Assignment: Submitted To, Submitted By, Sameera Miss Aneesa.A Submitted On, F.M.T.C.Pallimukku 09/10/2015 Kollam

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Mathematics laboratory has not yet received the same general acceptance
as a science laboratory. This is probably because the mathematics
teachers themselves have not recognized the significance of mathematics
laboratory as the science teachers have. Actually most mathematical
teachers have been very passive as to this respect.
Laboratory work in mathematics is
receiving increasing attention. The underlying idea of mathematical
laboratory is that pupils will develop new concepts and understanding
particularly well through experimental activities dealing with concrete
situations. It is particularly difficult to understand mathematical concepts
as they are abstract in nature. They can be learned better through
observation of the concrete situations and experiments and manipulation
of concrete objects .Activities such as measuring and drawing ,counting,
weighing, averaging and estimating, taking the readings from instruments,
recording, comparing, analysing , classifying and checking data collecting
data,working with data and so on will involve the use of physical
instruments and can be labeled as laboratory work.

Some of this work

can be done in the classroom that is suitably arranged and

equipped(mathematical laboratory) and some can take the form of
elementary field work. Most students find such work highly interesting and
through such activities they can develop many mathematical concepts and
insights with an interest and a clarity often not attained through a strictly
intellectual approach. Laboratory work helps in satisfying the creative and
constructive urges of the students.

The activities involved in laboratory work in mathematics

fall broadly into two classes, namely demonstrations and experimental
activities. These two categories are not mutually exclusive. In
demonstration some physical instrument or device is used to illustrate and
clarify the explanation of a mathematical concept or a method.
Experimental activities include the kind of activities
which are carried on individually or by small groups working together and
are primarily aimed at helping experimenters themselves to understand
concepts /ideas clearly. In the high school mathematics , properties of
geometric figures and concepts of distance , angles, weights, areas,
volumes, and loci, etc. can be given a more vivid impact through
experimental activities than through any other means.
For the effective functioning of a mathematics
laboratory, it should be well equipped. A mathematics laboratory may
contain the following type of materials and equipments.
1.Concrete materials
The mathematics laboratory should contain
materials such as
beads, pebbles, sticks, ball frames, seeds, balance,
weights, measuring tapes, scissors, pins, abacus, cardboard,
board pins, chart paper, graph paper etc. which are very
helpful for demonstrating elementary mathematical
concepts. and chart

Pictures and charts depicting different

mathematical concepts should find a place in a mathematics
laboratory. Pictures of mathematicians, charts showing the
contributions of mathematicians, history of mathematics,
biographies of mathematicians are also very helpful in inspiring
students and can be placed in the mathematics laboratory.

Various mathematical models which will offer opportunities
for students to explore and investigate should be placed in the
mathematical laboratory.
4.Bulletin Board
There should be at least one bulletin board in the
mathematical laboratory to display various illustrations
concerning mathematics. Information relating to mathematics
and its applications collected from different sources like
magazines, journals, and newspapers can be displayed for the
benefit of all the pupils.
5. Blackboard
A blackboard should be provided in the mathematics
laboratory. This helps in writing instructions, drawing geometrical
figures and illustrations necessary for performing the laboratory


1.Drawing Instruments

In mathematics laboratory, the students are required to

draw and sketch geometrical figures, graphs and so on. In
every mathematics laboratory there should be a set of
drawing instruments like compass, rulers, protractor etc.
for the teachers to demonstrate the drawing on the
blackboard and instrument boxes for the students use.
Stencil for drawing geometrical figures are also important
tools in a mathematics laboratory.

2. Weighing and Measuring Instruments

Mathematical laboratory work, quite often,
involves the important activities of weighing and measuring.
Measuring tapes, balances of different types, measuring jar, and
graduated cylinder should be there in a mathematics laboratory.

3. Surveying Instruments
Surveying is an important aspect of mathematical
laboratory work. Laying out right angles, finding the angular
distance, estimating the height of building, estimating the
distance of an object, finding the angle of elevation and
depression are all useful activities which make use of surveying
instruments. The following instruments are very useful in this
regard and they should have a place in the mathematics
Angle mirror for laying out right angles in the field.
Sextant for measuring
The angular distance
Angles of elevation and depression
The height of an object

The width of the river etc.

Plane table and Alidote for elementary mapping and
Clinometers for estimating the
Angle of elevation
Height of an object
Transit for measuring the angular distance of two objects
Level for finding differences in elevation

This instrument works on the principle of
proportionality of similar triangles. It can be used for enlarging or
reducing figures, pictures, maps, graphs etc.

Slide rules and calculators
The students need to do the computation with
speed and accuracy. Mathematics laboratory should have
calculating devices like slide rulers and calculators. A slide rule
consists of two or more logarithmic scales sliding on each other.
Calculators are very helpful in doing complex computations with
greater speed and accuracy.

Use of calculators

An advantage of calculators over computers is

that they are smaller in size and lend themselves to systematic
use over a long period. These days calculators have become very
common among schoolchildren and they use them quite
frequently for computation. But the systematic use of calculators
should be explicitly planned for by the teacher.
The use of calculators should be restricted until
the children understand the basic ideas behind the operations
particularly the concepts of place value in simple calculations.
Moreover the children may be allowed to use calculators only
after they attain sufficient competence in basic skills of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division. The children must be
able to do these operations mentally. At a basic level some of
exercises are simply to allow pupils to become familiar with their
particular calculators, but even these can be developed into
mathematical exploration and ideas about proof.

In this technological age one cannot over estimate the role
of computers in the mathematical work. A computer is an
effective device for storing information; analysing and
interpreting data. Therefore, it is desirable to have a computer in
the mathematics laboratory to facilitate easy functioning of the
mathematical laboratory. The types of instruments and materials
for a mathematics laboratory , to a great extent, depends upon

the needs of the students and the nature of the mathematical

activities carried out in the mathematics laboratory.

The primary functions of a mathematics laboratory are to
Make mathematics teaching and learning,
interesting and purposeful for the students.
Provide activities that arouse the curiosity of the
students and maintain their interest in learning.
Enable students to develop proper skills in
handling equipment and gadgets.
Make students appreciate the practical
applicability of mathematical principles and laws.
Concretise the abstract mathematical concepts
Help the students develop powers of observation,
analysis and drawing inferences.

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