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Modern Solutions For Ground Vibration Testing of Large Aircraft

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Modern Solutions for Ground

Vibration Testing of Large Aircraft

BartPeeters, WimHendricx and JanDebille, LMS International, Leuven, Belgium
HctorCliment, EADS CASA, Getafe, Spain
Ground vibration testing (GVT) of aircraft is typically performed very late in the development process. The main purpose
of the test is to obtain experimental vibration data of the whole
aircraft structure for validating and improving its structural
dynamic models. Among other things, these models are used to
predict the flutter behavior and carefully plan the safety-critical
in-flight tests. Due to the limited availability of the aircraft for a
GVT and the fact that multiple configurations need to be tested,
an extreme time pressure exists to get the test results. This article
discusses recent hardware and software technology advancements
for performing GVT that are able to realize an important testing
and analysis time reduction without compromising the accuracy
of the results.
The Military Transport Aircraft Division (MTAD) of EADS
CASA has experience in the design and manufacture of advanced
aerostructures. This covers carbon fiber and metallic structures,
as well as experience in automation processes (manufacture and
assembly). Presently it develops or produces aerostructures for a
range of aeronautical programmes: horizontal stabilizers (A400M,
Falcon 7X), flight control surfaces (B-777, B-737, Falcon 7X,
A400M, Eurofighter), engine nacelles, fibre placement technology
fan cowls (A340-500/600, A380, A318), metallic structures (A380
belly fairing, A318 fan cowls, A320 Section 18, A330/340 central
box, and others), leading edges (Airbus), etc. MTAD is producing
solutions designed to fit the differing needs of the worlds air forces
for tanker/transport aircraft. MTAD has recognized the wide range
of mission requirements and offers customized solutions based
on two Airbus platforms: the tried-and-tested A310-300 and the
MTAD has the capability to project, build, certify and market
complete aircraft. It has a successful line of light and medium
military transport aircraft like the C-212 (more than 400 sold),
CN-235 (more than 300 sold) and C-295 (more than 60 sold). These
products complement the rest of EADS portfolio and it has been
the reason to establish the heavy military transport A400M final
assembly line in the EADS CASA facilities in Seville.
In view of its aircraft structural testing responsibility in the
certification process of the A330 MRTT and the A400M, MTAD
partnered with Alava Ingenieros and LMS International to renew
their measurement hardware and software for ground vibration
testing (GVT). The new system was deployed, and the test teams
were trained for the demonstration GVT on EADS CASAs A310
boom demonstrator aircraft. Along with results from this test,
we show the additional results from the certification test on the
A330 MRTT.
The EADS CASAs A310 boom demonstrator aircraft completed
its 12th test flight on January 30, 2007, and the boom was successfully deployed for the first time (Figure 1a). On March 30, 2006
the first phase of the ARBS (Air Refuelling Boom System) flight
test program was successfully completed after 3 years of development, where EADS CASA completed the design and manufacture
of this new-generation refuelling boom. The flight test program
was intended to prove the performance of the new boom installed
on an Airbus platform, and it includes, for instance, opening the
work envelope of the tanker or performing dry/wet contacts with
an F-16. Preliminary results of these tests have shown:
The aircraft platform and boom structure are free of any form
of flutter vibration
Based on a paper presented at IMAC-XXVI, the 26th International Modal
Analysis Conference, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Orlando, Fl,
February 2008.


Figure 1. (a) A310 boom demonstrator aircraft ; (b) A330 multirole transport

The influence of the boom installation on the aircraft handling

qualities has proven minimal
There is no influence on the APU air intake
The A330 MRTT (Multi-Role Transport Tanker) is an aircraft
with a maximum fuel capacity of 140,000 liters (36,984 gallons),
which also retains its full passenger capacity, thereby retaining the
dual-use capability of the aircraft (Figure 1b). The in-flight transfer
of fuel can be carried out either by a hose-and-drogue system or
by a boom system. The entirely new ARBS is a system with an
advanced air refuelling boom (main structure), fly-by-wire control
with a larger refuelling envelope, and controllability, including an
automatic load alleviation system. The maximum nominal fuel
flow is 1,200 gallons per min.

History, Challenges and Trends in GVT

Ground vibration testing of aircraft is typically performed very
late in the development process (Figure 2). The main objective of
a GVT is to experimentally determine the low-frequency modes
of the whole aircraft structure for validating and improving its
structural dynamic model as part of the flutter clearance process.
Recently, more complex aircraft designs raised additional testing
requirements that are related to the increased use of composite
materials, active systems and the need to quantify nonlinear
behavior. At the same time, there is only a short period in a test
schedule due to limited availability of the fully assembled physical prototype aircraft late in the design cycle. The reconciliation
of increased testing complexity and test accuracy with cost and
time reduction requirements for a GVT has motivated a lot of
international research.1-6 Next to research into more efficient test
and analysis strategies, the combined use and integration of test
and CAE (Figure 3) is definitely the path to follow.6-9

Figure 2. Aircraft development process; GVT takes place shortly before the first flight.





Model Test

Modal Model



FE Model

Modal Model



Calibrated Virtual

Response Analysis
Design Modifications

Figure 3. Integrated structural dynamics process; combination of test and

CAE leads to an increased testing efficiency.

For more than three decades, the use of the phase-resonance

method, or so-called normal mode testing10-13 has been almost exclusively required for GVT on large aircraft, because this method is
generally well suited for the separation of closely spaced modes. In
normal mode testing, essentially single sine excitation at the natural
frequencies of the modes is used. By carefully selecting the shaker
locations and the phase relation between the sine excitation signals,
the aircraft is forced to act as a single-degree-of-freedom system,
and the vibration response only contains a contribution from the
mode of interest. Advantages of normal mode testing are:
The real (normal) modes of the corresponding undamped structure are directly measured.
All eigenvectors are excited at a high energy level.
Linearity tests can be easily performed.
The main disadvantage is that it is a very time-consuming procedure. Therefore, the phase resonance method is complemented and
partially substituted by so-called phase separation techniques that
find the aircraft modes by evaluating frequency response functions
(FRFs). The idea is that most modes are extracted from a fast-phase
separation technique (applying modal parameter estimation methods to broadband FRFs,14 but that critical modes are identified
based on normal mode testing. According to Gloth et al.,3 modes
are considered to be critical in the following cases:
They significantly differ from the predictions.
They show nonlinear behavior
They are important for flutter calculations.
While phase separation techniques have been applied only
recently to large aircraft, EADS CASA has been promoting the
alternative approach of random excitation since the mid 80s for
small and medium-size aircraft. At that time, this new approach
was successfully applied to the CASA trainer aircraft C-101 GVT.
The same approach has been applied to the Eurofighter aircraft
DA6 prototype GVT in the 90s.4
A large variety of shaker excitation signals can be used to exwww.SandV.com

perimentally determine the aircraft broadband FRFs, which are

required in phase-separation testing. These excitation signals
include harmonic signals like discrete stepped sines, periodic signals like multi-sines or a periodic chirp (very fast swept-sine), and
transient signals like an impulse, a (burst) random, or a swept-sine
signal. They differ largely in their spectral energy content and test
duration. Recently swept-sine excitation received a lot of attention, since it represents a good compromise between magnitude
of excitation level needed for large aircraft and testing time.15 An
overview of shaker excitation techniques typically used in GVT
context is given in Figure 4.

Test Equipment. A GVT campaign typically requires the involvement of different teams from different divisions or companies. In
this case, teams from EADS CASA, lava Ingenieros and the engineering services division of LMS International cooperated. Here
we will review the recently installed GVT solution at EADS CASA
that avoids making compromises on the level of data management
and engineering collaboration.
The excitation was provided by LDS permanent magnet shakers
(Model V450), having a sine force peak using forced-air cooling of
311 N and a peak-to-peak stroke of 19 mm (Figure 5a). Labworks
Model PA-138 shaker amplifiers provided the power. The forces
injected into the aircraft are measured by PCB 208C03 force gages,
and the aircraft vibration response is measured by PCB 333B32 and
PCB 393B04 accelerometers.
The shakers were controlled and the transducer signals recorded
by a 700-channel LMS data acquisition system consisting of four
SCADAS III front-end frames16 connected in master/slave mode
with eight sources and 700 measurement channels (V12 modules).
The LMS Scadas III is a completely digital front end, with one
sigma-delta ADC per channel, 24-bit data transfer and ultra-low
noise floor. The V12 modules provide voltage, ICP and TEDS
signal conditioning. The sensor connectivity was facilitated by
embedding the front ends in two racks with patch panels (Figure
5b). Besides a data acquisition PC that processes and stores the
data, two analysis stations are available that perform an on-site
modal analysis, ensuring optimal use of testing time and engineering resources.
The PCs are equipped with LMS Test.Lab data acquisition and
analysis software.17 Test.Lab covers all GVT test modes in one
user environment; MIMO random, swept sine, stepped sine and
normal modes (phase resonance) are all available. Working with
the exact setup database allows a very fast transition from one test
mode to another. Furthermore, a seamless integration between test
and analysis is realized by offering the analysis capabilities as
add-on functions in the acquisition workbooks, allowing almost
real-time modal parameter estimation that can be considered as an
advanced check of measurement quality and data validity during
the measurement process.
Test Conditions. The new GVT system was deployed, and the test
teams were trained for the demonstration GVT on EADS CASAs
A310 boom demonstrator aircraft. During the test, the aircraft must
be in a condition ready for flight, and in a configuration as close
as possible to the configuration of a test flight. The flight control
systems (control surfaces, spoilers and air brakes) are serviceable
and kept in the 0 position. The flap and slat systems are serviceable retracted and locked. The control systems of the trimmable
horizontal tail are serviceable, and the horizontal tail is kept in
the 0 position. The hydraulic systems were switched on (elevaSOUND & VIBRATION/JANUARY 2009


Swept Sine

Stepped Sine

Normal Modes


AP(F) [N2]

AP(F) [N2]

AP(F) [N2]

AP(F) [N2]


Phase Separation of
Frequency Response Funciton (FRF) Based Methods

Measure FRF

Modal Parameter

Experimental Modal
Model [, , ]

resonance [Hz]
Phase Resonance /
Mode Appropriation

Measure / Identify
Mode [, , ]

Figure 4. Dynamic excitation signals and modal parameter estimation strategies in GVT.

Figure 5. (a) Engine shaker excitation; (b) 700-channel LMS data acquisition system.

tor hydraulics, ailerons, rudder). The refuelling boom system was

empty and stowed, and finally, the landing gear was extended, and
the tires were flattened in an attempt to reproduce ideal free-free
boundary conditions.
Phase Separation Testing with Random Excitation. The first test
carried out was a random excitation test involving six shakers at
the wings and the horizontal tail plane (Figure 6a). The test dura10


tion was around 410 sec, representing 40 averages of data blocks

of 10.24 sec for computing the power and cross spectra, coherences and FRFs. The random test gives a good first indication of
the presence of the resonances. Unfortunately, this test suffered
from low energy input at low frequencies. This is observed in the
low force levels at the lowest frequencies (Figure 6b), and as a
result, an incorrect driving point behavior (Figure 7) and a poor
reciprocity (Figure 8a) at these frequencies. A possible solution to
this problem is to add mass to the shakers so that the force level
becomes the limiting factor of excitation rather than the stroke.
The PolyMAX modal parameter estimation method18 was applied
to the random excitation FRFs. The related stabilization diagram
is shown in Figure 8b. The PolyMAX method allows analyzing
a large frequency band containing a high number of modes in a
single analysis run.
A quality indicator for the measurements is the (multiple) coherence function that combines the effects of leakage, noise and
nonlinearity on the FRFs measured at a certain degree of freedom
(DOF). Due to the high channel counts typical for GVTs, browsing
through all coherence functions is rather cumbersome. One way is
to average the coherences over certain frequency ranges and plot
the average values at each sensor location in a geometry display.
For instance, the coherences of close and structurally related
locations should not differ too much. In Figure 9a, the averaged
coherences in a very low frequency band are plotted. It is obvious
that the FRF quality at the wings is relatively good, while the fuselage and horizontal tail plane locations have lower coherences.
Figure 9b shows a high-frequency band. It appears that the left
wing and especially the left engine suffer from low coherences in
this frequency band. A likely reason for this is that the left wing
has only one shaker attached, while the right wing is excited by
two (Figure 6a).
Phase Separation Testing with Swept-Sine Excitation. After the
random test, MIMO swept-sine excitation19 was applied using a
pair of shakers attached at different locations (Figure 10). Sweptsine excitation is attractive, because it is a good compromise
between the excitation level needed for large aircraft (possibly
nonlinear and broadband excitation levels may be too far away from
operational vibration levels) and testing time (testing is faster than
using stepped sine).15 The FRFs obtained by sine sweep testing
(Figure 11) are of higher quality than when exciting by random
noise. Again, the PolyMAX method was used to estimate the modal
parameters from the FRFs (Figure 12).
It is interesting to note the so-called system FRFs.17 These are
the transfer functions N/V between the voltages V of the source
signals and the actual forces N measured by force gages between
the shaker stingers and the aircraft. As shown in Figure 13, these
system FRFs are not flat in the lower frequencies. It is also clear that
a voltage sent to a certain shaker has a significant influence on the

FRF WngL:135:+Z / WngR:114:+Z


FRF WngR:114:+Z / WngL:135:+Z



Frequency, Hz






Frequency, Hz
Figure 6. (a) Shaker locations during random tests; (b) power spectra of
some input forces.

Figure 8. (a) Reciprocal FRF: left wing vertical, right wing vertical; (b) PolyMAX stabilization diagram.



FRF WngL:135:+Z / WngL:135:+Z



Frequency, Hz



FRF HTPL:211:+Z / HTPL:211:+Z



Frequency, Hz

Figure 7. Driving point FRFs.

force measured at the other shaker due to the large shaker-structure

interaction that exists in the lower frequency bands.
Phase Resonance Testing. With a selection of two-shaker excitawww.SandV.com

Figure 9. Averaged coherences in a geometry display: (a) very-low-frequency

band; (b) high-frequency band. Color scale corresponds to averaged coherences between 0.75 and 1.

tion combinations that were used for MIMO swept-sine testing, the
phase resonance (normal modes) testing capabilities of the new
GVT solution were verified. The following modes were subjected
to phase resonance testing: all engine modes, horizontal tail plane
(HTP) roll mode, HTP yaw mode, as well as elevator rotation and


Figure 12. PolyMAX stabilization diagram: lowest frequency band from wing
vertical sine sweep tests.

System FRF WngL:115:-Z/Output1

System FRF WngR:114:-Z/Output1
System FRF WngL:115:-Z/Output5
System FRF WngR:114:-Z/Output5

N/V, dB



Frequency, Hz

Figure 13. System FRFs [N/V]: (a) Low-frequency band with large shakerstructure interaction; (b) High-frequency, flat system FRFs/low shakerstructure interaction.
Figure 10. Shaker locations during vertical wing testing and longitudinal
horizontal tail plane testing.



FRF WngL:115:+Z/WngL:115:+Z
FRF WngR:114:+Z/WngR:114:+Z




Frequency, Hz



FRF WngL:115:+Z/WngR:114:+Z
FRF WngR:114:+Z/WngL:115:+Z




Frequency, Hz

Figure 11. Vertical wing swept-sine tests: (a) driving point FRFs; (b) reciprocal FRFs.

twist modes. In general, the automatic tuning algorithm17 immediately detects the modes under investigation. In cases where the
automatic tuning does not converge, a manual tuning is required.


Figure 14. Mode shape visualization typically used in normal mode testing;
coincident and quadrature part.17

Figure 14 shows a mode shape visualization that is typically used

in normal-mode testing. The real part (or coincident, i.e. acceleration response in-phase with force) and the imaginary part
(or quadrature, or phase difference of 90 between acceleration
response and force) of the mode shape are shown respectively.
When the mode is perfectly tuned, the real part should be zero.
Also a nonlinearity check was performed at the mode represented
in Figure 14, or the HTP first bending and wings second bending (S)
mode. The tuning procedure was repeated at five different shaker
force levels. Figure 15 shows the relation between eigen frequencies
of the normal mode and force level. In case of a perfectly linear
system, this curve should be a horizontal flat line.
Mode Shapes. In this section, some mode shapes are shown
and were estimated using the three described excitation methods
(random, swept sine or phase resonance). Mode shapes from
both the A310 (Figure 16-18) and the A330 MRTT (Figure 19) are
represented. For practical reasons, the vertical tail plane was not
measured during the demonstration GVT on the A310.

Integrated Use of Finite-Element Models

This section discusses the integrated-use, finite-element (FE)

Figure 15. Linearity check for HTP first bending, wings second bending (S)
mode excited using the phase resonance method at five different force levels
with 2 vertical HTP shakers.

Figure 17. A310 mode shapes: (a) HTP first bending (A), wings second bending (A - in counter phase with HTP), wings fore-aft (A), boom first lateral
bending; (b) Wings third bending, HTP first vertical bending (in counter
phase with wings), wings fore-aft, ruddervator bending.

Figure 16. A310 mode shapes: (a) Wings first bending, engine lateral in
phase with wings (S); (b) Wings first bending, engine lateral in counter
phase with wings (S).

models during the GVT. The FE technique is the standard tool for
structural analysis. The FE model available prior to the GVT can
be used to make predictions on the aircraft dynamic behavior and
to optimize the test arrangement and duration. As an example, the
FE model of the A330 MRTT is represented in Figure 20.
Pretest simulations make use of:
Preliminary FE model
Estimated aircraft GVT masses
Estimated GVT (close to free-free) boundary conditions
The normal modes obtained from the FE model before the test
represent an accurate enough estimation of the aircraft eigen frequencies and mode shapes. This information is used to plan the
test; that is, to determine excitation conditions, shaker locations
and accelerometer locations.

Figure 18. A310 mode shapes: (a) Left wing torsion; (b) right wing torsion.


Original FEM CONM2


























W, Kg

GVT mass adjusted FEM CONM2

X, m

Figure 21. Comparison OWE (operational weight empty) and GVT-adjusted

fuselage mass distribution (Ref. 22).






A330-MRTT FEM Frequency, Hz




A330-MRTT GVT Frequency, Hz

Figure 19. A330 MRTT mode shapes.

Figure 22. A330 MRTT FEM-GVT comparison of eigenfrequencies of rigidbody modes (Ref 22).

Figure 20. A330 MRTT FE model (Ref 22).

During the first days of the GVT, the aircraft is weighted, and
the rigid body eigen frequencies are measured. With these results,
a second loop of normal modes calculations is performed. Figure
21 shows an example of the mass corrections to the nominal FE
model, which are needed to match the masses of the actual aircraft
configuration being tested during the GVT. Typically, this correction is a reduction to account for missing elements like passenger
seats, galleys, etc. Figure 22 shows how tuning the FE model to
accurately reflect the aircraft mass distribution and test boundary conditions leads to an improved prediction of the rigid-body
modes. Blue dots show the position of the estimated rigid-body
eigen frequencies before the GVT, while the green dots show the
final rigid-body eigen frequencies right in the 45-degree line when
comparing numerical values (FE) with measured values (GVT).
Once the model has the correct test-measured masses and testmeasured boundary conditions, the right comparison between all
flexible modes can be made to know whether the FE model needs
to be updated or not. If the frequencies of all modes lie inside a
reduced margin (lower than 5%), the model does not need to be
updated. But for larger differences, the model must be corrected.
The correction needs to account for local effects20 or absent components.21 A good approach for model updating is the delta stick
approach, where the missing stiffness is introduced via external


Figure 23. A330 MRTT FEM-GVT normal mode frequency comparison

(Ref 22).

stick models running through each component elastic axis.

Figure 23 represents the comparison of measured and computed
normal modes for the A330-MRTT, showing that all frequencies
are located very close to the 45-degree line and indicating a very
good match. More details on the discussed results can be found
in Reference 22.

We showed how a new 700-channel ground vibration test system
was successfully deployed during a demonstration test on the A310
and later successfully used during a certification test on the A330
MRTT. The new hardware and software solution is designed to
cope with the main challenge of todays GVT campaigns; that is,
to reduce the testing and analysis time without compromising the
accuracy of the results. Highly efficient testing is made possible by
the integration of complementary excitation techniques in a single

software environment. Built-in modal analysis capabilities ensure

that the test data are validated and the aircraft modal parameters are
available almost in real-time during the test. We also demonstrated
that the integrated use of test and FE models allows an optimal
planning of the GVT and has the advantage that an updated FE
model is available shortly after the test.

Part of this work was carried out under the EUREKA project E!
3341 FLITE2. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support
of the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and
Technology in Flanders (IWT).


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The author can be reached at: [email protected].



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