Fs 5 Episode 2
Fs 5 Episode 2
Fs 5 Episode 2
Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Episode 2
(Available Tests & Measures)
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be adept in designing, using, and
interpreting results of objective tests.
Your Way
Designing and using assessment tools sounds interesting, especially if you
know their curricular intentions. Take calculated strides in pursuing this interesting
task through these stages:
Step 6:
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What teachers should assess will, in most instances, stem directly from
the teachers instructional objectives because it will be those objectives that
influence what the teacher will be teaching and, in all probability, what the students
will be learning.
(W. James Popham)
Your Tools
As you visit schools, study the teachers objectives, formulate test items,
and interpret results, make a clear documentation of your tasks using the activity
forms provided for you in this book. For your pen-and-paper test items, customize
a table of specification, and prepare the test material based on the prescriptions of
the school where you do the class observation.
Name of the School Observed:
School Address:
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Matter:
Teachers Learning Objectives:
Date of
Page 2
Level of Behavior:
4. Make an Item Bank by organizing the index cards containing your test items.
Show it to your classmates for their comments and suggestions, then to your
FS teacher for checking, and finally, to the classroom teacher.
5. Prepare a test paper of the finalized items.
6. Get the classroom teachers permission to administer the test.
7. Administer the test to the class for which the test is designed. Then check the
papers and record students scores.
8. Do an item analysis and make inferences out of the results.
9. Indicate the item analysis results of each item on the index card where you
wrote the item.
Page 3
If there are issues and concerns related to the development of assessment tools
that you wish to disscuss with your FS Teacher, please write them down on this
You Analysis
Do you think the teachers learning objective was appropriately assessed by
you test items? Why?/Why not?
Why did you have to study the teachers learning objectives prioir to
developing an assessment tool?
Page 4
It is the time to take a pause and look back, look into, and look within your Field
Study experience.
You Reflections
Write your personal reflection of thoughts and feelings regarding the Peace
Concept on Focus. Share your reflection with your FS teacher and classmates.
on Focus:
In assessment, fairness is not only a matter of
teachers attitude towards students. It also involves
the use of assessment tools that are appropriate,
valid, and reliable.
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