Applications of PSCAD® / EMTDC™ Application Guide 2008
Applications of PSCAD® / EMTDC™ Application Guide 2008
Applications of PSCAD® / EMTDC™ Application Guide 2008
Applications of
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................1
Where PSCAD Can be Used ............................................................1
iv Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Index ..............................................................................................117
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC v
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 1:
This Workbook is designed to guide the user of PSCAD/EMTDC
through its use and application. PSCAD/EMTDC (also referred to
as PSCAD) is a simulator of ac power systems, low voltage power
electronics systems, high voltage DC transmission (HVDC), flexible
AC transmission systems (FACTS), distribution systems, and com-
plex controllers.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
• Industrial systems.
2 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 3
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 2:
When transients are being studied, the whole network usually
does not need to be modeled as it does in transient stability studies
(where the transients are much slower and can reach further into
the network). Care is required in selecting the sources representing R-R//L configuration of Thevenin source impedance, selected
to provide the same impedance angle at fundamental
the short circuit impedance and where the source is located. frequency and one low order harmonic (2nd, 3rd of 4th).
The first source type is the “Three Phase Voltage Source” com-
ponent and the “Single Phase Voltage Source” component. To
recognize that there is frequency dependency in the short circuit
impedance, simple impedance fitting through the low order har-
monics is possible with the series R-R//L impedance configuration.
Zero sequence definition is possible.
Ideal source realizable (R=0.0) through Simple Three Phase
Various sources are available in the Sources page of the Master Source component. Provides chatter removal, but has no
Library. Externally, controllable current and voltage sources provide separate zero sequence impedance definition.
special interface capabilities between controls and the network.
The voltage behind the Thevenin impedance or that at the bus may
be specified. If the voltage at the bus is specified, the desired P and
Q levels of the source are also required. The model will compute
the internal voltage behind the Thevenin impedance. Special sources including a harmonic current injection
source for measuring harmonic impedance among other
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 5
Chapter 2: Transient Studies
6 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 7
Chapter 2: Transient Studies
Time contacts
Decreasing withstand voltage
The traditional method of representing a circuit breaker for
begin to closing
energizing transmission lines, transformers, capacitor banks, etc.
in transient studies is to assume that the contacts can close on
any part of the cycle. In reality, there is a closing time between
when the contacts start to close and when they finally make.
Somewhere in between, an arc may strike across the contacts as
they close. This is known as “pre-strike.”
Breaker Pre-Strike
Closed The vertical axis in the figure is a measure of the withstand volt-
0 Tim
age across the circuit breaker contacts. In the open position, the
Time contacts fully close
withstand voltage of the circuit breaker will be a per unit value of
Pre-strike effect in closing circuit breakers with a finite rated voltage. The time varying value of voltage across the open
closing time. contacts is depicted as an absolute function of the alternating
Speed of operation of a 230 kV, SF6 circuit breaker was voltage across the contacts. As the contacts close, the withstand
found to vary with temperature, SF6 pressure, hydraulic voltage reduces as the separation distance between the contacts
energy and dc voltage according to a test undertaken by
the Manitoba HVDC Research Centre as follows: reduces. When the voltage across the contacts exceeds the
reducing withstand voltage of the insulating medium between
Variations in closing speed: 8-10%
them, pre-strike occurs.
Variations in opening speed: 5-6%
One supplier provided the following circuit breaker closing As a result of the pre-strike, there will be a greater tendency for
times: effective closing to occur with rising or maximum voltage across
110 kV 30 +/- 10 msec. the contacts. For slow contact closing, there will even be a
220 kV 65 +/- 8 msec. shadow effect where it will not be possible for effective closing to
220 kV 80 +/- 5 msec.
500 kV 80 +/- 5 msec. occur over a portion of the cycle.
8 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 9
Chapter 2: Transient Studies
10 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Transformer Data
For each transformer to be represented in detail, the following
information is required for the PSCAD transformer components:
Circuit Breakers
The locations of the circuit breakers that will be switched must be
identified on the study system network diagram. Other param-
eters of the circuit breakers should be determined from the study:
Surge Arresters
The expected location and rating of surge arresters should be
provided. The minimum ratings, and in particular the energy
absorption capability, will be determined from the studies.
Shunt Reactors
The location of shunt reactors should be identified. This will in-
clude whether they are line connected (located on the line side of
the energizing circuit breakers) or bus connected (located on the
station side of the line energizing circuit breakers). Information Configuration of line connected shunt reactors with a
on whether the shunt reactors are switched and if so, the time neutral reactor for compensating long AC lines utilizing
single pole reclosing.
it takes to close its switch to connect it into service and the time
delay to switch it out of service.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 11
Chapter 2: Transient Studies
Station Layout
A detailed station layout diagram is required which should con-
tain or be accompanied by the following information:
12 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Busbar Dimensions
The fast front surge usually enters the station from a transmis-
sion line as a result of lightning striking a tower top or shield wire
near the station causing a back flashover, or directly onto a phase
conductor. The surge propagates through the station along the
busbar. It is appropriate to represent the overhead busbar as a
transmission line if its length is greater than the length of wave
propagation over two calculation time steps. The data required is
similar to that for transmission lines as follows:
Busbar and transmission line dimensions
• Busbar conductor diameter and resistance per unit
Ground conductivity for the line constants component for
• Spacing between busbar conductors and phases. calculation of transmission lines for busbar sections can
be assumed to be low because of the station ground mat.
Values of 1 to 10 Ù-metre may be suitable.
• Average height (or height at supports and sag) of each
busbar conductor above ground.
• Length of any vertical sections of busbar.
Transformer Data
Each transformer connected to the station busbar under study
will have a strong influence on fast front surges due to the domi- Equivalent circuit of the capacitance coupling of one phase
nant bushing and winding capacitances. Usually the bushing of a two winding transformer.
and winding capacitances are lumped values determined by test
measurements. The magnetic coupling and winding inductance
are considered to have no effect for fast front surges.
If the transformer is considered open circuited except at the
winding connected to the busbar under study, the winding ca-
pacitances can be lumped into a single value for that bus connec- T
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 13
Chapter 2: Transient Studies
Example of energizing a transmission line with Point- NOTE: IEEE Standard C37.011-1994 lists typical stray capacitance
on-Wave closing.
values of station equipment.
Consider the 500 kV transmission line:
Line Energizing
There are a number of line energizing contingencies that need to
be examined for impact of switching surge TOVs. These include:
Signals VMA, VMB and VMC are line end voltages. Signal
BTD randomly initiates circuit breaker closing over one 1. Energizing or reclosing the transmission line with a single
cycle. Signal BTBA adds a 0.1 msec random variation to line to ground fault on the line.
manual delay adjustment BTDX, which is adjusted by trial
and error for pole closing at voltage zero. Signal BTA is fed
2. Out-of-step closing, or closing with a large angle and
to the Statistical Breaker Close Components on the other voltage across the circuit breaker.
two phases. Signal BK1 from the Timed Breaker Logic 3. Energizing a transformer, or a transformer and a
Component is also fed to the other two phases.
transmission line.
A statistical switching study undertaken for these cases and vari-
ations thereof will determine the maximum switching transients
possible. The accumulated probability of distribution of transient
overvoltages can be determined using the multiple run feature of
PSCAD and the Breaker Pre-Strike component discussed above.
From the most severe conditions, the voltage stresses and arrester
duties can be examined and adjustments made.
14 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
bank may be stressed if the circuit breaker re-strikes. It is E2 = Maximum TRV published for the breaker. May
usual to size the surge arrester to withstand one re-strike, be a function of load current and power factor.
This is a 1-Cos curve at fundamental frequency.
even when the circuit breaker is designed to be “re-strike
free.” Em = The line-to-ground component of the TRV at
fundamental frequency.
5. Switching capacitor banks back-to-back. To limit the
inrush current due to back-to-back switching, an inductor tr = Time the first reflection is observed.
is placed in series with the capacitor bank. At rated current, the circuit breaker can then be applied if
6. Capacitor discharge into nearby fault. A current limiting the observed TRV lies below the defined envelope. Use the
three phase ungrounded fault for the test.
reactor will limit the peak discharge current from the
capacitor bank into a nearby fault. ANSI standards The concept of Initial TRV (ITRV) is introduced by IEC
Standard 60056 (1987-03). This is due to substation
establish a maximum value of 2 * 107 for the product reflections and may cause initial higher rate-of-rise but to
of the peak magnitude of the discharge current and its a smaller initial amplitude. An ITRV envelope is defined to
accommodate ITRV.
ITRV is neglected for metal enclosed switchgear and when
Other overvoltages of concern are generated by load rejection rated short circuit current is less than 25 kA.
overvoltages which in causing nearby transformer saturation may,
through resonances, lead to prolonged harmonic overvoltages on
the terminals of the transformer or other equipment.
Transient recovery voltage of a circuit breaker is the difference
of voltage measured between each side of the circuit breaker to
ground. u1
Initial TRV (ITRV) envelope.
2us t1 t2 time
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 15
Chapter 2: Transient Studies
The most severe case for rate of rise of TRV is when the circuit
breaker is fed from only transformers (no other transmission lines)
from its substation side. When the circuit breaker opens to clear
the line fault, it does so at a current zero. But since the fault is
Definition of TRV in IEC 60056 (1987-03)
fed through the transformer, which is inductive, the current zero
U kV u1 kV t1 μsec uc kV t2 μsec for current extinction corresponds to a voltage maximum for the
123 131/151 65/75 183/211 195/225 source voltage behind the transformer. Consequently, there is
145 154/178 77/89 215/249 231/267 a fast rise of voltage on the transformer terminal of the cleared
245 260 130 364 390
300 318 159 446 477
phase, limited only by the capacitances of the transformer wind-
362 384 192 538 576 ings, bushings, buswork, circuit breakers, voltage transformers,
420 446 223 624 669 etc. When there are only one or more transformers feeding the
525 557 279 780 837
fault clearing circuit breaker, these capacitances should be lumped
765 812 406 1137 1218
onto the bus on the substation side of the circuit breaker.
For specifying TRV, u1/t1 and uc may be used. Rate of rise u1/t1 is a
maximum of 2 kV/sec. Many modern circuit breakers have a grading capacitor across
First-pole-to-clear factor = 1.3 or 1.3/1.5 each set of main contacts that helps limit rate-of-rise of TRV. For
modern classes of SF6 circuit breakers, it is typical to have 800 to
1600 pF across each set of contacts. 1500 pF is a normal value to
use if a specific circuit breaker is not being studied. 230 kV circuit
Definition of TRV under 100kV
breakers will have two heads in series so that 750 pF can be used.
500 kV circuit breakers have four heads in series resulting in 375
Initial TRV (ITRV) envelope. pF as the equivalent value to use.
The grading capacitor will have negligible effect if there are one
or more transmission lines in operation at the substation bus
0.57UC where the circuit breaker being switched is located. Where the
fault clearing circuit breaker is only connected to transformers at
the substation, the grading capacitor should be included in the
td t3 time
model along with a lumped shunt capacitor for the transformer
windings, bushing, buswork, voltage transformers, etc. Although
TRV under 100 kV in IEC 60056 (1987-03)
fast front modeling is not required, the calculation time step
U kV uc kV t3 μsec td μsec uc/ t3
should be around 10 to 20 sec when adding these capacitors
3.6 6.2 40 6 0.15 rather than the normal 50 sec.
7.2 12.3 52 8 0.24
17.5 30 72 11 0.42 According to IEC 60056 standard, circuit breakers directly con-
24 41 88 13 0.47
36 62 108 16 0.57
nected only to transformers without appreciable additional
52 89 132 7 0.68 capacitance between the circuit breaker and transformer, the
72.5 124 166 8 0.75
16 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
1. D.A. Woodford, L.M. Wedepohl, “Impact of Circuit
Breaker Pre-Strike on Transmission Line Energization
Transients,” IPST’97, International Conference on Power
Systems Transients, Seattle, June 22-26, 1997, pp250-
2. “Modeling and Analysis of System Transients Using
Digital Programs,” IEEE Publication No. TP-133-0, 1998,
Section 4, Switching Transients.
2.1 Load Lesson2_1 in Section2. This is the transmission
line case studied in Lesson3_1 but with the circuit
breakers added to energize the transmission line. The
user defined component for circuit breaker pre-strike is
included. Run the case and see if it operates correctly.
Replace the slider defining the delay before the contacts
To load Lesson2_1, if you are changing the directory to run
commence closing [TD] with a multiple run component. the case, you must transfer both the case file Example2_
Set it up to initiate random closing over a one cycle 1.psc as well as the FORTRAN file for the Circuit Breaker
Prestrike component Swlib.f into the new directory.
period. Set the case to run with 20 or more multiple
runs and search for the maximum line end voltage. If the case does not run because the component is not in
place correctly, see the course teacher or contact the Centre
Repeat the case with one phase at the open end at [email protected] .
solidly grounded and search for the maximum line end
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 17
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 3:
Network analysis without controls analysis would be very limiting.
Systems may consist of both, and each may be non-linear. For
example, power electronic controllers, networks with saturating
transformers, and protection systems require simulation methods
of study with both advanced network and controls capability.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 19
Chapter 3: Controls
20 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 21
Chapter 3: Controls
High, Mid, Low 2nd order filters from the CSMF library
The On-Line Help available for the second order functions explains
their Laplacian formulation. For this application, a low pass filter
is explained. A low pass filter is the most useful filter as it serves
to attenuate signal noise. Understanding the theory of filters
enables the parameter selection for the second order components
to be chosen wisely. The Laplacian formulation for a low pass
second order filter is:
LP(s) = __________
2ξs ___
1 + ___ s2
ω0 + ω 2
22 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
The input signal can be TIME from the Time component. When
TIME exceeds the level set in the Single Input Level Comparator,
its output will change state causing the necessary action.
Controlling an AC Source
The Source library within the Master Library contains a number of
single and three phase voltage sources. The voltage sources can
be self-regulating if that option is chosen.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 23
Chapter 3: Controls
H = Inertia (MW-Sec/MVA)
MVA = Machine rating (MVA)
ƒ = System Frequency (Hz)
For the case where voltage distortion and phase unbalance exists,
then one procedure to generate voltage phase angle between
two three-phase busbars is based on the Phase-Locked Loop
(PLL) component found in the CSMF library. This component has
superior measurement capabilities in synchronizing to a three-
phase voltage with significant distortion. Therefore, the method
of phase angle measurement simply consists of locating a Phase-
Locked Loop component at each three-phase busbar, re-create a
three-phase voltage from its output, which will be balanced and
almost free of distortion, and then use the Phase Difference com-
The output of the Phase-Locked Loop component is a ramp ponent to measure the resulting phase angle.
function climbing between 0 to 360 degrees once every
cycle of the frequency it is locked into.
Measuring relative voltage phase angle between two three-phase bus bars
24 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
3.1 A second order component configured as a low pass The Output Trip signal is locked up using the Maximum/
filter is used to filter a 5th harmonic from a signal Minimum Function component as a “select maximum”
with a feedback. A special one-time step delay component
containing a fundamental frequency component (50 Hz) can be inserted at strategic locations in feedback control
and a 5th harmonic (250 Hz). Replace the 2nd order low systems to force a desired sequence of processing. It is not
needed in this instance but has been inserted as shown. It
pass filter with a low pass Butterworth filter. Experiment is found on the main page of the Master Library:
with the Butterworth filter to achieve best blocking
of the 5th harmonic and allowing the fundamental
frequency component of the input signal to pass.
3.2 Build a simple exciter for the classical machine model
created from an externally controlled source as
demonstrated above. The configuration of a simple solid
state exciter is as shown. Enter parameters you might
consider realistic and see if performance is stable.
3.3 Develop a 10 amp rms fuse with a protective level
(minimum operating) of 15 amp rms. If the current
should increase to 20 amps rms, it will open up at the
first current zero after 0.1 seconds. Simple exciter model for classical machine model for use in
Exercise 3.2.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 25
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 4:
Surge Arresters
Metal oxide surge arresters (MOVs), when carefully chosen, provide Voltage in p.u. of rated voltage (crest value)
1. Continuous operating voltage (COV, MCOV or Uca). By 0.00001 0.001 0.1 10 1000 100k
definition, this is “the designated permissible r.m.s. Current (A)
value of power frequency voltage that may be applied Typical voltage - current characteristics of MOV
continuously between the arrester terminals.” Since
harmonics may be present, Uca is taken as the system
voltage crest divided by √2 or if the harmonics are not Definitions
known, divide the system voltage (L_L) crest by √6 for
Rated Arrester Voltage Ur . The rated voltage is the highest
normal phase to ground arresters. If the system voltage r.m.s. power frequency voltage that is applied to the
crest is not known, the highest voltage for equipment Um arrester in the operating duty test for 10 s after being pre-
heated and subjected to an energy injection in accordance
should be used instead. Um is normally 5 – 10% above with clause 2.8 of IEC 60099-4. The TOV capability of
normal system voltage. Uc is always selected higher than the arrester for 10 s has therefore to be minimum with
Uca. reference to rated voltage Ur . Often the real capability is
If there are uncertainties in surge arrester and equipment Nominal Discharge Current In . The peak value of current of
expose use, there is good incentive for using PSCAD/ an 8/20 ¼sec impulse used to classify an arrester.
EMTDC to determine these exposures for precise For systems with Um 52 kV, In = 5–10 kA.
specification of equipment. For systems with Um 300 kV, In = 10 kA.
For systems with Um > 300 kV, In = 10–20 kA.
2. Temporary Overvoltages. All voltages higher than Uc are The associated arrester discharge voltage Un is sometimes
defined as TOV. TOV can be from a few cycles to several used. For example, U10 is the arrester discharge voltage for
I10 (10 kA).
hours. From IEC 60099-1, a temporary overvoltage is: “An
oscillatory phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase overvoltage Crest voltage (p.u. of BIL)
at a given location of relatively long duration and which
is undamped or only weakly damped. Temporary
overvoltages usually originate from switching operations or
faults (e.g. load rejection, single phase faults) and/or from
non-linearities (ferroresonance effects, harmonics). They
may be characterized by their amplitude, their oscillation
frequencies, their total duration or their decrement.”
Different arresters may have the same Uc but different
rated voltages to meet different overvoltage requirements.
3. Fast front transients. The primary cause of fast front
transients is lightning strikes to transmission lines and
the associated back flashovers. Fast front transient
overvoltages are limited to a higher level than from TOVs
generated from switching surges. To reflect this property Insulation coordination of transformer
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 27
Chapter 4: Surge Arresters
More Insulation Coordination Definitions: into the arrester, simulation requires important modeling
Protective Margin PM = (VW – VP)/VP considerations.
Where: Insulation design for distribution arresters is based
VW = Withstand capability of the power components under
protection. largely on fast front transients. Higher voltage arrester
applications may be significantly influenced by TOVs from
VP = Protective level (at the selected current discharge level
through the surge arrester). switching transients.
BSL – (Basic switching impulse insulation level) is the crest
value of a standard switching impulse that the insulation
can withstand. Eg, 250 x 2500 μs.
BIL – (Basic lightning impulse insulation level) is the crest The switching surge arrester model available in the Master Library
value of a standard 1.2 x 50 μs impulse that the insulation is modeled as a piece-wise-linear resistance whose volt-amp char-
can withstand.
acteristic is entered by the user (or a default characteristic can be
Chopped Wave – (Chopped wave withstand) is the crest applied). It is suitable for designing switching surge TOV protec-
value of a standard 1.2 x 50 μs impulse “chopped” by
action of a rod gap placed in parallel with the insulation
tion. It can also be developed for fast front transients, as would
after a specified time (2 μs for HV breakers, 3 μs for HV be discussed in a later section.
transformers and reactors).
28 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Note: The PSCAD model (V4.2.1) does not account for the energy
dissipation to the surrounding medium during its normal steady
state operation nor during transient events.
Scaled by
Fast Front Transients 1/192 for
When fast front transients, such as from lightning, are to be
investigated, the MOV surge arrester (behavior) representation is
significantly different. The voltage across the arrester increases as The value entered for “Arrester Voltage Rating” under
“Configuration” directly scales the per unit voltage
the time to crest of the arrester current decreases and the arrester accordingly. So for this switching example, if the impact of
voltage reaches its peak before the arrester current reaches its a 228 kV rating of a similar arrester is to be investigated,
peak. change the 192 kV rating previously entered to 228 kV and
re-run the case.
The time to crest for lightning surges can range from 0.5 sec to Typical specific single impulse energy absorption capabilities
of various classes of surge arresters in kJ/kV based on rating
several sec. The frequency dependent model proposed will give Ur : 2.5, 4.5, 7.0, 10.0, 13.0
good results for current surges with time to crest from 0.5 sec to
40 sec.
Dan Durback of PTI first proposed the fast front model
in a presentation to the IEEE Surge Protective Devices
For the fast front model, there are two sections of non-linear Committee WG 3.4.11 on Surge Arrester Modeling
resistance designated A0 and A1; each comprised of the surge Techniques, September 29, 1983 at a meeting of the
arrester model used for switching surge transients above. The Working Group in Memphis, Tennessee.
two sections are separated by an R-L filter. For slow front surges, The model was refined and presented in a paper by the IEEE
this R-L filter has very little impedance, but is significant for fast Working Group 3.4.11, “Modeling of Metal Oxide Surge
Arresters,” IEEE Transactions of Power Delivery, Vol. 7, No.
front surges. 1, January 1992, pp 302-309 and is now adopted into IEEE
Standard C62.22-1997, Annex G.
Characteristic A0 has a higher voltage for a given current than
A1, but when the two are considered in parallel when the R-L fil-
ter is not acting significantly, their combined characteristic is that
for slow front (switching surges).
L1 = 15d/n microhenries
R1 = 65d/n ohms Fast Front surge arrester model
Lead inductance is usually estimated at 1.0 microhenries
d = is the estimated height of the arrester in metres (use per metre.
the overall dimension from the catalog data).
n = number of parallel columns of metal oxide in the ar-
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 29
Chapter 4: Surge Arresters
Relative IR (based on U10 = 1.6) The inductance L0 represents the inductance from the magnetic
fields in the immediate vicinity of the arrester. The capacitance C
represents the terminal-to-terminal capacitance of the arrester.
Vpu of crest value
The fast front models are based on a surge arrester having its 10
kA discharge voltage (U10) at 1.6 per unit (crest value). The cor-
rect scaling is achieved by replacing the “Arrester Voltage Rating”
under “Configuration” with the following factor for both A0 and
For example, if the discharge voltage U10 is 470.0 kV for the ar-
rester rated at 192 kV, then in both fast front arrester sections A0
and A1 under “Arrester Voltage Rating” enter 470/1.6 = 293.75
[kV] instead of 192. This must only be done provided that the “I-
V Characteristics” for both A0 and A1 are entered as indicated.
30 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
The current injected into the surge arrester should be the same
magnitude and waveshape as the current used by the manufac-
turer to determine the switching surge discharge voltage. Inject
the switching surge test current and examine the resulting peak
The values of I, a and b of the above equation may be deter- Impulse wave shape expressed as sum of two exponential
mined for the impulse wave if the crest value I1 and the time
to crest t1 and time to half settle on the tail t2 are known. This
relationship is approximated through use of curves.
0.5 20
0.3 10
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 31
Chapter 4: Surge Arresters
at1 b/a ≈2, at1 ≈0.7 and I1/I ≈0.25. The current impulse for the 8/20
0.7 μsec test is:
0.5 I8/20 ≈4I1(e-0.866E5t – e-1.732E5t)
The switching discharge test current for this example is a
300/1000 μsec impulse which can be determined from the charts.
t2/t1 = 3.33. From the chart, b/a ≈5.5. at1 ≈ 0.37 and I1/I ≈ 0.57.
0.1 With t1 = 300 μsec, a = 0.37/300E-6 = 1233. b = 5.5a = 6781.5.
The current impulse for the 300/1000 μsec switching discharge
1.0 4 10 40 100 400 1000 test is:
For b/a, find at1 and then a knowing t1. I300/1000 = 1.75I1(e-1233.0t – e-6781.5t)
This designated current impulse for the switching surge discharge
is injected into the arrester model with the initial parameters for a
match with the switching surge discharge voltage Uss of 403.9 kV.
0.7 The resulting peak voltage is examined, and minor adjustments
0.6 are made to the U10/1.6 scaling factor for the A1 non-linear resist-
0.5 ance section to provide a close match. For this example, negligi-
0.4 ble adjustment is required.
For this example with the 8/20μsec impulse test current, the
value of L1 was adjusted by trial and error. L1 = 3.05E-5 H
was selected as follows:
32 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Modeling Transmission Lines and Buswork Representing the ground strap to GIS ducting as a single
conductor Bergeron distributed line model can use the
Overhead lines and busbars in the main surge propagation path following calculation for surge impedance:
should be modeled with frequency dependent transmission lines
Z0 = 60 ln (2√2 h/r)
even if the length is only a few metres. If the overhead line is
outside a substation, the normal known ground resistivity should Where h is the average height of the conductor and r is the
equivalent strap radius. Use speed of light to determine the
be entered into the Edit Parameters field of the Tline interface propagation time.
component. If the overhead line or buswork is above a ground-
ing mat in a substation, a nominal low ground resistivity should
be entered (say 1 to 10 ohm-metre). Shorter sections can be
modeled with the Coupled Pi Section component. Short leads
are modeled as a lumped inductance of approximately 1 μH/m.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 33
Chapter 4: Surge Arresters
34 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
the transmission line tower or pole and the travel time of wave
propagation down the tower are required.
The variable resistance can be modeled in PSCAD/EMTDC with Zo = 60 In cot 0.5 tan -1(K)
the variable resistor component. To restrict resistance changes
occurring at every calculation time step, use can be made of the 2r
sampling component in the CSMF page of the Master Library
with internal frequency triggering.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 35
Chapter 4: Surge Arresters
Capacitances of Equipment
Stray and winding capacitances have an impact on fast front
surge propagation and should be modeled wherever possible. If
values are not known, the following can be used as very rough
approximations [4]:
Equipment Capacitance-to-Ground
115 kV 400 kV 765 kV
Back Flashover
Line insulators from tower to conductor can be represented as a
Modeling variable tower footing resistance with variable
resistance component and sampler component. Sampler
capacitor if their capacitance is known. Where a back flashover
frequency = 107 Hz. Ig = 47 kA so that 1.0/Ig = 0.021. Low might occur, a parallel switch is applied. If the voltage across
frequency footing resistance = 10 ohm. the insulator exceeds the insulator voltage withstand capability,
the back flashover occurs and is simulated by closing the parallel
switch. The arc can form in around 20 nanoseconds and in most
studies a detailed arc model is not required as the switch will suf-
36 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 37
Chapter 4: Surge Arresters
1. L. Stenström, “Metal Oxide Surge Arresters in AC
Systems, Part VI: Selection of Metal Oxide Arresters from
the Standards,” Electra, December 1990, No.133, 146-
2. IEC 60099 Series of Standards, Parts 1 to 5.
3. IEEE WG 3.4.11, “Modeling of Metal Oxide Surge
Arresters,” IEEE Transactions of Power Delivery, Vol. 7,
No. 1, January 1992, pp 302-307.
4. IEEE PES Special Publication edited by A.M. Gole, J.
Martinez-Valesco, A.J.F. Keri, “Modeling and Analysis of
System Transients,” IEEE Working Group 15.08.09, IEEE
Publication No. 99TP133-0.
5. IEEE Tutorial Course, “Surge Protection in Power
Systems,” 79 EHO144-6-PWR. 1978.
6. W.A. Chisholm, Y.L. Chow, “Travel Time of Transmission
Towers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
Systems, Vol. PAS-104, No. 10, October 1985, pp 2922-
7. Transmission Line Reference Book, 345 kV and Above,
Second Edition, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo
Alto, California, 1982.
4.1 Load example case Example4-1.psc. This is the test
circuit to develop the fast front surge arrester model
parameters. Check that the surge arrester U10 discharge
38 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 39
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 5:
Simulation of transformers requires an understanding of some of
their basic properties involving both core and winding configura-
tions. This is complicated by the fact that transformer cores are
prone to saturation given the non-linear characteristics of their
#1 #2
materials. This leads to different phenomena like inrush currents,
remanence, geomagnetic current effects and ferroresonance,
among others. Three phase Component of General Transformer
The main emphasis of this chapter is placed on the simulation
of the transformers’ magnetic properties. The effects of winding
capacitances are generally minimal at lower frequencies and for
most studies where the frequencies of interest are below 2000
Hz might not need be modeled. The study of switching transients
could require a simple representation of the winding capacitances.
Inter-winding and winding to ground capacitances become impor-
tant when fast front studies are to be performed. In these cases,
the core’s magnetic effects can usually be neglected.
There are two basic types of transformer models available in
PSCAD. The original ‘General Transformer Model’ constructed with
single phase units and the UMEC model which has provision for
specifying the configuration of the core in single and three phase
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 41
Chapter 5: Transformers
to setup the losses to 0.0 p.u. and to add the respective external
resistances. For many studies, the effect of winding resistance is
negligible, especially if the system losses are dominant.
Core Configuration
The positive and zero sequence leakage impedances of three
phase transformers are dependent upon both core configuration
and winding configuration. If the core is three-limb, then the
effect is to have a zero sequence impedance voltage relatively
similar in value to the positive sequence impedance voltage. This
is because when the transformer is subjected to zero sequence
voltages, there isn’t a closed core path for zero sequence flux to
Modeling three-limb core transformers with single-phase flow. Consequently, the zero sequence flux passes through air,
units is an accepted procedure. The reason for this is that yoke and tank, causing the zero sequence impedance voltage to
there is a direct relationship between transformer sequence
impedances and mutually coupled impedances:
be slightly lower. In the General Transformer Model, this effect
can be approximated by adding a fictitious delta winding and fine
ZS = 1/3 (ZO + 2Z1)
tuning the impedances from the existing windings to the added
ZM = 1/3 (ZO - Z1) delta winding. Note that there is no need to do this when using
Where: ZS = Transformer Self impedance the three-phase UMEC model, since its magnetic circuit configura-
ZM = Transformer Mutual impedance tion accounts for the zero sequence flux path.
ZO = Transformer Zero Sequence impedance
Z1 = Transformer Positive Sequence impedance.
Some three phase transformers have their zero sequence imped-
The windings of the transformer will be correctly ance larger than their positive sequence impedance. A compen-
represented as mutually coupled by the impedance coupling
matrix, which for a three phase transformer looks like this: sating neutral reactance XN can be added at the star point to
[ ]
ground. If the positive sequence leakage reactance is XH-L, then
ZM ZS ZM the zero sequence reactance XO of the transformer from its star
ZM ZM ZS winding is:
LN = XN * MVA / (ω * VH2)
42 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Ungrounded Windings
Sometimes a transformer has an ungrounded winding without
any load connected to it. When the case is run, a warning mes- VH IS VL
sage may appear or the case may stop with numerical instabil-
ity. This is because the winding has no way to keep itself from
accumulating voltage and it will drift until the problem manifests Saturation in a General transformer model represented
by a current source
itself in some way compromising the precision of the simulation.
Delta windings on three phase transformers are often at risk in
this way. linkages
Air core reactance
The solution is to simply ground one terminal of the wind-
ing through a very large resistance. A suitable resistance value
should add shunt losses no higher than 0.1% of the MVA rat- φk
ing of the winding. If it is a three phase winding, apply such a ΦM
resistor on at least one phase, but if on all three, then balanced
winding terminal voltages should result.
Magnetizing Current
The General Transformer model represents saturation with a
current source placed across a selected winding. The winding ωk = Knee flux (p.u.)
ωM = Flux at rated volts (p.u.)
wound closest to the core is the winding usually selected as it is IM = Magnetizing current at rated volts
closest to where the magnetic effects are occurring. This is often (taken from the value entered in the
Windings Property Sheet)
the lowest voltage winding or the tertiary winding if there is one.
In a HVDC converter transformer, the HV winding is usually clos-
est to the core.
The Saturation Property Sheet includes the Inrush decay time con-
stant parameter. The decay of the inrush current in a transformer
is given by the resistance in the transformer’s primary circuit (or Saturation Property Sheet for the General Transformer
transformer winding being energized). If the resistance in such component
circuit is very low, the Inrush current will take several seconds to
decay. PSCAD offers the possibility of forcing a fast decay of the
inrush current by artificially introducing damping in the circuit.
The smaller the inrush decay time constant (in seconds), the Air core reactance is often not known with accuracy. A rule-
of-thumb is twice the leakage reactance, but consideration
faster the inrush current will decay. However, if a value of 0.0 must be given to which winding this is observed from, and
is entered, PSCAD will not introduce any artificial damping in the leakage reactance too.
the circuit and the inrush damping will be dictated solely by the
network. Care has to be taken in studying power electronic cases
where converters are connected to transformers. If controls
and conditions are not properly designed, the transformers
Time to release flux clipping is also an important parameter may drift into saturation. This is a real condition which can
exist. The classical example is at a HVDC converter. If the
to consider. When a case is starting up initially, for calculation DC side current has a power frequency component, it can
TIMES less than the value entered here, the flux is inhibited or saturate the converter transformer. In some HVDC converter
stations, a fundamental frequency blocking filter is added to
clipped and can’t pass into saturation. This has the effect of the neutral side of the converter bridge to prevent power
centering the flux. This feature allows the network to initial- frequency currents from flowing through the converter.
ize with the transformers being in saturation. If 0.0 seconds is
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 43
Chapter 5: Transformers
#2 The same effect occurs if some DC ground return current from
V V 0.01 [ohm] an HVDC transmission system spills into the nearby AC system
through substation grounds. The consequence of saturation
Main: C... demand AC reactive power from the system and place a strain on
GICcontrol [kA]
the AC voltage. In addition, the saturated transformer will gener-
ate an increased amount of harmonics causing the AC system
0.5 voltage to become distorted.
IgicOrd D + - V dc
To examine the DC saturation effect on a particular transformer, a
F test circuit is created in PSCAD/EMTDC.
Test circuit to evaluate the effect of saturation due to zero The zero sequence DC current flowing through the star winding
sequence DC currents flowing through the grounded star
is achieved by means of a DC voltage source in the transformer
neutral. The DC current level in this neutral source is achieved by
Note: The measured dc component of the neutral current
Igm is filtered using a RMS component in order to take out
a simple feedback control. The desired DC neutral current is set
the harmonics in the neutral connections: by the Slider Component and is compared with the measured DC
current in the neutral. The difference is then passed through a PI
For this method to work effectively with the general
controller that adjusts the DC voltage accordingly.
transformer model, the Inrush decay time constant in the
Saturation Property Sheet should be set to 0.0. Something that should be taken into consideration when using
In the UMEC transformer model, there is no inrush decay the General Transformer Model to model GIC is that the DC cur-
time constant. rent will mathematically transform between the ideally coupled
windings. In steady state, this DC current will divert through the
inductive magnetizing branch, being forced out of the other
windings by the secondary winding resistances. Therefore, in or-
der to effect the correct level of saturation due to the DC current,
the test circuit must have some winding resistance inserted in the
secondary winding. If the UMEC model is used, copper loss must
also be introduced in order to obtain correct results.
44 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Primary AC current (I1) in a transformer affected by GIC. Note that the magnetizing current
has an amplitude of 320 A when affected by GIC phenomena, compared with 7.0 A peak
magnetizing current under normal conditions (no GIC).
At times it is important to investigate energizing events of trans-
formers. There is usually residual magnetism in the core. This
phenomenon is commonly known as “remanence.” The degree
of magnetizing inrush current during energizing is a function of:
Where fr is rated power frequency in Hz Setup used to plot the flux linkage in kWebbers·turns vs.
magnetizing curve of a transformer
The core’s magnetic non-linearity is modeled in PSCAD through
Note: Since the saturation option in the transformer
a single valued curve (see figure); therefore, the core’s magnetic component is selected for this type of study, it is
hysteretic behavior is not directly represented. Because of this, it recommended to select the ‘ideal transformer’ option as
‘yes’ when working with the ‘General transformer
is necessary to resort to alternative methods in order to simulate model,’ as it was explained in the ‘Transformer models’
the effects of remnant flux in the core. section.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 45
Chapter 5: Transformers
Adjustment of RemanenceFlux
PhaseA PhaseB PhaseC
One way to simulate remanence in a de-energized transformer is
DC currents for
80% & 40%
remanent flux
0.1 0.1 0.1
by introducing controlled DC current sources. The case is run with
I3 -0.1
0.0029196 -0.1
-0.0006198 -0.1
the circuit breaker open and the current sources in each phase
I1 adjusted to generate the required remanence. The current sources
#1 #2
can remain in the circuit at their remanence setting during the run
1.0e7 [ohm]
example case. Let’s have a three-phase transformer with wye-
delta connection. It will be assumed that when the breaker de-
| X|
Ch. 1 .
energized the transformer, it opened all the phases at the same
| X| Max
| X|
STime Multiple Run used to find
closing point of wave that
produces the highest inrush
instant of time, and that one of the phases (phase A) was opened
Run when its voltage was at its peak leaving an 80% remanence, and
I1 I2
a -40% remanence in each of the other two phases.
In order to find out how much direct current should be injected, it
is necessary to plot the flux linkage vs current curve for the given
Flux linkageA Flux linkageB Flux linkage C
transformer winding. The flux linkage can be obtained directly
from one of the outputs in the transformer component or by in-
0.25 tegrating the voltage over the primary winding. This curve should
be plotted with the voltage set to 80% and to 40%. The current
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
peak values should be read for both cases. These two currents
are the magnitude of the DC currents to be injected in the inrush
The current sources controlled by the sliders inject DC test circuit. (+)Im80% for one phase and (-)Im40% for the other two
current through each primary winding phase before the phases.
transformer is energized and while the circuit breaker is
open. The remanence in each leg is adjustable by setting
the sliders and the resulting flux linkages can be observed. Note: A method that can be used to check if the simulation is
When the energizing circuit breaker is closed at 0.1
seconds, the resulting transformer inrush current is evident.
properly setup and is measuring the fluxes before the energization
of the transformer. The fluxes should approximately match the
100% Voltage
values read in the flux linkage vs magnetizing current plot.
BRK_2 Curr
RRL #1 #2
80% Voltage at
180 degrees
V 1.0e7 [ohm]
In a transformer with its primary circuit connected in delta, there
BRK_1 is no direct access to the terminals of each winding, therefore
BRK_1 with option 'open
at anypossible current'
making it difficult if not impossible to control how much of the
B1a selected
B2a I1 DC injected current goes to each of the winding phases. In this
kind of case, a second method can be used for simulating inrush
like currents.
BRK_1 Logic
Curr 1
|X| 1
parallel through a couple of breakers. One of the sources is used
I1 Meas-Enab
I2 |X|
D Max
Ch. 1 .
to obtain the required remanence flux in the core during the pre-
3 .
I3 |X| E
energization period, while the other one represents the system
the transformer is going to be energized from.
I1 I2 I3
Here, the results will depend greatly on the moment at which the
breaker is setup to be opened, at 0.0 kA or at some value higher
Flux linkageA Flux linkageB Flux linkage C
than this. In the case illustrated in the figure, BRK_1 was set to
open at any current value in order to comply with the assumption
that all the phases were de-energized at the same instant of time.
Even though this method is mostly intended for transformers with
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 primary windings connected in delta, the example was run using
Note: Both methods were implemented using multirun the same wye connected transformer given in the first example in
components in order to find the point of wave or switching
time that led to the maximum inrush current.
order to show that both methods lead to similar results.
46 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
With transformer saturation effects being of interest, on-line
measurement of current and voltage harmonics is sometimes
required in a study. The On-Line Frequency Scanner component
(FFT) is most useful for this purpose. It can read in 1, 2 or 3
phase signals of current or voltage, and measure phase or se-
quence (if 3 phase) harmonics, as desired. It generates from 7
to 255 harmonics on-line which can be plotted or observed on On-Line Frequency Scan component measuring three
meters. phase currents and generating sequence harmonic
currents up to the 7th harmonic.
General Transformer models bring out a signal wire when the tap
changer is requested. A signal in per unit of winding rated volt-
age must be generated and fed to the signal wire controlling the
tap position.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 47
Chapter 5: Transformers
0.16 0.16
0.278 0.278
0.6 0.6
0.6 0.16
0.16 0.16
3.649 0.6
3.649 0 278 0 278
48 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
1. Hermann W. Dommel, “Transformer Models in the
Simulation of Electromagnetic Transients,” 5th Power
Systems Computation Conference, Cambridge, England,
Sept 1-5, 1975.
2. W. Enright, O.B. Nayak, G.D. Irwin, J. Arrillaga, “An
Electromagnetic Transients Model of Multi-limb
Transformers Using Normalized Core Concept,”
Proceedings of IPST’97 – International Conference on
Power System Transients, Seattle, June 22-26, 1997, pp
5.1 Load example case Example5.1.psc which is the case
of a DC current saturation test with a Y-Y winding
configuration and a UMEC three limbed core. Start
the case with 0.1 kA of DC current in the neutral and
confirm the transformer does not saturate. Change to a
5 limbed core and repeat the test. Build the transformer
from single phase units for a Y-Y winding configuration
of the same 3 phase rating as the UMEC model using the
general transformer model. Repeat the test with 0.1 kA
in the transformer neutral showing saturation. Design a
third delta winding to represent a 3 limb core and repeat
the test and compare with the UMEC test with a 3 limb
5.2 With example case Example5.1.psc studied above for
the Y-Y winding configuration, observe the harmonics
detected in the primary windings of the transformer
(winding #1). Make note of the 3rd harmonic level.
Change the secondary winding to a Δ winding and
repeat the test with all other parameters remaining
equal. Was any 3rd harmonic detected and why?
5.3 Load example case Example5.3.psc which is a case to
energize a transformer with remanence setting. With the
circuit breaker initially closed, and the remanence at zero
in each phase, ramp the source volts up slowly (change
the Three Phase Source parameter Voltage Input Time
Constant on the data entry sheet) and observe what the
peak flux linkages are in reference to the 230 kV winding
(#1). Is this level expected? Return the breaker to close
at 0.5 second, and the Voltage Input Time Constant
to 0.05 seconds, and adjust the remanence initializing
current sources until a maximum inrush current on one
of the phases is observed. Do not take the remanence
above 0.8 p.u. of rated flux. Adjust the In rush decay Connection of six four-winding single-phase UMEC
transformers for 24 pulse converter application.
time constant in the saturation data sheet of the
transformer model to 0.0, thus removing any artificial
inrush current damping, and observe response.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 49
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 6:
DC Transmission
Electric power transmission was originally developed with direct
current. The availability of transformers and the development and
improvement of induction motors at the beginning of the 20th
Century, led to greater appeal and use of AC transmission.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 51
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
The integral part of an HVDC power converter is the valve or
valve arm. It may be non-controllable if constructed from one or
more power diodes in series or controllable if constructed from
one or more thyristors in series. The standard bridge or converter
connection is defined as a double-way connection comprising six
3 Q uadrivalves
valves or valve arms (six pulse) that are connected as illustrated
Ac above. Electric power flowing between the HVDC valve group
and the AC system is three phase. When electric power flows
a into the DC valve group from the AC system, then it is considered
a rectifier. If power flows from the DC valve group into the AC
b system, it is an inverter. Each valve consists of many series con-
nected thyristors in thyristor modules. The six pulse valve group
Side was usual when the valves were mercury arc.
Nearly all HVDC power converters with thyristor valves are as-
sembled in a converter bridge of twelve pulse configuration. The
c most common twelve pulse configuration is the use of two three
phase converter transformers with one DC side winding as an
The twelve pulse valve group configuration with two ungrounded star connection and the other a delta configuration.
converter transformers. One in star-star connection and the
other in star-delta connection. Consequently, the AC voltages applied to each six pulse valve
group which make up the twelve pulse valve group have a phase
difference of 30 degrees which is utilized to cancel the AC side
5th and 7th harmonic currents and DC side 6th harmonic voltage,
thus resulting in a significant saving in harmonic filters. A group
of four valves in a single vertical stack is known as a “quadri-
valve” and is assembled as one valve structure by stacking four
valves in series. Since the voltage rating of thyristors is several kV,
a 500 kV quadrivalve may have hundreds of individual thyristors
connected in series groups of valve or thyristor modules. A quad-
The twelve pulse converter unit graphical symbol. rivalve for a high voltage converter is mechanically quite tall and
may be suspended from the ceiling of the valve hall, especially in
locations susceptible to earthquakes.
52 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
A thyristor or valve module is that part of a valve in a mechanical Saturable
assembly of series connected thyristors and their immediate aux-
iliaries include heat sinks cooled by air, water or glycol, damping
V alve
circuits (also known as “snubber” circuits) and valve firing elec- electronics
tronics. A thyristor module is usually interchangeable for mainte-
D amping V oltage Firing
circuits dividers circuits
V alve
The central equipment of a DC substation is the thyristor con- electronics
verter and converter transformer. They may be configured into
poles and bipoles. Some DC cable systems only have one pole
or “monopole” configuration and may either use the ground as Components of the thyristor modules that make up a valve
or quadrivalve.
a return path when permitted or use an additional cable to avoid
earth currents.
(b) Bipolar
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 53
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
Rectification or inversion for HVDC converters is accomplished
Series multiterminal system
through a process known as line or natural commutation. The
valves act as switches so that the AC voltage is sequentially
switched to always provide a DC voltage. With line commutation,
the AC voltage at both the rectifier and inverter must be provided
by the AC networks at each end and should be three phase and
relatively free of harmonics. As each valve switches on, it will
Hydro or wind turbine and Unit connection begin to conduct current while the current begins to fall to zero in
generator feeding into
rectifier the next valve to turn off. Commutation is the process of transfer
of current between any two converter valves with both valves car-
rying current simultaneously during this process.
HVDC converter bridge arrangements
54 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Rectifier Inverter
Ivr Ivi
Udr Udi
ULr Uvr Uvi
α μ
μ γ Commutation Voltage at
Commutation voltage at
rectifier β inverter
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 55
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
__ IdN is the rated direct current and UVN is the rated phase-to-phase
SN = √2 UVN IdN voltage on the valve or secondary side of the converter trans-
former. Usually the DC converter bridge power rating is known
from its rated DC current IdN and rated DC voltage UdN. The valve
and converter bridge design is very dependent upon the com-
mutation reactance XC and so consequently its value is established
and known. In modern HVDC converter bridges, it is usually in
At a rectifier: the range 0.1<XC<0.15 in per unit where 1.0 per unit is (UVN)2/SN
Power Factor ohms.
= Cos(q)
= Cos(a) - 0.5 XC(Id/IdN)
A reasonably good approximation for the power factor of a
and at an inverter:
Power Factor
converter bridge at the AC commutating bus is given. Note that
= Cos(q) the delay angle α is usually known or determined. For example,
= Cos(g)- 0.5 XC(Id/IdN)
the normal steady state range of delay angle for a rectifier may be
where Id is the dc load current and IdN is rated dc current 10° < α < 18° and the lowest normal operating power factor will
and q is the power factor angle. For the inverter, the normal
rated extinction angle is established in the converter bridge
be when α = 18°.
design, usually at g = 18°.
Power flow Pd through a converter bridge is determined by as-
Pd = Id Ud
suming zero losses. Reactive power requirements for a converter
where Id is the operating direct current through the bridge Qd is always inductive and is readily derived from the
converter bridge and Ud is the operating direct voltage
across the converter bridge. power factor angle θ and power Pd.
Qd = Pd Tan(θ)
It may be that the rated phase-to-phase voltage on the valve or
UVN = UdN/[1.35 Cos(θ)] secondary side of the converter transformer UVN is not known. It is
possible to compute what it should be if the power factor Cos(θ)
is known at the converter bridge rating and whose rated DC volt-
age is UdN. Then a good estimate of UVN can be determined.
56 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
the inverter, the on-line tap changer will adjust to maintain the At a rectifier:
Cos(α+μ) = Cos(α) - XC Id /IdN
inverter operation at its desired level of DC voltage Ud or extinc-
tion angle γ. Knowing the desired levels of DC voltage (Ud), DC
current Id, the nominal turns ratio TRN of the converter transform- At an inverter:
er, the operating level of the primary side AC voltage UL, and the Cos(γ+μ) = Cos(γ) - XC Id /IdN
extinction angle γ (if an inverter) or delay angle α (if a rectifier),
the per-unit turns ratio TR of the converter transformer can be
determined. α = 180° - (γ + μ)
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 57
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
In the case of low and very low ESCR systems, the changes in
the AC network or in the HVDC transmission power could lead
to voltage oscillations and a need for special control strategies.
Dynamic reactive power control at the AC bus at or near the
HVDC substation by some form of power electronic reactive
power controller, such as a static var compensator (SVC) or static
synchronous compensator (STATCOM), may be necessary. In
earlier times, dynamic reactive power control was achieved with
synchronous compensators.
When a converter bridge is operating as an inverter as represent-
ed at the receiving end of the DC link, a valve will turn off when
its forward current commutates to zero and the voltage across the
valve remains negative. The period for which the valve stays nega-
tively biased is the extinction angle γ, the duration beyond which
the valve then becomes forward biased. Without a firing pulse,
the valve will ideally stay non-conductive or blocked, even though
it experiences a forward bias.
58 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 59
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
60 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
The DC current order Iorder is sent to both the rectifier and in-
verter. It is usual to subtract a small value of current order from
the Iorder sent to the inverter. This is known as the current margin
Imargin. The inverter also has a current controller and it attempts to
control the DC current Id to the value Iorder - Imargin but the current
controller at the rectifier normally overrides it to maintain the
DC current at Iorder. This discrepancy is resolved at the inverter in
normal steady state operation as its current controller is not able
to keep the DC current to the desired value of Iorder - Imargin and is
forced out of action. The current control at the inverter becomes
active only when the current control at the rectifier ceases when
its delay angle α is pegged against its minimum delay angle limit.
This is readily observed in the operating characteristics where the
minimum delay angle limit at the rectifier is characteristic P-Q. If
for some reason or other, such as a low AC commutating volt-
age at the rectifier end, the P-Q characteristic falls below points
D or E, the operating point will shift from point H to somewhere
on the vertical characteristic D-E-F where it is intersected by the
lowered P-Q characteristic. The inverter reverts to current control,
controlling the DC current Id to the value Iorder - Imargin and the recti-
fier is effectively controlling DC voltage so long as it is operating
at its minimum delay angle characteristic P-Q. The controls can
be designed such that the transition from the rectifier control-
ling current to the inverter controlling current is automatic and
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 61
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
62 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
It is desirable to rigidly maintain the AC system and commutating
bus voltage to a constant value for best operation of the HVDC
The dc and ac voltage controls can be proportional
transmission system. This is more easily achieved when the short – integral controllers. The measured voltage (dc or ac) is
circuit ratio is high. With low or very low short circuit ratio sys- compared with a desired value, and if it exceeds the desired
tems, difficulties may arise following load changes. With fast load value, will become active on controlling the firing angle.
Dc voltage control is usually only applied at one converter
variation, there can be an excess or deficiency of reactive power and all other converters in the same pole control dc current.
at the AC commutating bus which results in over and undervolt- Usually only one of dc current control, dc voltage control,
ac voltage control or extinction angle control is active at any
ages respectively. When the AC system is weak, the changes in instant.
converter AC bus voltage following a disturbance may be be-
To minimize occurrence of commutation failure, the
yond permissible limits. In such cases, an AC voltage controller is extinction angle control will become active if the measured
required for the following reasons: extinction angle falls below the set value of 15 to 18
1. To limit dynamic and transient overvoltage to within The control angle selector is usually a “Select Maximum”
permissible limits defined by substation equipment or “Select Minimum” depending on whether the signal is
for α or β.
specifications and standards.
2. To prevent AC voltage flicker and commutation failure
due to AC voltage fluctuations when load and filter
switching occurs.
3. To enhance HVDC transmission system recovery
following severe AC system disturbances.
4. To avoid control system instability, particularly when
operating in the extinction angle control mode at the
The synchronous compensator has been the preferred means of
AC voltage control as it increases the short circuit ratio and serves
as a variable reactive power source. Its disadvantages include high
losses and maintenance that add to its overall cost. Additional AC
voltage controllers are available and include:
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 63
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
64 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
The unique aspect of the CSCC configuration is that the con- CCC dc transmission inverter
verter transformers may be subject to ferroresonance. This might
happen following a disturbance or during recovery from a fault.
The ferroresonance is remedied by protection causing the series
capacitor to be bypassed either in part or entirely when it is de-
tected. A thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) is effective
in damping out any ferroresonance. Conventional DC controls
are used for a DC link with an inverter in CSCC configuration.
The reactance of the series capacitor is selected at about 0.3 to
CSCC dc transmission inverter
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 65
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
Determining γ for the CCC configuration for a specific The great benefit of CCC and CSCC configurations is when DC
extinction angle is not straightforward. Use trial and error
until acceptable performance is realized. Otherwise, refer cable transmission is used. If AC voltage at the inverter reduces
to References 14 and 16 below. for one reason or another, there is a tendency for the DC side
voltage to reduce also. The cable with its large capacitance will
discharge current into the inverter. When this happens with a
conventional DC configuration, there is a good chance commu-
tation failure will result causing total discharge of the DC cable.
However, with CCC or CSCC configurations, the cable discharge
current must flow through the series capacitor building up a back
voltage to counteract it. Commutation failure is less likely to oc-
The control system for CCC and CSCC configurations can essen-
tially remain the same as for the conventional configuration. The
incentive is to apply the series capacitor at the inverter where low
short circuit ratio and cable discharge effects are a challenge. It
is suggested the phase locked oscillator derive its AC signals from
the AC commutating busbar. For the CCC configuration, the
series reactance of the capacitor can be 0.3 to 0.4 per unit based
on the converter transformer rating. Note that also with the CCC
configuration, the extinction angle order can be reduced to 2° to
5° instead of the normal 15° to 18°. The actual extinction angle
setting to use depends upon the value for the series reactance
used, as well as the degree of utilization of ratings of the trans-
former, series capacitor and valve group.
66 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
1. IEC Committee SC22F, “Terminology for high-voltage
direct current transmission,” IEC reference number
2. “Physical Layout of Recent HVDC Transmission Projects
in North America,” IEEE Special Publication 87TH0177-6-
PWR, September 1986.
3. R.L. Hauth, P.J. Tatro, B.D. Railing, B.K. Johnson, J.R.
Stewart and J.L. Fink, “HVDC Power Transmission
Technology Assessment Report,” ORNL/Sub/95-SR893/1,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 1997.
4. C. Adamson, N.G. Hingorani, “High Voltage Direct
Current Power Transmission,” Garraway Limited, London,
5. W.H. Bailey, D.E. Weil and J.R. Stewart, “HVDC Power
Transmission Environmental Issues Review,” Report
ORNL/Sub/95-SR893/2, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
April 1997.
6. E.W. Kimbark, “Direct Current Transmission, Volume 1,”
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1971.
7. E. Uhlman, “Power Transmission by Direct Current,” New
York: Springer-Verlag, 1975.
8. J. Arrillaga, “High Voltage Direct Current Transmission,”
London: Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1983.
9. K.R. Padiyar, “HVDC Transmission - Technology and
System Interactions,” New York: John Wiley & Sons,
10. “Guide for Planning DC Links Terminating at AC
Locations Having Low Short Circuit Capacities, Part 1: AC/
DC Interaction Phenomena,” CIGRE Technical Brochure
No. 68, 1992.
11. “High-Voltage Direct Current Handbook,” First Edition,
Palo Alto: Electric Power Research Institute, 1994.
12. “FACTS Overview,” IEEE and CIGRE joint publication 95
TP 108, April 1995.
13. CIGRE Working Group 14-05, “Commutation failures
- causes and consequences,” ELECTRA, No. 165, April
14. J. Reeve, J.A. Baron and G.A. Hanley, “A Technical
Assessment of Artificial Commutation of HVDC
Converters,” IEEE Trans. PAS, Vol. PAS-87, No. 10, 1830-
1840, October 1968.
15. D.A. Woodford, “Solving the Ferroresonance Problem
when Compensating a DC Converter Station with a Series
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 67
Chapter 6: DC Transmission
6.1 Load Lessson6_1.psc in Lesson 6_1. A simple monopole
DC link is modeled rated at + 500 kV, 2 kA and 50 Hz.
Based on the model parameters for transformer leakage
reactance, determine the reactive power demand at both
the inverter and rectifier when operating at rated DC
voltage and current. The desired extinction angle γ at the
inverter is 15 degrees and the desired firing angle α at
the rectifier is also 15 degrees.
6.2 With the same DC model as Exercise 6.1, calculate the
converter transformer secondary voltage required to
operate the DC link at 450 kV and 2.222 kA and with
both α and γ in steady state at 15 degrees.
6.3 Run case Lesson6_1.psc and take a snapshot at TIME
= 0.5 seconds. Run from snapshot in steady state for
0.1 seconds and observe the AC voltage waveshapes
at both the rectifier and inverter commutating busbars.
How would you improve the waveshape? See if you are
successful in doing so.
6.4 Apply a single phase to ground fault at the inverter bus
at TIME = 0.51 for a duration of 0.08 seconds. Run from
snapshot and observe the resulting commutation failure.
Observe the magnitude of any AC and DC temporary
overvoltages. Increase the impedance of the receiving
end AC equivalent system by 50%. Is the case stable and
is it possible to reach steady state at rated current? Why
does a commutation failure occur? How can a start-up
be accomplished and steady state operation be reached
without a commutation failure occurring? If not, reduce
the current order and re-take a snapshot at 0.5 seconds.
What are the AC and DC temporary overvoltages
observed during and after the AC fault and commutation
failure? Are they acceptable? What is the Effective Short
Circuit Ratio of the DC system?
68 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 7:
STATCOM Controls
A STATCOM is a power electronic controller constructed from 2
Voltage Sourced Converters (VSCs). The solid state switches of D T
VSCs, unlike the thyristor, can force current off against forward
Diode Thyristor
voltage through application of a negative gate pulse. Insulated
Gate Bipolar junction Transistors (IGBTs) and Gate Turn-Off thyris-
tors (GTOs) are two solid state switching devices being applied. 2 2
New devices are under development and it is likely VSC technology G I
will revolutionize distribution and transmission systems.
There are many possible configurations of VSCs and consequently Switching device components in the Master Library. Note
the 2 dimensional array for gate signal.
many different configurations of STATCOMs and Distribution
STATCOMs. The terms often applied to configurations are:
1 3 5
• Six and twelve pulse
2 2 2
g1 g3 g5
300.0 [uF]
#1 #2
• Multilevel
2.0 [uF]
• Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
4 6 2
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 69
Chapter 7: STATCOM Controls
70 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
• Use of q-axis current as a controlled parameter
Phase A 0-360° ramp converted to PWM frequency,
triangular signal between -1 to +1 and allocated to each
• Multi-pulse converters valve for both interpolated switching turn-on and turn-off.
• Multi-level converters
PWM applied to the valves of the VSC causes the valves to switch -2.00
RefSgnOn_1 g1
at high frequency, which practically may reach 2000 Hz or even 2.00
greater. 1.00
Phase Locked Oscillator -0.50
The phase locked oscillator (PLL) plays a key role in synchronizing -1.50
the valve switching to AC system volts. In the STATCOM example t (s) 0.1480 0.1500 0.1520 0.1540 0.1560 0.1580 0.1600 0.1620 ...
case provided with Example 7.3 below, there are two PLL func- ...
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 71
Chapter 7: STATCOM Controls
Shift: It is the control of signals “Shft” and “mr” (or “mi”) that define
6 the performance of a voltage sourced converter connected to an
active AC system.
With GTO or IGBT valves, gate pulses are applied to switch off
as well as switch on. In PSCAD/EMTDC, it is preferable to model
both switch-on and switch-off pulses with interpolated firing so
that the exact instance of switching between calculation steps is
achieved. Greater precision is therefore possible without resorting
to very short calculation time steps (and long simulation times).
The PWM carrier signal is compared with the Sin wave signals and
both turn-on and turn-off pulses are generated for interpolated
switching. Care is required to ensure pulsing and sequencing of
the turn-on and turn-off pulses are correct.
low pass and
Measured Reactive N N *
Qm N/D N/D +
Power 0.03 D +
Rated Reactive
Power (MVAR)
- P
D 1 + sT1 *
TIME * + G
1 + sT2 57.29578 AngleOrder
1.5 Shft
Conversion to
Pgain Tconst
PI parameters
AC voltage direct control (adjusting mr)
Tconst Pgain
1 2
Parameters of PI
controller (their values
are not optimal, find
better ones)
0 0
0.1 1.14
72 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
tor located on the DC side of the voltage sourced converters. A 6 6 6 6
simple PI controller can control power flow by adjusting phase
shift angle “Shft.” This is demonstrated from the example case The ramps are converted to Sine waves and their
magnitudes are controlled by “mr” input signal.
in Exercise 7.3 below.
The model studied above has the converter configured in the
basic 6 pulse bridge arrangement. Two 6 pulse bridges can be
configured in the classical 12 pulse arrangement similar to what
is done in 12 pulse HVDC converters. However, the DC side is
connected in parallel rather than series to keep the voltage on
the DC side as low as possible and to improve utilization of the
DC side capacitor. The 5th and 7th harmonic currents are can-
celled but do circulate in the windings adding to the winding and Conventional 12 pulse configuration
converter valve ratings. If PWM is also applied, the number of
switchings per quarter cycle (chops) can be approximately halved
for the same harmonic effect into the AC system.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 73
Chapter 7: STATCOM Controls
For the case where the PWM switching frequency is at the 21st
harmonic, some minimal filtering at that harmonic and twice
that harmonic may be required to achieve an acceptable level of
performance. The step up transformer can be located between
the valves and the filters, but the filters would then be connected
at a higher voltage. The transformer may or may not be applied
to replace the air cored inductor also located between the valves
and the filters.
74 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 75
Chapter 7: STATCOM Controls
76 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
1. N.G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS
– Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission
Systems,” IEEE Press, New York, 2000.
2. A.M. Gole, M. Reformat, “Topology and Control of
STATCOM Devices in Power Systems,” (Contact A. Gole
at [email protected]).
3. Boost and Ziogas, “State of the Art Carrier PWM
Techniques: A Critical Evaluation,” IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications,Vol 24, No. 2, March/April 1988.
7.1 Load Lessson7_1.psc in Lesson 7_1 which a 12 pulse
STATCOM example. It has a balanced 3 phase fault
applied at 1.5 seconds which lasts for 0.5 seconds. This
case maintains constant reactive power. Determine that
it is operating without PWM. Examine the waveshape of
the terminal voltage. Add the on-line Fourier component
and measure the harmonics of the terminal voltage while
running in steady state. Are the observed harmonics as
7.2 Load Lesson7_2.psc in Lesson 7_2 which is a 6 pulse
STATCOM operating with PWM with the same fault
as Exercise 7.1 above. Run the case and observe the
terminal voltage waveshape and compare with the
terminal voltage waveshape from Lesson7_1.psc. Note
the differences. Observe the response of the AC
voltage control. Observe the maximum DC voltage
when the fault is cleared. Apply a low impedance 1L-
G fault instead of the three phase fault and observe
performance. What happens if the DC side capacitor is
increased 5 times?
7.3 Load Lesson7_3.psc in Lesson 7_3 which is similar to
Lesson7_2.psc but there is DC voltage control added.
Adjust some of the gains and time constants in the
controls by trial and error and see if improved voltage
control performance of both the AC and DC voltages can
be achieved. Can the peak DC voltage on clearing of the
three phase fault be improved?
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 77
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 8:
VSC Transmission
Voltage Sourced Converter Transmission (VSC Transmission) be-
came a reality when ABB introduced their “HVDC Light” transmis-
sion concept. IEEE and CIGRE have designated that the generic
term VSC Transmission be applied. It can be used in back-to back G. Asplund, G. Ericksoon, K. Svensson, “DC Transmission
based on Voltage Source Converters,” CIGRE SC14
configuration (the Eagle Pass 36 MW interconnection between Colloquium in South Africa, 1997.
Mexico and Texas) or point-to-point 180 MW transmission (the
“DirectLink” interconnection between Queensland and New
South Wales). Siemens have now introduced HVDCPLUS as a VSC
Transmission product.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 79
Chapter 8: VSC Transmission
The PLL with the single 0-360 degrees ramp locked to phase A at
fundamental frequency is used to generate the PWM triangular
carrier signal. First, its frequency is multiplied to the PWM switch-
ing frequency, and converted to a triangular signal whose am-
plitude varies between –1 to +1. If the PWM frequency is divis-
ible by three, it can be applied to each IGBT valve in the 6-pulse
The ramp signals generated by the 6-pulse PLL are applied to gen-
erate Sin curves at the designated fundamental frequency. Two
degrees of freedom in control are achieved by:
The sending end voltage sourced converter for this case functions
as a rectifier. Here, the “mr” signal can be used to control AC
bus volts at the rectifier, and the “Shft” signal to control DC side
volts (see example case low_vltg_hvdc.psc).
80 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
With GTO or IGBT valves, gate pulses are applied to switch off,
as well as switch on. In PSCAD/EMTDC, it is preferable to model
both turn-on and turn-off pulses with interpolated firing so that
the exact instance of switching between calculation steps is
achieved. Greater precision is therefore possible without resort-
ing to very short calculation time steps (and long simulation
The PWM carrier signal is compared with the Sin wave signals
and both turn-on and turn-off pulses are generated for interpo-
lated switching. Care is required to ensure pulsing and sequenc-
ing of the turn-on and turn-off pulses are correct.
-1.5 0 0
0.1 0.1 1
SE REACTIVE POWER Ac reactive power control for the sending end.
CONTROLLER Signal "mr" modulates magnitude of PWM sin
TconstQ PgainQ reference signal for sending end PWM control
P-I controller
Qrefse: Qvsc gains
Sending end reactive Qvsc
power order (pu)
F Rg1 In this example, the PI controller is responding to measured
G mr 2 reactive power and is adjusting the “mr” signal to achieve
1 + sT V Rg2
the set reactive power. Such a control might be used
MI Rg3 where AC voltage is being controlled by other means (eg, a
Qrefr QerrR mr 4 voltage regulator).
P Controls Rg4
Pdc 5
dcVltg 1 + sT
dcVoltage Rec
dclineRec Pdc
DCCurrent G
dcCur 1 + sT dcCurrent Rec
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 81
Chapter 8: VSC Transmission
dcVltgI F
D -
+ G
118.0 * +
1 + sT D + Shfti AngleVdc
Dc Volts Set Point
DC V... 1
DcGain BlkI sT
Power Control
If the “Shfti” phase shift signal is used to control DC voltage by
controlling power into or out of the receiving end inverter, the
Note: If the VSC Transmission line is bi-directional, there is other available “Shft” signal at the sending end VSC can be ap-
no need to change the various control functions from one
end to the other. plied to control total power flow. Each of these controls varies
the phase difference of the AC voltage across the interface trans-
former using the AC system side voltage as the reference through
its PLL.
82 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
The relative phase angle of the AC voltage at each end of the References on DC transmission with AC characteristics:
VSC Transmission must be measured and the effective angle • D.A. Woodford, Wang X., M. Reformat, A.
across the line θdc must be computed. Modern telecommunica- Gole, “Enhancement of Power System Stability
with Synchronous DC Links,” Paper 230-6,
tion systems are required to compare the AC voltage phase an- Proceedings of CIGRE Symposium Kuala
gles at each end. It is beneficial to have high speed telecommu- Lumpur 1999.
nications with minimum transmission delay to reduce the degree • Wang, X., D.A. Woodford, “Long Distance
of phase advance needed. DC Transmission with AC Transmission
Characteristics,” Proceedings of the
International Conference on Power System
Example case VSCTran.psc incorporates controls to emulate AC Technology, October 18-21, 1994, Beijing.
transmission characteristics. • D.A. Woodford, Wang, X., “Synchronous
Operation of Adjacent Power Systems,”
Phase Angle Measurement Proceedings of the International Conference on
Power System Technology pp 914-917, August
To effect power control as a function of AC phase difference 18-21, 1998, Beijing.
across the VSC Transmission, the first step is to measure and com-
pare the difference in phase angles.
SEPh is sending end phase Phase difference between REPh is receiving end
angle through delay to emulate sending and receiving ends. phase angle via
transmission delay from telecommunication from
receiving end. receiving end PLL
Sin Sin
SEPh - - REPh
[RECtrl] REph
- -
Sin F F
+ Sin +
D + + D
F 120.0 120.0 F
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 83
Chapter 8: VSC Transmission
to the measured phase The synthesized phase angle across the
difference, an approximated transmission line is filtered, then phase
extended phase angle from 0 advanced to cause ac system damping. Gain is
which to generate ac automatically reduced if high frequency control
line characteristics is derived. oscillations are detected.
swings will become unstable.
F DerivP dF
B e
+ -
D - Z3_Z4 D
+ + *
+ - +
D - Z3_Z2 D D + 0.333333
+ -
D - Z2_Z1D
-sT F
e Z1
Phase advance achieved by averaged slope
computation as determined by the user
-sT defined DerivP page component.
e Z4
84 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
applies an automatic gain reduction. The user defined page com-
ponent Freq Dep Gain Control is used. Damping
Freq Dep 1
X1 Gain
For very low electromechanical frequencies (less than 2 Hz), the Control GRed
F DerivP dF DeltaA
* *
Pdc - Dc power into sending
end cables multiplied by Aux ...
Freq Dep 1
to the measured phase The synthesized phase angle across the X1 Gain O1
difference, an approximated transmission line is filtered, then phase GRed
-1 Control
extended phase angle from 0 advanced to cause ac system damping. Gain is
which to generate ac automatically reduced if high frequency control
line characteristics is derived. oscillations are detected. 0
A single line-to-ground fault is applied in the receiving end AC 62.0
system near the VSC inverter for example case VSCTran.psc. 60.0
Note: Two DerivP page components instead of one will increase 33.00
damping of electromechanical oscillations.
TL Angle (deg)
t(s) 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 85
Chapter 8: VSC Transmission
8.1 For the single-line-to-ground fault applied in the receiving
end AC system for example case VSCTran.psc, explain
why the sending end generator rotor angle first swings
negative on application of the fault.
8.2 For example case VSCTran.psc, delete the VSC
Transmission controller used to emulate AC transmission
Example case VSCTran.psc is selected to take a snapshot
line characteristics. Add a manual power controller
at two seconds. Restart from the snapshot in steady state. to control power. This can be done using a “Slider”
Note,the receiving end single line-to-ground fault is applied component from the CSMF functions in the Main library
at 2.1 seconds (or 0.1 second after the snapshot). This can
be changed if desired. of PSCAD. An appropriate gain must be calibrated so
that the power ordered by the “Slider” adjusts the “Shft”
signal to provide approximately the same power flow as
ordered. Observe how effectively and quickly power can
be reversed from full one way to full the other way.
8.3 For example case low_vltg_hvdc.psc, there is no provision
for DC voltage control. Determine how this can be
achieved and add it in and test it. Apply a single-line-
to-ground fault at the receiving end load and determine
how effective the added DC voltage controller is.
8.4 Design a protection system against a fault to ground
on one phase of the valve side terminal of the interface
86 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 9:
Model Verification
By Chris Van Dyk
Power System Dynamics (Pty) Ltd., South Africa
Utilities spend a lot of effort verifying their system load flow and
short circuit data, as this is an important consideration for plan-
ning, operation and protection of the system.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 87
Chapter 9: Model Verification
The reader is recommended to follow a section-by-section ap-
proach while building the network and to regularly test (run) the
network to ensure that the network solves and that the data is
entered correctly. There is nothing more frustrating than building
a big interconnected network in one-step and finding at the end
that something is incorrect or not working. The frustration is that
it is very difficult to locate a problem or to distinguish between a
decimal error in the data entered. Similarly, it is very difficult to
find a line transposition error, which can cause voltage collapse on
one or all phases. By using the section-by-section approach, the
88 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
reader can not only resolve problems as soon as they arise, but
can also get a good feel for the characteristics and behavior of
different parts of the network.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 89
Chapter 9: Model Verification
Termination bus
BUS1 BUS2 Line of interest BUS4
1.000 1.00507
-5.8058 -7.3482
90 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 91
Chapter 9: Model Verification
It is easy to build a network using the section-by-section approach
and to test it with a load flow simulation. The section-by-sec-
tion approach involves construction of the network by starting
at a source and adding small sections of the network at a time.
After a small section is added each time, the network should
be compiled and solved to ensure that voltage waveforms and
power flows are correct. If the voltage on one or more phases is
depressed outside normal line coupling unbalance, the network
should be investigated for a short circuit analysis. To simplify
the building of networks in PSCAD, a custom Model Verification
library is provided, including components like Source Controllers,
Voltage magnitude and angle displays, Power Flow displays and
Loads. As shown in Figure 4, a load component can be connected
at the end of a line, and the real and reactive power flowing
through the line can be monitored and compared to pre-set tar-
get values during the run. This is achieved through application of
the source controllers that adjust voltage magnitude and angle of
each source.
Main: GGraphs
Main: raphs
Global Source Control V1
Mode = 2 Load Flow SourceCtrl 400
6 300
Frequency = 50 [Hz]
Voltage = 1 [pu] 200
Time to enable = 0.2 [s] 100
Time to lock = 0.8 [s] 0
Vref = 1.0 pu -200
Aref = 0.0 deg Bus1 -300
Individual 400.0 [kV] -400
Source 1
Pm Control ctrl -0.01869 0.2000 0.2050 0.2100 0.2150 0.2200
396.6[kV] V F Ph 4.571[deg] 367.9 367 [MW]
-50.69 -51 [MVAr] T
RL RRL Line12 364.1 [MW]
224.2 225 [MW] 1 [MVAR]
-47.78 -47 [MVAr] T
Line15 223.9 [MW]
54.1 [MVAR]
V1 Test load
Source Control
The Individual Source Control manipulates voltage magnitude and
angle of a standard source. It has the same function as the built-
in automatic voltage control of a source, but offers more control
modes. After a simulation run, voltage and angle values that are
displayed can be copied and used as the initial values for the next
run. This allows the source to start with correct magnitude and
92 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 93
Chapter 9: Model Verification
Vref = 1.0 pu
Aref = 0.0 deg Bus1 Bus2 Bus4
Vm 0.99903 0.97243
Individual 400.0 [kV] 400.0 [kV] 400.0 [kV]
Source 1 1 0.9753
Pm Control ctrl -0.1771 -5.862 -12.78
396.3[kV] V F Ph 4.575[deg] 363.9 367 [MW] -364.1 [MW] -359 262 267.1 [MW] -264.4 [MW] -256.5 -195.1 -210.6 [MW]
-55.76 -51 [MVAr] T -1 [MVAr] 3.188 -27.5 -23.3 [MVAr] T -88.8 [MVAr] -86.78 -61.65 -67.4 [MVAr]
RL RRL Line12 Line24
227.1 225 [MW]
-46.24 -47 [MVAr]
100.0 [MVA] 500.0 [MVA]
0.97 [pu] 0.95 [pu]
T Bus5 Bus7 Line47
Line15 400.0 [kV] 400.0 [kV]
0.9918 0.99173 0.9862 0.98625
-5.008 -8.578
-223.9 [MW] -223.2 335.1 331.3 [MW] -329.6 [MW] -332.2 198.7 212 [MW]
-54.1 [MVAr] -54.33 -16.54 -16.3 [MVAr] T -21.2 [MVAr] -20.46 -39.02 -30.8 [MVAr]
Care should be taken when comparing the short-circuit data
of different simulation software programs as there are different
initial states for the network. As an example, PSSE offers two
options when calculating fault currents: (1) fault current calcula-
tions take into consideration the pre-fault voltage conditions in
the network, and (2) FLAT START function can be used where all
the sources are set to 1 p.u. voltage and zero deg angle and the
transformers are on nominal tap position. For comparison pur-
poses, the author prefers the FLAT START method, as this method
eliminates the differences that can be observed in load flow
results. It should be noted that the FLAT START in PSSE ignores
phase shift across a transformer.
94 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Vref = 1.0 pu
Aref = 0.0 deg
Vm Bus1 Bus2 0.99903 Bus4 0.97243
Individual 400.0 [kV] 400.0 [kV] 400.0 [kV]
Source 0.7144 0.6096 0.417
Pm Control ctrl -2.156 -5.662 -11.89
400[kV] V F Ph 0[deg] 127.8 367 [MW] -364.1 [MW] -123 86.99 267.1 [MW] -264.4 [MW] -78.92 -3.166 -210.6 [MW]
233 -51 [MVAr] T -1 [MVAr] -226.9 217.9 -23.3 [MVAr] T -88.8 [MVAr] -172.4 145.3 -67.4 [MVAr]
RL RRL Line12 Line24
108.3 225 [MW] Fault Current Fault Current
1304 -47 [MVAr] 2 4
100.0 [MVA] 500.0 [MVA]
F2 ID 2 0.97 [pu] F4 ID 4 0.95 [pu]
Fault Current
1 3 3
ID 1 F1
Global Source Control
3 T
Mode = 1 Fault level SourceCtrl Line47
T Bus5 Bus7
Frequency = 50 [Hz] 6
Line15 400.0 [kV] 400.0 [kV]
Voltage = 1pu, 0 deg 3.362e-005 0.276
-89.72 0.99173 -8.947 0.98625
-223.9 [MW] -0.08496 -0.06062 331.3 [MW] -329.6 [MW] 30.6 8.239 212 [MW]
-54.1 [MVAr] 0.002129 -0.005146 -16.3 [MVAr] T -21.2 [MVAr] 390.2 -107.5 -30.8 [MVAr]
1 Fault Current
Select Meas-Enab 7
1 . 400.0 [MVA] 400.0 [MVA]
F1 3 1 Location Ch. 1 . V1 F_location 0.98 [pu] F3 ID 3 0.95 [pu]
Vref = 0.9917 pu 3
2 . Aref = -4.97 deg 441 [MW] 221 [MW]
F2 2 Current Ch. 2 V2 F_type Vm -78.9 [MVAR]
Individual -153 [MVAR]
3 Source
F3 3 Angle Ch. 3 Multiple Pm Control ctrl Vref = 0.98625 pu
Fault Current Aref = -8.71 deg
Run bus 5 Vm
F4 400[kV] V F Ph 0[deg] ID 5 F5 Individual
7.751 [kA] 3 ctrl Control Pm
5 RL RRL -90 [deg]
F5 bus
ABC 0[deg] Ph F V 400[kV]
_Fault_Levels.out F
For the sample case, the fault currents are obtained with different
simulation tools and listed in Table 1 for comparison:
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 95
Chapter 9: Model Verification
complete complete SCEQ net- SCEQ net- Simple Simple adjusted adjusted
network network work 3-ph work 1-ph network network network 3-ph network 1-ph
3-ph cur- 1-ph cur- current current 3-ph cur- 1-ph cur- current [kA] current [kA]
rent [A] rent [A] [kA] [kA] rent [kA] rent [kA]
1 13374.9 12619.4 13.288 12.506 14.917 13.53 13.301 12.369
2 4555.5 2915.9 4.518 3.007 4.802 3.108 4.610 3.034
3 9548.8 8372.1
4 3592.1 2237.9 3.625 2.666 3.865 2.767 3.700 2.684
5 7584.1 5399.7 7.576 5.636 8.855 6.172 7.750 5.500
6 6020.8 4965.3
7 6151 4333.6 6.175 4.693 6.984 5.045 6.254 4.53
8 4488 3083.8
9 4269.3 2776.3
10 4991.8 3243.8
11 8257.3 5934.4
The first check to be done on the frequency analysis results is to
compare the fundamental frequency impedance value with the
fault current values obtained from PSCAD, PSSE or field measure-
As shown in Figure 7, in a strong network, the impedance back to
network the source is much lower than the shunt impedance at the busbar
of concern. In this case, the shunt impedance does not have an
impact on the short circuit impedance and a good correlation will
Strong exist between the impedance at fundamental frequency (blue
curve) and the fault current (black circle). In a weak network, this
Impedance calculated will not always be the case, since the fault current represents the
from fault current
system impedance back to the sources, and it excludes shunt de-
1 2 Freq [h] vices to ground that may be connected to the faulted busbar. In
those instances where the shunt devices, connected to the busbar
Figure 7 - Network impendance
of interest, cause a low order parallel resonance with the source
impedance, the network impedance from the frequency scan (red
curve) will give a higher value than the value obtained from the
short circuit analysis.
96 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
h = __sc
where Ssc is the Short Circuit capacity in MW and Q is the shunt
capacitor rating in MVAr at the busbar. Example: A 100MVAr
shunt capacitor will resonate at the 5th harmonic in a network
with a short circuit level of 2500MVA.
There is nothing as good as your engineering gut-feel to verify
results. The reader is urged to gain as much practical experience
as possible to get a feel for what results to expect before doing a
simulation. If the reader is modeling a network for the first time,
it is encouraged to “play around” with the network once it is
completed and ready for simulations to get familiar with the net-
work behavior. Open breakers, create faults and change the set
points of dynamic devices like SVCs or HVDC systems. Observe
the changes that occur in the flow of power, voltage magnitudes
and the current flows. This should assist the reader in setting
up the simulation and to evaluate the results that he needs to
Reduction for Fault Analysis, Activity SCEQ.
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 97
Chapter 9: Model Verification
Table 2: PSSE data for the complete network
Busbar Voltage [kV] Load [MW] Load [MVAr]
1 400 - -
2 400 97.0 24.3
3 400 192.0 56.0
4 400 475.0 156.1
5 400 392.0 79.6
6 400 49.0 9.95
7 400 380.0 124.9
8 400 147.0 29.9
9 400 196.0 39.8
10 400 96.0 28.0
11 400 49.0 9.9
Busbar Voltage [kV] Sbase R pos X pos R zero X zero
[MVA] [pu] [pu] [pu] [pu]
1 400 2000 0.003 0.3 0.003 0.3
3 400 1000 0.003 0.3 0.003 0.3
6 400 500 0.003 0.3 0.003 0.3
From To bus R pos [pu] X pos [pu] B pos [pu] R zero [pu] X zero [pu] B zero Length
bus [pu] [km]
1 2 0.00222 0.02885 0.90702 0.02978 0.09425 0.61452 150
1 5 0.00294 0.03834 1.21140 0.03907 0.12483 0.82239 200
1 11 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
2 4 0.00363 0.04772 1.51754 0.04783 0.15472 1.03290 250
3 5 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
3 11 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
4 7 0.00294 0.03834 1.21140 0.03907 0.12483 0.82239 200
5 7 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
6 7 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
6 8 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
8 9 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
9 10 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
10 11 0.00149 0.01928 0.60396 0.02008 0.063126 0.40861 100
98 Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
From To bus R pos [pu] X pos [pu] R zero X zero [pu]
bus [pu]
1 5 0.00908 0.09321 0.25535 0.48443
1 7 0.02103 0.22172 0.55318 1.0934
5 7 0.06517 0.58513 2.98271 4.13603
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC 99
Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC
Chapter 10:
If the same case is repeated and the playback file name in the RTP
Recorder is not changed, the RTP playback file *.pbk will be over-
Chapter 11:
Transmission Lines
Transmission lines and cables in power systems are nonlinear in na-
ture, due mainly to the frequency dependency of conductors (skin
effect), as well as the ground or earth return path. The ability to
represent these systems accurately and efficiently plays an essential
part in the electromagnetic transient simulation of power systems
as a whole.
The two methods for modeling transmission lines in the time do-
main are:
1. Use of Pi line sections. Although for frequency domain Pi Section components in Pi-section library page. They are
studies, transmission lines modeled with Pi lines can be the same component and the option is provided to choose
between either.
precise, in the time domain, particularly for long lines (where
propagation travel time spans many time steps), precision
suffers. Pi line sections are most useful for very short
transmission lines where the propagation travel time is less
than one time step.
2. Use of distributed parameter representations. The distributed
transmission line models operate on the principle of
traveling waves. A voltage disturbance will travel along a Distributed line modeling is applied for both overhead
conductor at its propagation velocity (near the speed of transmission lines and cables. The line and cable constant
programs for setting up the distributed line models are
light along overhead lines) until it is reflected at the end of found as pages in the Main Library.
the line. In a sense, a transmission line or cable is a delay
function. Whatever is fed into one end will appear at the
other end after some delay, perhaps slightly distorted. The
The Nominal Pi line section has a provision for representing
calculation time step of the simulation should be less than the a local ground.\, hence the ground connections at both its
propagation time. sending end and receiving end. To cascade the Nominal
Pi line sections, the ground connections must also be
There is provision in PSCAD/EMTDC to model both Pi line sections connected in cascade the same as the main conductors.
The concept is derived from the technique used in Transient
and distributed line models. Distributed transmission line mod- Network Analyzers where only one point is truly grounded
els are further sub-divided into single-frequency and frequency- and all other grounds are local grounds.
dependent representations. The constants required to represent It is very inconvenient to use the Nominal Pi line section as
distributed systems are calculated by a separate program called the there is only one true ground in the model. If Pi sections
must be used, it is better to use the Coupled Pi Section
Line Constants Program or LCP in PSCAD/EMTDC. where all grounds in the simulation can be true ground.
M odeling
Increasing Accuracy
There are three Pi line section components found in the Pi-section
libraries page. They are the Nominal Pi Section component,
Coupled Pi Section component, and Double Circuit Pi section.
If steep front surges (lightning studies) are being studied and the
calculation step is 10 nanoseconds, a wave may travel 3 meters,
and for lines or buswork of this length or shorter, a single Pi sec-
tion is adequate.
The load flow line model data can be transferred into the Coupled
Pi Section component. The steps in doing this are as follows:
1. Decide how many Coupled Pi Sections are to be When the only available transmission line or cable data is in
load flow format and no zero sequence line impedance is
cascaded for the line to be modeled. If the line length is readily available, very approximate values are used instead.
not available, assume a length of 1.0 metre for each line The series impedance R + jX for a transmission line due to
ground return effect is dependent on ground resistivity and
section. Edit the component with mouse cursor on the shield wire parameters.
component either by double clicking on the component
Precise transmission line modeling is achieved with the
with the left mouse button or, hold down right mouse distributed transmission line models.
button -> Edit Parameters (lift right mouse button) and
Consider a short length, 230 kV transmission line in a 60 Hz
Main Configuration should be displayed. Select P.U. for system. The load flow line parameters in per unit are:
Enter Imped./Admit. Data in: enter 1.0 for Line Length
R = 0.0010 pu
and Estimate for Enter 0 Seq Data, or Estimate. Ensure X = 0.0072 pu
the rated frequency is correct. B = 0.0138 pu
2. Select Zero Sequence Estimation Parameters and enter With the line length entered as 1.0, the dialogue Box for
Per Unit Data for a single Pi section is shown below:
estimated increased values for zero sequence parameters
as a proportion of positive sequence parameters. If not
known (as is usually the case unless the load flow data
base has zero sequence parameters available), use the
default of 1.5 for all three. If zero sequence parameters
are available, then select instead Main Configuration ->
Enter 0 Seq Data, or Estimate -> Enter.
3. Select Per Unit Data and enter the requested information
starting with Rated Voltage L-L and MVA for All Phases
that is the three phase per unit base MVA base (usually
100 MVA). If there is only one Pi line section and its
length was arbitrarily entered as 1 metre (1. above),
then enter the positive sequence parameters in per unit
directly. If the line is to be cascaded into “n” identical Pi
sections, and with the length of each Pi section entered Note: The +ve Seq Capacitive Reactance is entered as 1/B.
as 1 metre, then enter R/n, X/n and n*B for each.
The Coupled Pi Section component is for a balanced three phase
line which is similar to being continually transposed so that its
positive sequence impedance is the same as its negative sequence
1. Bergeron model
2. Frequency Dependent (Mode) model
3. Frequency Dependent (Phase) model The distributed line and its interface to the circuit.
τ = _____ l·L
l = ___
√ L · C Zo
l = length of line
L = Series inductance in H / unit length
C = Capacitance in Farads / unit length
Zo = Characteristic impedance in ohms
Z = Zo + R/4
The steps to be followed when the line data is available are laid
Each Tline interface component representing the sending
end and receiving end of the transmission line is copied to out in the Overhead Transmission Line Constants Interface found
the working page and named. on opening the Tlines page. The steps are summarized as follows:
down right button, select Rotate, Flip or Mirror and lift right
mouse button.
Step 2: Copy Tline Configuration component into your circuit on
the working page. For consistency, locate the Tline Configuration
component close to or between the Tline interface components.
Step 4: Select a line model and options. There are three distrib-
uted line models available as labeled boxes of which only one can Tline Configuration sub-page will appear similar to this. The
properties of the Tline interface component edited in Step 2
be applied for each transmission line. This is where the choice has are displayed. One of the three Line Constants Components
to be made as to which one to select. ( in this case the “Frequency Dependent (Mode)”
line) appears by default. Also displayed is a graphical
representation of the ground plane.
• Only one of the distributed line models must be copied to
the edit sub-page opened in Step 3 above. There may be Note: Each of these three components can be moved,
edited, copied, pasted, etc. on this sub-page dialogue box
one labeled box already in the edit sub-page by default. for Tline Configuration component.
If not the desired one, then delete it and copy the chosen
distributed Line Constants Component to replace it.
From the Tlines page in the Master Library under Step 5 there
are a number of transmission line configurations to choose
from. The configuration closest to the overhead transmission
line being modeled can be selected, copied to the edited Tline
Configuration sub-page, and modified as needed. Important Editing the Line Constants Component for both the
considerations are: Frequency Dependent Models: components transferred
from the Tlines page in the Master Library, and located
above the ground plane.
• Remember to enter conductor phasing information.
Note: Both the tower and conductor geometry component
• The numbering of the conductor graphics (C1-Cn) and the ground component can be edited and modified.
To edit, place the mouse cursor on either the tower or
corresponds to the numbering in the connections to the conductor geometry component of the ground component,
electrical circuit. either double click the left button or hold down the right
button and select Edit Parameters and lift the right button.
• The conductor numbering can be altered by modifying Use Close Window button to complete and close the Tline
configuration sub-page.
the phasing information in each tower component.
• If Ground Wires are not eliminated, then the phasing
information for them must also be entered.
• When multiple towers are used on the same line,
remember to enter the relative X-distance of the tower
centre on the right of way.
Additional tower geometries can be constructed by copying the
component definition of a tower closely resembling the one re-
quired, and then pasting the definition (under a new name) into
your own library or case.
If more than one tower is located as shown and indicated to
Parameters (and Graphics) can be customized to suit your require- be a 6 conductors (or 6-bundle) line, then each conductor/
bundle will be mutually coupled and they will all be
ments. The output format for the conductor positions must also included as one equivalent transmission line.
be modified.
The ground plane component can also be copied to the
Tline Configuration sub-page if it is not there already. It
Step 6: Execute the Line Constants Program. When the Tline con- provides for homogeneous resistivity for any ground path
figuration sub-page is completed with all towers, conductors and currents that might flow through it (e.g. zero sequence
ground plane parameters entered for the chosen Line Constants
Component, the Line Constants Program can now be run. This is
accomplished by placing the mouse cursor in any blank area, hold
down the right mouse button, select Solve Constants, lift right
mouse button.
Consider the 500 kV, 222.07 km transmission line in its load flow/
stability data format in per unit on 100 MVA base:
If the line length is known, and it exceeds 100 km, the long line
correction factor should be applied in converting the per unit line
data for manual entry into a Bergeron line model. The line data
with the long line correction removed enables parameters to be
determined in terms of 1 metre sections for the Bergeron line
The test is with the line energized at the John Day end with the
Field test model with fault applied on phase C at TIME = Lower Monumental end open circuited. A single line to ground
0.2143 sec.
fault is applied on phase C at the open circuit end, and the volt-
age on phase B at the same end is monitored.
1. H.W. Dommel, “Digital Computer Solution of Electromagnetic
Transients in Single and Multiphase Networks,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-88, No. 4, April 1969.
11.1 Load example case Example 11_1.psc which is the model
of the Monumental-Day 222.07 km, 500 kV transmission line
field test [2]. Run the field test by taking the snapshot at TIME =
0.1973 seconds, and applying the fault at TIME = 0.2143 sec-
onds. Repeat the tests for all three line models: Frequency de-
pendent (phase) model, frequency dependent (mode) model and
the Bergeron model.
11.3 The field test case Example 11_1.psc has 100 ohm-metre
ground resistivity. Repeat the field test with the frequency de-
pendent (phase) model and a ground resistivity of 2000 ohm-
metre and observe any impact on the test results.
B Project Tree 7
Instantaneous solution 1
Master library 5,19,28,33,36,69
MATLAB/Simulink 2
Meter 19,21,24
Models 28,37
Page module 70
Pause 20
Per unit 28,30
Power electronics 1
Power quality 2