Amateur Manga Movement
Amateur Manga Movement
Amateur Manga Movement
Japanese Subculture in the 1990s: Otaku and the Amateur Manga Movement
Author(s): Sharon Kinsella
Source: Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Summer, 1998), pp. 289-316
Published by: The Society for Japanese Studies
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Accessed: 27/05/2010 20:44
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Journalof JapaneseStudies
24:2 (1998)
its masses of girl artists are not artsy fartsy in Tokyo. The amateurmanga
movementis remarkablein thatit has been organizedalmostentirelyby and
for teenagersand 20-somethings.Amateurmanga is not sent to publishers
to be editedanddistributed.It is, instead,printedat the expense of the young
artists themselves and distributedwithin manga clubs, at manga conventions, and through small ads placed in specialist informationmagazines
serving the amateurmanga world. Throughthe 1980s it grew to gigantic
proportionswithout apparentlyattractingthe notice of academia,the mass
media, the police, the PTA, or government agencies such as the Youth
Policy Unit (SeishonenTaisakuHonbu)-which were establishedprecisely
to monitor the recurringtendency of youth to take fantasticaldepartures
from the ideals of Japaneseculture.
In 1989, however, amateurmanga subcultureand amateurmanga artists and fans were suddenly discovered, as if throughinfraredbinoculars,
and dragged from their teeming obscurity to face television cameras and
journalists,police interrogationand public horror.Amateurmanga artists
became powerfully characterizedas antisocial manga otaku or "manga
nerds"in a suddenpanic aboutthe dangersof amateurmanga,which spread
throughthe mass media.Amateurmangaartists,referredto as mangaotaku,
were rapidlymade into symbols of Japaneseyouth in generalandtook center stage in the domestic social debateaboutthe stateof Japanesesociey that
continuedthroughthe early 1990s.
TheDebate about Youthin Japan
During the 1960s large sections of Japaneseyouth, both universitystudents and lower-classmigrantworkersin urbanareas,beganto rebelagainst
existing political, social, and culturalarrangements.Youthexpressedtheir
aspirationsthroughradicalpolitical movements and a broadrange of new
popularculturalactivities,in particular,the mangamediumwhich expanded
enormously in the latterhalf of this decade. The political and culturalactivities of this generationcontributedto the enterpriseof large cultureindustriesin the 1970s, which made a marketof the new intellectualinterests
and aesthetictastes of postwarJapaneseyouth.' Althoughthe politicalpoint
of youthradicalismbecame completelyobscureby the early 1970s, younger
generations,youth culture,and young women became the focus of nervous
discourseaboutthe apparentdecay of a traditionalJapanesesociety.
Youthhave come to constitute a controversialand often entirely symbolic categoryin postwarJapan.(White) youthculturesin the UnitedKingdom and the United States have, increasingly,been humorouslyindulged
and wishfully interpretedas contemporaryexpressions of the irrepressible
1. Marilyn Ivy, "Formationsof Mass Culture,"in Andrew Gordon,ed., PostwarJapan
as History (Berkeley:Universityof CaliforniaPress, 1993).
Kinsella:AmateurManga Movement
creativegenius and spirit of individualismthat made Britain a great industrial nationandAmerica a greatdemocracy.2But individualism(kojinshugi)
has, as we know, been rejected as a formal political ideal in Japan.Institutional democracy not withstanding, individualismhas continued to be
widely perceivedas a kind of a social problemor moderndisease throughout
the postwarperiod.3Youthculture(wakamonobunka),which has flourished
in Japansince the 1960s, has been identified as the magic cooking pot of
postwarJapaneseindividualismand viewed in a particularlysour light by
many leading intellectuals. Youth culture, symbolizing the threatof individualism, has provokedapproximatelythe same degree of condescension
and loathing among sections of the Japaneseintelligentsiaas far-leftpolitical parties and factions, symbolizing the threatof communism,have provoked in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Individualismgenerally and youth culturein particularhave been interpreted,first and foremost, as a form of willful immaturityor childishness.4
In 1971 Doi Takeo made his influentialcritique of contemporaryJapanese
society in the workAmae no koz6.5Doi, an eminentpsychoanalyst,argued,
among other things,6that postwargenerationsof Japaneseyouth expressed
a desire to be indulged like children.In both the universitycampusriots of
1968-70 and individualistichippie culture,Doi saw the childish petulance
of a dysfunctionalgeneration,spoiled by the absence of a strong political
fatherfigure in Japan'snew postwardemocracy.Postwaryouth were, at the
same time, sufferingfrom the overindulgenceof theirown modernparents.
Doi finally concludedthata whole rangeof democraticadvances,including
the political challenge to racial,gender,andnationalinequality,were a form
of childishness: "In practice, the tendency to shelve all distinctions-of
adultand child, male and female, culturedanduncultured,East andWest
in favor of a universalform of childish amae [dependentbehavior]can only
be called a regressionfor mankind."7
In 1977 Okonogi Keigo, also a psychoanalystby profession, published
anotherinfluentialJapanese critique of modern society on the age of the
"moratoriumpeople." Okonogi linked the childishness of Doi's youth to
the widespreadrejection of civil society and of social obligations to fulfill
certain designated adult roles in society. Okonogi observed that "Present2. For example, Julie Burchill, Sex and Sensibility(London:Grafton,1992).
3. See BrianMoeran, "Keywordsand the Japanese'Spirit,"' in Brian Moeran,ed., Language and Popular Culture(Manchester:ManchesterUniversityPress, 1993).
4. See SharonKinsella, "Cutiesin Japan,"in Lisa Skov and BrianMoeran,eds., Women,
Media and Consumptionin Japan (London:CurzonPress, 1995).
5. Doi Takeo, Amae no kozo5(Tokyo: Kobundo, 1971); The Anatomy of Dependence
(London:KodanshaEuropeLtd., 1973).
6. See an analysis of the culturalnationalismin Doi's work in PeterDale, "OmniaVincit
Amae," in The Mythof Japanese Uniqueness(London:Routledge, 1986).
7. Doi, Amae no kdz5,p. 165.
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In the characterizationof amateurmanga artistsas otaku and the ensuing social debate aboutthe behaviorand psychology of Japaneseyouth involved with manga, key themes of previousdebatesaboutyouthresurfaced
in new forms. Otakuwere portrayedas a section of youth embodying the
logical extremes of individualistic,particularistic,and infantile social behavior.22In their often macabredescriptionsof otaku lifestyle and subculture, social scientists conveyed, perhaps,their deeper anxieties about the
generalcharacteristicsof Japanesesociety in the 1990s.
Mini Communicationsand AmateurMangaPrinting
At the beginning of the 1970s, cheap and portableoffset printingand
photocopyingequipmentrapidlybecame availableto the public.23Amateur
manga and literatureof any kind could now be reproducedand distributed
cheaply and easily, creatingthe possibility of mass participationin unregistered and unpublishedforms of culturalproduction.Duringthe early 1970s
the new possibilities opened up by this technology also meant that it was
relativelyeasy for individualsto set up small publishingand printingcompanies. Many formerradicalstudentswho had ruinedtheirchances of joining a good company throughtheir political activities, or who were turning
their energies to youth culture for other reasons, set up one-person publishing companiesproducingsmall, erotic, or specialist culturemagazines,
many of which also containedsections of more unusualmanga. Othersestablishedsmall offset printingcompaniesthatgraduallybegan to specialize
in printingsmall runs of amateurmanga to professionalstandardsfor individual customers.
Using the services of the new mini printingcompanies, individualsin
all walks of life could now print and reproducetheir own work without
approachingpublishingcompanies.This twilight sphereof culturalproduction, existing beneath the superstructureof mass communications(masukomi), became known as mini communications(minikomi).With regardto
its amateur,uncentralized,andopen structure,the printedminikomimedium
can be usefully comparedto the computerInternetduringthe 1990s. One of
the most extensive forms of mini communicationsin Japanwas to become
21. Fujioka, "Rise of the Micromasses,"p. 38.
22. Sengoku Tamotsu,presidentof the government-fundedJapanYouthResearchCenter
(Seishonen Kenkytijo),gives uncreditedexplanationsof the otakuphenomenonin Japanese,in
the documentaryfilm Otaku,directedby Jean-JacquesBienex (1993), at 41 minutes.
23. YonezawaYoshihiro,"Komikkumdketto,"in Otakuno hon (Tokyo:Takarajimasha,
1989), p. 77.
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Comic Marketis ostensibly a voluntary,nonprofitorganization,but a
range of other commercialenterpriseshave begun to grow on the margins
of the amateurmanga pool. In 1986 specialist amateurmanga printerAkabubuTsfishinlaunchedthe Wings amateurmanga conventions,andin 1991
Tokyo Ryik5 Centerset up SuperComic City conventions.Both companies
hold small to medium-sizedconventionsin towns across the countryevery
few weeks. It is possible for amateurmanga artists and fans to visit a convention to find contacts and friends or to search out new amateurmanga
every other weekend, though in fact many smaller conventions are limited
to specific genres of amateurmanga of interestto just one particulargroup
of amateurmanga artists.
Timetables of convention dates and locations are advertisedin several
monthlymagazinesdevoted to the amateurmanga world. In the second half
of the 1970s low-circulationmagazines such as June (San Shuppan),Peke
(Minori Shob6), Again, Tanbi,and Manga kissatengai were established.30
The first of these magazines, entitled Manpa (Manga wave) was launched
in 1976 and its scions continue to occupy the organizationalcenter of the
amateurmanga medium. In 1982 Manpa magazine split into Puff, which
specializes in amateurgirls' manga, and Comic Box, which covers all amateurmanga from a distinctiveleftist political position. These magazinesalso
carry ads for small dijinshi publishers, dojinshi books and anthologies,
meeting places for amateurartists, and small specialist manga book shops
thatmay also sell some dojinshi.ComicBox magazinealso publishesmanga
criticism, interviewswith manga artists,and otherwiseunrecordedindexes
of all publishedmanga matter.
An increasing numberof small companies have also begun to publish
amateurmanga itself. Fusion Productions,which makes ComicBox magazine, also publishes ComicBox Jr., a 300-page monthlymagazinein which
collections of alreadyprintedand distributedamateurmanga organizedby
specific genre or subgenrearepublished,andcollected anthologiesof dojinshi, which so far include a now infamous, erotic, three-volumeseries entitled Bishojo shokogun(The Lolita syndrome)publishedin 1985. In addition to small publishers, the growth of the amateurmanga medium has
providedcustom for a large numberof small printingshops such as P-Mate
Insatsuand HikariInsatsu;many of these shops specialize solely in the production of dejinshi.
Other commercial enterprises linked to the amateurmanga medium
are large manga shops that cater to the specialist requirementsof amateur
manga artists and fans. In 1984 a chain of manga shops named Manga no
30. Interviewwith YonezawaYoshihiro,July 1994, in Tokyo.
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tures, John Fiske has developed the theory that these subculturescan operate as "shadowculturaleconomies," providingindividualswho feel lacking
in official culturalcapital-namely, education-and the social status with
which it is rewardedwith an alternativesocial world in which they have
access to a differentkind of culturalcapital and social prestige.32It is possible that the intense emphasis in Japan since the 1960s on educational
achievementand acquiringa sophisticatedculturaltaste has also stimulated
the involvementof young people excluded from these officially recognized
modes of achievementwith amateurmanga subculture.
Nevertheless, a fractionof the rapidgrowth of the amateurmanga medium at the end of the 1980s was accounted for by the arrivalof teenage
artists from privilegedbackgroundsat amateurmanga conventions. These
new participants,some of them the studentsof elite universities,are attributed to parentswho were active in the countercultureand political movements of the late 1960s and who passed on both theirsocial backgroundand
some of theirpositive attitudetowardmanga to theirchildren.
The huge proliferationof dcjinshi productionin the wake of the mini
communicationsboom, which allowed many ordinaryJapaneseyouth to
begin producingamateurmanga, meantthatby the 1980s virtuallyall amateurmanga was being made, not by highly skilled professionalartistsseeking alternativeoutlets for their personal work, but by young artists who
had no relationshipwith the manga publishingindustryat all. Of the tens
of thousands of dijinshi writers active in the medium during the 1980s,
only a handfulwent on to become professionalartists.The originally tight
relationshipbetween amateurand professional manga productionbecame
looser. In an attemptto directsome of these amateurartiststowardcommercial production,the Comic MarketPreparationCommitteebeganpublishing
an annualjournal designed to promote amateurmanga artists.In this journal, Komikettoorigin, publishedevery summer, 15 to 20 amateurartistsof
the best-selling dojinshiof the previousyear arereviewedand introducedto
the public.33
Early in the development of Comic Market it became evident that
printed amateur manga provided an unexpected new gateway into the
manga medium for Japanese women. Though Disney animation and the
cute children'smanga characterscreatedby Tezuka Osamu had long been
popularwith young women, very few of them became manga artistsbefore
1970. Commercialmanga was dominatedby boys' and adult magazines,
and these publishingcategories continueto representthe mainstreamof the
medium and the publishing industrytoday. In 1993, adult manga for men
32. JohnFiske, "The CulturalEconomy of Fandom,"in Lisa A. Lewis, ed., TheAdoring
Audience:Fan Cultureand PopularMedia (London:Routledge, 1992), p. 30.
33. Interviewwith YonezawaYoshihiro,July 1994, in Tokyo.
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represented38.5 per cent, boys' manga represented39 per cent, while girls'
manga representedonly 8.8 per cent of all publishedmanga.34The number of women makingdijinshi increasedquickly afterthe establishmentof
Comic Market,so that the firstresult of the sudden increasein the general
accessibility of the manga medium was a new amateurmanga movement
engenderedby women. In the mid-1970s a group of female artistsproducing "small quantitiesof extremelyhigh-qualitymanga" emerged35andbecame known as the "1949 Group" (nijayon-nengumi), after the year in
which a numberof them were born.36These artists,includingHagio Moto,
OshimaYumiko, YamagishaRyoko, andTakemiyaKeiko,joined otherearlier dijinshi artistswho had become professionalmanga artistswhen they
filteredinto commercialgirl's manga magazines.37
Until 1989, approximately80 per cent of dtjinshi artists attending
Comic Marketwere female and only 20 per cent were male. Since 1990,
however,male participationin Comic Markethas increasedto 35 per cent.
The girls' manga genre continuesto dominateamateurproductionbut, and
this is a point of great interest,it has now been adoptedby male ddjinshi
artists. The increase in male attendanceat Comic Marketafter 1988 was
anotherfactorcontributingto the rapidproliferationof the amateurmedium
at this time. New genres of girls'manga writtenby and for boys sprouted
from the fertile bed of the amateurmangamedium.Some universitiesbegan
to boast not only manga clubs but also girls' manga clubs for men. This
manga and those men became the unluckyfocus of the otakupanic.
The realistic, adult-orientedgekiga style, which arose out of antiestablishmentmanga subculturein the late 1950s andhad a stronginfluence
on the genres utilized within commericalboys' and adult manga, has not
been a big influenceon contemporaryamateurmanga.Amateurmangaproductionhas been far more influencedby girls' manga, which in turnhas far
greaterstylistic continuitywith the less politically controversialtraditionof
the child-oriented,cute, sometimes fantastical,manga style pioneeredby
TezukaOsamu.Not only do amateurandcommercialmangadivergein their
stylistic origins but the social networksof amateurand professionalartists
have become so differentthat they representtwo virtuallyseparatecultural
media. From the amateurmanga subculturehave emergednew genres that
are distinctlyrecognizableas amateurin origin.
34. Shuppannenp5 1994, p. 188.
35. Interview with Saitani Ry6, chief editor of Comic Box and amateurmanga expert,
April 1994, in Tokyo.
36. MidoriMatsui, "LittleGirls WereLittle Boys," in Anna Yeatman,ed., Feminismand
the Politics of Difference(St. Leonards:Allen and Unwin, 1993).
37. Interviewwith SaitaniRyO,April 1994, in Tokyo.
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In the early 1980s, dijinshi artistsbegan to producenot only new, original works, but a new genre, parody manga, based on revised versions of
published commercialmanga stories and characters.The first commercial
manga series to attracta whole wave of amateurparodiesin the firsthalf of
the 1980s was UchusenkanYamato(Spaceship Yamato).38As the amateur
manga medium expanded, the proportion of dojinshi artists producing
parody instead of original works increasedtoo. By 1989, 45.9 per cent of
materialsold at Comic Marketwas parodymanga, while only 12.1 per cent
was originalmanga.39
Most parodymanga has been based on leading boys' manga stories serializedin commercialmagazines.Storiesin the top-sellingmagazineJump,
such as "DragonBall," "Yiiyfihakusho,""SlamDunk,"and "CaptainTsubasa," have been particularlyfrequentsources of parody.Parodybased on
animationratherthan manga series, and referredto as aniparo (an abbreviation of animation-parody),became more popular from the mid-1980s
onward. In the same period kosupurei (an abbreviationof costume-play),
where manga fans dress up in the costumes of well-known manga characters and performa form of live parodyat amateurmanga conventions, also
became widespread.
Dijinshi artists categorizedtheir style of manga, which is dominantin
both parodyand originalwork, as yaoi. This wordis an anagram,composed
of the first syllable of three phrases, yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi.
These phrases mean "no build-up, no foreclosure, and no meaning," and
they are frequentlycited to describe the almost total absence of narrative
structuretypical of amateurmanga since the mid-1980s.40 In yaoi manga
the symbolic appearanceof characters,and emotions attachedto characters'
situations,has become far more importantthanthe traditionalplot. The narrativeor story line, which in many ways is the only remaininglink between
manga and works generally understoodas high literature,has been very
much abandonedto commercialmanga publishers,for whom it continues
to be of varied but generally substantialimportance.Yaoiis also characterized by its main subject matter,that is, homoerotica and homosexual romance between lead male characters.Typical homosexual charactersare
pubescentEuropeanpublic school-boys, or muscularyoung men with long
hairandfeminine faces whose partnersareessentiallybeautifulwomenwith
male genitals. (See Figure 2.) Girls' manga featuringgay love is sometimes
identifiedas june mono (afterthe girls' manga magazineJune), while love
stories aboutbeautifulyoung men are also known as bisholnen-ai.Although
the charactersof these stories arebiologically male, in essence they areideal
38. Yonezawa,"Komikkumaketto,"p. 79.
39. "Komikkumaketto 15 nenshi," in ComicBox, November 1989.
40. The meaningof yaoi, common knowledge among manga fans, is definedon paperin
Imidasu1993 (Tokyo:Shogakukan),p. 1094.
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types, combining favored masculinequalities with favoredfeminine qualities.4' Readersare likely to directly identify with gay male" lead characters-and often the slightly more effeminatemale of a couple. In the context of the obvious range of restrictionson behaviorand developmentthat
women experience in contemporarysociety, young female fans feel more
able to imagine and depict idealized strong and free charactersif they are
41. Sagawa Toshihiko,chief editor of the girls' manga magazineJune, confirmsthis interpretationin an interview with FrederickSchodt. See FrederickSchodt, DreamlandJapan
(Berkeley:Stone Bridge Press, 1996), pp. 122-23.
42. This is not an approachunique to Japanesegirls' manga: fanzine subculturein the
United States and Britainalso featuresa strongvein of male homosexualromancefor women.
Fans use materialfeaturinghomosexuallove affairsas devices for stagingthe type of independent and free charactersin which they are most interested.Henry Jenkins, TextualPoachers
(London:Routledge, 1992).
Comic Marketin August 1994, the respondentswere divided in their opinions about parody manga.44 Of the 29 respondents who returned the survey,
19 said they preferred parody to original manga. Of those 19, 10 respon-
dents gave "more interesting"as their reason for either producingor buying parody manga. Another 9 of the 19 respondents who claimed to prefer
parody to original manga felt either that it was "easier to understand" or
they were "not capable of making original manga." The remaining 10 respondents claimed not to like parody manga at all because it was "not
43. Interviewwith KureTomofusa,June 1994, in Tokyo.
44. This was a single-sheet, self-completion,postal-reply,questionnairesurveypresented
in the informal,cute style popularamong amateurmanga artists.
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modes of culturalexpression more commonly associated with contemporary gay culture. Yaoi,jine mono, parody,and rorikonexpress the frustration experienced by young people, who have found themselves unable to
relate to the opposite sex, as they have constitutedand located themselves
within the contemporarycultural and political environment.There is, in
short, a profounddisjuncturebetween the expectationsof men and the expectations of women in contemporaryJapan.Young women have became
increasingly unwilling to accept relationshipswith men who cannot treat
them as anything other than "women" and subordinates.Men who persist in macho sexist behavior-like that often depicted in boys' and adult
manga magazines are gently ridiculed and rejected by the teenage girls
involved in writing parodymanga or readinggay love stories. Youngmen
who find this type of masculinebehaviorand friendship,which is concentrated within corporateculture,49restrictingand uncomfortablehave also
been attractedto amateurgirls' manga.
The themes of Lolita complex manga written by and for men, on the
otherhand,express both the fixationwith andresentmentfelt towardyoung
women by anothergroup of young men. Despite the inappropriatenessof
their old-fashionedattitudes,many young men have not acceptedthe possibility of a new role for women in Japanese society. These men, confounded by their inability to relate to assertiveand insubordinatecontemporaryyoung women, fantasize about these unattainablegirls in their own
boys' girls' manga. The little girl heroines of rorikonmanga reflect simultaneously an awareness of the increasing power and centrality of young
women in society, and also a reactivedesire to see these young women disarmed,infantilized,and subordinated.
Froma broadperspective,both the obsession with girls relievedthrough
rorikonmanga and the increasinginterestamongyoung men in (girls' own)
girls' manga reflectthe growingtendencyamongyoung Japanesemen to be
fixated with the figure of the girl and to orient themselves aroundgirls'
culture.The increasinglyintense gaze with which young men examinegirls
and girls' manga is, to use the words of Anne Allison, "both passive and
aggressive."50 It is a gaze of both fear and desire, stimulatednot least by a
sense of lost privileges over women, which accumulatedduringthe 1980s.
AmateurManga in Britainand the UnitedStates
Points of striking and unexpected similaritybetween culturaltrendsin
contemporaryJapanand other late industrialsocieties often provide social
49. See Anne Allison, Nightwork:Sexuality,Pleasure, and CorporateMasculinityin a
TokyoHostess Club (Chicago:Universityof Chicago Press, 1994).
50. Anne Allison, Permittedand ProhibitedDesires: Mothers, Comics and Censorship
in Japan (Boulder:Westview Press, 1996), p. 33.
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insights at least as profoundas those discoveredat points of culturaldifference, which are almost habituallyfocused upon in the academy.51Points of
similarity in the culturaldevelopments of different societies illustratethe
pervasivenessof internationalsocial andculturalprocesses.Amateurmanga
is a good example of this point. Genresthathave arisen out of the Japanese
amateurmanga subculturein the 1980s bear strikingsimilaritiesto a genre
that has been presentin the culturaloutputof television and comic fans in
the United States and the United Kingdom since the early 1970s. Fine art
drawings and paintings and literary parodies of populartelevision series,
such as Starskyand Hutch, M*A*S*H,Star Trek,and, most recently,Alien
Nation from the United States and Red Dwarf in the United Kingdom are a
central constituent of Anglo-American fanzine subculture.Moreover,the
additionof homoeroticaand homosexual romanceto these fanzines is also
prevalent.Anglo-Americanhomoerotic amateurfanzines are referredto as
"K/S," or more simply still "slash" (I), in referenceto the frequentlyportrayedrelationshipbetween Kirk and Spock in fanzine versions of the programStarTrek.52The yaoi style emergingfrom Japanesedcjinshi is clearly
the Japaneseequivalentof Anglo-American slash.53Other similaritiesbetween yaoi and slash are the absence of a strong narrativestructure54and
the particularfascination with space exploration adventures:for AngloAmericanfanzines aboutStar TrekandDr. Who,substituteJapanesemanga
parodiesof Uchtsenkan Yamatoand CaptainTsubasa.
There are in fact links between amateurmanga and fanzine production
in these different countries. The most rapidly growing sector of British
fan culture in the 1990s has been concerned with Japanesemanga or animation, while so called "Japanimation"has been a popular category of
Americanfan culture since the mid-1970s. Japaneseanimationcompanies
have stimulatedthe interest of foreign fan audiences since the late 1970s
as a market-openingdevice to introduce Japanese animation products to
wider Americanaudiences.55Most fan interestin Japaneseanimationin the
United Kingdom was stimulatedby the release of Otomo Katsuhiro'sanimated film Akira and the establishment of the magazine Anime UK in
51. See Phil Hammond,ed., CulturalDifference,Media Memories:Anglo-AmericanImages of Japan (London:Cassell, 1997).
52. Jenkins,TextualPoachers.
53. Accordingto Jenkins:"The colourfulterm, 'slash,' refersto the conventionof applying a stroke or 'slash' to signify a same-sex relationshipbetween two characters(Kirk/Spock
or K/S) and specifies a genre of fan stories positing homoerotic affairsbetween series protagonists." Ibid., p. 186.
54. Camille Bacon-Smith,EnterprisingWomen:TelevisionFandomand the Creationof
Popular Myth(Philadelphia:Universityof PennsylvaniaPress, 1992).
55. JonathonClements, "Tales from the Edge of the World:A Survey of Japan'sManga
and Anime Exports,with Special Reference to Economic, Legal and CulturalInfluencesupon
Sales" (mastersthesis, Leeds University,1994).
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In 1989 amateurmanga artists and the amateurmanga subculturebecame the subjectof what might be loosely categorizedas a "moralpanic"
of the sort firstdefinedat the end of the 1950s by Britishsociolologist Stanley Cohen.57A sudden genesis of interest in amateurmanga artists and
Comic Market,among the media, began with the arrestof a serial infantgirl killer. Between August 1988 and July 1989, 26-year-oldprinter'sassistantMiyazakiTsutomuabducted,murdered,and mutilatedfour small girls,
before being caught, arrested,tried, and imprisoned.8 Cameracrews and
56. Discussion with Otomo Katsuhiro,the manga artistandproducerof the animatedfilm
Akira,January1994, in Tokyo. These details are confirmedin Clements, "Talesfromthe Edge
of the World."
57. StanleyCohen, Folk Devils and Moral Panics (London:Granada,1972), p. 9.
58. Charles Whipple, "The Silencing of Lambs," in Tokyo Journal, July 1993; John
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(for pinching
IQ 10,000+
little girls'
(very hardy)1,0mers
(containsplastic models
of pop-idols,
and d~jinshi)
Kinsella:AmateurManga Movement
alone at home. The term was ostensibly invented by dojinshi artistNakamori Akio in 1983. He used the word otaku in a series entitled "Otakuno
kenkyt" (Yourhome investigations)publishedin a low-circulationrorikon
manga magazine, Manga burikko (Manga cutie-pie).65
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the most dynamic fronts of the manga medium as a whole in the recent
period.However,they have been humiliatedby the otakupanic andmarginalized by the recent anti-mangacensorshipmovement.73Amateurmangaderivedgenres are excluded from virtually all of the magazines of leading
publishers of manga.74 The snobbery indirectly expressed toward manga
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boy who just wants to be a girl. Captions,from top to bottom: "A boy!?" "Don'tbe stupid,"
C Riichi Ueshiba/
"It's true....,""Look." Used with permission. DISCOMMITNICATION
KodanshaLtd., Tokyo.