa,
North America, South America, will benefit these companies.

It seems evident that package design aesthetics in general, are extremely relevant to the success
of a product in just about any market. So why would this not be applicable on an international
level? It affects how the product is perceived through the eyes of the customer, and is an
influence on whether that customer purchases it or not. It would be best to use simplicity to
convey a message effectively to any audience. In addition, using colors that are neutral or have
no negative associations and/or connotations among the cultures it targets, will maximize the
packages effectiveness. Furthermore, minimizing the amount of text on the product design
aesthetics would be the most efficient way to design in terms of the used space on a package. It
will not tempt a customer to simply glance over the fine print due to the fact that there are so
many different languages on a package. As a result, the design aesthetics will have a greater

The purpose of having a multicultural package design is to determine how companies can use the
color and brand design of packaging to effectively communicate their products across multiple
cultures. Also, if executed correctly, it will provide financial gain and an increase in brand

Chapter II Literature Review

Packaging Background
The Small Business Encyclopedia describes packaging as the wrapping material around a
consumer item that serves to contain, identify, describe, protect, display, promote and otherwise
make the product marketable and keep it clean. Packaging can be paper, plastic, glass, steel,
aluminum, or even wood. It is an area of the graphic communication field that continues to
evolve and is the result of many years of innovation (Berger).

The term packaging encompasses a variety of characteristics. Characteristics that influence

packaging design such as package shape, product type, size, whether or not it is environmentally
friendly, legal requirements, color, among many others.

Packagings Influence on Consumers

The average consumer is faced with numerous decisions when entering just about any store
environment, whether it is a supermarket or other channels like department and online stores.
According to The Marketers Guide to Successful Package Design, more than thirty thousand
different products are available, and the number continues to grow daily. With a variety of new
products and brands, along with all the different features they have, it would seem as if confusing
the consumer was the goal of packaging. Yet, it is this consumer confusion that a well-designed
package avoids (Meyers, Lubliner).

Package design plays a critical role in purchase decisions (Gofman et al.). It is estimated that

about 73 percent of [purchase] decisions are made at the point of sale where more attractive
packaging frequently wins (Gofman et al.). When a consumer is relatively indecisive about a
product and it comes times to make a decision, the package plays a critical role in purchase
choice (Silayoi, Speece). The way a package communicates its product, influences the
consumers choice and can be related to the success of marketing (Gofman et al.). Consumers
make a choice in about ten seconds or less, meaning a package should inform, educate, and rid
the consumer of any uncertainty while appealing to the consumers emotions (Meyers, Lubliner).
Differentiation through the use of visuals on a package can be an effective strategy because
consumers are able to process pictures faster and easier than written information, which is quite
important in the short time that a consumer makes his or her decision whether it is on a conscious
or subconscious level (Underwood, Klein, Burke).

Packaging is the link between advertisements, personal experience or referral of a product, and a
consumers buying decision (Meyers, Lubliner). If a product image is not currently established
with the consumer, packaging then becomes much more challenging and even more significant
(Meyers, Lubliner).

Importance of Culture When Designing Packaging

The package is the medium through which a product image is created. (Meyers, Lubliner). Yet, a
package can be interpreted differently across cultures and can develop an unwanted product

Geert Hofstede, author of Cultures and Organizations Software of the Mind, defines culture as a


collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the member of one human group from
those of another. Culture in this sense is a system of collectively held values. There is a need for
recognizing these behaviors, understandings and values in these different cultures (Hofstede).
This is particularly important because the packaging is one of the most important aspects in
getting a product from the shelves to the consumers cart meaning that the package design can
essentially be the demise of a product in a different culture.

For example, in the article Cultural Tastes Affect International Food Packaging, the author,
Adam Wooten, describes how Campbell struggled in the U.K. since the consumers of this
country were unaccustomed to the idea of condensed soups. This was a problem for
Campbells soups because when they were placed next to a competitor soup, although it had
roughly the same amount in terms of actual product, it appeared to have less (Wooten). This had
a negative impact on the consumers in the U.K. because they perceived Campbells soups as a
poorer deal.

Another example would be the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants in Japan. Shin Ohkawara,
former president and CEO of Kentucky Fried Chicken Japan (KFCJ), changed the American
ways of using a bucket as a container for fried chicken because it was not as appetizing in Japan
(Wooten). Nations Restaurant News reported that wide boxes with ribbed plastic bottoms to
minimize grease were used instead of buckets and that each piece of chicken was placed in a
single layer. Structured to resemble a bento box rather than a bucket, this later had a positive
impact on sales and the perception of KFCJ (Wooten).


Compared with the United States, packaging costs us more than twice as much, but we are
doing it, explained Ohkawara (Wooten). There was some resistance in U.S. management but
Ohkawara prevailed in the end and made that Japan franchise a success (Wooten). One chief
editor of a leading Japan restaurant industry publication commented, Kentucky (Fried Chicken)
would never have been successful here by following American advice.

This shows how culture can affect the way packaging can be misinterpreted if not carefully

Developing Brand Identity/Personality When Designing Packaging for Other Cultures

Products are created in a factory, but brands are created in the mind.
Walter Landor
Commercial brands or as Grant McCracken, contributor to the Journal of Consumer Research
refers to them, consumption symbols or cultural icons, are more significant than the commercial
value, physical properties, or utilitarian character. It is a significance [that] rests largely in their
ability to carry and communicate cultural meaning (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera).
According to Hirschman and Holbrook, authors of The Experiential Aspects of Consumption:
Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun, package aesthetics are a part of the shopping
experience that consumers appreciate and enjoy. A brand can be based on the name of a product
or company that is typographically unique, a symbol that relates to it, or any sort of shape that
will improve the recall of that specified brand (Meyers, Lubliner).

These images create value in peoples lives and are an important part of our culture and visual


environment (Meyers, Lubliner).

Brand personality is one of the most vital aspects when designing packaging for new products or
rebranding existing ones (Meyers, Lubliner). When developing a brand identity it is important
for advertisers to research what characteristics the individuals of a targeted culture favor, then
implement them into the design (Lannon; Plummer). Simultaneously, these commercial brands
influence the consumer environment, as well as their attitudes and behaviors, creating a
bidirectional relationship between culture and the individual (Aaker, Benet-Martnez,

Personalities of people are similar to the way the general population thinks of brand personalities
whether it is positive or negative (Meyers, Lubliner). For example, when one hears peoples
names such as Bill Clinton, President Obama, Steve Jobs or Marilyn Monroe, one associates
them with some sort of imagery or feeling. Now, think of brands such as Nike, Apple, HewlettPackard, and Ferrari. Each of these examples mentioned, has a brand identity, a brand
personality that defines it in ones mind.

The brand identity must provide information and create brand recognition and memorability that
consumers can associate with the package (Meyers, Lubliner). The Marketers Guide to
Successful Package Design suggests that when designing a package, it is important to keep it
simple, evaluate what is important, prioritize elements of the design, and keep it short. It is illadvised to make an ad out of a package, and use too many words such that it would not be able to
instantaneously communicate its message (Meyers, Lubliner).


It must be understood that developing and designing these brand identities are not done
overnight. Companies must cultivate and carefully grow their brand personalities over time, as it
is the most valuable asset (Meyers, Lubliner).

Furthermore, maintaining a positive brand personality is the basis of package design (Meyers,
Lubliner). This package design, along with a solid marketing strategy will result in the desired
brand recognition that will later turn to brand leadership. (Meyers, Lubliner).

Focus on Color Interpretation by Other Cultures

Selecting the right package colors is a critical function of its design. It is these colors that affect
brand preferences among consumers though association (Grossman, Wisenblit; Madden et al.).
In addition, the color preferences across cultures and countries are not uniform (Choungourian).
Research shows that localizing, or designing something that is culture-specific, for a target
market proves effective (Hornik; Van Den Berg-Weitzel, Van De Laar).

This can be shown in the example of the British chocolate maker, Cadbury. They had performed
market research to see how their purple wrapper would be perceived in different cultures
(Wooten). This study revealed that although the British viewed it as luxurious, the Taiwanese
perceived it as a product of low quality (Wooten). In the end, Cadbury was able to create a more
suitable wrapper design for the Taiwanese by changing the color of the wrapper (Wooten).

Often products whose packages are transparent, or lack color, are characterized by advantageous


attributes such as purity and mildness, but take the risk of also being associated with low quality
(Aslam). Some previous attempts that were not as successful involve Palmolive Sensitive Skin
Liquid Washing Detergant, Crystal Pepsi, and Tab Clear by Coca-Cola (Stanton et al.).
Consumer decision-making tends to conform to the subjective norms in color preference, which
is especially important in high-involvement situations (Grossman, Wisenblit). High-involvement
situations are when the consumers invest an extended period of time and effort to decide on a
final purchase. These can be argued to have either high or low monetary value, but they tend
have a high sentimental value to the consumer.

Though colors represent different meanings and vary along the line of aesthetic appeal, some
values transcend cultural barriers, allowing possible inter-market segments (Aslam). And while
product quality has the highest correlation with consumer satisfaction, interest is created through
imagery and therefore is reliant upon the colors, packaging, and logos to trigger an emotional
response from the consumer ("Color Information Package, a Non-proprietary Colour Research

Internationalization vs. Localization

When designing a package that will be marketed to other cultures, it is important to ask oneself,
should these attributes be internationalized or localized? How will these decisions affect the
brand identity and color choice on packaging?

Internationalization means having a generic design that is culture-neutral and thus capable of
being used for multiple cultures. This design requires a thorough knowledge of the target market


and all of its characteristic inclinations such as symbols, colors, morals, values and beliefs
(Young). Aykin and Milewski suggest that when creating an internationalized design it should
avoid culture specific metaphors, acronyms and abbreviations, jokes, humor, idioms, colloquial
language and gender-specific references.

It is argued that focusing on the differences of cultures fails to utilize culture itself in the design
process (Young). Balancing the design by using complementary design specifications, both
positive and negative, could help reflect similarities and differences (Powell).

In contrast, localization, or creating a culturally specialized design for a target audience, is often
used to create a familiarity with a product. In order to produce a localized design, it must be an
authentic and true representation of the target audiences perceptions (Young). This can be
acquired though ethnographic research, which uses methods such as data collection, interviewing
or participant observation that will be later used to describe the cultures way of life (Fetterman).
An example of this would be Foucault, Russell and Bells successful implementation of this
ethnographic research method within their target market, Chinese consumers. Their reasoning
for this research was to develop a more specialized design than what they had known from their
basic understanding (Young). This research included visiting and interacting with the audience,
retrieving both written documentation and video information of their history and culture as well
as obtaining specific research from local agencies (Young).

It was found that a brightly colored package is likely to draw more attention than a dull package
and adapting a package design to a local culture is useful, (Aslam). According to Berg-Weitzel


and Laars research, females preferred brighter colors and high contrast when designing
deodorant packaging for women, where men preferred the opposite. This shows that there are
aspects of local cultures that can be split into other divisions depending on the target market of a

As a result, when designing packaging aesthetics, marketers must wise enough to recognize
whether package standardization or localization is a more suitable option (Wooten). Marketers
that take into account cultural tastes and preferences will have a better assessment on how to
position their product (Wooten). Otherwise without proper adaptation of packaging and
presentation, consumers may never be enticed to discover how good a product really is

Reason for Analyzing Japanese and Spanish Cultures

In order to understand the effects of color and brand design on packaging across a wide variety
of cultures, it is necessary to focus on a select few to put it in perspective. Japan and Spain were
chosen for a few reasons. In comparison to the United States culture, Japan, an East Asian
culture, and Spain, a Latin culture, tend be more allocentric and less idiocentric (Aaker, BenetMartnez, Garolera). This means they have more focus on harmony and a desire for
interdependence (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera). Although these cultures correlate on the
allocentrism scale in terms of socioemotional behaviors, they are quite different on other
dimensions (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera). It is these differences that may cause a shift in
the perception of brand personality and colors.


According to Consumption Symbols as Carriers of Culture: A Study of Japanese and Spanish

Brand Personality Constructs, Japan, Spain, and the United States have a similar percentage of
the gross national product spent on advertising (1.1 percent for the United States, 1.0 percent for
Japan, 1.1 percent for Spain) and are in comparable stages in their economic and industrial
development. This means that when analyzing them, it will help maintain reasonably unbiased
research and results (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera).


Chapter III Research Methods and Procedures

The purpose of this study is to determine how companies can use the color and brand design of
packaging to effectively communicate their products across multiple cultures. As products enter
a global market, a new, cost-efficient approach to design must be taken into consideration. In
order to evaluate how these elements of package design aesthetics are perceived in other cultures
such as Japan and Spain, several types of research will be used. These research methods are
historical and content analysis.

Historical research is best defined as an attempt to establish facts and arrive at conclusions
concerning past events (Levenson). Using information gathered from previous studies, one
would be able to objectively evaluate the content to apply it a present day situation.
Understanding all aspects of the research performed and being able to combine this data will
done through content analysis. This research method involves quantifying the qualitative
information collected (Levenson). The statistical data given in the Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology article, Consumption Symbols as Carriers of Culture: A Study of Japanese
and Spanish Brand Personality Constucts by Jennifer Lynn, Aaker, Vernica Benet-Martnez,
and Jordi Garolera will be evaluated from the approach of what is the an effective way to
communicate across cultures through the use of color and brand identity in packaging?

This information will be relevant as it shows a correlation between the Japanese, Spanish, and
American cultures regarding brand personality through the use of gathering focus groups from
each culture and having them associate human-like attributes such as energetic, youthful,


emotional, and respectable, among many others with brands that have been selected at random
that are both culture-specific and internationally recognized (e.g. Coca-Cola) (Aaker, BenetMartnez, Garolera). Along with these free associations mentioned by the focus groups, other
attributes that have been defined by professional brand personality research within the country
will be added. After this compilation of attributes, the participants were to match them with one
of the brand personality dimensions of excitement, sincerity, sophistication and one or two other
culture-specific dimensions which were chosen after extensive research that will later be
discussed in chapter four.

This will ideally result in a way to grasp which attributes of a product, whether, for example if it
wants to be recognized as a healthy or reliable product, and how that can be portrayed through
brand identity. Within the United States, we tend to believe that color green and sustainability
are predominantly used to portray a healthy product, however it may not be the same in another
country. I will examine this data by comparing it to that of the other cultures and combine this
information with the perceptions of color within these cultures and how that will lead to a more
effective brand. The research I will be collecting in terms of color is from The Color Connection
Book Series: International Color Guide and Are You Selling the Right Colour? A Crosscultural Review of Colour as a Marketing Cue by Mubeen M. Aslam.

Content analysis means that one is able to arrive at a solution or conclusion, which can be
common to anyone analyzing the same information. It systematic in a sense that is unbiased and
without any components of the study overlooked. Recognizing the trends within these example
cultures will aid the identification of similar brand personality dimensions within other cultures.


Usually, a content analysis notion that is most easily conducted is through a frequency of how
often a word is used. However, I feel that it is vague in a sense that multiple words can
essentially mean the same thing, for example, environmentally-friendly and eco-friendly, or
recyclable and sustainable. People tend to identify words in specific categories, which ultimately
have an underlying trait. This is why I believe the study, Consumption Symbols as Carriers of
Culture: A Study of Japanese and Spanish Brand Personality Constructs is extremely well
conducted because it is able to analyze the cultures with this variable in mind. Content analysis
will be applied by listing the countries within this study and the colors that are good, bad or
indifferent within those cultures, and then pairing them with the relevant brand personality
attributes. This will help identify which colors would best be fit for cross-cultural design while
maintaining the integrity of the brand it is portraying.

Furthermore, the ability to effectively associate emotions of these cultures with their American
counterpart will enable us to most effectively choose a color for packaging. Dependent upon the
brand and the image of a company, they will be able to strategically implement the desired
qualities they wish to represent. The categories of attributes related to each of the cultures
describing brand personality within this study are listed in Figure 1, 2, and 3 (Aaker, Jennifer
Lynn, Vernica Benet-Martnez, and Jordi Garolera). Below each category are lists of words
from which have they have been derived, as specific to each culture. Although there are some
discrepancies, the validity correlations between terms and their meaning to the each culture will
be accounted for and discussed in Chapter 4.




Chapter IV Results

The need for a cost-efficient way to communicate products in a global market is becoming a
growing concern for companies. The purpose of this study is to address this issue by effectively
choosing colors of packaging and using those colors to convey the desired brand identity. The
methods employed include historical research and content analysis. Using all the information
gathered from previous research and analyzing it, the author has identified trends among the
American, Japanese, and Spanish cultures.

When discussing commercial brands, it is the symbolic or value-expressive functions of the more
abstract qualities that provide culture-specific meanings, commonly referred to as brand
personality attributes (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera). The brand personality attributes for
the American culture, as produced through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, prove
that our perceptual space of brand identity consists of Sincerity, Excitement, Competence,
Sophistication, and Ruggedness (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera). The facets that make up
these dimensions can be seen below each category in Figure 1 (Aaker, Benet-Martnez,
Garolera). These will be the basis of comparison to the other two cultures.

In the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology article, Consumption Symbols as Carriers
of Culture: A Study of Japanese and Spanish Brand Personality Constructs, Aaker, BenetMartnez, and Garolera use the combined emic-etic approach in their data collection. The emic
explores the cultural psychological construct that is indigenous to the population, whereas the
imposed-etic approach suggests the psychological constructs have been imported or imposed


from outside the cultural system. In using their method of a combined emic-etic approach, the
results of their studies will provide a more complete, unbiased viewpoint of the overlaps between
the American, Japanese, and Spanish cultures as well as accurately reflect the culture-specific
lens through which people see (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera).

As such, the brand personality attributes and their facets can be seen in Figure 2 (Aaker, BenetMartnez, Garolera) and Figure 3 (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera). It can be noticed that when
compared in Figures 1-3, there is at least one culture-specific dimension. For the American
culture, it is ruggedness. In the Japanese culture, it is peacefulness. However, in the Spanish
culture, it has passion as well as the Japanese-shared dimension of peacefulness. As far as this
study is concerned, mostly the common dimensions of all three cultures will be thoroughly

After extensive testing of groups selected as appropriate samples of each culture, Table 1 (Aaker,
Benet-Martnez, Garolera) and Table 2 (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera) were created by using
a correlation matrix and varimax rotation to reflect the consistency between each culture and the
American cultures brand personality attributes.





From these tables, validity correlations were calculated between the shared dimensions and are
as follows (Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera):
Japan and United States
Sincerity = .63
Excitement = .75
Competence = .80
Sophistication = .81
Highest Culture-specific Dimension Comparison
Ruggedness and Competence (Japan) = .39
Peacefulness and Sincerity (United States) = .41

Spain and United States

Sincerity = .85


Excitement = .87
Sophistication = .83
Highest Culture-specific Dimension Comparison
Ruggedness and Sophistication (Spain) = .42
Passion and Sophistication (United States) = .51

The size of the convergent correlation for Japan when compared to the United States is M = .75
with the off-diagonal discriminant correlation of M = .29. The size of Spain and United States
convergent correlation is M = .83 with the off-diagonal discriminant correlation of M = .32
(Aaker, Benet-Martnez, Garolera). As a result, both of these studies suggest moderate to high
levels of convergent and discriminant validity.

From this data, it can be inferred that our perceptual space in which we construct brand identities
in the shared dimensions are similar to those of both the Japanese and Spanish cultures. This
means that it is possible to convey a message across culture when focusing on the dimensions
that carry a universal meaning. However, these brand personality attributes must be applied to
the emotions associated with colors in other cultures when designing a multicultural package. An
example would be if a company was trying to design a multicultural brand personality, and the
purpose of this package would be to get their target markets excited about their product while
portraying a sense of independence and happiness. Since excitement for all the personality
dimensions and their facets are similar and overall, have a high convergent correlation; the next
step is to pick a color that represents those traits, which will be further discussed after the
meanings of the colors have been mentioned.


Color is an essential part of marketing a multicultural package. As stated in the Journal of

Marketing Communications article, Are You Selling the Right Colour? A Cross-cultural
Review of Colour as a Marketing Cue, color makes the brand. (see Figure 4 below).

Figure 4. A hypothetical model of colour application in marketing (arrows show the direction of
influence) (Aslam).

It is a potent cue for product and brand differentiation and for creating and sustaining corporate
identities and consumer perceptions (Aslam). It is also the one of the least expensive ways of
changing the product (Aslam).


In the American culture, according to The Color Connection Book Series: International Color
White is the color of purity, holiness, innocence and silence. It is associated with
weddings, truth, peace, cleanliness, emptiness or even fright. Black is a color for mourning
and for formal wear. Black is a serious color and can communicate sophistication. Black has
high-tech connotations; another on-the-edge application is in clothing worn by anarchists.
Red is a provocative color in the U.S. Red can stand for warning or danger, love, courage,
anger, heat, spiciness, embarrassment, sexuality, romance, Christmas, national holidays, and
patriotism. Yellow is associated with spring, joy, cowardliness, freshness, illness, caution,
and the sun. Blue is a male color; it suggests a corporate or conservative atmosphere. It is the
most popular clothing color for young people. Blue can also suggest sadness, superiority (as
in a first-place ribbon), freshness, calmness, water, cleanliness, winter, and coolness. Green
is the color of luck in the U.S. Green can also communicate the concepts of money, growth,
jealousy, the environment, illness, spring, youth, inexperience and newness. The color
orange is related to the fall season, as well as to holidays during that time. Orange is an
energetic color related to vibrancy, energy, warmth, and cheerfulness. Purple is related to
luxury, power, mystery, religion, maturity, and richness.
Within the American culture, the colors of red, white and blue, exemplify our country and the
freedom we experience as citizens. They are patriotic, and stand for the independence that many
strive for in achieving the American Dream. It ties into the ruggedness personality dimension of
a western culture. This color combination and use of these colors in packaging are often associated
with an image of the United States flag.


However for the Japanese culture, the color tradition often use both intense and soft colors to
communicate deeper emotions (The Color Connection Book Series: International Color Guide).
An example of this would be the Japanese flag which is a red circle (representing life and vitality)
superimposed in white (representing purity, death, and rebirth). The red is said to be able to ward
off evil while the white simultaneously is known as the color of the Gods. White is often worn at
weddings as well as funerals in Japan. In The Color Connection Book Series: International Color
Guide, it is said that the Japanese have two ways of regarding color: Shibui [the highest level of
beauty] avoids contrasting colors through the use of grayed-down tones, off-whites, beiges, and
soft mauves and greens. Kabuki [classical Japanese dance-drama], on the other hand, is identified
with contrasting, bright, theatrical colors.

In Japan, the color black represents the unknown; it is a mysterious color that is sometimes
considered an unlucky color. Blue is associated with theater, and the supernatural (creatures,
ghosts and villains) while green is representative of eternal life, energy, and overall positivity. In
Japan, the color of love is orange, and pink is considered to be a positive, happy color. Purple is
commonly considered the color of nobility, yet can be associated with pornography and therefore
not worn at weddings (The Color Connection Book Series: International Color Guide).

While Spanish culture color associations are less identified across the broad spectrum of colors,
it is known that red represents a masculinity and patriotism, probably due to its use in the
Spanish flag (Ampuero, Vila). Their color associations are more generalized, after all, in
Analysis of Cross-cultural Color Emotion, the results indicate that the meaning of a color is
influenced mainly by its lightness and chroma and little by its hue. For example, products that


are directed to the upper classes, with a high price and based on elegant and refined aesthetics
require cold, dark coloured (mainly black) packaging. In contrast, accessible products that are
directed to price sensitive consumers required light (mainly white) coloured packaging
(Ampuero, Vila).

In addition to the previously mentioned colors and what they represent in each culture, Figure 5
and Figure 6 will aid in the development of effectively choosing a color in representing a brand
identity for a multicultural package.

Figure 5. The cross-cultural spectrum of meanings and associations of colour in marketing



Figure 6. Cross-cultural colour symbolism in marketing (not to scale) (hypothetical plotting of

the research data in Figure 5 along select semantic differential continua) (Aslam).

Readdressing the previous example of determining a color to represent happiness, and

independence for a multicultural package, yellow would be a suitable color. This is because you
can cross out colors that represent negatives things to each culture like black, then search for a
color that is either unbiased or has a positive personality dimension. Yellow represents happiness
and joy to the U.S. and Japan (Figure 6). Seeing as yellow is part of the Spanish flag, it is a color


that is representative of their culture, a sense of independence in Spain.

In 2009, Proctor and Gamble (P&G), decided to come out a more affordable form of laundry
detergent, in hopes to appeal to a broader market. Inspired by a P&G detergent in Spain, they
came up with Tide Basic, in hopes to broaden their appeal to the Hispanic culture (Byron).
Although some frowned upon this, as it would contradict the current higher-end image of Tide,
P&G continued with the development and soon had to decide upon which color they should use
for the packaging. Preliminary consumer tests had picked yellow over the orange packaging for
Tide Basic (Byron). The significance of this example is that this decision accommodates
overlapping cultures, the Hispanic culture within the American culture. Another example of how
a color, yellow in this case, can translate to these societies would be the yellow McDonalds arcs.
In all of these countries the color of the McDonalds arcs have remained consistent, improving
brand recognition across the cultural platforms. Overall, yellow would be a good choice for a
multicultural package in this specific example because of the meanings associated with it and the
similarities of those meanings, within these cultures.

Utilizing the information gathered through historical research and analyzing it, a beneficial and
credible solution can be reached when designing a multicultural package. This solution will be
further discussed within the conclusion of Chapter 5.


Chapter V Conclusion

As products continue to infiltrate foreign markets and consumer trends change, the consideration
of color and brand identity for multicultural packaging will become increasingly important.
Being able to accommodate consumer cultural perceptions into the strategy when a designing a
brand identity, can aid in promoting a companys product in the most cost effective way
possible. Once they determine what demographical factors affect a product through market
research, a company will obtain perspective of how that product is viewed and then be able to
align themselves accordingly.

In the packaging world, there is a distinction between two blocks of components: graphical and
structural (Ampuero, Vila). In this case, the color and design aspects of the graphic component
have been the focus of this paper. Using data gathered through historical research and content
analysis, there appears to be some ways in which companies can better develop their brand
identities in a global market through the use of color.

In Are You Selling the Right Colour? A Cross-cultural Review of Colour as a Marketing Cue,
Mubeen M. Aslam states, Colour is the least expensive way of changing the product. Whether
a company is trying to rebrand their product or simply making an update, the choices are varied.
However, if they want to rebrand it, then they should use colors that werent originally
identifiable with the old product because dissimilar colors will get more attention (Garber,
Burke, Jones). On the other hand, if they want to update it, and their product is already
identifiable by consumers like Coca Cola, then they should keep the product those colors. This


way, it will not confuse their consumers or increase the time it takes for consumers to realize
what is going on. Generally, the positive effects of a color in brand consideration will diminish
with the repetition of exposure (Garber, Burke, Jones). This means that if a company wishes to
still be successful in the long run, they must choose a color that will best reflect the brand
identity even after the initial shock of the color change wears off.

Since consumers perceptions of the color are intertwined with the brand personality dimensions
of each individual culture, they are not static. Although culture takes decades and maybe even
centuries to change, it is still dynamic in a sense. What is perceived in todays culture will most
likely be perceived differently over an extended period of time. Whether the perceptions of color
and brand identity will converge or diverge across culture, it is hard to tell. However, there is
undoubtedly a bidirectional relationship between culture and an individuals perception of such.

While the research and results show that there is a both culturally specific and culturally
common element in the meaning of commercial brands and color, there is a way to ultimately
address a multicultural audience. From the research presented, this can be accomplished using
the brand personality traits that have high correlation, and colors that have either culturally
neutral or culturally common meanings. As a result, one of the most logical ways to design a
brand identity for a product, is to make sure that no culture is offended with any certain color, so
therefore, picking a color that is positive or unbiased in a culture is the best option for color

Overall, this idea of multicultural packaging is extremely vast in many aspects; it will only


continue to develop into a more difficult task to execute. The challenge of how culturally
exclusive a product should be, will vary with each company. For example, should they consider
the lightness or chroma of the color? What about the different dialects of a language? There is
still much to examine in order to most effectively appeal to different cultural environments. In
conclusion, utilizing the brand personality traits of different cultures to determine which colors
should be chosen to define a brand identity for a multicultural package, is the most cost effective
way to communicate a product in a global market.


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