Application of Digital Signal Processing in Radar: A Study

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 233

Volume 2 Issue 7, October 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 8190


M. S. A. Ghani1, N. M. Z. Hashim2, N. L. E. A. Zawawi3, A. M. Darsono4, A. Salleh5, N. R. Mohamad6
(Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering
UniversitiTeknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Hang Tuah Jaya, Melaka, Malaysia)

Nowadays, most of the electronic devices used Digital
Signal Processing (DSP). This paper discussed the block
diagram, radar detection, implementation of a
convolution, Doppler processing, scanning, compression
and filtering that been used in the applications of DSP in
Radar purposes.

From high noise levels of high-tech radar systems are

associated with digital signal processing it is capable of
extracting useful information.
Other radar systems that used portions of the
electromagnetic spectrum is "LiDAR", which is uses a
visible light from lasers of radio waves..

KeywordsDigital Signal Processing (DSP), Filter,

Pulse, Radar, System



Radar is a system for detecting an object in

which radio waves are used to determine the range,
altitude, direction, or speed of the object. It can be used
to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles,
motor vehicles, weather and terrain. Radar dish or
antenna sends pulses of radio waves that bounce or
microwaves any object in their path. In some countries
before and during World War II, radar was developed
secretly. In 1940, the United States Navy, created the
term RADAR as an acronym for Radio Detection and
Flexibility and diversity of digital techniques
developed in the signal processing front and with the
integrated digital circuits, high-speed signal processing
has been developed and realized. Radar continued to
grow in recent years to take care of future expansion in
mind and with a better digital capability. Contribute
significantly to the DSP in radar signal processing has to
be in, automatic detection and extraction of signal,
image reconstruction, and others. In this paper, an
attempt was made to identify the contribution of DSP in
progress Radar. [1]
Radar has been used in air traffic control, radar
astronomy, air defense systems, antimissile systems;
marine radar to detect landmarks and other ships; aircraft
anti-collision system; ocean surveillance systems,
surveillance systems and meeting space; monitoring of
meteorological precipitation; altimetry and flight control
systems; guided missile targets across the system; and
ground-penetrating radar for geological observations.

Fig. 1 Block diagram of Radar [2]

Figure 1 above shows the block diagram of
radar. The main components of radar are antenna,
computer and signals scanning. The functions of
computer are to scan the performance of all function. [2].



Detection is the process in which the presence of

the target is detected in front of competing signs arising
from the background echoes (clutter), atmospheric noise,
or noise generated in the radar receiver. Noise power
present at the output of the radar receiver can be reduced
by using filters, the frequency response function
maximizes output peak-signal-to-noise means (power) is
called the matched filter. This paper discusses
application of digital filters for matched filtering.
Convolution implementation:
Dual pipeline FFT Filter matched with these
convolution systems, FFTs is channel signal and both
origin-r FFTs forward and backward is implemented in
hardware. Early recordings were used to input buffer
(IB) memory and it took 'N / R' n clock pulses to read

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 234

Volume 2 Issue 7, October 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

the data points and rails input 'r'. Total time 'N / R' is
called an epoch. It takes three days for the first data
really is filtered and sent through a period thereafter.
FFT system dual arbitrary data is filtered sequentially by
reference function arbitrarily selected from reference
memory. The weakness in many applications the same
set of data is filtered with a different filter, in this case
only one change made to the front followed by some
inverse transform, it is possible to eliminate one pipeline
FFTs. This is desirable because it will save a large
amount of hardware.
Doppler processing:
Doppler processing is used to filter out the
clutter and thereby exposing the moving targets quickly.
As implemented in digital filters, FFT, or a set of
horizontal filters. Cancellers and some optimized
method is part of the clutter rejection technique:
1) Canceller
Clutter rejection filters of FIR digital filter design with
pass bands to reject creasing frequency components.
Simple filter is Chancellor of two pulses. [3]

Fig. 3 Square law detector

Figure 3 above shows that the square law
implementation. Integrators which are commonly used
are sliding windows and require data storage for an interpulse period. Single-loop processor data storage required
for a single inter-pulse period. Of course, if the data
memory somehow limited and if acceptable performance
feedback approach is preferred and a single feedback
loop is shown above. [3].
Radar equation:
The power Pr returning to the receiving antenna
is given by the equation: [4]


Fig. 2 Canceller filter

Practically, the clutter power spectrum includes
frequencies above DC. Two pulse barriers will weaken
the low-frequency components but not altogether reject
clutter. A three-pulse barrier with equivalent functions
change with FIR filter attenuates the components near
Scanning Application:
The processor optimized for pulsed, forming
waves on non-coherent n pulses are square law detectors
followed by pulse non-coherent integrator using the
same weighting each pulse is detected. Integrators must
not only be realized in a practical sense but also:
(i) provides a possible small loss detection
(ii) provides a way to reduce the losses associated with
the sample window integration and straddle beam
scanning of the target

Pt = transmitter power
Gt = gain of the transmitting antenna
Ar = effective aperture (area) of the receiving
= radar cross section, or scattering coefficient,
of the target
F = pattern propagation factor
Rt = distance from the transmitter to the target
Rr = distance from the target to the receiver.

In the common case where the transmitter and the

receiver are at the same location, Rt = Rr and the
term Rt Rr can be replaced by R4, where R is the range.
These yields:
This shows that the received power declines as
the fourth power of the range, which means that power is
seen from distant targets is very small. Additional
filtering and integration pulse radar slightly modify the
equation for the performance of pulse-Doppler radar,
which can be used to increase the detection range and
reduce the sender power. The above equation with F = 1
is a simplification for vacuum without interference
delivery. Factors contributing spread multipath and

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Volume 2 Issue 7, October 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

shadowing effects and depend on environmental

information. In a real world situation, path loss effects
should also be considered. [4]
Digital compression:
Pulse compression is a signal processing that is
mostly done digitally in the radar system. However,
many systems still exist with analog-delay line pulse
compressor. In this system, the analog pulse
compression is done at IF, followed by ADC in the
processing chain. Digital pulse compression system,
ADC preceded pulse compressor and only need to
accommodate a variety of dynamic pre-compression
signal, which can be much lower requirements. Digital
signal is converted to baseband and passed to a digital
pulse compressor. Increase dynamic range for pulse
compression gain adjusted to improve the number of bits
in the digital computation
Digital filter:
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite
Impulse Response (IIR) filter. Figure 4 shows a block
diagram drawn from direct form FIR digital filter types.
Sample input feeds a shift register, where each block is
labeled t indicates a slow one sample shift register.
Sample input and output each stage of the transition data
aggregated by unique coefficient, and output is the sum
added to create a filtered output. software tools exist to
generate these coefficients and the amount needed when
the user gives the desired characteristics of the filter,
such as filter type (amplitude, Caesura, band pass, and so
on. sample rate, cut and stop band frequency, pass band
ripple is desired, and stop band attenuation.

order to create better results. First, the detection range

must be increased; the input signal should not restrict the
value of a lot more to achieve accurate results. In order
to detect smaller velocity and a higher range, adequate
sampling rate that to be used is essential. Algorithm
seeks to optimize the search for the velocity analysis to
provide a more accurate performance. Finally, a system
that is designed to send a signal to the RADAR one, and
also simulated signal back to an object some distance or
moving at a certain velocity has been successfully
studied. Many objects that are relatively close and far
managed to be seen and the velocity of a moving object
can be quickly calculated properly.



In this paper, the digital signal processing

applications in radar briefly overview is presented.
Implementation of matched filter, echo cancellers and
automatic detection and detection are discussed in
separate sections. In most models, the Fast Fourier
transform is a technique commonly used to analyze and
filter the digital signal. The case study conducted on
synthetic Radar System Aircraft Landing Vision bad
weather. Different techniques target detection in foliage
discussed for radar. Currently progress in digital signal
processing the information signal that is summed with
many other algorithms to present latest perspective
dates and can be implemented in Digital Signal
Processing as they flexibility and the ability to achieve
high precisions.



Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI)
and UniversitiTeknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
through PJP/2013/FKEKK (29C)/S01215 for their kind
and help for supporting financially and supplying the
electronic components and giving their laboratory
facility to complete this study.


Fig. 4Block diagram of FIR filter



Radar system is so many relationships with

digital signal processing (DSP). There are some
improvements that can be translated to the system in

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